#also... A COMPASS?? when mal talked to alina about TRUE NORTH???
ragnarssons · 2 years
“oooooh but nikolai gave his compass to alina because he has feelings for heeeer” meanwhile, nikolai:
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mcheang · 2 years
Shadow and Bone S2 E5 recap
Spoiler alert
Aleksander does not move back to Os Alta but to his base. While Fruzsi reminds him of strategic moves to control Ravka, he is focused on Alina Starkov. Oh, meanwhile David escaped and is with Alina. Adrik’s wound cannot be healed, so his arm is cut off. Huh, so Nina wasn’t actually loyal to Kirigan after all, before the Fold expansion. Anyway, Tolya and Zoya found the Crows and offer them the job but Kaz refuses to involve Inej, but she joins to serve Alina. Anyway, they find the thief who had stolen the blade. That was fast. In Shu Han, they try to make a deal with the Disciple’s representative but she knows they will not pay money.
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Baghra doesn’t care about titles
Genya and Baghra find Alina in the tunnels. Genya avoids David so he won’t see her face but he might think she is angry at him for deserting her. Anyway, Nikolai wants Genya to stand trial but Alina defends her and Baghra calls him out on his family’s crime, sorta. Tatiana discovers Genya and wants her arrested until Genya also calls her out for not defending her. Nikolai also blames his mother, who doesn’t accept the blame.
David has his version of a love confession to Genya. See, your scars don’t matter. Baghra suggest Alina block the Darkling via their tether. She visits him via tether to try sweet talk him (not convincing btw but the Darkling is so obsessed he actually falls for it), and her powers are kind of wrecking the tunnels. Mal returns and snaps her out of it when she is trying to sever the tether. Mal and Alina argue. Alina accuses him of not caring enough and he accuses her of moving too fast, until Alina says saving Ravka is all that matters, and Mal ends their relationship. Yeah, he is actually dealing with this much better than book Mal. Show Mal is modest and loyal, though I wish he would fight for Alina, even he can see that he has no place in her plans for Ravka beyond the firebird. At Shu Han, Zoya tells Nina to give up on Matthias. Nina claimed they were free, and she was forced loyal to be Ravka because she was born there. Zoya points out that Matthias in now in hellgate, and Nina abandoned Ravka when they needed her. At Hellgate, Pekka arrives. Matthias’ cellmate wants revenge since Pekka caused the death of his sworn brother Demyan. But Pekka beats him to death, as Matthias is restrained. Pekka rallies the prisoners to follow his lead. Now Matthias wants revenge on Pekka. Hard to properly punish a criminal if he is already in jail where the system is corrupt. Baghra gives Alina counselling as Alina confesses so much of her strength and confidence was because the Darkling taught her this. Baghra agrees to help Alina find the firebird. This is so OOC. Baghra hates anything merzost-related. Nikolai plans to send his mother to a convent for safety. Of course she doesn’t want to leave her son, or the Grand Palace behind forever. But Nikolai is firm that Ravka must change. Alina returns Nikolai his ring and he gives her his compass. Though I must that gift is better suited to come from Mal with the whole true north thing. Anyway, the Darkling has given up on Alina’s alliance and refocuses on conquering Ravka.
In Shu Han, the Crows, Tolya and Zoya underestimate the thief. Seriously, at least be prepared for booby traps. A mythical item is not going to be stolen so easily and the security will be challenging.
Is no one going to acknowledge the missing Ivan and Fedyor, or the fact that Marie died?! Poor Nikolai, there’s no one left with him now. I admit I’m sad about this deterioration in the relationship in Darklina. If Alina has to hate the Darkling, can’t she at least know why he created the Fold!!! Also, you don’t provoke a powerful man like Kirigan like that. If she wanted to burn the bone shard out of his hand, fine, but don’t toy with his feelings, it will make the vengeance stronger.
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