#alt is very much going through it this chapter oops ajghak
huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 20: The Rift
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| The Rift ARG
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
 "Did that guy just hang up?!" Jackie gasps, staring at his other-world counterpart with the phone in his hand. "What?!" 
"He's probably rushing out to look for Alt without waiting for us," Chase says. 
"I... want to blame him, but I guess I can't," Jackie says. "I'd do the same thing." 
"Goddamnit, Chase!" Jackieboy yells, holding his phone tight. "He always does this! Running in head first without thinking about anything!" He sighs and pockets his phone. " I guess we need to hurry then... before Chase gets into trouble too."
Jackie nods. "You guys stay here. I'll go look around--" 
And then a phone starts to ring in his pocket. "Oh, hang on." He takes it out. "It's Stacy." He picks it up. 
"That fucking guy!" Henrik's voice says. 
"Chase? Chase?" Stacy asks. "Was that guy really another version of you?" 
"Yeah, apparently," Chase says. 
"And he's looking for someone who came with him?" 
"Okay, I guess we can help, then. You guys are at the flats? Henrik and I are coming in the car. Phoebe can watch the kids while they're in bed." 
"Yeah, I can do that," Phoebe agrees.
"His name is Alt! He looks just like Chase but- shorter. He has tons of freckles and wears a bandana with a smiley face around his neck." Jackie comments, "H-Hopefully he should be easy to spot... he can glitch. It's pretty noticable if you know what to look for." 
"Glitch?" Stacy repeats. "Like a computer program?" 
"I can picture that sort of thing exactly," Henrik says. 
"Alright, I'm giving the phone to you, Chase," Jackie says, handing it to him. "Just in case Stacy needs to call you. I can find you guys easily enough." He nods. "Bye. See you later." And he races out of the hotel, doors swinging. He's gone in seconds.
"... I know I shouldn't be... but I'm so fucking jealous." Jackieboy grumbles as he flops into a chair and crosses his arms.
"Oh god, yeah, I still am sometimes," Chase says. "Even after I know what he went through to get those powers. And all the rest of these guys, too." 
Jackieboy sighs and looks to the side, "...my friends apparently went through something awful to get their powers too... I just... thought they were born lucky..."
Xio gives a little wave. "Hey, why don't I come with you? I'll be able to help. Does Alt's glitching make sound?"
He looks back to Xio "Mmm yeah- it's like- a zip and crackle- kinda like static but also not. ... weirdly enough you can kinda smell it? The air smells metallic when he does it- and it has a vague green light." Jackie says with a shrug.
"The sound is all I need," Xio says. "Sound is my thing." 
Chase nods. "Xio can manipulate it, a-and you can sense where it's coming from, right?" 
"Mm-hmm." Xio nods back. "I used to be like, a radio hub for people in the cells, cause I could hear everything in the block even with the soundproofing and could replicate noises somewhere else." 
“Oh- huh. That’s why you were so freaked out that you didn’t hear me come in, huh?” Jackieboy smiles. “Cool. Yeah it just- sounds like… exactly like a video game glitch. You’ll know it when you hear it.” 
"Well... guess we just gotta wait for Stacy and Hen to get here, then," Chase says.
Jackieboy sighs and leans on his thighs, glancing at the doors. “Yeah.. guess so.”
"Don't worry, there's not a lot of traffic in the city, so they'll be here soon," Chase says. "Any moment." He looks towards the doors hopefully. 
Bro is flying through the city at night, just over the rooftops. Come on, Alt, where are you?! Where could you be?! He's passing over a row of townhouses when he feels a sudden tug, like an invisible force is pulling him close to the ground.
Bro shouts out in surprise as he’s tugged and falls a good bit from the sky before he starts to try to fight the pull. “T-The fuck?!”
He’s able to stay airborne for a second, but then falls, landing on his stomach on the ground in front of a man.A man wearing a mask and cape. 
“Since when can you fly?!” He shouts. “What are you, actually Twilight Sparkle?!” Then the man pauses. “No, wait, your hair is different. You’re not—but are you—? Who are you?”
Bro oofs and looks back up at the masked man and glares. “The fuck, man?! Why is twilight sparkle the first example you think of??”
“Well purple hair—except you don’t have purple hair—so who are you?” The man asks. 
“I have never had purple hair in my life-“ Bro starts to argue-
Then the man suddenly gasps. “Wait… don’t tell me you’re from another universe?”
Bro pauses and pushes himself up. “Yeah I am. Guessing you know a Chase Brody?”
