#am i gonna apologise? nope
bountycancelled · 1 year
opla sanji x reader
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in which sanji teaches you a few basic cooking skills, while you try to ignore how close to you he's standing
genre: delusional oneshot, pretty suggestive, gn! reader, my sanji/taz obsessed ass shining through the cracks
requested: nope, but they're open so feel free♡
a/n: I don't have anything to say besides I'm sorry.
this was all your fault.
you just had to open your mouth and spill the beans on the fact that you didn't know the first thing about cooking, which led you to the predicament that you were in now.
or was it Sanji's fault for offering to give you private lessons with a tone in his voice that could be mistaken as flirtatious and a wink your way (which in hindsight, you should've definitely refused) and for being a kind, flirty, witty, compassionate piece of work who could cook like a god, who you couldn't help but fall deeply in love with?
no matter whose fault it was, all you knew was that you weren't mentally prepared to spend alone time with Sanji in the kitchen, as you knew that this experience would only aid your feelings in flourishing.
but what you were or were not prepared to do didn't matter, because you were already in the kitchen, standing shoulder to shoulder with the man in question as you washed your hands and he looked at you with his typical honeyed gaze and a slight smile on his face.
"you look extra beautiful today my love, how am I supposed to focus on teaching when you look like that?" he questioned out loud in an airy voice. you shrugged as nonchalantly as you could, cringing internally because you had in fact, dressed with a little more thought today than most days, and the fact that he noticed made you want to bash your head against the counter until you saw blood. how much more obvious could you be?
"okay. so first, I'm gonna need you to dice up an onion for me, alright?" he stood behind you, watching over your shoulder as you peeled the onion and picked up the knife, and you could swear that his lack of distance was genuinely giving you respiratory problems.
"how would you like 'em, chef?" you asked sarcastically, missing the way his breathed hitched at the nickname.
"hmm... super fine." now, the logical side of you knew that vegetables could be chopped very finely, you weren't completely inept in the kitchen after all. buuuuut, the absolutely unsavable side of you, aided by the fact that you could legitimately feel his breath on the back of your neck as he spoke so so sweetly with that accent of his, believed that he wasn't just speaking about the onions.
you shook away those thoughts, and began cutting the onion. you could almost feel his correction before he corrected you, but you were definitely not prepared for his next actions. his hands held your own as he guided your knife movements, his front almost pressed against your back. he whispered praises in your ear, although you severely doubted that your subpar knife work was worth any compliments, but that didn't stop him. a "there you go." here, a "so so perfect" there, even a cheeky little "you're doing so good for me" just to make you squirm.
maybe it was his tone of voice, or his hands (which had now moved away from yours and found purchase slowly moving up and down your arms) or the fact that your hand was so shaky that you were sure you were gonna lose a finger at this point, but you had had enough.
you put the knife down, not bothering to finish cutting the onion, because he could cut his own damn onions if he so pleased, and spoke before your more timid nature could stop you.
"you didn't ask me here to teach me how to cook, did you?"
maybe you had misunderstood the situation? oh god, oh god, oh god. you readied yourself to apologise for making him uncomfortable before-
"am I that obvious?" you could almost hear his smile as he spoke seductively, his hands moving from your arms to you waist, gently caressing your frame.
"yes, you are. not that I mind." okay, this was not how you were expecting this lesson to go. but it was days like this that you daydreamt about in the comfort of your room.
"I know this is a bit forward, even for me but-" he cut himself off with a soft kiss to your neck, and you felt yourself shudder at the contact. "-I honestly can't resist you any longer-" another kiss, this time to your shoulder. "-would you give my the absolute pleasure to taste you, please?"
if you weren't already against the counter with Sanji behind you, your legs would've given out from under you on the spot. you nodded, not trusting anything coherent to come out of your mouth at that moment, but snapped out of your daze as a confused sound rang through the kitchen from the doorway.
"you busy Sanji? I'm kinda hungry right now." Luffy spoke with a certain normalcy, as if he hadn't just walked in on, well, whatever was about to happen to the two of you.
Sanji chuckled, placing one more kiss to the back of your neck before moving away from you, but not before whispering in your ear once more. "why don't you go to your room and relax for a bit, love? I'm still aching to taste you."
you were in for a ride today.
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keen-li · 3 months
What you need | 03
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Synopsis: everybody needs, but how do you define need? Do you even know what you need.
Genre: best friends au, angst, fluff, smut, slow burn.
Jungkook x femreader.
wc: 4.9k
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Jungkook completed the end of his deal, now it’s your turn.
Your shoulders and eyebrows rise in unison as you walk into the moderately lit large space. Your eyes glance over all the arranged equipment and you can’t help but frown at yourself.
Your jean, turtle neck and black blazer outfit contradict the environment you’re in. You look so out of place that it warrants some unwanted eyes, but it could also be to the fact that you look lost.
The place is so intimidating, you feel like a little doe in a room full of lions. You wonder why they are so many men in here. You swear it was an all-gender gym.
You’ve seen this gym before but because you’ve never stepped foot into it, you barely know the layout or the rules.
The girl at the reception looked at you weird when she saw your outfit.
‘’do you have a membership?’’ she asks unamused, for whatever reason.
‘’no, I’m actually here to see a friend’’ you don’t care for a membership, with the way you walk around at work that’s enough working out for you.
‘’well that’s not how it works you need a membership to enter’’ she says matter-of-factly. You can’t help but notice how bitchy she sounds.
‘’i-well I’m not here to workout’’  i don’t know if you could tell.
She just stares at you and you stare back.
You can’t help but sigh and roll your eyes.
All this trouble just to be where you don’t want to be.
You guess that’s how jungkook felt when you had to style him and his hair for his date. But he did it anyways, and so do you. you don’t know how you’re gonna pass those doors though.
You could bolt through when someone who has a membership walks in, jungkook would laugh at that story. But you don’t want any bad blood or embarrass yourself with getting kicked out.
So you do the only thing you can do.
Call jungkook and cancel.
‘’i can’t kook because i don’t have a membership ‘’ you whine turning to squint at the girl at the reception. She looks like the type that’s bitchy cause she’s worked here for so long.
The corner of your upper lip twitches.
‘’i told her she should let you in when you come’’ he sounds so breathy ‘’did you tell her you’re here to see me’’
‘’nope but i told her I’m here to see a friend’’ you hear him chuckle. You can’t help but feel like he’s mocking you.
‘’tell her your name and that your here to see jungkook’’ his laugh dies down.
You scoff and roll your eyes. This is too much work.
‘’and how am i guaranteed that she’ll let me in?’’ you question with a little sass in your tone which jungkook catches. He always does.
‘’she will, trust me’’
jungkook knows you can be awkward, nervous and anxious in new situations. And since he knew you couldn’t walk in without a membership, he called in a favour from his good friend Liz. The woman you’re currently having a one-sided feud with.
You hum before the call is cut. And with your tail in between your legs you walk to the reception.
She stares at you ready for your words.
‘’i’m here for jungkook’’ you almost murmur almost too low for ears to catch
‘’your name?’’ you groan, how hard can she makes this for you. Being here dressed like a billionaire single mom here to see her son is embarrassing enough.
‘’y/n’’ you say tucking in your lips.
‘’okay you can go in’’
You release the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
So it was that easy, you slap yourself mentally. You give her one last look, as if apologising for overreacting.
Your heeled boots clink against the clean white floors. You’re glad the gym noises and music drown out your heels and banging hearts.
You look around for where jungkook texted you he’d be.
At the end with the dark windows.
Wooow. If only he knew how many ends had dark windows. You curse as you continue walking. You jump over rolling dumbbells and duck people doing pullups. Is this what being at the gym is:
Playing Mario kart.
You gasp when a figure bumps into you.
‘’im sorry i didn’t see you there’’ he turns.
And you couldn’t believe your eyes.
‘’hoseok? What the fuck are you doing here?’’ you once over him in his gym outfit. You never had seeing hoseok in the gym or sweaty on your bingo card.
‘’working out,duh’’ he gives you a look ‘’ i should be asking you the same, but looking at your outfit i don’t think you’re here to workout’’ his eyes glance you over, he saw you wearing this outfit at work today and he doesn’t know if he’s ever going to tell you how much this outfit doesn’t look so bad on you.
You can’t help but feel small under his intense gaze.
‘’i’m not. Just here to see a friend’’
He nods, not really caring. ‘’enjoy your workout’’ you say as he turns away.
You roll your eyes at how he just hums.
You never thought of hoseok as the gym type but you guess he didn’t get that figure for free. Maybe you should get to the gym too, hoseok was pretty much telling you that with his eyes anyways.
Now back to finding jungkook.
“yn’’ you were walking around aimlessly when a familiar voice calls out your name.
Oh that’s the end he was talking about. Honestly it looks the same with the others, except for the large punching bag hanging for the ceiling.
Your eyes are met with a smiling jungkook as you giddily walk over to him, you have to physically stop yourself from skipping.
Seeing jungkook is always comforting and peaceful.
His curly hair falls loosely on his face. It still shocks you how fast his hair grows.
His black t-shirt falls baggy over the his fern green cargo pants, you remember gifting him those when you were starting off your friendship. You didn’t know what to get him for his birthday cause you didn’t know him that well. So you just got him those pants with a hoodie. He was very appreciative. You would say you’re a better gift giver now, cause you know what he likes.
You walk over to him and his eyes don’t leave you as you approach.
You’re about to open your mouth to greet him and scold him for bad direction, but you’re shushed when his hands wrap around you and lift you off the ground. You use his shoulder for balance. The action takes you by surprise cause jungkook’s has never carried you like that, but you’ve never visited him at the gym as well.
As he sets you down you realise how nice it feels to be carried. His  hands don’t leave your waist as you look up at him.
‘’i like your outfit, but i thought you’d dress more...’’ his eyes look around and you understand what he means.
‘’i came here immediately after work kook, so i didn’t get to change’’ you stare down at your outfit with a pout. he licks his lips as he nods accepting your reason.
The close proximity causes you to see jungkook in another angle, a very good one at that. Your nose takes in his scent, even though you can smell the sweat it doesn’t bother you cause it somehow mixes with his cologne and forms a scent so masculine you wanna drown in it.
‘’plus i came here to watch you workout’’ you push him away at the chest and jungkook moves away, not offended at all. ‘’not me’’
As he moves away he realizes how carried away he got with the feeling of you being close. Having you look up at him like you just did makes his heart rate faster than exercise.
‘’i hear you chicken’’ he grins and you raise a brow at his new nickname for you.
He tries to play of the feeling of being enamoured by your scent.
‘’yeah chicken’’
‘’and why is that?’’ you fold your arms over your chest.
‘’because you failed to get past Liv’’
The receptionist? You roll your eyes. He can’t tease you for this cause he knows you get anxious and your brain stops working.
‘’you can’t bla-‘’
‘’chicken’’ he sing-songs swinging his head side to side as he puts his boxing gloves on.
You roll your eyes, he’s not going to stop teasing you with that.
‘’so am i a chicken or bunny’’ you take a seat on the bench next to his things, you know cause you recognize the scent.
‘’i think....’’ he pretends to think as he walk over and towers over you.
And in a low voice and flicking your chin he says ‘’...you’re mine’’
You’re taken aback by his words and it causes a tingle in your stomach. Yoiu brush off the feeling as a normal human reaction to being taken aback.
‘’i’m just joking, look at your face’’ he lets out a chuckle and so do you, but yours is more awkward.
‘’i think you’re more a bunny’’ he walks back ‘’that’s why i call you bunny’’
You just stay silent with your words not knowing what to say, you don’t think, or want to think any of it cause that’s how jungkook jokes. But it’s been a while since you’ve heard him joke like that, maybe it’s cause you were in a relationship with yunho. But now you’re not so he brings back his teasing.
That’s how he is, you can’t think more of it.
‘’oh i forgot to introduce you to yoongi’’ he says calling you from the abyss of you mind.
‘’ yn this is yoongi my boxing partner’’ he turns to you. ‘’and yoongi this is my good friend yn’’
You wave at yoongi and give him a warm smile, he simply raise his hand and mumbles out a hi.
With the way he doesn’t smile at you, you think he’s probably not fond of watchers or maybe it’s just you.
‘’you missed the warmup, but you can watch the first round’’ he informs. You hum still not used to the environment. your heart begins to quicken but you try to ignore it as you see them getting ready to start.
‘’you’re not going to wear head gear or something’’ they both laugh out and make you sound like a noob.
‘’it’s okay to take a hit or two raw sometimes, princess’’ new nickname unlocked.
You don’t know if the jk in the gym is the same one you know. He seems more cocky and ... flirty, nothing you can’t handle. Just not used to it.
You sit back and shut your mouth. You don’t want to say something and not seem like you know what you’re talking about.
‘’i’m not going to take it easy on you just cause your girl’s here ‘’ yoongi fixes his glove.
‘’i don’t need you to take it easy on me.‘’ jungkook husks out, eyes lowered and fists prepared.
Your scent grazes jungkook’s senses in that moment and he loves how, in addition to your perfume, you’ve been smelling like lavender lately.
The lavender scent is like a fuel for him.
Yoongi throws a punch and jungkook is almost met with it before he dodges it.
He grins as he licks his teeth. That would’ve been a bad way to start.
He’s tryna get you to like boxing, he can’t if he’s losing.
You’re sat shit scared in your seat as you watch jungkook almost get hit. You can’t handle this, and you just started.
Jungkook throws a punch but yoongi blocks.
Grunts, curses and smacks echo in the room as jungkook and yoongi go at it. No one’s taken a hit yet but that only makes your anxiety rise. Why does he have to have you here.
A form of motivation.
 A reminder of his strength.
That’s why jungkook boxes.
 He’s loved it ever since he was a child. He’s father had him in a class for a month before his mother said it was dangerous. If only his mother was willing to watch him box like you.
But you aren’t willing, you’re just on obligation.
‘’that was a light round’’ you hear him say out of breathe. The way he breathes and the way sweat drips down his face as he does so has your heart beating carelessly, and it shouldn’t.
You cross your legs as you watch him wipe his sweat off with his shirt.
‘’YN’’ he calls your name out aggressively.
‘’huh?’’ you come back from where you went.
‘’i said are you good, do you want water’’
You shake your head at the water.
‘’im fine.’’ You’re not. The room feels hot even though it’s an open space with air conditioning.
You wonder how much jungkook pays for that membership.
‘’good. Now time for round 3’’
Your eyes bulge out at his words.
‘’round 3?’’
Jungkook turns to you with knitted brows and laughs at then shock on your face. From your body language and eyes he can see how tired you look. You’ve been at work and it’s not fair for him to keep you here for over 45 minutes, when his date didn’t even last a quarter of that.
‘’i promise this is the last round then we can go home, okay?’’
You nod and lean back taking in the fact that you have to stay here longer. It’s getting late out and you wonder why the gym isn’t closing but then it clicks that it’s a 24hr gym.
If jungkook wanted he would stay here the whole night. Gym bros.
You stare at your gym bro analysing, there’s something different about jungkook. You wouldn’t place him as a gym bro, maybe because you know him outside the gym and he’s your friend.
But its nice and warms your heart to watch him do what he loves.
