#also. i will be one hundred percent honest with u bc i do get accusations of this nature a lot
daydadahlias · 2 years
Someone has claimed 'caramelcalum' here on our hell site, are they going to receive the same amount of out-of-the-blue vitriol from you that that anon did? :)
yes i actually just sent her anon hate the other day
asdfghj no, who do you think I am?
this ask is about four days late. so i am sorry this has been grating on you so much since then.
Jules has actually had that @ since I've known her a few months ago when the tracklist dropped! And I thought it was some fun little consonance! For instance, I have a sideblog called "muffinmalum" and I figured it was in that same vein. literal sweets + sweet boy(s) = cute!! (I actually complimented Jules on the username when she first claimed it). And I still think that, considering the way "caramel" as used in the song and in her username is not about race. And to assume that it is :) is racist :)
It wasn't "out of the blue" for me to react the way I did. By sheer virtue of sending an ask to my blog, you are asking for my thoughts. If you were looking for someone's racist thoughts, please go find a racist blog. I am a person with my own personal perspectives on subjects and I shared them as I felt I wanted to and was entitled to. It wasn't "out of the blue" at all for me to reply to something directly sent to me that I recognized as racist and call it racist.
this person came back into my inbox and continued to be more racist and more misogynistic and piss me off even more so I will not be apologizing for the tone I spoke to them with. It is not my responsibility, as a 19 yo 5sos blogger, to educate people on their racism. It is, however, my right as a 19 yo 5sos blogger to call bullshit when I see it.
You - and a lot of others, as I've come to notice - seem to think I just go around policing people on their actions because, on my blog, I talk about my personal passionate perspective on subjects and I'm predisposed to sound persuasive when I speak. Me aggressively replying to an ask I found racist that was sent directly to me does not then correlate to me going out of my way to call people racist whenever I see something I don't like on my casual scrolls through tumblr. I definitely don't do that. It would be a waste of my time, actually, to do that. I stay concentrated to my own blog and to my private, wonderful group of friends and I don't stray from it. Even if I see someone being outwardly The Worst on this hell site (and trust me, I see it; the racism/misogyny/gross shit that permeates this fandom is apparent and abhorrent), I don't send them anon hate. I'll make a little vague tag post about it, sure, why not, but I don't go out of my way to talk to them. I don't go out of my way to even so much as see them. I use the block button very liberally to keep from seeing things that piss me off. But if someone comes into my ask box and asks for my opinion, I'm going to express my opinion. And it is also worth baring in mind that you don't see every ask I get. I don't reply to all of them. And prior to this ask, I had gotten several others that had angered me. This "out of the blue" reaction had been building for a hot minute.
If you don't like the way I talk and you don't like my perspectives, you have the option to unfollow or block me so that my personality doesn't bother you so much. The nature of this ask is embarrassingly hypocritical.
Do you feel better now that you've argued for racism??
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