#althea x dennis
lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Hey, babe, how’d it go? We almost died. Long story. Sounds like you need a drink.
[Image Description: Ten stacked gifs from Kung Fu.
Althea sits at the bar as Dennis finishes making her a drink. Dennis: I’ll close up, but you’re telling me everything on our walk home. Althea: Home? You mean sex jail? She pulls her drink closer, and Dennis sighs. Althea: Sorry, just... Something about a near-death experience makes you really want to... She bounces in her chair. Althea: You know. Dennis holds up a key. Althea: What’s that? Dennis, nonchalant: Keys to the supply closet. Althea makes eye contact with him and he raises his eyebrows. Althea: Yeah, that works.]
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alphawolfice1989 · 1 year
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Kung Fu ( 2021 ) couples of season 3
Nicky and henry
Ryan and Sebastian
Althea  and Dennis
Mei-Li and Jin
Evan and Nadia
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
kung fu for the tv ask !
favorite male character: henry! aka the only ever
favorite female character: nicky, obviously
least favorite character: russell tan
prettiest character: nicky & althea
funniest character: althea and dennis
favorite season: I haven't caught up on season 2 but I really love it and I need to catch up
favorite episode: I don't have a favorite tbh
favorite romantic ship: nicky/henry, althea/dennis, kerwin/zhilan
favorite family ship: all the shen siblings + mia
favorite friend ship: henry and evan, because it's so exciting and refreshing to see two guys that are two choices in a love triangle that don't hate each other, and in fact get along and respect one another
worst ship: I don't hate any ship tbh
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My favorite CW couples
1. Iris West Allen & Barry Allen
2. Althea Shen-Soong & Dennis Soong
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lequynhnhu · 3 years
Dennis and Althea, Kung Fu 2x04
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jennystahl · 4 years
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— THE DENNY’S “COTERIE” @ventruee (isabel) | @robertjosephmaccready (gwen) | @arthurmorgn (lauren)
“I mean, we aren’t really friends.”
“You and I are friends, Gwen.”
“Well, yeah, we’re best friends. But like, Lauren’s kind of weird.”
“What? Isabel’s weirder than me. She’s a Toreador.”
“Just because I prefer to view the world from a place of beauty, and I seek—”
“Yeah, okay.”
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suckitsurveys · 5 years
Have a name survey because these are always fun.
Bold = like, italics = if I have to choose.
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden Brandon vs. Braxton ( I prefer Brendon) Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan David vs. Dennis E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden: I prefer Eden for a girl.
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley: I like both of these for a girl, but I can see a boy named Harley. Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank: I like Harlow for a girl, though I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris: Again, I like Iris for a girl. Indiana vs. Iris: ^
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner: I prefer the spelling Connor, though. L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate O Ocean vs. Oscar Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn: I like Quinn for both. Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch: Seriously?? R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod: I also like Rowan for either. Ray vs. Roy: S Skylar vs. Scott: Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno: These are dog’s names Utah vs. Usher: ew no. V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper: ew don’t name your kid Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden: Girl of the 21st Century?? Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan: no. Y Yvonne vs. Yonder: excuse me? Yuletide vs. Yasser: these are not names Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon: GIRL OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise: Ugh I like both of these Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra vs. Delilah: Devia vs. Daytona: No. Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye Flavia vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy Gabriella vs. Greta H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest: Yeek don’t name a kid Harvest. I Imogene vs. Ivy: I like both. Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper Joanna vs. Joy K Kaleidoscope vs. Kaylee: Are you kidding me Kennedy vs. Kendall Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey: But I prefer it Lindsey. Lynnea vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh vs. Nicole: PSA Stop naming girls Neveah it’s not clever. Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October: Don’t name a kid October. That is a dog’s name. P Passion vs. Primrose Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace: Yikes. Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala: my brain hurts. Queen vs. Quiencia R Reyna vs. Riley: true story, I know twins named Raina and Riley. Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie: Tatum would be a better spelling. U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula: V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney: Winona though. Wynter vs. Whisper: Stop. Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions! Your name (first and middle): Hannah Martina Do you like it? Yes. What your parents almost named you: Matilda Your favorite girl’s name (first and middle): Althea Janet and Frances Lorraine are the names of my favorite girls :D List five unique names of girls you have met: Calliope, Noemi, Iyla(eye-la), Luciana, McKenna....These are all kids in my niece’s class lol. List five girl’s names you don’t like: Addalyn, McKenzie, Madison, Paisley, anything with an unnecessary “leigh” List five girls name you really like: Cecelia, Ramona, Stella, Alex, Josie. Your first best friend’s name: Randal, Sarah, Ellen. Your siblings names: Corrina The name of the first pet that you loved: Featherbrain. What you would be named if you were the opposite gender: Dylan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Althea, I’m sorry, about today, about everything. Okay, this isn’t about losing Clem, Dennis. It’s... that you felt like you couldn’t tell me the truth. I was scared if I messed up bad enough, you’d realize. Realize what? That I’m not good enough for you! What? How could you think that? And how long have you felt this way? I don’t know. Since forever.
