#always here for any and all excuses to trot out some gifs of will lol
sxypnk · 21 days
So based on hxh, can you write a oneshot featuring Leorio with public nudity please? In the fic, he gets the idea to try being naked in public. So one night, he goes to an abandoned warehouse but realizes that the clothes he left behind were stolen. So now he has to make his way back to his apartment through the city without being caught naked. What do you think?
𝘼/𝙉; 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤! 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙝 𝙤𝙛𝙘, 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩. ˙⋆✮
"𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞'𝐬"
Contains; 𝙋𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘 𝙣𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙮, 𝙉𝙨𝙛𝙬!!
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Leorio Paradinight had always been a man of great ideas, and tonight his most recent would put that boldness in great jeopardy.
After a long day of study regarding medicine, he'd thought up with an odd way to unwind: a night out in the city… in the buff.
It was too great a thrill to do something so utterly unconventional.
"I mean, why not?" Leorio muttered to himself as he stripped down at an abandoned warehouse he'd chosen to be his staging area.
The general state of dilapidation regarding the building and the seclusion of the spot seemed just right for his spur-of-the-moment adventure. He piled his clothes neatly by the entrance and enjoyed the feel of the cool night air against his skin. It was exhilarating and liberating.
But just as he was beginning to relish this strange and antisocial freedom, he heard the distant rumble of a car. His heart leapt. In a panic, he reached for his clothes-only to find that a passing group of teenagers had got there first. They were running away, laughing, with his clothes clutched to their victorious hands.
"No way!" Leorio exclaimed, running after them, but it was futile. The teenagers disappeared into the night, leaving him totally open to the world and very much alone.
And Leorio had no choice but to think of something in no time. He looked around and saw a huge, torn sheet hanging on the wall, so he wrapped his private parts with it, though it was nowhere close to ideal: it was too big, and its slipping made him hold it tight.
"Time to get out of here," he said, trying to keep a straight face. His apartment was several miles away, and he had no choice but to make the journey home in his makeshift cover.
He prayed for the night to forgive him as he made his way down the streets. But the city had other plans. His first test came soon enough as he strolled past a 24-hour diner very brightly lit. The diners inside stared up in astonishment as Leorio made an awkward shuffle beside its window.
"Uh, excuse me!" called Leorio, striving to be nonchalant. "Just out for a… very unique night walk!"
A girl in the diner blinked in incredulity. "Is this some kind of joke, or college art project?"
Leorio giggled nervously. "You could say that. Goodnight!" He scurried away, his cheeks heating up.
Leorio's predicament was getting weirder by the minute. He continued on down the street, seeing a friendly dog walker approaching. The woman's poodle seemed fascinated by the sheet, following him and occasionally trying to play with it.
"Not now, buddy!" Leorio said, trying to shoo the dog away. The woman was blissfully unaware of the awkwardness of the situation, smiled at Leorio.
"What a creative costume! Even though you're, well.naked? You going to some kind of theme party?"
Leorio forced a strained smile. "Uh, yeah. It's an. extremely abstract theme. Enjoy your walk!" When the woman and her poodle passed him by, Leorio let out a sigh of relief-the poodle, however, continued to trot beside him for quite some time.
As he walked through more residential streets, the night only got worse. Leorio found himself in a dark alley, trying to avoid being spotted by anyone. The sheet was slipping, and he had to readjust it all the time. He couldn't afford any more unexpected encounters.
Then, he heard the farther-away sounds of music from some party going on. His heart sank with the realization that it was but a block away from his apartment. The noise started to grow louder; he saw a group of revelers spilling into the street. This was his avenue; he had to make his way through them, quietly.
Leorio ducked behind the trash bins and wove in and out of the crowd, trying to keep his sheet as wrapped as possible. There was too much going on that nobody paid much attention to the naked man in their midst, but a few did look in his direction, raised an eyebrow, and returned to the party.
He finally got by the party and was now near his apartment building. The relief was palpable, but he still had to avoid any possible encounters with neighbors. He crept cautiously to the entrance, clutching the sheet tightly. The building's lobby was empty, and he made a beeline for the stairs.
With every step upward, he started to hear the footsteps from the floor below. Panic kicked in. He waited until the sound faded before continuing upward until he finally reached his floor. Almost there.
Leorio fumbled with the spare key, trying not to drop the sheet. The door finally clicked open, and he slipped inside, the door closing with a sigh behind him.
Made it," he muttered to himself, hurling aside the sheet and dressing hastily into some comfortable clothes. He leaned against the door, chuckling at the preposterousness of the night's events.
"Well, that was quite the adventure," he mused to himself, shaking his head. "Next time, perhaps, I will think twice before taking on such a. daring challenge.
The remainder of his night was spent being left to his thoughts about this adventure that had popped up out of nowhere, and all the mishaps of the night would become a story to laugh at in the future. Leorio learned that night an important lesson on modesty and the volatility of decisions taken out of the blue.
He woke the next morning with a smile. His night had been unconventional, full of twists and turns, but it had given him a new appreciation for the comfort of his own home—and a story to remember for years to come.
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© sxypnk 24’ ⋮ all works are owned by @sxypnk on tumblr , do not repost, translate, or copy my work without permission. 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Date: Jean Havoc x Reader (w/ Big Brother Roy Mustang)
-PRETEND ROY IS YOUNGER FOR THE SAKE OF THIS ONE-SHOT (say, like 20-ish) -sorry this took so long. I had an internship and it got a little crazy
-idc about the timeline because this is a one-shot and i’m not gonna use my big brain lmaooo
Summary: Overprotective Roy? Yes. You’re dating Jean Havoc and your bro watches your first date from the shadows.
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Nervous. That was the first emotion you felt when you stepped out of the front door. Today was a big day, maybe more so than you’d like to believe. The sun shimmered overhead, where the sparse clouds drifted lazily across the sky. “Bye, Roy,” you called. “I’ll be back around sixteen o’clock.”
Roy was your elder brother by four years. If a guard dog had a human personification, it would definitely be him. For all your life, he wrote himself off as the responsible sibling. He acted like his grades were better than yours, like he was the one to take out the trash, or finish all the dishes before cockroaches decided to make home in them.
Anyone would have thought that to be true. After all, Roy was young and rose up the military ranks at an alarming rate. But you knew better, along with his close colleagues. Roy was stupid, overprotective, and impulsive. He would do anything that interested him, and if it didn’t, he’d pay no mind to it.
You prayed your brother would pay no mind today.
The front door slammed open with a creak. “Where do you think you’re going?” Roy inquired. He squinted at you as if you were about to do something stupid. “And what are you wearing? I hope you have shorts under that.” You rolled your eyes and adjusted the purse slung over your shoulder. 
This sun dress was a gift from Jean for your (age) birthday. The skirt flowed in the passing breezes like a flower, illuminating all the vibrant colours under the rays of sun. It was a beautiful dress. If Roy thought otherwise, you’d make him understand. “It’s called a dress, doofus.” you sarcastically replied. “Not like you’d know when you only see Riza in the Command Centre. Poor you. Haven’t gotten the chance to see her in a skirt, huh?”
Roy averted his gaze to the sky with a haughty huff. “What are you talking about? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Heat rose up his cheeks. “If you’re implying I harbour romantic feelings for my First Lieutenant, then you’re--”
“A hundred percent correct.” you stated with a smug smirk. “I’ll be back around sixteen o’clock. Don’t burn down the house.” If Roy accidently did, you wouldn’t be surprised. He was the Flame Alchemist, and above all, your stupid big brother.
“Where are you going (Y/n)?” Roy called. You flung your hair over your shoulder with a bright smile that could have blinded even the sun. “A date, of course.” Okay, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to rub salt in a wound. What Roy didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. But then you saw look on his face. Nevermind, it was totally worth it to rub in his face: jaw agape, eyes as wide as saucers, and shoulders hunched down.
Ah, it was good to be you.
The city bustled with life. With the sun shining, and the beauty of living in your palms, you trotted down the street. There was nothing that could ruin your date.
"Jean!" Your tone was light as a laugh escaped your lips. "It feels like I haven't seen you in a while." 
Cherry red dusted his cheeks. He stuffed the unlit cigarette into his pocket and offered you a hand. In his other, he placed a single (f/c) flower between your hairclips. "I saw you yesterday," he said with a bashful smile. "What do you mean it's been a while?" You bumped shoulders playfully and intertwined your fingers together. "Hyperbole, Jean."
"Well, it's one hyperbole too many." He remarked with a grin. "Do you want to have sandwiches today or a hot meal?" You shrugged, leaning against his shoulder. It was comfortable to have him hold you like this as you made your way down the street. He always had this secure way of linking your arms with his.
Off to the side, Roy couldn't say the same. It wasn’t like he planned on following you. Curiosity just swept him out of the house. And besides, what you didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt, right? Right.
Roy wished Jean didn’t hold you like you were some stuffed animal. For all he knew, Jean was just playing you. It wouldn't be the first when he had over fifteen other girls in the past four months. If Jean broke your heart, he'd be sure to fry the man up to a crisp. "Damn him," Roy grumbled. He pulled down his fedora and adjusted the glasses over his nose. "What makes him think he can touch (Y/n) like that?"
You suddenly laughed loudly at some joke. “Stop!” you cried, playfully smacking his arm. “That’s the worst one I’ve heard all week!” 
Roy slinked out of the shadows with a low huff. He shouldn't have worn such a thick jacket. It had to be over twenty something degrees today. But that was no matter because you were being whisked away to the park--by Jean! Roy hurried down the street. Since when did you get lunch? And what was Jean going to do to you?
"The park's a good place." you noted. “Let’s go there.” The bag from Sally's Sandwiches hung from Jean's arm. It swung back and forth as he happily pranced along the street with you hand in hand. "Good thing I remembered to bring a blanket this time. We can sit under that tree."
Oh, what was Jean going to do to you? Roy couldn't stand the thought of you walking with him like that. There had to be an ulterior motive to this 'date'. Maybe Jean wanted to leech off you for money, or maybe he would try seducing you in the park? Roy shook his head. No, no.
Jean wasn't a bad guy. Maybe Roy was thinking too far ahead. But what if he wasn’t? What if Jean pulled some sneaky plan?
