#always howling in laughter at those funky little guys
yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
Small question! Are we able to ask where you are in ToQger? Just curious how close you are to the twist in it
Sure thing! My pal and I will be watching episode 30 next. We usually watch a few episodes a week.
He already knows what happens and according to him I've seen other shows that miiiight have had spoilers but I have a mighty pea brain and an incredible talent for dodging stuff online aaahah! I am trying to keep my pre-knowledge of anything ToQger as close to zero as possible lol!
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What is the strangest Ads have you ever seen?
Oh boy, let me tell you of a little ad campaign that gave tiny me actual nightmares :)
So, as a kid, I watched a lot of Nickelodeon; be it Drake & Josh, Fairly Odd Parents, iCarly, you name it- but the show I watched most of all was SpongeBob. No joke, I LOVED this funky sponge lad and his friends, to the point you could give me a description of a single scene and I‘d know what episode you were talking about. Part of that was probably because of the schedule- airing both right after I always came home and as the last show before the movies at 20:15, so I was able to catch pretty much every episode.
Only one evening, when the pre-movie episode started airing, the portrait guy did his iconic "OHHHH“, and the camera went underwater to kick off the song with everyone’s favorite sponge slamming the door open to greet a new day-
He wasn’t there.
The scene froze.
Only broken when a single message finally flashed across the screen:
Cut to the…studio? And a guy reports that SpongeBob is missing from Nickelodeon, they’re searching for him and need help, a website was launched for viewers to send clues and sightings in because no one knows what happened, where is he, who did this, what’s going on- and then the usual program continued without change.
Except there was change, because SpongeBob was gone. Everywhere. Wherever SpongeBob would normally be in those in-between commercial breaks, the program previews, even the icons on the Nick website, everywhere he‘s ever been- he was blackened out. Only an empty silhouette remained. Because SpongeBob wasn’t there.
SpongeBob was gone.
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So when the time finally came for his episodes to air, they didn’t. Instead, It‘d cut back to the studio, and the guy would say that he was still missing, but people sent in clues from the website (that was actually real btw) and they’d show it over the course of the weeks. I watched that program exactly once, and they showed three things. A letter asking SpongeBob to please come back because everyone misses him, a photoshopped image of the sponges’ silhouette jumping up in front of a sunset beach. But do you wanna know what the last thing they showed was?
A minute long video of someone desperately running for their life through thick foliage blocking all their view with the only sounds audible being the rustling branches, their labored panting, and an ominous distorted laughter howling with the wind.
And then the dude went like "wow thank you for the clues :D could that really be SpongeBob? We don’t know and he’s still missing! See ya tomorrow!“ and I had to go to sleep. I could not go to sleep. Like. Sir. SIR. Is SpongeBob getting hunted? IS HE HUNTING SOMEONE!? HELLO!??? WHATS GOING ON!??
Yea. So this went on for a while, every day SpongeBob was still missing and they played that program showing off a bunch of the things that were sent in.
Until they randomly announced that he was found and everything turned to normal again from one moment to the next. Turns out was at the frickin Nickland section of Moviepark this entire time. Bruh.
And this whoooole thing, was an ad campaign. Not for said Nickland like I thought back the time, cuz that would’ve at least made somewhat sense.
Nope, it was for one. Single. SpongeBob episode.
All of this.
For the episode where SpongeBob falls off a random cliff gets amnesia and becomes mayor of some random city for a day.
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