#also. look me in the eyes and tell me gojo is a father figure.
nyxire · 1 year
actually jjk was made to make everyone suffer but specifically gojo and by extension every child he has ever so much as considered caring for
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gojoluvs · 3 months
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⤿ Satoru Gojo × reader
summary, “her world turned upside down when her boss announced that he was the father of her unborn child. As she navigates her new life as a wife and mother, she finds herself falling for her husband's best friend, Suguru Geto. But is it love she feels? or just a desperate attempt to be noticed by someone other than her husband..”
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, violence.
Genre; angst, infidelity, jik, Gojou × reader, modern au!, business au!
Notes: the tag-list is open if you'd like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message.
10k words
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masterlist ⤏ next chapter
it felt like a fever dream.
Your thoughts were racing as you sat there staring at the positive pregnancy test. You never imagined that a casual fling with your boss, Gojo, would result in this. You were filled with a mix of emotions - fear, confusion, and excitement all at once. You knew you had to tell Gojo, but the thought of his reaction scared you.
Would he be angry? Would he want you to keep the baby? These questions filled your mind as you tried to figure out the best course of action. Ultimately, the decision was yours to make and you knew it wouldn't be an easy one.
"Fuck." Grabbing a piece of toilet paper, you wrapped the positive pregnancy test and shoved it inside your pant pockets.
Immediately washing your hand, you exited the restroom to face your dear friend and co-worker. With her back against the wall, you could see her biting her nails in anticipation.
You could tell she knew something was wrong, as she anxiously asked, "What's going on?"
Taking a deep breath, you slowly let out, "I'm pregnant." As the words sank in, you could see the shock and worry on your friend's face.
You knew this wasn't the ideal situation, but you also knew that you had a supportive friend by your side. Her eyes widened in shock, and she slowly began to walk towards you. She looked at you with a mix of surprise and concern, her mouth agape as she tried to process the news.
You could tell she was trying to find the right words to say, but in the end, all she could manage was a quiet, "Oh."
"I'm sorry, I can't believe this," she gasped, her eyes filled with worry.
"What are you going to do?" You shook your head, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.
"I have no idea," you replied honestly. "I wasn't planning on this."
Your friend placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We'll figure it out together," she said with a reassuring smile. "You don't have to go through this alone." Grateful for her support, you took another deep breath and nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the fear and uncertainty. You began walking back towards the office while everyone was in lunch.
As an employee at the national elect industries estate that the Gojo's had owned, you were fortunate enough to work closely with Satoru Gojo, one of the most well-known and influential CEOs in all of Tokyo. Witnessing his leadership style first-hand, you found him to be an inspiring and motivating leader who always pushed his team to reach their full potential. Despite being just one of the many employees in the building, you felt valued and appreciated under Satoru Gojo's leadership. His positive and encouraging attitude made it a pleasure to work in the office and you always felt inspired after a conversation with him. It was an honor to be a part of the team.
Unfortunately everyone knew that Satoru was a sex hungry man. All he needed to do was just point at a woman and they would come running to him because everyone knew he was the most attractive man in the building. However, Satoru was not looking for love. He was focused on his career and was determined to be successful. No matter how many women tried to win his heart, he kept his eyes on the prize and refused to be distracted.
"Y/N." Seeing the tall white haired male you immediately grabbed the report you stayed up all night redoing.
Your heart raced as you walked towards him, clutching the report tightly in your hands. You could feel the sweat in your palms as you nervously approached the tall white-haired man. Despite your anxiety, you stood up straight and confidently handed over the report, hoping it would impress him.
You were relieved when he smiled at you, and you managed to smile back handing him the report you had worked so hard on all night.
"Here you go Mr. Gojo, I also decided to put the sales graph from last weeks advertisement," you said with a sense of accomplishment.
As he glanced through the report, you couldn't help but feel proud of your hard work.
You stood there, watching him walk away, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and regret. If only things were different, if only you could share the news of your pregnancy with him. But you knew it was better this way, to keep your distance and avoid any potential complications.
You couldn't help but wonder what his reaction would have been, and if his parents would have accepted you and your child. But ultimately, you knew that this was the best decision for everyone involved. With a heavy heart, you turned and walked away, knowing that your secret would remain just that - a secret.
Despite your admiration for Satoru, you couldn't help but feel inferior to him. Being considered a low life and not as successful as him only added to this feeling. Your dad owned a small restaurant down the street where the building was, while Satoru's family lived in a lavish mansion. You were just a commoner and Satoru was like a prince. You had grown up in a small town, and Satoru had grown up in a wealthy family.
The differences in class between the two of you were stark and you were constantly reminded of your social status. You knew that his family wouldn't approve of the two of you together, and deep down, you knew that your relationship was doomed from the start.
"We should go eat, it's on me since your eating for two." Grabbing your arm she held it, you both walked towards the lunch area where the food was at.
Seeing the rest of the workers in the building you wondered who else Satoru had sex with. Knowing you weren't the only one because he once had a long lasting hookup with one of his secretaries but once his dad found out he fired her.
You were feeling uneasy knowing Satoru's history with other women. He was a notorious playboy, always looking for a new conquest. You couldn't help but wonder what his true intentions were. He had always been kind to you, but that could easily change if he got bored.
Despite your doubts, you couldn't help but be drawn to him, his charisma and charm were hard to resist. But you also knew that getting involved with someone like him could lead to heartbreak and disappointment. It was a risky game to play, and you weren't sure if you were willing to take that chance.
"Y/N?" Tilting her head you could see that Utahime was waiting for you to come back to reality.
Nosing you sat down with her, feeling overwhelmed by the thought of raising this child alone. However, you knew that you were strong and capable, and you were determined to give your child the best life possible.
You looked into Utahime's eyes and saw a reflection of your own sadness. You knew that she was feeling your pain and loneliness, and that you were in this together. You sighed and steeled yourself for the difficult road ahead, but with Utahime by your side, you knew you could make it through.
"Can you order me a sandwich please? I'm too tired to go," you said, feeling exhausted from the long day.
With a nod, Utahime quickly got up and left you alone at the table. As you took out your phone, you hesitated before texting Satoru. You knew he had a right to know about the child.
Taking a deep breath, you type out a message to Satoru:
"I need to tell you something."
After sending the message, you lean back in your chair and wait. You feel a mixture of emotions and fear of how he will react. You immediately got a text back. Surprised to see that Satoru would reply to you during a meeting.
The message said:
"What is it? I'm in a meeting right now but I can talk later."
You took a deep breath, relieved that he isn't mad and that you can talk to him later. You respond with a short message:
"Well, if that's the case, we can talk later then."
This way, you can both have some time to calm down and approach the conversation with a cooler head. Plus, it's always better to discuss important matters in person rather than over text.
"Here," handing you the delicious sandwich you've been craving all day, you took a bite. As you bit into the sandwich, the flavor of the freshly baked bread and the savory combination of ingredients made your mouth water.
The juicy tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and perfectly seasoned meat all came together in a burst of flavor that satisfied your hunger and left you wanting more. You couldn't help but savor each bite, enjoying every last morsel of this delectable sandwich.
"Mm! This is so good." Smiling she drank her coke gazing at you while you devoured the food like if you hadn't ate in weeks.
You were so focused on the food that you almost forgot about the conversation you two were having. You looked up and met her gaze, and you both shared a laugh. She said, "You really are enjoying that, aren't you?" You smiled and nodded, taking another bite.
"Mm... did you see that the secretary that Gojo supposedly had a thing with is back?" she asked you,pausing mid-bite.
"She's back...?" After nodding, you couldn't help but wonder why she returned.
The last thing you remembered was her getting completely humiliated by Satoru's father in front of the entire office.
"I heard supposedly he gave her a check of one million dollars to leave the boss alone. God I hate him." Utahime rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her drink.
You couldn't understand why Utahime harbored such strong dislike for Satoru. Maybe there was more to their relationship than meets the eye.
"Why do you hate him so much?" you asked her, curious. Utahime sighed and shook her head.
"It's not important," she said. "But I can't stand people who use their money to get away with anything. It's just not fair. It creates an unequal playing field and allows those with wealth to escape consequences for their actions, while others are held accountable. It perpetuates systemic inequality and injustice."
You could also agree with that, paying someone to leave their loved one is such a dick move. Before you knew it everyone was already finished with their lunch except for you and Utahime. You looked around the canteen and saw that everyone was watching you and Utahime, with some of them grinning and whispering to each other.
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you, and you quickly finished your lunch while Utahime still calmly ate her food.
"Let's go, I don't want to get in trouble," you whispered urgently to your friend.
You both stood up and quickly made your way back to the office where everyone else had gone to work. Utahime gave you a questioning look, but understanding the situation, she quickly followed you out of the canteen. You were careful to avoid contact with anyone as you walked back to the office, feeling like all eyes were on you.
As soon as you arrived, you quickly darted to your desk and started to work, trying to distract yourself from the embarrassment you felt. Despite your efforts, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being judged and the fear of getting in trouble for your actions.
You opened the first document and started typing, your fingers hitting the keys in a steady rhythm. However, as you continued typing, you realized that finishing the reports quickly would not solve the underlying issue that had been weighing on your mind.
You knew that you would still have to confront Satoru and address the problem head-on, no matter how much you wanted to escape from it. You took a deep breath and focused on completing the reports, determined to face the challenges ahead with a clear mind and a proactive attitude.
As much as you dreaded it, you knew it was unavoidable. You had been working late nights for weeks now and the stress was starting to take its toll. You felt exhausted and overwhelmed by the amount of work you had to do in such a short amount of time. You just wanted to take a break and relax, not have to deal with yet another deadline.
The pressure to come up with new ideas for the company to expand in the east coast was daunting and you were running out of creative energy.
You could say your position was important but it wasn't that much compared to what other people did. You wanted to be one of the members who would attend the meeting and present your own ideas without getting everything stolen from you. You had a role in the company, but your contributions were often overlooked or overshadowed.
You couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and frustration. Wanting to be able to make meaningful contributions to the team in meetings and have your ideas taken seriously, but you knew you were far from that, especially now that you were carrying his child.
You wondered if Satoru's family would also give you a check to disappear, to act like you never had anything with Gojo. It was a harsh reality to face, but you refused to let it stop you from achieving your goals and proving your worth.
You thought of all the different scenarios that could happen, you felt helpless. You had come to the office to gain experience and learn from the best. But now you were in a situation you hadn't anticipated and you didn't know how to handle it.
You wished you had someone to talk to and get advice from, but you knew none of your colleagues could understand what you were going through. You had feelings of insecurity and fear. You were scared of being judged and looked down on by Satoru's family and his colleagues.
You felt that you weren't good enough, and that you didn't have the skills or the knowledge to make meaningful contributions. You were worried that if you stayed, you would be seen as a burden and a nuisance, and that your ideas would be dismissed.
"Y/N, sir Gojo is requesting your presence in his office." You were startled by the voice of the secretary, who you had only heard about before. Her beauty was even more striking in person - her long black hair cascading down her back and her piercing green eyes seeming to see right through you. Her pale complexion and rosy lips added to her ethereal appearance.
"Yes," you replied, feeling a bit flustered by her beauty. You followed her down the hallway to Gojo's office, admiring her graceful walk. She opened the door and motioned for you to enter, giving you a gentle smile before she closed the door behind you.
Looking out the window Satoru had his hands in his pockets. Snapping his head towards the door when he saw you enter. He smiled before walking towards you. His tall figure hovering over you. You hadn't realized despite your height, Satoru was super tall. You stepped back in surprise, taken aback by his sudden proximity, and your eyes widened as you looked up into his face.
His kind eyes twinkling and his lips curling into a warm smile. For a moment, you were lost in the moment, unable to remember why you had come.
"What did you want to talk about?" asked Satoru as you walked into boss's office. Grabbing his remote, he clicked a button and the window blinds slowly descended, providing more privacy in the office. He sat down and motioned for you to do the same.
You waited patiently for the right words, as he wondered what could be so important that they needed privacy.
Your mind was racing with all the possible outcomes, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. You fiddled with your hands, trying to calm your nerves, and felt the weight of the situation bearing down on you.
Would he support your decision? Would he be angry? Would he even want to be a part of this? The uncertainty and fear were almost suffocating. You mustered up the courage to meet his gaze, hoping for some sign of reassurance. But his expression remained stoic, leaving you to wonder what he was thinking.
You hesitated, unsure of what to say. You knew Satoru didn't love you, to him you were just a one night stand. But you couldn't keep living in doubt, you had to tell him the truth.
A one night stand that screwed up and didn't use a after pill. You knew that the next few words that were going to leave your mouth was going to devastate Gojo. Maybe even ruin his life. But still, you wanted to know the truth, no matter how much it hurt. You felt like you were caught between a rock and a hard place. Gojo was so kind to you and you had grown to care for him deeply.
But on the other hand, Satoru was the father of your unborn child. You were unsure of what to do and what would be the right thing for everyone involved. You felt helpless and scared.
Despite the fact that you wanted to tell Gojo the truth, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You couldn't bear the thought of hurting him, knowing that the truth would have a devastating effect on him. You felt that it was better to keep him in the dark and live with the regret of your decision.
He was visibly anxious as he waited for you to explain the situation. His brow was furrowed and his mouth was set in a tight line. He clasped his hands together, as if in prayer, and waited for you to break the silence. Staring at him you could tell he was concerned as to why you weren't speaking.
His blue eyes stared back at you waiting for you to tell him the news. You were hesitant to tell him the truth, but you knew you had to. Taking a deep breath, you slowly began to explain the situation. You could feel your heart racing as you spoke, and you could tell his expression was slowly changing as he heard the news.
You took a deep breath and finally spoke, "I'm pregnant." Satoru's face turned to shock and then anger, "You're lying," he spat. You knew this was going to be difficult, but you had to do what was best for you and your child.
"Im not lying," You said back. He was speechless, his mind trying to process what he heard. He was frozen in place, not knowing what to say or do. He was in a state of disbelief, struggling to comprehend the news. Finally, he managed to speak, his voice barely above a whisper, "Are you sure?"
His heart was pounding in his chest, as he waited for the answer. He felt like the room was spinning, the world around him a blur. He was filled with fear and disbelief, as he tried to piece together what he had heard.
His heart raced as he waited for a response. He had never expected to hear this, and he felt a sudden wave of shock and confusion wash over him. He felt like he was stuck in a dream, unable to move or think clearly.
"Yes, here," you said, taking out the small piece of toilet paper and unwrapping it, revealing the positive pregnancy test. Satoru's eyes widened as he grabbed it, shock and disbelief washing over his face as he tried to process the news that would forever change his life.
He couldn't believe that he was going to be a father, and the thought of all the responsibilities and sacrifices that came with it was overwhelming.
His face fell and he stared at you in shock before his emotions turned to anger. "How could you be so careless? Do you know what this means?" he yelled.
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. You knew this was going to change everything and it was a difficult situation to be in. You couldn't help but feel guilty for causing this turmoil but you also knew that the truth had to come out.
With a heavy heart, you averted your gaze, unable to face the man in front of you. "I understand the gravity of this situation, and I know that I am not from the same social status as you. If you think it's best for me to leave and raise our child on my own, then I will do so."
He put a hand on his mouth before rubbing it on his chin. "Shit," he muttered.
You could tell he didn't want this pregnancy as much as you didn't want it. "But you took the morning after pill?" he questioned, staring right at you with concern in his eyes.
Despite his hesitation, you knew he would support you no matter what decision you made.
"I did," you lied, feeling a knot form in your stomach. "But it wasn't 100% effective." You both knew the risks, but neither of you expected it to happen.
“What do we do now?" you asked, looking at him for guidance.
"I don't know," he sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. "Maybe we should consider all of our options." You knew what he meant, but you weren't sure if you were ready to make that decision.
"I'll arrange a meeting with my parents as soon as possible and we can discuss what we'll do then. But... how far along are you?" Gazing at Satoru, you could see the doubt and suspicion in his eyes.
He didn't trust you and it was understandable. You couldn't blame him for thinking you might be using this pregnancy to ruin his life. But deep down, you knew the truth - that you could possibly be carrying his child, and that thought alone scared you.
"I don't know what you think of me, Satoru, but I'm not here to ruin your life," you said.
"I'm not sure how far along I am, but I do know that I'm pregnant, and that's why I'm here. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything, I just wanted you to know the truth and I thought it would be better to do this in person."
“Despite the potential challenges and complications, I am committed to taking responsibility for my pregnancy and raising our child. I understand that this may not have been part of our plans, but I believe we can work something out.” Satoru looked at you with a mix of shock and confusion.
He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He just stared at you in disbelief, not knowing what to say. Finally, he managed to stutter out a few words. "Are you sure you want to keep it?”
"Yes i am, if you want me to I will raise this child but I need you to be here. My kid, our kid. Its not going to live without a father." Satoru could see the determination in your eyes. Clenching your fists you wanted for his answer in anticipation
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before turning to you. His eyes were heavy with emotion as he finally spoke.
"Yes, I'll stay. I promise. I'll be here for us and for our child." He got up and reached out, taking your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze.
It was a difficult decision, but you knew that the potential benefits for the child far outweighed the risk of getting your heart broken. You were determined to make sure that Satoru saw the potential of being a father and the positive impact he could have on the child's life.
You were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that this child had a loving and involved father figure, even if it meant facing rejection or heartache. In the end, the well-being and happiness of the child was your top priority.
"For now I want you to stay here until I'm done with my last meeting then we can head out and go to my parents mansion." You knew how much it meant for his parents to know about this. To be honest, you were so fucking scared right now.
You knew that this was not going to be easy, not just because of the child growing inside you, but because of the potential backlash from Satoru's parents. You were fully aware of the cultural and societal differences between your backgrounds and how it could be perceived by his family. Despite your fears and concerns, you nodded and agreed to his request, determined to make it work and put on a brave face. With a deep breath, you tried to calm your nerves and prepare yourself for the challenges ahead.
Closing the door behind him just like that Satoru went to another meeting leaving you with your thoughts. While you were grappling with these thoughts, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and guilt. The image of Satoru with his secretary kept replaying in your mind, making you question your own feelings and actions.
Would it be right to sabotage their relationship for your own selfish desires? These moral dilemmas left you feeling conflicted and unsure of how to proceed. As you sat alone in the office, you couldn't help but wonder if things would ever be the same between you and Satoru.
You felt a pang of guilt and sadness as you tried to push away the thought and focus on the task at hand. Closing your eyes you decided to lay down on the small sofa that Satoru had in his office.
Putting a hand on top of your stomach you couldn't really feel anything. You knew you were at least a few weeks pregnant. You stayed in that position for a few minutes, feeling the warmth of the sunrays coming through the window and calming your body. You felt safe and secure and couldn't help but smile, as you thought about the life that was growing inside of you.
You stayed there, eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the sofa, as your mind wandered through the possibilities of the future. You just wanted to savor the moment, to make sure you could remember it forever. You had taken the pregnancy test several times, but it was still hard to believe that you were actually going to have a baby.
You had so many questions - you were wondering if the baby was the size of a bean or if it was even smaller than that. You were filled with a mix of emotions - from excitement to fear. You were going to become a mom. Wondering how you were going to explain to your father that you got pregnant by your bosses you couldn't help but let out a sigh. You knew things were going to get more complicated now.
You had always been taught to do the right thing and you knew this was the wrong thing to do. You wanted to do the right thing and take responsibility for your actions but you were afraid of what your father's reaction would be. He had always been so strict and you knew he wouldn't approve of this situation. You felt so helpless and confused.
You were already in a difficult situation, having to work for a man that you felt attracted to and now being pregnant with his child. You felt lost as to how you were going to explain this to your father. What would he think of you? How would you even begin to explain what had happened?
“Oh yeah dad! I thought my boss was super hot and I slept with him and guess what? I'm pregnant!” Sarcastically you let out another sigh. You really screwed up this time. You shook your head and let out a deep sigh. You had just been telling your father about the problems you were having at work, and now this. You knew your dad was going to be disappointed in you. You could already hear the lecture he was going to give you.
However, you knew that you had to take responsibility for your actions and face the consequences. You hoped that your father would understand and support you, but you also knew that you needed to learn from this mistake and make better choices in the future.
You couldn't even tell your mother because she had died when you were born. Never being able to be raised with a mother figure you were all alone im this situation. You covered your face with your arm. Trying your best to forget about everything and just go to sleep.
Maybe a nap would help you process everything and get you in a better mood. You had so much on your mind and felt so alone. You had no one to talk to, no one to turn to. You wanted someone to just listen, someone who could understand what you were going through and be there for you. But there was no one, and you had to find a way to cope with your emotions on your own.
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"How long was I out?" you groaned as you rubbed your eyes, still trying to wake up.
You were surprised to see Satoru standing there, wearing his casual black glasses and with his suitcase next to him. It was clear that everyone had already left the building and it was just the two of you. "Did I oversleep?" you asked.
With a deep sigh, you slowly stood up from the comfortable embrace of the sofa. You felt a dull ache throughout your body, as if you had been in the same position for hours. You reached up and rubbed your forehead, trying to ease the tension. Taking a deep breath, you rubbed one of your eyes with your other hand, blinking away the sleepiness.
Realizing that you must have been asleep for a while. Satoru replied , "Not too long, just a couple of hours. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up." You were grateful for his thoughtfulness and couldn't help but smile back at him.
“You were asleep for three hours." Helping you up Satoru offered his hand. Taking it you thanked him silently before taking all of your stuff and leaving his office.
You checked the time on your phone and realized it was already past midnight. You had slept for the past three hours while Satoru was patiently watching you from his chair. You were embarrassed but grateful for his understanding and kindness. You thanked him as you gathered your things and made your way out of his office.
You walked outside into the parking lot, as you sat inside the luxurious Mercedes Benz, you couldn't help but feel a little out of place. Satoru barely acknowledged your presence as he started the car and drove towards his parents' mansion. It was clear that he was more focused on his own comfort and status, rather than making you feel welcome. Despite the extravagant surroundings, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.
You took out your phone, your fingers gently tapping on the screen trying to send a text to your dad. Letting him know you might come home later than usual as you were going to meet Satorus parents. As you typed out the message, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. You couldn't resist the curiosity and ended up searching for Satoru's lover on Instagram. You typed her name into the search bar multiple times until you finally found her profile. As you clicked on it, you discovered that her name was "Asami Oba."
As you scrolled through her photos, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She seemed to have a perfect life - traveling to exotic locations, attending luxurious events, and surrounded by beautiful people. You couldn't believe Satoru was dating someone like her. It made you question your own self-worth and wonder what he saw in her that he didn't see in you. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but continue scrolling through her profile, torturing yourself with images of their seemingly happy relationship.
However, it still bothered you to see the pictures of Asami and Satoru together. You couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, even though you knew she had nothing to do with the reason why he slept with you. It was a constant reminder that you were the other woman, and that their relationship was still going strong while you were left to deal with the aftermath. It made your stomach turn every time you saw one of their pictures with a caption that said "with my love."
The picture that stood out the most was undoubtedly the one featuring them in the Eiffel Tower. The breathtaking view of the iconic landmark served as a backdrop, capturing their joy and creating a lasting memory of their trip to Paris.
As you watched Satoru lost in his thoughts, you couldn't help but wonder about the consequences that would arise once his lover discovered the truth about your pregnancy. The situation seemed to hang in the air, heavy with uncertainty and potential conflict.
What felt like forever finally had come to an end, you couldn't help but feel out of place as you stepped out of the car. The house was even more luxurious than you had imagined, the expensive cars and perfectly manicured lawns. Satoru's parents were known for their wealth and you couldn't shake off the feeling that you didn't belong there. You knew Satoru's parents were going to judge you for not dressing more formally, but you were too exhausted from work to change.
"Listen Y/N," he said before ringing the doorbell. His expression suddenly changed, as if a wave of desperation had washed over him. His eyes were pleading, his hands trembling.
"I'm warning you my family is very old fashioned," licking his lips, that's all he said before ringing the doorbell.
You could practically hear your heartbeat, feeling as if your heart was going to jump out of your body. As you nervously waited for the door to open, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of traditional customs and expectations his family might have. Would they approve of your relationship? Would they expect you to conform to their beliefs? The unknown made your stomach churn with anxiety.
As the door swung open, a small click sound could be heard. A man, who looked identical to Satoru but slightly older, stood in the doorway. He quickly glanced at his son before his eyes landed on you. Raising an eyebrow, he muttered a few words under his breath, "Oh god, your mother is going to be ballistic."
"Father, please." pleaded Satoru as he held onto your hand, almost crushing.
"Please come in, it's a pleasure to meet you. My wife is in the living room, so please have a seat there." Said Satoru's father, gesturing towards the living room. He was a tall and imposing man, his deep voice echoing through the spacious hallway. You couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated as you followed him inside.
The intricate details, luxurious furnishings, and spacious layout of the Gojo mansion left you in awe. It was everything you would expect from a wealthy family's home. As you walked through the halls, admiring the lavish decor and elegant architecture, you couldn't help but utter a soft "Wow" under your breath. While you may have seen similar houses before, there was something about the design of this one that was truly impeccable and breathtaking.
As you sat on the silky white couch, you were met with Satoru's mother's gaze. It was intense and piercing, making you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. She seemed to be silently judging you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and inadequacy under her scrutiny. You shifted nervously, unsure of how to react or what to say to break the tension.
"What's your name?" her strong voice practically echoed. Despite her age, she was still stunning, with striking features and an air of elegance.