You crossed the street just as a car wildly swerved. Its tires screeched against the road like nails on a chalkboard, grinding against stone until it came your way. Roy frantically popped out of his hiding space. "What kind of idiot would--"
Suddenly, you slammed a hand into the ground. The stone transmuted, blocking the car from any unnecessary collisions. It smacked straight into the wall, smoke and steam rising from its engine. "(Y/n)!" cried Jean. "Are you okay?" He frantically placed a hand on either of your shoulders and looked you up and down. A smile rose to your lips. "I'm fine. Not even a scratch."
A sigh escaped Jean's lips. "That's good. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt." You placed a gentle hand to his cheek and pecked it (Roy wanted to gag). "I'm an Alchemist. It'd be a shame if I went down by a car."
"Don't joke about that," Jean chastised. He hooked his arm with yours again and led you away from the screeching onlookers and police. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
Roy blinked. Did he hear Jean right? 'I don't know what I'd do if I lost you'? What was that supposed to mean? “Look at them, being all lovey-dovey...” Roy continued after the couple. They passed through a field of forest green grass, where flowers bloomed in straight, uniform lines all around. It was a beautiful spot to have a picnic. 
You swung your arm, hand in hand with Jean. The sun kissed your heads from the Heaven’s, illuminating a bright happiness Roy couldn’t look away from. Urgh. He wanted to kick something, or better yet, set a tree on fire. How could you two look so perfect? You were only (age) and that was far too young to be dating. 
Besides, you had a career in the military. If your little ‘relationship’ was sealed with a ring, you’d be separated. “Did they even think that through?” Roy grumbled to himself. He gritted his teeth together and ducked behind a bush. 
“Excuse me sir.”
Roy glanced over his shoulder with a false smile. “Ah, what is it?” A little boy ball up and down in his hand. The glare on his face could have been intimidating, but Roy was Roy Mustang. He wouldn’t let some kid look down upon him. “Are you lost?”
The kid clutched the rock so tightly his knuckles turned white. “My mama said to watch out for creepy people. I think you fit well, Mr. Pervert.” He took a step back and launched the ball at Roy’s head. “Take that!”
“What are you talking about?!” Roy exclaimed. He jumped out of the bushes and brushed the leaves from his jacket. Boy, it was getting terribly hot in the sweltering heat. Poor Roy found himself losing what little patience remained. “I’m not a creep, kid! Where are your parents? If I was a creep, you would have been kidnapped already. I’m just trying to make sure my sister...!”
At that very second, you so happened to come to a stop. At that very second, you so happened to stare. At that very second, you so happened to recognise a face among strangers.
Roy was royally screwed. 
The little kid pointed at Roy as if he were the most wanted criminal in all of Amestris. “Lady!” he screeched. “I saw this guy watching you since you got here! He’s a creep! Call the cops!” Jean squinted at Roy. At first, he actually believed the kid was telling the truth. What kind of normal person wore a winter coat, a fedora, and a pair of sunglasses if not to deal drugs in the alleyways?
“Hold up...” Jean blinked owlishly. “Colonel, is that you?!”
You released Jean’s arm. “Oh, it’s him alright.” A menacing glare rose to your face as you cracked your knuckles. What was Roy supposed to do? The wrath of his sister was not something he could brace himself for, especially when she could be just as impulsive as Edward Elric.
Roy waved his arms in denial. “I don’t know what that kid’s talking about. I just happened to pass by, and in the process, I ended up dropping my wallet, which turned out to be in the bushes, so--”
“Save it.” You cracked your knuckles and pulled on a glove. “It’s time to crank up the heat, because we’re having fried Alchemist tonight.”
Anger. That was the only emotion you felt as you chased your big brother around the park. Today was supposed to be a big day. You planned to walk around, maybe go shopping, and spend the night wandering around with Jean for a whole day. But no. Your stupid, idiotic, big brother had to be the creepy party crasher.
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andreafmn · 3 years
I’m Not Afraid - Chapter 2
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Word Count: 4,585
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ storyline.
Chapter: 2/?
A/N:  SOFT DEREK, SOFT DEREK!!!!! If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 2
5:00 am my phone read. 
It was usual for my brain to be awake at this hour. Since before I can remember it was part of the schedule I followed, everywhere I went. It was a small thing, but the sense of normalcy was a comforting friend. It made sense to follow a routine I could have anywhere. I was out of bed and into workout clothes, ready for a quick jog around the woods. 
I started off with a slow and comfortable trot before speeding up once I reached the tree-filled terrain. The smell of wet soil, the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling, the crunching of leaves under my feet was oddly comforting. There was a strange pull that came from the heart of Beacon Hills. I had lived in many places in my short lifetime but this place was different, the atmosphere was different, the people were different. One of those people was Derek Hale, the mysterious, broody, sarcastic man that had bumped his way in. 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Why are you stopping?" He asked, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. 
"How did you get here? Where the hell did you come from?"
"You're not the only person who jogs in this town and this happens to be the trail I take. You know, you should work out on a trail that is closer to your house. Makes it easier to actually go back."
I looked around. Once again, I had trailed off and didn't know where I was. "Lucky for you, I have a great memory. We can finish off running and I'll instruct you back to your house."
"You know you sound like a stalker." We started to jog once again.
"How so?" 
"Well, you've only been there like two or three times and you already know the way back. Creepy!"
"Oh, come on, it means that I have a very sharp memory. Unlike you who can't seem to remember what house you live in."
The con and occasionally laughing at something. It felt good talking to him, almost natural. There was a supernatural attraction that I felt when I was near him, an unusual need for his closeness. Our relationship came easy, as the cliché would have it, it felt like I had known him all my life. 
We ran for about an hour and a half before we turned back. "I think it's time we went back. You have school in an hour."
"Whoa, take the stalking down a notch."
"Oh, come on, I went to that school before you, I think I know the schedule."
"Alright, grandpa. Let's head back. It's time for your breakfast smoothie and then some bingo."
"Very funny." He ruffled my hair whilst fake laughing.
"I try." We ran and ran until I came into view of the curb that led to the house. "Well, this is my exit. Would it be too much to ask for you to take me to school?"
"Not a problem. Meet you back here at 7:45?"
"That would be perfect." He kissed my cheek and left to run to where I believe was his house. My face turned red, and I ducked inside.
"Mom? Dad?" I entered the kitchen and noticed a note over a covered plate. "Left for work early. Eat your food and go to school." I read out loud.
I took my time getting ready for school. My bag was already packed, as was my lunch. A long shower and a slow breakfast were in store as I awaited Derek's black Camaro to roll into my driveway. 
"Thanks so much for the lift. I packed you some breakfast." 
"No problem and thank you." He smiled. "You know, maybe after school, I can finally give you a tour around town. So you can familiarize yourself."
"That would be wonderful." I checked my schedule. "Actually, you can pick me up an hour before school ends. I have study hall at that hour, and no one would care if I left."
"I think I can make that arrangement." He looked at me showing a perfect set of white teeth and a smile that would make anyone melt. "But wouldn't your parents know that you left school? I mean, you won't be there when they go pick you up."
"I'll just tell them Allison gave me a ride or walked home," I said thinking of more excuses I could tell my parents. Distracted by my thoughts, my hand started reaching out to the powered-off radio and I didn't notice that so did Derek's. A sharp current went up my arm as our hands make contact. We both quickly pulled away and I could feel the blood rushing to my face turning it a deep shade of red.
"Sorry, I shouldn't impose. It's your car." I spoke up, quick to start picking at the skin around my fingernails to busy my hands. Derek perceived the nervous nature of my actions and stopped my fussing by putting one of his hands over mine. 
"Don't worry it's fine. Just put the radio on whatever station you like." He smiled reassuringly and I reached to the radio and just turned it on, leaving it in the last station it had been on.
"Ugh, I absolutely dread going to school. Most of it I'm gonna forget either way."
"I'd tell you to ditch but that would be shame on me, so I won't. But think about it, this day you'll only get 7 hours of school and then you can hang out with me. Best present ever."
"Yeah, don't think so highly of yourself. Maybe I'll just wander around town until I find my way home."
"Very funny." He stopped at the drop-off zone. "This is your stop."
"Thanks again for the ride, awfully kind actions from such a sour wolf" I laughed at his scowl. "I'll see you in the afternoon."
"Looking forward to it." I exited the car and he waited till I was on the sidewalk to speed off.
"Was that Derek Hale that just dropped you off?" I turned around and was met face-to-face with Scott.
"Yeah. What's the problem?" Not that it will matter.
"You shouldn't trust him, he's bad news."
"Honestly, Scott, I understand your good intentions, but I'll sort out the wrong kind on my own terms." He looked taken aback at my response, probably thinking I would not talk back.
"I'm sorry if I offended you, but he is not a person that anyone should be with." With that, he left with worry evident on his face.
I understood that he was looking out for my "well-being”, but he didn't know me and I'm pretty sure he didn't know Derek either. Maybe that's what Derek meant when I met him. Everyone thinks he is a bad person, but he hasn't done anything wrong in my eyes.
I walked over to my locker and started exchanging my books. Closely next to me I could hear Scott talking to Allison about me and Derek, and my name should be out of his mouth. Once I finished with my locker, I slammed the door and they both stopped talking, noting my close presence. I walked past them feeling their worried stares burning my back. This was going to be a hell of a year. The only thing that could get me through it was the acquaintance relationship I have with Isaac. I did text him a bit last night but mostly helping him with homework. Lord knows he needs all the help he can get.  
We all stood around in gym class as Stiles and Erica climbed the rock wall. Everyone else had gone including Scott who mastered a great fall. Stiles appeared to have fun, but Erica would let out sounds of discomfort and shortness of breath as she climbed. At a point, she stopped. 
"Erica, are you dizzy?" Coach said. "Is it vertigo?" 
"Vertigo is the dysfunction of the vesicular system of the inner ear" Lydia stated in a mocking tone. "She's just freaking out." 
"Erica!" Coach screamed.
"coach, maybe it’s not safe. you know she's epileptic." Allison stated. How does no one care? 
"Wh-why does no one tell me this?!" Coach Finstock questioned annoyed. "Erica, just fall back, there's a mat that will catch you." 
She slowly let go of the wall and made her descent. No one seemed to care that the poor girl was shaken to the core; they all laughed.
When class was over everyone headed to their respective locker rooms to change. Something inside me kept pulling me back to the gym, so I walked back as I put on my shirt. As I opened the doors, I saw Erica fall from the wall and luckily into Scott's arms. He slowly put her on the floor as the class ran in behind us. 