The man nods. “Vaguely. He’s the one with purple hair. Look, some guys appeared in my house. Someone who looked like a computer glitch, and some freak with a mask. Friends of yours? Or—is one of them a friend of yours? They didn’t… get along…”
Bro jolts at this and goes to grab the man's arm, "You saw Alt?! Please- he's my brother and im looking for him! He could be in Serious danger!"
The man jerks away from Bro’s touch. “Yeah I saw him. And… I’m afraid you’re right. He is.” The man pauses. “I told them to get out of my house. They did, and almost immediately after the weirdo with the mask attacked the other. I think he… somehow started controlling him. Th-they went north, I-I was trying to find people to talk to about this.”
Bro's eyes widen, "What?!" He growls and goes to punch the nearest thing he can, blue overpowering his eyes. "That fucking mangy cat-!" He looks back at the man and glares at him, but slowly softens. "...who were you trying to find? I.. I was worried about the psy-maniacs grabbing Alt first not- fucking Magnificent getting him! What the fuck!!"
The man flinches when Bro suddenly punches the wall, but quickly composes himself before Bro turns to look at him, seeming calm and collected. “‘Psy-maniacs’? So someone already told you about Psyode, then,” he says. “I was going to find the other Chase Brody, actually. Or maybe his Quicksilver of a twin, or that Einstein he hangs out with. Ah… that probably means nothing to you, does it? I mean—Jackie Brody and Henrik von Schneeplestein. I was going to warn them about the maniac from another universe. And tell them that ours is apparently under quarantine, and maybe enlist them to get that Alt guy back.”
Bro frowns and furrows his brow. "... quarantine...? huh... I wonder what that means." He then sighs and ruffles the back of his hair, looking embarrassed. "...I just... was with Henrik. And talking with your guys... I think this world's Jackie is starting to look too so- maybe I'll run into him but... they know. I think they're all trying to get together too I just... jumped the gun. Because... i... Alt just went through something awful I... I didn't want those Psyode guys getting to him too..." 
"Nobody deserves what they do," the man mutters. He shakes his head slightly. "Look, if it's any consolation, I've mana--this world's Jackie has managed to stay away from Psyode for months, and I hear others who escaped have managed to avoid them for years. They're tough, but it's not impossible to slip beneath their notice. And if you want, I saw the direction that masked freak took Alt. We can start heading there. Maybe we'll find them."
"That... that'd be great, yeah. I don't want to get my dumbass lost trying to find him." Bro sighs. He looks at the man and tilts his head. "I'm so sorry I don't think i got your name? You know mine but honestly you can just call me Bro- or you know Chase but that can get comfusing."
"Bro?" the man laughs a little. "How overly familiar of you. But fine. They call me the Magician here." He waves his fingers a little. "I should apologize for pulling you out of the sky. I don't see people flying often. Or ever."
"That's fair. ..really though, the Magician?" Bro raises an eyebrow. 
"Hey, I didn't choose it, the news did. Though I did dress like this... but they could've been more creative." Magician shrugs. 
Bro shrugs back with a laugh, "Who am I to judge? I call myself Bro Fantastic- that's why I say to call me Bro, ha." He smirks then jerks his head towards the street. "Wanna get a move on, then?"
"Yes, let's go. Hopefully we'll meet Scarlet--Jackie--on the way there." He turns and hurries down the street.
Bro chuckles and then rushes to follow after him. 
Even with Jameson carrying Alt in cat form, it was slow going to get all the way across the city. Anti looks calm, but there's a constant static noise coming from everyone's phones that indicates he's more frustrated than his image appears.
Magnificent is trying his best to stay calm but- having the TRVLR stolen from them does him on edge. He used to be able to rely on Alt to have it... at least the troublesome cub wouldn't wander now. He glances over at Anti, wondering if he can read his expression.
Jameson glances over at Magnificent. He shakes his head. 
No use, he signs awkwardly. 
Anti disappears and reappears next to him. “What’s no use?” 
Alt jolts a bit and blinks up at Anti and then hisses slightly at him.
Jameson gasps, but takes care not to make Alt cat too uncomfortable. Your face, he says. 
“Hmm. What about it?” 
Not you. 
“Heh.” Anti smiles. “That’s true.” He turns to Magnificent. “The image you’re looking at isn’t actually me. I don’t have a body. This illusion just makes it easier for people.”
"Oh- how curious." Magnificent hums. "Then, what exactly are you then, Anti?"
Anti shrugs. “I’m Anti. There’s nothing like me out there. I’m loose thoughts, like a string of lights in a distant city. All energy, no matter.”