"Y/N, it's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Gojo." You replied with a warm smile, trying to make her feel welcome and at ease.
"So, what business do you have with my son?" she asked, her tone icy and unwelcoming. "To be more specific, what do you want from him?" Her sharp gaze bore into you, daring you to give her an answer she didn't want to hear.
"Mom," he said, avoiding eye contact with his mother. "She's pregnant and the child is mine." Her gaze softened as she laid her eyes on Satoru, her future grandchild. She could see the worry and fear in her son's eyes.
"Are you sure it's your child?" She questioned, looking you up and down before sighing. Her disbelief was evident as she struggled to accept the news. Doubt and confusion filled her mind, unsure of how to react to this unexpected information. She took a deep breath before finally asking, "How can you be sure?"
"I'm not convinced that you are the father," she questioned, eyeing you up and down before letting out a sigh.
"Mom, she's the only woman I've slept with in a while. Please," he pleaded.
"Do you have anything to say to that?" she asked, her eyes fixed on Satoru's father who wore a disappointed expression. His son had made a mistake and it was clear that he was struggling to come to terms with it. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, and it was clear that he had nothing to say in response.
"As long as it wasn't Asami," he said, your heart broke at the mention of his lover's name.
"I totally forgot about that girl," said his mother, chuckling at the memory of her. "She was so pretty, but unfortunately her background was not so great."
The atmosphere in the room changed as soon as her name was mentioned, satoru shifted his weight uncomfortably and it was clear that her presence had a profound effect on him. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and longing when her name was brought up.
Memories of their time together flooded his mind, causing him to nervously bite his lip. He knew he should move on, but the thought of her still had a hold on him.
"Well since you two are over here fucking and populating the earth like little bunnies, it's time for you to take responsibility for your actions," she said sternly as she interlocked her hands together. "I want you two to get married and commit to raising this child together." Her tone was serious and determined as she laid out her expectations for the young couple.
"Mother, I don't even know her that well, let alone love her," you side eyed Satory, seeing his eyes widen at the mention of marriage. You could tell he was visibly frustrated and not ready for such a commitment. It was clear that he needed more time to get to know this person before even considering marriage.
"You know her well enough to have sex with her, please Satoru, you're grown now." Shaking her head, she got up, "and I expect the marriage to be soon. Don't you know how ruined your reputation would be if they found out you got some lowlife pregnant?" she yelled.
"But Mother," Satoru pleaded, "I don't think I'm ready for marriage yet." His mother's face softened as she let out a sigh.
"I know, but it's important for our family's reputation. You know how strict society can be with these things." Satoru hung his head, knowing that he couldn't argue with his mother's logic.
This turn of events was completely unexpected for you. Marriage was never a part of your plans, and you never would have imagined that his mother would actually want you to marry her son instead of getting rid of you.
"I want you to be moved in his house by tomorrow," She said, her voice filled with anger as she glared at you. Satoru's father stood up and gently grabbed his wife's shoulders, trying to calm her down.
"Let's go now, you know how you get with these things," He said, leading her away from the situation. It was clear that their heated argument was not something to be taken lightly.
You couldn't believe how quickly she had dismissed you and Satoru from her house. Your mind was racing with questions and confusion from the confrontation you had just witnessed.
Satoru held his head low, not wanting to look at you anymore. "Fuck," he mutterd between his breath. Satoru's expression was cold and distant, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of fear. You knew he was capable of hurting you, and it seemed like he was about to.
"Gojo," You said timidly, hoping to break through to him. But before you could finish, he roughly pushed you towards the car. You stumbled, your heart racing as you realized that you were completely at his mercy.
"What did I do wrong?" you asked, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Why did you have to get pregnant and not her?" He spat at your face, and you couldn't help but feel like it was somehow your fault. Despite the hormones coursing through your body, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer and you broke down in sobs.
You stood there, stunned by his words. You couldn't believe he would say something like that, especially when you were carrying his child. The tears welled up in your eyes, and you didn't know if it was the hormones or if it was just you feeling completely overwhelmed and hurt by his words. How could he be so heartless and insensitive?
"I didn't think this would happen..." You replied, your voice trembling with nervousness. You couldn't believe that this was actually happening. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at him, your gaze dropping to the floor. Your stomach was in knots and you couldn't help but swallow nervously, unsure of what to do or say next.
"Fuck!" He yelled, frustration evident in his voice as he passed his hand through his hair in exasperation.
"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" He yelled, frustration evident in his voice as he ran his hand through his hair in exasperation.
"Gojo, please." You pleaded, desperately clinging to his arm. But he forcefully pushed you away, his expression hard and unyielding. It was clear he did not want to be bothered, and you could feel your heart sinking with each step he took away from you.
"Get in the car Y/N," he said urgently, "I'm taking you home with me. I'll ask someone to get your things." Your heart dropped at his words. You knew you weren't even allowed to go home, to see your father. The thought of leaving him alone by himself was almost too much to bear.
"But Satoru, my father," you said, protesting as you opened the car door and sat inside. You were hesitant to leave without saying goodbye to your father, but Satoru urged you to hurry as the car started to pull away from his parents house.
"I don't care about your father, you're my soon-to-be wife. You will listen to me, Y/n." His eyebrows furrowed, he sped up.
You looked away and just stared at the window. Watching as you passed by buildings. The moon had come out, shinning down on you. You wondered if maybe life would be better if you got to be the moon - free to shine and roam the sky without anyone trying to control or dictate your every move. But the reality was that you were stuck in this car, with a person who didn't value your thoughts or feelings. You wished you could escape, but you knew that marrying him would only trap you further.
It seemed so peaceful and distant, away from all the conflict and tension happening in your relationship. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards the moon, longing for its serenity. But as you looked back at your fiancé's angry expression, you knew you couldn't escape your reality. You were stuck in this tumultuous relationship, always having to put his needs and desires above your own.
"But can I still see him?" You asked, your voice trembling with worry. Satoru let out an exasperated sigh, feeling frustrated with the endless stream of questions you had. "Yes, you can still see him," he reassured you, hoping to ease your concerns.
As you sat there, deep in thought, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Was this truly the right decision for you and your unborn child? The weight of responsibility and sacrifice weighed heavily on your mind. You knew that this child would inevitably cost you everything - your freedom, your happiness, and possibly even your own self. Yet, you couldn't bring yourself to speak up and go against Satoru's family wishes. You were trapped in a situation that seemed to have no good outcome.
You anxiously bit your lip, dreading the thought of having to meet new people and make new friends. There was also the added uncertainty of whether or not you would still be working for your fiancée once you moved.
Not to mention the press and newspaper would get ahold of this new engagement. The Gojo's were almost treated as royalty here.
"Do you want to stop for food?" he asked, quickly checking on you before focusing back on the road.
"What about the baby?" he said, raising an eyebrow as he slowly put his hand on your stomach. "Our baby needs to eat too, Y/N."
You licked your lips proceeding to ask him if he could stop by a nearby fast food or just anything at this point. The last thing you ate was the sandwich during lunch.  He began driving towards the nearest place that sold Onigiri. To be completely honest you didnt have much friends beside utahime.
You were the last remaining original member of your team, and it was lonely at times. You missed the camaraderie and inside jokes that you shared with your former coworkers. But you were grateful for Utahime's friendship. Asami had joined two years ago. However, things changed when they discovered Satoru and Asami's affair almost a year ago.
It seemed odd that she would come back after everything that had happened. Was she truly that deeply in love with Satoru that she couldn't bear to be separated from him? Or was there another motive behind her return? It was hard to shake the feeling that something was not quite right.
You grabbed your phone once again only to be surprised to see so many people had followed you on social media. Confused you clicked on the news article that was labeled "Has the CEO of Berkshire found a new woman?"
You couldn't believe it - the news was spreading like wildfire. You had never expected your life to change so drastically after just one night out with Satoru. As you scrolled through your notifications, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and a little scared of the attention. You knew that this new attention could bring both positives and negatives, but you weren't quite sure how to handle it all.
"Satoru, there are already articles written about us." He parked outside the small restaurant.
Getting out he asked before leaving, "What do you want from here?" I'm not sure if it's worth the risk to go inside." Satoru hesitated, knowing that any action they took could potentially land them in even more scandals.
"Can you get me an umeboshi onigiri please?" He closed the door and walked towards the restaurant, leaving you alone in the car. You quickly dialed your father, hoping he could bring you an umeboshi onigiri as well.
"Hello Y/N? are you there?”
"Dad, I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I might not be able to come home today as I'm stuck doing paperwork at work. Please don't wait up for me, I don't want you to stay up too late." You could hear the relief in his voice as he responded to your message. It was important for you to let him know what was going on and reassure him that you were okay.
"Okay sweetie, just please let me know if you need anything," you said with a sigh as you said your goodbyes. Turning off your phone, you couldn't help but feel helpless, knowing that there was nothing more you could do to help.
Your mind was filled with a mix of emotions and insecurities as you read the comments on the Instagram posts of you and Satoru. You couldn't help but wonder what people were saying about you and if they were judging you based on your appearance. You looked around nervously, hoping to see Satoru inside. Thankfully, he was still standing in the restaurant, talking on the phone.
As you clicked through the comments, you couldn't help but feel hurt and disappointed by the harsh and derogatory words directed towards you.
"Shes way prettier than the other girl!"
"she looks like a commoner..."
"What a skank!"
You could already feel the fatigue and discomfort that came with being pregnant, and you weren't even showing yet. The thought of carrying a child for nine months and then going through childbirth was daunting and overwhelming.
Satoru came back with two onigiris, handing you one and keeping the other for himself. You quickly ate it, not caring if he judged you for having no manners in front of him. After all, you were too hungry to worry about etiquette.
"We're almost home yet so dont worry, I can ask my maid to make you something if you'd like."
"No thanks." you replied just wanting to go and sleep already.
The stars were shining brightly in the sky, and the moon illuminated your path as you made your way home. The cool air was refreshing after a long day, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the peacefulness of the night. As you drove, your mind drifted to the events of the day and you couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion creeping over you. But the thought of finally being home, in the comfort of your own bed, kept you going. You leaned your head back against the headrest and let the darkness of sleep overtake you.
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"Geto, did you hear what I said?" All Satoru could hear from the other line was laughter, making him feel frustrated and unheard. Despite his repeated attempts to communicate, it seemed like his words were falling on deaf ears. He wondered if Geto was really taking him seriously or not.
"No way," exclaimed Geto, who was currently at a business party on the other side of the world. "You got her pregnant? Talk about a major backfire!" He chuckled, amused by his friend's predicament.
He was about to ask for her number when his best friend called, desperate for his attention. Though he wanted to continue flirting with the hot chick, he reluctantly answered his friend's call.
"And now we have to get married," shaking his head, Satoru picked you up from the seat. His maid had helped him open the door to his house, and he was grateful for his strength.
"Hey man, I told you to just have a one-night stand with her, not to get her pregnant and marry her." Geto said in the other line, he picked up a pen and wrote down his number in the napkin handing it to the cute bartender.
" What about Asami? Isn't she the love of your life?" he asked teasingly, giving him a playful tone. “Have you told her yet?"
He slowly placed you on his bed, his gaze never leaving you. "Can you change her into something more comfortable?" he asked his maid, who nodded before closing the door behind her.
"I haven't told Asami," Satoru admitted. "She's still insisting we get back together." He grabbed a beer from his refrigerator and took off the cap with a small pop before taking a sip.
"But I don't think it's a good idea. We've been through this before and it never ends well." Satoru sighed, knowing that his decision would only lead to more tension and arguments with Asami. But he also knew that it was the right thing to do for both of them.
"I would pay to see her reaction, she's probably going to go crazy." With a sly smirk, Geto had already entered the bartender's contact information into his phone.
Satoru laughed and took a sip of his drink. "I know, but that's what makes her so irresistible," he replied with a grin.
"Besides, I like a little bit of crazy in my life." He uncrossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "You should try it sometime."
Geto chuckled and raised his glass in agreement. "Maybe someday, but for now I'll stick to watching your crazy love life from the sidelines."
"Maybe next time I suggest using condoms," he began, but his laughter interrupted him once again. "Man, you're so screwed. I just know your old lady had a tantrum." His words were met with a bit of amusement.
"What about you and Shoko, huh?" Satoru asked, taking off his shirt and laying down on his couch with a beer in hand.
"You guys have been spending a lot of time together lately." His tone was teasing, but there was a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"It's complicated," said Geto who was practically eye-fucking the bartender on the other end of the phone. The tension between them was palpable, and their relationship was anything but simple.
"Complicated my ass," he thought as he took a sip from his cold beer and smiled. "I bet you're already thinking of having sex with someone else."
“And you’re absolutely right.” With a smirk Geto made his way to her. Satoru was able to hear his whole conversation start to finish.
“You know what i’ll call you later, you have fun.” Satoru took one last sip of his beer before going to the restroom to shower. He turned off his phone and threw it on the sink before undressing himself.
He regretted the night it happened and wished he could take it back. The thought of you now made him cringe, and he couldn't wait to move on and forget about it. He didn't think he could ever find anything about you interesting, and he just wanted to forget the whole thing ever happened.
He couldn't believe his luck - or rather, his misfortune - when he found out that his arranged marriage was to be with someone he barely knew. He couldn't help but compare this stranger to Asami, the woman who held his heart. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this marriage was a mistake, and that he would never be truly happy with anyone other than Asami. But now, he was stuck with this random person who worked for him, pretending to be his wife. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made the wrong choice in agreeing to this marriage.
Despite the intense attraction he felt towards Asami, he couldn't deny that their relationship was tumultuous and unpredictable. There were moments where she seemed to understand him better than he understood himself, but there were also times when she drove him to the brink of insanity. Even now, he couldn't shake the memories of their secret rendezvous, the adrenaline-fueled sex that still haunted his dreams. But as thought of you, his heart aches with regret, wishing that he had chosen Asami instead of you, hoping that he could have created a family with her instead.
His mind would just wander off to when he would have Asami all to himself - skin to skin, after sharing a passionate night together. The way her hair would stick to her face when he was so close to cumming inside her drove him wild. He couldn't wait to have her all to himself again, without any distractions or interruptions.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath, feeling his body react to the thought of her naked form pressed against his. The anticipation and desire grew, making him hard and unable to focus on anything else. He couldn't wait to have her in his arms and fulfill every fantasy he had been imagining.
He grabbed shampoo and shoved it all over his face, rubbing his face before rinsing it off. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his torso. He grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth vigorously. After rinsing his mouth, he quickly dried off and went to his room.
Opening the door, he was met with your peaceful sleeping figure, dressed in shorts and a big t-shirt. He couldn't help but smile at how adorable you looked. As he changed into his pajamas, he couldn't help but feel a bit regret on treating you so hurtful.
He felt a pang of loneliness as he snuggled up to you, his fiancée, and not the person he truly desired. He could feel your warmth and smell your familiar scent, but it only intensified his longing for someone else. As he whispered goodnight, he couldn't help but imagine it was his lover in his arms instead.
"Goodnight Asami," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Despite the fact that you were wide awake, Satoru cuddled up to you and drifted off to sleep. You could hear his deep breathing before you bit your lip and silently let tears fall down your cheeks. It hurt to know that he couldn't even say your name.
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h-haunted · 2 months
jujutsu kaisen
megumi fushiguro x reader headcanons
gender neutral
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→ megumi loves being close to you. the way you cling to him and how you speak in his ear; he just turns to putty in your arms. he’ll deny it, but he knows it’s true. there’s nothing he loves more than resting his head on your chest while you stroke his hair and whisper all his worries away.
“mmm… five more minutes…” the boy grumbles, his arms only contracting tighter around your waist as you attempt to get up from underneath him. no matter how many times you told him you had things to do, he didn’t budge.
“we’ve been laying like this for two hours!”
“…fine. three more minutes.”
→ he ADORES your eyes. the way they shine, the way they light up when you see him, it all drives him crazy. he could get lost in them. sometimes he does.
“megs, are you even listening to me?” you ask, raising your eyebrow. you had been ranting about something for a few minutes, but megumi didn’t seem to be paying attention. the boy was too busy staring into your eyes, even adoring the way they look when you’re angry. he was snapped out of his trance when you snapped your fingers in front of his face.
“are you listening to me?”
“yeah, yeah, totally.”
→ he gets jealous really easily. he doesn’t like it when you give other people attention. a lot of the time, he gets pouty and clingy after seeing you happy around someone else.
“who was that?” megumi asked, his arms snaking around your waist to hold you against his body.
“just a friend i haven’t seen in a while,” you shrug, leaning into his touch.”
“…oh…” the boy’s hands grip your waist as he buries his face deep in the crook of your neck. he just stands there for a moment, breathing in your scent. “just a friend..?”
“just a friend.”
→ he hates it when you’re left alone with gojo. his father figure tells you all kinds of stories about him when he was younger. everything from embarrassing pictures to things he drew, you’ve seen it all.
megumi had only left for five minutes at max. the two of you were sitting at the table having coffee, and he needed to go do something real quick. in that short amount of time, gojo had stolen his place at the table and was telling you all kinds of tales from when your boyfriend was younger.
“gojo!” megumi groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. gojo just chuckled.
“c’mon, i’m just telling them about you!”
“stop. just… stop.”
→ not only does megumi get jealous of other people, he also gets jealous of his dogs. he always says they’re for fighting, not petting. that you’ll just spoil them and they won’t listen to him. yet, every single time you ask, he lets you see them.
megumi watched with a blank face as you showered the dogs with affection. the white one was licking your face, and the black one was rubbing its head against your palm. the boy grumbled, his eyes narrowing slightly. why couldn’t you give him all that attention? it wasn’t fair. though he was jealous, he couldn’t help but smile. you looked happy, and that was (mostly) all he cared about.
→ he has hundreds of pictures of you between his camera and his phone. you’re even his wallpaper. you’re just so perfect, he can’t stop. he makes sure you’re okay with it too, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
“smile.” megumi says, pointing his phone at you. the moment you curl your lips up, he takes a picture before tapping the little heart icon at the bottom to add it to his favorites. you slide over to catch a quick peek at the way the picture looked. your brow furrowed.
“hmm, that one looks a little weird.”
“i think it’s perfect.”
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chuuyrr · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're taking asks right now so feel free to ignore this. I'd like to request the Fushiguro! Child in the BSD universe where she gets sick so when her powers go wonky and instead of her going to other universes they all come to her universe instead(the JJK universe). The PM, ADA gets to meet Gojo and the Gang hehe. This is kinda inspired by me having a cold right now and having nobody around to talk with lol
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader takes the port mafia and the armed detective agency to the jujutsu kaisen universe
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): quite the literal bungo stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen, fluff/comfort, kinda ooc but i tried 😭
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen (gojo & megumi only) + bungo stray dogs (port mafia & ADA) x child! reader
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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being sick was one thing, but having your chaos magic go crazy was quite another.
you weren't even aware of it since you were in bed, sick with a feverish cold, caged up in your room with gojo and megumi who had just gone there only to leave again, failing to get you to eat as much as they wanted you to, which was natural.
you were breathing in and out with your eyes closed, trying relax while coughing a little from the cold, and as you lay in bed, feeling completely miserable, your fingers were subconsciously interlocking and locking.
your powers were working their magic, and the next thing you knew, your beloved family figures from the world of gifted detectives and mafiosos had been taken and dragged into your world in a snap of a finger.
as soon as you heard the sound, you instantly opened your eyes and sat up, and a soft gasp escaped your lips at the sight.
chuuya was face planted on the floor, letting out screams while rolling his r's in annoyance with dazai sitting on top of him, but kunikida, yosano, ranpo, kyouka, kenji, and fukuzawa, and even akutagawa, were either on their bums or feet, but it was clear that they didn't end up falling badly from the red portal present on your ceiling like chuuya, dazai, and atsushi.
"g-guys?" you squeak out, immediately catching their attention as your eyes lit up.
"[name]-chan!" cried dazai, only to let out a dramatic gasp when he noticed a cold gel patch on your forehead and how feverish you looked.
with that, dazai shoved chuuya aside as if he wasn't the one sitting on him in the first place when they were carried across the multiverse by some mysterious red power, and ran to your side, without caring where he was right now.
you extended your arms and hands towards dazai, a clingy expression over your sleepy and blurry eyes from being unwell, needing a cuddle as you whined gently at him, "dazai-nii!"
dazai sat by your side on the bed and hugged you dearly, holding you against his chest and stroking his fingers through your hair, hushing you softly yet comfortingly.
"shh, it's okay, my sweet little [name]-chan. dazai's here. in fact, we're all here.. and it appears to be because of you," dazai said softly, staring at the armed detective agency and port mafias you dragged along with him, all of whom he knows mean a lot to you as your loved ones.
everyone was staring at how dazai comforted you while you were obviously sick, and while akutagawa and chuuya were taken aback by this oddly softer and sweeter side of dazai, they gradually realized where they were, given the amount of plushies, children toys, and books in shelves, and cute decorations in the room, which was enough to tell that it was yours.
"yeah, this is definitely [name]-chan's room.." atsushi stated the obvious, a little smile tugging on his lips as he observed the quantity of hello kitty stickers on your wardrobe and drawers, as well as the stuffies you had, recognizing a few that dazai had gotten you back at home.
"and we're definitely in her universe this time," ranpo added, opening his eyes to reveal a pair of emerald irises and a serious expression that quickly changed, "which also means we've just traveled across the multiverse like our little [name]-chan! isn't that just fascinating?!"
"that's a very nice way to put it.. ranpo-san.." kunikida's sweat dropped as he folded his arms.
"it's still a wonder though.. all of us really traveled across the multiverse.." fukuzawa murmured, still in awe of that very fact.
"how does the brat even do it?" akutagawa sighed sharply, coughing a little as he straightened up and dusted off his clothes with his hands, "it felt like living through a lifetime of everything as we passed through those universes in a flash."
"i agree with him, i honestly feel a little sick.." kenji stated, scratching the back of his head, but still holding a bright smile nonetheless.
"speaking of sick, the chibi is sick too," chuuya exclaimed, his gaze softening at sight of you in dazai's embrace and holding onto him almost for dear life, "probably more than you, kiddo."
yosano was the first to rush to your side besides dazai and chuuya, the doctor in her and their maternal instincts kicking in.
"can i see her for a bit?" she requested softly yet severely as she stared at dazai.
"shh, it's okay, [name]-chan. auntie yosano just needs to check on you a bit," dazai nodded his head and gently pulled you away from him to let yosano check you, hushing you sweetly as you whined softly.
with that, yosano pressed her hand against your neck, face, and forehead, "hmm.. she's shivering a bit. chills it seems from her cold."
"damn, and even in [name]'s current state, she managed to use her abilities to get all of us here," chuuya commented, his eyes wide with amazement and true awe.
"[name]-chan's ability probably got wonky that brought us here out of pure instinct," kyouka softly murmured, to which ranpo pouted at as he claimed that was his line.
a knock rang in your bedroom door while you were being surrounded by your loved ones from another universe, prompting the armed detective agency and port mafia members you dragged in to tense up, especially dazai, who practically hugged you tighter out of protective instinct.
"kikufuku? are you awake?"
they all froze at that.
"shit, someone's at the fucking door," cursed chuuya as he stated the obvious.
"let's just knock out whoever's at the door," said akutagawa who was already activating rashomon.
"dad, i'm awake!" you exclaimed, causing everyone in your bedroom to stiffen up once more, despite dazai shushing you and instantly covering your mouth.
as soon as the door opened, a white-haired man in a tight black shirt and slacks entered, wearing black round sunglasses and carrying a medicine, water, and a bowl of soup in his arms, together with a spiky-haired boy.
the black tendrils of akutagawa's coat were already in the air, ready to attack with atsushi shaking his head at him, chuuya glowing red with crossed arms while the others remained relatively quiet, ranpo, fukuzawa, kyouka, kenji, and yosano unaffected.
there was a pin drop silent for a brief second as everyone stared off at gojo and megumi.
and that was until megumi did his handsigns and brought out his demon dogs into your bedroom, with gojo immediately dropping everything to the floor at the sight of this many strangers in your bedroom (it was also a wonder how they all managed to fit inside too), especially with an unfamiliar young man with unkempt brown hair and brown coat being in bed with you, as well as the one with ginger-hair and a hat as you tugged on his sleeve to make him sit by you too.
"what are all of you doing in my daughter's bedroom?!" cried out gojo, dazai's eyes widening to find you suddenly gone from his embrace and now in the embrace of the white-haired man who had already taken off his glasses with his free hand outstretched, ready to attack with the intention of protecting you.
'blue eyes with the speed of a blink of an eye,' dazai thought, staring at the man holding you in his arms. there was no doubt about it.
"calm down. we're not here to hurt your daughter," fukuzawa immediately stepped in both on the behalf of the armed detective agency and port mafia members in the room.
"you heard the boss, mister. we know [name]-chan!" ranpo backed up fukuzawa with a rather casual and enthusiastic response, very much unfazed at the tension in the air.
"these people know you, [name]?" questioned megumi as he glanced at you, then at gojo, who continued to hold you in his embrace.
"they're the ones i go to when you guys aren't around," you explained to your half elder brother, whining softly and squirming in gojo's grip, "now, put me dooown! they're not stranger dangers!"
you leapt to your feet as soon as gojo placed you down on the floor, clinging to dazai, who had already gotten out of your bed and was standing near chuuya.
gojo and megumi looked surprised as you hugged dazai's pant leg in the same manner you hugged gojo and occasionally your uncle nanami or your half older brother megumi.
a soft smile tugged on dazai's lips as he picked you up and carried you in his embrace, quietly smiling as he caressed the back of your head and allowed you wrap your tiny arms around his neck.