"Put her on her side," I stated. 
"How did you know?" Allison whispered to Scott.
"I just felt it." He whispered back. 
After Erica had calmed, the coach called an ambulance to take her to be checked at the hospital and the day went by normally. I was currently in my "last" period. Tapping my nails in a rhythmic pattern waiting for the stupid bell to ring. Only 5 more minutes and I would be out of here. This was the first time I had done something like this. I always stick by the rules and make sure to follow all of them. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweating. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Cue the bell. I grabbed all my things and stuffed them in my bag. I used to my advantage the fact that everyone was piled in the hallway and headed outside. Waiting for me was Derek in his black Camaro. Suddenly my heart steadied its pace and I felt relaxed.
"Hey there, rebel." He smirked at me as I entered the car and buckled my seatbelt.
"Don't make small talk. Just go." I said whilst trying to hide by burrowing in the seat. If I could I would have jumped into the trunk to avoid any hidden stares from authority figures.
"Don't tell me you've never done this before." I shook my head no and felt my face growing warmer by the second. "Aw, you're so innocent. For a big mouth that is." I slapped his arm as hard as I could.
"Don't be rude." I crossed my arms, slouched down, and pouted. He looked over at me and laughed. That made me slouch farther down.
"Oh, come on. Don't get mad." He ruffled my hair and laughed once again when I swatted his hand away. "Yeesh, feisty."
"So, where's our first pit stop?" I asked whilst looking out the window not wanting to look at his face.
"A small diner I know. Wouldn't want you to starve." He smirked. "Might make you angrier."
"I am not angry, just annoyed."
"Got some feelings hurt?" He said laughing.
"Derek, don't be rude. You will regret it."
"Oh, what could you do?"
"Is that a challenge?" He didn't answer, just laughed. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. "HELP!! This man is kidnapping me!! HELP!! Bloody he...!" 
My sentence was cut short by Derek's hand pulling me down by my jacket and onto the seat again.
"Why did you do that?" I asked innocently. I had caused the faces of a few people on the street to look at the car in horror.
"You know why! That was totally uncalled for."
"I told you that being rude was something you would regret. I'm not one to say this a lot but, I told you so." 
He tried his best to keep a tight scowl on his face but in a matter of seconds, we were laughing at my past actions.
"Whatever, we're here." He turned off the car and went to the passenger side to open the door for me. 
"Why thank you," I said and took his extended hand to pull my weight up. 
"No problem." I smiled at his goofy courtesy but as we walked inside the establishment I could feel my heart beating faster by the second. "Table for two." Derek pointed at a booth made for two people exactly. Once we had sat down a lady maybe in her late thirties approached us to take our order.
"What do you want to order today, darlings?" She gave us a warm smile as she waited for our response.
"I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with some onion rings, a stack of pancakes, and some chicken fillets, a Diet Coke, and afterward some pie, please."
"Would you like the kitchen sink with that?" I said in shock. "I think I'll just get the, ummmm, bacon cheeseburger also with some onion rings and an iced tea. Maybe add some pie afterward too."
The lady laughed a bit, nodded, and smiled at us as she turned to the kitchen to put out our order. 
"So, someone's a bit hungry. Huh, sour wolf?" I chuckled.
"Why do you call me that?" He said somewhat annoyed.
"I don't know. It just fits you."
"Cause you're very sour and you kind of look like a wolf. Hairy face and crazy hair. I don't know how to explain it. It's just a nickname, though. If it makes you mad I can just call you something else."
"I'm not mad. Just wondering." He slouched on the seat looking less tense. "How is it that I'm usually so bad with meeting people yet with you, I just clicked?"
"I don't know. I'm just special that way."
"Very funny."
"I know! I could take up a career in comedy." He chuckled as he threw a sugar packet at me. "So, since we are getting to know each other we should know basic things about one another. Let me start. What's your favorite color?"
"Maybe black or blue. What about you?"
"Totally red and black." The waitress came with our drinks. I took a sip of my iced tea and continued with the questions. "Favorite place to be?"
"That house in the woods where we met." I gave him a weird look.
"Why there? It barely stands with a foundation. What could possibly be there?"
"It's the house I used to live in before it burnt down. My family was in there." I choked on my drink when he said this.
"Oh my gosh, Derek. I'm so sorry I brought it up. We can drop the topic."
"Don't worry about it. It happened such a long time ago it's sometimes relieving talking about it." After there was an awkward silence, so Derek cleared his throat and asked a question. "Um, and what's your favorite place to be?"
"I'm not sure. Usually, I like places more because of the people I'm with. But if I had to choose probably the woods, it's the calmest place I know. The only place where you can actually be free."
"Wow, Ms. Argent. So poetic. It touched me." He pointed at his heart. "Right here."
"Very funny, now, favorite sport?" And the game went on even when our food served. Whilst eating we kept asking each other questions and getting to know each other profoundly. This has been the first time I had ever opened up to someone. It felt strange. Letting someone know small details about yourself. Making yourself vulnerable to them. Showing them how they could break you. But this was different. I felt like I was just becoming closer to him.
"We should do that someday. I mean the thought of just leaving for a whole day, not knowing where you are going, just finding an adventure."
"Definitely. You decide when the first time." I smiled at him.
"That's a deal." He looked down at his watch. "I think it's time I take you home. Don't want your parents to worry."
"Alright. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and was about to pay my part of the check, but he wouldn't let me. He grabbed the money I left and paid completely. "I don't understand the need of being such a gentleman if this wasn't a date. Just two people hanging out."
"So, this wasn't a date?"
"You thought it was?" I thought about it. "What do you classify a date per se?"
"An outing in which two people go out and get to know each other a little bit more." What he said made sense. It had never dawned on me that this could have been anything other than just a casual outing, but not being too well versed in normal social encounters, let alone dating encounters. 
"Alright, you win. I have officially gone on my first date."
"No way. This could not have been your first date." When he saw the serious look on my face, he stopped chuckling. "I'm so sorry you had to have given you such a crappy first date. I promise I'll make up for it one day."
"Deal." We even shook on it. "Now let's get going before my parents know I'm late."
During the drive back, he pointed out different key places I should know when going around Beacon Hills as well as easier routes to these places. Although I was heavily grateful for all the useful tips, my brain could hardly remember the first route he showed me. 
When we got to my house, I noticed that my father's car was not in there. I guess they haven't arrived yet. I said goodbye to Derek and entered the house, thanking him for a lovely afternoon. I changed into workout attire and, deciding to stay home, went to the basement and started working out. After half an hour of running and half an hour of physical training, I decided it was enough and went to take a shower. I noticed that my parents weren't home yet.
"I wonder what's holding them back?" After my shower, I continued my current read of Pride and Prejudice. But something was bothering me, a thought that wouldn't leave my head.
I'm leaving once the year is over. Getting close to Derek will fuck me up once I leave. I've never had to say goodbye to anyone. I can't start now. I'll need to start avoiding him. Don't know how, but I must try.
I went downstairs to get a glass of water when I heard a knock on the door. It was Uncle Chris.
"Hey, Uncle Chris. What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for your father. Is he here?"
"No, I haven't seen him. I got here and neither mom nor dad was here. Is something wrong?"
"No. Just couldn't reach his cell. I'm sure he's fine. Have a good night, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead and left. I started to worry. What if something had happened?
So, I decided to call him. Fortunately, he picked up.
"Dad, where are you?"
"Oh, honey, I forgot to tell you. Your mom and I will be out for the rest of the week. We left some money on the first drawer of the right side of the kitchen island and if you want you can stay with your uncle."
"But Uncle Chris came by and he didn't know where you were. Does he know you left?"
"Oh, I forgot to call him. I'll do that right now. Goodnight, munchkin, go to sleep."
"Goodnight, dad. Love you."
"Love you too." I hung up the phone and went upstairs completely forgetting about the glass of water I went to drink.
My phone buzzed and I looked at the caller ID signaling that Isaac was calling.
"Hey, Isaac."
"Hey, (Y/N). Um, do you think you can pick me up?" Isaac said in between short pants.
"Sure, where are you?" I asked. He told me where he was, and I took the keys to my mother's car to look for Isaac. He looked scared and frantic when I neared the spot, he told me about. His physique also looked different. Usually, he would walk cowering but now he stood tall and seemed a bit more buff. "You okay?"
"Yeah, just, um, do you think I could stay with you tonight?"
"I guess." I started driving to my house. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, totally. Just tired." I took the hint. He didn't want to talk, and I wasn't going to press on.
At my house, I arranged the guest room and got him spare clothes to change into. He thanked me and left for the bathroom. Something was wrong. But what?
Three days had passed.
Three days that I had stayed in my house for my daily workout.
Three days that my phone had been buzzing with messages from Derek asking where I was.
Because three nights before I had decided to avoid Derek at all costs.
The only way to leave it all behind is if you don't associate yourself with anyone. That way you won't feel any remorse or pain once you disappear. One time when I left was when I was approximately six or seven years old, and I had to say goodbye to Allison since we were sharing a room at that time. The second time was when I had to leave Josie. After that, I started familiarizing myself with the feeling of loneliness.  It wasn't that bad once you remembered the fact that you would always see your parents when you got home, and everything would be better. Although, these days I had housed Isaac in my house, rare was the occasion that we interacted other than doing homework. Isaac would come home late in the night and quickly went to sleep. But, he stayed in my spare room for two nights and told me he had found a place to stay. He left thanking me for my hospitality.
When I finished my workout, I ran upstairs and took a shower. I changed from my stinky workout clothes to a plain white shirt and black jeans, obviously paired with my leather jacket. Once dressed I went downstairs and grabbed some cash to buy myself a muffin and a big coffee. Finally, I found the keys to my beautiful matte black Harley Fat Bob. My father had gotten me this motorcycle about two years back when he noticed I just kept crashing cars. The only thing I never crashed was his motorcycle and because he was worried I would, he bought me my own. I tend to wreck a lot of stuff. It's not intentional, I'm just clumsy at times.
I opened the door to the garage and noticed it sitting in a corner covered by a blanket. Once I took it off, I smiled. I passed my hand over the beautiful color, the smooth surface, the cold metal. It all felt familiar. A part of me. I grabbed my helmet and got on it. Once I sat my body felt relaxed, at ease. A spark of adrenaline was shot through my body when the engine came to life.
