#aluka net
splatoonneo · 4 years
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Splatoon Neo: Bubble Bow | Art Process Video
Bubble Bow (D-koi)(Aluka Net)
- Hold the ZR trigger to charge a bubble shot of ink. The longer it’s charged will increase its distance, with a max distance matching the E-liter.
- After charging the shot to its max, the bubble you shoot will be able to bounce off surfaces before it pops.
- While charging, a laser will appear following the trajectory of the shot. It will also show how it will ricochet and be visible to all players.
- The combined damage from the impact from the bubble popping and the bubble colliding with an enemy at max velocity is greater than 100.
Design + Kit Analysis:
A dangerous tool used by humans to hunt sea life combined with a toy that brings the youth joy. The Bubble Bow is a fearsome weapon in the hands of a player that’s great at making 3D calculations. The projectile bubble will bounce off of surfaces at blazing speeds. Even if you’re around the corner, you’re still in kill range if the Bubble bounces it’s way to you. The rubber duck bubble solution changes the way the bubble interacts with surfaces. Keep in mind that it pops at the end for extra damage, but a critical is already enough for a splat.
Don’t fall for the trap that BB players usually use to trick enemies into their sights. The D-Koi sub weapon makes it look like a player is swimming around in their ink. It’s remote controllable and it can splat you as well. Try to spot the fin that hangs out of the surface, then splat it when you feel like it’s a safe time to.
The Aluka Net is a new special that’s thrown out into the stage as a huge net that can disrupt multiple players. If you’re caught you’ll be slowed down as of hit by a disruptor sub from Splatoon 1. The net is designed so that users can toss it in from afar and collect their catches for splats. Players affected by the net cannot escape by super jumping until the special wears off. Repeatedly turning from a kid to squid has been noted to let some players escape the net early by chance.
If you want to splat a BB player, you’ll most likely have to rush in and use their charge time against them. But be weary of the uncharged shots, they don’t travel very far and pop very quick. This is similar to how Luna Blasters will get splats but the bubble bow has to get 3 indirect uncharged hits to splat. 1 crit at low charge is equal to two indirect hits. (Only max charged direct hits splat in one hit)
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kpnetkb · 6 years
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Salam Semua, Abam nak share DOA kat korang ni. Do'a Ini Pendek Tapi Sangat POWER!!! ‏أَلًْلّٰهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسأَلُكَ الۡعَافِيَۃَ Allahumma Inni As Aluka Al-'Aafiyah. Al-Abbas (R.A.) bapa saudara kepada Nabi (ﷺ) datang kepada Nabi (ﷺ) dan berkata : "Ya Rasulullah (ﷺ) ajarkanlah aku do'a," katanya. Nabi (ﷺ) lalu berkata : "Wahai bapa saudara ku, bacalah : ‏أَلًْلّٰهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسأَلُكَ الۡعَافِيَۃَ Allahumma Inni As Aluka Al-'Aafiyah. (Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada MU 'aafiyah). Sekarang apa yang 'Aafiyah ??? " Aafiyah bermaksud : Untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada sebarang kesusahan yang menimpa". 👉Untuk menjadi sihat, kita perlu berada di dalam 'Aafiyah. 👉Untuk mempunyai wang yg cukup, kita haruslah berada di dalam 'Aafiyah. 👉Untuk terus hidup sejahtera, kita seharusnya berada di dalam 'Aafiyah. 👉Untuk mahukan anak2 kita di lindungi, kita perlu berada di dalam 'Aafiyah. 👉Dan jika kita sudah diampuni dan tidak dihukum, kita berada dalam 'Aafiyah. Jadi, pada asasnya 'Aafiyah itu bermaksud : "Ya Allah, lindungilah aku daripada apa-apa kesakitan, kesusahan dan segala penderitaan". Ini termasuk untuk di Dunia dan di Akhirat. Al-Abbas (R.A.) berfikir tentang ini untuk seketika, dan kemudian dia datang kembali kepada Nabi (ﷺ) selepas beberapa hari lalu dia berkata:- "Ya Rasulullah (ﷺ), do'a ini seolah-olah sedikit pendek. Saya mahu sesuatu yang lebih besar." Nabi (ﷺ) lalu berkata : "Wahai bapa saudaraku yang dikasihi, mohonlah kepada Allah untuk 'Aafiyah, maka anda tidak boleh diberi apa-apa yg lebih baik daripada 'Aafiyah. Ia adalah satu do'a yang mudah namun terbaik." Yang Benar adalah setiap yang bermakna dari apa yang anda katakan (pohon) ketika berdo'a. "Ya Allah, aku memohon kepadaMU agar aku selamat daripada sebarang kesusahan, kesulitan, kesedihan, bahaya (musibah) dan janganlah ENGKAU menguji aku dan lain-lain yang berat." Semua ini termasuk di dalam Allahumma Inni As Aluka Al-'Aafiyah ~ (Riyadh As Saliheen, Sunan At-Tirmidzi). Nabi Muhammad (ﷺ) berkata : " Sampaikanlah daripada aku, walaupun ia adalah satu ayat." Semoga bermanfaat... Aamiin, Aamiin Yaa Robb Alamiin... 🤚✋ (at KP Net CyberCafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMkXlHAt06/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19t7zgapvku5x
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