In the past two rounds not much has happened except for the hits yoongi had to take from jungkook. You found yourself unintentionally cheering, you wonder why it didn’t bother you seeing jungkook hit someone but the thought of.......
That’s all you hear until your gasping, the blood drains from your face.
Yoongi just hit jungkook. Your mind is racing like a soccer mom until you see jungkook recover, still doesn’t help the ache in your heart.
You know it’s just a friendly game, but yoongi is really making a bad impression for himself.
The way yoongi throws another punch has you cringing in your seat.
This is torture.
For jungkook this is motivation, he blocks the third punch that comes his way.
No way he’s gonna let yoongi smack him a third time. Fuck no.
With determination filling him, he throws rapid smacks and punches. He continues until all yoongi can do is block.
‘’time out, time out, time out’’ yoongi calls out and jungkook ceases his throws. He smirks knowing he’s won.
‘’that wasn’t a win jeon’’
‘’it sure was’’ he chuckles out. ‘’what do you think bunny, did i win?’’
He turns to an exhausted looking you.
You have no opinions let alone knowledge on these things.
‘’what i think...’’ you make a dramatic pause ‘’ is that it’s time to go home’’
Jungkook scoffs as he rolls his eyes at you.
‘’fine’’ he starts taking off his gloves and bandages and nobody as ever looked hotter doing something mundane ‘’since you’re tired we’ll end it here’’
‘’how caring of you’’ you murmur.
He grabs his bag and you stand finally glad that this is over.
‘’it was nice beating you yoongi, see you later’’
Yoongi scoffs at him.
‘’it was nice meeting you yn, even though we didn’t talk much’’ he says instead.
You chuckle un-enthuastically. ‘’it was nice meeting you too, maybe we can talk when you’re not punching each other’’
You both awkwardly laugh at that.
You and jungkook walk out the gym doors as fast as light, mainly cause you’re pushing him out the door.
You walk a little slower to his car in the parking lot.
‘’you wanna drive?’’ he stretches his keys out to you but you shake your head so fast as you run to the passenger’s seat.
‘’chicken’’ he says as he opens the doors.
You’re sat and the warm air from the air conditioner pushes out the cold Seoul night air.
‘’did you enjoy?’’ his bellow voice speaks as he drives: one hand on the steering and the other on his thigh.
You turn your body to him, head still resting on the car seat and body relaxed. And as you stare at him your eyes almost closing you can’t help but think whether he looks hotter driving or boxing with yoongi.
‘’i enjoyed watching you do what you love’’
Watching him box, even though it was torture, was heart-warming. Cause even though you’ve been friends for long, there’s still somethings that you need to know and understand about each other.
‘’do you wanna watch me do it agai-‘’ he smiles but your abrupt voice interrupts him.
‘’nope.’’ You shake your head ‘’i never want to do that again’’ your head leave it’s comfortable position.
He chuckles and licks his lip. Your brows knit when you hear him hiss at the cut on the corner of his lip.
‘’you okay?’’
Jungkook’s confused at your question and when his turns to stare at you he’s met with your thumb on his wound.
‘’does it hurt?’’ you ask worried. Jungkook tries to keep his eyes on the road but his head turned to you.
‘’just stings’’ he speaks your thumb caressing his lip.
You don’t realiz but jungkook does, the way you caress his lip and stare at it makes the air tense.
‘’i’m okay yn’’ he wraps his hand around your wrist, and it’s nothing more than a warm and gentle touch ‘’but, you’re gonna make me crash’’
You were so focused on him that you didn’t realize he was driving. You feel stupid you don’t even know why you got carried away.
‘’oh, sorry’’ you abruptly move your hand away. Jungkook’s hand leaves yours almost like he didn’t want you to stop. But he lets it drop anyways, now he has both hands on the steering.
You fold your arms and let the silence sink in.
‘’who was that guy you were talking to’’ you give him a confused hum. ‘’in the gym’’
‘’uh, hoseok?’’
‘’hoseok? Isn’t that the collegue you say is a pain in your ass’’
‘’yep, but i think im a pain in his too’’ you chuckle ‘’were even’’
Jungkook shrugs.
‘’i was actually surprised to see him in the gym’’ jungkook watches you ponder on something ‘’but i guess he didn’t get that body from bossing me around’’
Jungkook looks at that lost look on your face.
‘’looks like someone has a crush’’ jungkook melodies out.
‘’heck no’’ you puff out ‘’ the last person i’d have a crush on is hoseok. He’s attractive of course but a crush is going too far’’ you argue.
‘’you think he’s attractive?’’ his voice lowers.
‘’yeah i do’’ you spit out reluctantly and watch the look on Jungkook’s face.
‘’you have a crush on him, yn’’
You scoff. ‘’i don’t have a crush on him’’ you argue. ‘’if i had a crush on everyone i found attractive, i’d have a crush on you’’ you spit out without thinking, you kinda regret saying that.
‘’i dont know if i should be offended or honored’’ jungkook chuckles.
You want to add on but his words cut you off.
‘’we’re here’’
You turn out the window and see the familiar building you haven’t seen in a while.
‘’kook, you were supposed to take me home’’ you whine.
‘’it’s the weekend, stay at mine. It’s been a while since you’ve visited me.’’ It’s almost like he’s begging you and it cause you a little smugness.
You ponder not needing much motivation anyways. ‘’okay’’
Jungkook’s surprised that you’ve accepted so easily but little does he know that you’ve been wanting an excuse to leave your house, too many pieces of yunho left around. Plus, you’ve missed you and jungkook’s little sleepovers.
‘’but i’m getting the bed’’ you declare.
‘’you’re gonna have to fight me on that one princess’’
You loved jungkook’s bed, there was something so soft and comforting about it. Maybe it’s the fluffy beddings and the fact that it smells like him.
When jungkook turns the lights on you realize how long it’s been and how you’ve missed the warm and homey feel of his home. Maybe it’s just because you’re finally in a place that has nothing to do with yunho.
The warm feeling in your heart extends to your skin.
Contrary to you’d thought before you met him, Jungkook’s house has a feminine and floral scent to it. Which creates a soft ambience (with the help from the light colours of his walls.)
he slumps himself on his couch, manspreading everywhere.
You place your purse on his minimalistic, white modern kitchen table.
You grunt as you slump down next to him, bodies only centimetres away from each other.
His body immediately turns to you as you sit.
‘’your house hasn’t changed one bit’’ you say and he looks around.
‘’yeah, i’m not that creative. It needs a woman’s touch’’ turns to you and you shift in your seat.
‘’you still have the plants I gifted you’’ you turn to the short three leafed one by the hallway the small one on his coffee table and the large ceiling touching one at the corner of the couch (which was a pain in the ass toe move in, for jungkook and jimin)
‘’they look healthy’’
 jungkook looks at you as you admire how attentive he’s been to your gift.
‘’yeah, i’m a great plant dad’’
You both smile.
And for a few minutes there’s a comfortable silence as you stare at each other. Nothing but smiles around, it’s almost awkward for some reason.
‘’are you sure your lip only stings’’ you go back to being worried about how it’s starting to bruise.
‘’i actually forgot it was there’’ he says softly as his fingers caress it and you watch every move he makes.
You watch him look at his fingers checking for any blood. There’s none and it cause a smile on his face, yours too.
You awkwardly and quickly move your eyes away when he lifts his eyes to look at you.
‘’you should put some petroleum jelly on it’’ you lecture out as you clear your throat.
Jungkook smiles.
‘’will do after i take a shower’’ he stands and your eyes follow him.
‘’do you wanna like..’’ he points between the both of you.
‘’ew, fuck not jungkook’’ you choke out.
‘’come on, we’ve done it before’’ he defends arms open.
‘’that was at the public beach shower and jimin and willoe were there too’’
‘’that doesn’t change anything’’ he grins sarcastically.
You roll your eyes.
You and jungkook are comfortable with eachother but you don’t think it’s that far that you can shower together. Naked.
You wouldn’t be able to do that, feels like crossing a line.
‘’go take a shower i’ll wait’’ you shoo him away.
Jungkook doesn’t argue and watches you pull out your phone.
He was only joking about the shower thing anyways, he hopes he doesn’t make you uncomfortable
But your legs on his couch make you look more than comfortable.
It makes him happy to watch you relax especially with what happened with your boyfriend, well ex now. That’s why he’s been trying to get you out and forget about it.
‘’pick a movie’’ he tells you before he leaves.
‘’i can’t believe how tight these shorts have become’’ you walk into the living room with the shorts you left at his house 6 months ago and one of his grey t-shirts.
Jungkook watches the subject of your concern. He doesn’t mean to but he’s got eyes. He watches the shorts you wore 6 months ago at your sleepovers and he can’t help but notice how they wrap tightly around your thighs, accentuating your curves.
‘’they don’t look bad right?’’ you frown.
And all jungkook can find to do is shake his head.
‘’as long as you’re comfortable’’ he can’t seem to move his eyes away from you.
‘’shockingly they’re still comfortable’’
You take a seat close to him and your shirt (well his) rolls over your thighs lightly.
‘’what snacks did you get’’ you lean over to the coffee table and Jungkook’s  eyes move with your body.
He can’t help but think of how a loser yunho is for letting you go. But you’ll find someone better than him. Someone who cares about you and will  take care of you like you deserve.
Jungkook coughs out causing your brows to frown.
He honestly doesn’t know why he’s behaving like this. It’s just you he shouldn’t be acting this way.
The air seems a little bit different ever since you and yunho broke up. As much as you’re still the same girl he’s known these years, same one who denies herself of good things and thinks any of these guys are good for her-ugh it pisses him off for whatever reason-
As much as you’re still the same girl, you just seem different nowadays and he doesn’t like it. Makes an uncomfortable feeling brew in his chest.
‘’you good?’’ you raise a brow at him.
‘’huh?’’ he sounds so dumb right now.
‘’you’re staring at me all weird’’ you give him an awkward smile and stuff your face with some snacks.
‘’yeah i was hoping you feel my glare for making me go on that date’’ he turns to the movie and grabs a can of beer.
A little beer sprits onto your thigh as he opens it. He quickly reaches out to wipe it and mumbles an apology.
Little goosebumps form on your skin at the touch and you shift in your seat.
‘’i was meaning to ask, how did it go?” you try to keep a relaxed tone.
You scoff.
‘’how was it boring? I picked the best’’ you lean your elbow against the couch to get a better look at him.
‘’you did, but she wasn’t my type’’
‘’has your type changed cause, last time i checked she’s definitely your type’’ you narrow your eyes at him.
You watch a smile grow on his face and one does on yours too.
‘’see? She is your type’’ you slap his shoulder and laugh.
‘’you’re right she is’’ he chuckles playing with his lip ring.
‘’then what happened?’’ you bug at him.
‘’i don’t know, i guess my priorities aren’t on dating right now’’
You groan at his words.
‘’then what are your priorities on?’’ you lower your voice in a mocking tone.
You watch him down his beer, place it on the table and turn to you with lowered eyes.
‘’you’’ he simply says but the one word stops your thinking and your tongue to stop.
‘’i’ve been worried about you’’
‘’and you don’t have to’’ your legs meet the carpet.
‘’you say that, but you’ve been off ever since...’’
At the thought of it your heart drops and your face does to.
‘’i don’t want to talk about it’’ you frown.
‘’that’s the problem, you’re avoiding it an waiting for the next douchebag to come and break your heart and give you a new reason to be depressed.’’ Jungkook says getting carried away in his passion to express his thoughts.
‘’what the fuck do you mean by that?’’ your reaction causes him to rethink his approach.
‘’-no. What are you tyring to say, that i jump from guy to guy’’ you raise a brow at him and his blood pressure raise. He knows his answer but he doesn’t think he should answer especially seeing your reaction.
Jungkook doesn’t even get another word in when you’re standing.
‘’maybe i should just go to sleep’’ you say sounding down and jungkook couldn’t feel any sicker.
‘’yn please’’
‘’good night kook, see you in the morning’’
Jungkook sighs as he watches you disappears.
That’s not how he was wanting it to go.
He leans back into the couch. Well you did end up getting the bed after-all.
As you lay down you think about whether you’re actually upset. You know he’s kinda right, he’s delivery was awful though.
But you can’t deny.
That’s why you decided to leave the dating scene, nothing ever comes out of it but heart break.
You thought yunho would be your refuge, your final home. But instead he was your destruction and his reason for it was absolutely pathetic.
You feel a tear roll down your cheek but you immediately hide it when you hear jungkook walk in.
‘’sorry, just wanted a pillow’’
You just hum.
He grabs his pillow and you feel his figure linger for a little longer as if debating on wanting to say something.
But you assume he decides against saying anything and just walks out.
Immediately he leaves you feel the tears roll down like rain.
Jungkook can hear your sniffles from the living room and god he wishes you never met yunho.
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4imhry · 9 months
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tutor-in-disguise/fuckboy!sunghoon x fem!reader ( PART 2!)
synopsis: The tutor your parents hired who came up with a godlike features and a prince charming like charms? You thought you did great at covering up your so called feelings towards him but unfortunately, he already got you wrapped around his finger. (literally) He wants you as much as you want him.
@mgzzn @jayhyunglover @kimsunoo2003 @heeseunghee7 @deobitifull
cream-pie!anal penetration!sunghoon being obsessed with you!smut,smut,smut!
I apologise to those who I didn’t add into the taglist because I’m afraid some of you might have changed your usernames!
please read PART 1 before you read this part!
the next day of tutoring and the days after that, everything went back to normal. it was as if sunghoon didn’t inappropriately fingers you under the table while having dinner with your parents. not gonna lie, he was pretty good with his fingers but you can’t get ahead of yourself.
you constantly need to remind yourself he’s a player and he’s going to play you like he did to the others. however, it was as if the scenario was imprinted in your mind, making you touch yourself from time to time from the thought of his pretty fingers sliding in and out of your pussy.
“understood?” he smiled softly, the tip of his pencil circling the answer of the question he had been explaining to you. just why the unnecessary fuck boy nature and his smart brain had to come with in one package? it frustrated you.
you nodded, flashing a small smile before immediately moving on to the next question.
you needed to focus. you have to. finals is nearing and having a fine ass tutor like the guy before you wasn’t helping. the small strand of his on his forehead which lightly moved when he shake his head or looks away, tugged a small string in your heart; it shouldn’t be this way.
“am I going too fast?” he said as he gazes into your eyes. you could only glanced at him briefly. your not so innocent mind can misinterpreted the sentence in a different way.
“nope.” you quickly replied as you straightened your back posture.
hours went by and sunghoon finally ended his session for the day. “mhm I see you’ve understand most of the topics. let’s go over a new syllabus next time yeah?” he chimed softly as he packed his things into his bag.
“yeah.” I briefly glanced at him, smiling sheepishly.
unbeknownst to you, sunghoon was checking you out whenever you’re looking away–mostly tried to get a glimpse of endearing you looked. you can just breathe and blink and it simply made his stomach swarmed with butterflies. he thought you were annoying at first. annoyingly cute.
“want a drink?” you asked as you look up at him; gesturing him to take the glass of water.