"Oh-! Fascinating... only energy and yet you can do things like this." Magnificent replies. "Is that why you want to come to the next universe with us? To see if you can find... something more?"
“Exactly,” Anti says. “I know there’s more out there for me. More I can do. It won’t get in the way of whatever you want—I wouldn’t do that to you after you went far enough to take me with you. But—” 
Magnificent grins, "I mean... I'm quite curious to see what we can accomplish together-"
Suddenly, with a whoosh of wind, something red runs right past them, ruffling Mag’s cape and Alt’s fur. It skids to a halt down the street and turns around to look at them. A man wearing a red jumpsuit with blue highlights. It looks homemade, but neat and well-done. The man is wearing a blue eye mask on the top half of his face and a black face mask on the bottom half. 
“Anti!” he gasps. “You—you’re—”
Mag holds an elbow over his face as the wind rushes past him and then he whips around to look at the man. "Oh! Well... if it isn't a superhero wannabe hm? Anti- do you know who this boy is?" 
Alt narrows his eyes at the man and his hackles raise, purple pulsing in his eyes.
“The people call him the Scarlet Blur, but I know his real name. Jackie Brody.” Anti smiles. Static eats away at his face, spreading from his eyes and mouth in a creepy display until his head is just a cloud of static. “A nobody who just got lucky.” 
“Lucky? Lucky?!” Jackie shouts. “Shut the fuck up!” He looks at Jameson. “You’re JJ. Jameson, right?! G-get away from them! I don’t know who that other guy is but he looks like bad news!” 
The street lamps flare brighter, and the one nearest to Jackie bursts. He runs to the side, and even with his speed he barely dodged the bolt of electricity from the bulb that hits where he was just standing. 
“Feel free to kill him,” Anti’s voice says. “Or whatever it is you do, Magnificent.”
Hatred flares in Magnificent's eyes at hearing this is a Jackie. He grins wide, power pulsing in his eyes. "Oh... with pleasure." He snaps, "Alt? Shift and attack the hero." 
“Shift?” Jackie repeats, confused.
Alt stiffens and sits up in Jameson's arms, purple bright in his eyes again. And then, in a flicker of static the cat leaps out of his arms and shifts into a black brown wolf and lunges to try to bite Jackie.
And then the wolf attacks and Jackie yelps. He starts to turn and run backwards but he’s so shocked that he just forgets about his speed. The wolf’s teeth clamp around his arm and he screams, turning and punching the wolf in the face. 
Alt manages to hang on and doesn't flinch as he's punch, digging his teeth in more with a growl.
"No no no no no!" Jackie screams, jabbing his foot into the wolf's neck.
Alt gets kicked off and skips onto the ground before shaking his head and growling at Jackie, pushing himself back up. Electricity flickers around him as his eyes glow a bit more green. Then, he glitches and tries to attack him again.
Jackie breathes heavily, checking the damage on his arm. He only glances down for a moment but it's enough of a distraction to give Alt an advantage. Jackie gets up and tries to run but this time the wolf's teeth latch onto his leg. He screams again. "Let go let go let go!" he shouts, punching and kicking wildly.
Alt tries to shake his head to latch on better and doesn't flinch at the first hit but by the others he gets knocked off and staggers back. He shakes out his head and weakly growls at Jackie, colors flickering in his eyes as he pants. 
As soon as Alt lets go Jackie gets up and tries to run but cries out as he takes his first step on his injured leg. Still, he tries, but it's too much and he collapses. 
Magnificent growls as he looks at Jackie and realizes he doesn't have power he can steal. He barks out at Alt, "Keep going, Alt! Kill him!" 
Alt's eyes glow more and then in another flicker of glitches he shifts into a big snake and tries to lash out to wrap around Jackie.
The snake slinks around his legs and arms. "Jesus fucking shit shit!" Jackie gasps, struggling, trying to break free.
Jackie manages to break through and Alt flies back, skidding across the road. He glitches a bit more before his form breaks and he shifts back into his human form, breathing heavily, his eyes rolling in his head dazedly. 
Magnificent growls in anger, "Fucking useless pup! Get back up!" 
Alt groans and weakly tries to push himself back up, dazedly looking back at Jackie but not seeming like he's really able to focus on him.
Jackie scrambles to his feet as quickly as possible. He looks back at Alt and Jameson regretfully, then staggers off, quickly gaining speed. 
One of the street lamps flares and bursts, lightning darting towards Jackie but missing as he speeds out of sight. Anti hisses. "Well, we'll see him again, I'm sure of that. He's the type to keep getting in people's way." 
