#alt zadr 2023
volcaromii · 1 year
Day 4: Zombies an blood
The drawing event @alt-zadr-b1tch3z It ends today, so here I leave yesterday's drawing.
I hope you like it 💖
And now a fanfic 💖 zombie theme 🧟‍♂️
The streets were empty, without any sound, without cars, without birds, without children running. The apocalypse had begun a long time ago. Zim's base had fallen just like the home of the Membrane family.
Dib was left alone, Zim could no longer use technology and his chances of communicating with their leaders the tallest red and purple every day was more impossible. Somehow one day searching for supplies, little Zim came across Dib, a young adult who looked very different from the boy he knew before the zombie apocalypse.
After a little discussion they decided to stay together, Zim no longer needed to wear a disguise and in Dib's house there was still enough technology to maybe repair the ship and escape from earth.
They walked in silence, holding hands so as not to stray away, In a long time they had not seen another intelligent being or one that did not try to devour them,
Arriving at Dib's house, something was heard in the bushes at the entrance, a trembling and whispering voice, which made your blood run cold when you heard it. - Ziiiimmmmm.... Friend, best friend..... Zi imm... -Keff came out of the bushes, His lifeless eyes landed on Zim who was hiding behind Dib. Stretching out his broken hand, Keff tried to take Zim by force, before he got to the irken Dib hit him hard with a baseball bat, gouging out one of his eyes from the impact,
Zim- Dib I think he's looking for Zim because of the eyes i implanted on him
Dib- You did what?! When?! What you did put... Eyes?!
Zim- It was years ago, he has irken technology in his eyes and since he's dead he's looking for Zim
Dib- We'll talk about that later! Now enter the house!
They entered the house and closed the door behind them. They closed the door as best they could, and sat quietly on the floor waiting for Keff to leave the place.
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Night came, and Keff was still at the entrance trying to open to get Zim out, with whispers they began to speak trying not to be heard.
Dib- I'm beginning to believe that it's not because of your technology that he's looking for you
Zim-Why else would it be?
Dib- Well before this happened, he was looking for you to ask you If you wanted to have a date with him
Zim-Do you think he started this problem because of that?
Dib- No, well, he didn't start this problem, it was me.
Zim-what are you talking about?
Dib- I found a book, a very strange one and it said how I could revive my mother, (Starts to sob) and now I don't have anyone anymore, my whole family has fallen under that stupid spell and I....
Zim- Don't cry or it will be easier for others like Keff to hear us
Dib-I don't know what to do anymore, all I wanted was to see her again, she was the only one who supported me
Zim- Well, since I, Me the Incredible Zim, know why this came to be, maybe I can fix it. tell me exactly what you did
Dib-So you think?
They went down to the basement, finding the place where Dib did the ritual and in the middle of the room the body of a woman similar to Gaz was lying down, breathing very calmly and Showing a lifeless white-eyed look, but not moving.
After reading and reviewing hundreds of books on the subject, Zim managed to decipher an ancient language, very strange and very similar to Irken. With this new information, they began to perform a new rite.
Holding hands over Mrs. Membrane's body, they recited an ancient chant, the cellar walls began to shake and crack, dust fell on both of them, it seemed that the whole house would fall on them.
The ground beat under his feet, everything began to shake and when the chant ended, the noises of zombies were no longer heard, No noise was heard at all. Breaking the silence a delicate voice was heard
Mom Membrane- Son, it's you, I... i'm a live
Thanks for reading, sorry that it's so short and that I'm two days late but better late than sleepy
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I couldn’t choose just one sketch for this, so I went with all 3 :)  @alt-zadr-b1tch3z day 3: Vampires
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pichichustudios · 1 year
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Day 1: Alien
2023 Art for @alt-zadr-b1tch3z IZ event
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buyospudlinarts · 1 year
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For the 2023 @alt-zadr-b1tch3z event :D
So much red. Like blood.