“sure.” and oh, he can’t help but his mind drifted to how good you looked when you look up at him. his cock hardens at the thought of you taking all of him. he wants to see that pretty face of yours scrunched up due to pleasure and your voice turned to whines and moans from him fucking you relentlessly.
he purposely let his hand brushed against yours as he take glass from your hand, his eyes not leaving yours as he drank from it. sunghoon acknowledged the smallest gestures he made was affecting you and he enjoyed it.
at school, sunghoon, being from someone who doesn’t talk to you on daily basis became someone whom always made the effort to engage in the smallest conversation with you.
it could be between classes or at the cafeteria, which he always greeted with a small pat on your head or purposely messed up your hair. It annoyed you sometimes because it might caused a misunderstanding to anyone else who didn’t know what’s the commotion between the two of you.
on top of that, it is also one of the reason it got your heart thumping against your ribcage over a slightest gesture from the latter.
“sunghoon!” you grunted. he replied with a chuckle, finding your reaction to be endearing before catching up with his friends as he retracted his hand away from your head.
“did you understand that?–mhm now I want to see how you do it.” he said it lowly as he handed the pencil to you, wanting to see how you would do. did his voice just went an octave lower? god, if only he knew what his voice did to you.
it’s not like you can call sessions with sunghoon was a failure due to his handsome features which causing a disturbance to you but he got a way in his teaching that caused you to understand his learning materials quickly.
to your surprise, your grades improved significantly. much to your parents satisfaction–they decided to keep him around for a while until your finals which caused you to grunt in frustration when they announced sunghoon is not going anywhere anytime soon.
perhaps, you might’ve rambled–fake a complain to not give away the delightful feeling in your heart, growing to love the attention sunghoon gives you.
“shall we take a break?” he lightly taps on your arm, which caused you to get flustered. you nodded in response.
you were thankful he’s such an understanding person. both of you have been going on the same topic for 2 hours. you knew sunghoon just wanted the best for you and to ensure you completely had enough knowledge for him to go over the next topic.
“y/n, your dad and I is going to go buy groceries.” she flashed a smile at you as she gently pat your shoulder.
“sunghoon, keep your eyes on her okay? make sure she behaves.” your mom joked, slyly winking at you, briefly without sunghoon knowing.
“mom.” you sighed.
“mhm absolutely.” the boy widely grinned, his eyes drifting to meet your yours. you momentarily shift your gaze to somewhere else, suddenly feeling vulnerable and small under his gaze.
it was a long silence after that until you spoke, “uh..do you want to drink something?” you swore you saw his eyes shifts to your lips. it made you feel conscious of how you looked like, you immediately lick your lips to moisten it.
“water would be fine.” he flatly answered.
you instantly got up from your seat, avoiding to be any nearer around him because you just felt light headed just by being around him. you hardly get to breathe normally. he just looked that good. effortlessly good.
“sunghoon?” you spoke, when you feel his presence behind you.
“yeah?” you can feel he said that with a sly smile on his lips.
and oh lord—if only you knew your waist would be gripped gently by his huge hands while you were reaching for some kind of snack on top of the shelf, you cussed silently under your breath for not being aware the dangerous gap sunghoon had with you when you strutted to the kitchen.
you let out a soft gasp when he placed his chin on your head, his front pressing against your clothed ass. you gulped when you feel it poking, him trying to get it between the crack of your ass causing your arousal to risen.
“hoon? that’s adorable. you’ve gotten me a nickname now?” he murmured, his voice sounding gruff as he buried his face into your hair, inhaling your scent which affected him so deeply in various ways. his behaviour is kind of psychotic but weirdly attractive, it caused you rub your thighs together from it.
you inhaled a sharp breath when he began to shower your neck with kisses, creating small smooching sounds as he softly graze his soft lips on your neck.
“m-my parents..they would catch us–”
“m’no, they wouldn’t.” he whispered lowly, his lips brushing softly against your earlobe, turning you around to face him. “your parents just got out of the house for like 5 minutes ago.” he chuckled at how flustered you got, noticing the way your body tensed under his touch. his eyes fell on your breasts hidden under the baggy sweatshirt, watching how your nipples got perky due to his teasings.
he smirked. you’re being such a good girl for him by not wearing a bra today. how nice was that for him?
he took note of how silent you were becoming, growing shy under his gaze. it erupted a small laugh out of him. “you okay?” in which you slowly nodded as a response.
he placed both of his large hands on your waist, turning you around so you can face him. you inhaled a deep shaky breath when you saw the way he bat his eyelashes. they flickered to every features on your face.
“come on. I saw your poor attempts of resisting me so many times.” he grinned devilishly before using him thumb to caress your bottom lip, leading you to unconsciously parted your lips. you knew you should jab back at him with a harsh comment but it seemed like your mind was fogged with the way sunghoon was treating you right now.
“it’s adorable.” it didn’t go unnoticed that sometimes during your sessions with sunghoon, your gaze would fixed on his lips instead of focusing what he was saying or that the way your eyes was fixed on his pretty, slender hands which was rested on the table.
he inhaled and exhaled,
he leans in and slowly pecks your forehead, grazing his lips to plant a soft kiss on the tip of your nose and then he parted away a bit, his eyes meeting your eyes to grant your permission before his lips crashed into yours.
his body completely pressed against yours as his hand roam on your waist. he skill fully slide his tongue past your lips, letting it danced with yours causing you to let out small noises of pleasure. the pretty sounds you made was enough to make the aching tent in his pants harden.
he pulled away from the kiss, inspecting how he made a mess out of you. your hair slightly disheveled, your lips were bruised and red from being bitten and kissed, and your eyes peering up at him innocently, luring him in to take you in right then and there.
“such a pretty girl.” he murmured before lifting you up on the countertop with ease. you watched his muscles flexed when he carried you even if it happened for a millisecond. you can literally feel him undressing you with his eyes while his hand slid around your waist, pulling you closer to him while the other placed on the back of your head.
you pressed yourself harder against his groin, causing both of you to let out a soft moan from the friction. sunghoon just cant seem to pull away from you. he was addicted to the taste of your lips agaisnt his. he wanted more. both of you wanted more.
you keep grinding against his clothed bulge, the wetness soaking your panties wetting his pants as well. he grunted at how he eager you were being. his cock aching to feel you wrapped around him like a good slut you are.
“you’re driving m’crazy.” he murmured against your lips, freeing his huge cock from the straining of his jeans. he then lifted the sweatshirt you’re wearing skilfully over your head, with you lifting your hands up to ease the process. sunghoon immediately went for your tits, squishing them as he moaned at the sight of it. so soft. so squishy. you can feel arousal pooling in your heat when he fondle with your nipple, gently playing with it. it caused you to squirm in his grasp.
he took of his clothes, his eyes never leaving yours, watching the way your eyes raked over his well toned body, “m’want you..so bad mmph.” you let out a small whimper when you feel his bulge glide against your clit ever so gently yet so toe curling.
he abused your clothed clit by doing deep stroke on it with his clothed bulge. his precum staining his jeans, throbbing painfully to be released. you can’t help but drooled over how big he was. if this was how it felt when he dry humped you, then..would the size be twice bigger if he took his cock out?
you continuously let out loud whines and moans upon him teasing you, edging you. your clit was throbbing from his teasings. “h-hoon..” you sniffled.
“yes baby?” one of his hand squish your tits, fondling with your perky nipple as his lustful gaze never left yours.
“m’want you..” you gripped onto his shoulder.
he chuckled at how you adorable you were pleading for him. and who was he to deny your plead? he swiftly unbuckled his pants with one hand, letting if fall on the floor with a clinking sound. a grin made its way onto his face, the feeling sense of proud engulf him once he saw how you were not able to take your eyes off his fat cock.
“how is that..going to..” you murmured with fear mixed with excitement, eyes fixed on his cock. apart of you were worried if it’s going to destroy your insides from how big it looked.
“don’t worry. g’nna stretch you out.” he mumbles softly against your slips before pulling you in for another intoxicating kiss. his hand instantly bunched your skirt up around your waist and tear your panties with ease. he clenched them with his fist, taking a long inhale of it before throwing it on the ground. he then run his fingers along your wet folds–growing wetter every-time he touches you.
“I haven’t put it in and you’re already this wet f’me?” he said in amusement as he playfully tap the tip of his fat cock on your throbbing clit multiple times, causing you to let out a whine. he then glide his tip on your nub and your folds, letting the slick and his pre-cum erotically mixed together. the sight was enough to make him groan, almost making him cum right then and there.
“h-hoon please..” you moaned.
his eyes flickered to your features, a hint of concern painted on his face. “are you sure y’want this, baby?”
you eagerly nodded, gripping onto his forearm and he waste no time before pushing all of him into your dripping wet cunt. the tightness of your pussy, hugging all of his length made his breath shudders. the ecstasy of finally having you, succumbing to him.
“s-shit..why are you so fucking tight?” he grunted as he slowly pushed all of him inside your tiny hole, forcing all of him to fit in inside your squishy walls.
your eyes rolled back due to the feeling of him, throbbing, huge inside you. sunghoon grunted with every thrust, every slams he made against your cervix. “y-you’re sucking me in ngh.”
you were completely laid out on the counter, his huge hands secured to your thighs pressed to your chest as he kept thrusting in and out of you. he let out a deep groan when he feel himself getting clenched by your tight walls. you moaned when he began drilled your insides relentlessly. sunghoon was more than thrilled to see the girl he likes sprawled before him like this. titties bouncing, your lips bruised from his kisses, hazy eyes, disheveled hair. it felt like a dream.
he leaned down to capture your soft lips into another passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, swirling in arousal, as if his lips were moulded with yours. he grunted when you lightly bite on his lip causing him to piston his hips rapidly.
“ngh h-hoon! i-I’m..” your stomach suddenly form a tight knot from the continuous torture against your cervix. it’s insane how his cock was able to fit into you let alone stroking your insides.
“yes, baby?” he sly smirked as he changed the position, lifting one of your leg to hang on his shoulder, giving a better angle to slam his hips into. you let out a choked moan when his fat tip hit the spot.
he took note of that and continuously torture the spot, grunting as he almost approach his release. “g-god..” hearing your soft moans and whimpers turned him on ever, he felt like he can cum just from that alone. sounds of his balls slapping against your wet cunt, squelching with each movements he made. he rolled his hips harder into you, rutting himself in, wanting more of you.
“ngh mmph you feel too good..” he groaned as he fondle one of your tits, capturing your lips sloppily this time as he rapidly pick up his thrust feeling himself about to cum. he was excited about filling you up with his cum. “y’feel so good..around me. you’re practically drooling over my cock.” he said as he smothered your tits with kisses and gently bite them, the gesture was the opposite of what he did to your cunt.
“ngh-ah..hoon!” you cried out, getting even turned on because of his words. you were blissfully fucked out because of how big he felt. at this moment, you couldn’t believe one of your sexual fantasies actually came true. “m’gonna cum!” he smirked seeing your contorted expressions. he wished he could grab his phone and take a picture of it so can jerk off to it whenever he wanted to.
his middle finger reached out to circle your clitoris, spitting some of his spit onto them as he rub them gently and fasten his finger movements, rhythmically with the speed of his thrust. “I wanna cum inside you, princess.” he moaned. you nodded eagerly, practically grinding against him as he fasten his hips movements, his fat cock stroking your walls at a pace which got you to see stars. “can I cum inside you?” his voice shaky from the pleasure building inside him. “can I?”
you nodded enthusiastically, moaning uncontrollably. white substances mixed with his pre-cum forming a rim at the base of his cock as he thrusted in out of you, non-stop. soft moans and groans frequently coming out from the both of you. he changed the position and wrapped both of your legs around his waist, drilling into you causing you to cried out in pleasure. he was so deep. deep inside you.
“p-princess, I’m cumming–“
and as you came from the hottest sex you ever had (because it’s your first one), sunghoon keeps rolling his hips into you, milking his cock, not wanting his cum left to waist. you looked down to see where spurts of his cum keep trying leak from your pussy. you whimpered from the sticky feeling but it low-key turns you on. his cum keep spurting, he brushed some of them on your cunt and also pushes load of them into your pussy, loving the sight of it trying to leak despite how much he tries to push it in with his long fingers.
you moaned due to overstimulation when he gently grazed your clitoris with his index finger. he smiles at how fucked out you look. especially when it’s because of him. “It seemed like you enjoyed it too much.” he leaned in to capture your lips in a soft kiss, gentle kiss unlike the kiss you had during sex which was passionate and sloppy. it felt different. it’s..a good different.
it was as if sunghoon actually felt something for you. did he?
both of you pulled away from the kiss, staring into each other’s eyes. both of his hands still wrapped around your waist to keep you steady because he knew you’re gonna get sore from earlier. “y/n..”
you replied with a hum, not knowing where this is going. “I know what I did earlier isn’t proper. I apologise for throwing myself on you like that instead of taking you out for a proper date.” he said lowly, his hand reaching to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear. he just loved how your each of features are visible whenever you hair were tied nor tucked behind your ear. but even if you didn’t do either of those, you still looked gorgeous to him.
your eyes lit up due to his confession. “a..a date?” he nodded. “stay here I’m gonna clean you up properly real quick before your parents catch us naked at their kitchen.” he immediately sprinted to get a clean cloth from his bag. you tilted your head in confusion.
“have you always been prepared for this?” you chuckled at his “over prepared” gesture. it’s cute.
“for you? always.” he replied as he wet the cloth at the sink and wipe your thighs and legs, anywhere that’s glistening with his cum.
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this took a while for me to finish. lots of programs, procrastination, and studying. :”)
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Hey Linked Maze fans! It's me! :D
Another update another ramble from yours truly! :D
I love the smol updates just as much as the large ones cause it gets me thinking ngl. Makes me wonder what's gonna happen next!
(Especially in situations like this)
Okay enough from me
A link to the comic page can be found here! Please do go and check it out and give it a lil reblog to show your support! It's wonderful.
Linked maze belongs too @linked-maze and its creator @frulleboi. if you've not seen it note that it's for more mature audiences! :)
without further ado!
You might not need snacks for this one, but get some water, I know you need some right now. Got some? Awesome, let's begin!
We start with this panel!
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First off the saturation of the image, we know that wind's outfit is like blue blue. So it's interesting to see it so discoloured. Makes me wonder if this is how wolfy sees generally or if it's just in wolf form.
(Ha you thought I was gonna go straight to the sents right, nope :D)
But now I will
So we can see 3 colours here. A reddish pink, A purple, and cream? I'm gonna call it cream.
So this confirms something
Three people have had enough contact with this object to leave an impression.
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And here we can see two of them
If im understanding this correctly, Red belongs to Sky. The purple belongs to this second figure who I am going to assume is Zelda.
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Also who I can assume is Wolfie seeing this red in his eyes. A cool touch!
A visual representation of whose scent he is following I can only assume., which would defo be useful later. For like when we oh I dont know
Go looking for the cream-coloured scent owner?
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This is the only frame we see this cream-coloured scent. So I'm gonna call this now and assume that this scent belongs to Angel or djævel. Probably Angel since she's the one we've seen wandering around collecting the hero's items.
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He sniffin
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it's the windy boi
I love him, your honour
Also totally not Wolfie pretending that sword isn't his.
It's not mine what are you talking about :))))))))))
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I like this shot, it's very nice.