Magnificent growls and watches Jackie rush off. He snorts and crosses his arms. "Hopefully he'll stay away until we can find that annoyance that stole from us."
Jameson hurries to Alt's side to check on him.
Alt dazedly looks at Jameson and sees him through dizzying vision. "D..Doc..." He breathes and leans up against him, his eyelids fluttering. "...'m tired..."
Jameson blinks, momentarily confused, but it isn't worth thinking about. You'll be okay, he says. Alt nods against his shoulder. Then, Jameson looks over at Anti and Marvin. He needs rest. 
"We don't have time to rest, who knows what the others will do in the time frame we're resting?" Anti growls. 
He still needs rest, Jameson persists. He needs to recover energy. 
Anti tilts his head. "Energy... Hmm." The head swivels over to Magnificent. "Do you think that if Alt gets struck by lightning, he will absorb it? Or is that not how his electricity works?"
Magnificent hums and appears to kneel down by Alt. "Hmm... he has magic left- so... he should be able to absorb some of it. I'm not sure though... he usually absorbs that stuff from outside sources. ... I am curious though." The mad magician chuckles.
"We'll test it out a little first, then," Anti says. "Jameson, back." 
Jameson just stares at him, unwilling to leave Alt's side when he's in this state. 
Anti growls, and suddenly Jameson jerks back, moving against his will. Once he's no longer touching Alt, the air around Alt hums, static rising, until a small bolt of lightning appears from thin air and hits him.
Alt blinks in confusion as Jameson jerks back and tries to catch himself on his hands- then he screams as the electricity hits him. He spasms slightly and crashes to the ground, gritting his teeth as the sparse electricity ripples across his skin. 
Mag tilts his head in thought, hardly phased. ".. huh.. Guess not."
"Huh." Anti frowns. "That's less useful than I thought, then." 
Jameson hurries forward again and grabs Alt, helping him up. He can't do much, but he hopes that the contact will help. 
Alt staggers and clings to Jameson as he's helped, parts of him still jittering. 
He needs rest, Jameson repeats. Especially after that. He shoots Anti a glare. 
"Don't make that face," Anti demands. 
Jameson just narrows his eyes more. 
"Fine!" Anti snaps. "Here, I'll be nice and make up for it." Alt feels a tingling sensation all over his body... and suddenly, the lingering pain is gone.
He blinks as he feels his pain disappear and looks down at himself then back at Anti, "...what did you do...?"
"You people all run on electricity," Anti says. "And pain is a signal sent through your nerves using that electricity. I recently figured out how to manipulate that." 
Jameson blanches. Alt feels him shudder slightly.
Alt also shudders a bit. "Umm... t-thank you... I guess." 
Magnificent snorts and rolls his eyes. "Well- if he's not in pain we should keep moving. Alt- you can find things to recharge yourself with on our walk. I'm sure there's- streetlights or displays or whatever around you can leech off of." 
Alt opens up his mouth to try to argue but then stiffens and his eyes flash again. "...y-yes Magnificent..."
Jameson looks at Alt sympathetically. He wishes there was something he could do to help him, but he knows Anti will stop him. The most he can do is make sure that Alt's taken care of. That's the most he's ever been able to do. He stands up and helps Alt to his feet. 
Alt looks over at Jameson with glazed eyes. But, there's a flicker of gratitude beneath his expression.
"Strange, Jackie didn't have his phone," Anti says. "He must've given it to someone else. Either way, I can still sense its movements. Let's continue on." 
The apartment building lobby has emptied out except for Jackieboy, Chase, and Xio. When suddenly, lights shine into the windows. 
Xio gets to her feet and hurries over, staring out. "It's her car!" she shouts. 
"Great!" Chase also stands up. 
Outside, Stacy parks and Henrik gets out of the passenger seat. He hurries to the front entrance and bursts through. "Other Jackie! Hi! Hello! Oh, you look so different! But also the same."
Jackie hurries after the others and then balks at seeing Henrik. He laughs, "I could say the same thing about you! Nice to meet ya in the flesh though-"
"Yes, yes!" Henrik looks at Chase excitedly. "Can you believe this, Chase?! An actual person from another world! Here! A-and not the only one!" 
Chase laughs. "This is like your wildest dreams come true, huh?" 
"Of course!" 
A woman enters the lobby. "Hi Chase, hey Xio. So, you're the other Jackie, then? I'm Stacy. I guess I'm your sister-in-law in this world. Nice to meet you."
Jackieboy laughs then looks at Stacy as she enters. His eyebrows raise up and then he laughs. "I guess so! Funny- my Chase only just started dating our version of you- though.. guess I could see them settling down~" He grins.