"you can't hurt dazai-nii and his friends!" you continued to speak as you turned your head towards gojo while letting dazai carry you.
"dazai-nii?" both gojo and megumi glanced at each other as they both uttered it unison.
"then that means.." gojo's words trailed off as he glanced at dazai, who happened to be quite as tall as him, before returning his focus to you, "you have a lot of explaining to do right here and now, [name]."
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you were back in your bed after a long time of explaining, sitting up straight while gojo fed you spoonfuls of a new batch of soup, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of dazai and, well, chuuya on the other side of your bed, given how you refused to let them leave your side while you ate.
even megumi was cautious, especially when it came to akutagawa. he still had his demon dogs out and ready to attack them all.
fukuzawa, yosano, ranpo, and kunikida were seated on the little stools in the middle of your room, with ranpo fiddling with the tea cups and kettle toy on the mini table, and kenji and kyouka checking out your toys and other things.
the tension in the air was palpable, given that the majority of them were cautious of gojo's six blue eyes and his ability to move so swiftly that he could whisk you away from dazai and chuuya in the blink of an eye.
your father was no joke, and your older brother, megumi, was most likely as well, but you were entirely unaware of all of this and continued eating the soup that gojo fed you fairly gleefully now that the armed detective agency and port mafia were in your room with you.
"so, just to clarify things," began gojo, sitting back up and placing the now-empty bowl on your nightstand while opening your medicine with the spoon you used to eat, "all of you came from another universe, and you,"
dazai merely smiled at gojo as he pointed a spoon at him and spoke, "apparently you're [name]'s closest guardian, the one she tells me that resembles like me, dazai osamu."
"and all of those guys are your colleagues, including that guy over there who looks like nanamin with that old man being your boss," gojo said, to which ranpo snickered, fukuzawa's sweat fell, yosano merely gazed at, kyouka and kenji nodded, and kunikida looked perplexed.
"and you two," gojo said, pointing his spoon at chuuya, who simply arched a brow at him and said, "now, what?" with akutagawa glaring daggers at him.
"you guys are from the mafia and you're familiar with [name]?" gojo pointed out with narrowed eyes.
just as akutagawa was ready to dispute and say something unpleasant, chuuya interrupted him and spoke to gojo on their behalf, saying, "just so you know, we do not involve the chibi in our line of work. in fact, she stays very much out of it, if that's what you're worried about."
"chuuya's right, gojo-kun," dazai said with gojo already raising a brow at him, "we understand who and what [name]-chan is and how terribly young she is given her age, and just as powerful her special ability, err, abilities are, we make sure to keep her safe and that she is fed!"
"the armed detective agency ensures that [name]-chan is well taken care of, especially by dazai-san and the president," atsushi added, "in fact, the detective agency serves as her other home in another universe."
gojo's stern expression softened as he sighs deeply and shakes his head, "i see."
with that, gojo immediately lost the protective-father act and clasped his hands together, "well, that's settles it. i'm fine with it."
you then happily raised your arms in the air to celebrate, and croaked out a tiny sweet, "yay!"
"just like that?!" megumi cried out in disbelief.
"well, why else would they all be here saying all of that when it's not?" gojo raised a brow at megumi before laughing softly, "you know, thinking about it, these guys do kind of.. resemble us. take that kunikida-guy for example, doesn't he remind you of nanamin? or how that atsushi-guy acts like itadori-kun too?"
"that's not the point here!" megumi scoffed with a nerve protuded on his temple.
"and he acts like dazai," kunikida muttered his breath at the mention of him, shaking his head.
"aish, calm down, megumi-kun," gojo sighed as he began pouring some medicine in the spoon before turning towards you, gently nudging you to open your mouth to feed it to you, "if they had already wanted to hurt [name], they would have already. in fact, it was something i was already anticipating when i saw them in the room, especially with mister no-eyebrows over there. he kind of acts like you, by the way," gojo stated the last part, pointing at akutagawa.
"hey, watch your tongue or i'll cut you up!" akutagawa scowled at gojo at that.
"see?" gojo stifled a laugh at the threat, "he's so much like you back when you were little and [name]-chan was still a wee little baby."
megumi sighed deeply, shaking his head at gojo, "but still.."
gojo merely grins at megumi, then back at you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head, "and besides, you know it yourself, megumi-kun. the second i find out that they have hurt [name], i won't hesitate to infinite void them up."
following that, chuuya, akutagawa, dazai, and even fukuzawa tense up a little at the abrupt change in manner that gojo now displayed, which was terrifyingly similar to dazai.
"that being said, it will be fine. i'm the strongest, and i can hurt them ten times over."
however, dazai simply laughed, causing gojo's tone and eyes to soften once again. he knows about gojo satoru, the limitless jujutsu sorcerer whom is considered the strongest in the world you resided in, and that's becayse you told dazai everything, from who your father was and what he was like to what he was capable of.
"don't worry, gojo-kun, rest assured that [name]-chan is in safe hands, and you know, we'll get along just fine," dazai said before giggling at you, "right, little bella?"
"mhm!" you happily hummed with a nod.
gojo stared at dazai at that, and it didn't take long for a smile to tug on his lips, it was almost mischievous yet similar to dazai.
"i have a bad feeling about this," muttered kunikida, causing chuuya to look up at him.
"you know what? i agree with you on that."
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[ author's notes ! hi, tysm requesting and i hope this writing of mine sufficed to make you feel well. hope you're feeling better :) sadly, i wasn't able to write for the other characters, and only did gojo and megumi meeting them. ngl i feel like my writing for scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader is a tad rusty (which is why i kinda hate my writing for this one, felt like i didn't do the request, err, suggestion, justice) given how i haven't writen for it in such a long time. the request for it is closed, but i just couldn’t help myself to write it down and see what i can do !! much much love from me to those who read until the very end, and yeah, reblogs are appreciated !! ]
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[ join my taglist, perhaps ? @anonymousewrites @magpiemissy @anqelically @96jnie @lovesick-fairy @soleelia @irethepotato @nianre @xingqiusliegee @lenasvoid @bloobewy @achlysyo @youdidntseemehere21 ]
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moon-catto · 2 years
Hey could I request a story of Y/n and Gojo being divorced but they have a kid together whos 6, y/n used to have a childhood friend who’s actually pretty attractive, he’s a really famous soccer and he comes to Japan for awhile but they get close again and gojo can’t seem to stand that, the boy is really flirty but also really respectful and nice
Satoru's Little Helper
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I wanna make this a pure angst but my weak heart can't stand it hehe.
Summary: The reunion with your childhood friend doesn't sit well with your ex-husband.
Warning: Hurt with comfort.
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Satoru couldn’t be more happier when he’s finally able to meet his precious daughter again. His lips curved into a gentle smile as he found her running towards him ninja style— a habit she begins to develop after he and her binge watching season one of Naruto months ago.
Satoru kneeled with both arms open to welcome the toddler who is giggling happily in her father’s hug.
“Whoops—slow down, baby. You’re going to knock me down with that speed.” Satoru lets go of her to have a closer look to his little angel who now is giving him a wide grin as bright as the sun. His heart melted at the sight of her because it’s overflowing with unlimited affection and love to his sole star.
“I miss you daddy!” she snuggled closer to him and he couldn’t resist the temptation to not hold her up as he began walking from the school.
“I miss you too, sweetheart.” He kissed her chubby cheek and earned a precious giggle from the young girl. “To be honest, I think I might die if I spend another day without you.”
“You’re overreacting!”
“Where did you learn that word, huh?”
“From mommy!”
“Figures.” Satoru hummed. The bittersweet feeling inside his heart made the smile on his face faltered a bit. He thought after months not seeing you, the pain will be numbed a bit but it’s just the opposite. The yearnings he had for you just grow stronger in each passing day— leaving him wondering and imagining the happy days he had with you before.
If he weren’t so selfish back then, is he still able to come home to you and his daughter?
He knows it’s useless to think about the impossible, but the thought stayed in the depth of his mind like a plague. Regret rotting inside his heart, knowing he lost the most important things of his life, one he couldn’t retrieve back however hard he tried.
“You’re sad again.” He doesn’t know since when he’s zoning out after his daughter talked to him again. “You’re thinking about mommy again, aren’t you?” His daughter, Shion puts her temple on his shoulder so she can see the expression on her dad’s face.
Solemn, he have so many expressions on his face that she couldn’t comprehend fully due to her young age but she knows that he’s genuinely feel sad.
“How do you know, honey?” he said with a gentle smile on his face.
“You always have that look on your eyes when You see mommy.”
A sharp pang appeared at his daughter words. She haven’t had any training yet but she’s just as observant like her dad. Should he be happy to see his daughter having his trait like this?
He lets out a soft chuckle, then he sat on the nearby bench with the young child on his lap.
“I am thinking of your mother.” He admitted. Despite her young age, she’s good at keeping secrets unlike Satoru. Maybe she got that from you instead of him.
“Do you think about her a lot?”
“... I do.” He said, softer this time.
“Then doesn’t that mean you still love her?” she tilted her head curiously, how can she be this cute when she’s asking a serious question like this?
“I am still in love with her.” He kissed her forehead. “But don’t tell your mother this.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t stop her from being happy.”
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The trip to your house is short as he spent the time answering the questions of his curious daughter. She’s wondering why he doesn’t chase after you when he’s clearly in love.
“You’re still young so you don’t know about it.” He parked near your house and turn off the car.
“About what?”
“Love story doesn’t always end in a happy way, my daughter.”
“That’s really depressing...”
“Huh, I guess i spent too much time with Nanami.” Satoru shrugged casually and hold Shion's hand to walk to your house.
He used to feel happy when he’s in front of your doorstep because you would be waiting for him there, but now after he knocked on this door he needs to leave his daughter and you, then goes on with his life.
He will need to wait for next week to be here again.
He feels the small hand of his daughter grabbed onto him tighter.
“Cheer up, daddy.”
Sometimes he wondered how can someone so stupid like him could have a mature daughter like her. His heart swelled with so much joy at her encouragement.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
The girl replied him with a sweet smile before go and pushing the door open.
“Mom, I’m home!”
“Hello, love!”
His heart throbbed at your voice. The pet name, you used to call him just like that.
You appeared from the corner, running slightly to greet your princess with a warm hug. Your smile is just as bright as hers, the crinkle on your eyes as they fluttered shut made his heart clenched in both pain and endearment.
“You’re hungry?” you asked Shion.
She nodded.
“Go and have lunch in the kitchen.”
“Aye, aye!” the toddler then ran to the kitchen still with the ninja style.
“You’re teaching her that?”
Noticing that you’re talking to him, he couldn’t hold back his smile. “No, not really.”
“Just don’t teach her something dangerous.” You reminded him and he just nodded in silent.
“So, uh, are you well?” you asked, the awkwardness in your voice is strange and it just harshly reminded him that he’s just a stranger to you now. The bond you shared with him already severed, you don’t have any obligations to ask about his well being but here you are now.
If I told you that I’m not okay, would you comfort me?
He wanted to ask that, yet he knows better than to give you another pain.
“I’m good, you?”
“Ah, I see... well i'm—”
“Oh, Shinji-san!”
You turned to see your friend coming to you and missed how Satoru froze in his place. Shock painted all over his face and his skin goes colder at the thought that maybe... You found a replacement for him.
That soon?
“Ah, yeah, I forgot to tell you that uh—” you paused to find a perfect word to describe your relationship with Satoru without making the atmosphere weird.
“I’m her ex-husband.” He smiled and shook Shinji’s hand with a tight grip. “Gojo Satoru.”
“Oh, y-yeah. I’ve heard a lot about you, Gojo-san.” He’s stuttering over his words at the strong handshake. “The strongest sorcerer in Japan, right?”
“Oh, you’re a sorcerer?” Satoru asked with a fake surprise. He already figured it out, This useless conversation bored the hell out of him however he had to play nice because you’re here. “I don’t reckon seeing your face.”
“Ah, that’s because I worked overseas. I came back to Japan once in a while.”
“I see...” he looked at Shinji and then you. “So you’re her...?”
“Childhood friend.” You cut in and explained. Shinji may not noticed it, but you know well that Satoru is silently expressing his dislike towards your friend.
“So why is he here.” He doesn’t bother to ask him and turned to see you. For a moment you think you saw his blue eyes flickered, is he scared?
“Why do you need to know.” You bit back and watched him frowning at your cold reply.
“I’m just dropping by to say hi since I heard Y/N-san is divorced recently.” Shinji said after a few minutes of intense silence. “Just wanna make sure she’s okay.” He smiled to you.
Ah, would you look at that?
That smile on his face made his blood boil. He wants to punch his face and exterminate him for good, but he can’t .
Since he lost the privilege of doing so.
“I told you I’m doing okay.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re such a worrywart.”
He feels like he shouldn’t be here. He’s not a part of this conversation, however his heart is on fire right now. He doesn’t know what to do, he’s sure you don’t want to see him here when you’re trying to have fun... Without him.
He’s about to excuse himself when the proud daughter of you both came and pulled Satoru by his sleeve.
“Don’t go yet, Dad!”
“Why? Your dad is a busy person —”
“I can give you some time, honey.” Satoru cuts you off gently, and kneeled to see his daughter with a rice sticking on her left cheek. “What is it?”
“I-uh, uhmm...” she hummed, totally panicking under the gazes of the adults. “Oh, yeah! History homework!”
“Do you even learn history at your age?” you questioned her and she goes pale in the next moment.
“Y-y-yeah, we do!” she stomped her feet to solidify her words but you don’t buy it.
“How about I take a quick look on your history homework first?” Shion gazed at her dad with wide eyes. Satoru winked at her, signalling that he’s going to help her with whatever she’s planning.
“But we’re going out now.” You told her and Shion sulked. “With uncle Shinji, remember?”
“No! I need to submit it tomorrow morning!”
“Shion, your school starts at 10 am.”
“That’s not the point!” she insisted and you soon gave up, because Shinji needs to take a flight this afternoon.
Then you leave Satoru with Shion. Looking at your attire, it seems like you’re going for a date with your supposed to be friend.
“You’re even sadder now.” Shion clipped another colourful hairpin on Satoru’s hair. He’s currently laying flat on his stomach, his head buried deep in the baby blue blanket of his daughter.
“... I don’t know anymore.” Satoru groaned, his voice muffled by the soft blanket.
“Why don’t you tell her?” Shion brushed his hair gently. The little palm of hers did wonders to soothe the pain a bit in his heart.
“About what?”
“That you still love her and want to be with her.”
“... I don’t think she’ll like that idea, honey.”
“Why not?”
“You see, she’s seeing someone now. I shouldn’t mess that up.” Satoru turned his body and smiled to see the confused face of his daughter. “I want her to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”
“How do you know?”
“How do you know that she’s going to be happy with someone else?” Shion asked, she followed her father and lay beside him. His arms wrapped around her tiny body and pulled her to his chest.
“I... I’ve hurted her before.” He says, hesitantly. He’s not going to tell his problems with you to his young child, but the attentive stare that she gave him prickled his heart and spilled everything he has stored inside. She may have his six eyes, but she have your warm gaze. One that would melt his ice cold heart with just a simple glance. “I don’t deserve her, angel.” He admitted, and she pulled his head to her chest in an attempt to comfort him.
He’s not planning to cry, not in front of his own child. But the quick pats from Shion just made his tears fell. The image of you leaving the house with another man, he never feel this helpless before. He wants the earth to crack open and swallow him whole so he would never see that kind of sight anymore.
“You wouldn’t know if you haven’t tried, daddy.“ Shion kissed his forehead. “You’ll have to try, I’ll root for you daddy!”
Satoru chuckled. He patted her back gently and now hugging his little baby. “You don’t want another daddy?”
“What about Shinji? He’s a nice guy.”
“Just you. You’re the one that I love, daddy.” She snuggled closer to him and he feels his heart bloomed at the cute gesture.
“I love you too, my child.”
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Shion woke up mid sleep, she noticed that his father is in deep slumber. The skin under his eyes are slightly red because he cried earlier.
"Poor dad..." She muttered to herself. Her dad may appeared normal on the outside, but Shion often found him unable to sleep whenever she's having sleepover at his house. He would look at the old album when he's still with you and smiled fondly at the images.
On the other side, she noticed that you often look at your wedding ring at night. You've been in countless date before, but not even one man interest you because you would come home sighing, while glancing at the Teddy bear he bought for you— hidden in your wardrobe.
You treasured it, even after you separated ways with him.
You both clearly still in love.
Love story doesn’t always end in a happy way, my daughter.
"Bullshit." She muttered and took the phone you bought for her to contact you if anything happened. "I'll prove you're wrong, dad." Shion smiled mischievously and tapped on your contact's name.
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The clock dings when it’s finally midnight. Satoru waited in the darkness of Shion’s room, wondering what took you so long to come home. Or are you planning not to come home after all and spend the night at that man’s house?
He shook his head.
No, you’re not the type to abandon Shion for something like that. He believes that you’ll come home and decided to wait.
Besides, he can’t let Shion alone here the entire night.
Not long after, A car stopped in front of the house and Satoru immediately get up from the bed.
He walked to the window to find you’re getting out from a cab with some paper bags in hand. You hurriedly went inside the house and Satoru prepared to greet you once again. His heart beating faster.
He’s walking down the stairs when you run towards him, surprising him by holding both of his cheeks with worried expression on your pale face.
“Uh, yeah?” He doesn’t know how to act when you’re this close to him, your cold hands cupping his hot skin and made his heart jumped.
“Are you okay?” You examined his face, not caring about his flabbergasted look. His eyes are slightly red, he must've been crying earlier.
“Huh? What? I’m okay.” He studied your face to see the reason why you’re acting this way. “Wait, hold on. Why are you like this? Did somebody threaten you?” he noticed your anxious expression and hold your wrist with his big hands. “Why are you shaking so much?”
“N-no, i-it’s just that i—” you finally realized just how close you are with him and it flustered you. You attempt to move to make some space between you two but he doesn’t let you.
“Y/N.” He calls you, he sounds stern but there’s a gentle undertone behind it.
“It’s Shion.” You groaned and he frowned. “She texted me an hour ago and told me that you have been crying ever since we left. I thought something happened to you.”
Satoru blinked. An hour ago? He recalled falling asleep at some moments... That little devil.
“Nothing happened to me.” He said and your shoulders slumped down due to intense anxiety earlier.
“Thank God.”
“You’re that relieved?” He guides you to the couch before walking to the kitchen to fetch you a glass of fresh water, you looked like you’re going to pass out any second.
“You never cried. That’s why I...” you gulped down your words, not daring to continue further. You would spilled the reason why you cut your date short with Shinji and came home hurriedly.
Because you still have lingering feelings towards the man who was your husband for five years.
Satoru smiled unknowingly. You haven't changed much, you're still a faint hearted woman because you're just too kind to others, even if they hurted you.
“Is that so?” He told you when he offered you the glass. “I do cry... But never in front of someone.”
“Because you hate being weak?”
“Yeah.” He admitted.
Silence once again filled the air before he opened his mouth to ask.
“... So do you like him?” he asked, he took a seat beside you still leaving some space between you both.
“Your childhood friend.”
“... Why do you keep asking about him.” You sighed. “Aren’t you busy with your woman?”
“I don’t have a lover let alone a wife.” He says, the solemnity in his voice is raw, you doubt he’s lying now.
“Why?” you ask. You thought he Already moved on from you, he’s doing so well unlike you. You struggle to fight the wants to go back to his embrace, his shadows haunting you in your own house.
“The same reason why I ask if you like that guy.” He admitted quietly. “It’s pathetic, I know.” He rubbed his face, you can see his cheeks slightly red due to embarrassment. “But I can’t do anything about it, I feel like a sore loser seeing you going out with him.”
“I’m not a competition prize, Satoru.”
“I know. You are worth more than that.”
“I’m a loser for losing someone so precious like you.” He finally looks at you. His eyes glows softly like a jewel in the dimness of your living room.
“What are you up to?” you asked, the suspicion in your tone effectively broke his heart. You’re being wary of him, that’s expected however the pain that comes after feel twice as painful.
“Nothing.” He answered honestly. “I don’t even know what I’m talking about. Just... Forget it.” He rubbed his face again, clearly frustrated with the building emotions inside him just with a sight of you, sitting so near but still unreachable nonetheless.
“Are you going to leave?”
“If you ask me to.” He says in a small voice as if he’s wishing that you’d never heard his answer so he can be with you a bit more longer.
Even if all he feel is pain, he found comfort being near you. The one who keeps him sane while standing in the brink of insanity. He never told you how much power you hold over him, he’ll give you the world if you want.
“Then leave.”
Your words pierced straight to his core. For a moment, he thought his heart stopped beating.
He feels like he’s a step closer to death.
His legs feel too heavy to move when he’s walking towards the door. Wearing his shoes with so many thoughts roaming in his head, do you hate him? Do you not want to see him again? Should he never visit your house again?
As he stood and grabbed the door handle, he can feel your presence behind him.
“Tell Shion to meet me next week.”
There’s no hesitance in your voice. This is it. This is the real end.
He opened the door and took a step out.
You were going to close the door, but the. He spun his body and grabbed the door just before it finally closed.
Surprise washed over your face at the urgency in his voice.
“Wait! Just... Hold on...” he breathe heavily, his eyes are frantic when they met yours.
“What do you want, Satoru?” You scowled.
“I—” he gulped.
You wouldn’t know if you haven’t tried, daddy.
“Do you hate me?”
He pushed the door open and took a step closer to you. His tall figure overshadowed you and made you took small steps behind while he’s inching closer and closer.
“Do you hate me, Y/N?”
“Why do you ask—”
“Please,” he sobbed softly. “I want to be with you again.”
“I know. I’m months late.” He paused before continuing. “Truth to be told, I was afraid to see you. I’m scared that you would reject me again, so I’m running away from you. But I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired of hiding from you, Y/N.”
“Is it because of Shinji? You really don’t like it if I’m with another guy?”
“No!” he quickly shook his head. “If you think you can be happy with him, then I will never disturb you again.”
You don’t reply him and instead pulled his chin so you can see his face better. Tears are starting to fill his waterline while he tried his best to hold them back.
“...You’re lying.”
“Of course I’m lying!” he sobbed and everything broke loose. He decided to fuck everything now and just spilled everything to you. “How can I be fine when the only woman I love is in another man’s arms?!” he hits the wall beside you and you flinched.
“I can’t live without you.” He put his forehead on yours. “You’re my everything. My world and my greatest weakness. You can stab me with a knife and I will be grateful for it.” He cupped your cheeks with trembling hands. “Just stay with me.”
“Then why did you leave me?” you asked. The hidden feelings you’ve hurried slowly emerged with his gentle touch on you. “You’re the one who left.”
“I’m sorry.” He quickly hugged you. “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Do you know how much pain I felt when you slammed your door in front of my face?!” you hit his arms in a futile attempt to release your anger. “Do you know how long it took for me to be fine again, Gojo Satoru?!” a batch of tears streamed down from your eyes and wet his shirt, his skin seethes underneath as the guilt starts to burn his heart. Your painful cry amplified the fire inside him.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry honey.” He choked on his tears. “I’m sorry for being so selfish.”
“And you have the nerve to ask for my heart after you broke it.” You tried to pushed him, he’s trying to grab onto your arms desperately. “Let me go!”
“It was my mistake, Y/N. I swear I won’t do it again, even if the higher-ups threatened me again.” He fell on his knees and became a sobbing mess, his pieces shattered on the floor.
“You... What?”
“They’re planning to kill you and Shion.” He sobbed. “Just because you are my family.” You watched him slowly breaking while telling you the truth he kept all this time. It’s not the usual Gojo Satoru or your ex-husband who is kneeling right now. But a broken man who lost so many things just because he simply exists.
“I know I’m supposed to ask you first whether you want to stay or not.” He looked at you, all in his vulnerability and affection towards you. “But the fear of putting you and Shion in danger is so much bigger so I—"
You don’t wait for him to finish his sentence. You hurled towards him and hugged his frame with everything you got.
“OF COURSE YOU SHOULD’VE ASKED ME, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” You began to wail, crying so loud and he’s unable to react immediately.
“If I had asked you... Will you stay with me?”
“Of course! Do you think I would leave you just like that?!” you pinched his arm annoyance and he couldn’t believe his ears.
“Do you really?” He pulled you so he can be more certain by looking at your expression.
“If I were afraid because of that, then why the hell would I marry you in the first place?!” You’re beyond angry, you feel like you want to kick his face for being such a fool for keeping it all and hurting alone— but you couldn’t, since his lips shut yours in a gentle kiss that had your heart skipped a beat.
“Satoru...” you whispered his name and he whispered yours back softly.
“I love you.” He kissed your cheek lovingly. “I just love you so much, it’s hurting me being away from you.”
You wiped his tears from his face. He leaned into your warm hand like a stray kitten.
“I’m still afraid...” you said and he looked you with such gentle gaze, urging you to continue. “That you might leave me again.”
He bit his lips. “I know. I won’t be having your heart back this easy, I’ll fight for you so you won’t be afraid of me anymore.”
In his tender gaze, you let yourself bask in his warmth again. Like a puzzle, your body fits perfectly into his as he wrapped his arms around you protectively. He kissed every skin available with silent promises to not let you go this time.