I am a little worried as to why Warrior looks worried. Surely he must know about dog scenes. and I feel like Wolfy has proven himself by now as to not be a threat to him.
Do you think Warrior noticed Wolfy does not smell the sword handle? And smell the random fabric instead.
A sword handle would have the most intense smell of something right? Because of the sweat. So...
Warrior is wondering and now so am I.
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This is the face of a man who knows something is up with that wolf
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Man is trying to be a good friendo
Warrior dont apologise you smol cinnamon roll it's fine let the kids lead
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The mix of the colours here is interesting.
(Totally not me zooming in on the coloured lines to see if I can figure out what colours they are made from)
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I see mainly that pinky red here.
But something in me wants to say that there's a little bit of cream in here.
You think they are gonna use the sailcloth to find Angel later? That could be cool. Maybe get Wolfy to smell a bunch of items to build a scent profile for Angel so they can go looking for her later?
Just a thought! let me know what you think! I love doing these and it's great. Thanks again to @linked-maze for the permission to do this. I love doing them.
Thats all tho so I hope you have a wonderful day/night! :D
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melissa-kenobi · 9 months
Still Yours
[PS5 Harry Osborn x Reader]
A/N: hola, yes I am writing for Harry :) I love him too he's so adorable. :3 & yes there shall be a pt 2 for my Peter fic :D
Summary: Harry comes back.
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"Just got a tip." MJ says as she checks her phone. "Raft's moving a couple of inmates to Ravenscroft tomorrow for evaluation."
"Did they say who?" Peter asks MJ as she walks to the door, grabbing her keys on the way.
"Nope! But I'm gonna find out." MJ smirks, a cheeky grin on her lips.
"Be careful MJ." You call out from the kitchen as she gives you a salute and walks out the door. Peter laughs as he walks up to you and gives you a hip bump, reaching for the jar.
"Hey! Not my cookies!" You say, ready to throw soapy water at him, but not before you hear MJ let out a shriek.
"MJ!" Both you and Peter call as you run out in a frightful shock after her only to see someone you never thought you'd see again.
Harry Osborn.
MJ runs up to him and gives him a big hug, squeezing the life out of him, a huge grin etched on her face. Peter follows after her, watching his best friend with a gentle smile.
"Woah!" Harry laughs, holding himself up with the help of a cane. "Doctor's haven't cleared me for MJ hugs yet!"
"Sorry..." MJ apologises sheepishly as she pulls back.
You watch from the steps as Peter hugs his best friend, taking comfort in the fact that he was here, telling him how much you had all missed him. Harry glances up from Peter's hug to see you standing by the steps, hands and arms still covered in bubbly soap, curly hair tied up, a few strands framing your features and a look of longing etched onto your face.
"Y/N..." Harry faintly whispers your name ever so sweetly as he looks at you. You watch his eyes soften as he pulled away from Peter and took a wobbly step towards you, almost falling, but Peter catches him, helping Harry stand up right. You hold in your tears as you rush back indoors, slamming the door and falling to the floor.
It had been two years. Two excruciatingly long fucking years since he went to Europe without mentioning a single word to you. No calls, no texts, nothing.
You had to find out from MJ, someone you'd barely spoken to in high school had told you. Mary fucking Jane had to tell you that your so-called boyfriend had gone to Europe and that no-one knew when he'd would be back or how to contact him.
You called him every single day, leaving voicemail after voicemail until his phone told you that his messages were full and that you couldn't leave anymore. You called Peter, each week asking if he had heard anything from Harry, but alas nothing. You had cried every night, praying, wishing that he would contact you somehow. That he hadn't just upped and left without good reason.
But no. Nothing.
So you got on with your life.
Got a job as kindergarten teacher, helped Peter with his Spider-Man stuff, became really good friends with MJ and moved on. Because if Harry had moved on, then so could you.
But now he was here. He was outside the door and you didn't know what to do.
Moments later Peter ran indoors calling your name, Harry following behind cautiously as he took in the appearance of the house.
"Y/N?? You still here?" Peter calls but can't seem to find you anywhere in the house. "I don't think she's h-
"Pete..." Harry sighs as he finds a handwritten note on the table. He still recognises your handwriting, a hand tracing over the note softly as he reads it. "She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?" Peter scoffs as he reads the note you wrote.
Hey Pete and MJ,
I'm sorry, seeing Harry again brought up some things. I need to clear my mind before anything. If you see him, tell him I did miss him and I do want to talk, soon.
Make sure he doesn't come after me, please Pete? And make sure you don't eat my cookies ... I'm talking about you Ms Watson... :)
Love you guys,
Cookie xx
Harry hears the sound of an engine being turned on and rushes to the door to try and catch you before you leave. He calls your name but it falls on empty ears as he watches you ride away on a black motorbike, curly hair blowing in the wind.
"She rides motorbikes now?" Harry says, eyes filled with adoration, but heart heavy with how much he had missed with you.
"Yeah...but she still doesn't let anyone touch it." Pete smiles, reading the bit about making sure MJ doesn't eat your cookies. However it soon turns into a frown as he looks at Harry. "She's changed alot since you left Harry."
"I know Pete. I know." Harry sits down, sighing deeply. "How do I fix this Pete?"
Peter exhales heavily. "I don't know."
It was coming up to 2 weeks since you had run from Harry. From everything.
You don't know why you did.
Maybe you were scared. Scared he didn't need you anymore. Maybe he didn't love you anymore.
MJ had messaged you a million times, making sure you were okay, even sending you pictures of her and Peter with your cookie jar, making sure you'd seen she hadn't eaten any of them. Peter, on the other hand, thought he was subtle. He had swung around where you were staying, keeping an eye on you making sure you weren't falling back into old habits.
Cookie 🍪: pete, you know I can see you?
Pete 🕷: whaaaat? im with mj at home
Cookie 🍪: *sends picture attachment*
Pete 🕷: :O
Pete 🕷: sorry cookie, just wanted to make sure you were safe :(
Cookie 🍪: im okay petey :)
Pete 🕷: i know. harry says hi. he misses you. we miss you
Cookie 🍪: I'll be home soon, promise, love you guys x
Pete 🕷: love you too cookie x
You decided to go home after Peter's text.
Seconds after pushing the keys in the door, you were tackled in a massive hug from MJ, who squeezed the living hell out of you and would not let go. You'd barely gotten your helmet off before it dropped to the floor.
"MJ! I'm fine, you can let go now!" You mumble against her hair. "Please, my bones are gonna crack and you don't even have super strength..."
"Don't ever do that again. Please?" MJ says as she pulls away holding your face.
"Sorry red, I promise I won't." You say squeezing her hands gently, making her pull a face at your nickname for her. Peter smiles as he sees you, pulling you into a albeit gentler hug.
"You good?" Peter asks as you nod in response, wallking backwards towards the staircase.
"I'm gonna put my stuff away and I'll-
"Hi..." Harry breathes out, walking down the stairs, coming face to face with you. His red hair, a slight mess on his head, a smile askew on his rosy lips while he observed every inch of your face as if you'd disappear again if he said something wrong. You could sense those feelings you'd buried deep for him wanting to resurface. No, needing to resurface. A red curl had fallen onto his forehead and you instantly to brush it away.
You weren't ready, but it was now or never.
"Hi." You mumble back, suddenly shy as you avoided looking at him. Because if you did, you were sure it was going to break your heart again.
"We'll leave you two to talk..." Peter says, squeezing your hand in comfort, before heading upstairs with MJ. "Hear him out, Cookie..."
You nod back at Pete and MJ, giving them a smile.
"Hi...I er- sorry I already said that..." Harry says shy, stuttering over his words making you let out a small laugh.
He hadn't changed.
His head lifts up, eager to hear your sweet laughter again, "So you and Pete?" Harry says as he smiles softly at you.
"What? No! No way- he's with MJ!" Your eyes go wide before realising he was teasing you. "You're teasing me..."
He hold his hand up in surrender as a soft smile appears on his lips, as he tilts his head, eyes filled with a gentle longing. You couldn't help but notice how much it suited him, how much he had matured. He was still the same Harry you knew, but his features had grown. He no longer had that beanie he always wore, his eyes were brighter than before, filled with hope.
Harry seemed to notice the look on your face and sighed, "I'm sorry, I am so sorry- about everything. Can- can I explain?"
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Let's sit down."
You walk over to the couch and take a seat, Harry following suit, sitting closer than you expected.
"Sorry.." He instantly apologised, shuffling back. You don't know what made you put your hand on his leg, making him freeze as he instinctively went to hold your hand.
"I didn't- sorry..." You mutter, looking down, feeling like a shy teen all over again.
Harry lets out a small laugh, squeezing your hand and rubbing the top of it with his thumb. "Reminds me of our 3rd date at Coney-
"When the stupid candy guy pushed me into you and-
"I caught you, but your face was a red as a tomato, and you wouldn't look at me for the rest of our date till I-
"Till you kissed me..." You finish off blushing as you looked up at Harry. Gosh, you really did miss him. "What happened Harry?"
His lips turn into a grimace, eyes still on you. "Europe was a lie. I was in the city in isolation undergoing treatment. I didn't want you guys to worry. I didn't want you to worry..."
"Harry..." You mutter softly, gently playing with his fingers. "I wish you would have told me, so you wouldn't have had to go through it alone."
"No. It was my choice and I had to live with that. I couldn't put you through that pain." Harry sighs, looking at your entwined fingers, his heart aching. "I saw what my father went through when my mom passed, and I- I didn't want the same to happen to you."
"Is it the same thing your mom had?" You asked, looking at him, tears in your eyes.
"It was..." He smiles as you glance up at him. "We think it's in remission."
You gasp in joy and pull him into a hug. "Really? That's wonderful news!"
Harry feels his heart pound as you hug him- he's missed this. "I- I missed you, more than anything. I'm so sorry for the way I left things, for what I put you through, even though I was trying to protect you. I hurt you even more. I listened to all your voicemails every single one, and then one day they just stopped. I thought-"
Pulling back slightly from him you stare at him. "You thought what? That I'd moved on?"
He nods.
"Harry... how could I? You are the love of my life, I never stopped loving you, even when I was so frustrated and angry with you." You admit, because you truly never stopped loving him. "But I understand, I understand you trying to protect us. To protect me."
"I- thank you." Harry sighs in relief, he hated having this feeling of you being angry and disappointed hanging over him. "I- you still love me?"
You bite your lip and look down, feeling shy all of a sudden, Harry puts a finger on your chin and tilts your head up. "I still love you too. I never stopped, all I could think about was you."
"Harry..." Tears slowly fill the corners of your eyes before you wipe them away.
"Can we start over?" Harry asks sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Would you like to go on a date with me? Coney Island?"
You smirk at him, "Are you going to try and kiss me again?"
"Are you going to turn red again?" Harry teases back.
"I did not! It was cold!" You lightly shove him, but he catches your arms and pulls you into him. Harry places a gentle kiss on the top of your head as he holds you in his arms snugly.
"Is that a yes Cookie?" Harry softly asks, absentmindedly rubbing your hip.
*thump* *thump* *thump*
The two of you jump up only to see MJ and Peter roll down the stairs, Peter trying to help MJ but ending up on the floor, MJ on top of him as she looks up at you with a huge grin on her face.
"Say yes, you doofus!" MJ laughs, and Peter is nodding enthusiastically like a golden retriever.
You throw a pillow in their direction before rolling your eyes at their antics. You can't stop the smile on your face as you pull Harry into a kiss and whisper yes.
"Hey, how comes you never let me on your bike? And you never let me eat your cookies!" Peter asks with a fake sad face as he reaches to touch it. But before he can, you lightly slap his hand away.
"You're Spider-Man. You don't need a bike." You deadpan.
"Besides, Harry's my fiance now. So what's mine is his." You smirk as you settle onto your bike, Harry slipping on behind as he wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a kiss on your cheek. "Including my cookies."
"See ya Pete!" Harry childishly sticks his tongue out at Peter as you ride away laughing.
"MJ, you gotta learn how to ride a bike..." Peter mumbles to himself.
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charmac · 7 months
Today I spent about an hour around/with Rob and I'm gonna write about it.
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He recognised me from last night, came up and talked to us where I really lost all ability to calm or filter myself (which was, admittedly, already very little). He told me he's been seeing a lot of my Tweets and I asked why he followed me. He said he thought I had "a lot of fun and interesting things to say." I did not expect that, literally at all, I was trying to see if he knew my handle, @/pqdres, was for San Diego's baseball team, so I derailed myself from that conversation a bit lol oops.
The night before this he signed my S10 DVD cover on the plastic protector I had, so he offered to sign it properly when he noticed I had it with me again tonight:
I know I just kind of bulldoze over his words, (He said “Thank you for all the Twitter love”) but it’s because I had a script in my head and.. I'm sure a lot of you guys get it, lol. He didn't seem bothered, which I really appreciate.
He took individual photos with everyone who wanted one (like half the people in the bar (which wasn't even that many) had no interest in him) and when we were taking mine he asked for someone to shine an overhead light so we could get a good picture together bc I offhandedly said I needed to turn off my front flash.
I met him again, a little later at another bar (like Charlie and Glenn in October, he just kinda was walking around and hitting up various bars Four Walls was advertising at) and I apologised for my constant presence around him. The reason I stuck around was because I had one last request for the night, something I very much owed to @macdennissurvivor. I told him Emma was the person who got me into the Sunny fandom, and I would appreciate if he could say hi to her on camera. I started recording and then he said 'Nope give me your phone' and then went on a walk and recorded a 20 second video for her on my phone. I think that moment was a fundamental tilt for me.
I know I criticize this man a bit, but god-fucking-damn-it if he isn't the creator of my favourite show in the whole world, one of my favourite characters of all time, half of my URL, the reason I am writing and creating as much as I currently do, the reason I have made actual, real, deep friendships in the past few years, and he took so much time and patience with me, he recorded a whole video for my friend because he does fucking care. He sees us, this part of the fandom, and he appreciates it: that we’re a community and truly connect through his show. Words really can't express my emotions. Thank you Rob, for this.
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haemey · 2 months
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@knifeforkspooncup and I got up to some silliness, I went "ok who's gonna write that fic" and well... this happened:
The newest addition to Credo. The title, which I'm treating rather improperly, translates to "Of all things visible and invisible."
Rated G, 5.8k words, making this the longest part of Credo to date.
Tags: Post-Scene: Soho 1967 (Good Omens), the inherent romanticism of crime, cereal as a love language, Comedy, Oneshot. Bickering, bickerflirting, POV Crowley, with a tiny bit of, POV Aziraphale, Ineffable Idiots, innuendos, the inherent eroticism of sugary cereal, does this count as, Crowley has a food kink, Author apologises, Author regrets nothing, author spent an inordinate amount of time not very successfully researching sixties cereal branding, Mention of specific branded cereals, hashtag not sponsored, tiny reference to, Period-Accurate Homophobia, Blink and you'll miss it, silliness, Crack Treated Seriously, Footnotes
Two years after Aziraphale stopped Crowley's... caper on the church, he's getting the crew back together for a different heist. Cereal-based silliness ensues.
