#ama yangri from kathmandu
karmaecoadventure · 3 months
A short video clip from Ama Yangri Hill, Helambu, Nepal.
#for more details about Ama Yangri Trekking: https://www.karmaecoadventure.com/package/aama-yangri-trek/
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raconteuradventure · 2 years
Langtang Ama Yangri Trek
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Highlights of the Trek
The Ama Yangri Trek experience will fill your heart with pleasure and love as you enjoy stunning natural and manmade beauty.
On an open sky day, a mind-calming view of the Langtang range, Annapurna, Manaslu, and Everest.
Fewer people make this walk, which rewards an intimate, undisturbed experience
"Ama Yangri" is worshiped as a divinity who protects the Helambu area.
Properly handled logistics for a satisfying trek experience.
Hyolmo Heritage rewards a variety of varied cultural experiences.
People are kind, and the lodge and guest house stays are restful.
Trekking that is somewhat difficult and good for all ages.
This journey is less popular, providing you with a serene and romantic setting to enjoy. 
Ama Yangri, at 3771m above sea level, is the highest peak near Kathmandu. 
Ama Yangri, as the locals call him, is a divinity who guards the Helambu area.
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holidaystonepal · 4 years
Langtang Valley Ganjala Pass Trekking with Ama Yangri is one of the best route from Kathmandu to witness amazing mountains. Know about Trek itinerary & Cost
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Langtang Gosainkunda Pass Helambu Trek-18 Days
Langtang Gosainkunda Pass Helambu Trek is an adventurous Trek that combines a unique and one of the best trekking trails in Langtang Himalayan ranges. This trekking has three popular trekking trails; Langtang Valley, Gosaikunda Lake, and Helambu valley that lie to the north of Kathmandu valley offering numerous stunning views of mountains with rare varieties of vegetation and glimpse sight of wildlife. The main attractions are rhododendron and bamboo forests with an abundance of wildlife, majestic waterfalls flowing over mammoth boulders, a chance to bath in soothing hot springs, magnificent views of the snow covered white giant Langtang Lirung, Visiting the holy lakes of Gosainkunda. The Langtang Gosainkunda Pass Helambu Trek route goes through traditional, ethnic Tamang heritage villages and untouched forests of juniper, pine and so forth. This trek offers an opportunity to explore villages, to climb small peaks and to visit glaciers and sacred lakes at a comfortably low elevation.
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The 18-day trek begins in Kathmandu with tours of the city’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Then we drive to Syabrubesi which is a Tamang village located on the banks of the Bhote Koshi River and begin our trek. We reach Kyanjin Gompa and then climb Tserko Ri the next day. From there we get tremendous views of the Langtang Lirung (7,200m/23,622ft) range. Next, we continue trekking in the beautiful Langtang Valley and reach Gosaikunda which is a revered place of pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus. Moreover, the place is named after the glistening Gosaikunda Lake whose water is believed to have magical healing powers. We pass by a few more lakes on our trek and cross the Laurebina Pass. Our trek in the Helambu Valley begins after crossing the pass. Another highlight of our hike is to reach the top of Ama Yangri at 3,800m. The view of the Himalayas from the top of the hill is believed to rival that of Poon Hill. From here, Mt. Shishapangma and the Langtang ranges seem so close that we feel that we can almost touch them. We continue trekking in the Helambu region for a few more days and end our remarkable journey to the mountains with a drive to Kathmandu.
Detailed Itinerary:
Day 01: - Arrival at Kathmandu Airport
We will meet you at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport and transfer to your hotel.
Day 02: - sightseeing tour of Kathmandu
The very next morning, you will have a full day sightseeing tour around Kathmandu valley. You can visit sacred Pashupatinath Temple and Swyambhunath, very ancient and essentially enlisted in UNESCO World Heritage sites. The biggest Buddhist Stupa at Boudhnath and the fine arts and historical architecture of Kathmandu Durbar Square reflecting the ancient Nepalese culture are highlighted on our guided tour.
Day 03: - Kathmandu drive to Syabru Bensi (1550m/5100ft) 7-8 hours drive
Today, we drive to Syabru Bensi. Enjoy the Himalayan views and mountainous lifestyle through the terraced fields and rustic villages. The scenery of foothills and ridgeline vistas goes through the Trishuli Bazaar, Betrawati and Dhunche you feel as if you are heading towards deep land. We take our Lunch at the Trishuli Bazaar before continuing further toDhunche. We descend down to Syabrubesi for the overnight stay.