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Hiding behind the wall, Shion peeked onto the living room. Watching gleefully at her parents currently hugging each other on the floor. Both looked peaceful and also tired from arguing and crying.
She smiled widely before walking quietly to her room. “My plan worked hehe.”
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
🍭- "I didn't mean to scare you baby"
With yandere dad! Gojo × toddler! reader
Following that one fic, Mahito secretly playing with gojo's child, but with this it's already night time any reader still plays with mahito/little harmless curses in the garden, y/n giggling and getting startled by her dad
Please do this if you're not tired and if you already have the time! No pressure mango ;)😌
-💎 anon
I hope for you to have a good day Mangoooo!!! :>>>>>💗💗
♡ Behind the Bushes ♡
(A/N: You all seem to love my platonic!Gojo because I’ve got a ton of platonic!Gojo requests!! I hope you like this, I didn’t have Gojo see Mahito because if he saw a curse talking to him kid... oh it’s going down 😰😰 Also I think I’m gonna make a separate masterlist for dad Gojo because I have so many requests for dad Gojo lol)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, child!reader, attempted kidnapping
Summary: You try to go out at night to play with your new friend, only for your dad to catch you (Platonic!Yandere!Gojo x Child!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You loved playing outside. It was pretty normal, especially because you were a toddler. There wasn’t a day that went by were you didn’t run around the garden, or play with your toys outside, or even just sit on the grass and hum to yourself. Of course though you only played outside while your father could be with you.
You had figured out though recently that if you went outside at night, there was a man who would come play with you. He would play games with you and talk to you through the fence. His name was Mahito, though he made it a point to you that you don’t tell your father, Gojo, that he was your friend as if you did he wouldn’t be able to visit you anymore. So you didn’t tell Gojo about it, you kept sneaking out in the night to sit and talk with him.
Gojo yawned as he walked past your room, glancing in. He stops for a moment noticing that you’re not in your bed. You’re not... in your bed. “Y/n?” He calls out a sing song voice, assuming you simply stayed up to play with your dolls or perhaps you wanted to play hide and seek. “Come out, you little gremlin, it’s time to go to bed” He says, continuing to search throughout the house for you. Until he heard you giggle.
Not uncommon but it was strange mostly because it sounded as if you were outside. “Y/n!” Gojo yells, watching you jump and turn away from the gate you were clearly about to open and walk through. You jump back a little, not expecting your father to have caught you.
“What were you thinking?!” He yells completely worried for you. It was safe to say he was quite protective over you. So seeing you clearly trying to leave in the middle of the night was scary to him. His face immediately falls upon seeing your bottom lip begin to wobble. “I didn't mean to scare you, baby” He coos, swooping you up into his arms. “You don’t have to cry” he says, watching the way you glance over to the gate.
Mahito isn’t there anymore. Before your father came out, he had convinced you to break the rules and leave the garden to go with him to a park. That was until Gojo came outside. “You’re going to kill me one day” Gojo sighs dramatically, the stress from the situation leaving.
You don’t speak when he carries you back to your room. You only let out quiet sobs. You didn’t like getting in trouble. Of course, Gojo was absolutely weak for you so the worst that would happen was no TV or taking away a toy or two. “You can’t do that, you scared me so bad” he sighs, as he places you down into your bed.
“You could be really hurt” He says, watching you bury yourself into your blankets. “There’s a lot of bad people who could hurt you. Or even worse, curses that could hurt you or take you away from me” Gojo continues watching your guilty look in your eyes. “You have to stay with me so I can protect you because you’re just my little baby” He says, watching you nod. He smiles a bit watching you burst out into laughter as he tickled your stomach.
He just needed to keep you safe, and to do that you needed to be with him. Always.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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akatsuki-shin · 6 months
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I always wonder how Yaga-sensei and Geto's first interaction would be when they meet each other again in that airport afterlife after Yaga died. :')
At the end of the day, no matter how strong and mature he carried himself, Geto was still a 17-18 years old student a.k.a. a teenager when he got hit full in the face with the whole Riko's assassination case. It was probably his first ever, yet extremely hard-hitting trauma.
He literally:
Saw his best friend got stabbed through the chest by an unexpected assassin and had to leave him for the sake of their mission (and later got told he was killed)
Saw the person he was supposed to protect, who had also become a dear friend to him, got shot right before his eyes just as he thought they finally made it, just as he decided they would stake everything in order to grant her wish to live normally as a normal human girl and not a Star Plasma vessel
Saw so many non-sorcerers clapping happily at the corpse of an innocent middle schooler due to their personal, cultist obsession, when he has been living his entire life by the principles that sorcerers should protect non-sorcerers
Continued to exorcise curse after curse by himself, swallowing that horrifying taste of absorbing curses times and again, in order to keep protecting the non sorcerers while already seeing their ugly side in the worst form possible, all the while falling deeper and deeper into the darkness while being left out by his best friend that he thought was once his equal
I think Geto's calmness and maturity is a double-edged sword for himself. Had he been a bit more childlike, maybe his stress and confusion would've shown more on his face and behavior, allowing others to notice and talk to him about it. Had he possessed a more candid or emotional personality, maybe the stress would've made him more impulsive, which will lead to others trying to rein him in and eventually look for the sources of his impulsiveness.
But no, because he is calm and mature, he kept everything bottled up to himself and he kept it hidden so perfectly. Nobody noticed his stress, nobody noticed his confusion, his dilemma, his depression. Nobody realized he was going through great turmoil for so many days and weeks, unable to find a solution. He thought about it by himself, he dwelled in his confusion by himself. Nobody realized he needed help until he was broken beyond repair and exploded — everything at the mere age of 17-18 years old.
And that became one of Yaga's biggest regrets in his life.
After all, he was Geto's teacher. He was one of the very few adults in Geto's life that Geto looked up to and could rely on (or perhaps the only one even).
Despite his scary and stern-looking appearance, we saw him sharing a close relationship with his students, that they have mutual trust toward each other, and that he cared about his students even though he was not someone who would put his honest feelings into words.
(I mean, just look at this scene and try to tell me Yaga didn't love or care for these five dummies)
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And yet despite being the only adult figure they could depend on, despite being their mentor and father-figure in that school, he let two of his students went through the worst experience in life:
Haibara getting killed for the most ridiculous reason that is the wrong mission brief
Geto succumbing to his trauma and depression, and ended up turning into a curse user
Granted, it wasn't Yaga's faults but more because of the flaws of the people governing the Jujutsu society from high above. But I'm 100% sure he felt regretful and responsible for what happened to Haibara and Geto.
He must be one of the first people who was informed about Geto massacring those villagers and I couldn't imagine how it felt for him, to hear his best-behaving student turning into a villain overnight. But he couldn't show it on his face because he needed to tell Gojo about it, and he couldn't possibly show any sign of weakness while Gojo was freaking out in front of him, knowing full well the relationship between those two.
"I wish I had paid more attention. I wished I had been more attentive. I wished I hadn't left them alone."
I think those words were constantly on Yaga's mind up until the moment of his death. In the first place, he didn't even get angry at Gojo for letting Geto go in Shinjuku, didn't tell him to look for him again or go by himself despite Geto's sentence already been announced, and expressed his understanding instead. And I think his "This time we'll completely exorcise the curse known as Geto Suguru!" in JJK 0 is more of the only way he could think of to free his former student from the cursed fate that he believed was caused, among others, by his negligence as his teacher — than a desire to execute a wanted criminal.
I don't think I need to write down anymore proofs of how Yaga was actually someone who thinks deeply about his students and cares about them more than he shows, because otherwise, that conversation between him and Principal Gakuganji in those screenshots above wouldn't even exist, and they wouldn't be showing Geto's face there (in both the anime and manga) while he was speaking about regrets.
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So back to what I was saying in the beginning, I wonder how his reunion with Geto (and Haibara) would've gone in that airport afterworld.
Would Yaga apologize to them first before Geto could apologize for the troubles he caused and before Haibara could express his dismay over Yaga's death?
Or knowing him, he might not put it into words. Perhaps he'd just pat them both on the head before they could say anything and ruffled their hair with his big hands like they were kids.
And this was more than enough to convey his feelings to them, more than any of his words could.
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https-misoup · 10 months
wc: 1.5k
cw! — gojo satoru childhood; slight angst; oc!handmaiden (mother-figure); naobito zenin
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Gojo Satoru was and always will be bound to loneliness.
"Raise your head, boy" 
Barely reaching eight years of age, the young heir already had a grasp of what his clan expects of him—overwhelming power over jujutsu sorcerers. That, being the reason why the elders' constant reminder for him is to take pride in the blessing he recently manifested. 
How ironic that the so-called “blessing" of the clan also caused collateral damage to its lineage. 
He looks up, eye-to-eye with the heads of the three main sorcerer clans. Seated a couple of meters away in the large hall, filled with Buddhist images, were members of the Zenin and Kamo family. Both looking a bit too eager to get a glimpse of the child.
Next to Satoru was his grandmother, slightly adjusting her seat on the cushion before speaking. Her voice echoed, raspy due to old age but still regarded as powerful. “I expect you heard the news about his mother…" 
A brief silence before she continues, "Unless, you’re all here for another reason?”
“We give our deepest condolences to you, mistress, and especially to the young Gojo” someone, too insignificant for the boy to recognize, bowed down as they remarked on the passing of the former head lady. 
It had only been a week since Satoru's mother passed away from an unknown illness. 
It had no cure according to the shamans. It was a shame since she was the last person who treated Satoru as a normal human being. Someone who, at the very least, let him be a child in the first few years of his life.
His father also faced the same fate in an "accident" a few months before his birth. Rumors say it was the result of an assassination. Just after that incident, sudden deaths became the usual for a lot of the members of the Gojo clan in recent years. They were slowly getting wiped-out by god-knows-who, presumably an attempt to limit future holders of the six-eye in the next century or so.
His parents were nothing special with only his father carrying the limitless technique, and so is his clan without the six-eye. But, they were targets nonetheless. Despite others' efforts to pull the weed from its roots, no one foresaw the world's balance to alter when Satoru was born. 
Before the previous person could even speak, one of the Zenins interrupted. 
"Let's just get this straight to the point, shall we, Kamo? You know we're all here because of the boy's eyes" 
Everyone pauses to look at the cocky man with the slicked back hair. The silence was deafening but you can tell that they were also guilty of his claim.
"What exactly are you implying, Naobito?" Satoru's grandmother exclaimed, offended by the shameless impertinence of the Zenin.
"Mistress," he starts "the young Gojo is a threat to not just other sorcerer families, but to your own clan as well. The world does not need another six-eye user. We already know the consequences, so why repeat the same mistake?"
That was the last of what Satoru had heard from the clan meeting before being guided out to the gardens by one of his handmaidens. Wherever he looked, the usual blossoming sakura trees were now bare and paths along the pond of the Gojo estate had already resembled his pale, white hair.
“The head mistress would not want you to be out in the cold for too long, young master. I should take you back to your quarters” the maid said as she held up a paper parasol which kept both of them shielded from the early December snow.
“I wanna stay here for a while” 
“It’s either you let me stay or…” he prolongs the word or before dropping the bomb on the poor lady “...get kicked out when I complain about you to grandmother”
“That’s—!” she attempted to protest but immediately surrendered. 
She can’t risk losing her job over some shletered brat who doesn’t even bother knowing the names of people who serve under him. Using honorifics was not in the boy’s vocabulary as well. He never uses it with elders other than his grandmother for god’s sake. And, of course, the handmaidens who have taken care of Satoru since his birth were the easiest to blame for any type of inadequate behavior coming from him.
With that, the only thing that she managed to to utter was a sigh followed by the typical, “Yes, young master”
As Satoru walked around the pond, admiring the koi under the freezing ice, the handmaiden followed with her umbrella. The last thing she wanted was for the boy to get a fever…or was it even possible for a god to get sick? Nevertheless, her eyes tells her that hewas still a child.
“Tell me, miss. Why did the clan heads think of my power as a curse?” the boy started, not sparing a single glance to the lady beside him.
“I’m not the right person to answer questions related to clan politics, young master. But, as your grandmother always said, you should think of it as a blessing”
Satoru finally stopped gazing at the tri-coloured fish only to give her a contemptuous look. 
“I can tell you're lying, y’know? I’m turning 8, I already have my cursed technique or whatever they call it. I don’t want you handmaidens treating me like a baby anymore!” 
"But…you still are a child, young master" she pressed these words onto him for they were only the truth. Internally, she regretted opening her mouth at that moment as the child's temper might become the cause of her career in the estate to meet its end.
The frown on Satoru's face was now replaced by a stern look. It was almost comical that all this seriousness in the atmosphere was coming from a young boy like him.
“What’s your name?”
“I’m asking you your name…what’s your name, miss?”
She hesitates.
“...I am called Ami, young master”
“Ami…be honest with me, would ya? How exactly is my existence a curse?” the boy asked, eyebrows furrowed as he questioned everything that had been taught about himself.
His abilities may be, but his existence…a curse? A child should never be asking these kinds of questions, hell, even be thinking about it. Still, Ami had seen way worse from the Gojo family as a mere servant. The death of the former head lady must have taken a toll on the boy, despite only ever seeing his mother occasionally when she was less ill. 
“Power…” she knelt in front of him and placed the umbrella on the side so they could face each other eye-to-eye. 
Ami had never seen eyes so bright on anyone; it was almost an exact imitation of the cold blue sky during the winter.
“I am not a curse user but you must already know that great power like yours existing in this world of ours means so much to many, including your own clan”
“Do not think of yourself as a curse, Satoru. In only a few years you will attend school for sorcery, and only time will tell how you choose to use these abilities you possess. Do you understand?”
He nodded as she fixed the collar of his kimono adorning dragonfly prints. It took not much longer before the young Gojo requested to go back to his room—to which Ami gladly guided him.
“What’s up with that man? He’s weird…” 
She hears his comment and looks back, only to see someone far from what she expected. Too many questions raised in her mind but one curious as to how the young master was able to sense a man with no cursed energy. 
A chill ran across her spine, not quite sure if the the cold air surrounding them had caused it.
“I believe that man is known as Zenin Toji, nephew of the their current clan leader”
She put her hand on Satoru's shoulder, signaling him to keep walking forward without looking back.
“What’s on your mind?”
Ami kept her hand on the child until they reached the safety of his quarters.
“It is because, young master, that man shouldn’t be here at this time—especially when the clan heads had already left the estate earlier” the handmaiden stated and was followed by a mutter under her breath, most likely contemplating whether or not to raise this concern to the elders.
“and I’m worried that…he must also be curious about your abilities”
Satoru looks up to the lady. He knew that these people had to keep their distance despite being the ones responsible for his well-being as the clan heir. However, this one did seem genuine enough for him to trust. 
Satoru holds her hand that just as cold as his from being bare in the nipping breeze.
“You don't need to worry, Ami. I doubt he would try or even be able to do anything” he remained holding it tight as these people were the only reason he can still act like his age in the estate. 
He would do anything to keep it that way.
Completely wrapping the boy's small hand into hers, it became clear to Ami of what the he had always longed for—someone to finally call a friend.
But it was never to be. She was only a loyal handmaiden for the boy's clan.
Gojo Satoru was and always will be bound to loneliness.
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sukirichi · 3 years
— just the two of us
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request: I almost read all of your jujutsu kaisen writings and I love it. Your writing is really good! I do not know if a request about a fics🥞 about satoru gojo who is really in love and not very possessive with an oblivious reader. It will be fun to see Satoru try to flirt with her and she doesn't get it🤣
pairings: gojo x oblivious! reader
notes: THIS IDEA IS SO CUTEEE I absolutely loved every second of writing it! thank you for the request and I hope you like this! 🥞 breakfast has been served!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: none, other than this is unedited and written humorously rather than seriously~
masterlist !
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Gojo doesn’t know whether he’s lucky – or completely cursed – over the fact you’ve got no idea he’s so in love with you.
It’s a bright sunny morning, perfect for outdoor training, and he walks with you all the way to school with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You stretch your arms out in the sky to bask in the morning glow and warmth of the sun, sleeves pushed up to your forearms to “get that vitamin D.”
Satoru snickers at your statement, because you’d totally be getting a different kind of Vitamin D if only you’d notice him. Sometimes he wonders, if maybe you’d inherited the Six Eyes instead of him, would you finally be able to see him – or would you still remain unaware?
He doesn’t even know where it began. A year ago, Yaga introduced you as the newest staff member. You’d been so fidgety and nervous then, unsure of what to do and worried if maybe the kids wouldn’t love. They did, of course, how could they not. Not only were you extremely fun to be with, you’re also caring, fretting and even crying whenever one of the students got injured over a mission.
Shoko reminds you all the time that this should be normal for you by now, but you always cry every time, sobbing that they’re still only kids and should be out having fun.
Yeah, maybe that’s where it began. Your kindness struck a chord in Satoru’s heart, and before he knew it, he was falling for you. Hard. Next thing you know, he shows up five minutes before you leave for work, mock-saluting you before inviting you to breakfast. He does this every damn day, and you still don’t get a single thing.
“That café was really good,” you muse, fingers stretching outwards and giggling as the sun peeks through the spaces. Satoru sighs beside you, wanting nothing more than to slip his fingers through those softer ones. “We should go back there sometime. Maybe even take the kids with us this weekend so we can all have breakfast together!”
Satoru masks a snicker with a cough. It reminds him of the time Megumi called you mom and dad by accident, to which you happily responded with before tackling the boy in hugs, while the strongest jujutsu sorcerer only flushed in embarrassment.
Him being him though, Satoru played it off cool, flipping his hair before striking a pose. “Huh, a dad?” he smirks, “The only person who gets to call me daddy would be no one else but Y/N.”
The raven haired first year student immediately recoils in disgust. Meanwhile, the innuendo flies straight through you, and you peer up at him innocently with your head tilted to the side. “Daddy? Why would I call you my dad? My father is still alive and well, and I don’t see you marrying my mom or anything,” Just as Megumi nearly howls in laughter – another evidence that you’re really something else to get the usually stoic boy to lose his composure like that – you snap your fingers, the light bulb above your head practically shining. “Oh, I get it! You prefer younger women and you want them to call you that! Kind of like the hype for onii-chan nowadays.”
Hopeless, Satoru wants to say, you’re absolutely, utterly hopeless.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs nonchalantly, sending a smirk your way. It usually drives everyone crazy, but you only smile back up at him in the same way you smile with everyone, and he tries his best to not show his shoulders are deflating. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up. “How about you and I go out somewhere this weekend? The movies, perhaps?”
Say yes, say yes – please say yes.
Really though, he’s waiting for that ‘no’ already. Satoru knows you always go out of town during the weekends to visit your family in the countryside, only coming back on Monday the next week with a basket of fruits and traditional goods that isn’t so easy to find in the city.
But then you clasp your hands together in excitement, lashes fluttering delicately as you beam up at him. “Really? You’d like to go to the movies with me?”
“Of course I would,” Satoru tries not to stutter, hiding the fact that he’s completely taken aback. He’s the Gojo Satoru for heaven’s sake, he shouldn’t be this affected by anyone’s presence. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to?”
“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were busy. This Saturday, then?”
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, it’s actually happening – his mind was barely functioning at this point, and he even slapped his cheeks to snap him back to life. “I thought there was a fly,” he lied with a chuckle, “But yeah, Saturday. I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Satoru wouldn’t stop smiling the whole way to the school. Even when Yuuji had face planted into the ground and Megumi sprained his ankle from training, he wasn’t able to get rid of the ridiculously big smile that stretched across his lips. He’s floating in cloud nine, flowers erupting from his ears and heart-shaped emojis bursting in his background.
“Well, you look creepy,” Shoko commented in the faculty room the moment you excused yourself, “Did you land a date with her or something?”
“That I did,” he stated proudly, even banging his fist on his chest like a deranged form of King Kong.
“I can only hope Y/N makes it out alive,” Nanami announces from behind the newspaper he’s reading, legs crossed over another before he peeks above the paper, narrowed eyes dead set on the blindfolded man. “Don’t be too wild with her, Satoru. She’s a gentle soul despite being a sorcerer – I humbly suggest you don’t mess with her feelings.”
“Are you kidding me? She’s the one messing with my feelings by being so fucking cute all the time!”
“Who’s cute?”
Shoko nearly spits out her coffee the moment you enter, glancing around the room and sitting down next to a shock-still Satoru. Nanami only huffs in his seat with a shake of his head. It doesn’t take long before Satoru regains his confidence and recovers from his shock – he’s turned to you with his torso completely facing your way.
You bask in the attention, mimicking the gesture until your faces are mere inches from one another. The fact you’re so responsive and attentive to him yet still painfully naïve strikes a mental war of himself debating whether he wants to kiss you or knock your head upside down. Satoru chooses neither options as he leans closer, his smile growing wider when you don’t pull away, and he doesn’t stop moving until his lips are right beside the shell of your ear.
“You’re cute.”
Shoko shudders at the same time Nanami just gives up on everything, folding his paper and lying that he’s got someplace to go with Ichiji. Satoru patiently waits for your reaction; for you to crumble this time around.
You’re silent for a moment, brows almost right across each other when you register his words. Satoru ends up holding his breath for your next words, wondering: is this it? will she finally understand what I feel for her now?
Even Shoko ends up sitting at the edge of her seat, silently watching the exchange with interest barely hidden in her sparkling eyes. Satoru watches as your lips open, his eyes transfixed on the way the soft flesh moves. They tilt upwards, revealing a set of a wide smile – the smile he can never get enough of. “Thank you!” you giggle at his compliment, “You and Shoko are very cute too! And the kids too, especially Toge! Not that I’m saying he’s my favourite—”
“He’s definitely your favourite student,” snorts Shoko who is ignoring the way Satoru turns completely gray beside you.
It turns out you still haven’t figured it out after all.
“The kids this – the kids that,” the tall, lanky man whines, his head falling back on the back of the leather couch. He looks so utterly defeated you can’t help but lean over him to check if he’s okay, but Satoru pouts and hides his face under his uniform instead. “Why can it never be just the two of us?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
This time, you’ve kneeled on the couch to hover him. You even pluck one side of his blindfold off to see how he’s doing, and suddenly thankful you can’t see the way his cheeks are absolutely flaming right now. 
“Nothing,” he assures, his smile hidden behind his shirt. You look absolutely adorable hovering over him like that – eyes wide and lips pouty – what he wouldn’t give to kiss those lips right now, but it isn’t the right time, and Satoru just needs to find a better way to tell you how he feels. “It’s nothing.”
It’s absolutely not nothing.
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Saturday couldn’t come faster.
Satoru finds himself willing time to go faster. Once the awaited day finally comes, he wastes no time in choosing his best outfit; an oversized black shirt tucked into black skinny jeans before styling his hair up the way he likes.
He winks at his reflection in the mirror, going ooh and aah at how hot he looks. It’s another reason why he can’t comprehend why you don’t like him yet, when, uhm, he knows he looks damn good? He’s pretty funny too – and his strength and power is already a no-brainer. Satoru can’t wrap his head around any possible reason why you wouldn’t like him; it’s basically a life or death mission at this point.
With that end goal in his mind and a spritz of perfume later, Satoru sashays out his apartment. Even though it’s already dark outside and he spent the whole day walking back and forth in his room trying to come up with ways to confess to you, he acts coolly all the way to your apartment.
This time around, he’s more than confident. He’s going to have you wrapped around his pretty little finger, “Wow,” is the first thing he says, pulling his blindfold down just to look at you.
Satoru feels blessed in that exact moment to witness how the heavens took their time with you, creating only the best out of the best and birthing the most magnificent person ever. Suddenly, he grows an urge to run to the countryside and thank your parents for going funky one night and creating you, because you’re an absolutely magnificent gift and it really baffles him how you’re real.
“Wow,” he repeats again, and you chuckle when he shakes his head. “You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you look him up and down, smiling in satisfaction. “You look very handsome yourself.”
Satoru’s been called handsome a million times before that it’s gotten too much in his head already, but hearing it come from your lips hits different. If he was excited before, it’s nothing compared to what he feels now when you loop your arm through his, dangling off his arm like you were a lover.
He knows it’s not real and this is probably just a friendly date for you – something he intends to clear up later – but it doesn’t stop him from puffing his chest up a bit, almost as if bragging to everyone around you that he was the one you’re with, and that he was the one you’re going to the movies with.
All your babbles about everything goes straight into one ear and out the other. He wants to listen to you, he really does, but he’s so intoxicated with your voice that he just ends up nodding at everything you say; his attention mostly on how sweet you sound and smell.
His feelings only intensify a hundred times more when you finally make it to the theatre. Not only is it dark, but you’re sitting right next to him, arms and thighs brushing against each other. He takes note of every little movement you make, smiling to himself when you don’t pull away from his thigh flush against yours.
In this close proximity, your perfume overwhelms his senses. He finds himself leaning closer just to get a little more taste of it, his arm resting on the armrest beside him and placing his cheek on his open palm.
He doesn’t even know what the movie is about. All he can see, hear, feel and recognize is you – nothing and no one but you. Just as he wanted, it’s just the two of you.
Satoru reaches out to the bowl of popcorn in his lap to distract himself from the need of kissing you already. He was so smug that he’s on this date with you; now he feels like the world is laughing and mocking at him because you’re so close yet so far away. The last thing he wants is to say something weird and have you running for the hills. It’s clear you don’t like him, after all.
You end up reaching for it the same time he does, making your fingers brush. It sends a jolt of electricity down his spine and he immediately retracts it.
