toasecretsanta · 2 years
[ @literallyjusttoa]’s match was @alyosita. My prompt was: “Representing cabin 4, meg retells her limited knowledge on apollo’s myths  through pictionary and does her best not to offend any other Olympian.” The rating is general, and there’s no content warnings.
Meg cleared her throat, looking over the jumbled group of demigods sitting around the fire. Most people looked bored, though Sherman Yang seemed as eager as he would be on the battlefield. Meg guessed he was just eager for some sweet, sweet revenge.
This whole thing was useless, honestly. It had been months since her quests with Apollo had ended, and she had spent most of that time at Aeithales. Lu had insisted that visiting Camp Half-Blood would be good for her. Connect with your siblings, she said, Talk with other campers, spend some time in those monster infested woods! It all sounded fine and dandy until good old crotch-kicked Sherman Yang decided to question if Meg “really knew the god Apollo” like he hadn’t seen them together less than a year ago. Half of the younger campers bought his bullshit, so now Meg was up in front of the entire camp defending her honor. By playing pictionary.
She should have just stayed in the monster infested woods.
“Are you ready to start?” Malcolm Pace asked. He had made all the prompts, and Apollo’s kids were going to serve as her judges. Well, Apollo’s middle children at least. Kayla, Jerry, and Gracie were all itching for a chance to cause chaos, so they were more than willing to join this scheme. Traitors, the lot of them. Still, Meg sighed and nodded her head. She had bet her cabin’s honor on winning this game, so she kind of had to see it through.
“Ok, your first prompt is … Delos.”
Alright, simple enough. Meg was almost insulted that Malcolm thought she might not know this. She turned to the board and …
Ok, so there was one issue with this whole thing, which is that Meg absolutely could not draw. She was going to be working with stick figures here. She drew out three characters, making two smaller to emphasize the fact that they were babies. Then she started drawing the accessories she knew Apollo was born with. Apollo had shown her his cool glowing sword about a month ago, so she knew her depiction was striking and perfect. She made sure to add his fancy headband too. She stepped back to examine her work, then froze. She had one lavishly decorated stick figure, and two completely plain ones. Shit.
Now, if there’s anything that Meg had learned from a childhood with and emperor and six months of questing, it was that you shouldn’t diss the gods for no reason, and there was no way Meg was losing a limb or anything extreme because of a stupid pictionary game. She racked her brain for anyway to make Artemis or Leto more distinct. Leto was simple, since Apollo seriously loved his mom and had mentioned many things about her before. She always wore a veil, so Meg drew something that … vaguely looked like that? Apollo also mentioned that his mother bred and kept fowl, like roosters and pheasants, so Meg made an attempt at drawing a bird. She ended up using the tried and true “trace your hand to make a turkey” method, ignoring the fact that this made her birds about the same size as all of her stick figures. Maybe Leto owned giant chickens, how was she to know?
Artemis, as far as Meg was aware, didn’t get any fancy golden gifts like Apollo did when she was born, which seemed a bit unfair. She drew a moon on her forehead, and gave her a super big bow. Hopefully that wasn’t offensive.
To finish the whole thing off, she scribbled some daisies at the bottom of the whiteboard, because the flowers were important. She turned to the table of judges and waited for their judgment. “It’s … um,” Jerry squinted his eyes, “Is that supposed to be dad?”
“That’s Leto!” Gracie exclaimed, pointing at the Leto stick figure. “Dad told me his mom has these biiiig chickens. Like, double my size!”
“Is that a chicken, or a turkey?” Kayla asked, a shit eating grin on her face “Because if it’s a turkey, I don’t know if we can count it …”
“It’s a bird.” Meg said. “I drew you a bird.”
The three turned away, whispering among themselves and glancing at Meg’s drawing like it was crime scene evidence. Eventually, Kayla turned back to the group.
