#amame who he is secretly in love with
girlbossphi · 2 years
ok when gen said mizuki (bibi?????? no fucking idea stupid lousy no good timeline shittery) reacted similarly to someone else i expected him to reference date
bc date and amame were the two ppl he cited as not being scared of him
i do think it was bibi but at the time he said you remind me of someone else and i was like yeah her dad obvi
but instead he references amame and dates reaction to him is never mentioned again after that one time
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Selena: The Series
I binged the show in a day and these are my thoughts. Fair warning, this is long.
The Good: After originally being disappointed to hear that they weren’t going to be using Selena’s vocals, I’m glad that turned out not to be the case. It wouldn’t make any sense otherwise. I really liked that they showcased some of her earlier songs, the ones that aren’t very mainstream and would only really be known to those who have digged into Selena’s discography. Like Sukiyaki, Amame, Besitos and Ven Conmigo.
The wardrobe department. I guess the outfits had to be on point because the hair was not. We’ve seen many recreations of Selena’s iconic outfits, but not really any from her early years and I thought that was cool. I did like that they showcased Selena’s teen years and how she grew up in the industry, as well as how they showed her humorous side.
Hunter Reese Peña. Out of the entire cast, I feel like his casting as Ricky Vela was the best. I did also like the connection of Seidy Lopez playing Marcella and also being the friend with Selena at the mall in the 1997 movie - though I wouldn’t say she was perfectly casted.
The Bad: I feel like most longtime Selena fans unanimously agree that the casting is not the best. The actors are lighter and thinner than their real life counterparts and it’s super disappointing to see. While Christian Serratos is of Mexican heritage, she is very light skinned compared to Selena. I once watched an interview with Suzette where she said Selena resonated with the Mexican-American community because we could see ourselves in her and because she “wasn’t a guerita” or light skinned. And even as someone who is a guerita and lighter than Christian, that’s still a statement that rings true for me, and this casting choice does not reflect that. So I can only imagine the hurt and disappointment felt by our brown and darker skinned brothers and sisters in our community.
This ”Chris” and “Selena” was not believable as a couple imo. I’m really supposed to believe that these two people are secretly in love? Compare Christian Serratos and Jesse Posey portraying the relationship to Jennifer Lopez and Jon Seda’s and try to tell me there isn’t a stark difference. I completely believed the 1997 version of Chris and Selena were very much in love and would move heaven and earth to be with one another. 2020 Chris and Selena? It feels forced and more like an awkward high school relationship.
Okay. I did like that we got some family backstory and got to know Los Dinos a little more. And I understand that it’s a family band, but when “Selena” feels like a secondary character in a show called Selena: The Series, there’s a big problem. There was far too much focus on Abraham and AB. A lot of it could’ve been condensed or cut down and I think we still would’ve gotten the gist of it anyway.
No pizza. Like seriously, there was not one slice of pizza in the whole show. I would have loved to see a scene where Chris and Selena first said “I love you” in a Pizza Hut like he described in his book. However, this Chris and Selena ain’t it AND I’m also bitter that her family can apparently use his name and their love story for a profit but Chris got sued when he tried to do it himself.
The (Really) Ugly: Those wigs. Were. Terrible. The wig for Chris in particular. Literally WHO thought that looked good?? Why not have the actor grow his hair out or just cast someone who already has long hair? Burn it. Toss it in a fire.
Overall, this feels more like Selena: For Mainstream White America. For those who have maybe caught the movie on tv once in a while but that was it, or heard “Como La Flor” once or twice in passing. Casual fans. Then there are those of us who are old enough to remember hearing when she passed, who have watched her performances countless times over the years. The ones that Selena means so much to and who remember and see her as a person and performer and not as a character on a tv screen. Don’t get me wrong, I love spreading her music to a newer generation but it could’ve been done so much better.
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tagged by : Stole from @ornateknives taggin’: @everythingisoverturning ( as Oka), @amame-x-mucho (as Taeko ), @trxnquilite, @aquatempestate​, @poemmused​ ( as Natsuki )and @lilmonix-3
repost, do not re/blog.
name / Aishi Ayano, or Ayano Aishi if you’re western.  are you single ? “Currently.” are you happy ? “No. Never was.” are you angry ? “Very. I’m trying to keep it under control”  are your parents still married ? “Probably. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen either of them.”
birth place / “Japan” hair colour / “Black” eye colour / “Grey.” birthday /  ”March 31st.” mood / “Empty. Indifferent.”  gender / “Female” summer or winter / “winter. I hate summer vacaction” morning or afternoon / “morning. Afternoons after school are awful”
are you in love ? “Yes. More than anyone could ever understand” do you believe in love at first sight ? “ At first touch, more than anything. It’s how our family has always worked, mother said. ” who ended your last relationship ? “Never was in one” have you ever broken someone’s heart ? “Maybe. I wouldn’t know. Probably not.” are you afraid of commitment ? “No. I always give it everything I have if it’s important enough” have you hugged someone within the last week ? “No.” have you ever had a secret admirer ? “Probably not. ” have you ever broken your own heart ? ”I don’t understand what that means. I assume it’s a metaphor?” 
love or lust / “Love” lemonade or ice tea / “Doesn’t matter” cats or dogs / “Cats, if I have to pick. ” a few best friends or many regular friends / “A few best friends.” wild night out or romantic night in / “Romantic night in....all to myself and my love” day or night / “Day. I hate the silence of nights”
been caught sneaking out / “No. Why would I need to leave?” fallen down / up the stairs / “No” wanted something / someone so badly it hurt ? “You have no idea. I think I’m going mad...” wanted to disappear / ”It changes. Some days I want to die more than anything else, and sometimes the thought of not existing for real terrifies me.”
smile or eyes / “Eyes” fat or skinny / “Skinny.” shorter or taller / “Either” intelligence or attraction / “Indifferent. Both are subjective, I find. ” hook - up or relationship / “Relationship”
do you and your family get along ? “Get along? That would require for them to see me as human. Dad did once. He stopped. I don’t think Mom ever did. No, I don’t. Not really.” would you say you have a “ messed up life ” ? “I would do anything to fix it. I’d do anything to be normal . I’m tried of being sick and broken...I’m so tired...just tired....it’s fine. I’m not okay, but it’s normal for me.” have you ever ran away from home ? “No reason to- everyone’s already left” have you ever gotten kicked out ? “No.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ? “Every day I fantasize about killing some of them. The temptation is overwhelming- but I must control myself” do you consider all your friends good friends ? “Not all of them, most are a means to an end. “ She pauses, eyes softening “Madeline is special. I hope she doesn’t get tired of me.” who is your best friend ? “Madeline Genevieve Anosov. I doubt she feels  the same about me, though. ” who knows everything about you ? “No one. I hope no one ever will.”
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