Looking up at him with an apologetic smile, Satoru knows he’s messed up. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender with a nervous chuckle. “I should’ve gotten my own bowl instead.”
Satoru stares at you through his blindfold. You’re close enough that he can count your lashes – both top and bottom row – and he’s so stupefied at this point that he just says the first thing that comes to his mind; absolutely anything just to get your attention. “Cold,” he shows you his hand, “I’m cold.”
“Oh,” you nod and slip your fingers through his. Satoru nearly gasps at how electrifying the sensation is from having your smaller, softer fingers collide with his, your hands fitting perfectly in his bigger, calloused ones. Then, you close your intertwined hands and smush your cheek with it to transfer your heat – completely unaware that Satoru feels like he’s floating in his own Infinite Void right now. “Feel warmer now?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Extremely.”
Something beast-like wakes within him after that. Now that he knows you don’t mind touching him at all, Satoru can’t help but want to take out all his playing cards and just go fuck it. So he does – and he might regret, he might not – who cares? It’s just the two of you, and you’re the only one he ever cares about this much that he’d pretty much let you do anything at this point.
“You know,” Satoru begins, shifting until your joined hands are resting on top of his chest. His heart is just about ready to burst through its confines at this moment, but he holds back. It’s now or never. “Shoko and Nanami are annoyed that I talk about you all the time.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. “Really? Do you talk badly about me or something?”
“No,” he nearly groans in frustration, “You’re really pretty and cool. You’re amazing during missions, too, when you fight, it’s like I’m witnessing a warrior princess. So cool.”
This makes you laugh until the person sitting behind you rudely shushes you. You bow your head in apology, turning to Satoru with a softer smile this time; one that looks reserved and private compared to your big grins. “Oh, no,” he closes his eyes even behind his blindfold, “Don’t smile at me like that. I don’t think I’ll still be cool if I end up stuttering over my words.”
“Satoru!” you whisper-hiss, although your chest is filled with so much giddiness too that you’ve both forgotten about the movie; unaware that the entire theatre was crying over the main character’s friend’s death. “What are you going on about?”
He wants to laugh so damn hard. He thought confessing his feelings for you would end up in a pitiful heartbreak that you’d be weirded out and push him away. For a moment, he forgets it’s you, and that nothing is ever difficult or painful with you – other than, of course, you being oblivious, but that isn’t something he can’t fix. He’ll get you on the train one way or another.
“I have a confession.”
“I was practicing how to ask you out for a whole hour in the mirror,” Satoru whispers, careful to not ruin the melancholic mood of theatre. It doesn’t even surprise him that his world is filled with nothing but sunshine even if the world around you has descended into grief and loneliness. “I also called Nanami on first date tips.”
“Nanami?” you echo with a gasp, “Why Nanami?”
“Because he’s married, that’s why. Mans know some tips for sure.”
“Wait, so,” you chuckle nervously, and Satoru waits, waits for you to pull away or push him back – anything that would indicate discomfort. He’s patient the whole time, watching carefully as you only squeeze his hand and gesture to the both of you with your free one. “This is a date? Our first date?”
“Only if you want to be,” Satoru shrugs, grimacing afterwards at how sappy he sounds. “Well, I actually consider this our first date and I’ve been waiting for this for like forever now, so I sure as hell hope you want this too. I didn’t dress myself up today only to come back home crying.”
Satoru’s heart – if possible – only beats crazier and sings the syllables of your name when you start laughing harder to the point you have to muffle it by burying yourself in his bicep. He feels like his muscles and nerves could erupt at any moment. It’s crazy – absolutely insane – how you have him wrapped around your finger like this. He doesn’t complain though; he never will.
“I’m glad,” you mumble through his shirt, your erratic heartbeat matching kiss when you take the first tentative step of kissing his jaw.
Satoru stiffens underneath you, a low growl ripping from his throat. He’s feral, wild, drunk at the sight and scent of you. You make him feel like he’s fluctuating between dimensions, all the planets just crashing on one another until the stardust is left in your eyes because what else could be an explanation for what he’s feeling other than a supernova collision of hearts?
“You always make me feel so happy when you’re around that I still can’t believe you feel the same way. I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t get my hints.”
Satoru groans, “What the hell? How long have you liked me?”
“I guess when you started bringing flowers to Megumi randomly just to piss him off.”
Satoru wants to rip his hair out. That was just a few weeks after you’ve started working with him, meaning you both have liked each other this whole time and he’s been suffering and feeling stupid just for nothing?
“God, Y/N,” he mutters to himself, “You really do know how to make a man go crazy, huh?”
That innocent smile on your face lets him know that as usual, you’re oblivious of everything. Satoru is right; he still can’t decide whether he wants to whack you in the head upside down. With a sigh, he ends up choosing the latter, nearly falling over his seat when you let out a surprised yelp at the feeling of his lips on yours.
It doesn’t take long before you grab onto his shirt and cling to dear life, laughter bubbling through your lips as you kiss. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life, but Satoru doesn’t rush anything.
With you and only with you is he ever capable of feeling like it’s just the two of you in a world filled with chaos and destruction.
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koushou · 3 years
i love it smmmm omg. the megumi fix is amazing it’s more than i asked for ❤️❤️ bro 6,9k is a blessing you don’t understand how glad it made me it’s so worth the wait. tumblr is so dry when it comes to anime fics and especially w megumi thank you for feeding me something other than the crumbs this website gives me. i don’t want to be too annoying but whenever you’re free if you could do a pt 2 cause that ending omg. i love it sm and i can’t thank you enough ❤️
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pairing : megumi x f!reader [fluff]
warnings : slight makeout scene idk HAHA nothing too intense though (also not proofread because i wanted to get this posted as soon as i finished it)
wc : 3.5k
a/n : ur too sweet omg and im FINALLY back from procrastinating your request again anon… (i really apologize i don’t mean to take so long pls forgive me D: ) i hope this is what you wanted!!
pt. 1 (you don’t really have to read pt 1 to understand this part but i do recommend it)
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loud chatter echoes through the large modern dining hall located on the second floor of the hotel.
“i’m… so full…” a certain pink haired male burps for the nth time as he still continues to stuff food into his mouth. gojo laughs at itadori’s passion for the hotel food, while doing the same as he takes a large bite of a pancake.
you chuckle, taking a sip of your drink and leaning back in your cushioned chair, already finished with your 3rd plate of breakfast. i mean, who could blame you? hotel breakfast food just hits a different type of way.
“so, spill all the juicy events that happened last night, i wanna know!” nobara nudges you excitedly, her eyes twinkling as she pulls her chair closer to yours.
rolling your eyes, you look away from the ginger female and pretend to not have heard her. accidentally, you were now faced towards megumi, sitting on the opposite side of you. your eyes met for a brief moment before you quickly turned away, breaking the awkward interaction.
“aww— c’mon, y/n! please—“
“nothing happened at all! and don’t think i forgot the way you ignored my knocks on your door yesterday,” you shot her a glare, earning a sheepish laugh in return.
“but... in the same bed..?”
you were about to retort back when gojo stands up and claps his hand over his stomach, which now seemed just… a few sizes bigger.
“alright! have we all finished our food? god, when did hotel food get so good— anyway, it’s time to pack our things and head back home!” your constantly enthusiastic teacher exclaims, as a waiter comes to collect your plates.
after thanking the waiter and paying the bill (poor gojo-sensei’s wallet), you all head back upstairs to drive back home.
a thick silence hangs over your room as you and megumi collect your items, not wanting to bring up any events from last night. finally ready to head out, you walk towards the door to open it until another hand reaches the handle at the same time.
you retract your hand quickly, while the other hand lingers in the air above the knob.
“oh— sorry, you can go first!” you gulp, backing up a bit so megumi can exit first.
he pauses for a second, twisting the knob until the door pulls open. you expected him to walk out, but he makes his way to the other side of you instead, still holding the door open.
you look over at him with a questioning look, receiving a slight shrug and a hint of a smirk.
“ladies first.”
why was his stupid face so handsome?
you shook your head at his teasing expression, making your way out the door to the carpeted hallway, him following close behind.
the others were already at the lobby waiting, their conversation becoming clearer as you reach them.
“what’s taking them both so long? you don’t think they’re too busy… y’know…” nobara’s usual cheerful voice carries her words to your ears, making you roll your eyes and spook her from being.
“i’m just sayin- oh my go—“ she frantically turns around, breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just you.
“you scared me!”
“what were we talking about?”
“nothing important! come on, we should get going!” nobara nudges gojo and itadori ahead, escaping you as she scurries out of the lobby.
you hear a yawn from behind you, a tuft of black hair moving past you as you suppress the urge to laugh at megumi’s already messy hairstyle, amplified by his morning bed hair.
finally, you were all seated back in gojo’s car, ready to drive back to the school so you all can head back to your own homes.
the ride back was full of gojo’s irritating voice singing along to songs playing from the car radio, itadori laughing along, and the rest of you too excited to leave the car.
“alright kids! we’re here, make sure to be safe on the way back home!”
gojo waves to all of you as you hop out of his car one by one, basking in the cool summer air for a few seconds.
“see you guys!”
itadori jogs away, heading in the direction of his own home, followed by megumi, then nobara, and lastly, you.
upon reaching your house, your mother welcomes you, asking about your day, if you had fun, and other typical mother questions.
you were telling her about your day when you suddenly recalled the hotel night events, and scurried away embarrassed upstairs to your room, leaving a very confused mom behind.
you flop down onto the bed, face down, wanting to get a good few minutes of quiet nap time in before your phone dings with a notification.
grunting, you pull your phone out from your pocket, swiping across the screen to check the message.
surprisingly, it was from megumi, eyebrows suspiciously raising as you open the text message from him. you two rarely texted unless it was about school or business-related, so you couldn’t think of anything he would need from you right now.
megumi : Hey.
megumi : I have your hair tie with me. You probably left it in my bag or something.
megumi : I’m coming over in 5 minutes.
you sat up abruptly, rereading his messages to make sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
you had been so caught up with his prior messages that you failed to register that he said he was going to be at your house in… 5 minutes.
hurriedly, you swiped to see what time he had sent that last message. 12:34 AM.
your eyes moved to the top of your phone screen, reading the current time. 12:37 AM.
almost falling out of bed scrambling to your room mirror, you checked your appearance to make sure you looked fine and your hair wasn’t messy and-
you paused.
“why am i so concerned about how i look? why do i care about this?”
you slapped your face with both hands, bringing yourself back to reality when you were interrupted again, but this time by your doorbell ringing from downstairs.
making your way out of your room, you saw that your mom had already opened the door with a familiar tall figure standing in the doorway.
“oh! megumi, it’s been a while!” your mom lets megumi in with a smile, already going to the kitchen to make him some tea.
he bows politely, sitting down on the couch, now changed into a loose white t-shirt with black shorts.
“uh- theres no need to make me tea, i won’t be here for too long—“
“nonsense! you can even stay for lunch, dear megumi! i just have to prepare the last dish and—“
you finally clear your throat, standing at the middle of the stairs, catching both of their attention.
“oh, y/n! i have to go out to the grocery store for some ingredients, take care of our guest megumi, alright?” she places two cups of tea on the table in front of megumi, grabbing her keys to head out.
“wait, mom—“
she sends you a wink by the door, already outside before you can finish your sentence.
you sigh in defeat, sitting across from megumi on the other couch.
megumi pulls out a black hair tie from his pocket, almost identical to the one currently around your wrist.
you raise your eyebrows in suspicion at the hair tie. “but i only have one? and i didn’t bring any extra yesterday..?” you motion to your own arm.
he looks back and forth between your wrist and the one he had in his hand, scratching his head in confusion.
“it was in our hotel room, so i assumed it was yours.” he shrugs, placing it on the table. “but if it isn’t, i can just throw it away.”
you hum, taking a sip of the tea your mom prepared as he does the same, cringing as the still hot tea burns his tongue.
he glares at you, placing the cup down as his eyes scan around your living room, taking in the decorations.
“i’ll just keep it then, it seems new.” you take the forgotten hair tie on the table, and wear it around your wrist, now decorated with two black hair ties.
he nods, sitting back against the couch, silence falling between you both.
a question suddenly popped up in your mind, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“you came all the way here… just to give me a hair tie?”
the question seems to set him a little nervous, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact as he fidgets in his seat.
“well— i figured i’d return it to you before i forgot,” he shrugs, reaching out to take another sip of his tea before pulling back quickly again at the heat.
you nod slowly, still unconvinced with his answer. who goes all the way to someone’s house to return a hair tie?
“okay then, see you on monday?” you get up, ready to send him back off.
his head snaps up, still not moving in his seat as he opens his mouth slowly, as if unsure of how to respond.
“um- i thought your mom said i could stay…for lunch…?”
he averts his eyes, pink dusting his pale cheeks as he looks away. your mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape as you recall your mom’s words and those were - in fact what she had said.
it wasn’t that you were against him staying for lunch, but you two weren’t even friends or remotely close at that. rivals would even suit you both better than friends.
“but if you want i can, uh, leave now,” he starts to stand, looking uncomfortable in his position across from you.
it was then that you remembered megumi’s background, that his mother had left early at birth, plus his father wasn’t exactly present.
you couldn’t imagine living without your parents, and how lonely he must be without true family.
“no! i mean, that’s not what i meant, you can stay.” you sputter out before he gets the wrong idea.
his eyes seem to light up at your words, nodding before sitting back down on his previous spot on the couch.
you glance over at the time on your phone, it had been around 7 minutes after your mom had left.
the tension was thick in the room, and just when you thought you were about to explode from the awkwardness, he finally breaks the silence.
“do you… play that?”
you turn to where his eyes are placed on, seeing your black xbox console laying on top of a cabinet, having been untouched for a while.
“oh that? yeah, occasionally, why?”
you hear a snicker from beside you, snapping your head to find his lips curled into a teasing grin.
“oh, i just didn’t think a nerd like you would play games.”
you raise your eyebrows at his words. “you sure about that? it doesn’t seem like you’re very good at games either, megumi.” you make sure to stretch out each three syllables of his name to tease him further.
he huffs while leaning back, still maintaining intense eye contact with you, almost challenging each other to say something back.
“how about this, whoever wins against the other gets to make them do whatever they want. no matter what it is.” he nods over to the console, tilting his head as he waits for your response.
you chuckle, standing up to take the console, fiddling with it for a moment before turning back to him.
“alright, just don’t cry when you lose too much, okay?”
he shrugs, smirking as he looks around the living room for the other console, making you remember something.
“oh, the other console plus a TV is in my room, wanna just play there?”
he stiffens suddenly, before nodding slowly and following you upstairs to your room.
reaching the door, you suddenly stop, making megumi grunt and come to a stop, almost crashing into you.
“uh - wait here.”
you open the door just enough to slip inside, quickly gathering some of your belongings and cleaning as much as you could, to at least make your room seem presentable.
“okay!” you open the door for megumi, who makes no move to enter at first.
“you can come in.”
“... is this okay?”
you cock your head, not understanding his question.
“your mom isn’t home.”
“we’re alone.”
“i’m… going into your room.”
“what is your point?” you began to grow frustrated at this conversation. then, it hit you all of a sudden.
“ahh, megumi? have you never been in a girl’s room alone before?” you snicker, shaking your head from laughter.
he starts to protest, before quickly closing his mouth and finally entering your room.
you connect the two consoles into your TV in your room, sitting down on the edge of your bed as you load up the games on the screen.
“you can sit here if you want,” you pat the empty spot next to you, to which he carefully sits down on, taking one console from your hand.
he nods, as you start the game.
-- --
you throw your hands up in frustration, groaning as you flop backwards on the bed.
“i told you, you can’t beat me.” megumi chuckles, dodging a stuffed bear you threw in his direction.
you huffed, sitting back up, determined to beat him at least once.
“one last rematch!”
he lets out a laugh, a rare one that you think you might just never forget, and starts the game again.
after a few minutes of intense clicking, yelling and laughing, you let out a proud shout, the word victory flashing across your screen.
you pick up another stuffed animal from your bed and toss it straight at megumi’s face, celebrating as he lets out an ‘oof’ and glare back at you.
“but i still won around, 7 times, so i get to make you do something- oof-” he stumbles back again from another stuffed animal to the face.
“hmm? i don’t know what you’re talking about--” you pretend to not have heard him before your vision goes momentarily black from a soft object hitting your face, a pink bear landing in your lap.
“what, you keep throwing them at me!”
“hey, why are you getting so close--!”
you tackle megumi backwards onto the bed, throwing your pillows at his face -- not very gently -- as he tries to shield his arms in vain.
“ahh—! okay, okay, i’m sorry, stop it—“ he huffs as you finally stops your attack, his dark blue orbs looking up into yours.
you only now noticed your close proximity, quickly sitting back up to create some distance between the both of you. he clears his throat, fiddling with one of your pillows.
“well, a loss is a loss, what do i have to do?” you sigh, admitting your defeat.
“hmm…” he seems to be lost in deep thought, probably trying to find the worst thing he can make you do.
after a few silent, intense seconds, he finally speaks.
“are you… free tomorrow?”
you turn to him, giving him a questioning look at his strange question. he only stares back at you in response, awaiting your answer.
“um… yeah, i’m free the whole day, why do you as-“
“come watch a movie with me tomorrow.” he blurts out quickly, not even letting you finish your sentence.
you gape at him, still processing his words, unsure if you had heard wrong.
“... sorry?”
his face was reddenning by the second, yet his eyes remained firmly on yours the whole time.
“let’s go watch the new movie in the theater. i heard it’s quite popular already despite releasing only last week.”
“oh… okay, i can ask nobara if she wants to com-“
“don’t!” he says a little too loudly, clearing his throat after as he regains his composure.
“i mean, i- just, you.”
“just.. us?”
he nods.
silence fell again between the two of you, unsure if he was asking you what you thought he was asking you. you decide to test the waters cautiously.
“man.. it’s almost like you’re asking me out on a date, megumi?” you tease lightly, expecting a ‘tch’ or an, ‘as if’.
“so what if i am?”
now that was an answer you weren’t expecting.
“you’re.. joking, right?”
megumi sighs, moving closer until his body was mere centimeters away from yours.
“i’m serious.”
“do you... like me or something?”
he stares at you blankly. “would i ask you on a date if i didn’t have feelings for you, idiot?”
you only just realize how stupid your question sounded, trying to find a response until he reaches up to cup your cheek with one hand.
they felt soft, yet slightly gruff from constant training and fighting, large enough to cover one half of your face. they were warm, slightly trembling probably from nervousness, yet made you wish he’d never take it off.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to. we can forget this ever happened.” his own cheeks turning slightly pink, yours probably even worse as the space between your faces closed in slowly.
“but i don't think i can do this anymore, so just let me be a little selfish this once, okay?”
barely registering his words before he moves in to kiss you, soft lips moving against the other as his hand tightens against the side of your cheek. you barely register your own actions anymore, hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair, moving down to his neck, and finally finding home cupped around his face.
he groans against your lips, pressing you down until he was now hovering above you, never breaking the kiss even once in the process. you lost track of how long you both had been making out in your bed before you hear the front door open from downstairs.
frantically, the both of you separated in fear of your mom catching you in the act, catching your breaths while still processing what just happened.
you hear shuffling from downstairs, standing up to escape megumi before you were pulled back into a warm chest.
“wait—“ his arms wrap around you to trap you from leaving his grasp, your eyes looking everywhere but his, and suddenly your wall was the most interesting thing in sight.
“are we… really going to pretend that didn’t happen?” you finally gather the courage to look him in the face, almost melting at the soft pout set on his (now slightly redder than before) lips.
“ilikeyoutoo.” you get out quickly before you lose the chance to say it again.
he stiffens against you, eyes lighting up almost like an excited puppy receiving treats. “you like me? i didn’t hear you, so can you say it again?”
you huff, trying to wriggle your way out of his arms, only resulting in him pulling you closer to sit on his lap. he presses his forehead to yours, chuckling at your futile attempt to escape.
“i said— i like you—!” you ram your head into his, making him groan in pain, loosening his hold on you. the perfect chance for escape.
you saw the opportunity, dashing to the door, twisting the knob, almost getting it open until—
“nope,” megumi’s hand stops the door in time, instead twisting you around until your back was now flat against the wood, both of his palms placed beside your head.
“y/n? megumi?” your mom’s voice calls from downstairs, but all you could hear was your heartbeat thumping loudly in your chest.
“megumi! move, my mom’s home,” you place your hands on his chest, trying to push him away to no avail.
he grabs your pushing hand and places it on the left side of his chest, letting you feel the soft but fast thumping of his heart, almost matching the pace of your own.
“this is all your fault. you’re not gonna take responsibility for it?” he inches closer to your burning face, making you huff and grab his face.
you press your lips to his, feeling him immediately return the kiss, but you pull away after a few seconds, leaving him still trying to kiss you again.
“nope, my mom’s home, and i’m hungry.”
you open the door, seeing your mom begin to set the table with plates of food downstairs. you look back at megumi, who still looked sad after getting his kiss cut short.
sighing, you take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together before pulling him down the stairs.
“come on, it’s time for lunch. you’ll get more later.”
you feel him perk up, giving your hand a squeeze as he follows close behind.
you steal a glance at your wrist, still wearing both the hair ties. good thing he hadn’t noticed you stuffing one into his bag this morning.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru ft. itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi and kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1293
| published : 07 december
| request : Yay my first request here :) Can I please have a Gojo x fem! Reader where they have a 2 year old baby (you can pick the gender) and maybe for the first time he brings them to work to meet his students and all. Maybe the baby acts a lot like him as well? You can pick a scenario or Headcannons thank you so much! ❤️
| barista’s notes : hi there! thank you so much for your first request, i hope i met up to the standard for your first order ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ i can’t lie, i kinda didn’t read the order correctly as i thought it said that ‘you brought him to work’ rather than gojo himself ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ that’s a little oops on my part and this was just posted in time before gojo satoru’s birthday ended (in the uk), i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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Patiently, at this current moment in time, you were quietly resting your body on Gojo’s expensive chair with your little human, who had seated himself on your lap, playing with the few strands of your hair to occupy himself with the pending silence that was going on between you and him, waiting for his father to safely return from his mission with his current first years.
Ever since your blossoming relationship with the white-haired shaman, there was never a day where you weren’t expecting something chaotic to happen wherever it be him surprising you by him popping out of nowhere to him telling you weird and compelling stories that he had from his missions that he went alone or his first years - it had been like that since the both of you met during your first year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, the most chaotic being when he caused a whole mansion to blow up from his use of his curse technique while forgetting to put a curtain up leaving you, Gojo, Ieiri and Geto to get a stern scolding from their teacher at the time Yaga.
Feeling a little hand slap itself on your open palm like a high-five, you peered down to see your baby staring up at you with his most beautiful glossy crystal-blue eyes that he had inherited from his father. To be completely honest, you wondered what this little boy had even inherited from you, he was a tiny exact copy of your husband with his bright white locks that was surprisingly smooth to the touch.
“I carried you for 9 months, only for you to come out looking like your papa ha?” you teasingly asked the child as if he could even answer back, as his only response was a cheeky smile before he called out to you with his hands up in the air.
“Mama!” the joyful boy cheered, causing you to lower your head letting the boy cutely cup your cheeks with his small hands before he gave you a messy kiss on your nose.
‘Yeah, an exact copy of your papa, personality-wise as well’
However, before you could even voice out this little thought of yours, there was a sound a wooden door being slide open causing you to turn to look towards the direction of the sound, only to find awaited first years as well as your tall husband in the doorway to which then you were greeted with two extremely confused faces, one surprised face and one exceedingly happy face.
“Is that my wife and baby boy waiting for me?” Gojo gleefully said before walking towards you and your son with ‘give me, give me’ hands causing your little boy to cheer as he also reached his smaller hands out to his father.
Looking towards Gojo’s student, you saw the two students that screamed, who you assumed were Itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara, point towards you with Fushiguro standing beside them, giving an irritated expression due to their loudness. “Megumi, there is no need to give them such a look, there is no surprise that they don’t know me and the little baby here, have you eaten yet?” you softly stated before he walked up to you telling you that Gojo took everyone out to eat as he then asked how you were.
“Hold up Gojo-sensei, since when did you have a family?!” Itadori loudly questioned leading to your little boy - who was now lifted up in Gojo’s arms - to look towards the student and smiled before lifting up his tiny finger. “Salmon,” the baby suddenly uttered, causing you to cover your mouth in shock as well as to try to hold in your laughter.
‘Yeah, definitely a copy personality-wise’
“Now, now, where did you learn that teasing from? Your mother?” Gojo asked in an ‘innocent’ tone, causing you to turn to look at him with a slightly annoyed expression as you snapped back with, “I think it’s the other way round here idiot, I raised Megumi and look how perfectly he turned out”. However, it seemed like your baby boy wasn’t concerned with the little incident as he just adorably giggled at Itadori’s confused expression before quickly turning back to you with his arms outstretched towards you again - as you said, personality-wise he was like your husband, he was quite clingy towards you like Gojo is.
“Wait, she raised you Fushiguro?” Nobara asked as she turned to him leading to the quiet shaman to nod before proceeding to lean against the wooden wall. “Y/N-san was somewhat like a mother to me when I was younger,” Fushiguro explained as he then turned to look at you, only to find you concentrating on the little human that was now back in your arms.