"Heh." Stacy glances at Chase, who coughs awkwardly. "We met in college. Had our twins not long after." 
"Oh! Same with me and my wife!" Jackie grins. "We met 1st year of uni and got married and had our daughter not long after!"
"Y-yeah." Chase nods. "Uh... I hope your Chase will be better at finances than me. That really fucked us over for a while." 
"In the past," Stacy says casually. 
Jackie laughs, "I dunno how good he is with money but he's at least keeping him and Alt afloat!" 
Henrik giggles. "The differences between worlds, so interesting, interesting. Your Chase told me your version of me is deaf, and an actor!" 
"Really?" Chase tilts his head. "Bruh, I can't picture you as an actor at all. I can't picture you as anything but some sort of scientist."
"Imagine how we feel! You all are all- topsy turvy to us!" Jackieboy chuckles.
"No yeah, I know exactly how you feel," Chase says. "It's like you're living my life. Very weird. Jackie was never the type to settle down, they're more of a free spirit." 
Jackie grins, "Yeah! It's weird huh? My Chase is more the free-spirit. He's great with kids but- can't see him being a dad." 
"Which is why they went running out there, isn't it?" Stacy jerks her head back out the front doors. "We can talk about all this stuff in the car, y'know. It's kind of important that we find this guy. What was his name?" 
"Alt, I think," Chase says
Jackie blinks and grins sheepishly, "Right right- let's go. God knows what trouble other me and Bro got into..."
Henrik nods. "Yes, we must find him before Psyode or, god forbid, Anti finds him. If he was interested in Jameson Jackson from another time, he will definitely be interested in this Alt Brody from another space."
The group heads outside. "Jackie can usually handle himself," Chase says. "But uh... his brain doesn't move as fast as his body sometimes. So you can surprise him and stuff. Which... isn't ideal." 
"He's great, though," Xio says. "He was the second person to escape Psyode after 25 did. A real inspiration to people still stuck in there." 
“Oh really? 25 was… the magician guy right?” Jackie asks. 
Henrik grumbles. It's mostly in German, but there are small sound bites of "ethics board" "Jason" "fucking Ayer" and "fucking Experiment Department". 
"Yeah, he was really paranoid about people knowing his name," Xio says. "So I just called him 25. Still do. We were across from each other in the cells. Nice guy... though you won't hear this Jackie agree with that." 
"Oh- huh... guess that kinda true with Alt at first too. Though- he kept to calling himself Alt even after we knew." Jackie shrugs, "Oh- does this world's jackie not like him? guess that must be a constant..." 
"Who wants shotgun?" Stacy asks, getting into the driver's seat.
Jackie shrugs to the question, “I’ll take anywhere!”
Xio laughs. "I'll take shotgun, Stacy, more leg room." 
"The back seat for us, then," Chase says, opening it up. "Op. Evan left Pinkie Pie in here, Stacy." 
"Pass her up to me, I'll remember to take her in," Stacy says, holding out her arm. 
Chase puts a small plushie of a pink horse into her hand and she puts it in the spot between the two front seats. 
Jackie gets inside the car and then smiles softly, "Aw pinkie! She's my daughter's favorite~"
Stacy laughs. "Evan says she's fun, but Anna says Applejack would actually be a better friend. Which is debatable." 
"As for Jackie and Magician, I mean... their relationship didn't exactly start the best way," Chase says. "They were like--a hero-villain duo. The only two superheroes and villains out there. A detective and a phantom thief. And he did throw me off a roof one time--" 
"Magician did what?!" Henrik gasps as he gets in the car. 
"But Jackie caught me!" Chase says. "And I don't think Magician thought it through, yknow?" 
"Woahhh- dude that's kinda metal though. That'd make for a fantastic book or tv series-" Jackie laughs.
Chase grins a little. "Yeah, I know, right?" 
As Stacy starts the car and drives off, Henrik says, "I cannot think of Magician as a fully bad person. After all, he helped rescue Phoebe and me, even if he was mainly curious about what happened to Jameson Jackson, his friend."
"What happened to him?" Jackie asks curiously.
"To Jameson Jackson?" Henrik asks. "We are not fully sure." 
"The Jackson family is like, this powerful old-money family," Chase says. "I did research in the library once and found out that Jameson Jackson was one of them who disappeared in the 1920s. But now he's definitely here in the present day. Magician knows him, clearly cares for him a lot, so I'm guessing that Jameson somehow traveled through time and found Magician and the two of them got close." 