I like blood :>
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imthedevildog · 1 year
This is my book for @alt-zadr-b1tch3z ‘s prompt list! Only day one’s prompt is posted now, but I’ll reblog as chapters come out. The rating is listed as teen and up for now, but will most likely be upped to explicit in the future. Don’t forget to read all warnings and tags! (There will probably be a lot by the end.) Stay safe! Happy ZaDr Week!! :)
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Anyone ever see “Mars Attacks!”? :) @alt-zadr-b1tch3z Day 1: Alien
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volcaromii · 1 year
Day 1: Aliens- space
2023 event
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Sorry for the delay, I hope you like it 💖
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pichichustudios · 1 year
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Day 4: Zombie
(Blood TW)
2023 Art for @alt-zadr-b1tch3z IZ event
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pichichustudios · 1 year
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Day 5: Creature
2023 Art for @alt-zadr-b1tch3z IZ event
My cringe boy an @bonniecupcake cringe boy UWU
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@alt-zadr-b1tch3z 2023 event announcement art 
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buyospudlinarts · 1 year
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For the 2023 @alt-zadr-b1tch3z event :D
This is actually the first time I've drawn ZADR
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volcaromii · 1 year
And yesterday was the 5th of Zadr week 2023
Theme : cryptids and Furrys
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A little furry kitty Zim and a mothman Dib 💖
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volcaromii · 1 year
I made a fanfic and a drawing for day 3 (yesterday, Vampires) of the event "week 3, 2023" I hope you like it because my level of English is like 70% 😅 fan fic + fan art
Zim- Big Zim will never accept this my tallest
Dib- we finally agree on something (He turns to see his father) Please father reconsider, we are pure vampires of noble blood, our race cannot mix with such things...
Zim- Our race of glorious Irken Vampires will get dirty with their flawed genetics.
Dib- We are the pure ones!! You only....!!!
Tallest Red-Your marriage will bring peace between the kingdoms, a great unification in the territory and ...
Tallest Purple- Less human resources will be wasted, we consume souls and you consume blood so nothing human would be wasted
Dib- This is totally unacceptable!
Zim-Zim will never accept this madness
V.K.Membrane - well, this discussion has already taken too long, there is a very expensive wine that could resolve this conflict, it reveals the reality of your heart and soul desires
Tallest Purple-I know that wine, it's called "blood, honey and souls"
Tallest Red-What do you want to get with this, Your Majesty?
V.K.Membrane- If the wine reveals everything we already suspect...
Tallest Red-What thing? His love?
V.K.Membrane- Yes, if that is revealed to be true, we will continue with the soul-binding ritual to marry you two.
Dib- What happened like this reveals how much we hate each other?
V.K.Membrane- We do not insist anymore and both will be able to look for their wife in peace
Zim- Deal done majesty!
Dib- It's the best idea they've had since this started.
V.K.Membrane- Excellent, tomorrow you will drink the wine at the beginning of your wedding, so wear your best clothes because if it turns out that you are in love, the wedding will take place at that time
Tallest Red- I don't know why they don't just get married and that's it, it's not a very secret that You loved each other for almost 300 years
Tallest Purple- They are engaged since birth, I don't know why now they don't want to get married
Tallest Red- I remember when they were little and they caught frogs in the lake, They played with the frogs to release them later
V.K.Membrane- I remember when Dib had nightmares and called Zim through a crystal ball so they could talk until they fell asleep.
Zim-( Totally blushing) Zim doesn't remember any of that!
Dib-(Also blushing) I don't think that matters, we were kids
V.K.Membrane- Well at least they don't deny it
Tallest Purple- Well, it's late, it's dawn, you'd better go to sleep, we'll prepare a room for you together for your future wedding
Tallest Purple-We add all the things they like in the room, so they feel comfortable
Dib-Alright! but I'll sleep on the couch!
Zim- Zim deserves the whole bed for himself!
The rulers of the various vampire kingdoms were melancholic after the argument with their firstborn, and very much wanted the wedding to go smoothly. Meanwhile Dib and Zim went up to their room annoyed, with their heads held high and without speaking to each other.