I backed up from the garage and went to the local café store. While waiting to pick up my order I noticed Derek walking in with his jogging clothes on. He still hasn't noticed me, too busy looking at the menu. When my name was called, he looked at me and called my name, but I ran out of the café with my order ignoring him.
When I got to the school everyone was staring at me. The new chick was now badass. I walked in with my backpack slung over my shoulder easing towards my locker.
"Hey there, gorgeous." I closed the locker door to see Jackson standing next to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Hi, Jackson. What do you want?"
"I was just wondering when you were free."
"Oh, well from tomorrow to never gonna happen. Get down from the cloud, buddy."
"Oh, come on, we both know you want some of this." He motioned over his body.
"Get over yourself." I scoffed.
"Babe, it doesn't hurt to try."
"I believe she's not interested, Jackson." A strawberry blonde girl appeared. Her confidence struck me like lightning, a very apparent aura of dominance radiating from within her.
"Why don't you mind your own business, Lydia. I'm talking to her, not you. You've already ruined everything else."
"Well, I think she has no business with you so why don't you scram?" With a huff and a puff, Jackson finally gave in and I turned to greet my hero, who was surprisingly accompanied by Allison.
"Thank you, so much. He wouldn't take no for an answer."
"No problem. I'm Lydia, but you knew that."
"(Y/N). Argent." She motioned between Allison and me. "Cousins."
"Pleasure." Then the bell rang. "Guess I have a new best friend, (Y/N)." You guessed wrong.
I entered Mr. Harris' classroom and sat down next to Isaac and as usual Mr. Chatty Pants tried to hold a conversation from the table behind us. Seriously, how much can someone talk? I took out my notebook and started writing down everything the teacher was saying is the homework on the board. Stiles had finally gotten the hint and didn't talk to me the whole class. That was a relief. Maybe it was due to the fact he was too focused on the strawberry blonde who had saved my ass from Jackson.
The day went on quite smoothly except at lunch. It wasn't the same Erica that had fallen from the rock-climbing wall. She completely changed; a more confident walk, she was wearing makeup and tight-fitted clothing, and her hair was perfectly styled. She left the lunchroom after taking a bite off an apple seductively and Scott and Stiles followed, as did I. Curiosity had taken the best of me as to this overnight transformation.
She opened the front doors to the school and there he was. Derek Hale in his black Camaro with the biggest smirk on his face staring at Scott. When he directed his sight to me his smirk kind of fell but was brought up quickly. During that Erica had gotten inside the car and they left, together. I don't know why I was jealous because he meant nothing to me, but it broke my heart. I got nervous. I think Scott noticed because he looked at me worried.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" I nodded rapidly and out of breath. I had no idea what was happening.
"I think you're having a panic attack." Stiles pointed out handing me an inhaler.
"I used to have panic attacks, too." I inhaled a pump and my breathing seemed to normalize. "You okay now?"
"Yeah. Thanks." I handed him the inhaler.
"No, keep it. I don't need it anymore." I said a low thanks and walked back to school to head to my next class.
I felt extremely weird the rest of the day. Why did I feel that way when I saw Erica and Derek together? It wasn't like anything was going on between us. Also, he's far too old for me. Or maybe I'm too young. I don't know. But I couldn't shake off that sour taste of jealousy that the image of them left.
I knew I wanted to stay as far away as I could from hin but at this moment there was nothing more that I wanted than to be close to him.
Tag: @lokisgoddesofpower
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A/N: Please check out my last post about the fandoms I’ll be writing for. 
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red1culous · 3 years
Here and Now You part 3
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A/N: Can be read as a standalone or as part a continuation of Here and Now.
The moment the Quinjet dropped in altitude to prepare for its descent her heart started pounding in her chest. She told herself that you wouldn’t be there waiting for her in the hanger as you usually did. It didn’t stop her wishing for it. The leader of the extraction team gives her a nod as soon as the jet lands. Although this undercover mission left her with no life threatening injuries she did suffer several cuts and bruises across her body. She stands on shaky legs as the jet’s large bay doors open to dry heat and smoggy air which causes her to cough a little. She smirks a little as she slings her bag over her back. She has never missed that awful smell so much in her life.
It feels like forever since she was back there. A year is, after all, a very long time when you spend every night wondering if a certain someone would still be waiting for you when you got back. “Sorry Agent Romanoff! I need you to sign off on this flight manifesto.” Her thoughts are interrupted by a bespectacled middle aged man in an ill fitting orange jumpsuit waving a clipboard as he jog-trots towards her. She starts signing off her name…or a name, before scratching it off several times and using her real name, not the one she had gotten used to whilst on her mission.
“Natasha!” she spins to face the direction of the voice that booms across the floor. She sees Steve stalking up the ramp in his usual captain walk with a wide grin plastered on his face. Clint is a few steps behind him but catching up fast his chest heaving and his face red from the exertion.
“Hey stranger!” Steve says before engulfing her in a bone crushing hug. She closes her mouth to hide her own silly grin. When he releases her giving her a once over checking for any serious injuries Clint grabs her luggage as he pulls her into a side hug.
“You smell!” he exclaims making a face.
“Nice to see you too, asshole” she replies slapping him across the chest.
Clint chucks the bag into the trunk of a Jeep Cherokee. Nice car, she thinks to herself. Not until Steve gets into the drivers seat does she look at Clint with a quizzical look on her face. Clint shrugs. “Steve traded in the bike for this old thing” he says as he climbs into the backseat.
In the passenger seat she stares in bewilderment at Steve. “You did what?” she asks and he laughs a little.
“Bucky wouldn’t let him keep the bike” Clint volunteers and Steve makes some excuse about him always wanting a Jeep. As he goes on and on defensively she looks back at Clint and giggles softly when Clint mouths the words WHIPPED followed by a whipping action and sound.
Once back in the Tower she makes her excuses and quickly escapes to her room. There she finds it emptier, colder, lonelier than it had been when she left all those months back. Going to open the wardrobe she finds more space than she was used to. The bathroom is the same with half of everything missing. She checks the vanity table and it seems more spacious than she liked. Everything was the same but not really. She looks to one picture frame hanging on the wall and she starts walking towards it. Using her index finger to straighten it she seems the faces of her family smiling back at her. Even the picture was missing someone. Her someone because when it had been taken you hadn’t joined the Avengers just yet. There’s a knock on the door and as she turns to it she notices something sticking out from under the bed. “Come in” she calls out as she bends to pick it up.
“Hey…” it’s Clint standing awkwardly in the doorway, “just checking up on you” he adds before taking a step inside leaving the door slightly ajar. “What’s that?” he continues.
She runs her finger across the image of the person in the picture. Tracing the smile on her face she tries to un-crease and flatten out the edges of the photograph. “It’s Y/N” she answers him without glancing away from the photo. Clint comes to stand close enough so he can see what she’s looking at. He smiles sadly at the way your arm is slung over Nat’s shoulder and her arms seem to have a death grip on your waist. She’s trying to kiss you but you’re trying to look at the camera and smile.
“We can fix this Nat” he says softly.
She sniffles softly and turns to wipe at her eyes. She doesn’t want Clint to see her cry. “She’s with her, Clint, I think I’m too late.”
Clint wants to comfort his friend but he doesn’t know how to. Instead he sits on the bed and sighs. “You saw the tapes Nat.”
“Yes and I saw her kissing Carol” she spits back and instantly regrets raising her voice at him.
“No you saw Carol kiss her and she kissed back but she stoppe—“ he tries.
“She kissed back, Clint” she leans against the wall and slides down until her knees are level with her eyes.
“As I was saying, she stopped the kiss and we both know why” he continues not giving any mind to her interruption. “You Nat! She stopped it because of you.”
She rests her head against her knees. She feels a lump in her throat and her head starts to throb.
She stopped because of me.
“How do I explain leaving without an explanation?” she asks her voice slightly muffled.
Clint stands and pats her head a few times. He slowly walks backwards in the direction of the door. “Well you know what kiddo” he says.
She tearfully looks up at him, “what?”
He reaches the door and steps out of her room. With a hand on the door handle slowly pulling it shut he speaks in a  rushed but clear voice, “you have the whole night to think of an answer because she’ll be here tomorrow.”
Tagging: @thewidowintheweb   @natasharomanoffismywife  @imnotasuperhero  @cybeleceto  @silverwing2522  @thelastavenger-3000  @peggycarter-steverogers  @rooskaya-yelena  @blackwidowromonoff  @lesbian-x-blackwidow  @nowthisisliving27   @izalesbean  @aaron-despair  @marvelfansince08love  @rileigh519   @wannabe-fic-reader  @hcartbyheart  @marvel-randomness  @thewitchandtheassassin  @username23345  @xixxiixx  @rebeliz777  @summergeezburr  @frostedfavesmain  @higherfurther-romanova @sapphicluxanna @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @chicken-wang09
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Your own kind. (George Weasley x reader)
Request: Would you do a George Weasley imagine of him dating Slytherin girl in the Golden Trios year for almost a year (their anniversary is the night of the Yule Ball) and during a detention with Umbridge she tries to get the reader to break up with George since she should “stick with her kind”, even though the reader is friends with the Gryffindors, apart of Dumbledore's army and her family is apart of the Order which only strengthens their relationship?
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: mentions of blood, pain, Dolores Jane Umbridge should be a warning in herself. 
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It had been more blissful than you’d initially thought it was going to be. Dating George Weasley, that is. You’d known him for a while; your parents were a part of the order and longtime friends of his parents. Despite being in Slytherin and two years below him, you and he had always gotten along well while you were at school. So well, in fact, that on the night of the Yule ball, George had confessed his true feelings for you. Feelings that you most certainly also had for him. Since then it’d been smooth sailing, you spent a lot of time at the Gryffindor table, not that that was uncommon for you. Everyday you and George seemed to fall for each other more. You were sharing every Hogsmeade trip, study hour and mealtime together, revelling in each other's company and when summer came, you kept in contact by owl daily. You’d been so excited to spend as much of George’s last year together when you’d come back on the first of September. 
