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losergendered · 11 months ago
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed high school musical character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Jet from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series is a T4T, romeopalian, hercynitian, amasari, gayhet, metdian, straightnt, canyon queerhet, kallerponik, graffurbel, dangemmin, drogestructive, beatboxstimmic, supenahorrorfascic, agender transmasc, phoebutch, excemxlle, miscenpunkic, punkdaylichter, hotguyleathericic, greaseripresentic, motoreycier, popunkmasc, teengraffriendic, greasepunkfaggic, dystopunkmasc, angstbodiment, coolbodiment, skaterboybodiment, odiviruspacen, darkaesic, genderqueer butch, casubutch chaoneubodiment, corktreeica, conventionalic, bulletsgender, trenchbaonic, homeboundinjectica, newjerseyalbumic, stereomasc, hookknifen, natdestrebech, librindearkovyc, twistbladen, theyboyfriendic, deadoriesicarainvir, mychromic, linkinianvir, neodemiazurenbxy, marinebeam, graveorum, salvagepunkic, subversigender, accesspiken, queerperspesque dude with ADHD and ODD! 👾 uses h*/h*m, de/dem, ix/ixs, chao/chaos, ◼/◼s, 🕳️/🕳️s, 👾/👾s, te/terr, and vi/tali pronouns.
Deir girlfriend, Kourtney Greene, is an archaine she/they transfem, neopronouns femme, bufuemfluid, troinine, culemauflavic, solarinine, feminounon, femenergimasc, swastellgender, apathfemix, glazialean, bi lesbiflux, femme hetgay, fingastic, minic, julietian lunian, stone femme, hyperrose, europic, lawgoodbodiment, bubblegumbitchaesic, lesbendarcian, bubbujoaesic, suntide, respopticalm, mulviwitchypurple, heicholumigirlic, gendercheer, flamfemme, periwinklec, hopeless romantic aromantic with Panic disorder! Flo uses shi/zir, sie/sier, e/em, sh♡/h♡r, flo/flor, mochi/mochis, axo/ax, purr/purrs, tig/tigris, 💘/💘s, 💎/💎s, 👑/👑s,🪻/🪻s, te/terr, vi/tali, and any feline themed neopronouns!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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fgodestinyawakenings · 3 years ago
Mozart: I don't know. It's like my stomach and heart ache when I am with him.
Marie: You're in love with him, Amadeus.
Salieri: It's weird. It's like my stomach and heart ache when I'm with him.
Gorgon: This means you're allergic to him, stay away.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years ago
🌻specific gastraic orientations- part 5!🌻
gastraic coined here :3
a gastraic orientation for agender men/boys whose orientation is both gai and strayt, fluid between the two or at the same time
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are deep grey-blue, medium blue, turquoise, mint green, white, dull yellow, dull orange, dull red, and dull purple. End ID.]
a gastraic orientation for agender women/girls whose orientation is both gai and strayt, fluid between the two or at the same time
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are pink, red-orange, orange, green, ice blue, dull brown, dull grey-brown, medium grey-blue, and deep grey-turquoise. End ID.]
a gastraic orientation for xenoboys whose orientation is both gai and strayt, fluid between the two or at the same time
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are deep red, deep orange, lime green, light lime green, off-white, ice blue, blue-grey, light purple, and medium purple-grey. End ID.]
a gastraic orientation for xenogirls whose orientation is both gai and strayt, fluid between the two or at the same time
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are rose pink, dull red-orange, dull orange, dull yellow, off-white,dull orange, salmon red, medium pink, and deep pink. End ID.]