"But then Anti found him," Henrik adds. "And he took him. Anti can control people's bodies, you know. He makes Jameson do things for him, and if Jameson will not, he controls him to do it anyway." He shakes his head sadly. "I'm sure Jameson is a good man," he says quietly.
Jackie's eyes widen, "Oh... woah..." He then hums in thought and rubs at his arm. "...'m sure he is. ....Alt got treated like that by our bitch magician, Magnificent. But, despite everything that fucking cat has put him through... he still tries to do good and be kind. ...I bet Jameson is the same."
Henrik nods slowly. "Yes... He certainly seemed that way while I was there..." He trails off. 
Chase leans over to gently shake Henrik. "C'mon, Hen. Stay with us for now. We got other-universe people to find." 
"Yes, yes, yes." Henrik nods. 
"Other Jackie, anything you know that could help us about where your guys would be?" Xio asks, turning back to look at him.
"Ummm-" Jackie makes a face and leans back in his chair. "Other than Alt's glitching? ummm look for green and purple lights- that's Mag's magic. He also just like- teleports everywhere like a big show off. And uh- Mag ususally looks for big sources of power. Something he can steal." 
"A source of power?" Chase repeats. "Uh... The only place I can think of that would have 'power' like how you're implying is that compound Psyode set up." 
"Let's hope you won't have to go back there," Stacy says. 
"Yeah... I hope we find them before having to try there... That sounds like a place I very much want to avoid." Jackie mutters.
"We'll drive around the city for a while and see if we find anything. In retrospect, I wish Jackie kept his phone." Stacy mumbles. 
Chase shrugs. "Can't undo the past... probably. So let's stick with the present."
Magician and Bro have been walking for some time, crossing between rows and rows of townhouses, when Magician suddenly stops. "Hang on. Do you see that?" 
He barely has time to say that before the thing he saw rushes at the two of them--then past them, banging into a lamp post. A man in a red jumpsuit stumbles back, falling to the ground. "Owwww," he groans. 
Bro blinks and looks and then jumps into the air slightly in surprise as he's run past. He gasps and then touches down to help the man, "Oh my god?? Are you okay???"
“No, I don’t think so.” The man sits up, looking up at Bro. His eyes widen. “Y-you… you’re the other world Chase.” He’s bleeding from his arm and leg. 
Bro hurriedly digs through his backpack and finds something to stop the bleeding- some of his clothes before he borrowed Chase's in the last world. He rips off parts of a shirt and then presses some to the man's arm and grabs his hand and lays it over the spot. "Put pressure there, okay?" He then rips some more and goes to put pressure on his bleeding leg.
“…Scarlet?” Magician says. “What happened?” 
“There was a fucking—no one said a-anything about—about animals turning into other animals!” The man stammers.
Bro freezes slightly as he hears the last part, his face going pale. "...weird question... did that animal... glitch at all? or did you see it... turn human?"
The man—Magician called him Scarlet—does as Bro instructed. “Y-yes… it turned human at the end, turned into a guy.” 
“Hold on a second, are you saying that your Alt friend can turn into animals?!” Magician gasps.
Bro closes his eyes and curses, "Y-Yes he can but he doesn't do it often! And... h-he wouldn't do it to attack someone like... like this!" He then frowns and then has a murderous expression, "...but he would if Mag forced him too. That fucking sneaky bitch...!"
"Mag...?" Scarlet repeats, looking at Magician. "Like... short for Magician?" 
"No, it's short for Magnificent, which is a fucking stupid name," Magician mutters. 
"Okay, but you know, calling him that makes me think--" 
"Shut up, Sonic," Magician snaps. 
"Oh yeah sorry- Magnificent. S'easier just to say Mag... didn't realize it'd be confusing." Bro mutters.
Scarlet laughs--then hisses as he shifts position slightly and makes his injuries hurt more. "A-anyway. Y-yeah, I think that 'Magnificent' guy must have been there. And so was Anti, a-and that man--Jameson Jackson." 
Magician's expression softens slightly behind his mask. "JJ is with them...?" he whispers.
Bro’s eyes darken as Scarlet catches them up. "Of course he found this world's Anti... I bet they're up to no good... and dragged Alt into it... and Jays too. Fuckers...!" He looks down at Scarlet and frowns. "...we can't just leave Scarlet. He's really hurt... we should try to take him to the others... isn't Henrik a doctor?"
"He's not that kind of doctor," Scarlet says. "He's a scientist. Physics and shit. Loves studying other worlds and shit." He pulls down his face mask. "By the way, I-I realize I haven't formally introduced myself. I'm Jackie." 