Of course, you couldn’t know about the pink-clad monster that awaited you at Hogwarts. Umbridge quickly changed every little thing she could, seemingly just to make life hellish for students and staff alike until even the air in the castle seemed different: Heavy, quiet and always pungent with her overly sweet perfume. When she’d made it impossible for houses to mingle at mealtimes and you were forced to send disappointed waves to your friends at Gryffindor’s table instead of sitting with them like you usually did. George had reassured you that at least you could see each other between lessons. Then she’d banned girls and boys from being within six inches of each other (even though she was sure to separate anyone who as much as dared to sit with each other regardless of how close they were), banned girls from wearing trousers, forcing girls to wear skirts and extra pairs of stockings in the frigid Scottish winter. You and your friends were more than fed up when the DA was formed and you joined immediately, excited to finally have some time with your friends from Gryffindor, most of all George whom you’d rarely seen because of Umbridge’s apparent grudge against the twins, as they continued to retaliate her every rule with a new joke product from their fast-growing assortment. “Detention Mr Weasley and Mr Weasley! And you too miss Y/L/N!” Umbridge shrieked, still standing in the muddy slush that had come from Fred dropping their newest product: The portable swamp in the corridor of the fourth floor, “But Y/n wasn’t in on it!” George replied, stepping in front of you, “If you want us to sit in detention, that’s fine but she shouldn’t be punished for something she didn’t do!” behind him, you tugged at his sleeve, “George, please it’s fine. It doesn’t matter,” you whispered in an attempt to soothe your boyfriend’s rising temper but he yanked his arm free and crossed it with the other instead, not backing down from Umbridge’s glare, “I’m so sorry, Mr Weasley, but I find it very hard to believe that she was not involved in whatever has happened here, given that she was clearly with you when it happened,” Umbridge said, managing a stiff smile, “Pardon me, professor, but I don’t think you are sorry,” George said with a hardened expression on his face. At this point the tension in the corridor was so intense that you wanted nothing more than to drag George away in an attempt to escape whatever unpleasant consequences that were to come from all this. Umbridge looked as if she was about to explode for a fleeting moment before a twisted, blissful smile appeared on her face, “I think we’ll make that a weeks detention for the lot of you since you haven’t seemed to learn your lesson yet,” Umbridge said, “Y/n can start hers immediately,” she said, “I’ll see you in my office in fifteen minutes, miss Y/L/N,” She says, beginning to make her way out of the swampy water that was now up to her ankles, “Do not be late.” After George escorted you up to Umbridge’s office, using a long list of words his mother certainly would not approve of to complain about Umbridge’s punishment, you’d kissed him goodbye and promised him that it really wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t long between you being let in by Umbridge, who had changed into a different though just as horrid set of vibrant pink robes, to you having the dreaded Black quill in your hand, scribbling the same sentences over and over, your hand’s old scar from your last detention being scratched open. You tried not to wince while you felt a warm drop of blood trail down the side of your hand, the cuts burning more intensely with every letter you wrote, “Your relations to Mr Weasley,” her words make you look up in surprise, normally she didn’t speak to you when you had detentions with her, she mostly just watched and sighed with content at every hiss of pain that escaped you, “I take it they are not entirely platonic?” she asks. Her back is turned to you as she stands by her window, looking out into the rainy evening, “He’s my boyfriend, professor,” you say in a quizzical tone, where on earth was this going? “Yes, well I think it would be best if you stopped seeing him for the foreseeable future,” Umbridge said, “I think it would be most beneficial for you to stick to your own kind in Slytherin house where such aggressive and barbaric exploits are more frowned upon, I would hate to see such a promising young woman be persuaded into the ranks of troublemakers with no future prospects, such as Mr Weasley and his brother,” she says in her saccharine voice. You sit and stare at her, eyes bulging in shock at her words. You don’t know how to react for a moment, before the anger inside you registers, “I’m sorry to disappoint you, professor, but I’m afraid I can’t do that,” You say, “Not only do I not particularly get along with “my own kind” as you so put it but I actually happen to prefer and even love spending my time doing such aggressive and barbaric exploits because at least it’s not submitting to the tyranny you’ve been holding down on us all since you’ve arrived,” you’ve risen from your seat, your fist clenched around the hem of your school bag causing it to ache and bleed more profusely but you hardly sense it, your face is burning with fury and though you’re shaking with fear and adrenaline of standing up to Umbridge, you feel a greater need to say what you’ve longed to say since the beginning of the year, “and I’m sorry, Dolores, that you’re so blinded by your hatred and your bigotry that you refuse to see beyond what your narrow little mind sees as valuable, because if you could, you’d see that troublemakers like the twins have bigger ideas and broader prospects than any of your little inquisitor’s squad have,” and with that you turn on your heel, knocking over her chair, and leave as quickly as possible. As soon as you exit Umbridge’s office you break into a sprint, nearly falling over when you turn a corner and almost bump into George, he looks puzzled that you’re already out but at the distinct clicks of Umbridge’s heels coming down the hallway behind you, you grab him and break into a run again. George, who’s developed a good radar for being on the run from authorities, doesn’t question you and easily keeps up with you as you run down a familiar set of corridors until you reach the door to the room of requirement, though when you burst through it you don��t find the DA’s headquarters but a normal supply closet, just big enough for the two of you to squeeze inside. “What was that about?” George asks, breathing heavily, you take a few steadying breaths before answering, “I may or may not have told off Umbridge just now,” you say, making George grin, “and I may or may not have knocked over her chair and stormed out before she’d excused me,” “oof,” George says suppressing a laugh, “I can’t say I feel bad for her though, the old bat deserves a lot more than being told off,” he says, “what’d she do to make you say something?” “She said I should stick to my own kind,” you reply, “instead of hanging out with you,” “And what did you say?” his smile widens, “That there’s not a chance in hell I’m going to give you up,” you step closer to him, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, “at least not for her sake,” George presses another kiss to your lips while his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer, “Well that’s good to know because I’m not going going anywhere without you either,” he says, “on that note, you should come with me,” “George,” you start, it wasn’t the first time he’d suggested that you should leave with him, “I know, I know but you and I both know you’ll be happier if you come with us. You can be the first lady of the shop if you want?” he says, giving your waist a squeeze, “live with us above the shop, what do you say?” he begins to lean down, his face millimetres from yours when a set of footsteps approaching causes you to jump. You both freeze as Umbridge’s heels trot by followed by a shuffle of several feet, “I want you to search the entire castle if you have to! I have never heard such slander from a student until now, just wait until Cornelius hears about this she’ll be sorry, her and those twins!” Umbridge’s shrill voice rings through the corridor as she continues down the hallway and eventually, the scuttle becomes fainter until it completely disappears. You turn to George, shock painted on your face, “You know what? Leaving early doesn’t sound so bad after all.”
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Hey there, @madeofsaltiness​! Here is your second match-up, this time for Haikyuu!! Once again, I’m very appreciative that you commissioned me, and I hope you’ve enjoyed them!
I match you with...
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Kōtarō Bokuto!
That’s right, this is the man for you! This gentle giant loves you to the ends of the earth and thinks that you’re the most adorable girl on the planet. He thinks it’s so adorable how shy you are at first, but loves it even more when you open up to him and become a ball of enthusiasm just like him! He loves it when you give him advice; he always listens, even sometimes too enthusiastically... However, he knows that sometimes you can be so stubborn that you don’t practice what you preach, so sometimes he has to wrap you up in a bear hug and tell you to stop and think for a minute. Is it just an excuse to cuddle you? Probably, but he does worry, too!
Kōtarō loves to laugh, so he definitely appreciates that you have a sense of humor. He’s an optimist that borders on overconfident, so he likes that you look on the bright side and make the best of situations, too! He thinks you’re a bundle of fun, so he loves to take you out to clubs and parties so you can have a good time! Though Kōtarō is a full-on extrovert, he knows that sometimes you just don’t have the energy. Don’t be afraid to tell him you’re not feeling it! If you don’t want to go out, he is 100% okay with snuggling up with you for a night of movies or videogames, too! As long as he’s with you, this big guy is completely happy! 
Kōtarō also loves animals, especially dogs! His favorite are big, poofy, energetic dogs. He loves to wrestle around on the floor or in the grass with his pupper, and is very enthusiastic about training it to fetch. He likes taking the dog to the dog park too to socialize, but it’s more just so Kōtarō can go around petting every pooch in sight. 
Kōtarō loves that you dance! He thinks it’s soooooo sexy! He loves to dance with you, too, even though he’s not nearly as skilled as you are. He likes it when you choreograph routines for you guys to do together; he gets so into it, and even though his movements are a bit more fumbly and uncoordinated, he has a blast! He loves to just sit back and watch you dance sometimes, too. He just thinks it’s the sexiest thing on the planet, and as soon as you’re done dancing, he just can’t help grabbing you by the hips and kissing you all over because it just makes him realize how damn amazing you are!
He also thinks it’s really fun how many languages you know. He wants you to teach him and is an avid and quick learner. He even goes out of his way to find new languages for you guys to learn together. He thinks it’s a great way to spend time with you, and it can be useful down the road. 
Kōtarō is a big boy and big boys gotta eat, so this mans is a real foodie. He loves to go find the weirdest things possible to eat, so therefore, he loves to travel. You don’t even have to give him money; if it’s weird, outlandish, or even a little bit disgusting, Kōtarō is gonna try to eat it just to say he did. It makes food outings really fun and memorable, though!
Though Kōtarō seems like a dense airhead, he can actually get pretty thoughtful when he wants to. He loves to snuggle up with you in the bed or under the stars and have deep conversations into the night. Oftentimes these turn into silly hypotheticals and debates, given that both of you are fun-loving people, but sometimes you get a peek of just how philosophical Kōtarō can be. 
I’m really enthusiastic about how much Kōtarō loves food, so I thought that some headcanons on one of your food adventures would be fun!: 
You and Kōtarō often go meandering downtown in search of street food and dives to go try some new food. You walk hand-in-hand down the small streets and sidewalks, discussing what you’re in the mood for. 
It really doesn’t matter, though, because as soon as Kōtarō sees something that interests him, he’s zooming off with you in tow. He’s targeted a new street vendor, so it seems the decision for dinner has been made regardless of any input you may offer. 
He plunks down at the counter, practically bristling with excitement as he drinks in the oden steaming in vats of broth in silver trays. You’d never had oden before, since it wasn’t sold in these parts, so you had to admit that you were excited to try it. You sit down beside Kōtarō, studying the selection while making small talk with the vendor. 
It ended up being a good decision. The various oden were steeped in rich broth that saturated them with flavor, making you hum with delight at every bite. Kōtarō was inhaling the oden like a ravenous beast; you almost felt bad, knowing that your boyfriend was going to devour the vendor’s entire stock. Your wallet already felt lighter. 
