#amane inno sweep
blitz0hno · 11 months
Fuuta isn't vulnerable to Amane's Cult
lemme explain .
So Fuuta is down and out, right? Feeling alone, afraid, and in incredible pain. So you'd think, when Amane sees this and wants to "help" him, she'll inevitably bring up prayer etc..
But this is where I think he's gonna end up helping her instead; Fuuta is a questioner. From the minute he ended up in Milgram he's been questioning the structure, the rules, how it pertains to outside law, hell even in his second trial he doubles down on the "why?" And rightfully so. It all feels so arbitrary.
Amane is a very smart girl who absorbs information presented to her like a sponge. And what information has she gotten ASIDE from cult knowledge? Fuuta is chronically online; I bet he knows a lotta random facts about things Amane has been told some BS reasoning for.
She's not gonna stop believing right away, but she will start questioning, because she's so used to approval from those around her for repeating the doctrine. When she repeats it to someone with outside knowledge, they have outside reference, which makes them so "dangerous" to said cult.
Fuuta is also the most likely to be able to level with her and let her have an adult conversation, because honestly he's probably the adult who's most used to being treated like a child. He's used to analyzing people's arguments and picking them apart, and he's not gonna do so in a mean way to a child in the same situation as him (if not a worse one).
I wonder if the live stream is gonna address the conclusion that she's gonna convert people, because let me tell you you're really overselling the convincing-ness of a 9-year-old child talking about virtues. Even Haruka knows the real world doesn't work the way Amane has been told it does. It's not easy to get out of a cult but the brainwashing process for someone who's lived their whole life outside would be more laborious and less effective than what Amane was a victim of.
TL;DR I think when Fuuta asks questions regarding her claims and she doesn't have an answer, Amane may be distressed at first but she will seek answers. Amane inno sweep!
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harukavoice · 1 year
doing my daily duty
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adipostsstuff · 1 year
Can I just say, I am so glad the guilty shrine died out before Amane's trial. Now we don't have to worry about it messing up the votes and can instead vote how we want. I know a few guilty voters who would've voted innocent to counteract the shrine and I think it's great that don't have to worry about that any more. And just in time for Mahiru's verdict as well.
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Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "sorry" that I said to you / You're sorry? I don't care! / Please go ahead and die already
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blitz0hno · 11 months
If one more person argues guilty Amane "for the SaFeTy" of the prison I stg she is HALF EVERYONE'S SIZE
have you never met a small child who spews extremist religious propaganda nonstop?? I PROMISE you it happens and all it really does is make sensible adults uncomfortable and the adults who agree w that bullshit wanna take advantage of you.
Can we PLEASE at least acknowledge that Amane wishes to do good and honor her value of mercy? Because when has she ever gotten that "mercy" she's been taught to treasure that much.
She is a child who thinks you need to EARN not being tortured. Sorry you got to go to a normal school every day and came home to normal parents so the effects of indoctrination on a young mind freak you out, I truly wish I could help you.
Ik this is a fictional thing but so so many kids get written off as "the problem" without the people who pushed them to that getting so much as a talking to, let alone what they deserve. The lines of logic I'm watching some people draw are getting wild af
You can't lie in Milgram. When she says she wishes everyone can smile and be happy she means that with her whole heart.
She just got taught that violence and "trials" are the only way to get there. If she keeps being punished she'll just continue to feel not good enough.
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blitz0hno · 10 months
*joins the Amane club*
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blitz0hno · 10 months
Blitz's TransLyrics - The Purge March MILGRAM
lyrics and demo below!
I ONLY translate and write using the original captions/direct translations of a song. If one of my lyrics seems too similar to a previously established version please let me know! I will change it unless the phrasing is too common or artistically important to me, and even in the latter case I would tweak it the best I can!
Please ask before using demo audio. Lyrics can be used freely with credit to this blog!
A blessed morning unto everyone! It's another beautiful day Delivered by the Lord However, there are blasphemers and idle bystanders who seek to sully it! We must pass our best judgment, With pure mind body and soul We will again today preach What is right and true!