[Image Description: Ten stacked gifs from Kung Fu.
Althea and Dennis stand in a parking lot. Dennis: High school, Althea. I was this gangly nerd, you were this gorgeous, brilliant, fun, popular queen. You’d say hi to me in the halls, and I knew you were just being nice, but even then, it’d make my whole week. Althea: I wasn’t being nice, Dennis. I thought you were adorable. Althea walks closer to Dennis, and grabs his jacket by the lapel. Althea: Your gangly walk, and your scruffy hair, and I loved that you were a mathlete. Even back then, if you had asked me out, I would’ve said yes. Dennis: I just wanna be perfect for you. Althea: Okay, well, you’re not perfect. Yes, you leave the toilet seat down, which is great, but you pee on it. And the D&D thing, it’s cute, but, like, every Saturday? You’re never gonna be perfect. And neither will I. You don’t need to hide your mistakes from me, even one as big as losing Clem. We’re married. This is a partnership. Yes, we’re gonna make mistakes, but that’s what makes us stronger.]
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lesbianmaxevans · 3 years
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You know, you’re not stuck here. If you hate it- I kinda am. Stuck. After Cloudrush, I was out of the workforce for a whole year. That’s a huge gap on my resume, and I couldn’t exactly add an item for planning wedding of the century.
[Image Description: Seven stacked gifs from Kung Fu.
Althea sits in her office, talking to herself. Althea: Just keep it humming, Althea. Your work doesn’t matter, and you’ll never leave your mark here or anywhere else in Silicon Valley, but at least you have nice, comfy nap pods and lattes on tap! Thanks, Gwen. Dennis walks into the room, behind her. Althea: I love feeling like it’s all about money and I’m just wasting my life here. Dennis: Um... Althea turns around. Dennis: Thought you might be hungry, I brought takeout. Althea laughs. Althea: You’re perfect. And I’ve completely lost my mind!]
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Courtney’s laptop fritzed out and she’s in desperate need of a new one. I’ve got, like, 80 unread messages, 15 missed calls and voicemails, and I just wanna ignore all of them. You should. But I’ve got 12 full-time employees, all counting on me, and if I don’t deal with this stuff, then my entire company is gonna come crashing down on all of our heads and... I just had to banish my own sister from the hospital to keep Mama from completely melting down, and I felt horrible, but, like, what was I supposed to do?
[Image Description: Ten stacked gifs from Kung Fu.
Althea and Dennis are at the hospital, in a hallway. Althea: I know I’m just desperately keeping busy because if I stop, even for a second, I’m gonna have to think about the possibility that Ryan might not be okay, and I can’t. I just can’t. Althea starts sobbing and her hand covers her face. Althea: Dennis... Dennis has his arms full of bags of snacks from the vending machine. Dennis: I know. Dennis drops all the bags and pulls Althea into a hug. Althea: What about the snacks? Dennis: No one’s eating anything anyway. Althea’s phone vibrates, and she sighs, pulling away from the hug, but before she can look at her phone, Dennis grabs it out of her hands. Althea: What are you doing? Dennis: Your job, at least until Ryan’s out of the woods. Forget about work. Just go. Be with your family. Althea hugs Dennis again.]
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Althea & Dennis || 2.06 Jyu Sa
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lesbianmaxevans · 3 years
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[Image Description: Four stacked gifs of Althea and Dennis from Kung Fu.]
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lesbianmaxevans · 3 years
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Is there a chance we can swing by? Just for a quick hi-bye? Of course! Hey, let me grab Nicky a slice of cake. Now that she’s keeping food down again, she can at least get a little taste of the wedding. You’re already the best husband.
[Image Description: Five stacked gifs from Kung Fu.
Althea and Dennis are about to leave for their honeymoon Althea: Dennis, wait. Nicky didn’t have food poisoning, she was in China. Dennis laughs, confused. Dennis: What? Althea: There’s something you need to know about my sister.]
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lequynhnhu · 2 years
Kung Fu 2x05
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Asian main love language: food 
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lequynhnhu · 2 years
Althea and Dennis, Kung Fu 2x05
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lequynhnhu · 3 years
Kung Fu 2x04
Investigative duo
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Hey man *confusion*
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Who’s Clementine?
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The love of [Althea’s] life! No offense. 
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You have six smiles Nicky Shen and this is you phoniest one 
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