From his perspective, you looked extremely happy, just like how you did 2 years ago when he saw you holding the baby when it was a newborn in the hospital. You had that motherly look in your eyes when you looked down at your son - the same motherly look you had for both him and his sister when you both first met. Looking back up to his teacher, he noticed the calm and content expression painted on his face - the same one that he saw when Gojo first saw his child on your arms. Even within this world full of evil and destruction, you and Gojo still had that hint of happiness that both of you shared that he also felt ever since he came into your lives. This was what a family was like.
“Can I see the baby Y/N-san?” Nobara kindly asked as she crouched down to be in height level with the child to which you answered with a gentle smile at her as well as a nod before placing the child on your lap, facing him towards the student. “Woah, he looks exactly like Gojo-sensei,” Nobara quietly muttered as the student admired his features, leading to your husband to butt in and exclaim while pointing at himself, “isn’t he cute? He is my twin after all,” leading you to giggle slightly at his childish behaviour.
Looking around the room, people on the outside would think this was just a room filled with people with no deep relations at all. However, when you looked around the room, you saw a huge family that was wild and chaotic. Yes, even though you only knew Itadori and Kugisaki for at least 10 minutes, you knew that they came all the way here at Jujutsu Tech with no family by their side just like Fushiguro had. Maybe it was just you being a motherly figure? When did it start? Was it when Gojo introduced you to Fushiguro Megumi and Fushiguro Tsumiki? Or was it when your son was born from the love that you and Gojo created? To be honest, you don’t think you’ll ever know. But that didn’t matter at all, because your family was right here in front of you.
Suddenly, you felt a light kiss being placed upon your nose causing you to snap out of your thoughts, only to then come to the realisation that Gojo was in front of your view. Although, this also didn’t go unnoticed by your cheeky son, as he unexpectedly grabbed a small strand of your hair before gently tugging you down to give you a kiss on the same place leading you to laugh at both of your boys.
“Thank you for giving me a family honey~” Gojo gently muttered as he stroked your son’s cheek with his finger, causing you to brightly smile at him as you looked back at your beautiful son.
“Thank you for making me a part of your family”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
A Well Rounded Education (1): Suspension (Fem!Reader x Toji Fushiguro, 5k)
series synopsis: You are a teacher’s aid to teacher Gojo Satoru, training to be able to take over your own class next year by shadowing and helping him out. Gojo does not make things easy for anybody.
chapter synopsis: One of your favourite students has been suspended for fighting, and Gojo has palmed off the meeting with his guardian to go through all of the paperwork and facts and conditions on you. “Don’t worry,” Gojo says. “It’ll be Megumi’s sister, she always takes care of this kind of stuff!”. Gojo is wrong.
NSFW. AFAB reader, fem pronouns. dom/sub dynamics, light fearplay and predator/prey elements. piv sex.
(a well rounded education m.list and navigation)
“I’ve got all these other parents to deal with,” Gojo whines at you, pushing the papers into your hands. “And I hate paperwork, and I don’t have time to meet with Megumi’s family today – hell, if it were up to me, the kid wouldn’t even be suspended! Those guys had it coming!”
Gojo is not a very good teacher. Both of you know that – no matter how justified – violence never solves violence. Gojo, you think, would let these kids fight it out in an arena instead of solving things like an adult. You heave a large sigh as you look down at the papers detailing Megumi Fushiguro’s three-day suspension for fighting during school hours.
You’d seen Megumi before he’d gone home. He hadn’t had so much as a scratch on him; his face set in a frown, his arms crossed, his eyes downcast. You’d sighed at him and asked him if he was alright, and he’d shrugged.
He’s not a very talkative boy at the best of times, and you suppose that the suspension and the fight and the mini uproar it had caused in the school aren’t helping be any more verbose. You’d said goodbye to him and said that you hoped he thought about what had transpired today, your heart aching a little bit that you couldn’t be any more help to him.
You’d seen the three boys Megumi had got into a fight with, too. They had not gotten off so scot-free – they were bleeding noses, scraped cheeks, bruised eyes. At the very least, you don’t think any of them will get on Megumi’s wrong side again.
Gojo has to meet with all three of their parents tonight to give them the full story of why their children are so roughed up and what’s being done about it; a position that’s been doled out to him, you’re sure, because Principal Masamichi blames him for the incident and is punishing him. You can’t deny that seeing Gojo actually get punished for something is nice, but--
“Won’t they be mad to see me instead of you?” You ask him, biting your lip. “I mean . . . you’re his teacher. I’m just your aid.”
“Oh,” Gojo’s eyebrows rise behind his glasses. “No, it’ll be Megumi’s sister who’ll come, she’s a sweetheart! She’ll nod at you and say mournfully that she’ll talk to him and you’ll give her the paperwork, and that’s all – job done! Honestly, if I could palm this off on you and talk to Tsumiki instead, I’d do it in a heartbeat--”
“This is your job,” you tell him, exasperated, and he laughs wide and open. You’re not really supposed to get like this with him – if he were any other teacher, you’re sure that the exasperation and sighing and half-snapping you do would have had you thrown out of their class – but Gojo treats your irritation with him as if it’s the funniest thing that has ever happened. “You’re supposed to be good at dealing with this kind of thing!”
He shrugs.
“You’ll be fine!” He tells you, again. “Honestly, this isn’t the first time this has happened with Megumi and it won’t be the last. That kid’s got a right hook that could knock out an elephant!”
You do not ask him how he knows this. Asking too many questions of Gojo is always flirting with danger; you never know when his mouth will flash into a grin and you’ll suddenly be barraged with a flood of words and stories that don’t quite make sense and never seem to have a concrete end. But you can’t resist one last question – just in case it comes up. After all, it seems that Gojo has spoken to Tsumiki enough times for him to at least kind of know her--
“His sister?”
Gojo looks at you, and for a moment the shroud of capricious energy lifts from him, and he seems entirely serious. You’ve noticed this particular change in him only a few times – and often, those times have been about the more difficult backstories of students.
“His father isn’t around very often,” he says, eventually. “He’s some kind of something or other, Megumi never really says, but whatever he does, there’s a lot of travelling involved. Tsumiki’s his older sister – she’s twenty one, and she’s been more of a parent to him than it seems like his dad has.”
No wonder Megumi always seems suspicious and tired of Gojo. Something about his flighty nature probably strokes the back of Megumi’s psyche, where annoyances about an absent father are kept. You sigh, turning away and shaking your head to rid yourself of the idea of psychoanalysing the students.
“Alright,” you say wearily. “I’ll talk to Tsumiki.”
You’re nervous as you set up for the meeting. You know Gojo had said that this would be easy, that Tsumiki was very sweet and would probably apologise to you for Megumi being a problem – but still! This is the first time you’ve ever met any of your students’ guardian figures in any capacity. You feel kind of bad that it had to be for this kind of news, actually – ordinarily, you like Megumi a lot. He’s very intense and serious and clever, and you think that he has a bright future ahead of him when the trials of being a twelve year old boy finally are over – but this meeting isn’t for saying things like that. This meeting is for giving details of the three day suspension that Megumi has gotten for – you check the paperwork again – fighting three boys by himself on one of the sports courts, making them bleed and . . . breaking one of their arms? No wonder Gojo had seemed so miserable at the thought of meeting with the victims’ parents.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair, making sure that it still sits as neatly as you’d arranged it that morning. You check the clock to see you still have two minutes before anyone is due – you discreetly check your lipstick in a compact mirror (yesterday you’d had it on your teeth and you hadn’t realised until Mai had pointed it out with a laugh in her voice), smooth out your pencil skirt, tug at your stockings to make sure they’re pulled up and not wrinkling about your ankles . . .
And then, you wait.
The clock is straight across from you, so you’re able to see as Tsumiki is five minutes late, and then ten minutes late, and then fifteen. The tick-tock echoes in the room as your leg bounces against the floor, anxiety making you want to gnaw all of the carefully applied lipstick off of your mouth. From what Gojo had said, this doesn’t sound like Tsumiki at all – you’re just about to give up and pack all of your things away, figuring maybe she’d called into the office to say she couldn’t make it and telling you had been neglected, when the door slams open.
You rush to your feet, your sensible heels clacking on the ground.
“Miss Fushi--”
Your voice peters away.
The person stood in the doorway is, you’re certain, absolutely not Tsumiki Fushiguro.
For one thing, it’s a man. For another thing . . . well. You’re not entirely sure that a man with that expression on his face would ever be described to anyone as a ‘sweetheart’. Your frightened eyes linger on him for another moment, really taking in the broad shoulders and the muscles and the hair falling over his face, the dark, green eyes that are glaring at you like you’ve interrupted something very important. There’s a scar by his mouth that you also do your best not to stare at, just in the same way you avoid staring at how the form-fitting t-shirt he’s wearing clings to a muscled abdomen.
“It’s Mr, actually,” he says, which seems absurd in the face of him, standing there. He raises one eyebrow at you. “You were expecting my daughter, right?”
(You don’t know it, but Toji Fushiguro has gotten a read on you in less than a moment. He’s seen the wide eyes and the pretty mouth and the neatly appointed outfit, the pencil tucked behind your ear, the slightest tremble faced with his imposing presence – the fear as you’d seen the scar and the smoulder and the body. You’re adorable.)
“I . . . uuh--” Your cheeks are hot. You nod, weakly, and he walks into the room proper, the door swinging shut behind him with a deafening click. There’s danger in every one of this man’s movements, like a wolf who has finally cornered a little rabbit. You are feeling inexorably like prey, at this moment in time.
“I was expecting a man,” he says, shrugging. He sits at the chair in front of Gojo’s desk, pulled up just for him. He looks huge in the classroom; his shoulders too wide, his biceps bulging from the sleeve of the shirt. You don’t think this man was intending to be in a school classroom right now. “I guess you’re not Mr Gojo, huh? Gotta say,” he shoots you a grin that’s dangerous, everything about him is threatening. “I much prefer this development.”
“Oh,” you’re blustering, and it’s so cute. You sit back down in the chair with a quiet displacement of air, agitation in your fingers as you rake through the papers on the desk. Said desk is incredibly messy; Toji doesn’t think it’s yours. He ought to feel mad that they’ve palmed him off on some little assistant who’s probably not even fully qualified yet – instead, he’s watching your hands trembling and your teeth nibbling on your pretty mouth. “Y-yes, G-Gojo’s dealing with the parents of the other party--”
“My kid got into a fight, yeah?” He asks. “Decked ‘em pretty good, from what I heard.” You wince at his words, and that’s cute too.
“Megumi’s a good boy,” you say. “He’s just . . . got his own sense of justice, I think.” You look down at the papers, and your eyes seem to focus, back in a more comforting zone. “He’s been suspended for three days, and when he comes back, he’s on probation.”
“What’s that mean for him?” Toji asks, promptly, though something about the way he says it suggests to you he doesn’t really care. There’s a lightness, an airiness in his tone that sets you all off-kilter.
“It just means we’ll probably keep an especial eye on him. He’ll get a report that’ll need signing off on at the end of every period, someone will check up on it--” You see one of Gojo’s scrawled notes in the margin of the paperwork. You wince. “I’ll be in charge of it, actually. Making sure everyone’s happy with his behaviour for a few weeks--”
“How old are you, sweetheart?”
The question makes you jump. You’re like a doe in headlights, looking up at him. You blink slowly.
“I—I don’t think that’s an appropriate question, Mr Fushiguro,” you say, prim. That’s cute, too. He likes breaking prim and proper things like you. “I’m—I’m doing my training. I’m working as an aid here for a year, and then I’ll be qualified to be in charge of my own class.” There’s a hint of pride in your words, there.
“Toji,” he says. “That’s my name. You haven’t gotta call me ‘Mr Fushiguro’. I’m not tryna’ be pushy,” but he’s inched forward. His elbows are resting on Gojo’s desk, in front of you – he rests his chin on his folded hands, sharp eyes regarding you as if you’re something he wants to devour. “Y’just look tense.”
“This is the first time I’ve met a student’s parent,” you admit, though the minute it’s left your mouth you’re regretting it. Like you’re admitting to some kind of weakness. This close to him, you can see there’s a dark red stain on one of his wrists, like dried blood. Your stomach is tying itself in knots. It’s not helping that his forearms are so big, ridged with muscle.
“That so?” His eyes gleam. “What d’ya think of me?”
You don’t actually need to answer him. He can see it in the way your eyes keep nervously skimming over him. The way your lips are shining in the light. The bob of your throat as you swallow.
“Mr Fushiguro--”
“I told you to call me Toji,” his voice is almost mocking. You watch him lean over the table like you’re somewhere far away from the action – watch his hand reach out and cup your face, calloused thumb brushing your cheek, like you’re a ghost in the corner of the room. His palms feel like they’re burning hot. “You’re tremblin’, little lamb.”
You had thought you’d felt like a rabbit – shy, ready to run at any moment. But the moment his hand is on you, you’re docile – too scared to scamper away. You suppose you are like a lamb, staring a wolf straight on in the face, too stupid or too pliant to use your common sense and run.
“I . . . I shouldn’t,” you say, voice trembling just as much as the rest of you. Toji’s smirk hasn’t left his face. You’re saying you shouldn’t, but he just bets if he reached further down and unbuttoned your blouse, your nipples would pebble for him – he just bets there’s a wet stain on your underwear, right now. He can always tell when someone’s turned on by the idea of playing with fire.
“I wouldn’t mind spendin’ a few weeks with you in charge of me,” he muses, and then chuckles humourlessly, correcting himself. “Sorry. Lemme rephrase that. I’d rather be in charge of you, but--”
Oh, he sees that. The little flash in your eyes, an imperceptible contract of your shoulders. If you weren’t behind the desk, he bets he’d have seen your thighs press together too. Girls like you are just so fucking predictable, and he loves it every single time. There’s just something that’s so much fun about breaking them – making them submit, admit that him being so close with the scent of something-that-might-be-death clinging to him turns them on like nothing else. Your attempts at being haughty and polite and proud have just made the stirring between his thighs harder to ignore. You’re such a cute, neat, demure little thing – by the end of this meeting, he’s going to have his way with you, you bet.
“M-Mr Fushiguro,” you say, trying to wrest back control of yourself – honestly, he’s pissed you aren’t listening to him, but the title’s kind of endearing. You’re trying so hard! Pity you’re going to lose all of your manners when you’re bent over this desk with his cock inside you. You haven’t even moved your face away from his hand. “I-I have to give you these papers.”
He stands up, pulling his own touch away from your cheek. Stretches. Your eyes are drawn to the brief expanse of his stomach, just above his trousers – the dark line of hair leading down to . . . Oh, God. You shouldn’t have thought about that. The grin on his face is cocky, and you know that he knows you were looking.
“I’m just gonna throw ‘em in the trash, sweetheart,” he says to you. “Now. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, yeah?” He steps closer to you. You totter to your feet, half-unsure, half driven by the low ache between your legs and the thrum of desire that’s been reverberating through you since the moment he’d carelessly thrown out how much happier he was to see you than Gojo. You have to tilt your head up a little when he comes closer. You’d thought you realised how massive he was when he’d walked through the door, but that’s nothing compared to how his size seems to dwarf you. Every unkind thought you’ve ever had about your body or your face seems to have gone out of the window as his heated green gaze hungrily drinks you in. You know it’s the stare of some predator who’s going to devour you, and you still feel transformed. Your breath catches in your throat as his hand idly comes to the top of your blouse buttons, a finger brushing the place in your throat where your pulse is beating its unsteady rhythm.
“Whaddya say, little lamb?” He grins down at you. “Gonna let yourself be caught by the big bad wolf?”
You’re supposed to be telling this man about his son’s misbehaviour, giving him all of the paperwork that Gojo had thrust at you, getting him to say he’ll talk to his kid and try and make sure that it won’t happen again. You shouldn’t be tipping your head back further, letting his fingertips lodge dangerously in the hollow of your throat, flirting with the place where your windpipe is. You shouldn’t be breathing out, all of your pretty prissiness and good morals and pride disappearing where you stand in the face of one of your students’ really hot dad.
“Yes,” you breathe.
And Toji wastes no time.
He doesn’t even bother unbuttoning your blouse; just drags his hand down, and the buttons pop off, scattering on the floor. You gasp at the show of strength, and Toji is still grinning, clearly enjoying that you’re admiring him. His hand pulls at the fabric, until your breasts are fair falling out of it, the blouse wrestles off your skin.
“You’re wearin’ something like this at work?” He asks you, giving a tug to the gore of your bra. You hadn’t done enough washing this week, and the one you’re wearing is all filmy white lace. “Almost like you knew I was comin’ huh?” His grin is crooked. You tremble as you reach behind you, undoing the clasp – and for that, you get a murmur of ‘good girl’ that has your knees turning to jelly.
He whistles as the bra drops from you, his gaze admiring. He takes in the spill of your breasts, the little peaks of your nipples. He takes handfuls of them, squeezing them in his big hands, his fingertips digging in so painfully you can imagine that you’ll have bruises in the shape of his fingers tomorrow. The idea doesn’t disgust you.
He lowers his head to kiss you. He’s not gentle with you for a moment – his teeth immediately nip at your bottom lip, kissing you hungrily like you’re the first taste of sugar for a man who’s lived on nothing but bread for months. His tongue licks at your lips, begging entrance – dancing against your own when you helplessly open those same lips, demanding in the exact same way Toji is.
He pinches your nipple between thumb and forefinger, delighting in how quickly the bud hardens. He rolls it between them, toying with it, enjoying the soft noises you make that get caught in his mouth. If he wasn’t kissing you, he thinks, you’d be bleating like a lamb right now. Huffing and whimpering. When he finally gets his cock in you, he’ll have to remember to clap a hand over your mouth so you don’t attract too much attention.
Your other nipple is given the same treatment, hot lightning bolts of pleasure ricocheting from the touch of Toji’s calloused fingers to the spot between your legs. You’re grateful for how solid Toji is – if he were any less so, you’re sure you’d be buckling over where you stand.
He pulls back with a final, marking nip to your lower lip, almost hard enough to make you bleed. You whine, and a dark chuckle spills out of his lips in response.
“Toji,” you whimper as he pulls away. You miss the feel of his body pressed against yours like a physical ache. His hands encircle your thighs, pushing you up onto the edge of Gojo’s desk, clever fingers already pushing your tight pencil skirt up so it’s bunched around your waist.
He kind of misses ‘Mr Fushiguro’ now it’s gone, but the sight of your stockings digging into your thighs soon chases the thought from his mind. He guesses your skirt is more than long and tight enough to make sure nobody gets a glimpse, but oh . . . that you’d be walking around all day, like that, with nobody to fuck you silly--
He can’t help but let his hands knead the soft skin, the flesh, his thumbs imprinting so hard in the plush that you squirm. He’s pressing your thighs apart, now – revealing the modest underwear, the soaking wet patch where he can see the outline of your plump labia lips.
With your legs spread, he can smell how turned on you are. Oh, yeah – he knows your type, alright.
“Ain’t you cute?” He says, chuckling. “You really want me to do you over this desk?”
“You can’t leave me like this--” Your voice is reedy, breathy, almost petulant – at another time, he’d make you beg for it. He’d take his time over you. But although the idea of being caught fucking the cute little teacher’s aid is briefly appealing, he doesn’t really want to make a whole load of trouble for himself when his cock is practically begging to be sheathed inside your wet holes. “Please--”
It’s the please that does it. It’s always the ‘please’ that does it for Toji. He chuckles, smirks, crooked grin – all of it feels like it’s mixing together in your mind, your throat very dry as nothing seems to matter right now except the fact that your sex is practically pulsing with how empty it is, and you think that the hot hard stiffness pressing against your thighs would really help alleviate some of that.
“Aww,” he says, fiddling with his zip and underwear, grabbing his cock and giving it a cursory pump just so you can admire the sheer size of him. “Don’t worry, little lamb. I’ll give ya what you need.”
He gets what he wants. Your eyes, as big and dark as the eyes of a doe – the soft choke of breath as you get to see the size of it, so big his own fingertips don’t quite meet. It’s the kind of cock that could ruin you for somebody else – and you’ve had sex before, of course, but you’ve never taken anything quite like that--
“That’s cute,” Toji murmurs, pressing forward, nestling his slick cock-head between your soaking wet thighs. “Wish you could have seen what a picture your face made just then. Afraid I’m gonna tear you in two?”
He might – he might, you think. But you pout at him and Toji’s cock throbs, as he glides the slick glans through the mess of your arousal, wetting himself even further. Your breath hitches, your hips doing a cute little jerk as it brushes your swollen clit. He can’t help himself but swirl the head over it some more, making your breath catch and whine, bleating like a little lamb--
He sinks his hips forward, and your fingers flex on the edge of the desk, knuckles white, at the relentless sear of his cock driving you open. You feel so stretched out, and he’s barely a third of the way in – he can’t help but watch your expression. He always likes to see someone the first time they’re impaled on his cock – the glassy eyes, slack jaw, the pleasure-cum-pain in their faces. He wants to take a picture of you and keep it in his wallet so he can pump one out to the sight of you when he’s on business trips and too busy to go out and find himself a hole to fuck.
“How’s that feel?” He asks you, so soft and low that you barely catch it. Another slow inch. He lets you feel every ridge, every vein, every bump of his shaft. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“F-full—” you gasp.
“I bet,” Toji replies – and then, he bottoms out inside you. His eyes look down to where the two of you are joined; the slick fluid leaking out of you, all heat and needy. “You fit me like a glove.”
Your cheeks heat at the compliment, at the lewd way he’s looking at your spread open cunt – the way your hole is fluttering around him, the peeking pearl of your clit. He’s studying you like he wants to learn you by heart.
“Head’s up,” he says. “I’m gonna fuck you now.”
You’re about to open your mouth, and ask him what he’s doing right at that moment if he hasn’t started fucking you yet – but then, he’s dragged almost the entire length of his cock out of you in one savage thrust and is immediately spearing it back into you, his pace brutal. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your back hitting the solid, flat surface of Gojo’s desk so that you’re flat out with your thighs wrapped around Toji’s hips.
If he weren’t so entranced by the feel of your walls fluttering around him, trying to suck him in further and deeper, so tight that you’re basically a vice, he’d grab you by your hair and force you to stay seated whilst he fucked you. But right now, you feel so good that all he can think about is his own release. The wet sounds of his cock gliding in and out of you, the squelch of your arousal and slick making every pump easier and easier. You feel so good. You’re tighter than he even imagined you could be, so good that he kind of wants to take you home and have you take up permanent residence in his bed.
You’re moaning, your back arching with every one of his thrusts – taking it admirably. There’s pain in your moans, yes – he supposes he could have prepared you better, had you come on his fingers a couple of times, if time were not of the essence – but they’re the pained moans of someone who likes to be hurt a little bit.
With every rock of his cock inside of you, he hits some new spot that you’ve never had stoked before, makes the heat and need inside of you swim just a little bit closer to the forefront. You don’t even notice you’re moaning and whining until a big hand slaps over your mouth, rough, hot palm against your lips, smearing your lipstick.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and stay quiet,” Toji says to you, through those savage thrusts of his cock inside of you. “You don’t want your . . . your fuckin’ . . . anyone walkin’ in on you being railed by your student’s dad, do you?” You shake your head, but he feels the throb of your cunt around his cock, the way your walls contract, and he adds it to the store of things he’s learning about you. Always the quiet ones, right? Always the proper ones who look as though they’ve never even seen a cock--
The feel of him inside you is absolutely dizzying, so much and so full that you can no longer think. His cock batters against a certain place in your channel, a textured wall – and before you know it, everything is going dizzy and black and white like exploding fireworks, your chest bursting into heat, your inner walls getting so tight around Toji as you come that he thinks you’ll be the one to fucking break him.
Oh, you’re adorable, creaming on his cock – the slick gush of your arousal around him, the dreamy cast in your eye, the fact he can feel you drooling against his palm. He increases the speed of his own thrusts, chasing his release through the weak aftershocks and smaller pulses of you around him, through the over-sensitive squirming of your cute little cunt, the fact that tears are pooling in your eyes at how much everything is suddenly feeling--
He groans and the hand still clinging to your thigh is suddenly pressing so hard you think he’ll snap your bone, ragged breath;
“Fu—fuuuck, sweetheart, you’re gonna take it all, that’s right, good girl--” in between belaboured, ragged pumps, his cock twitching as he manages to pull out at the last moment and his release spills all over your thighs, luridly glistening wet in the overhead fluorescent lights.
That’s another moment he’d take a picture of, if he could.
He’s not the kind of man who waits around. He gives himself ten seconds, to catch his breath, to admire your plush thighs painted with his come, before he’s tucking himself back into his trousers and zipping zippers and doing buttons. He shoves his hands into his pockets, bouncing on the balls of his feet for a second – double checking he’s left nothing of his in the classroom.
Yep. All clear.
He turns to leave, air of cocky confidence back – you only just see the shifting muscles in his back as he turns to go, leaving you where you are. You’re lucky he’s so tall, or you’d probably barely have seen him in front of the door frame (you didn’t even lock the door, anyone could have walked in at any time! You don’t even want to know what Gojo would say if he’d walked in to his aid being fucked like a slut across his desk).
“W-wait,” you say, weakly, still sprawled over the desk with his come cooling on your thighs. You manage to prop yourself up on your elbows, but your entire body feels like it’s just taken a battering. He takes a look back at you from the door, dragging a big hand through his hair, his crooked grin still on his face. You look so pretty like that – all fucked out and messy, the shine taken off of you. “T-the paperwork--”
You’re not sure where said paperwork is. Underneath you, maybe? You hope it didn’t get soaked.
