#although lloyd did actually lose a bag of candy too
irl-morros-account · 1 year
Morro I'm asking very politely without losing my mind.
Who stole my candy, and what do you have to do with it?
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Unseen Things
Steve harrington x reader (pt.1 ch.2)
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Summary: you spend Halloween with your friends trick or treating but before hand hopper attempts to get you to go to the party he knows is being thrown in hopes to get you to "get out there more" all while you deal with another horrorish vision
Unseen things playlist: season of the witch
Warning: swearing
So I meantioned somewhere that as the reader your ability are very much like jamie Lloyds in Halloween 4&5 so there will be a lot of refrences to the movies
 You, for the most part keeper to yourself at school. You did hang out with jonathan but lately he's been hanging out with Nancy. 
   You had nothing against her you just didn't get along. So you kept to yourself as soon as You hopped out of the car. 
Nancy stopped walking alongside johnathan momentarily before quickly coming back. 
She looked at an orange flyer she had graves before hastily handing it to him. 
 "What's this?" 
"You are coming...you can bring y/n!" 
He rolled his eyes and handed it back. "No way neither of is Are party people." 
   "You could be! You just aren't trying!....it'll be fun." 
He hummed in response as they stopped at her locker. "C'mon what are you two doing tonight?" 
"Taking will and the bits trick r' treating." 
  "And you'll be home by eight and watch a video." She said boredly. 
  "Sound perfect to me." She judged and opened her mouth to say something but stopped when Steve ran around the corner and scooped her up. 
   Johnathan was heading down the hall when you stopping him. "Hey hopper." steve said upon seeing you. You sneered. "Harrington." You replied annoyed before turning on your heel to follow Johnathan down the hall to ask your question. 
   Since you came to town and made the deal to go to school Steve harrington was always your worst enemy. 
Even in sixth grade he picked on you. Though he wasn't as mean to you or johnathan this year,He was seemingly making an effort, he dropped Carol and Tommy H, actually seemed to care about school and made some effort in class But he needed to if he wanted to stay on the basketball team.
   You didn't hate him as much this year, it was nice to not worry about something like that any more. 
    "Drop me off at the General store, I need to grab something." 
"Need me to wait?" he asked pulling up on the curb. "Nah I'll see you at five!" 
"You sure?" 
"Positive! Go home I'm sure Bob is dying to see his favorite boy!" He rolled his eyes. "Five on the dot." You waved as he drove off and quickly headed into the store. 
"The poster about costumes true?" 
Joyce turned around to face you with a smile. "Y/n! Where is johnathan." 
   "I told him to go home I can walk from here, just need to pick up a costume." 
She nodded and came around the front of the counter. "What for?"
You followed along side her as she leads you through the store. 
   "Will asked if I would dress up with him and the bits tonight." 
"Oh of course."She said finally stopping in the Halloween section. The bell at the front of the store chimed. 
"Joyce? You here?" 
"Yea, hop we're over here!" Hopper was quick to make an allegiance. "Hey kid! Picking a costume for that party tonight?" 
You snorted. "No, and why do you know about that?" He pulled a flyer from his pocket. "Small town." you rolled your eyes and started looking through the rack of costumes. "She's getting something to go out with will and the bits tonight." Joyce replied following your lead looking at costumes and admiring a few, mentally taking note of ones you might like. 
   "Really? Johnathan is gonna be there-" 
"Johnathan is my friend I'm not abandoning him to go to some party, so no before you even ask." 
   "C'mon get out there! Have fun with kids your age!"
"I'm fun! And kids my age are absolute morons!" Joyce looked at hopper with a slight nod. 
  "Listen I just want you to feel normal!" 
"I do feel normal,hop!" 
You stopped sliding costumes back and forth for a moment to face him. "If I didn't...I don't think a party with people I don't like would change that." 
He sighed and looked down. "Think about it? Could be fun? Bring Jonathan." you sighed and smiled. 
   "Sure ok." He smiled and took Joyce aside leaving you alone in the isle. You shuffled back and forth between two costumes stopping on a clown one, it was red and white, and came with a little silver domino mask with a red nose attached to it. 