"Oh right- I guess I should have figured." Bro laughs weakly. "Nice to officially meet ya, Jackie." 
"You're bleeding out, Scarlet, this isn't time for introductions," Magician says. 
"Th-this is the perfect time! Before anything bad happens. Or, worse, I-I guess." Jackie hisses. 
Bro frowns, "Hey don't think like that, we'll get you patched up." 
"Wish I didn't give my phone to Chase... I could've called them to bring a first aid kit." Jackie looks at Bro. "Wait, do you still have your phone?"
Bro then blinks and nods, going to pull out his phone. "Yeah- I think my Jackie might be with your group... oh! And he has a first aid kit!"
"He does?! Oh good." Jackie laughs. "Go on. a-and call them, then." 
Magician stands there awkwardly. "I can... put more pressure on your wounds... if you want." He straightens, and laughs haughtily. "Not that I'd get blood on my hands, that's disgusting. But my powers are very useful for situations like this~" 
Jackie looks up at him. "...sure, Magician," he says, his tone a strange mix of annoyance and gentleness. 
Magician nods. Nothing seems to happen visibly, but Jackie is able to lean back, Bro's clothes continuing to be pressed to the wounds even without him doing it.
"Oh- well... that's helpful... what is it that you do, Magician?" Bro asks curiously, "You don't seem to use magic like Alt or Mag does... but you have something- that's how you pulled me out of the sky and... are doing this I guess." As he says this he starts to dial Jackie's number.
"I have myself something called psychokinesis," Magician chuckles. "Moving and pushing things without physically touching them. It's quite handy, you know. I can even pick locks with the ability." 
"You called me Sonic, alright, Silver," Jackie mutters. 
Bro bursts into laughter, "Heh- I guess that is fitting...!" 
The other end of Bro's call picks up quickly.
The call picks up and Jackieboy hurriedly answers the other line: "Chase??" 
"H-Hey man... sorry for just... hanging up on you..." Bro says putting the call on speaker. 
"Yeah dude that was a dick move-" 
Bro winces, "Sorry sorry but- I found Magician and Jackie- other Jackie and... he's really hurt. And Mag got a hold of Alt and i... I think he used his shapeshifting to attack him." 
"What?!" Chase shouts on the other end. "Jackie, are you okay?!" 
"I'm fine!" Jackie yells. 
"Don't let that fool you, Violet, he's bleeding and it looks like some animal bit him," Magician says. 
"Jackie what the fuck?!" Henrik shouts. 
"I didn't want to get attacked by wolf, dude!" 
"...woah that's a whole bunch to process okay- well... we're in Stacy's car with other you, Henrik and Xio... which I guess you heard.” Jackieboy laughs. “Do you know where you are?" 
"We're somewhere on Daine Street, in the neighborhoods to the north of the city," Magician relays. 
"Fuck," Chase curse. "W-we can get there fast! Stacy, are there any pharmacies nearby?!" 
"I can put it into Maps," Stacy says. "We can pick up anything we need. Jackie, can you move?" 
"Y-yeah... I think so." 
Magician sighs. "Very well, I guess I could help if you need it." 
Jackie gives him a puzzled, thoughtful look.
Bro looks between Magician and Jackie with a confused expression. "...are you guys friends or do you hate each other? Cuz I genuinely cannot tell." 
"Apparently its a villain vs hero thing." Jackie supplies. 
"Oh, Scarlet totally hates me," Magician says, grinning. 
"No, I don't," Jackie mutters. 
"Oh by the way, I have my first aid kit but... if he got bit by stuff... we might need something more." Jackieboy mumbles worriedly.
"I'm googling what antibiotics we'd need to prevent infection," Chase says. "We can stop by a pharmacy to get them." 
"Xio, look for stuff close by on my phone," Stacy says. "The password is 6232." 
"Got it, man," Xio says. "Looks like the nearest place to buy medicine is on the corner of Mirylow and Kellie." 
"Can you guys head that way?" Chase asks. 
"I-I think so," Jackie says.
"I can help, dude, don't worry," Bro says with a sincere smile. "We'll meet you all there." 
"Okay, Chase, be careful." Jackieboy says. 
"Will do." Bro hangs out and quickly pockets his phone before kneeling down by Jackie and trying to see if he can help him up. "I know you just ran here but resting sometimes changes things, can you put pressure on your leg?"
"Let's see." Jackie lets Bro pull him up. He hisses a bit. "Hurts, but I think I got it." He glances at Magician. 
