#also??? like a bunch of people followed me recently!!!! AND YOU'RE LIVING BREATHING HUMANS THIS TIME!!! AND NOT SPAM BOTS???
mangosteen · 8 years
hi!!! i just wanted to say thanks to the majority of you guys who are being respectful and kind towards what i said in my about (which i’m gonna list the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS in case some of u can’t click the link lmfao) 
‘I really hate conflict’
‘conflict of any kind really ties in closely to my anxieties for reasons I don’t want to disclose on the internet’
‘it doesn’t matter whether I agree with you or not on the argument, the act of conflict itself is what causes anxiety to happen’
‘I have to make my experience on here as positive as I can, and I gotta take care of my mental health first. And that means avoiding conflict, if you post a lot of it. I hope you understand! <3′
so thank you to the MAJORITY of people who have been understanding about this!!! its super cool of you thank you
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boy-blu3 · 5 years
Fallen Cupid ~ Part One
Author: nerdymoose
A/N: I decided to just make it it's own story. I liked it too much to make it a fanfic. Feedback is always welcome and so are reblogs. Please do not repost my work! I hope you enjoy.❤
Summary: A fallen Cupid, also known as an anti-cupid, damages her wings which causes her to stumble across someone who changes her life.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
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"Madi, I really don't think you should be going out tonight. The winds are picking up, it's going to storm tonight." Madison's sister, Amara pleaded.
"I'll be fine, I'll be back before the storm." Madison sighed as she put on her shoes.
"You promise?" She held out her pinky, the action her seven-year-old self would have done.
Madison rolled her eyes at her sisters childish demeanor, but couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
Madison locked her pinky with her sister's, "promise."
Madison walked out the door, her wings flared. "Be safe." Her sister said one last time as she flew away.
•• •• •• •• •• ••
She should have listened. She thought she had more time, at least she was told she had more time.
Soon the sky was filled with dark, angry clouds. But even with the rumble of thunder and flash of lightning, she still kept going.
The downpour was starting to affect her wings, making them heavy. It was getting harder for her to stay in the air.
'Almost there' she said in her head over and over every time she got tired. She would have stopped somewhere to rest or wait until the storm died down. But she was on a schedule, she had to get to this couple before the timer went off. The timer which always was on her wrist, it restarted with a different time every time she was done with a couple.
She let out a relieved sigh when she found the house she was scheduled at. Through the rain and darkness all she could make out is two people standing close and arms flaring in the air.
She raised her arms as if she was holding a bow and arrow, then appearing in mid air were two arrows. They glowed a deep dark red. She shot them and the both landed on their targets.
She was thankful that the rain had stopped, but the clouds had yet to go away. Lightning still lighting up the sky, following faint growls of thunder.
She didn't see it coming, maybe she was flying too high. But a bolt of lightning struck her while she was in mid air. She crashed down on an empty lot, being as though that where she was wasn't exactly a high populated area.
She saw a dark figure walking up to her, she didn't really care to hide her wings. "Holy shit." She heard said figure whisper. "What are you?" He asked as she was getting up from the ground. His eyes were red and swollen from crying.
She dusted herself off, rolled her neck and straightened her back. "I'm a Cupid. Well anti-cupid."
"Cupids' are real?" His eyes widened, not believing it.
She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah and so are a bunch of other things. " She finally looked up at him. She frowned, noticing his puffy eyes. "What the hell happened to you?"
"Heartbreak." He answered plainly.
She winced, "so you're the one I recently shot at." She mumbled, but he still heard her.
"Like I said, I'm an anti-cupid. You know how Cupid are known for getting people together, I'm known for breaking people apart. I had shot at you recently, I could tell you weren't happy anymore."
"Wait really?"
She hummed. "Well see you later." She spread out her wings, and began to fly away  but soon fell. She groaned, "what the-" She looked at her wings. "My wings were damaged in the fall."
"What does that mean?" He walked closer to her.
"It means that, I can't fly anywhere. I can't even go home. I just have to wait until they heal." She got up.
"Hey, if you want you can crash at my house until you get back up on your feet. Take it as a thank you for breaking up my horrible relationship."
"That's funny, usually people hate me for breaking up their relationships." She thought for a moment. "What the hell. I'll take you up on that offer, and besides it shouldn't take long for my wings to heal, so I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can." They walked in the direction towards his house. "Thanks, by the way." She smiled, for the first time in a long time.
"No problem." He returned the smile.
She noticed that he was still questioning everything by the way he looked at her. She chuckled, "what's on your mind, stranger? I can tell you have a lot of questions."
He let out a breathy chuckle, "well first, what other things are real?"
"Most of the things you humans call myths. Just because you've never seen them doesn't mean they're aren't there."
"Okay. Where do you guys live? Like is there a hidden island that mythical creatures live on?" He questioned.
"No there isn't. We actually live, pretty much, in plain sight. We live in the woods, mountains, oceans, and lakes." She smiled at his confused expression. "Every creature has the ability to disappear from the human eye. Some creatures never turn that ability off. While some creatures like to walk amongst humans."
"Is there like a consequence to revealing your true self to humans?"
"No, but we choose not to. We've seen how humans handle things, most of us are afraid that you'll hunt us down like you do to those poor animals."
"You have a point, but that's not everyone. I'm not trying to kill you." He said matter of factly.
"I mean, I am going to your house without even knowing your name yet, at the dead of midnight. So you have a very good chance of killing me. If you knew how." She said mimicking his tone.
"My names Anthony." He said as he walked in front of her, holding his hand out.
"Madison." She smiled shaking his hand.
"You know I expected some unique mythical name. Being as though you're an anti-cupid and all." He shrugged.
She chuckled, "no, just Madison." She couldn't figure out how it was so easy to speak to him, she never felt this comfortable around a human.
"I have one more question. For now." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "How do you become an anti-cupid? How does that work?"
Her heart stopped for a moment, referring back to when she became one. "Um" She cleared her throat trying to swallow the lump forming in it. "Every Cupid is born to create love, no matter what. Some fall in love themselves, but if a Cupid gets their heart broken they become the opposite of what they are. Instead of creating love they break it. But only when it's needed, only when they see that the couple is happy anymore."
She looked up at him and was met with a sympathetic expression. "Is that what happened to you?"
All she did was nod, not trusting her voice at the moment. "But Cupid have the ability to fall back into love, but only if it's real love." She explained further.
Anthony decided to change the subject, seeing as though it was upsetting her. "Have you ever seen Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?" She shook her head. A large smile appeared on his face, "movie night! What better way for us to get to know each other. Anyways we're here." He said pointing to his house. "Also don't mind my dog he gets excited when he meets new people."
He walked up his porch and unlocked his door. They were soon both met by a excited husky. The dog passed by his owner and went straight to Madison.
"Traitor." Anthony mumbled under his breath. "His name is Rosco." He said as he's closing his front door.
She pet the dog and rubbed behind his ear. "He says he prefers to be called Max"
His eyes widened. "You can talk to dogs?"
She stood up from her crouched position, "I can talk to all animals." She stated. She looked back at the dog, "he also said he needs to be let out or you're going to find an unpleasant surprise on your bed." She smirked tweaking the dogs statement a little.
He glared at the dog and reopened his front door, watching the dog run out into the yard.
They both walked out side and admired the stars appearing from behind the dark clouds. They sat in comfortable silence waiting for the dog.
The rest of the night was just like Anthony said, a movie night and just getting to know each other. The best night of Madison's life was spent with a total stranger.
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