You pulled it from the rack and  You held the costume up to you body looking at yourself in the reflection of the mirror that hung there, and smiled. You looked down folding it over your in your arms.   You glanced up at yourself in the mirror one last time and froze dead in your tracks noticing you where no longer in the costume isle. 
   Instead you stood outside the Arcade, the sky was black but flashed with red lightning and little partials floated around you. "Fuck…" your breathing picked up as you looked around. 
"Fuck!" you turned on your heels to face the building spotting will standing outside staring up at the sky. 
  "Will!?...Will!" you ran to him and grabbed his shoulders shaking him. 
"Will what the hell is happening?...WILL!" 
You desperately searched his face for any sign he Might see you. 
You finally realized he hadn't stopped staring at the sky and slowly followed his gaze. Your eyes widened in horror as Your eyes met with the large shadow figure in the sky. 
You let out a scream and fell back. Suddenly everything was normal again But You were screaming on the floor of the store glass from the mirror behind you surrounding you. 
"Y/n!?" Joyce ran to you and fell to her knees. "What happened? Y/n What happened!?" you only looked at her and cried and pushed back your hair. "I..I..don't know...know!" 
She looked at you worried and grabbed your other hand. "Your bleeding, come on." she helped you up and lead you out of the isle. 
     You sat in the passenger seat of her car waiting for her to come back out. "How are you feeling?" Joyce asked opening the door and sitting in the driver's seat.  "Better…" you mumbled. She sighed before handing you a bag. "I wasn't sure if this is the one you wanted or not…" you took it gingerly and looked through it pulling out the clown costume. 
"Of course...you want me to drop you home or-" 
"Home is fine." she nodded and started driving. "So what was that about?" 
You leaned against the window and looked out. "I dunno ...A panic attack?" you lied. "Have you been having them often?" You swallowed. "On...on and off." 
Joyce glanced over at you concerned before pulling into the traitor park. 
"I'll see you at five ok?" 
Joyce nodded as you hopped out of the car and hurried up the steps to your house. You waved one last time before going into the house. You sighed and leaned against the door. "I'm losing Goddamn mind!" You slid down to the floor and sat there for a moment.  
     Five was quickly approaching so after a nap and shower, You slid into your costume, grabbed some spare clothes and headed over to the Byers.
   "Happy halloween!!" you yelled as you stepped inside. "Y/n! You got a costume!" 
"Of course! I didn't want to be left out." you said ruffling his hair. "Although Your mom really outdid herself with your costume!" 
He laughed. "So we pick up the other kids and we head out! To the good neighborhood!" you said the last part more to will, the other three members in the house. Joyce smiled and Bob came from the kitchen. "Hey, Y/n How are you feeling?" 
   "You told him?" you asked Joyce slightly offended.  "Kinda…" you sighed. 
"I feel better just a little...panic attack…" 
   "You should really go see a doctor about that stuff." you smiled. "I'll get right on that…" you muttered before johnathan came out. "Really?" 
"The not asked me too!" you defend yourself against jonathan. He rolled his eyes with a smile and headed for the door. You wrapped an arm around will and started leaving. 
   "Have fun and be safe! And one of you stay with them No matter what!" 
You nodded and headed out the door quickly. 
   "Ok will top three candies go!" you said turning around in your seat to face him in the back. "Uh Reeses pieces ...Charleston chews and-" You stopped him. "Wait ok ok ...Fun Dip?" you guessed.  He only smiled and nodded as jouhnathan pulled up outside the Wheelers.
You went on like that with all the boys who piled into the back of the car. "Where are we even going?" Dustin asked from behind you as you directed johnathan through a street.
"Someone who used to babysit me lives in this really lavish neighborhood where they give the biggest candy bar's you have ever seen!"
All the boys made excited cheers and chatter as you finally told johnathan to pull up along side a curb. The boys quickly piled out of the car and started down the street.
"Hey dipshits! Wait up!" you and johnathan quickly hopped out and hurried after them.
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