However, that didn’t matter. The smile on Kōtarō’s face was simply radiant, and praise tumbled from his mouth, enough to make the vendor begin to blush. You loved seeing him this happy, so it didn’t matter how much it cost. 
Like usual, though, Kōtarō overdoes it. He’s nursing a distended belly and practically waddling down the street whence you came, bellyaching about his bellyache. He nuzzles into you, seeking your touch to soothe the pain, and you can’t help but joke about what a baby he is. Still, he’s your baby. 
Again, Kōtarō loves big, floofy dogs. I thought I would elaborate on that with a cute little scenario, specifically about a trip to the dog park: 
You don’t know who’s bounding faster, your St. Bernard or Kōtarō, as you walk through the gate of the dog park. Your dog immediately zooms into the grass, falling onto his back to begin rolling around in the dewy, pleasantly-smelling blades. His fluffy fur drifts on the breeze, even though you’d brushed him before you left. Kōtarō flops onto the dog’s belly to boop its nose with his own, then ravage its belly with enthusiastic pets and scratches. 
Sometimes, you wondered if Kōtarō was nothing more than a big, silly dog in human form. 
His eyes are bright when he turns to you, and it didn’t take much of your imagination to envision him crowned with big floppy ears and a thick, wagging tail. You smile as you crouch down to pet your dog’s head, watching his big pink tongue loll happily and douse his fur in drool. 
“Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?” Kōtarō babbled as he swept his large hands around the dog’s furry belly in wide circles. The dog barked in response, loud and booming, that attracted the attention of nearby pets and owners alike. You laughed, always charmed by Kōtarō’s enthusiasm for your shared pet. They really were on the same wavelength, and there was so much love between them. 
“All right, boy. You wanna fetch?” Kōtarō asked while he stood, pulling a tennis ball out of his hoodie pocket. The dog rolled onto his belly, barking again, and Kōtarō wasted no time in hurling the ball as far as he could. It sailed across the park to land near the fence. With speed almost surprising for such a hulky body, your dog took off for the ball. While you waited for him to retrieve it, you sidled up to your boyfriend and hugged his waist. 
“What is it, babe?” he asked, still watching your dog with a smile, but he dropped a kiss into your hair. 
“Sometimes I think you love him more than me,” you joked. He looked at you with raised eyebrows, and then a cute smile graced his lips. 
“Hahhhh? I could never! First of all, he’s not a good kisser,” he joked back. You tipped your head back in laughter. Indeed, they were more tongue baths than kisses that left Kōtarō’s face shining with drool and his hair sticking up in odd places. The dog trotted back up to their feet and plopped the ball down at their feet, then ran off to go bother a Doberman. 
Kōtarō wound his arms around you and hugged you close, showering you in kisses. 
“You’ll always be my number one, baby. That’s a fact <3″ 
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darling-i-read-it · 6 years
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 1959
Warnings: cuss words, near sexual encounter but nothing really
Author’s Note: Songs Without Words!! I am no way excusing Billy’s racist and stupid behavior btw he’s still a crappy person but I wanna assume he’ll get better.
Summary: Billy’s in love with his science partner and needs to get with her ASAP.
Song: Head over heels by tears for fears
Billy’s Playlist
(not my gif)
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Billy Hargrove didn’t fall in love with anybody. He didn’t long for someone’s presence or voice or hair or legs.
Legs maybe.
But nothing else. He was cold, he was a fuck and forget kind of guy. He was in no way ever going to be the kind of guy who ‘settled down and had a nice life’. He was bound to dropout of high school, work on cars and pick up chicks for the rest of his life.
Until he met you. You were a problem. You were stopping him from fulfilling his high school dropout prophecy and he didn’t like that. In fact he hated that.
But he couldn’t bring it in himself to hate you.
That made him angrier though.
Because you were just another girl.
But you weren’t. And that pissed him off.
You were with your friends, just chatting about life and it’s times and Billy was watching from afar. He had science with you, second period and he made a point every morning not to skip that class although he made a different excuse to himself each time.
It’s my lowest grade He didn’t care. He didn’t even know if it was.
I need to intimidate Harrington. Who wasn’t in that class with him.
Dad would kill me if I skipped. The truest one of the bunch to say the least. His dad would have his head if he skipped. Not that Billy really cared much, no matter how much it hurt when he got drunk.
But each was a cover for the fact that he just really needed to see his science partner. You. You treated him like just another person, a guy in the class as any other and although he hated that you dismissed his flirting for ‘just being a guy’ he loved the fact that you didn’t really care.
It crossed his mind once that you liked girls and the thought made his heart lurch with fear. Although he asked a friend of your friend and confirmed you were in fact, into dudes.
Today was another science class day which made him happy. He had science every other day so when he realized today was a good day he trotted into school, promptly as the bell for second period rang. He sat across from you as usual and you gave him a smile that you hoped showed that you were in a good mood today.
Truth be told you were nowhere near in a good mood. You were in a crappy mood, your first period math class being more horrible than it usually was. Somehow Billy saw right through you.
“What’s up princess?” he asked. You shook your head and tried another smile.
“Nothing’s wrong Billy I don’t know where you’d get that id-”
“What’s wrong Y/N?” he tried again. You sighed and slumped your shoulders.
“Math class. You know usual not understanding things,” you confined. Billy smiled his winning smile at you.
“Actually I don’t. I don’t go to math class.” You rolled your eyes.
“I forgot. You only go to science. Am I really just that charming?” you joked.
“Sure sweetheart,” he confessed subtly. “Maybe I just like blowing things up.” This gave you a laugh and he cherished in the laugh.
“I think it’s me. I’ll be honest. And don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you’ve broken your hard earned facade for me,” you joked again. He rolled his eyes.
“Whatever you want.” The class started then and the teacher had to pull Billy’s eyes from you several times. You thankfully didn’t seem to notice that so he just kept staring. Just before class ended Billy tried his luck.
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked after you poured in some pink liquid in the beaker. The class was packing up but you needed to take some final notes before leaving. Billy strayed with you. You eyed him out of the corner of your vision and a smile crept on your face.
“Studying for the test in two days,” you mused. He nodded. Dammit why was he so nervous!
“In this class?” he asked. You nodded as you wrote something down in the notebook. You shared it which was a strategy for studying later but personally you loved it. Your handwriting mixed with Billy’s was so pleasing to you for some reason. Your doodles mixed with his during the lectures of class.
“Yeah you didn’t get that memo when you were staring at me,” you joked. Billy put a toothpick in between his teeth.
“Maybe I could come over and help? Or maybe you could help me considering you are the one who who keeps me always distracted.” You laughed.
“Sorry I’m so pretty. Maybe you should try Nancy though. She’d help you,” you told him. You were playing hard to get and he knew this. You knew he knew this.
“Hey but you’re my gorgeous science partner. Shouldn’t I be sharing the notes with you anyway? They do help with studying,” he mocked you. It was what you had told him when you suggested the idea. You sighed. “There’s no point in fighting me and you know it doll,” he slurred and you knew, deep down that he was right.
“Alright okay sure. But only one night okay?”
“Your house at 9 then?” he asked as he stood. You grabbed the notebook and wiped down the table.
“Here’s the address,” you told him absentmindedly and scribbled it in the notebook, shoving it in his arms. “Don’t be late and don’t flirt with my mom when she opens the door,” you said. He smiled and winked at you, walking away.
“No promises!”
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t nervous about tonight. You had a major crush on your science partner and seeing him alone might be bad. You weren’t bad at hiding it when you were with others but being alone with Billy Hargrove and his cologne was going to be a problem you just knew it.
You refused to be one of those girls who just slept with him but he was so goddamn appealing sometimes. All the time.
9 o’clock rolled around very slowly. You drew and read a bit but your mind refused to focus on a simple task. How were you going to study? Billy knocked at the door at exactly 9 and to your dismay, your father answered. You would have been better with him flirting with your mom and not being interrogated by your dad. Billy had a toothpick hanging loosely from his teeth as he smiled charmingly at your dad who was not having it.
“Oh no thank you sir you can go right back to where you came fro-”
“Dad,” you hissed angrily. He just looked at you and shook his head.
“No way you are not having him in your bedroom alone I won’t let it happen,” he sneered. Billy feigned hurt as you glanced at him and you fought a smile but both boys saw right through.
“With all do respect Mr. Y/L/N, I have nothing but pure intentions with your daughter. Just some studying.” Billy tried his hardest to say this with as much innocence as he could he really did.
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” You hit him on the arm.
“Dad do you trust me?”
“Yes but I do not trust hairspray here,” he confessed. You rolled your eyes.
“Well I wanna pass the test so I’m gonna just have to either drag Billy upstairs or I’ll just go out to his car. Unsupervised. Maybe we’ll drive around a bit, head to dinner, to the hill, to the woods…”
“You know I’m starting to like my car better,” Billy commented just as your father tried to stop you. He looked incredibly conflicted.
“Upstairs then. Go, door open. Y/N if anything happens then-” You ignored him and grabbed Billy’s arm, dragging him up the stairs.
“Hmm eager are we?” You scoffed and hit him as you walked into your room you had just cleaned. Billy looked around for a moment at the posters of bands and your choice of bedspread with an amused smile.
“When your done can we get started? Where’s the notebook?” you asked, grabbing the lab book. Billy looked down at his jacket and hands like he was surprised.
“Darn must have slipped my mind,” he said. You groaned.
“Billy!” He shrugged and sat on your bed beside you. He grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with his lighter, blowing the smoke out into the air. You groaned again. “You’re insufferable,” you told him.
“Then why do you wanna kiss me so bad?”
This caught you off guard. You were flustered and fumbling on your words. But you really did want to kiss him. Really really bad.
This caught him off guard. Why had he said that? He was going to ruin his chances with you!
“Maybe being intolerable is appealing to me,” you breathed. You were surprised you had said anything, unsure quite where that had some from. Billy was unaware you had that in you either.
“As I recall you called it insufferable,” he told you, facing you. You were standing and he was sitting and he did, he looked so damn kissable.
“I don’t hear much studying up there!” your dad’s voice rang but you ignored it, keeping your eye contact with the man in front of you. You pushed the door shut with your heel and lunged yourself toward Billy, locking lips and you swear, in that moment everything felt perfect.