"Can you... keep that pressure up? I think it's helping." 
Magician flashes a grin. "Of course. Just remember, you owe me~" 
"Ugh. Fine." Jackie shakes his head. "Let's just go." 
Anti guides the others from a residential area to a section of the city with more businesses and shops. 
"If you can hide yourselves with your power, I suggest you do," he says. "If we can take them by surprise, we should."
Magnificent hums and looks around. He sees a dark alley and grins. "No problem. I'll blend into the shadows." He looks back at Alt, who's been trying to find small sources of energy here and there. He stills seems kinda drained and out of it. Regardless though, he snaps his fingers and points at Alt. "Alt, shift. You'll hide with me." 
Alt stiffens quickly and then glitches back into his cat form. Mag is quick to scoop him up and pets him with an evil chuckle. Alt's hackles raise slightly but he slowly relaxes, his eyes looking a bit more slitted as Mag pets him. Mag looks to Anti and then steps back, the two of them fully blending into the shadows as if they disappeared.
"Heh... Impressive." Anti grins. His image disappears, leaving only Jameson visible. 
Jameson sighs, taking out the phone from earlier. 
Anti's voice continues to come from the speakers. "We're gaining on them. Keep going down this street." As they continue, Anti continues to talk. "So, Magnificent. What is your goal in traveling through worlds? Searching out power? Conquering the universes? Something more specific than that?"
There's the vague hints of movements within the shadows as they walk- the hint of static, the flicking of cat tail, the flash of a green eye. But, only while Magnificent moves to keep up. 
"Oh... a little of everything. I want to taste the power and magic other universes provide~ and also... If i can crush any duplicates of me who think they're better or more powerful well... that's another plus~!" He giggles. "And making new puppets has been quite a joy as well! So many unique ways to manipulate the mind and bend it to a stronger beings will... honestly- it inspires me to look for more~"
"Fascinating," Anti's voice says. "So, I suppose it's both curiosity and control. I can understand that. After all, I'm the one seeking knowledge of how to get into other worlds. And I suppose I have some puppets of my own. Though most of them are interchangeable to me. Jameson here is an exception. I feel responsible, since I may be the one who accidentally brought him here." 
Jameson rolls his eyes. He glances over every time there's an occasional flicker of movement indicating Magnificent... and Alt.
Alt's eyes find Jameson's through the shadows when he looks- sometimes more slitted, sometimes something a bit more human.
"Oh? Is that so... is he mayhaps- a person pulled from time?" Magnificent laughs, 
Anti laughs. "That's exactly what he is! From ninety years ago or so.”
"We are more similar than I thought then, Anti~! I did the same to one of my puppets... though- he has stubbornly rejected his strings. Mostly useless to me now but... we have our fun occasionally." 
“I never expected to find someone also able to do something like that. I'm sorry that your puppet pulled away.”
"Ha! Perhaps our puppets should meet~ it's not often I meet another who pulled someone from time." Magnificent giggles. 
“I am curious as to how you make them in the first place. Your magic is unique. I can manipulate people's motor neurons, but it's difficult, and I can only focus on so many people at a time. Something like your power... I wonder if it's easier than my method." Anti says.
Mag hums, petting Alt through the shadows, the cat's eyes turning more slitted and purple as he does- pushing his influence in. "Truly- it depends fully on the mind. I often find with enough surprise and mental manipulation, most humans can fall to my magic for a bit of time. Enough for me to get my way... but it is temporary and hard to maintain. Usually its just enough to cause some chaos or damage... but Alt here~ he is a great example of long term manipulation. His mind is like putty in my hands... and I have so many ways to twist it to do my bidding~! He fights when he can, sure... but that's almost half the fun~!" 
Anti laughs again. "Fascinating. Truly fascinating. Your mind manipulation would have been most helpful when I was trying to get information from someone. With your powers, he no doubt would have told me everything he knew." He sighs. "I wish I could read minds as easily as I manipulate the body, but unfortunately, I haven't quite decoded that yet. Everyone's thoughts are so different that it's hard to decipher the electrical impulses. Hmm... perhaps... no, if you are able to take me out of this world, I suppose I don't need that information anymore."
"Is that the only information you seek? To escape this world?" Magnificent asks.
"That, and any way I can use to gain power," Anti answers. "I know I am not supposed to be here. And I know that my purpose exists beyond this universe."
"Ah... we have similar goals then." Magnificent giggles. "Don't worry, Anti. With Alt this deep under... he won't remember this- and you should be able to sneak into the TRVLR with ease~"
"Yes." Anti laughs. "I can't wait." 
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