(Hut!) Thou shalt follow the Lord’s given destiny (Hut!) Thou shalt discard all forms of vulgarity (Hut!) Thou shalt do God's will unto those around them (Hut!) Thou shalt do God's will until death
Those sorry words "It can't be helped" From sorry scum who cannot be helped
Make them all now Truly So clearly Beyond doubt purely Guilty as can be!
(Oh it's judgment day)
I disavow you, Here and now
(All thine debts be paid)
It's far too late for you Who broke sacred vows!
(Corrupt eyes and mouth)
Forever shut so No you can't cry out, (oh I hope you’re proud)
I'll crush your throat Send you a flood Your cries are way too loud!
God said No exceptions So kneel And repent, then
You can cry and You can scream and Tell them all you’re “So sorry” Not enough! You gave up your hope
God said No exceptions So kneel And repent, then
You can cry and You can scream and tell them all you’re “So sorry” Not enough! You gave up your hope
If you are a bad girl Then all the monsters Come to play Godliness is magic That keeps monsters far away
Thou shalt follow the destiny the Lord has called to thee
Thou shalt turn away from all forms of vulgarity
Those sorry words "It can't be helped" From sorry scum Who cannot be helped Make them all now Doubtlessly So clearly Unequivocally Truly Guilty as can be!
(Oh it's judgment day)
I disavow you, Here and now
(All thine debts be paid)
It's far too late for you Who broke sacred vows!
(Corrupt eyes and mouth)
Forever shut so No you can't cry out, (oh I hope your proud)
I'll crush your throat Send you a flood Your cries are way too loud!
(Final judgment day!)
This is what I've been called to do!
(All debts shall be paid)
God taught me well Now God wants me To teach you!
(This ends here, right now!)
I'll send one flood Won't forgive Till it's clean (Never again’s our vow)
I'll hand you back The judgment You delivered Unto me!
God said No exceptions So kneel And repent, then
You can cry and You can scream and Tell them all you’re “So sorry” Not enough! You gave up your hope
God said No exceptions So kneel And repent, then
Go on cry Go on scream Tell me you're “So sorry” not enough! I asked You said “NO”
You're sorry? You should be! May God show you mercy
Recall my screams and pleas All the “sorry”s I cried Out to thee! Do you remember them?
You're sorry? Yeah nice try You hypocrite! Now die!
Recall my screams and pleas All the “sorry”s to thee who shall die! I said unto you then?
Thank you for reading/listening!
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blitz0hno · 10 months
Eng!Milgram culture is becoming increasingly disturbed writing/editing Purge March English lyrics
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blitz0hno · 11 months
we interrupt the mikotoposting to bring celebration the Amane Inno Sweep is slowly but surely happening 🔥🔥🔥
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blitz0hno · 1 year
guys shidou 80% innocent (I agree) but he didn't have permission to kill his victims
amane technically did have permission given the rules laid out for her by her abusers soooo amane W?????
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blitz0hno · 10 months
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blitz0hno · 10 months
purge march demo is done BUT I'm kinda flat 😭
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blitz0hno · 10 months
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As much as I fear the consequences of voting amane forgiven i just. Cant stomach the idea of her getting hurt again
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blitz0hno · 24 days
Oh perfect it's Purge March day so anyway amane innocent sweep trial 3 let's Go
Listen listen listen it's p straightforward at this point
Amane does worldly medicine (on cat) -> breaking doctrine bc ur supposed to let god heal things -> punished severely, knows that's what is "supposed" to happen because it happens over and over as shown on Magic
Amane's "mother" kills the cat, presumably violently -> breaking doctrine on vulgar action (hurting/killing another living being; they make it a point to emphasize Amane's vegetarianism so it's obviously a very big thing in the doctrine) -> no punishment? No one around to punish her? No one else sees the contradiction? Well Amane is a big adult girl right? In her own eyes anyway, thanks to the cult. A FULL member of the group!! So it's her turn to deliver justice right????
