#altani uses she/they pronouns and i finally remember to change between them for once! she prefers “she/her” but ye. she's nb.
meximango · 1 year
Day 8 - shed - G - Estinien + Altani
Summary: Altani asks Estinien a question about his scales.
“Hey, Estinien.”
“What.” Unlike his companion, he didn’t pause in his workout routine. One word responses were common enough for the elezen even when he wasn’t trying to catch his breath (not that Altani would point out that his breathing was heavier than hers had been, despite their similar routine--that would just make him grumpy). 
“I have a question.”
“A curiosity, really. Just been thinking.”
The slightest huff of laughter with his exhale, but he held his tongue. “Aye?”
“Well, it may be kind of personal--”
“Fine! I just wanted to know, seeing as you’re shirtless right now…” Her head bobbed up and down in time with his push-ups. Staring.
“Just spit it out, would you!” She was normally so upfront and bold with every word that came from her mouth, ‘personal’ or not. Skirting around a topic was putting him on edge. 
The push-ups stopped, the dragoon folding up into a kneeling position. He’d lost count anyway.
(Where in the seven hells was this going? Estinien was not a self conscious person, he cared not what others thought of him and would do as he pleased. After the first time Altani walked in on his workout routine while he was shirtless, he didn’t see a point in wearing one if they were going to pump iron together, was all. It was a matter of bodily comfort and routine. No other reason.) 
Before he could snap at her to hurry up before the sun set and rose once more, the au ra reached out to smooth one hand along his shoulder, tracing deliberately and delicately--so much gentler than he thought the warrior capable of, honestly, he’d sparred with her enough to know how even her friendly touches often overflowed with unintended strength--over the scales there.
“...And?” Get to the point, please. 
“Well, your body went through some changes after the whole Nidhogg…thing.” Thing certainly was one word for it. He would have sufficed with nightmare as his term of choice. 
He tried not to think of his time possessed by that great wyrm too much, the physical traits that merging brought forth, forever marking him. The dark scales adorning his body in odd patterns were the most obvious effect. The largest patches were on his shoulders and along his spine, smooth, glossy, unmistakable and  impossible to ignore. 
Oh. Right. 
The nerves were dulled in those locations, except where the edges became skin again. He felt the pressure and heat of Altani’s hand, but not much more.
Her brow furrowed in thought for but a moment before reverting into a smile, eyes focused wholly on the scales as her hand continued its wandering path. Estinien did not shake her off, not even when his instincts told him to lean away from it like he did all else, to keep his space. Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to. He was not a fan of Nidhogg’s marks, though they humbled him and were as much part of him as his pointed ears now.
But to have someone touch them almost--if he didn’t know any better--not just casually, but reverently, was…not unpleasant. He may even go so far as to admit it felt comforting to be touched casually, not a hint of pity or judgment on her face for his past mistakes.
“They’re pretty, you know." Nearly a whisper, Estinien wondered if he'd heard correctly and  blinked. She continued on like an afterthought, as though she hadn't hit him upside the head with such words. "You may not want to hear that or think so, but they contrast nicely with your skin and are a mark of strength and mental fortitude, of what you’ve survived and gone though. You've overcome so much and changed for the better… '' From her soft tone, still nearly murmuring and so unlike her usual boisterous self, Estinien wasn’t sure if Altani was even aware she’d said those words out loud. She seemed mesmerized with continuing her gentle pattern across his scales. 
It must be a mistake, hearing them say that, made his ears burn. 
He knew they found scars to be beautiful, in general. Always had, ever since he met her. Altani appreciated the beauty found in those ugly, aching marks, a telltale sign that someone had gone through hardship and made it through to the other side--whether from a great battle or a simple stumble, it mattered not. It was proof of living, and wasn't that magical? Perhaps her history with the dead gave her this outlook. She'd proudly showed off their own scars and the stories that came with them nearly every time she visited the tavern. She liked knowing others’ stories too, would make up songs that would rival any bard’s spirit if only she could sing on key.
But still, to give that same appreciation to scars such as these, not the stitching back together of flesh, but rather a transformation into something that was not quite elezen and not quite great wyrm--it was different. It shouldn’t have applied. It was too much attention on himself.
He cleared his throat, trying to hide his embarrassment and snap her out of her stupor. 
It worked, and Altani blinked slowly a few times before lifting her gaze away. She gave a sheepish smile and removed their hand (a relief, but part of him wished she would have continued). She seemed perfectly content, as though she had not just called Estinien pretty while petting his bare torso.
Then: “Do you shed?”
Well, that certainly was a turnaround, the whiplash effectively ridding him of that blasted blush that had threatened to travel down his neck as quickly as it arrived. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah, that was the silly question I had for you! I have scales, you have scales. I shed, but do you?”
There was the Altani he remembered. Blurting out awkward questions without batting an eye. No tact at all. "Why wouldn't I?" He replied without really answering. 
"They're magical, yeah? You weren't born with them, so I was wondering if they acted more like a permanent glamor or behaved like my own. So. Do you?" 
"Wha--hey! Come on! It's just this would explain why you're even grumpier than usual sometimes." Her grin was smug, knowing, as she leaned in. How irritating. "The itch is terrible, right?"
"Is that supposed to convince me?" The holding back info was payback for her flustering him earlier. Served her right. He really didn't care about her queries, wasn't offended. He was used to it. 
“How about this, then: pretty please, with dried squid on top?”
“Oh, are you offering? If not, then try again.” Using his favorite snack against him was a low blow, but had she had any on herself, they would have already offered it.
“Maybe next time, if you’re good.” She winked. He almost, almost broke at that, but no, he had perfected his cool, unimpressed stare over the course of years, and he would win this (whatever this was).
When he didn’t rise to the bait, she continued. “What about my qualifications, then? I’m an expert at having scales, and all that entails, just so you know. My intuition tells me that you shed.” Even for an au ra, Altani was absolutely covered in them, having more scales than normal for her kind. If anyone could be an ‘expert at having scales’, it was her.
“Oh? Never would have guessed.”
She laughed at that, enjoying his sarcasm. He finally let himself smirk in response.
On and on they bantered, workout routines long forgotten. 
Knowing her, she'd probably offer to peel the dead scales off for him, next time he went through it. A bonding ritual of sorts. She seemed the type to find it satisfying, her expression told him as much the one time their paths had crossed as he’d been caught peeling from sunburn.
Eventually, he'd answer, and maybe then she could offer tips to handle it more gracefully, because yes. He did shed. Of course he did. And it was an awful time when it happened, especially his back. He felt no better than an animal the first time it happened (and each subsequent recurrence, truth be told), rubbing at his back with his spear of all things. From slaying dragons to shedding scales. Oh how far he'd come… 
He would not be opposed to it, if she pushed enough. As ridiculous as it sounded, he nearly looked forward to it. Altani made him a fool like that. 
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