And Billy was having a field day. You had kissed him. How did he get that to happen? He wasn’t quite sure but he knew he didn’t want it to stop.
You kept coming back for air and then diving back into it. His hands wandered around your body ranging largely from your hair to your back.
That was soon diminished however as you heard the footsteps of your father walking up the stairs. You pulled away, causing Billy to whine which made you laugh as you stood and fixed your blouse. You sat quickly on your desk chair and opened the textbook to a random page. As the door opened, you were rushing into a explanation of a chemical you knew practically zero about.
“Oh hey dad.” You turned to look at him. Billy shifted so that he was laying against the end of your bed so your dad couldn’t see his unbuttoned shirt.
“Mr. Y/L/N,” Billy gave no reason for your father to suspect anything except for his eyes which clearly gave him away.
“Out. Go. Sho. Away from my daughter,” you dad called and you sighed.
“To the car then?” You asked as you stood up again. Billy nodded.
“We’ll just finished what we started there.”
You left your father with a horrified look and no idea where you were going.
All day: @swanky-batman @drunktnkmelomaniac
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chrysolina · 6 years
My eternal love
Summary - The feeling of having, knowing and believing you have a totally unrequited love for someone can often make most people feel undeserving of such a pathetic fantasy in the future - but does everyone share that same view?
Pairings - Chris Evans x reader, Chris Evans x Jenny Slate, Reader x OC!
Warnings - swearing, angst, unexpected happenings
A/N - Here it is! Part 2 of My love! Enjoy! <3
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“And that’s it, congratulations again Miss Y/L/N. We’ll see you on Monday,” the audition panel smiled and waved you off once you thanked them graciously and signed on the dotted paper, your signature being the last one they needed to begin filming ‘Practicion’.
You quickly wandered out of the studio hangar, zipped up well into your short tartan trench coat and out onto the forecourt where you were met by the cool LA January air that kissed your cheeks eagerly. Picking up your phone from your coat pocket, 6:13pm, the locksreen read. Jack would be here any minute now to pick you up and take you to dinner.
You scrolled aimelssly through your phone, your boredom quickly taking over. You took a quick glance at the three missed text messages you had and decided it should be wise to text back your sister and manager with whatever they were asking about or for. As if on its own, your thumb scrolled through the messages list and almost accidentally landed on the one name you swore you deleted - Crusty Evans - also known as, Chris Evans.
Your heart, mind and face cringed at the old nickname you had given him ages ago. It had been little over five months since you had last heard from Chris. From what the internet blogs, magazines and paparazzi rumours told you on an unnecessary week-to-week basis was that Jenny and Chris did spilt for a short amount of time but are - apparently - still ‘seeing each other’.
They must’ve been doing pretty well together since according to an inside source, the couple were last seen looking very happy out and around Tribeca, allegedly trying to find an apartment to live in together.
Why they had to come and live so close to where you and your family lived was beyond infuriating for you and your family.
However, your papa dismissed the idea that any of you would ever see them since ‘they are nobody’s to us’. ‘I wish I could believe you papa’ you thought to yourself as the words repeated themselves in your head ‘but they’ll always be someone’s in this world.”
Before your mind could digest the toxic thought of the couple together, a car horn cut through the chilly air and diverted your attention to where the noise came from.
An unmistakable sleek all black range rover was parked idle by the gates, waiting for someone - more specifically, you. Jack’s new car was certainly a beauty alright, wherever he went in it and wherever you saw it, the black luxury car demanded attention from onlookers - sometimes making you squirm in your seat on the days you’d accompany him somewhere.
In many respects, the car was very much like Jack himself.
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Your face broke out into a smile as you pulled the the pricey car door open and was met by the charming Scotsman’s classic smirk. “Why good evenin’ m’lady,” Jack tried to charm you with his thickest Scottish accent possible which only made you laugh in return “did ya get the role?” He merely rolled his eyes at your laugh and began to turn the car around. “I sure did, got it with flying colours - apparently,” You squealed and jumped excitedly up and down in your seat and took Jack hand from the gearstick and shook it for effect.
“Alright you,” he pulled his hand away from your grip and focused back on the LA roads ahead of you “so where would you like to eat tonight? Wendy’s? Chick-fil-a? In-and-out?” Your stomach grumbled at the mere names of the fast food joints. “Wherever it is tho, food’s on me; got it? No buts, I insist.” Your lips turned upwards at Jack’s gentlemanly manner of buying you food.
Food, yes, that was what you were deciding on. After a second or two of short-wired thinking, your finally decided on where to eat. “How about we just go for a classic McDonalds, hm?” You watched eagerly as the Scotsman thought it through and twisted his face in (fake) thought. “Alright then, McDonalds it is.”
The rest of the car ride to the drive-thru was pleasantly quiet bar the sound of Jack’s playlist humming from the speakers. You weren’t bothered by that, you were just enjoying the sights of golden windows around you as the city lit up for the night.
“Tell me again Y/N,” Jack broke through the silence peacefully, making you whip your head around to the man before you “who and what is your role in this film?” The film - of course. You had even forgotten yourself considering first auditions were so long ago “Well, I am playing the role of the main romantic interest of her businessman-husband who is also a recovering drug addict. I think..” As hard as it was, you tried to pluck out who you actually were in the film through all the paperwork you had to sign today, scraping it as you did so.
“Hm, well so long as they have good teeth, you’ll be alright with kissing them huh?” Jack smirked at you and ran his tongue over his plush lips. You chuckled at the now-auburney haired Scot as you recalled the horror of your prom date all those years ago and how digusting his teeth looked once you got up close to kiss him. “Fingers crossed, just in case though,” you and Jack laughed again and watched as the Golden Arches of McDonadls came into view.
“So, what would miss Y/L/N like for food tonight hm? Burger? Fries? McFlurry? Or how about..Me?”
As if as the norm lately, your weekend spent up in the reclusive estates of Hollywood in your own little rented place was easy, relaxing and consisted of nothing more than eating your own home cooked meals, binge watching your favourite shows on Netflix, learning the new script as best as you could and sleeping until late.
It was a great way to ease yourself back into the rush of filming and took your mind off other minute things that floated around your mind.
Before you knew it, 9am rolled around quicker than anticipated and you found yourself being walked by an assistant to the main studio you’d just left that Friday before. Your eyes were quick to take everything in again, routes to the trailers, toilets etc - they all needed to be mapped out by yourself in due course.
Trotting through the main doors to the first - of many - sets and waited whilst the assistant went to look for the director and other cast members.
In the meantime, to calm your nerves, you began to smooth out your short black pencil skirt and toyed wth the sleeves of your white and black lined tailored jacket. In all fairness, your looks were definitely matching up to your status in Hollywood - clean, sweet and professional.
Everything most directors looked for in an actor or actress.
“Where is she?!” The booming voice of the director could be heard throughout the building, making you wince at the volume of his gruff voice.
All of a sudden, out of a door in the distance burst out a short, slightly chubby middle aged tanned man with a thick lit cigarette hanging from his seemingly chapped lips - lined by a grey black moustache. His hair was a little scarse, Black and grey in areas and cut very short - but overall, he looked pleasant enough.
“Ah you must be the infamous Y/N Y/L/N! Welcome welcome, it’s an absolute honour to have you here today.” The director began to talk to you but all you could pick up on was his familiar New York- Italian accent - one that you’d most definitely have if it wasn’t for travelling the world.
“Please, sir; the honour’s all mine,” you quickly thanked his graces about you and excused them as silly and unfitting for someone like yourself. “Oh please darlin’, you’re worth all the hype.”
The director winked at you and shot you a genuine smile in return, one you mirrored almost instantly “and don’t worry about the ‘sir’ thing Y/N, just call me Joe,” before you could thank him on the comfort of calling him his real name, Joe shouted out - seemingly - to his PA that stood a few metres away.
“Marie! Darlin, call him back in,” the young lady only nodded and trotted off someone to the side of the set behind a wall to find someone.
“I’ve yet to introduce you to your co-stars haven’t I?” Your voice was a blubber out of the new oncoming embarrassment and only trusted your head to do the talking, nodding in agreement. Your newest crew had evidently caught wind of your arrival were quick inforce to come and see, greet and meet you.
“Sir, I got him. He’s comin’ now,” the PA quickly shouted out from the wall she disappeared from and disappeared around it again.Who were they on about? Was it your other romantic interest - the drug addict businessman? Who knows.
Before your mind festered any more, you could hear the imminent of clicking heels aiming from the wall the PA came from. Surely it couldn’t have been a woman - the footing of his person was too deep and long to be that of someone in heels.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet your main co-star, the Chris Evans.”
‘Oh shit!’
Time seemed infinate and everlasting as you sat hunched over in the plush leather chair you were given in your trailer. Judging by your emotionless stare into nowhere specific, anyone looking at you would say you’re just daydreaming, sleepy or even bored - but you were far from any of those things.
Your mind was running at a million miles a minute, every stupidly minute thought you ever pushed aside during the past five months had all resurfaced and were causing your poor brain havoc.
You wished it wasn’t true - no, you prayed in your hands and knees that this was all just some silly joke. He wasn’t really going to be the actor you’d actually have to kiss and be romantic to once the cameras were rolling, was he? He couldn’t have been - why Chris?
He had marvel films and soon-to-be broadway appearances to be dealing with, he shouldn’t really be here in reality. Maybe this was all just a big fat mistake; a joke that everyone will laugh off in a couple of hours, right? Well...one can hope, you supposed.
With your back to your trailer’s door, your mind allowed you to think that the assistant who was getting lunch for everyone had come back and came with food, so without caution you just called out “The door’s open,” and expected the assistant to waltz in on her own accord.
“Hey, I - uh - brought some lunch for you.” That voice - damn that smooth Boston accented voice - it was here, right behind you. Just over a metre away from you stood the (anxious) man of your nightmares these past couple of months. At the mere sound of his voice, you shot up out to the chair you resides in and whipped your head around to look at him dead in the eye.
The look of shock-horror plastered your face like a pantomime mask, you just couldn’t help it. It was agiven reaction and so was Chris’ in all fairness. He was bewildered by the look on your face and only sent his brain further into it’s shell, his anxiety picking up that bit more. With the paper bag in one hand, Chris began rubbing the nape of his neck and shoulder - a habit you found to have stemmed from his anxiety.