“Told ya’,” he says, dismissively. “I’m just gonna throw it in the trash. Thanks for the fun, sweetheart. See y’around, huh? I should do stuff for the kid’s academic career more often.”
The door slams shut behind him.
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yuujispinkhair · 3 years
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If I had a wish
Megumi has to spend an evening with his dad to celebrate his birthday, and as if that isn't already bad enough, he gets dragged into a discussion about his love life, or lack of. To stop his overly eager dad from finding Megumi someone to get laid, he has to confess that he already likes someone and the evening takes an unexpected turn after that. AO3 link if you prefer that
Pairing: Megumi x Yuuji Genre: fluff, my attempt at humor, AU with Toji trying to be a dad Word Count: 6k Warnings: slight alcohol usage, no one is drunk though, making out but nothing explicit. All characters are of age. My blog is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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Megumi sighs exasperatedly. Ten minutes with the guy who's trying to be his dad lately, and he can already feel a headache coming up. On any other day, he would have tried to find an excuse so he wouldn't have to hang out with Toji, but today is Megumi's birthday, unfortunately, so he can't really tell the man no. And so he's sitting here across from Toji in a booth of a steakhouse, currently finishing his steak and enduring his dad's questions. Toji has been trying hard since he came back into Megumi's life three months ago. Too hard. It's getting on Megumi's nerves. He has no intention of acting like everything is ok between them. Also, frankly said his dad is the type of person Megumi would have beat up in middle school. So usually, he keeps the father-son bonding time short. There is no escaping tonight, though. Toji sets his drink down, the same one he insisted Megumi has to try too, something with three different types of liquor and a fancy name. He leans over the table with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Megumi doesn't like this at all. "So, my dear son turned 21 today...and you're seriously telling me you aren't going out tonight?" Megumi raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I'm literally out right now. Aren't you a bit too young for dementia?"
Toji just barks with laughter. Megumi's insults never seem to reach him. It's infuriating, but he seems to find pride in his son's rudeness. As if he thinks it's his genes doing their wonderful work or something. Megumi knows better, though. If he got the rudeness from anyone, it was Gojo. But he's not gonna start on that tonight because he knows his father will go down a rabbit hole when Gojo is mentioned. So Megumi just looks at him with a blank expression while Toji's face is full of amusement. "Oh, yeah, you're out with your dad. Eating a steak... that's not what I mean. A handsome young guy like you should be out celebrating his birthday in some club, get drunk, kiss some pretty girls, take one or two of them home with you for the night. Wake up the next morning with a hangover but some great memories." "I don't care about that." "Oh? Is that so? You don't go out to party?" "Nope." Toji rolls his eyes and leans even closer, a dangerous smirk lifting the scarred side of his lips. "How boring. And the next thing you'll tell me is that you're still a virgin." Megumi's eyes widened in shock and disgust. He hates it when people invade his privacy. "What the fuck? I'm not going to reply to that!" Toji's smirk grows bigger as he leans back on his seat again, putting his ridiculously muscular arms behind his neck and looking amusedly at his son. "Oh, you don't have to reply. It's clear that you are a virgin. Geez...Megumi. It's settled then. We're going out tonight!" "Shut up! And I'm not going anywhere with you." "Yes, you are. If you say no, I'll just drag you there. Let's see how you'll like a big scene like that. It will be embarrassing, I can promise that." Megumi hates this man. He hates him! Why is the cursed with father figures like that? Toji, then Gojo, now both of them. The only one who is normal is Nanami. "I don't dance, though." "You don't have to. You just stand at the bar, look mysterious and sexy and let the girls flock to you. I'll show you." "I don't want you to show me anything." Toji just breaks out into another laugh and waves the waitress over to pay for their dinner. She gets horribly flustered when Toji flirts openly with her, calling her sweetheart and pretty and winking at her. It's embarrassing to watch. Five minutes later, they are on their way to some club or bar or whatever. Megumi didn't really pay attention. It doesn't matter to him. He knows he won't enjoy it. Hopefully, his dad will be satisfied if he has another drink with him, and then Megumi will be able to leave. Megumi wants to go back home to his room, continue reading his book, and maybe go to the kitchen and make some tea. Or perhaps he could knock on Itadori's door and ask him to watch a movie. Megumi bites his lip at the thought. Yeah, that's
actually how he wants to spend the rest of his birthday: With Itadori and his cute smile and funny commentary on whichever movie they would choose to watch. Maybe he would sit really close to Megumi and even end up leaning against him a bit. Megumi shakes his head slightly to clear his mind off those thoughts. He shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his coat, eyes staring straight ahead so he doesn't have to look at his dad. But unfortunately, that doesn't stop Toji from talking. "I don't understand it. Why are you single? A good-looking guy like you...you're tall and have a pretty face, those eyes must be super popular with the girls too, they always work for me! You shouldn't have any problems attracting girls." Megumi ignores him pointedly. But his hands ball into fists inside his pockets. Apparently, Toji takes the silence for his cue to keep on talking. "You're probably picky, huh? Didn't find the right one yet? Come on, there are so many cute girls. And it doesn't have to be the big love right away. Just have some fun!" Megumi still ignores him. Maybe Toji will stop talking if he doesn't get a reaction. A moment later, Megumi realizes that this was a false conclusion. "Oh, wait! Or are you into guys? That's ok too. You can tell me! I'm cool with that! You know, I'm not one of those boring prude dads."
Megumi finally turns his head to look at his father exasperatedly for a moment before muttering under his breath: "I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom." Hysterical laughter bubbles up from his chest. He can't believe he's having this conversation. "Uh, what?" Toji blinks at him in genuine confusion. Megumi huffs and shakes his head. "Forget it. It's from a movie." Everything about this father-son evening is ridiculous. It's a trainwreck, and there's no way out of it. Megumi can't hold the laughter back anymore, and it sounds weird and too loud. Toji gives him a look that says he thinks his son has lost his mind, and it makes Megumi laugh even more. What is wrong with him? He never laughs like this. Maybe he's really losing his mind. That's what an evening with his father does to him. A few hours with Toji and Megumi is having some kind of breakdown in the middle of the road. Which is something that would never happen to him under normal circumstances. He doesn't even lose his cool when he's fighting special grades! And Toji still won't stop. "So am I right? You're into guys?" Megumi is already beyond giving a fuck anymore. So he looks at his father and shrugs, barely able to hold back another fit of laughter. "I don't have a preference." "What does that mean? You like both? So you're bisexual? Or what was the other? Something from the kitchen...potsexual? No.." "Seriously now? It's pansexual." "Yes, that's what I meant! I read that in some magazine." "What? Where do you even read that? No, forget it. I don't want to know." "So that's what you are? Pansexual?" Megumi sighs. It's not as if he makes a secret out of it. He doesn't go around introducing himself with his sexuality, but if someone asks him directly, he doesn't deny it. "Yeah, I am." Toji beams at him. "Ok, great! That's good! Like, you have an even bigger dating pool now! We'll find someone for you tonight, son. Don't worry, you won't be a virgin any longer after tonight!" "This is gross! And I'm not interested! Stop it! I agreed to have a drink, but that's it. I'm leaving after that. ALONE!"
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The place Toji picks is already pretty crowded, and they are lucky to find a free spot at the bar. Toji looks in his element here. It's probably his natural habitat, Megumi muses. Contrary to his dad, Megumi doesn't feel at home at bars. He huffs in annoyance as he settles on the barstool and accepts the drink his dad ordered for him. It's some whiskey, and Megumi grimaces at the smoky taste when taking a small sip from it. A small part of him wants to get ridiculously drunk in hopes of making this evening more bearable. But losing control around his disaster of a dad doesn't seem like the best idea, so he won't do it. He listens half-heartedly to Toji going on about different whiskey brands while absentmindedly tracing the rim of his glass with his index finger.
Megumi's thoughts stray back to pink hair and boyish laughter, strong arms hugging him, a pretty voice singing Happy Birthday to him, a tan hand holding a fork and feeding Megumi birthday cake. He sighs softly. God, why is he yearning so much tonight? His thoughts get interrupted by someone bumping against his side. Megumi turns his head to see a girl around his age smiling at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Didn't mean to bump into you! But I got distracted by your pretty eyes." Megumi raises an eyebrow. "You didn't even see my eyes until I turned around." The girl giggles and strokes a stray strand of brunette hair behind her ear. Megumi wonders what Itadori's pink hair would look like in the neon lighting of the bar. The girl leans closer. "Do you maybe want to join my friends and me? We're going to head to the karaoke bar next door. You could be my duet partner." Megumi gives her a pointed look. What is going on here?? Megumi frowns and leans away from her. "No. I don't do karaoke." Only when Itadori asks him to do it. And their duets are actually pretty good. Megumi likes the way their voices sound together. And he likes when Itadori puts an arm around him while singing. Or when he gets on one knee during a love song and takes Megumi's hand and sings the sappiest parts of the song dramatically to Megumi. The girl pouts, making big eyes at him. "Aww, but you could just listen to me sing for you then." "Look, I have no interest in going anywhere with you. I'm busy, ok? Have a good night." He turns away from her, hearing her mutter something about pretty boys always being so arrogant before she storms off. His gaze meets Toji's, who looks far too amused. "Why did you send that girl away? She seemed nice." "She was annoying." "Oh, then we have to find someone else for you. Hmm, let me see..." He turns in his barstool so he can let his piercing gaze travel over the crowd. "What about that blonde! She's cute! A bit old, maybe, but I mean, that's good. She can teach you some things! Or the short red-head? Nice body, don't you agree?" "Stop it! That's so dumb. I feel creeped out on part of those poor women. Stop advertising them like they are a delicious piece of meat." Toji laughs barkingly. "Ok, can I interest you in that respectable lady in the black dress who's holding that pink drink? She looks very intelligent and polite." Megumi grits his teeth in annoyance. This is getting more stupid every minute. But the mention of the color pink makes him look over to where the respectable lady is standing. His gaze zooms in on the pink drink in her hand. Oh. This is probably the color Itadori's hair would look like in here. Now Megumi can picture it finally. He sighs. He's really a hopeless case. He has to stop! Toji elbows him, pulling Megumi out of his thoughts about pink hair. "What do you say? Is she more to your taste?" "Just stop it before I forget myself." "Do you want to go to a gay club instead?" Only all of his willpower can stop Megumi from throwing his drink into Toji's face. Instead, he grabs the glass in a death grip and glares at his father. "I want you to stop trying to hook me up! I want my fucking peace! I don't want to get to know a girl or boy or anyone at all!" "Just loosen up a little for one night! It's your birthday, dammit! I'm not saying you have to take someone home. But get some phone numbers. Flirt a bit. Have fun!" "I don't want to." Megumi crosses his arms in front of his chest, glaring at his dad. Toji's face lights up suddenly, though, looking as if he just made a fantastic discovery. It unsettles Megumi to see it. This can't be good. And sure enough, Fushiguro Toji is fucking up Megumi's birthday even more with his next words: "Oooh, now I know what's going on! You already have your eyes on someone! That's why you don't want to meet anyone new. You have a crush!" His index finger is pointing accusingly at Megumi before Toji brings the whiskey glass in his hand back to his mouth and takes another sip while looking appraisingly at his son. Megumi's automatic reaction
is to deny it. "No. I don..." But he can't even finish the sentence because Toji's deep voice just talks over him. "Let me guess! He has a big smile and funny pink hair. I mean, I'm not into guys, but I can see the appeal. He is sweet and handsome, and I have to say his body is nice. Not a bad choice, son." Megumi blinks several times. What. The. Fuck? How does Toji know about his crush on Itadori? He's feeling a bit hot all of a sudden. Was he that obvious? His dad didn't even see him that often with Itadori! So how could he know about Megumi's feelings? And if he knows, who else does?? What's even worse than the nervousness that's washing over him is the smug smirk on his dad's face. It always makes Megumi's fingers twitch with the urge to punch him. Toji's eyes sparkle mischievously in the dim light of the bar as he fixes Megumi over the rim of his whiskey glass. "That shocked you, huh? But it's true, right? The way you look at him all lovey-dovey, getting so soft anytime he says something to you... I kinda knew there was something suspicious about it." Megumi gulps hard. His first instinct is to tell his dad he got it wrong. But for what? He's literally sitting in a bar spending an evening with his long-lost father, who decided to come back into his life and find him a girlfriend or boyfriend or one night stand or whatever, so really, what even is his life at his point? Can it get any weirder? Probably not. Having a crush on Itadori Yuuji is definitely the most normal thing about his life. And honestly, it's somehow exciting to hear someone addressing it so directly. It makes Megumi's heart beat faster. He never let himself share this information, always treated it like a secret he had to take to the grave. Because who could he tell? Kugisaki? Definitely not. She would mess up and accidentally tell Itadori. Maki? No, she and Megumi are too similar. She would just feel awkward. Gojo? NEVER! Megumi would never be able to handle all the teasing that would follow that confession. But his dad already guessed correctly, so why not just admit it? It seems tempting to say it out loud. Toji laughs and sets his glass down on the counter. "So, am I right? You like him? Yuuji?" Oh, screw it! "Yeah, I do." The smirk on Toji's face grows even wider, but then he suddenly frowns at Megumi. "Why aren't you spending your birthday with him then?!?" Megumi cannot believe the nerve of this man. "I was! But then my dad kidnapped me to go to some shady bar to find me someone to hook up with!" Toji huffs and rolls his eyes. But his gaze is curious. "What did he do before you left?" "It wasn't just him and me. Kugisaki and the others were there too. They hosted a little party for me. I got gifts, and we had cake. Itadori made a cake for me." Warmth spreads through his chest when he talks about the birthday get-together his friends organized for him. Of course, he acted annoyed about all the fuss but secretly, he had been happy that they all remembered his birthday and made time to celebrate with him. Toji watches him thoughtfully. "What kind of cake did he make for you?" Megumi doesn't know what's gotten into him and why he's unlocking his phone and opening his gallery. Is he really this desperate to finally acknowledge his crush openly? Even if it means telling his dad, of all people, about it? Apparently, the answer is yes, because he's pushing the phone slightly towards his dad to show him the cake. It's a dark chocolate cake with a big heart drawn in pink icing on top. Toji grabs the phone off the counter and holds it close to his face, inspecting the picture before starting to swipe through the photos. Megumi groans in annoyance and yanks the phone out of his hands again. He really doesn't need his dad to find the pictures where Megumi was trying to pose sexy in hopes of being prepared in case one day Itadori asks for a shirtless photo. Why he would do that is unknown to Megumi, but the shirtless pictures had seemed like a good idea at the time. He quickly shoves his phone deeply into his pocket,
fighting a blush. He's almost grateful for the distraction Toji provides by asking: "He made that cake himself?" "Yeah, he likes baking." "But that must have been a lot of work! And the heart? He's into you too!" Toji elbows him, almost making Megumi tumble off his barstool. There's a proud glint in Toji's eyes, and he claps Megumi's back as if his son made a big accomplishment. Megumi frowns. "What makes you think that? I don't even know whether he likes guys." "He made a cake with a huge heart for you! What else do you want him to do? Should he have written a whole-ass love confession on it?" Megumi shrugs. As much as he hates to admit it, Toji could be right. This actually makes kind of sense. Even the gift wrapper around his present had hearts on it. "Yeah, maybe..." "Ok, let's go!" "Um, what?" "We're leaving. What are you still doing here when your boy is waiting at home??" "He isn't even my boy." "Well, then make sure you make him your boy! You're my son. You can have anyone you want! Just claim him!" "That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. And that's saying something since I am living with Gojo. Seriously am I the only adult here?" "Oh, shut up. Stop being such a stuck-up little bitch and instead make good use of the rest of your birthday!" Megumi's mouth opens and closes wordlessly, and before he can come up with an angry reply, his father is already striding towards the exit, and Megumi has to hurriedly shrug into his jacket to follow him. He catches up to Toji on the sidewalk in front of the bar. To his surprise, there's an unusually serious look on his dad's face. "Promise me you'll tell him how you feel for real, ok? No excuses. No running away." Megumi wraps his fuzzy black scarf around his neck, looking at Toji with a wary look. What is going on now? This is beginning to feel like a real dad and son talk. He doesn't have any experience with that kind of stuff. "Uh, yeah, I'll try to." But he isn't sure whether he will actually have the courage to do it. The risk seems too high. Even considering all the little clues that maybe Itadori could like him too. Toji takes a step closer, gaze slipping away from Megumi and fixing on a spot somewhere behind him. The way he's standing there staring off into space, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket, face carefully blank of emotion, reminds Megumi too much of himself. It's a bit disturbing to see it. As if he's staring into a mirror. Toji's deep voice pulls him out of his thoughts. "Listen, Megumi. I know I suck at this whole being a dad thing. But I was in love too once... with your mom. And the advice I want to give you is that you shouldn't make the mistake of thinking you have enough time later to tell the person you love how you feel. It can be over so quickly. And you will regret not having told them and not having spent every second you could with them. You and Yuuji are both Jujutsu sorcerers. Your lives are risky. Don't waste any more time." His eyes lock with Megumi's again. Megumi has never seen his dad look so vulnerable or so genuine. It's making him uncomfortable, and there's a strange lump in his throat that only goes away after gulping several times. He isn't sure he can reply right now because he doesn't trust his voice not to crack. So he just bites his lip and nods. This is shockingly solid advice. A harsh reminder of the risk they are in every time they go on a mission. And that doesn't even take into account the death penalty hanging over Itadori. Of course, Megumi knows neither he nor Gojo will let anyone touch Itadori, but what if they can't do anything in the end? What if goodbye will really come sooner than they think? What if one of them goes on a mission tomorrow and never returns home? His heart clenches painfully at the thought. To his utter surprise, he knows that his dad is actually right. It would be foolish to let more time pass. Finally, he finds his voice again, and it only wavers a little bit when he says: "Thank you."
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Megumi hesitates a moment, hand hanging in the air a few centimeters away from Itadori's door. But then he shakes himself out of it. He finally made up his mind! There is no backing out! Maybe it's the two drinks he had, or it's his dad's speech. It doesn't really matter what led him here, but he will finally be brave and greedy and get his boy.
And so he knocks on Itadori's door. He hears his friend calling out in surprise, and then after some rumbling, the door opens to reveal pink hair and curious honey eyes in a handsome tan face. A big smile spreads over that face when he sees who is standing in front of his door.
"Oh, Fushiguro! You're back already? How was it?"
Itadori opens his door widely, holding it open to let Megumi in, and closes it behind him.
"It was weird as hell. He is horrible. Hey, do you want to watch a movie with me?"
Yuuji's face lights up even more at that, his pretty sunshine smile lighting up the whole room and Megumi's heart.
"Yes, of course! You can pick the movie since you're the birthday boy!"
Only a few minutes later, they sit next to each other on Itadori's bed, shoulders and thighs just shy of touching while Itadori starts the movie. Megumi doesn't really know what he picked. He was too busy trying to come up with what to do, so he just randomly pointed at a cover picture which looked nice.
But he can't focus on a movie now. He has to say something, do something. He has to cross that line.
"Thank you for the cake again."
Itadori turns to look at him with one of his cute smiles. How can someone look so sweet all the time? He's the most beautiful thing Megumi has ever seen. And it's not just his looks. It's his heart and his soul which make him even more beautiful to Megumi.
"Aww, you're welcome, Fushiguro! I hope you liked it!"
Megumi smiles back at him, not as brightly as Itadori, of course. That's something he can't live up to. But still, a genuine smile. Come to think of it, Itadori is the only one who can make him smile.
"It was delicious, and it looked amazing. And I liked the heart decoration."
Yuuji bites his lip, and his gaze wanders away for a moment. Is he blushing slightly?
"I'm glad you liked it. I was a bit nervous whether you'd like the heart."
"Oh, why?"
"I was worried you'd find it too cheesy."
"No, it was perfect."
Megumi's breath is coming too fast, and he's sure Itadori can hear it and will ask him what's wrong. It's now or never, isn't it? What's the worst that could happen? Well, Itadori could turn him down. He could say he's not into guys...or that he's just not into Megumi, which would definitely be worse.
But he drew a heart on Megumi's cake!! Maybe it was just a friend's thing, though. Itadori is like that! He's so kind to everyone. The heart probably has no deeper meaning. But thinking back, Megumi can't recall Itadori ever gifting someone else something with a heart on it.
He closes his eyes for a moment and tries to take a deep calming breath. His overthinking will lead to nothing. The only way to find out is to be direct about what he wants. And if he fucks up, he'll just go back to isolating himself and hide away in his room with his books and documentaries.
Oh, fuck it.
"Hey, Itadori... it's still my birthday for five more minutes. So if I had a wish, would you...would you grant it to me?"
Itadori's eyes widen a bit, and he nods eagerly.
"Of course. What is your wish?"
"Would you let me kiss you? Only if you're comfortable with that, though. You don't have to."
His heart is fluttering in his chest even as his face remains stoic as ever. He can't believe he said that!! Itadori's stupid cheesy movies must have rubbed off on Megumi!
Itadori's eyes are even bigger now, and he stares at Fushiguro with a dumbfounded expression. Two seconds tick away, and right as the first signs of arising dread are beginning to loom over Megumi, Itadori suddenly nods enthusiastically.
"Yes! Yes, of course!! You can kiss me!"
He's already moving, kneeling on the bed and looking at Megumi with those sweet puppy dog eyes and his tan cheeks tinted with a slight flush. He looks so pretty. He's everything Megumi ever wanted.
Megumi finds that he instantly feels so much better now that his secret is out, and Itadori doesn't seem to be uncomfortable about it. It's freeing to finally say what he wants. And suddenly, everything is so easy.
He reaches out and cups Itadori's cheek. Itadori's skin feels warm and smooth. A whole swarm of butterflies decides to riot in Megumi's stomach when his best friend leans into the touch instantly. Itadori puts a large, warm hand on top of Megumi's and rubs his cheek against Megumi's palm while smiling sweetly at him.
"It's ok, Fushiguro. Kiss me. Please."
And that's what Megumi does. He slowly closes the distance between them, brushing his lips lightly against Itadori's. His eyes are closing as he sighs softly against his best friend's lips. He's going slow, wanting to savor it. Thumb caressing Itadori's cheek and mouth moving gently against his soft lips.
Itadori tastes like coke and popcorn, like a movie night, and Megumi thinks it's perfect. Because movie nights have always been their thing from the very first week they met. So it's only fitting that their first kiss tastes like it too.
He feels a warm hand land on the back of his head, strong fingers raking gently through his hair, pulling him closer. That's all the encouragement Megumi needs. He likes that Itadori lets him take control, shows him that it's ok to take more from him. And Megumi will take more from him, will take everything he is allowed to have.
He flicks his tongue experimentally against Itadori's lips, earning a soft sound coming from the other boy that makes Megumi go a bit crazy. God, if Itadori makes more of those noises, Megumi really doesn't know what he'll be doing to his best friend tonight. But he wants to elicit more of those noises. He needs that.
Itadori's mouth opens beneath his, a silent invitation, and Megumi gladly takes it. He slips his tongue inside Itadori's willing mouth. The butterflies in his belly do somersaults when he feels his friend's warm silky tongue caressing his slowly. And now they both make soft needy noises in the back of their throats.
Kissing Itadori is somehow exactly how Megumi imagined it in countless fantasies. It's strangely familiar. It feels like home as if he knows these lips by heart already.
This is the best birthday gift. The only one he wanted to have. Megumi sighs into Itadori's mouth while his tongue is exploring his best friend's silky mouth, caressing his tongue with his own, deepening the kiss gradually.
His free hand is coming up to land on Itadori's hip, thumb slipping under the front of his hoodie just enough to feel his warm skin, feel the firm muscles of his abs under his fingertips. God, he's perfect in every way.
Megumi's mind is short-circuiting at the sensation of kissing the boy he's been madly in love with for months. Usually, Megumi always keeps his cool, always stays in control. But he has a suspicion that Itadori Yuuji will change that. Because his lips are intoxicating, addictive, and Megumi is already hooked.
But he has to stop, right? He asked for one kiss, and Itadori granted him that. One kiss. Not a whole makeout session, as tempting as it is.
He has to stop, has to pull away... he has to.
Megumi groans, flicking his tongue against Itadori's one last time before pulling away slowly.
He gulps hard as he leans back on his heels to look at his best friend. He looks so gorgeous. Heavy lidded eyes, warm like honey and sunshine, tan cheeks flushed a pretty pink shade, and his lips are wet, kiss-swollen... because Megumi had his lips on him, kissed him, tasted him, made him moan. Oh god.
A craving worse than anything he ever felt before has Megumi in its chokehold. He wants more. Needs more.
He thought he'd be ok if he only got one taste. But he was so very wrong. Now that he knows what it feels like to kiss Itadori, he can't get enough. Is it greedy to ask for more?
His gaze lands on the neon digits on the alarm clock behind Itadori.
It's still his birthday.
The words leave his mouth before he can stop himself:
"One minute of my birthday left. If we hurry up, we can..."
He can't finish the sentence because Itadori's strong hands are already grabbing his collar and pulling him towards him. But he's so eager that it makes him lose his balance, and they both tumble down onto the bed.
But Megumi finds that this is even better. Because now he is lying on top of Itadori and Itadori's hands are in his hair, and he's laughing happily and smiling up at Megumi.
"Come here, birthday boy."
He pulls Megumi's head down, and oh god, his lips are so soft, kissing him so sweetly, lips moving against Megumi's, sucking on his bottom lip, licking over it, mouth opening beneath Megumi's so eagerly, welcoming Megumi's tongue in again.