Excerpt: “By the way, Crowley, I can’t help but notice that you seem to have taken a liking to… eating breakfast? Only, I didn’t think you had such a sweet tooth.” Blessit all. “Uh, nope. Nah. Not much for cereal, me.” He pulled a disinterested grimace, but in the face of several kilos of the stuff in his car, this was rather ineffective. And a little pathetic. Why did the angel have to show up right then, anyway? “I’m on an assignment, is what I am. Yep. Y’know, make a few parent’s lives harder by buying up all of their kids’ favourite cereal.” A thought occurred to him and he grinned at Aziraphale. “So really, you’re enabling an evil deed, here.” “Oh dear!” Aziraphale looked conflicted for a moment, then brightened right up again. “Well… really, those children should not be eating this much sugar, anyway. We’re really doing them a favour!” “Ngk.”
I had an inordinate amount of fun writing this. Half the time I was just cackling to myself :D
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Tagging @goodomensafterdark again, thank you~
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colemorrison · 5 months
If we lay, just let the day pass us by
Cole writing an actual story?? What??? Here's chapter one, enjoyy. (1003 words)
It was stupid, a dating app? You had enough on your plate with school and your insufferable parents yet you wanted more, maybe you’d find the one. 
‘Ramattra, 28’ 
That’s all the robot's profile said, a robot? You.. are gonna swipe on a robot? 
“Can’t be.. That bad right?” 
There was no way he’d swipe on you too, or at least that’s what you had thought until your phone dinged hours later while you were doing chemistry homework. 
“A human, swiped on me? An omnic?” 
He spoke oddly, like he was much older than what he said, maybe that was a red flag or maybe it just drew you in further. 
“Is there something wrong with that?” 
“I don’t believe that is what I said, I apologise if it came off that way.” 
“Oh, you have manners?” 
“That surprises you?” 
You smiled at your phone, two seconds of knowing this guy and you were already smiling at his texts? Oh no…
“Yes, yes it does. I guess I assumed because you’re an omnic that you’d be.. Different.” 
“That sounds like an insult.”  
You didn’t reply, leaving the conversation at that for a moment, where was this guy, did he live on the other side of the world? 
“Have I scared you off?” 
“Oh, no. I just got distracted, I was doing homework.” 
“The chemistry page? Do you need help?” 
“You go to school with me?” 
He didn’t answer after that, was that scary or attractive? 
The next morning he still hadn’t answered, you kept an eye out through all your classes, especially chemistry but he wasn’t there. 
“So either you’re a stalker or a liar, which is it?” 
The omnic had started typing instantly but didn’t reply till minutes later. 
“And if I said both?” 
How could you reply to that? You could say you’re into it, you could block him or you could continue this and give him a chance. 
“I’d say that you should quit stalking me and talk to me properly.” 
“You’re an omnic, you should be confident.” 
“On that note, perhaps you should find me in the field at lunch tomorrow.” 
“You can’t eat..”
“That is true, are you afraid?” 
“Would it make you feel more comfortable if we met in a public place?” 
There was an odd part of you that trusted him, you were afraid but not in the way most people would be. 
“No, the field is fine. I’ll see you there?” “Yes.”
You were going to go and give a robot a chance..? First you swiped on him, spoke to him, now you were going to meet him? How foolish of you.. When you downloaded that app you knew you wanted something, part of you was desperate for it, but this?
“Ah, you look just as beautiful as in your photo.”
His voice was smooth, he knew what he was saying and who he was speaking to with no worries or hesitations.
“So you are a stalker.”
Your voice was the opposite of his, rough and unknowing. You were nervous, this was terrifying, you kept to yourself usually, not interested in anyone else, yet here you were.. Drawn to a robot you met on a dating app. 
“You don’t sound so happy to see me.”
“That does not answer my question.”
Ramattra sighed, if he could roll his eyes they would be out of his head by now. He had a million things he wanted to ask you and here he sat, answering your questions.
“No I am not a stalker, I do go to school here. I missed yesterday due to some personal issues.”
“Ah, because that isn’t totally suspicious.”
He sat down next to you, his surprisingly soft metal hands brushing with your own, he had a messenger bag on his side that now settled in his lap. What could he have in there, no way it was simply just school items, it looked too bulky.
“You seem confused, or is it concern?”
“Actually it’s hunger.”
“You did not bring food?”
“Nope, was too focused on meeting someone here.”
Maybe he was genuinely confused or maybe he was teasing you but his head tilted when you said that.
“Are you meeting someone else here?”
“No, I was talking about you.”
You laughed at him, finding it cute the way he was confused over something that was oh so obvious. He looked nice for an omnic, almost too nice, a white button up and black slacks paired with his cute little bag.
“I.. Do not know what to say.”
“Where is the confidence you had when you got here? Hmm??”
The omnic turned from you, seemingly finding the long stretching field in front of you much more interesting, never had a human flustered him like this, he felt like his entire body was on fire. Part of him wanted to walk away, forget this date idea that he had in mind but at the same time he could feel your waiting eyes, you wanted something from him.
“You’re staring.”
“Yes I am, I wanted to see if you would gain your confidence back to slip back down again.”
“How about I take you to the cafe down the road and we never speak of this again.”
Ramattra stood, stepping down the bleachers before offering you a hand, was he seriously going to offer you lunch after embarrassing himself? You looked at him for a moment before taking his hand and slowly getting off the bleachers to walk with him, he hadn’t let go yet. For some reason, neither did you.
“Is there something in particular you’d like?”
“Are you paying?”
“I did offer so yes.. Was that not obvious?”
“And there is the attitude I was expecting.”
“Just surprise me, I’ll find us a table.”
“Wait I-”
He had started but you were already wandering away to find you two a decent table, the music in the cafe felt oddly romantic, especially for the fact you two were the only ones inside.
@ya-zz, I did not think that I would get this done but holy shit here it is. I hope you guys enjoy.
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Four Roads to Heavenly Hell - An EZ Reyes/Reader, Angel Reyes/Reader, Bishop Losa/Reader & Gilly Lopez/Reader One Shot Story.
So yes, this is a beast of a one shot and I am absolutely knackered after writing it, lmfao! I’m posting and going to SLEEP! My brain aches! Enjoy, besties!
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Words - 4,216
Warnings - FILTHY smut below the cut, four dudes running train on reader, minors DNI!
You told him to be careful.
You begged him not to get out of the car and give them attitude.  
He didn’t listen, which is what led to this, sitting around a large table within the clubhouse of the Mayans MC, four stern looking members glowering right at your boyfriend, the president sitting at the head of the table, his eyes combing over your boyfriend, his VP standing behind him, a large gun jammed against the side of his neck.  
“All of this could have been avoided,” the handsome man begins, picking up his shot of tequila and sinking it, continuing to stare dangerously. “I think you know that now, don’t you?”  
Your boyfriend is silent, the VP pushing his gun harder against his neck. “Answer him.”
“Yes, yes I do.”  
“Not only do you cut us off, then fuck with us, trying to knock two of my guys off their bikes, but then, you don’t even have the sense to apologise and drive off. Nope, you had to try and act like the tough guy, likely showing off in front of your girlfriend. At least she had the sense to tell you to leave it alone and just apologise. It’s a shame you didn’t listen to anything other than your ego. For that, we’re gonna punish you.”
Hearing that causes a chill of frost to surge through your veins, the president noticing your body stiffen, his eyes moving from your boyfriend as he looks at you, smiling widely suddenly, his tongue wetting his top lip as his eyes sweep over you. The action makes you settle a little, but still, your brain is speeding through all of the scenarios likely to befall your boyfriend as punishment. None of them are good, because nothing good comes from fucking with a bunch of outlaws.  
“No, no, please, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” your boyfriend begins, the president laughing darkly, his perfect, white teeth gleaming in the low light of the room.
“Oh, now you’re sorry, huh?”
The tallest of them, a gorgeous man with raven black hair snorts softly, pouring himself a shot of tequila and sinking it. “They always are, a half hour too late.”
“Any thoughts, EZ?” the VP asks, shifting his weight to the other foot, the gun still pressed firmly.  
The handsome man leans back in his chair, running two fingers over the corners of his moustache and down over his chin, his nails scratching at the short, nearly trimmed hair there as his eyes once again flit to you. “I do, Bish.” He rises from his seat, slowly walking around the table until he reaches you, extending his hand. “Come on.”
“No,” you immediately sob, beginning to quiver with fear.  
“Please, please!” your boyfriend pleads. “Don’t hurt her, she didn’t do anything!”
The president turns to him. “I know she didn’t do anything, and I’m not going to hurt her.” Glancing back at you, he jerks his head back softly. “C’mon, baby. Nothing bad will happen. I swear to you.”  
You still don’t believe him despite his reassurance, being led around to the head of the table, his big hands bracketing your waist and lifting you up, seating you atop the shiny wood. You’re still shaking, wondering what is about to happen, your fate now tied in with your boyfriend’s punishment, it would seem. Your eyes dart over to him, but this time, you’re angry. Angry that because of his actions, you are the one who’ll be paying the price. All because he had to be an asshole. 
“Hey.” A gentle hand touches to your cheek, turning your head. “Look at me, there you go. I meant it, nothing bad is gonna happen to you, I swear it. Your boyfriend, though? He’ll wish he never fucked with us, after he’s watched me lay you back on this table and fuck you right in front of him.”  
“No! Please don’t do that, don’t rape my girlfriend!” he squeals, getting up, the VP’s hand cuffing his shoulder and pushing him back down into his seat. EZ turns to him, beginning to grin.  
“I’m not gonna rape her, bro. I ain’t that kind of man. Believe me, your girl will consent.” You get the distinct impression that something worse will befall your boyfriend if you don’t, but yet when he focuses on you once more, the way he looks at you evokes a pleasant bloom in your tummy. “You hear that, beautiful? Told you, nothing bad will happen, I want you to know that, alright?”  
You nod, yet you’re still terrified.  
“My name’s EZ, and you?”
He grins, reaching to stroke your neck, his mouth nearing your ear. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” His lips land in a soft kiss against the side of your neck, his tongue touching in a featherlight lick, another kiss following. “Relax, querida. I promise, I’ll make sure you love every last second of this.” His hands touch to your legs, the action making you jump. “Shhh, don’t be nervous.” Another kiss presses your throat, the hands resting on your thighs coaxing them to part gradually, yours grasped on the edge of the table in a white-knuckle grip.
You glance at your boyfriend, his face a picture of horror and disbelief, EZ turning your head back to him. “Just look at me, baby girl. Yeah, that’s it.” His mouth then meets yours softly, the kiss chaste to begin with, his body moving between your thighs, the action which prompts it to deepen, your lips parting, allowing the intrusion of his tongue into your mouth to press and roll against yours.
Warming to it, your hands slacken their grip, enjoying the way he kisses you, although it throws up conflict, feeling your boyfriend’s stare boring into the side of your head, not wanting to let yourself get carried away, not wishing to hurt his feelings any more than they already will be at being forced to watch another man have sex with you. However, a little voice in a far-flung corner of your mind whispers to you, telling you that if he got you into this mess, in a situation that truly could have resulted in you being hurt, then why not enjoy yourself a little?  
Letting go of the table, you rest your hands to his chest, stroking, the feeling of hard muscles beneath causing heat to mist at your apex, your legs wrapping around him, his hands clutching at the soft of your thighs as he moans faintly against your tongue.  
“Yeah, you want me, don’t you?” he whispers quietly, his hands coming to stroke your face as you bite your lip, your eyes giving him all the permission he seeks as he reaches beneath your dress, grasping your undies and pulling them off.  
“She didn’t say yes! She didn’t!” your boyfriend protests, EZ rapidly drawing his gun as he lunges forward.  
“Yeah, she did. Now, you sit down and watch me take care of her. You never know, you might learn something.” His words are cocky, and a little part of you wants to laugh, EZ seeing it in you as he grins, putting his gun away and kissing you wantonly, grasping your dress and pulling it over your head, your bra cast off with equal swift deftness. You’re shy of being nude in front of four men you’ve never met before, until their words make you settle instantly.
“Damn, that’s a beautiful body,” the tall guy with the black hair praises, his eyes raking over you, the big, bald man he’s talking and drinking with giving you an equally approving look.  
“Beautiful tits, querida.” He winks, throwing back a shot, he and the black-haired guy continuing to converse quietly as your focus returns to EZ, who kisses your neck, murmuring in your ear, exalting your beauty before he sits down, shuffling the chair closer to table, pulling your body near to the edge. He spreads your thighs, taking a look at you closely, the hunger in his eyes burning before he dips his head, kissing your pubic mound a few times, his tongue rolling through your folds.  
A soft exclamation flutters from your throat, the warmth of his tongue instantly searing, your pulse quickening when you hear him rumble a quiet moan. Each lick parts the petals of your cunt, and when his tongue seeks your clit, you whimper, wet warmth circling slowly, his lips gently closing to suck, alternating until the noises he draws from you louden, your cadence sweet as he laps at the nectar of you.
You can feel the horrified stare of your boyfriend as he watches you enjoying it, but you don’t dare turn your head to view it, or let him see the desire in your eyes, stirred by the man who currently has a mouthful of your pussy, his tongue laying long, slow licks against you, driving cool fire over your very bones.  
“Mmm, right there?” he asks, a flat lick making your clit bounce.
“Ahh, yes!” you cry, panting, your hands reaching to grasp his head, your hips rising off the table, EZ continuing delighting you with those firm licks, the sizzle of sensation sharp rooted and twisting a coil within you, your bud swelling against the unrelenting heat of his mouth.  
He pauses for a second, kissing your inner thigh before turning his head. “Does she moan this pretty for you, bro?” Every man in the room who isn’t your boyfriend laughs, EZ looking up at you with a wink before continuing to lick you like you are ripe, summer fruit, his talented mouth working the bliss potently as your back arches, your nails dragging his scalp, unsure whether it’s too much or not enough.  
He conjures little bursts of magic to snap down your spine, grinning against your soaking folds as his tongue becomes rapid at your bud, forcing a wail from you, glimmers rolling through your walls, walls that beg to feel his cock parting, such is the absolute splendour of his mouth upon you.  
“Oh god, that feels so fucking good!” you can’t help but grit, EZ emerging from between your legs, licking the gloss of your arousal from his lips, grinning as he unbuckles his jeans.
“I’d have eaten you all night long, querida, but fuck. I gotta be inside that pretty little pussy right now.” He pulls a condom from his kutte, slipping his jeans and boxers to his thighs, a long, thick cock springing free. Your eyes light up as you watch him roll the condom on, excited at the fact this is the first big dick you’ve gotten to enjoy in a while, EZ moving between your legs and kissing you with smouldering heat.
The bulbous head of him snags at your opening before gliding in, a gasp fluttering over your lips as your tongue battles with his, drawing a sumptuous groan from him as you yield to his length, sheathing him well, his strokes slow and contained, pushing you back against the table, his hands holding your legs spread as he watches your wet little hole swallowing his cock whole.  
Your nerves sing in symphony as he spreads you, dragging your walls with biting pleasure, the pressure of him within you perfect, your mouth falling open. Little cries leave your throat, EZ’s hands sliding down over your nakedness to grasp your thighs, holding you as he begins to rail you against the table, a few more inches of him slipping in as your cunt becomes wetter and more supple against the deep punch of him.  