“We have decided the picture is adequate.” She said, causing the group of demigods by the campfire to start up a halfhearted round of applause. Meg saw Miranda Gardener give her two thumbs up from her spot near the back.
And so, the Pictionary continued. Meg struggled her way through a depiction of Apollo’s part in the Iliad (All she knew was that he killed Achilles, anything beyond that was lost on her)  Made what was probably a slightly offensive drawing of a baby Hermes stealing the red cattle, and spent about 30 minutes making an exact replica of Apollo’s sun chariot.
“It’s … surprisingly accurate?” Kayla said.
“There’s no way!” Sherman yelled from the audience, which was totally rude. “She has to have gotten something wrong!”
Meg had not, in fact, gotten anything wrong. Apollo picked her up on the weekends for, and Meg was quoting here, “Post-quest hangout extravaganzas”. He made sure the chariot was in its original form for the “Authentic experience”
Meg had long since accepted that her dummy was a complete nerd. At least it was helping her win Pictionary.
“All right, all right everyone calm down!” Malcom said, as Miranda put her hand over Sherman’s mouth to stop his complaining. Served him right. Meg though he was lucky he was dealing with Cabin 4’s most non-violent member.
“Meg, your last prompt is … Admetus.”
Meg grinned. She had this one in the bag. First, a drawing of Admetus himself. She made sure to make him appropriately dreamy, because that’s the main word Apollo used to describe him. Next, the cattle. (Meg couldn’t draw cows like she did horses, but she thought they weren’t that bad.)
Then, she drew Apollo for the fifth time that night. Since he was mortal, she just drew him as Lester, which made Kayla snicker behind her. Finally, she drew the grass. The plants hadn’t been important since the first picture, but Meg always drew them. Sue her, she was representing the Demeter cabin.
Still, as she stepped back to look over her work, Meg felt like something was missing. Maybe it was because Apollo being mortal was the part of his mythology she was most used to. She hemmed and hawed for a bit, before it hit her, and she rushed to finish her magnum opus.
Before, Meg had focused on keeping her drawing of the gods as non-offensive as possible. After all, you should never piss off Olympians for no reason. This man, however, was the clear exception. Meg drew frowny faces around him, giving him devil horns and evil eyes. She even added some extra Olympians around him to look on in horror. She brandished her expo marker like sword, drawing some wooshing lines to show heavy winds before backing off and letting all of the campers present see her wonderful picture of the myth of Admetus, complete with a villainous Zeus in the top right corner.
There was silence. Malcolm looked at the piece with horror in his eyes. Even stupid Sherman had been left speechless. Then, a voice.
"I love it.” Gracie said, her face alight with glee. She raised both hands and started clapping as loud as possible. Which, since she was a child of Apollo, was very, very loud.
Slowly, Kayla and Jerry joined. This led to Miranda joining the applause, followed by Billie, then the Hermes kids, until basically everyone other than Sherman was cheering and hollering with joy. The campfire burned high and bright, turning colors Meg had never seen from it before. She laughed, taking a silly little bow as Malcolm walked over.
“Good job.” He said, leaning down to speak quietly. “But, uh, do you think you can erase this before Chiron sees it?”
Meg froze. “You mean he doesn’t know?” The doors to the Big House slammed open, and the campfire immediately dimmed to near nothing. Meg turned back to her devilish drawing of Zeus, and gulped.
She really should have just stuck to the woods.
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mueslicrumbs · 2 years
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who's got you blushing like that
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yukitheoni · 2 years
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Man havent used Tumblr in a loong while lol, this was for @op-secret-santa and for one @alyosita !
I'm very sorry for the late present but we have the ASL brothers playing some cards Luffy might be in trouble haha!
I hope you had a great holiday and enjoy my gift!
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toasecretsanta · 2 years
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A gift for @returnofthemackles drawn by @alyosita using the prompt “Leo and Piper dealing/coping with Jason's death (Valgrace potentially??)”!
Warning for blood
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