And Megumi lets himself get pulled into Itadori's sweetness. He kisses him back with a growing passion. Why was he ever nervous about doing this?
Nothing has ever felt more natural than kissing Itadori, tasting the sweet sugary coke and popcorn taste on his tongue, feeling his firm body beneath him, hearing the cute soft moans coming from him, feeling his warm, strong hands running over Megumi's back and in his hair.
This is the best birthday gift he ever received! Being tangled up with the cutest boy ever. Getting drunk on his lips, losing himself in the feeling of grinding down experimentally against him, creating the most delicious friction, and getting rewarded by the cutest gasps coming out of Itadori's mouth anytime Megumi rolls his hips slowly against his crotch.
They only pull apart when they both have to come up for some air. Itadori's hand is still on his cheek, his smile so pretty as he looks up at Megumi with sparkling eyes. Megumi finds himself smiling back and caressing Itadori's soft pink hair gently before he rolls down from on top of him and lays down beside him, close enough, so their sides are touching. They lie in silence for a moment, the only sound their heavy breathing that's gradually calming down. Megumi's mind is spinning. He really did it! He kissed Itadori! And Itadori kissed him back! He feels a lot more confident about his wishes now. Maybe he should have done this sooner. His gaze wanders to the alarm clock again. "So, I guess my birthday is over. But I don't want to wait a whole year until I get another kiss from you. Can I have this even when it's not my birthday?" He says it with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips because he's sure he already knows the answer. And sure enough, Itadori's eyes squint with laughter, and when he opens them again, there's so much affection in them that it sends the butterflies flying in Megumi's stomach once again. "You're so funny, Fushiguro! As if I would wait a whole year for another kiss! You can have this every day from now on!" His hand bumps against Megumi's, and he interlaces their fingers. A soft chuckle escapes Megumi's lips. This is crazy. He's lying in bed next to the boy he loves, holding hands with him, and they just agreed to what? Kiss all the time now? He doesn't think anyone ever received a better birthday gift. He gently strokes his thumb over Yuuji's hand. "I should have said this before I asked you for a kiss... I really like you as my best friend and as more. I hope that's ok. It's no problem, though, if you don't feel the same. I will never let anything come between our friendship. So if you just want to be friends who kiss sometimes, that's ok too." "Fushiguro, stop! I want all of this too, ok? I want you as my best friend and as more. I definitely want the whole package!" Yuuji turns towards him, propping himself up on his elbow and smiling that sweet smile. "I really like you too, Megumi." Megumi doesn't think it's possible to be happier than he is right now. Yuuji's reassurance makes his heart beat wildly in his chest, and hearing him use his given name makes a warm feeling spread through him. He smiles back at Yuuji, reaching out to cup his cheek tenderly. "So, more than best friends?" "Yeah, what about best friends and boyfriends?" "Sounds perfect." Yuuji laughs happily as he leans into Megumi's touch, "So you got a boyfriend for your birthday, I think no one can beat that." "It's not even my birthday anymore." He smirks affectionately at Yuuji, who rolls his eyes in playful exasperation. "I know. I think I have to shut you up with more kisses before you say more smartass shit like that! Come here!" And for the rest of the night, Megumi really doesn't say anything smartass anymore. He's too busy kissing his boyfriend and moaning into his mouth and whispering sweet nothings against his skin. It's everything he wished for and more.
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Aaaaahhh I did it! I wrote an Itafushi fic for Megumi's birthday! I had this idea months ago, basically, the conversation between Toji and Megumi, which made me laugh. So I wanted to write a whole story around it. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and I would be super happy about comments and reblogs. Let me know please what you think! Happy Birthday, Megumi! I hope one day you will get kisses from Yuuji in canon too!
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chuuyrr · 3 years
platonic! dad! gojo + scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): none i think just fluff
this is basically a "what is it like to have satoru gojo as a dad or father-figure". just some thoughts and fluff that came to mind, i think i will make scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader a series(?), idk if it will be a headcannon sort of type or not lmao, hit me up with requests at my inbox <3
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i can tell that gojo will be that type of parent or dad to just carry you handheld instead of using a baby carrier.
he's either holding you in his arms, by the hip or simply has you on his shoulders.
i know he's probably the 'lazy' type when it comes to parenting, like someone who relies on carriers but he prefers holding you and he will always do it :D
like, if he's in a meeting and no one's available to look after you? he will just bring you along with him to his meeting with the higher ups.
this man will literally hold you in his arms as you sleep or play with his blindfold. gojo doesn't give a single damn to any of them looking at him and you.
he will carry you and he will insist it, even if they ask him to put you down for a minute or leave you in a daycare instead because gojo prefers having you near him and someone who could really rely on, and not just some stranger.
gojo will always pinch your cheeks or kiss them. he absolutely adores your mochi-like cheeks. he always has to do it at least thrice a day.
gojo loves spending his time with you. even if you're not his actual daughter, he loves you as if you were actually his.
you end up getting spoiled a bit too much when he's around or when he comes back to you after a trip.
he'll treat his precious kikufuku to 5 star restaurants, buy you luxurious clothes and a ton of pokemon stuffed toys you're obsessed with.
although you have your own room, gojo prefers to sleep with you. he prefers to have you snuggled up on his chest and it doesn't matter if he's lying in bed or sitting.
because of gojo's sweet tooth, you had also developed a strong liking for sweet desserts due to his influence on you and little did he know that you were using your wiggly-woos to steal his desserts whenever he's not looking even though you can just ask gojo for the last piece and he'll gladly give it to you.
gojo nearly gets a heart attack whenever your 'cursed energy' spikes up and the first time you scared him was when you bumped into him with red glowing eyes.
your red glowing eyes scared the sh!t out of him as much as your 'cursed energy' did. he still doesn't know that you're actually the scarlet witch okay.
it kinda hurts his ego to know that you're actually stronger than him, but at the same time gojo is proud of you and he is very curious of whatever gift you actually possess. it only feels similar to cursed energy, but it is quite different. it took him a long while to get used to sensing your energy.
one thing in particular that is quite handy with this immensely power you possess is that, he doesn't have worry much about the cursed spirits because most of them seemed to be afraid of you.
like, he'd see them cower and inch away from you as far as possible whenever you're near them and man's like, "that's right bitches be scared of my daughter."
being the scarlet witch. not only do you see cursed spirits, but also ghosts of dead people. people who haven't moved on yet and gojo gets scared whenever you say you see dead people.
he literally gives you the what-the-fuck look.
the strongest sorcerer genuinely gets spooked out when you tell him that someone's hand is on his shoulder.
the ghost had his hair tied in a bun, with a few loose strands falling over. he looked about your father's age. gojo would laugh it off, even though he most definitely felt a cold weight on his shoulder.
not to mention, you tend to just pop up out of nowehere or end up in the most random and dangerous places. gojo would find you on the roof of the house, dangling on an unstable tree branch or even standing on the freaking window frame. he literally gets a heart attack number two or three from it.
it is also the main reason why he and the first years gladly tolerates your zoomies more than this.
gojo is probably that type of dad who teaches his child how to flip someone off and cuss. so, yeah. gojo taught you what you should exactly do when a stranger (specifically a zenin) tries to trick you into going with them.
please, the last time they attempted to kidnap you—all you had to do was send them flying but not before calling them losers. you were influenced by gojo's cockiness.
gojo might not have been fond of being addressed as a dad when he took you in, but after getting attached at your sweet little self.
he gets jealous whenever you're a bit too close with his friends the way you are with him and most especially when you call them dad. you accidentally called nanami your dad in your sleep while being in his arms after he was asked to look after you and gojo arrived right on cue.
he immediately snatched you from his arms, waking you up in the process which earned him a 'smack' on the head from nanami (gojo most definitely had his infinity on, but still proceeds to claim that he got hurt because he's that dramatic asf).
speaking of his infinity, gojo doesn't have it around you. even if you have stronger 'cursed energy' than him, you will never be a threat he should be afraid of.
the only time he does turn his infinity on whenever you get nightmares only to avoid getting hit because you involuntarily send projectiles of your wiggly-woos in his way and cause tremors in the house.
but don't worry, gojo will gently wake you up and hold in his arms until you had finally calmed down. he will never blame you or yell at you for being dramatic or overreacting over a silly dream, or for accidentally hurting him with your immense 'cursed energy'. in fact he's super understanding. you don't have to apologize!
gojo will comfort you by cradling you, preparing a glass of honey and milk and assure you that he will always be there for you. he'll hold you close to him until you fall asleep and even hum you a tune to lull you.
you will never lose him. gojo will make sure he won't end up like your real father. gojo might be irresponsible and a bit full of himself sometimes, but he promises to come back to you alive and well. he always comes home to his sweet kikufuku and he won't lose you either.
losing you will literally be the death of him. not only will he fail toji and megumi, but he'd fail as a parent.
gojo will do anything for your safety and happiness and that's because he loves you for goodness sake :) <3
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avtrbee · 3 years
in the beginning
a/n: wow! thank you so much for all the love you gave me with never! i never expected that kind of reaction :> here's another gojo fic I wrote a couple months back, you can consider it as a prologue of the relationship or smth but it can also be a stand-alone. the fic was longer, where I included what happened directly after the wedding but I felt like this had a better conclusive ending. i can post it as part two if you want please enjoy the fic and don't hesitate to comment with some criticisms or your general feelings abt the fic! thank you once again!
summary: the beginning of y/n and gojo
my masterlist The night was quiet, aside from the calming buzz of cicadas. The cool air blows gently between both of you, lifting your hair as if you were inside some commercial. It was full and bright from where you stand with Gojo (Satoru, you quickly correct yourself. You’d be a Gojo soon enough), bathing you in the moonlight. If you were any other person, you’d think you were in some romantic getaway with your lover. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The reality was much crueler.
It was calm before the storm.
“I…” Satoru starts. “...I’m not ready to be a father, Y/N.” His body faces the beautiful scenery of lush trees in front of you with his hands in his pockets, but his face is slightly tilted to you. His usual blindfold is off, replaced by the shades you’d given him back then, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his striking eyes.
You scoff. “You’re telling me this now when we’re getting married tomorrow?” You roll your eyes in another direction, to anywhere but Satoru. Your tone was cold and hard as you felt the bitter anger rise in you again at the reminder that you were to be expected to breed like cattle, all for a hopeful offspring that can inherit your Cursed Techniques or be somehow stronger than Satoru.
The anger quickly died down as you glanced at him in your peripheral vision. Satoru was in this too, he was to be expected to breed with you, forced to raise his future children to be a soldier in a world they didn’t choose like the both of you at this moment. You make the mental note to be considerate of his feelings as well. That’s what marriage is about anyway. Right?
His childhood was pleasant from an outsider's point of view; born with techniques that make him a god, a silver spoon in his mouth, and hails from one of the three great clans. But that suffocated him. It's why Satoru is so carefree with a happy-go-lucky vibe and a problem with authority. They have dictated everything he did since he was born. You and Satoru are fools if you don't realize that the same will be done to your children.
“I’m not ready to be a mother too,” you confess, tone softer, laced with understanding. I never wanted to be one in the first place, you think but don’t bother to say. It doesn’t matter. You’re going to have to be one soon enough. “But they’re going to expect an heir and several spares as soon as possible.”
Then it was silent again, Satoru not bothering to contradict your statement. It was a fact, and it's what triggered the series of events that led you here anyway.
Some of you wonder if Satoru has ever wondered about a family of his own with a wife he actually chose. Against your better judgment, you decide to ask him exactly that. Communication is the key to any relationship, right?
“Have you ever dreamed of a family with a wife you love?”
You expected him to look at you and giggle, some half-meant tease running out of his mouth. Instead, he turned to you fully, glasses lowered, and stared. “Have you?” he asked, throwing your question back at you.
“Family? No.” You answered. “But a spouse...once in a while.” You admit, lowering your head, staring at the ground instead. You have not admitted this to anyone. Despite knowing that the possibility of you getting married off to another clan was rather great, the idea of having a family with someone you don’t love seemed meaningless. That and your utter fear of pregnancy and childbirth. You’ve seen many friends struggle with issues that are rooted in bad parenting. You don’t want that. You don’t ever want that. A spouse, however...that was a dream you’d let yourself dream when your guards are down.
“Nevertheless, they will demand a child from us. They will have a cruel fate,” you muse, staring at the ground. “If they get our cursed techniques, they’ll become a toy. If they don’t, they’ll be shamed. I don’t want that.”
"No, they won't." He replies in a firm voice. I'll protect them, goes unsaid in the cool air. You find yourself agreeing. We'll protect them.
You feel fingers below your chin, pushing your head back up for your gaze to meet with Satoru’s. His glasses were off, and you concluded that you’d never get tired staring at his eyes. It was breathtakingly blue as if there were oceans and ice glaciers hidden underneath. He stares at you for a few moments and you let him. You feel him search for something in you before curling his lips into a smile.
“Alright! It’s settled, then!” He exclaims the usual joy back in his voice. “We'll make it work, Y/N-chan.”
The disbelief escapes from your mouth before you could even control it. “Y/N-chan?” you repeat scandalized. You were many things to Gojo Satoru and he has called you such. You’d been L/N when you first met, Y/N when you got closer, 'kouhai' when he wanted to brag about how powerful he was, 'wifey' when after the announcement of your engagement or when he’s feeling mischievous in front of anyone (“We aren’t married yet, Gojo-san.” You’d remind him every time), but he has never called you Y/N-chan. You cringe.
“Whaaat?” He whines, a pout forming on his face. “You don’t like it? How about darling? I heard British people say it to each other during my visit to Europe! Dah-ling.” Satoru tried, purposefully lowering his voice, trying his hardest to have a British accent.
You burst out with a laugh, squeezing your stomach, folding over. Your eyes were squeezed shut in bliss, lost in a brief moment of happiness so you don’t see Satoru smiling softly at your laughing form.
Once you’ve calmed down, you turn away and start walking towards the path to the Gojo residence. “Let’s go, they’re probably looking for us.”
“Pbshhh,” Gojo replied, hurrying to your walking figure. “They’d probably think we’re doing something naughty~”
“Oi!” You scolded, pulling his ear. “Someone might hear you!” You could imagine the possibilities. You’d never know when someone can be hiding in the dark. You suddenly imagined the possible situation that your own father would’ve heard him. Not only would you be embarrassed, but he would most likely give you and Satoru a proud nod. He and the other Elders were the ones who pioneered your marriage anyway.
Gojo rolled his eyes at you. “It’s not like we aren’t allowed to do it.” He said with a huff. “You’re going to be my wifey!”
“We’re not married yet, Satoru.”
Though you’d come back to the residence the way you left, with your hands behind your back and his hidden underneath his pockets, the atmosphere between you was not as cold as before.
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pcvensies · 3 years
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*.• Si vis amari.
I. The Moon.
in which 18 year old gojo satoru is left in charge of 6 year old fushiguro megumi, with the help of 17 year old nanami suki (oc).
word count: 2180
0. Prologue | II. The Sun
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Suki listened from the kitchen, as the white haired boy explained the story to her brother, sat at the dining table.
The kid, Fushiguro Megumi as he had explained, waited patiently for his dinner in the living room, watching TV with fake interest, ears fixed on the conversation that was taking place in the other room.
The blonde girl poured the boiling water in the pan, hard noodles floating on it, and she turned around to the boys, lower back resting against the kitchen.
Satoru looked at her, trying to decipher her expression, while Kento simply sighed, rubbing his temples with his index fingers.
“So you killed a man, and he put his kid’s life in your hands to, what? Mentor him?”, the blonde asked, as his sister remained quiet.
Suki disconnected from their conversation, trying to process everything she had heard. The Zenin’s were not good people, that she knew. And if that kid’s father had denied them, and dirtied their name, Fushiguro wasn’t safe with them. But why put the responsibility on Gojo? Wasn’t that man meant to kill him?
She sighed softly, humming as she turned around and stirred the noodles, adding a small packet of spices on top.
Fushiguro Toji. She was sure she had heard it before, somewhere. Perhaps in class, or training with the older students? She couldn’t remember. But if his death wish had been for Gojo to protect his kid, it was to respect, right? As crazy as it was. But would the kid be actually safe? Was an eighteen year old the best option to raise a kid? Eighteen year old Gojo Satoru, of all eighteen year olds?
However, the question that mattered the most to her was why now. From what he had said, Fushiguro senior had died a year or so ago. Why take the kid now? What had been the inflexion point?
“Dinner’s ready”, she finally said.
Gojo frowned, eyes back on her. He couldn’t hear any kind of emotion through her voice. He had no idea what she was thinking, and it angered him. Suki always had had that ability, to turn it off and simply don’t feel, to hide her thoughts.
Kento got up from his chair, getting two plates, one for the kid and one for the white haired boy, and Suki walked to the living room.
“Eavesdropping is bad education, you know?”.
The kid looked at her with a plain expression, and the blonde girl sighed, waiting for him to walk to the kitchen. The kid sat next to Kento, and in front of Satoru. Suki took the plates that had been left next to the stove, and served two rations, handing one to the kid, and another to Gojo, who looked up at her with an eyebrow raised.
Nanami simply rolled her eyes, her hand on the back of his head turning it to look at the plate, a silent sign for him to just eat. She could tell he hadn't had dinner either.
Kento looked at his sister with that look, and Sue sighed softly, looking back at him with that other look. To the boys, it didn’t mean anything, but the Nanami’s were having a conversation just with their eyes.
“So…”, the girl cleared her throat, moving her eyes from her brother to Satoru, “Are you taking him to the school tonight? To sleep, I mean”.
“Not sure how our dear sensei would react to that. I’ll figure something out”, he said unimportantly, looking at the kid, “Pretty sure I can find somewhere for him to stay until I know how to tell Yaga about him”.
Satoru didn’t really want to have that talk, if he was honest. He knew what Yaga would say already, and it wasn’t something he wanted to hear. In fact, Kento had also said what he thought he would: that it was crazy, and irresponsible. But Suki, she hadn’t said anything. Her behavior around the kid was careful, with respect, but informal.
If he didn’t know her, he’d say she was angry. But it was something else, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
“He can stay here tonight. And you should too”.
He looked at the girl, then at Kento, and chuckled softly.
“You worried we’ll end up sleeping in the streets, Nanami?”.
“No. I’m worried you’ll end up dead in a ditch, and him with the Zenin’s. Plus, it’s Christmas vacation, tell Yaga you’re celebrating with us and will go around just to train”.
“I can defend myself quite right, thank you, I don’t need—”.
The sound of Suki’s punch hitting the table silenced the boy, and the blonde girl sighed softly, calmly even, closing her eyes and opening them slowly.
“I wasn’t asking, Satoru”.
The white haired man clenched his fists under the table, looking at the short girl with a serious face. Kento looked at her too, eyes opened with surprise at the sudden first name usage from his sister, and her very clear (to him, at least) worry.
“Fuck off, Suki”, the blue eyed boy said, getting up, and looking at her. But his expression soon changed, and he chuckled softly. “I’m sleeping with Nanamin, ‘cause that attitude you have today? Huh-uh, no thanks”.
Suki’s face changed at his words too, a smile cracking up as she rolled her eyes, and picked up the now empty plates, as her brother turned to the white haired boy.
“Excuse me, no, the hell you’re not. You get the carpet, and because I feel bad enough for you already”.
“Nanamin… don’t argue with me, not in front of the kid…”, the boy replied, pouting at Kento, and the blonde rolled his eyes, a small smile plastered on his face.
Suki left both plates at the sink, and told the two boys to go look for a movie to watch. They both looked at her, then at each other, then at the kid, and nodded understandably.
Megumi was annoyed. He didn’t want to be there, he wanted to go away and get as far away from that white haired tall baby as he could. Gojo was loud, extra, and incredibly annoying. He didn’t need Gojo to take care of him, nor whoever Yaga was. But something about the twins, Suki and Kento, made Gojo a little less annoying.
They didn’t look at him with utter admiration like the people on the streets did, girls and boys turning their heads his way and Megumi’s. They spoke to him like he was just another person, ignoring any kind of honorifics or respect, even when they seemed to be younger.
“He can be really stubborn when he wants, right?”.
The girl spoke, and Megumi looked her way, his blank expression never changing.
“Not much of a talker, huh? It’s okay, silence is okay with me”.
She gave him a sweet smile, and started cleaning the dishes, her back to the kid. She hummed a little song as she did, and Megumi felt his eyes start to get heavy, some silence finally forming around him. He hadn’t realised how tired he actually was until now, arms warm and stomach full.
He looked around slowly, eyes landing on various pictures displayed on the cabinets and bookshelves. Lots of pictures of the twins, from when they were his age, to their tenth birthday, to them now. A picture in which he could recognise Gojo, with another two girls and another boy seemed to be hidden behind a flowerpot.
“Do you want to go to sleep now, or later, Fushiguro?”, the girl asked, and he shrugged, trying to hold a yawn, “You can have my bed, and I’ll take the couch. Kento will lend you some old pyjamas to sleep on, too, and you can go to sleep or come watch the movie with us, okay? Your choice”.
She seemed like a genuinely cool person to the kid. She didn’t let Gojo’s arrogance put her down, nor did she allow him to let it get over his head. She spoke surely, without any shame to take charge of the situation.
But she wasn’t scary, or rude. Not even cold. At the same time, she seemed sweet. Allowing him to choose for himself, lending her room, and not forcing him to talk. There wasn’t a trace of condescension on her voice as she spoke to him neither, having a conversation like she would with anyone her age.
When she finished the dishes, she picked a glass from a cabinet, and filled it with water.
Megumi followed her around the apartment, his school backpack hanging from his shoulder, the sweater she had given him now folded in his arms.
Suki’s room wasn’t very big, but it was cool. She had Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling all over the room, and a long desk, between the window and the bed, with lots of books and a computer. There were also many little plants around, and a big mirror next to the window, framed with many polaroids of her and her brother and friends, but also of plants, street animals, and sunsets.
One of the walls was the color of wine, as were the bed sheets and the windowsill, and the other three were covered in lots of posters and more pictures. There were even some plants and vinyls hanging from the walls.
“Okay, wait here”, she interrupted the silence, as Megumi continued to explore with his eyes.
The closet was inside the wall, white wooden doors contrasting against the dark paint, as were the bedframe and the desk.
“Here”, she said as she came back, handing him the small pyjamas, and leaving the glass of water in the nightstand, “When you’re ready, you can sleep or come with us, in the living-room, okay?”.
The dark haired kid nodded, taking the things from her hands and sitting in the corner of the bed, still looking around the walls, reading the posters.
“If you need anything, just call me, alright?”.
He nodded again, and Suki gave him a little smile, and turned around to leave the room, already regretting allowing the boys to choose the movie, when the kid finally answered:
“Thank you, Nanami-chan”.
( . . . )
“God, that was scary”, Kento complained, picking up the empty soda cans from the table as Suki turned off the TV, stretching out on the couch, as Satoru´s head rested on her shoulder, “I can’t believe he fell asleep with your yelling”.
Suki chuckled softly, shaking the man next to her as her brother walked to the kitchen to throw everything away, then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Gojo groaned, sitting up and yawning, and rubbed his eyes.
“You cool?”, the girl asked, and the blue eyed boy nodded, giving her a smile as he rested his head back on the couch, facing the ceiling.
“Long ass day, it’s tiring always being the coolest person in the room”.
Suki chuckled, getting up, and Satoru pouted at the sudden cold by his side. The girl walked to the bookshelf, picking up a copy of Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, and opening it to reveal a small box of cigarettes.
The white haired boy chuckled at her, sunglasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, and Suki sent him a serious look, not wanting her brother to hear.
She walked to a glass door, moonlight coming through it and lighting up the room, and she opened it with one hand, as she lit the cigarette with the other. Gojo watched her silently, her small frame walking out to the small balcony.
Suki was a confusing person to most of the people, but she was pretty easy to read once she opened up. Satoru knew she was worried, he had finally realised what the emotion was when she sat next to him for the movie, allowing him to rest his head on her shoulder. She could tell he was tired.
“Are you okay, ‘toru?”.
Her voice hung on the room for a minute, Gojo’s heart jumping at the first name basis again. She knew he wasn’t, and she was giving him the chance to talk about it by asking directly.
But he wasn’t ready, not yet.
The boy got up from his comfortable place on the couch, and walked slowly to the balcony. Suki was sitting on the floor, legs hanging outside of the surface between the handstand’s bars. Gojo settled next to her, legs crossed and blue eyes locked on the moon, as he held his weight with his arms behind his body.
His fingertips brushed against the girl’s, and he looked down at her. The blonde girl was looking up too, but not at the moon. Her honey eyes squinted lightly, trying to distinguish the stars.
She wasn’t the biggest fan of physical touch, he knew, so he left his hand there, allowing her to make whatever next move she pleased.
Gojo smiled at the weight of her head against his shoulder, just like he had done before, acknowledging the trust Suki had on him, and her intention of supporting him.
She was like that sometimes, she never made anyone speak, or tell her what they didn’t want to word out. She simply offered her presence, and a pure, genuine understanding.
“You cool?”, asked the boy this time, eyes fixed back on the sky.
“Very. Stars look better from this angle, just that”.
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n/a: does anyone want to be on the taglist for when i post ?? idek if anyone actually likes this but yeah if u wanna be tagged on updates, lemme know! <3
also anything related to this fic will be posted on #sivisamare.lulu so i can keep things organised!! check it out for suki’s fc and me making memes of my own fic hehe :)
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