You tremble as lightning crackles beneath your skin, the pleasure searing right to your marrow, his dark eyes fixed on you as he smiles, watching you falling apart for him. “Yeah, look at you, enjoying the fuck out of my dick.” His turns to look at your boyfriend, smirking widely. “And all you had to do was admit you’re a dickless jackass and apologise, and you’d have saved yourself all this. Although, I’m pretty sure your lady is glad you didn’t right now.”  
And as you feel him speed up, his hands clutched tight upon your thighs, you are glad, because god, the way he fucks you. He leaves you wanting more as your bodies race to culmination, his thrusts becoming staccato as he grits curses, his eyes closing tightly as he pounds into you, a torrid chill of heat flooding your veins as you wail, coming hard around the rapidity of his cock as it jerks and spills, leaving you breathless.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” he pants, pulling you up to kiss you, gently sliding from within the trembling clasp of your cunt, pulling the condom off and rearranging himself back into his jeans and boxers, noting the hunger in your kisses.
“Uh huh,” you gasp, giggling softly.
“Didn’t quite dampen your fire though, did it?” You shake your head, kissing him again. “Anyone else want a crack at this insatiable little thing?”  
“Oh yeah,” the man to your left immediately speaks, EZ giving you one last kiss before trading places with him.  
“Have at it, Bish.” He then sits down to the side of the table, not obscuring your boyfriend’s view. “Damn, your girl has a fuckin’ sweet pussy. I’d apologise if me and my guys are gonna wreck sex with you for her one by one, but nah. You deserve it.” While EZ laughs at the look he’s given in return, your attentions are captured by the gorgeous guy before you, his smirk entertained.  
“Well, ain’t you gorgeous, sweetheart,” he rumbles, pulling his cock out, whistling to EZ sharply and holding out his hand. The president roots around in his kutte and passes him a condom, Bish nodding in thanks, pulling it on and parting your thighs wider before he sinks himself into you with a grunt, his head dipping to lay kisses over your chest as you sigh with gratification. He isn’t as big as EZ, but god, what a beautiful cock. “Mmm, I’m gonna enjoy this.”  
Your body moulds to his, the leather of his kutte offering delicious friction as your pebbled nipples rub against it, one hand clutching the table, the other wrapping around his neck as you meet his thrusts, bouncing against him, the roll of your hips taking him all the way up into you. Each thick vein gives the most incredible stimulation as your walls clench around him, your tongues entwined as you pant against one another, your nails raking at the nape of his neck.  
“Yeah, fuck me.” You purr, and oh, how he does. You’re two amazing cocks past even noticing that your boyfriend is still in the room, continuing to look on in disbelief, seeing you getting so into it. Your eyes couldn’t be torn away from the lustful intensity that Bish stares at you with, though, not for anything, his teeth biting your lower lip between magmatic kisses, his big, rough hands kneading your tits as his hips rock into you, fucking into the sodden clasp of your cunt with hard snaps.
He has you cresting with a scream, your nails ripping at the back of his neck as he lines you up only to topple you completely, his cock twitching through each raspy grunt, resting his forehead to yours as he grins.  
“Damn, that girl can take a fuckin’ pounding, shit!” the guy with the black hair remarks, raising an eyebrow, winking at you. “Oh, honey, you gon’ get it hard when you get to me.”  
The huge bald guy snorts. “Yeah, you goin’ last, homie. You ain’t ruining her with the widower maker you got in your pants.”  
He smirks, sinking a shot. “Don’t be jealous, Gilly.”
Your eyebrows flutter. “Widower maker? Should I be scared?”
“Yes,” comes the joint reply of EZ, Bish and Gilly.  Immediately, you look back at him, watching him grin as he scratches his beard.  
“Yeah... you won’t be able to stand up after I’m done.” The wink he follows it with has your stomach rolling over pleasantly, but you’re too preoccupied by Gilly moving to you to give it much more thought, being handed a shot before he lowers his head to suck your nipples with a hungry groan, his mouth finding yours, kissing you with the kind of skill that makes your pulse throb, his hand sliding down your body, thumb pressing against your clit and beginning to circle.  
Sparks crackle through you as you suck his tongue, your arousal gleaming once more at the fresh contact against your aching bundle, while you look over at EZ and raise your eyebrows.  
“Jesus fucking Christ, what am I, a goddamned vending machine?” His mutter has you giggling, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of condoms, scattering them on the table. “Something tells me you’re gonna use all of them with us, am I right?”  
Picking one up, you rip it open with your teeth. “Oh yeah. Unless big guy over there ruins me, but even then, we got all night.”  
You boyfriend sits up, a spluttered exclamation of ‘What?’ leaving his mouth, EZ pressing his boot to his chest and shoving him back in his chair. “Yeah, I doubt she’s still your girl, mano. Still don’t mean you get to leave, though.” The guys laugh as you pull the condom from the packet, Gilly letting his jeans fall as you eye his cock, placing the little roll of latex against your lips, and then hopping off the table to roll it down over him with your mouth.  
“How’d you want me, big fella?” you purr, kissing the side of his tattooed throat once you’ve straightened again.  
“Turn over, ass up.” You oblige, his big hand striking your cheeks in turn before he pulls you back, pressing your entrance and shunting forward, filling you instantly. There’s no slow build with him, he’s ravenous from the get-go, pounding into you as he spanks your ass, the wide drag of his cock sending pulses through your walls, the coil within you beginning to wind on itself like an angry serpent as you cry out.  
His hands grip your hips hard, his fingertips pressing into your bones as a slight tilt of his hips sends him a fraction deeper, hitting something within you that has you pulsing around him as your thighs quiver, sweat slick over your spine as you begin to pant hard, looking over at the gorgeous guy who is set to finish you, making a motion with your finger.  
“C’mere,” you pant, watching him sink a mouthful of tequila from the bottle before he saunters over, seating himself on the table and lying back, his head beneath yours. “Couldn’t wait.” Leaning to him, you begin to kiss, those kisses like honey dripping over a blade, sweet and sharp, full of longing. He’s the one you’ve had your eye on from the beginning, hoping that somehow, once your nerves had calmed, things would end up how they have and eventually, you’d get to enjoy him as well.  
Your body is sore and tired, but you’re far from done being passed around like some kind of outlaw fuck toy, Gilly spanking your ass hard as he moves into you like a piston, your kisses with the man below you gaining heat as you stroke his neck, one of his hands moving to fist in your hair as he moans into your mouth.  
“Don’t you fuckin’ be distracting her up there, Angel,” Gilly pants, a particularly hard shunt into you making you whine helplessly, lightning flickering your spine.  
“Nah, bro. Just being soft with her before I fucking break her goddamned back.” And his name is Angel? Seems much more demonic than his name would suggest, his mouth returning to yours, his other hand playing with your tits as your inner walls begin to clamp onto the cock splitting you wide, milking Gilly of his release as yours floods through you, the tingles lapping in waves right to your fingers and toes.  
As soon as he’s slid from within you, Angel hauls himself onto the table properly, his big body covering yours, your hands savage at him, yanking in his hair, nails clawing at his neck, unfastening the buttons of his shirt rapidly, needing to feel male flesh against yours, since the other three remained almost fully clothed. His chest is a feast of well-defined muscles and smooth skin, his weight crushing your body to the hard wood beneath you, his kisses predatory, your hands slipping between you to unfasten his belt.  
“Yeah, want me to ruin you, beautiful?”
Your head dips, your teeth biting his neck where the short hair of his beard trails to. “Yes. Right now.”
Your demand is met by another blazing kiss, his hand reaching out and snatching a condom from the table, tongue licking between your tits as he moves back to his feet. You move after him with hunger, unzipping his jeans, your hand delving within to grasp what you can see bulging through the black denim, your mouth falling open. Your fingers don’t even close around it, and when you run your hand up to the head...
“Holy shit, where does it end?!”  
Your exclamation has the guy's guffawing.
“Told you,” Gilly nods. “Widower maker.”
“I think we’ve proved our point, so we’ll get rid of the distraction for you, sweetheart,” Bishop then speaks, hauling your boyfriend out of the chair he’s been held at gunpoint in, snorting with laughter. “Not that he’s been much of one with us here to take care of you, pretty girl.”  
You don’t even turn around, Angel shedding the rest of his clothes before pulling the condom on, a shiver running through him as he watches you stroking your clit, bringing your wet fingers to his mouth and sliding them over his beautiful lips. He sucks them, biting down hard before picking you up, and then literally dropping you down on what can only be described as a third leg. Wow.  
You stretch around him, your mouth falling open as he secures a strong arm around your waist, his other free to lay hard, repetitive spanks against your ass as he begins to bounce you on the hugest cock you’ve ever had inside of you, hanging onto him as you wail, muted only by his mouth returning to yours, kissing you with unbridled want.  
Each spank of his hand hurts, your body tender already from the three men who came before him, but your nerves sparking like he’s the first, glimmers shocking you, dancing upon your bones, mingling with your very marrow, Angel moving rapidly to cage you against the nearest wall, his hands slipping down to grip your thighs as he ploughs into you savagely. Oh god. He’s a beast, his groans all grit and sin as he lays bites along your jaw, his cock so heavy in you, you feel as if you’re taking an entire storm within, thunder rolling through your groin as he pounds you until you scream.
He slows a little then, letting you enjoy the humongous length of him dragging your walls, lighting you up, your soaking cunt fluttering on him as he rolls his hips up into you in slow, delicious rhythm, tongue circling with yours.  
“Fuck, you take a dick so goddamned well, querida.”  
Why yes, even you yourself are impressed at how well you’ve managed so far that evening, definitely glad that he was the last in line, because boy, you know you’ll be ruined after him. His groans are long and heated as a bonfire of pleasure crackles up your spine, Angel beginning to arrow into you faster once more. You can feel his abs tensing against you, his pubic bone grinding against your clit, sending a hail of pleasure pelting beneath your skin, your kisses messy and filthily indulgent as smoky groans temper the air.  
Your veins are warmed by the unrelenting, sharp waves of pleasure as you both chase the swell of release, your body sweat slick and heaving into his, until you feel it winding like a summer tempest, and when it hits, cracking through you like ice over a frozen lake, Angel railing into you with a string of expletives as he follows you into tumbling, surging bliss.  
“Yeah, yeah you were right,” you pant, your head thudding back against the wall. “You ruined me. I need a drink, a shower and a nap.”
He carries you back over to the table, gently lifting you from his cock and seating you upon the cum stained wood, pulling the condom off as he catches your eyes in a gaze. “I can make all three of those things happen for you.”  
You started out the night being scared of where you’d end up because of the Mayans. By 2am, you’re shower fresh and in bed curled around the one who wrecked you in the sweetest way possible. The other three, they were amazing, wonderful, hot as hell encounters, but never to be enjoyed again. Why? Because Angel doesn’t actually let you leave his house until you tell him you’re his girl.  
It’s perhaps not a story you plan on telling your grandchildren, but definitely one you’ll never forget.
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thelreads · 6 months
I am back to ramble about Chloe again 🥰 Tumblr eater of messages YOU SHALL NOT DEFEAT ME
Anyway so I was gonna say what really got to me about Yuri and Chloe is that Yuri actually apologised to her. I was stunned. I don’t think he’s ever (sincerely) apologised to anyone but Yor. The fact that he cares enough about her—about her opinion of him— left me absolutely gobsmacked.
Like, them bickering in the car about calling each other by name and who’s the senior? That was adorable. It was super shippy. But it also felt kind of one-sided because you could tell how close Chloe felt to Yuri, but you weren’t sure if that was reciprocated. Though, to be fair, it’s pretty hard get a read on how Yuri feels about other people in general, since he pretends to be apathetic about everyone besides Yor on principle (more on that later).
But when she slapped him and called him out? I was expecting an explosion. I was expecting self-righteousness and stubbornness and screaming. I was NOT expecting to see Yuri Briar, of all people, genuinely apologise while looking like a remorseful puppy. That shook me to my core.
Because the fact that Yuri actually cared enough to apologise shows that he actually likes Chloe. He genuinely cares about her opinion of him. And not only did he apologise with real remorse - he even asked her for advice on what he should do like??? For all his snarking and quibbling, he genuinely respects her. He cares about her opinion. Like. This is Mr Yor-taku over here. This behaviour from him is so genuinely mind blowing.
Because, again, Yuri pretends to be apathetic about everyone besides Yor on principle. That whole ‘I can’t let her see me cavorting with you’ line isnt a sis-con joke. That is genuinely the way Yuri thinks. I think Yuri believes that he owes Yor his life. Life, his entire life. He operates on the belief that giving any of his time/interest/energy to anyone other than Yor would be a betrayal to her and everything she sacrificed for him. In his head, she devoted herself to him when they were kids, so now he has to devote himself to her. It’s as if the only way he can honour her sacrifice is by making one of his own. ‘This is the woman who put aside her own happiness to raise me!’ That’s why, for Yuri, finding his own happiness is completely out of the question.
Of course, it’s a messed up way to think, but it perfectly illustrates Yuri’s character, because, like everyone in SpyxFamily, Yuri is a liar. He can pretend to have Yor-vision all he likes. He can snarl and scowl and deny it all he wants. But the truth is, whether he likes it or not, Yuri does care about people besides Yor.
He looked genuinely worried when he heard Anya got kidnapped, but immediately tried to rationalise it away by saying he’d be happy if she was out of the way. He immediately focused on how Yor would feel if something happened to her, but used that to justify him meddling to keep her safe. And what happened when the adrenaline wore off? Did Yuri croon about how taking a bullet was nothing for his sister’s happiness? Nope. In his pain, he blurted out the truth: I can’t believe I took a bullet for chihuahua girl!
Similarly, for all his hatred of Loid, he should have been driving them to the court house the minute Yor said she had gripes. Instead, he acted like a child taking his mother’s side in her first fight with his stepdad. He actually told Loid to apologise! Even later, when Yor couldn’t say she loved him, that should have been Yuri’s cue to get rid of Loid Forger once and for all. And yet. Even though it’s so easy for the SSS to make up charges and arrest citizens, Yuri has never and will never do so for his brother-in-law, who he supposedly wants gone asap.
(Also ch 89 has a slight mistranslation - the English version makes it out as if Yuri is planning to make up some reason to get Loid arrested. This is not the case. He actually thinks ‘But wait — let’s say he actually was guilty of something and I got him arrested. Wouldn’t that still end up making my sister sad…?!’ That moment of shock on his face was supposed to be a moment of realisation - that he shouldn’t want Loid to be guilty of being twilight or an adulterer or anything else, because Yor cares about him, and him getting arrested would upset her. Of course the next panel he immediately dismisses this and says nah there’s no way my sister would be sad over that. Again, Yuri is lying to himself. And he knows damn well he’s lying to himself, because he still won’t touch Loid with any charges, real or false.)
At the end of the day, for Chloe to even momentarily get past Yuri’s psychological Yor-barrier is HUGE. That he apologise to her is HUGE. That apology wasn’t for Yor’s benefit. It was solely for Chloe. Also, amusingly enough, in that panel when she calls him a self-serving hypocrite and he gasps - the suffix that is used is ガーン which is the suffix equivalent of 😨 and is usually used for Twilight when he’s dismayed because he thinks Yor hates him. Again, it wasn’t Yor calling him a hypocrite there. It was Chloe. And yet, it got to him. Mr Yor-taku. Enough for him to apologise.
