#am I qualified to talk about anything? no. my college didn't offer vampire studies
delta-lethonomia · 27 days
Decided to draft up Tav's house in Rivington after looking at all the houses in-game and deciding none of them were appropriate. Successfully resisted the urge to fall down a rabbit hole regarding medieval home design... ANYWAY I used the Sims 4 to do a draft which was a great idea because some of the scenes I had imagined didn't make any sense layout-wise, and it's vitally important that Tav's bedroom have south-facing windows! (For plot reasons. Yes.)
South-facing windows, of course, bring in the most light (at least in the northern hemisphere), but that brings me to my next question: what is the Latitude of Baldur's Gate?
Anyway some quick google searches imply it's around 37 degrees, so roughly the same latitude of San Francisco, a city I am very familiar with, and the Sword Coast is based on the West Coast of the US, so I'm just gonna assume the weather is pretty similar. (There's a video on youtube about the Geopolitics of Faerun based on the map given - pretty fun!)
Because of this my brain decided Rivington = Oakland, but I still desperately want to look up medieval home design and contrast it with what we're given in-game, my little Sims adventure turned into a solid 8 hours of gaming, aaand I ended up falling down the "corsets are good, actually" side of youtube again (curse you, Morgan Donner, and your adorable medieval cabin!!!)
The job hunt is going great, why do you ask? 😂🥲 (jk it's on hold because now I'm moving, soon. Probably. Maybe? But the fic is going great!)
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