Day 04: - Syabru Bensi trek to Lama Hotel (2450m): walking distance 6-7 hours, 1070m ascent - 10.9 km
The first day excitement trail crosses through the Bhote koshi River flowing down from Tibet and following the Langtang Khola. After a visit to the Gompa of Guru Rinpoche, follow the stone-paved main street out of town over Langtang Khola. After crossing the suspension bridge the trail gradually ascend up to Bamboo passing by landslide. The trail goes through the sub tropical forest which is cover by oak and maple, massive spruce, fir and blue pine. Afterwards, your trek ascends gently to Rimche (2400m). And at the end your trail is level to the Lama Hotel for the overnight stay.
Day 05: - Lama Hotel trek to Langtang Village (3430m): walking distance 4-5 hours, 980m ascent - 14.8 km
The day start with a gentle climb, but it soon becomes steeper, The tantalizing glimpse of snow capped peaks start appearing along with fleeting view of Mt. Langtang Lirung (7244m) through the trees. The trail ascends gradually as the valley opens up into classical U-shaped glacial. Follow the trail across the helipad and yak pastures, climb briefly through rhododendrons and scattered Tamang villages. The trail crosses a stream and climbs past several water driven mills and prayer wheels to the large settlement of Langtang (3430m), headquarter of Langtang National Park. The village has flat- roofed Tibetan style house and elaborately carved driven windows of the upper village is worth exploring.
Day 06: - Trek to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m): walking distance 2-3 hours, 460m ascent - 6.8 km
The trail winds through the village and climbs a ridge topped by a large chorten. It then climbs gradually past an impressive mani wall, crossing a stream to the small village of Mundu (3442m). After crossing several small streams with wooden cantilever bridges and moraines, you can finally see the monastery of Kyanjin Gompa and the dramatic icefall flowing from the peaks of Langtang Lirung and Kimshung. The surroundings are interesting also because of the famous Government operated Cheese factory. We have chance to test cheese and curd by Yak milk, it is remarkable of this place. After having lunch, we can explore the area with abundant panoramic views of Langtang Lirung (7246m), Genjempol, Kyangjin RI (4750m.), Tsergo RI (5000m.), Ganja la (5160m.), Langshisa- Ri (6427m.), Dorje Lhakpa (6430m.), Naya Kang (5844m.), Yala peak (5500m).
Day 07: - Acclimatization day in Kyanjin Gompa (3870m)
Today is the rest and exploration day of the trekking .We visit the monastery and the cheese factory or may walk up the moraine to see the spectacular ice faces and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung or ascend Kyanjin Ri (4350m) and Tserko Ri (5,000m), which is highest point of this trek. Hike easy for a breath-taking panorama of the Langtang Lirung, Langtang range, Kinshung, Yansa Tsenji. We also have options to do a side trip to Langshisa Kharka. There are several alternatives sided trips, the surroundings areas of North having many smaller uninhabited valleys. Spend your night back to the Kyanjin.
Day 08: - Trekking back to Lama Hotel (2450m): walking distance 6 hours, 1430m descent - 21.6 km
Have your breakfast with observing surrounding genetic snowy capped mountains breathtaking view. We will follow the same trail back following the Langtang Khola to Langtang village and on to Ghora Tabela. After having a lunch stop continue steep descend to Lama Hotel. All the way downhill you will see fantastic views of towering mountain what you have missed on the way up.
Day 09: - Lama Hotel trek to Thulo Syabru Bensi (2230m): walking distance 6-7 hours - 13.1 km
The beginning trail gently descends along the river to the landslide then passes through pine and Junipers forests steeply up to Thulo (Big) Syabru. The trail offers magnificent views of red pandas, boar, monkeys and various species of birds. The Tamang Cultural Heritage “Thulo Syabru Gaun” preserves wonderful ethnic custom, culture and their traditional. Here, you can enjoy the amazing landscape and the magnificent nature with splendid views of Ganesh Himal (7110m), Langtang Himal and its ranges. Rest of the day explore around the small village of Syabru.
Day 10: -  Thulo Bensi to Sing Gompa (3330m): walking distance 3-4 hours, 1040m ascent - 6.8 km
The trails lead us from Thulo Syabru follows a steep ascent path passing through Dursagang (2735m), passing aline of chotens. Along with the breathtaking views of Langtang Himal, Ganesh Himal, Tibetan Mountain, the trail continues steeply through the forests of oak and hemlock and then less steeply through rhododendron forest and pastures to the top of the ridge at Phoparng Danda (3190m). Watch the langur monkeys playing in the forest and a fine sunset views over the Ganesh Himal. The larger trail cuts across the ridge top, staying fairly level through silent moss-covered forests. Then the path gently ascends for a while and follows a flat level to the Sing Gompa. The local well managed cheese factory and a Buddhist Monastery’s can be the visiting places which provides panoramic views, exhilarating nature. Spend your night at teahouse.