I mean. Wrong but HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW?? her mother and presumably her father CHOSE to raise her in that cult and abuse her. They showed in Magic how often she had those dogmas drilled into her head. It's not her fucking fault and she's traumatized if you care
Amane was shown in Purge March to be in almost a trance-like state. Yes, she's been "trained" for this, and no matter how she's related to the sinner "a sin is a sin." Did she probably go further than she wanted/needed out of pure rage and injustice?? Even if she did, she was NOT in control of the ideas and reactions she was LITERALLY TOLD TO HAVE.
I'm not saying she was right to kill a woman honestly but no never mind I am saying that child abusers deserve death haha anyway amane inno sweep 100 years
Like Jackalope DEFINITELY ain't tryna let inno Amane slide bc he sees a need for her to "take responsibility" even though she never denies responsibility at all?? She knows what she did, or at least is sure she knows. She isn't remorseless, she has been told that feelings are bad compared to God's word. Shocker that she represses them.
Also technically it was her mother's responsibility to not get herself murdered by abusing her child and killing a cat and raising her kid in a cult. I'm not a victim blamer but that's a 12 year old dawg if you messed up that bad in life nothing's saving you try again next time.
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blitz0hno · 4 months
if you're still doing the milgram ask game..!! :>
Which MV is your favorite and why? What do you think of Mikoto's verdicts? What are your headcanons about Amane?
I am!! Forgot about it tho sorryyyy lol
Favorite MV? I said MeMe and went into why in the last ask (tarot motifs and contrasting colors my beloved), but my second favorite is "I Love You." It starts out so raw, then becomes jarringly sweet before throwing you back into Mahiru's "reality" with her boyfriend, and overall the carousel motif and the cake/rat imagery haunts me perfectly. It's such a wonderful piece of visual storytelling and an underrated one imo. I love all the MVs so much tho.
Mikoto's verdicts? Hmmmm his guilty sweep in trial one was pretty funny ngl.
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It was Mikotover the moment he said this tbh (ID: close-up Mikoto, smiling and bathed in read light, holding the Fool card with a mannequin on it. The subtitles read: "I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me even though I'm right.")
I was in the "he's definitely guilty" crowd for certain. "John Doe," as a VD, bugged me at first ngl, but it's an important part in the timeline of his story, and the questions it raised mostly get answered in "Neoplasm." I was happy to see Es get a Real Conversation with John, and despite his attempts to divert guilt from Mikoto, all he demonstrated was that their collective amnesia was very much real. An inno verdict seemed like the obvious choice after that; for whatever reason, Mikoto clearly did not desire to kill someone for real despite the first MV, since even the "violent" alter can't seem to give a reason why they did what they... DID. (*smacked*) (I don't get to reuse that joke again 3 strikes and I'm out)
I was very happy and amused at his trial 2 inno sweep, though I will forever be bugged that his percent is higher than Amane's. Mikoto's crime was ambiguously self-defense imo but Amane's was VERY CLEARLY self-defense. An inno verdict is an inno verdict tho so cheers all around for trial 2.
Headcanons about Amane?
- She's nonbinary and uses she/it/they pronouns
- actually very good at speaking publically and debating, likely from various church activities requiring her to do so. Mikoto would definitely help her foster that talent if she asked.
- she's beginning to doubt the existence of a literal "god," but still values the ideals of mercy she was raised with even though she wasn't shown what she was told
- she grows into a gentle and confident person as she grows away from her cult
- she wants to be an adult so bad right now, but lets herself indulge in more "childish" things as she gets older and encourages others to do so for themselves as well
- she sees Fuuta, Mikoto and Mahiru as older sibling figures (and sasses them about it when they get overbearing)
- she's secretly very interested in Shidou's work as a doctor, and wishes it weren't against her doctrine to heal like that
A lot of these are based on Magic and Minigram but um yeah I adore her thank you for asking all of these but especially that last one!!
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