All in all, I am expecting great things from Chloe. She is literally Yuri’s only hope for rehabilitation at this point. For all that Yuri pushes everyone away and refuses to ‘officially’ let himself care about them, he has clearly slipped up with her and I cannot wait to see the continuation ☺️
As a final note I will add - I think Chloe’s analysis of self-serving hypocrisy is spot on, and to truly cover all aspects of Yuri being a lying liar, it should be noted that Yuri did not have to dedicate his life to Yor - he chose to. And I think there’s another self-serving aspect to his sacrifice, besides alleviating his guilt - at the end of the day, it is much safer to devote yourself to your one remaining family member, rather than to risk loving and losing anyone else. Yuri may keep everyone at a distance while claiming it’s to honour his sister’s sacrifice, but I think the truth is that he’s just too afraid to open his heart to anyone else.
And so Chloe has both my blessings and ✨highest expectations✨ to get my boy his own life and happiness, even if she has to drag him there kicking and screaming.
oh hell yeah, thank the heavens you managed to get this post through. Tumblr is always a pain in the ass when it comes to long asks, or sending more than one ask in short of span of time.
Functional website.
Anyway, I liked that. Yeah, Chloe is his friend, he trusts and respects her a lot, but he'll never admit to it since he also is a FUCKING TSUNDERE. Seems that every character in the story refuses to be honest about their feelings for others. Twilight can't admit he loves his family, and also can't admit that he sees Franky as his best friend. Franky, likewise, can't admit that Twilight is his best Friend. Yor can't admit that she wants to bang Twilight until she pulverizes all bones on his body. Melinda can't admit her own love and hatred for her kid. Damian can't admit he likes Anya, and Anya refuses to even let the thought she might like Damian cross her mind.
like, jesus christ Endo
And yeah, I also have high hopes for her. Honestly, she feels like the wacky and nonsensical comedic sidekick to Yuri, which himself is already the wacky and nonsensical comedic butt of the the story, but she shows that when push comes to shove she has her head on the right place and she's not afraid to put Yuri's ass back into it's place.
just hope she not revealed to be an agent from Garden put there to keep an eye on him, since the group seems to want to keep Yor right where she is.
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lunamadhatter99 · 1 year
Be My Queen
Part 6
Here we go! This chapter is a lot shorter than usual, I apologise, but 1) I wanted to post something, 2)I want the next chapter more focused on something else.
Hope you're gonna like it anyway and if you want to be tagged in the next chapter let me know and have a great day!!
Chapter summary: someone's back.
Chapter warnings: none... I think. Surprising!
Tag list:
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The sun lingering through the hospital's windows wakes me up, luckily no unbearable nightmares, not that I remember at least... still luckily. 
I slowly open my eyes, getting used to the light and I notice someone talking, or better reading something. Once I focus a little more I recognise Dustin's voice.
" 'this thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnats iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays Kings, ruins towns, and high mountain down. What am I?' "
Before he can go on reading I cut him off.
"Time!" I say sitting up slowly. 
"Y/n!" He exclaims excited.
"Hey, boy genius. How is it going?"
"It's great. Do you feel better? Steve told me you were still in pain yesterday" he checks.
"Oh yes. Actually, it's more stingy than painful, which is good improvement" I smile at him to reassure him "where are the others?"
"Interviewed by the police..?" He mumbles.
"What for?"
"Well... for Eddie's innocence, your accident... stuff like that" he explains "they already talked to me so... I offered to be here for when you woke up" he sends me a sweet smile.
"I hope everyone realises Eddie is innocent" I chuckle "I mean... take one look at that guy and you realise he couldn't hurt a fly"
"I know right!" He laughs.
"Is that my copy of the Hobbit?" I ask looking down at the book in his hands.
"Yeah, Robin and Nancy brought it here when they arrive to drop me off and take Steve. I didn't wake you, did I?" He suddenly looks guilty and is about to apologise.
"No, no, Dustin, I think you helped getting me out of a nightmare" I reassure him.
He looks a little relieved, but soon his expression turns into a concerning one.
"I'm really sorry, Y/n" He softly says.
"Can we please invoce a council with everyone so I can make it clear that it was no one's fault?" I chuckle "you have nothing to be sorry for, just like Max and just like El. And just like everbody else."
"Hush. Nope. I don't wanna hear it. No one's fault" I lift my hand up to stop him "repeat after me: it was no one's fault"
He stays silent, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head.
"C'mon, Dusty, repeat after me. It was no one's fault"
"It was no one's fault" he says it, way too quietly. 
"What? What did you say?" I pretend not to have heard him.
"It was no one's fault" he says a little louder.
"That's right, also next time something like this happens-"
"Hey! No! It won't happen again! And even if it does I don't think any of us will let you be the bait again" he cuts me off, with a stern look.
"Alright, alright... I was just saying-" I try to say.
"Aahhh!" He uses his hands to cover his ears.
"I said no"
"Alright!" I exclaim with a laugh "alright, there won't be a next time. Got it" I raise my hands up on surrender.
"Exactly" he smiles brightly. "But, I guess you earned the right to choose the movies for the next... uh... 4 movie nights"
"Really? Yes!" I cheer then I stop "Wait... only 4? Man, I almost died! Ten at least!"
"We all almost died." He clarifies.
"Oh now you want to specify I wasn't the only one, uh!?" I scoff chuckling.
"Alright... the next 5 times"
"What? Nah, 6"
"Oh c'mon, you chose the last time too though!"
"Alright... 7, but I also get to choose what to eat" I take out my hand for him to shake.
He looks at me and let out a sigh, he grabs my hand and shakes it.
"Always a pleasure dealing with you" I smile at him. "I'll make pasta" I wink.
His face lightens up immediately. 
"Your pasta?" He asks.
"Of course" I chuckle at his satisfied expression. 
"But don't stress yourself too much" He immediately adds.
"Oh, not you too" I laugh exasperated. 
"You didn't exactly went for a walk!" He exclaims.
"I'm fine" I laugh, then I calm down "I'm fine, Dusty" I say softly to him.
Dustin's face changes again, from serene to almost disconsolate.
"Dustin" I try to regain his attention "Dustin, what did we say?"
"It was no one's fault" he says.
"Good, now come here and give a good Dustin-hug" I open my arms waiting for him, letting out a sigh of relief when he finally hugs me.
When he pulls away I notice a little tear on his face, so I quickly wipe it away.
"It's all good now, okay?"
"Yes... yes you are right" he nods.
"We did it again"
We high-five and in that moment there's a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?"
It's Steve.
"Sure!" Dustin yells and I laugh. 
Steve opens the door and lingers a little before entering.
"Hey, sweetheart, how do you feel?" He asks.
"I'm feeling better, thanks. Henderson here helped" I say patting Dustin's shoulder.
"Good, that's good" Steve mutters, a small smile crepping up his face, he quickly glances at the door "so... are you in the mood for a visit?"
"I guess..." I say, a little sceptical after seeing his behaviour. "What's going on?"
"Oh nothing, love" he smile and then opens the door and someone walks in.
My blood immediately runs cold, I tense immediately, as soon as Hopper walks in... I thought my hallucinations were getting better... and now he's using Hopper, too.
No no no no no... not this.
"No, no, please..." I start sobbing, and I cover my eyes.
"What's wrong?" I hear Dustin whispering to me.
"I thought the hallucinations were... were getting better... I can't." I sob.
"What are you talking about?"
"I see Hopper standing there... I... he's using Hop to torment me, " I explain. "Please... make it stop, make it stop" I sob into the pillow as I curl up in bed.
"Y/n," Steve's hand gently caresses my back. "Love? He is here."
"What?" I ask, confused.
"Hop is here." He tells me.
"What... how...no... he's..." I stutter.
"I honestly don't know, but he is here. He's alive. Do you trust me? You know I wouldn't mess with you."
I slowly look up to him, seeing how sincere he is, and even more slowly, I look to the door.
I look at Hopper standing there, a visible worried look on his face. He doesn't know what to do. He softly smiles at me, to reassure me everything is fine.
"He's really here?" I ask Steve and Dustin.
"Yes, babe,"
I cautiously stand up and walk to Hopper, I look up at him to check if he's actually here or not.
"Is it you? Like... for real?" I ask.
"It is" he smiles, eyes watering a little.
"Oh my god" I don't waste any more time and hug him. He immediately reciprocates.
"Everything is gonna be fine now. I'm here, kid," he says softly to me once he lets me go.
"I'm sorry... I... I thought.."
"It's okay, they told me everything." Hop reassures me "I'm sorry I wasn't here,"
"Oh don't say that to her. She hates it," Dustin chimes in.
"He's right " I say wiping away the tears "it's not like anyone could've stopped me"
"Of course" he chuckles "too stubborn for your own good."
"I wonder where I took it from" I tease.
"She's right, you know" Joyce appears from behind him, I just realise she's been here the whole time.
"Oh my god, hi" I quickly hug her too.
"Hey, sweetheart" she holds me tight, she then lets me go and cups one of my cheeks "You got us so worried"
"I'm sorry" I chuckle.
"When they told us you ended up here... God... even though you two are not related by blood, you definitely took your stubbornness from him"
"Well... I'm definitely proud of it" Hopper interferes with a big smile. "Oh... and they also let something slip"
"What?" I look from him to Steve, who has a guilty look on his face.
Before he can answer the door opens once again, only to let Eddie walk in, dressed in his own clothes, meaning he's ready to be dismissed.
"We bumped into Eddie on the way here..." Steve explains pointing to Eddie.
"Oh..." I nervously chuckle.
"Oh indeed."
"Yeah... I wanted to apologise" Eddie awkwardly scratches his neck "I knew you were dead and... you kinda spooked me... I'm sorry"
"What..?" I chuckle amused.
"He used me as a shield... and then he pushed me toward your dad.." Steve explains, rather exasperated. 
"Aaw, poor baby" I joke.
"And while I was explaining to this dingus he wasn't a ghost-"
"Steve blurted out we are now.. a thing" Eddie finishes awkwardly, still avoiding eye contact with... everyone.
"That he did" Hopper says.
"And...? Do you have a problem with that?" I ask, cautiously.
"As long as they won't hurt you, I'm fine with it" he smiles, almost devilishly, "it will only mean I won't have to cover up a murder... anytime soon at least."
I see Eddie and Steve share a, not very subtle, scared look. They then turn to me asking for help, but I can't help but laugh. I know Hopper is only messing with them.
"Alright!" Joyce claps her hands to change the subject. "How about after you are dismissed we all gather around and have dinner together? Uh?"
"Definitely" I support her saving my boyfriends from Hop.
"C'mon, let's go, Jim. C'mon, you scared them enough" Joyce gently grabs Hop's Armstrong guide him out.
"Eh... not exactly enough. But there's plenty of time" he teases. "Take care, kids. Anything happens you call me, alright?"
"Sure, Hop" I smile at him.
"I'll come check on you tomorrow" he says.
I wave at them as they walk out.
"What a perfect way to say to my father we're in a relationship... Great job" I laugh.
"Yeah, you couldn't have chosen a better way, guys?" Dustin asks, with a amused grin.
"Hey don't look at me, man, he did it all" Eddie defends himself. 
"Yeah yeah, it just came out... I'm sorry" he says, coming up to me and gently taking my hand in his.
"Hey, it's fine. I never thought I'd ever have to tell him something like that in the first place... so... it's actually better this way" I smile at them.
"He... he wouldn't actually.. murder us right?" Eddie asks.
"In the most brutal way" I joke and he glares at me.
"Very funny" he sarcastically says.
"I know" I wink at him.
"I came here to tell you they're dismissing me, by the way" he tells me "Wayne's outside to take me home. As a free man, nonetheless"
"Rightfully" I smile" do you feel better, though? Like actually okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah, yeah, I do, don't worry, my beautiful girl" he says getting closer to me and Steve.
"Alright, I'm still here" Dustin announces.
"Not my problem" was Eddie simple answer.
"Okay. My queue to leave. Bye, guys, get better Y/n. Bye" he quickly rushes out of the room.
"There you go... you scared Dustin" I say.
"Thankfully" Steve comments.
"You two are terrible" I laugh.
Eddie smirks before kissing me softly on the lips and then lets Steve do the same.
"About going home..." Steve starts " my parents won't be home for the next... uh... couple of months.  Not surprising, I know, but... well... if you guys want to stay over and... maybe start to actually figure our whole situation out... we could"
"That's not a bad idea, Harrington." Eddie's still smirking "what do you say, sweetheart?"
"I say it's a great idea" I say and the kiss each boy on the cheek.
"And once you're out of here, we're taking you to the most amazing date you can ever imagine" Steve declares with a big loving smile.
"Easy there, Stevie... let's not create expectations we can't live up to" Eddie says making me laugh.
"Even a simple pizza and a movie at home would be absolutely perfect" I assure them.
"See?" Steve points at me looking at Eddie "she has no expectations at all. We're safe"
"Yeah... I guess you're right, man" Eddie agrees.
"C'mon, don't let your uncle wait too long." I say to Eddie kissing him.
"Oh fine fine. I'll leave." He sweetly smile down at me "you better get better soon. I can't deal with this guys here alone"
"Yeah, please, don't leave me with him" Steve begs.
"Oh c'mon, you two will be fine"
"Doesn't matter. Get better soon, we want to spoil you" Steve  softly says, still playing with my fingers.
"I promise" I smile at them.
"Alright, let's get going. I'll prepare the house for the both of you" Steve says and gives me a kiss.
"Fine, I'll meet Wayne and go home to prepare my things instead" it's Eddie's turn to kiss me.
"See you two tomorrow" I wave at them as they exit.
I go sit on the bed taking everything in.
Hopper is alive... I definitely need him to tell me everything. It's so good to know it wasn't one of my hallucinations.
We're gonna be a family again, with El too. I can't believe it, it's great.
Everything is actually going to be fine.
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chenlesfavorite · 12 days
monaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i might cry what the hell???
okay this might be a bit of a stretch, but does ji have feelings for chenle? like the way he's acting out, it's sorta giving jealousy vibes idk man...... ughhhh biker chenle my love wtf GHWJSHDSJ im feeling everything rn
and sorry ive lowkey been so inactive with reblogging ur smau i am now more free than ever and ready to keep up with the story!!!!
dont make me suffer :(((
keep them tears IN!! 😭🙏
NOPEE jisung doesn’t have feelings for chenle!! honestly, it does give jealousy vibes but… no, he don’t want his best friend 🙅‍♀️
“BIKER CHENLE WE LOVE YOU” we all say in unison (biker chenle is the best thing ever i fear, i will never shut up abt biker chenle 🙈)
NOO it’s totally fine!! im not gonna hold you at gunpoint and make u reblog my smau PLSPSLS😭
some suffering is def due in the story tho… I apologise 🙏
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lunarsun12 · 6 months
Don’t Touch My Kids - Part 5
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After Mingi finished explaining his side of his story. It lead to a sigh a relief from Chan, as he scared it was the parents who taught the kids bad stuff. He heard from his buddy Shownu, how his kids got crazy due to a certain someone.