Closing the door behind them, Dib let out a huge sigh and Zim asked him a question that was strange to the dark-haired man, while he spoke with a voice between clipped and at the same time calm,It looked like Zim would burst into tears but he didn't.
Zim- Do you think they found out?
Dib- that they found out, what?
Zim- about what happened at the lake
Dib- that was over 100 years ago
Zim - yes i know but zim thinks maybe they think we love each other because of what happened that... that night
Dib-It was just a kiss!, and it was over 100 years ago!, nobody cares!
Zim-just a kiss, on the shore of the lake, surrounded by fireflies, in the light of the full moon with a small wounded frog in our hands...
Dib-When you say it like that, it even seems that you care about me that night… it was just a kiss! nothing else, besides…
Zim-Also, what Dib?! what else were you going to say?! that you only used me?! you cheated on me?!
Dib-I never cheated on you!! you were the one who abandoned me!! the one who never wrote me anymore!!
Zim- You never told Zim before the kiss that you had someone!!! I would never have kissed you if I knew you had that human!!
Dib-I never had anyone besides you!! you are my only friend! my only love
Dib leaned back on the sofa and Zim hung upside down from the chandelier, tears welled up in both their eyes as they cried in silence, the wounds from the past still haven't healed and they hurt more every da.
At nightfall they found the two kingdoms reunited in the main hall, all the windows were closed and the only thing that illuminated the room were the candles that some of the presents carried.
V.K.Membrane- acquaintances! friends! irken vampires and pure vampires! We are gathered today for the seremony, our princes Dib and Zim will get married if and only if the wine of souls reveals love in their hearts.
Tallest Purpple-if the opposite happens, instead of uniting our kingdoms, we will go to war
The entire room fell silent, and all the candles went out when the Tallest Red raised his hand. Well, the time to taste the wine had arrived.
Dib and Zim raised their glasses in front of each other and their eyes met, looks of sadness and love. they served the wine and drank it.
The shadows on the wall were the reflection of their souls and what they showed… was love, while in their gazes only sadness and hatred were revealed
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Zim- I reject the idea of ​​marrying this bastard!! Zim would rather die than marry you, stubborn!
Dib- the feeling is mutual dwarf goblin !!!
while arguing Zim hit the wall on the side of his shadow, while hurting his own with his family's sword, the shadows expressed pain and seemed to break like glass
Out of nowhere a scream was heard from the crowd, it was a friend of Zim's named Skoodge. and with a face full of guilt confessed.
Skoodge- Please, I can't take it anymore, the human and I did this, the human and I separated you! I don't want to see you suffer anymore Zim! I hear you cry at night missing him, I don't want you to suffer anymore,i love you
Zim- what the hell are you talking about skoodge?
Dib-Gretchen and you…did what?
We separate you! She and I were in the woods looking for roots to make love potions so that you would love to us, but we saw you at the lake. You kiss and if you hadn't been there maybe all this would be different. Human women are devilish, and I plan how to separate them by cutting off communication and stopping their letters for you will never stay together!! SORRY, SORRY IM SO SORRY!!
Zim's look changed, it became cold and lifeless, the metallic claws of Zim's pack came out and crossed cleanly and Skoodge who wept and enduring the urge to cry told him - Zim I… love you-and Zim replied - Zim will never love you.
Zim turned to see Dib and with tears in his eyes, he hugged him with all his strength, he hugged him with the claws of the pak with his legs, with his arms and with his heart, they began to cry between the two, melted into a hug, Dib fell to his knees to the ground and his arms squeezed Zim's body tightly. Between tears they asked for forgiveness and promised that they would never, ever be deceived again to separate them.
That hatred that I felt was disappearing because they were not to blame for what happened, they loved each other uncontrollably and they could finally get married and be together,
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. I hope you like it
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buyospudlinarts · 1 year
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For the 2023 @alt-zadr-b1tch3z event :D
Mirror Brocken. Zim Gon fade away from view soon, cuz vampires don't have reflections hehe
(I did zero pre-sketching, very lazy, and forgot to post this yesterday XD)
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