Day 11: - Sing Gompa to Gosaikunda Lake (4460m): walking distance 4-6 hours, 1130 m ascent - 11.2 km
The trail today takes two parts. Initially the trail climbs steeply up a ridge that marks a transition zone between rich, moist mountain forests and dry scrub vegetation on the slopes. Slope is the sanctuary for the red pandas and providing magnificent view of snowcapped Ganesh Himal. The trail to LauriBinayak (3920m) is steep & continues for three hours. We follow a rugged trail with dramatic views to the west; Manaslu range, Ganesh Himal range, Tibetan peaks and to the north also across the valley is Langtang Lirung.
From LauriBinayak, the trail ascends now in alpine country above the tree line. Cross a small ridge to see first view of the holy lake of Gosaikunda. There are about a dozen lakes around Gosaikunda Basin, the main three being Saraswatikunda, Bhairabkunda and Gosaikunda. The myth is, Gosaikunda was created by Lord Shiva when he pierced a glacier with his trident to obtain water to quench his thirst after having swallowed a poison which threatened to destroy the world. Hundreds of pilgrims come here to worship and bathe during the full-moon festival every August.
Day 12: - Gosaikunda to Ghopte (3440m): walking distance 6-8 hours, 300m ascent and 1320m descent
After explore around at Gosaikunda, we start a bit challenge day. The trail traverses the northern side of Gosaikunda Lake and climbs on a rocky trail. We climb through rugged country, crosses glacier moraines and past four small lakes to the Laurebina La (4610m). On a clear day we can see Annapurna range through the way. Then the trail leads us steeply down to Phedi (3740m). From here, the route drops to the stream then climbs through the scrub Bamboo to a crest. Continue walk down throughout crossing a rocky hill with pine, rhododendron trees to Ghopte. At night you can see the lights of Trishuli Bazaar far below and Kathmandu glow behind the hills to the west.
Day 13: - Ghopte to Tharepati (3510m): walking distance 1-2 hours, 330m ascent
Descending from the ridge at Ghopte, the trail makes numerous ups and downs across ravines and the boulders of old moraines. The trail slightly descends and then begins to ascend through the rhododendron, oak and juniper forests up to the Tharepati. A steep path rises above the village to a fluttering white prayer flag on a windswept hilltop, offering a perfect panorama of the Langtang Himalaya. Spend your day strolling around the village.
Day 14: - Tharepati trekking to Melamchi (2560m): walking distance 4-5 hours
Heading east from Tharepati, the trail drops rapidly down the ridge. The path passes pine and rhododendron forest rich with bird life along with good views down into the Helambu valley. The ridge gives you a marvelous mountain view of the Jugal Himal and Numbur in the Solu Khumbu. Crossing the village and enter a forested area descending to Melamchi River followed to the Melamchi Gaon. Melamchi Gaon is surrounded by beautiful forests, which is mainly inhabited by Sherpa people with their unique culture and spectacular Buddhist monasteries.
Day 15: - Melamchi to Tarke Ghyang (2590m): walking distance 5-6 hours
From the Gompa in Melamchi Goan, the trail drops rapidly into the forest, passing a series of large chortens, a reminder of the strong Buddhist influence in the village. The trek descends steeply to the valley floor, where you can have a well earned dip in the crystal- clear stream named as Melamchi. After crossing the bridge the trail climbs steeply up to the sprawling valley of Nakote (1980m). Then the trail goes gently up to beautiful Sherpa village Tarke ghyang (ghyang means monastery) passing through Sherpa old settlements and biggest monasteries. Narrow cobbled lanes and tightly packed houses here resemble the high altitude villages of Mustang and Dolpo which are worth viewing. Tarkegyang boasts an 18th century Gompa with huge brass prayer wheel.
Day 16: - Tarkegyang to Sermathang (2610m): walking distance 5-6 hours
Today the trail is quite easy through flat land with beautiful forests. The trail leads us cross small forest with the view of beautiful village of Helembu region. Sermathang is another pretty Sherpa village where you can visit many ancient monasteries and view of Jugal Himal range. In the clear day the villages provide good views of Ganesh Himal, Langtang, Gosainkunda and Rolwaling, Even Everest also in a distance.
Day 17: - Sermathang to Melamchi Bazaar and drive back to Kathmandu: walking distance 4-5 hours and 3-4 hours drive
The trail gradually descends all the way to Melamchi Bazaar through meadows and cultivated fields. From here take a drive of around 3-4 hrs to the Kathmandu valley.
Day 18: - Farewell Departure
We will drop you to the International airport to catch your flight back to your home and wish for your Safe journey.
Note: The package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your preference. For more information please e-mail us at [email protected]
whatsapp: +977 9841815039
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