Lee know was about to kick the door down, until Bangchan used his special tactic on him.
After they dealt with Lix and Innie situation, however an even bigger situation has occurred. Which lead to Bangchan to be scared.
What could it be?
Back at the Chat
Bangchan🐺: Hold a mins? Why is your Eomma getting harassed?
Mingi🦄: Erm…his bestie husband. Appa banned us from mentioning his name
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi! Why did you tell that part! That was so unnecessary!
Mingi🦄: Look man, the dude with a knife wants info. I give everything!
Lee Know🐱: Blah blah, enough of seonghwa drama! So Mingi did it, well then I hope you like baseball bats
After Lee Know said, there was a shriek coming from the door. Either Changbin or Mingi
Bangchan🐺: Hey! What did I say no beating peope up!
Bangchan🐺: It was an accident, I’m sure Mingi must be so destressed. To see his Eomma getting harassed
Mingi🦄: Yeah totally…
Bangchan🐺: He must have said it, without thinking
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Seonghwa, can you give some food to our er pet? The pet wants ramen?
Seonghwa🌸: Oh the kid, these kids are so handful. Locking people for fun
Mingi🦄: Eomma? Didn’t you-
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi, let’s make these ramen shall we? For San turtle
Lee Know🐱: Since it was an accident, I guess I can let it slide. Not whatsoever Chan will leave my cats on the streets
Bangchan🐺: Good I glad, you understood what I meant. Let’s go home and sort out mess out
Bangchan🐺: It was nice talking to you three, please bring Binnie home escorted please
Bangchan🐺: Also, work on those lies…it was so obvious you locked Binnie in the broom closet
Lee Know🐱: Chill, I won’t do anything. I don’t care what happens to him, he speaks too much
Seonghwa🌸: What family…
After Bangchan and Lee Know, left the Ateez dorm. Leaving a lot a question about Felix and IN bullying situations.
When Bangchan and Lee Know entered their house. The house was dead quiet as it was 1am, which is rare as they will definitely be noises from one person. They did their round check, until they realise Han is missing from his room. The panic Bangchan, texted the chat immediately.
Back at SKZ Chat
Bangchan🐺: Where is Han?
Hyunjin🕺: Han? Who? Definitely I haven’t seen him
Felix☀️: We have being chilling with Hyunjin. After we apologise to Han
Seungmin🤓: Nope no clue, I have been busy studying
Bangchan🐺: One of you fess up…I see someone unlocked the door using my Twice keychain keys
Lee Know🐱: Han is missing?
Bangchan🐺: Yes! How we gonna catch him this time! He definitely, will hide super well!!
Hyunjin🕺: He will be back soon, gotta sleep
Felix☀️: S-same me and Innie as well
Seungmin🤓: I won’t be sleeping but not talking
Back SKZ Kids Chat
Han 🐿️: I AM FREE! THE AIR NEVER FELT SO GREAT!! I can’t wait to set up camp!!
Previous Part
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
Does Silver ever apologize for anything?
There is a couple of times, if I am not mistaken. I am certain I won't get all of them down, but I'm going to dive into the scripts of Silver's story in '06, Rivals 1 and 2, Forces, Runners, and TSR, as well as an instance I happen to remember from a Sonic Channel story. I'll either search for Silver's name if he doesn't show up a lot, or keywords "sorry", "excuse" and "apolog*". And that gave me a few instances:
In Rivals 1, specifically Shadow's story, in Death Yard Zone act 1, we get:
Eggman: Hoh ho ho! Are the two of you having fun? Shadow: Doctor! Good timing. I can hear everything I want straight from the Doctor himself! Silver: Sorry, but he's my target! I can't let you through!
However, this is only Shadow's story: in Silver's story, it instead goes like:
Eggman: Hoh ho ho! Are you two having fun? Silver: Eggman?! This ends now! I'm going to expose you for who you really are, no matter what it takes! Shadow: No! The Doctor's mine! Stay out of my way!
That is always the issue with stories from different perspectives: which one is the correct one?
In Rivals 2, the boss level of Mystic Haunt Zone, Silver's story, gives us:
Eggman Nega: Heh! Silver... you're too late! Shadow: You're Eggman Nega! You tricked me! Now you'll pay for it! Silver: Sorry, Shadow, but this guy's mine!
Which then does not show up in Shadow's story, haha.
Also, I recalled an instance from Sonic Channel 2021, where a Soleannan bridge collapses and Silver saves the day with his PK. The translation gives the following:
Feeling a presence approaching behind him, Sonic called out in a mischievous tone without looking back. “Hey, Silver. Is this how everyone greets each other in the future?” “Heheh, my bad. If I don’t do that, I won’t be able to stop you.”
What on earth did Silver want to “stop” Sonic for? After a few seconds of silence, Silver scratches his head and bows his head slightly. “Let me apologize again. I’m sorry. Actually, I need a favor from you.”
...And honestly, this is all I found! Keep in mind I am only looking at the story scripts, so not quotes spoken in the games itself, as I do not have those all written out reliably. And I also skimmed over it more than giving everything a full read plus used keywords to find specific terms, so I could have missed instances. But I think it is clear Silver rarely apologises. He does have moments where he's a bit more vulnerable, like in Runners where Blaze can free herself without his help ("Whoa! That was pretty cool! I guess you didn't need my help, then…") or their conversation in TSR:
Blaze: What is going on with you, Silver? I can tell something is on your mind. Silver: I'm fine. It's just, something bad is gonna happen. I can't explain it. I just feel it. Blaze: Have your travels through time given you precognition? Silver: I don't know. Maybe they have. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much. Blaze: Either way, I trust you. We will be ready.
But genuine apologies for his rude behaviour and such? Seem to be nope and basically non-existent, haha. Silver doesn't ever seem to feel bad about his snappiness, or at least he doesn't apologise for it. When he's in a good mood and knows there's someone whose help he needs, like Sonic's in the Sonic Channel story, I figure he might present himself as a bit more amiable... but otherwise, he's blunt and to-the-point as can be, with apparently zero concern for his rudeness. And in the Rivals games, he only seems to apologise for taking the enemy away from Shadow and defeating it by himself, so I doubt he's actually particularly sorry.
So overall, I think we can conclude Silver doesn't really apologise much, if at all. But if I missed any instances, please let me know! I feel like I must have, for example in statements during gameplay.
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So you mean to tell me, that Finesse.
The girl that was betrothed to the heir to the house of Vaude.
Is the grandniece of the king of the Clover Kingdom?
I swear I actually pay attention to this show.
There's just a lot going on.
I am just... What?!
What kind of ass pull did the House of Vaude pull to make that kind of arrangement?
And I say heir because originally she was betrothed to Finral.
But after he left, she's now betrothed to Langris.
And I got really concerned because there's a flashback of her apologising to Finral that he'll have to marry a sick older woman.
And Langris is his little brother.
But it's cool!
Finesse hun you are all good!
They are 21 and 20 respectively, you are 25.
Your not some old crone.
It's okay.
And I know Finral did a whole I will be a man worthy to marry you.
But it isn't really his decision to make, I highly doubt his father or the King would allow it.
Given he's not even considered part of the House of Vaude anymore.
But speaking on Finesse, she's from the house of Kira..
Which I recognised as the house the guy who tried to execute Asta is from, Damnatio Kira.
And on top of having a chronic illness, this woman deserves better.
And I have learnt that I do not understand the Clover Kingdom monarchy.
At all.
Like we have 4 royal families? Running around.
But only one is in power?
Man I thought the heart kingdom monarchy was confusing but nope this be.
And what happens than? After Langris marries Finesse and the King hopefully dies soon... Is Langris gonna be the King of the Clover Kingdom?
Sounds like Yuno's worse nightmare.
And again, why the house of Vaude? Yeah their nobility but not the other royal families?
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dimpledpran · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
(created by @fiercynn)
Thank you for tagging me @morkofday (x) and @disasterbabygirlnick (x)
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Mimi, 30, She/Her, Singapore, always in need of more sleep, and more time to get through the watch list
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
So I was initially waiting for Bad Buddy to finish airing so that I can binge it. But it was getting harder to avoid spoilers on the dash, so I decided to give it a go. I am so glad I binged ep 1-6 and only joined the airing from ep 7. Because there is no way I could have survived ep5 and waited a week after watching Pran walk away. That would have been torture.
favorite ship(s)
Of course PatPran are the ultimate ship. I love them so much. And also InkPha because we are finally getting some GL representation!!!
favorite character(s)
I know everyone says this, but it is true. Pran is me. I am Pran. Like I have never related to a character as much as I have related to Pran. In terms of character, personality and even certain issues he was facing. It's just insane. And I love him so much.
favorite episode(s)
Episode 10. It just has everything; the highs and the lows. A perfect mix. We start off with the staircase confession, which is also one of my fave scenes, and then we have the boys finding out that the business/Chai was never the main problem the parents, prompting them to dig deeper. Pha's realisation and thew whole park trial date with the Wai encounter. That was such an epic scene. The only thing better than confused Pha was protective Ink and flustered/heartbroken Wai.A little cameo from Gemini, Ford and Fourth! INKPHA DARK ROOM SCENE!! PatPran on an actual hotpot date! And of course the parental confrontation and rooftop breakdown. I know I did not have to list out the whole ep, but I got excited. I am sorry.
favorite scene(s) 
Episode 5 4/4 is just a different league. That should actually count as an episode on its own. Love every second from the lobby fight scene to the rooftop kiss and Pran walking away. Its all just chef's kiss. All the emotions!! I am forever in awe at how Jimmy stood up to Nanon and Ohm. He could have easily gotten swallowed by their presence and energy, as a newbie. But nope, he gave as good as either of them. He demanded that space in the scene. And all three of them killed it! Not even gonna start talking about the rooftop scene. There is not enough time and character limit for that. Another favourite is the rooftop breakdown. That was one gorgeous breakdown, and idk if it can be topped. The way Pat is already there when Pran calls his phone. The way Pran who has always been in absolute control, jsut completely breaks down sobbing in Pat's arms. The way Pat can't hold his tears back at seeing Pran cry. The way he tries to still hold it back because he knows Pran needs the space to finally let go. Pat asking Pran if he likes Ink in ep4, and Pran crying in his bed. Idk if he was meant to cry, or if it just happened. But that was beautiful. I can't watch that scene without feeling like I want to punch Pat for puttiung PRan through that, and to give Pran a nice long hug. This shall be my last. InkPha darkroom scene!! They both did such a rgeat job there as well! I can still hear the way Pha's voice quivers when she talks to Ink. It was remarkable. And to think everyone was actually there for that scene (I think it was this scene?). Cos everyone wanted to see the girls act a GL scene. So it must have been pressurising, but they were amazing!
one thing you would change about the show if you could
Gonna say the same thing as Vi and Vishie. WAI NEEDS TO APOLOGISE TO PRAN! It does not matter if homophobia does not exist in the BB universe. You still broke your friend's trust. There's no way you are being made the victim here. You have to apologise and face the music. I am not saying that Wai dropping the curtain should not have happened. I can understand why he did that. But I can't understand why he got away scot-free, and Pran was left to chase after him with an apology. I do not like that they left this unaddressed.
what are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
It honestly is a struggle to control myself here and not just tag everything I see/read. So here are a few.
♥ gfx ♥ ♥ @weiyingsexual : InkPha X 4Signs ♥ @pranink : The colouring here is insanely gorgeous , PatPran + Rooftop (Stunning colouring) ♥ @petekaos Just an insane edit ♥ @nanons : Pran Fave Character , This gives such dreamy vibes ♥ @mabellsmora : Love the quote with the scenes ♥ @liyazaki : BB Casette Playlist ♥ @lan-xichens : Love the rainbow and the composition , ♥ @baifengxis : Basically their whole rewatch series , ♥ @ardentlytess : InkPha Edit , Pran Fave Character ♥ @raypakorn : Pran Edit , Pat Edit , Horror Edit , Love the blending and overlays here ♥ @disasterbabygirlnick : PatPranXBollywood ♥ Edit ♥ ♥ @morkofday : Fave Ep , Pran DnD , I just love how Pran GLOWS in this edit , ANGST , This used to be my wallpaper , Planet Symbolism ♥ @snimeat : Love the framing and composition here , This gives such happy vibes ♥ @oswlld : Fave Ep , The quote with those scenes just went straight to my heart , Silly Pat and Endeared Pran , PatPran X Songwriting (such a cool formart/concept) , BB as Noir Film ♥ @patspran : New Beginning ♥ @i-got-the-feels : Dynamics , Pran Parakul Songs , Fave Ep
♥ Fanart ♥ ♥ @thatgothsamurai : Photobooth , Wedding ♥ @hereforlou : just all their fanart ♥ @kit-teung : InkPha ♥ @kornswasianguyswag : All their BB fanart ♥ Fanvid♥ ♥ @patpranism : B99 intro ♥ @transpat : Tujh Mein Rab Dikhita Hai , Pat Version ♥ Fanfic ♥ ♥ Promise Me When October Comes, You Will Wait For Me , Remember Even When You Forget, Do I Need A Reason? ♥ @dimplesandfierceeyes : Aroma-nce So Sweet , When Tempests Toss, Embrace Chaos , The Road To Normal Is A Mirage ♥ @sunshinedobi : Melted , Heart In A Cage , Sleepless In Bangkok , Worth The Wait ♥ Contradictions ♥ What's In Your Head (Zombie Eh Eh) ♥ I Only Want To Have It All ♥ @fiercynn : Wait Until The Stars Uncross And Say Yes , All For Swinging You Around ♥ @bbshyperfixation : Pat & Dissaya Go To Singapore , Don't Worry , All My Clothes would Fit , ♥ There's So Many Of Me And So Many Of You ♥ @morkofday : My People, Our People , My Right Hand, Meet Left Hand
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
Fave Show : Honestly am very impressed with how the blending turned out here. Fave Couple : First time trying out a different style with text effects, colouring those random heart effects, and I was very excited with the final look. Fave Episode : I thought it was a fun idea to explain the episode with song titles, and liked how it turned out. BB X Spiderman : Yes, It is not a happy edit, but I love spiderman and I loved the chance to mix it together with my BB love. Composition Gif Challenge : Again, not a happy edit. But I saw the quote and it reminded me that PatPran could have had an unhappy ending. So I wanted to explore that. It was fun trying to figure out all the shapes and placements. Gifted Buddy Series (1 and 2) : This was entirely a product of Vishie screaming at me with her AU ideas. Thank you for all the screaming Vish, I love it all and I love you! Season 2 Netflix Edit : This took so much time, but I really like how it turned out. And it was kinda fun coming up with a Season 2 synopsis.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
Silver Tongues - Louis Tomlinson This song is totally PatPran's song. It was made for them. It actually prompted a whole series that I planned out in my head last year. And it turned out that @fitfmybeloved also had the same idea, and we brainstormed more. But somehow we still haven't actually done it yet. Hopefully soon?
idk anything else you want us to know?
So @morkofday gave me an idea for a "collab" edit and we are both working through it now, and mine is about BB. So there is an edit coming out soon? hehe
I Everyone who has been tagged above. ♥
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