“I thought maybe we could - uh - catch up or well, moreso me apologising for..everything.” It wasn’t until the end of his sentence he finally looked back into your eyes, your posture suddenly relaxing that little bit more, understanding that Chris had only good intentions from being here.
Moving away from your armchair, you decided to collect your lunch from Chris and serve it up - Chicken Caesar salad - your new favourite. Chris quickly gave you the paper bag and watched you help yourself to cutlery, bowls and bottles of water from the stylish yet homely mini kitchen.
“Would it be wrong of me to imagine that you have a bit of a grudge against me right now?” There it was - you wondered how long it’d take for the confident, assured Chris to come through again - evidently not long enough.
“No, you’d be bang on the money,” you huffed and began tossing the salad in the ceramic bowl, those blue eyes continuously boring into your uncomfortable frame - just like the did the whole time you met your fellow cast members- Chris got on your heels the whole time.
“Lucky me hmm,” Chris hummed to himself, tucked his hands in his tan jean pockets, making the light blue shirt he wore bulge around his Adonis-like muscles and leant against the dresser. Why this had to feel like some sort of meetup by two ex’s was beyond you but you thought nothing of it as you set your salad, bottle and cutlery down in the space you were intending to eat from. That was until Chris wedged his body into you, preventing you from moving.
“Y/N, we - I can’t keep doing this. This whole avoidance game, I’ve had enough.” His eyes looked down into yours with a heat that you couldn’t stand on a day like today. Much like him, his look was strong and confident and it made you squirm in your spot.
“I don’t think there’s much more I can say to get us out of this limbo, Chris.” You dared not to look into those eyes and tried to turn away from him, but in just one breath of air, his muscular form was now pressed up against you; breasts to chest, stomach to stomach, you were officially toast.
“Oh I beg to differ Y/N. There’s nothing more Jack can say for you but I think you’re a completely different picture. You have a lot more to say, don’t you darlin’..” you watched intently as Chris’ hand slid out from his tan jeans and out to play with the hem of your jacket.
The air between you was palpable, you could feel his short warm breaths tickling the apex of your neck, the way his muscles rippled against your body after every movement he made. The air was choking you and you hated it.
“Perhaps I do, but I think you’ll find my words will have a very similar ring to Jack’s,” a sudden burst of confidences surged through your veins and made you straighten your spine in defiance to this beautiful menace. Your confindence led you to look right where you didn’t want to and only found hunger in return. Chris’ eyes were lit up with an unmentionable hunger that you couldn’t digest, making you quiver even more.
“Tell me something darlin’, are you and that McCallister a thing? Are you two..dating?” You continuously locked eye contact with the actor and winched in pain as his smirk grew wider, deeper and more mischievous by the second.
“N-no. We’re just very - very - good friends. Nothin’ more!” You denied all the claims Chris tried to pin on you feverishly, trying through every means to keep your image of Jack clean as possible. However, it was evident in Chris’ furrowed brows and darkened stare, he wasn’t having it today.
“Not even friends with benefits? ‘Cause I’ve seen plenty of pictures of you and him together and nothin’, not one inch of those pictures tell me that you’re just friends.” How it was even possible that Chris’ tone could drop another two or three octaves was beyond you. The deep rumble of his chest against yours and the bitterness of his tone solidified your thoughts, he was jealous.
Deciding that now might not be the time to push any buttons, you tried your best to put out the fire Chris had started. “I - I think that’s something you’d have to ask Jack himself. I can’t comment for him if he does have feelings for me.”
“Oh,” Chris chided mockingly, his hand stopping all movement on your jacket “So he does have feelings for you? Aren’t I a genius..” still refusing to make even the slightest bit of eye contact, you tried to wriggle out of his imaginative hold - failing miserably as you did so.
At the thought of you wriggling away, Chris’ hand flew to waist and gripped you possessively tight - he just had to know if you had fallen for the Scotsman over him - he had to. “And do you reciprocate these feelings for him? Hm?”
“Maybe in d-due time..” They do say that the heart is very very precious and Chris knew no different.
His heart dropped ten miles underground at your confession and his eyes began to prick with the hot tears of nearing heartbreak. You were refusing to give in to him - something was holding you back from him and he had to find out what or die trying.
“And what about now?” He chided coolly, the change in tone made you look at him scrutinisingly. “Honestly Y/N, do you have feelings for him as of right now?”
“I don’t...” to think such a small sentence could lift his heart was unbelievable to Chris but filled him with internal joy all the same. Instead of easing up on his hold on you, Chris chose to close in on you even further and cage you in his arms - your body stuck between his and the dresser behind.
“And do you have any feelings for anyone in particular right now?” You knew what he wanted to hear right now, hell - you were close to giving him it. But with being so close to him and in the full knowledge that he had a girlfriend - you weren’t so keen to give him what he wanted.
“Not especially, no.” You deadpanned your time and took to looking straight into his eyes again, watching his eyebrows shoot up his face in undeniable shock.
“Not even for someone like..me?” He chided at you again and pressed his body closer to yours, angling you in such a way one could call it erotic - you, however, begged to differ entirely.
“I think you know the answer to that question, Christopher.” You snorted at his high-hopes, hoping and praying he’d just leave you alone to eat your untouched salad.
Your heart and mind were tearing apart by the seams, one half of you wanted to slap, kick and hit him in all the places it’d hurt the most, the other half of you just wanted to jump his bones here and now, give in to himself and indulge your worst thoughts.
But that would never come to be.
“I actually don’t, do please enlighten me on it.” His mischievous smirk had returned again for the worse and cranked up the anger metre in your mind.
“Fine! You win! I did have feelings for you, yes; I was bordering on loving you, yes. But that and everything else were all ruined the day you decided that fucking bitch you still call girlfriend!” You yelped in anger, pain and grief and tried to push Chris away by his chest, failing in doing so entirely. The tears that were stashed away were now making an appearance and began to stream down your clenched face, ruining your mascara and eyeliner in the process.
Chris didn’t know what to do with this information, you had just confessed that you were romantically attracted to the man and here he was, dumbfounded and generally reeling. He didn’t believe Jack’s word on the phone, he thought they were just to dig at him but now - now, god he was so wrong. “W-what girlfriend?”
“Don’t play stupid now Chris, you know who I’m talking about..” your voice wavered and cracked at his stupidity over the situation.
“Oh, we’re talking about Jenny now, are we?” His voice was suddenly pointed, shard and bitterly cold and made you shiver in fear over what’d he’d say next.
“Who fucking else would I be on about, Chris?”
“Considering I’ve been single since December, I’m finding it hard to think about any ‘girlfriend’ I’m with as of right now..” you felt his head tilt upwards and a heave of air rush from his lips. “I’m calling bullshit, Chris.” You winced in memory of seeing the claims all across the internet, Jenny spending Christmas with his family, the house-hunting, all of it, how could it all be a lie?
“You really think I’m bullshitting right now? Really Y/N?” Chris’s chin came to rest upon your head and you felt the familiar hands wrap around your shorter frame, hugging you tenderly close to him, your hands still stuck in shock on his chest. “You’d be surprised..” you sighed into the tender warm hold of the actor, a feeling you dearly missed, feelings or no feelings at all.
“You have no clue how much I’ve been hurting these past months Y/N, I didn’t think I could want anyone as much as Jenny..but fuck, did you screw me over..” chris chucked at the memories of him reeling over the new found feelings he had for you, realising you weren’t with him anymore and no longer share the same feelings. “Is that meant to be a good thing or a bad thing? I’m having a hard time telling right now Chris..” he laughed again at your sarcastic, straight-to-the-point question, your charm never ceases to leave you after all this time.
“It’s a very good thing, well..that’s if you still feel the same way as you did back then.” He remived his hands from your frame and cupped your wet cheeks in his hands to look at you thoroughly. You looked at him with such a look of longing chris just couldn’t help what he did next. He’d be damned if he never did it and would regret it for the rest of his life.
Wordlessly, Chris quickly joined your lips together in a smouldering yet very endearing kiss. His lips moved and slid between your perfectly, like a missing piece of a jigsaw, fitting you perfectly. Your hands froze open on his chest, your eyes forced wide open at the sudden intimate contact.
It wasn’t until Chris began to move his lips slowly against your own that you realised it - you finally realised that no matter how much pain was done, how much you tried to combat your feelings with denial, you still loved the bastard with all your heart - and that was something you could never change.
Before Chris could pull away in heartbreak over your refusal of his love, you yanked in shirt forward into you and kissed him as if it was the last time, your hands running up his neck and found purchase on his prickly hairy cheeks. Your kiss wasn’t anything like Chris’, trepardising in some areas and soft; yours was passionate and fierce, the kind of kiss the two of you would have to fight for dominance over.
Pulling away slowly, the two of you held your stare into each other’s eyes and lost each other in them. You wanted to kiss him again, and again and again but instead, you focused only on him, the man you fell for so stupidly. Instead of holding you for longer, chris decided to take purchase in the plush seat on front of the dresser and sat you in his lap, his eyes never leaving yours as he relished in the feeling of you playing with the ends of his slightly longer than usual hair.
“My god..where have you been my whole life?” Chris whispered and shook his head in bewilderment and listened to the melodic tune of your giggle ring in his ear. “Right under your nose, silly..” you swiped the bottom of his nose with your index finger and ran your fingers through his growing beard. This had to have been a dream, you didn’t believe for one minute that this was happening - you were actually in Chris’ lap stroking his face like a lovesick baby.
“How will I ever make it up to you Y/N?” He whipsered quietly, running his fingers along your tack and up and down your arm in a soothing manner. You smiled warmly at the softness of the question and thought over how he could make it up to you. “Well, I think it’d take an awful lot of hugs, kisses, time and attention just for being such a bad boy..” you smiled like a Cheshire Cat once his eyes fluttered closed at the sensation of your hands soothing his face, a knowing smirk then beginning to grow after you finished talking.
“What?” You laughed at the smirk on those heavenly lips “you do know I’ll always be a bad boy when I’m around you, right?” You sighed and shook your head at Chris’ mark and only embraced his frame, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck. “Not in public you won’t, will you?” You whispered into his neck firmly whilst your lips found their way around his neck, sucking and kissing certain areas.
“For you darlin’, I’ll be your angel and your devil.”
A/N - I just wanna thank everyone for reading this little fic going on and hoped everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! <33
Taglist : @dlb113 @coffeebooksandfandom @chrisevans1fan @badtzmarurogers
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