all terms and flags by me :3
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solacen · 8 years ago
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salmanania · 8 years ago
'Fakta hukum tak boleh sebut Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai ketua DPD'
Salma Nania 'Fakta hukum tak boleh sebut Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai ketua DPD' Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang 'Fakta hukum tak boleh sebut Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai ketua DPD' Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita 'Fakta hukum tak boleh sebut Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai ketua DPD' Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : 'Fakta hukum tak boleh sebut Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai ketua DPD'
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Salah satu anggota Asosiasi Pengajar Hukum Tata Negara-Administrasi Negara (APHTN-HAN), Feri Amasari, mengatakan bahwa secara konstitusional Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) tidak bisa disebut sebagai Pimpinan dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD). http://www.unikbaca.com
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seputarbisnis · 8 years ago
Para Pakar Hukum Tata Negara Minta Pemerintah Tak Akui Ketua DPD Baru
Jakarta (SIB)- Asosiasi Pengajar Hukum Tata Negara-Hukum Administrasi Negara (APHTN-HAN) menyatakan sikap terkait pengambilan sumpah Ketua DPD oleh Mahkamah Agung (MA). Mereka memandang pimpinan DPD yang baru tidak sah dan bertentangan dengan peraturan UU serta putusan MA. "Kepada lembaga negara lainnya diminta untuk tetap menghormati mekanisme internal DPD dengan tidak mengakui kepemimpinan DPD yang bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan MA," ujar akademisi Universitas Andalas, Feri Amsari dalam pernyataan sikapnya di restoran Bakoel Koffie, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (17/4). Pernyataan sikap merupakan tugas keilmuan dan kewajiban akademik sebagai pengajar dengan tim ahli Mahfud MD, Todung Mulya Lubir, Zainal Arifin Mocthar dkk. Turut hadir dalam acara itu perwakilan ICW Donal Fariz, perwakilan Pukat UGM Oce Madril dan dari LSM Perludem Titi Anggraini. Feri mengatakan hal ini untuk menjaga prinsip hubungan antar lembaga. Terlebih lahirnya pimpinan DPD periode ini karena konflik kekuasaan. "Iya, jadi karena ada proses hukum yang masih bertikai, jangan ada kesan keberpihakan satu kubu. Apalagi nyata nyata kubu yang menyatakan keputusan itu bertentangan dengan putusan MA," papar Feri. Feri juga melihat ada proses parpolisasi dalam pemilihan pimpinan DPD. Sehingga ada dualisme kepemimpinan di tubuh DPD. "Jangan sampai keberpihakan menimbulkan ketidakjelasan tentang hukum," ungkapnya. Langgar  UU MD3 APHTN-HAN juga menilai langkah Wakil Ketua MA Suwardi mengambil sumpah Oesman Sapta Odang sebagai Ketua DPD telah melanggar UU MD3. Terlebih kewenangan menuntun sumpah hanya dimiliki oleh Ketua MA Hatta Ali. "Tindakan Wakil Ketua MA Ini jelas bertentangan dengan ketentuan pasal 260 ayat (6) UU MD3. Pasal itu dengan tegas mengatur hanya Ketua MA yang dapat melakukan pengucapan sumpah jabatan pimpinan DPD," ujar Feri Amasari. Feri melihat penjelasan MA terkait penuntutan sumpah pimpinan DPD tidak beralasan. Terlebih kewenangan pimpinan MA telah dilimpahkan ke wakil karena Ketua MA Hatta Ali berhalangan hadir. "Tidak bisa diwakillan karena ini serah terima jabatan penting bukan proses biasa, proses ketetanegaraan dan itu harus patuh UU," papar Feri. Oleh karena itu, Feri mengatakan untuk menghormati supermasi hukum di Indonesia, Ketua MA Hattal Ali seharusnya membatalkan tindakan pelantikan pimpinan DPD. "Ini demi menjaga marwah lembaga peradilan tertinggi," bebernya. (detikcom/f) http://dlvr.it/Nw8N19
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noise-sama · 7 years ago
Kyrie eleison
Mozart gazed far into the crowd; searching for crimson eyes and gray hair. He ignored the voices around him, who were seeking for his attention. A sharp yet minuscule inhale of breath; his heart rapidly speeding up. He found him!
Salieri was across the room, chatting with no one important. Mozart took a step toward him but he heard a shrill voice say:
“Salieri’s music is atrocious! How dare he-“
Mozart sharply turned to the voice, his fiery eyes burning into their fear-stricken face.
“M-Mozart! Of-of course Salieri wouldn’t be able to match up to you, he’s-he’s…” the source of the voice struggled to amend to Mozart.
However, Mozart cut them off by relaxing his face into a cheerful smirk and he then walked off in Salieri’s direction.
Mozart had to restrain himself from strangling the rotten old man in front of him. He knew that this old man was merely bad mouthing Salieri for the sake of being on Mozart’s ‘good side.’ Mozart no longer cared about this old fool and stopped listening when he started to insult Salieri.
Mozart didn’t stop the old man however, he let the old man rant on. Mozart eventually stared off into the void distance; imagining what this time could’ve been used to be with Salieri instead.
Cheers, screams of delight, and tremendous applause thundered down within the auditorium. Mozart took a deep bow and then quickly raised to search through the audience. But he didn’t need to look for long, Salieri was right in the front row. He was clapping with vigor; joyful tears in his eyes. He must’ve noticed that Mozart was looking at him, his smile grew more gentle and his eyes turned upward at him with immense affection.
More. Look at me more. Adore me. Devote yourself to me. Only me.
Mozart’s hands were possessed by his anger, his jealousy, and his frustration. They tumbled through the piano keys, creating a waterfall of intensity.
Mozart did not care if what he was playing sounded beautiful or not. His hands roared with voracity of love and madness.
Does he not know that others notice how slender his precious fingers are?
Does he not know that others notice how his waist is so unfathomably slim?
Does he not know that others notice how his buttocks seem so cushiony?
Does he not know that others notice how erotic his bosom is?
Does he not know that others notice how his smile is so gentle?
Does he not know that others notice how generous and kind he can be?
Does he not know that others notice how adorable he is?
Does he not notice that others would take advantage of him?
Does he not notice how vulnerable he is?
I must distance him from everyone else!
No one else can treasure him other than me!
And he can only adore me! He can only devote himself to me!
Mozart’s fingers halted; his breaths heavy. He was trembling with exhaustion and dissatisfaction. His blurred vision cleared to a piano with devastated keys. He slowly smiled; he cannot wait to be scolded by Salieri tomorrow.
“Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!” shouted Salieri, his voice shaking with disbelief.
“Yes?” Mozart innocently questioned, grinning from ear to ear.
“How were you able to reduced a piano to…this?!” Salieri continued, gesturing to the wrecked piano.
“I was simply sucked into my own thoughts and my hands carried out my feelings through the piano,” Mozart said, tilting his head in a show of naivety.
Salieri flinched; his expression immediately changed into worry and concern, “Amadeus, are you alright? I am here if you need someone to confine in…”
“There is no need,” Mozart reassured. “I have already confined with the piano.”
“Then why not play again?” Salieri suggested, his eyes closing slightly and his lips curve up to his soft, kind smile. “If you do, then maybe I’ll be able to advise you and understand you better…”
Mozart’s breathing seemed to stop. His heart beat quickened into a rapid tempo of drum beats.
Did he figure ou- no, he’s too dense for that! But if I do what he says, will he notice my feelings?
Mozart shivered in anticipation and slowly smirked, “I’ll play again; let’s see what you interpret my music as.”
Mozart struggled for breath on his death bed. He gasped, he choked, and he sputtered. He desperately tried to fight against the grasp of death.
No! I still haven’t told him yet! He’ll come visit soon! Last until then! Confess then! Your love! Your sins! Hold on til then!
But his body refused. With every heave and release of air, the insides of his chest screamed in agony. His vision turned watery and a croak escaped from his mouth.
“Antonio Salieri.”
Was what his voice attempted to say but ended up being garbled noises. His vision muddled into a gray and then shifted into a blinding light.
“UuuuaAAaaaAAA, Mozart, I really don’t think-“ Gudao tried to warn but Mozart interrupted.
“Oh nonsense, Master! What harm is there for me to meet an old friend?” Mozart cheerfully said.
He opened the door energetically with a shout, “Salieri! I’m-“
“Gottlieb, MOZAAART!”
A loud roar erupted and a flash of black and red was rushing towards him.
“O, command seal, I command Antonio Salieri to stop at once! Furthermore, he is to be restrained from killing Mozart from now on!” Gudao shouted, assuming a defensive stance in front of Mozart.
The large monstrous creature shatters into a familiar figure. Antonio Salieri, looked just the same as back then, but he had a frenzy in his eyes and snarled through his clenched teeth.
Mozart did not expect that his subtle efforts of separating Salieri and the public would backfire in such a way after his death. He did not anticipate for Salieri to be infamous for a false accusation of killing him.
But…he was…delighted.
Mozart was delighted in the fact that Salieri would now constantly have him in his mind and thoughts. Salieri may simply have a sole desire to kill him but he doesn’t mind. If Salieri’s thoughts were to be only occupied of him. If Salieri can think of nothing else other than him…then Mozart would be fine if his thoughts were murderous.
But he wonders…what were to happen if he were to confess now? Centuries after their time, what if he were to confess his love now? What if he confessed the truth of his sins? Of how he prevented Salieri’s fame to spread? That this was due to his obscene obsession of him? What kind of face would Salieri have? What would Salieri react?
Mozart was both equally excited and terrified of what were to happen if he were to admit his love, his sins, and his passionate obsession.
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Local Goddess in a Relationship!?
Your eyes do not deceive you, dear readers! Our local goddess Masu is indeed dating someone! “Who is she dating,” you do not wonder, since you know exactly who we are talking about. Everyone knows, and everyone approves. It has been confirmed by our sources that our local jeweler and our local goddess are planning to go on their first date! Where will they go, what will they do?? Place your bets now!
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
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#ArianaGrande posing for the #AMAs #AMAsAri, her dress was so pretty and cute and her hair was done to perfection, and nice make up too! 💜💜💜
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solacen · 8 years ago
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fgodestinyawakenings · 6 years ago
Mozart: You'll probably be scared, so I'll hold your hand.
Salieri: Amadeus, that's my ass.
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
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Ariana Grande achieved the Disco de Ouro (gold record) 50 mil cópias digitais vendidas (50,000 digital copies were sold) of #MyEverything, in Portugal I believe? Or Latin America I'm not entirely sure but yeah! Congratulations #ArianaGrande #AriG #AMAsAri #Ari via @ ArianaGrandeBR so it could be Brazil
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
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Sassy and Classy performance for #Focus by #ArianaGrande #AMAsAri #AMAs
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
"Ew I'm crying" #ArianaGrande had the sweetest acceptance speech, and she was just amazing, she really deserves best pop/rock female! #AMAsAri #AMAs @arianagrande CONGRATS ARI! LOVE YOU 💜💜💜💜
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
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The #Grande family themselves. #ArianaGrande took her #Nonna to the #AMAs as her date with her big brother #FrankieGrande #AMAsAri she was the sweetest and NONNA is awesome
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1millionfandoms-blog · 9 years ago
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#ArianaGrande nearly had everyone in tears after her acceptance speech! #AMAsAri #AMAs
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