#also: intact boy
abirddogmoment · 7 months
if you dont mind saying, why are you not keeping mr laundry permanently? is there a particular thing youre looking for in Next Dog that he doesnt have or something like that?
Mr. Laundry is so so sweet but he does not have a lot of confidence in new situations and he doesn't cope well with stress. For example, it would be really hard to get him into a canoe and he wouldn't enjoy it at all. While these are things I could cc/ds and train new foundations for him, that's not really something I'm interested in doing, and especially not with an adult dog who is very set in his ways.
He is so so sweet and I really enjoy his visits, but it's also a bit of a relief when he goes back home.
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puppyeared · 3 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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izanori · 1 year
idk who needs to hear this, but if it hasnt already been done i want to clear up some things
Fashion Dreamer is not Style Savvy. BUT. It’s created by Syn Sophia, just like Style Savvy was. So, if you’re still holding out for a title that’s specifically called Style Savvy it’s time to give up, because it’s very safe to assume that Fashion Dreamer is meant to be Style Savvy’s spiritual successor. This may be due to influencers and other internet personalities being way more popular than wanting to run a store among children these days.
so… yea. ^_^
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amiharana · 1 year
more revalink hcs but from this post
my previous revalink hcs post
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
first of all, do not give me free reign to decide what songs characters listen to, you know i'm gonna make half of them bts/kpop songs. that being said,
link: lonely by bts rm, superman (it's not easy) by five for fighting, my time by bts jungkook, and baby by justin bieber
revali: black swan by bts, hit me with your best shot by pat benatar, so bad by stayc, and wonderwall by oasis
(links to both the song and translations have been added for the kpop ones lawl)
they both have breaking free from high school musical though, because it's their couple song and they have to do a duet number to it on karaoke nights with the other champions
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
you're not going to believe this but link frequently falls asleep at the bottom of the flight range and not even revali understands why. i guess it's fairly isolated??? but the updrafts are pretty fucking loud so???
you will almost never catch revali slipping, except when you do. the easy answer would be the flight range hut, but the funnier answer is the heart-shaped hole in the rito rock pillar. why are you there. wait a minute why is link sleeping here too. what the fuck. you people are gay!
the game they'd destroy everyone else at
i learned how to play the card game 'nerts' recently and i think link would eat this game up because he's so competitive. he would absolutely kill at super smash brothers and also minecraft bedwars
revali likes a good challenging game of chess and he plays fire emblem on permadeath mode, fucking nerd lmao. i feel like revali would slay at competitive pokemon though
the emoticon they’d use most often
link uses the 🫡 and 🧍 emojis a lot, but he also gives very much ^_^ and O.o user vibes
revali does a lot of 👍/👎 and 😃 like a boomer, but you'd never guess that he likes the 🍥 emoji. it's because it's cute and reminds him of link 🥺
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
i am the #1 sleepy link enjoyer. there is nothing better on this earth than link drowsily pulling at revali's scarf just to give him a sleepy kiss to his beak and then fall back asleep.
if this is about being sleep-deprived though, link is thoroughly traumatized from constant sleepless nights traveling through hyrule and developing hypervigilance as a survival response. revali feels similarly because he didn't need to sleep as a spirit trapped on medoh so sometimes neither of them can genuinely sleep unless they have each other
otherwise, link is dead silent and stares while revali will verbally threaten to defenestrate you if you even breathe at him wrong. he is 10x more violent if you bother a sleep-deprived link, too.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever
link loves hot chocolate idc idc i will not take any criticism for this. he puts marshmallows in his hot chocolate, he has a sweet tooth
revali enjoys herbal tea. these days, he's been making a blend of hyrule herbs and cool saffinas. link has revali make him tea, sometimes and they sit together in their roost just drinking and talking to each other about their day
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
link cooks/eats and naps. he fr the type to stress cook, so the whole village eating a feast tonight if link feels like shit, and he'll much better after cooking and seeing everyone well-fed :) he especially likes to nap on revali, but he'll sleep on just about anything. still prefers to sleep on revali though, and will get pouty until revali gives in
revali flies around the hebra mountains when he feels unmotivated or uninspired, just to enjoy the scenery of his home. if he feels like shit, that means it's time to have a dust bath to maintain his plumage and keep himself clean. link does not understand how bathing in dust makes revali clean, but he has fleshy hylian skin so he wouldn't get it. he also does bow maintenance because if he's not in top shape, neither are his bows
what they wanted to be when they grew up
link would have wanted to stay in hateno and either be a farmer or take over his mother's equestrian training course. i think he'd be a good archery and swordsmanship teacher, too
revali probably still would have wanted to be the greatest warrior and archer of the rito, but i think he would have done well as a bard or also an archery teacher. archery teachers revalink au?
their favorite kind of weather
both of them love a bright sun and clear skies, especially in the brisk wind of the tabantha and hebra regions. idk how to explain it but sunny day no clouds + cold wind just hits different... perfect weather for flying or napping together :)
link does enjoy it when they go into the mountains and it starts snowing, and revali likes it when link enjoys things because he's a simp
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
y'all already know my thoughts on link's voice and a bit about revali's voice! i need them to sing a duet together!
they're both tenors, but link can hit alto notes in his head voice and revali usually stays in his chest voice and can go a little deeper towards baritone but he mostly has a tenor range
link's voice is sweeter and gentler, and revali's more powerful by volume and is more prone to belting
how/what they like to draw or doodle
link has one of those 'wreck this journal' books and he straight up be throwing that shit off cliffs. lowkey though, i think link would be really good at art and he would make stuff similar to jean-michel basquiat's work.
link has a whole sketchbook of things he drew throughout his journey through hyrule and he's pretty good at realism! but there are a couple of pages blacked out completely with dark scribbles and sometimes revali will wake up in the middle of the night to link sitting in the middle of their roost with the sketchbook open to one of those scribbled out pages, staring at it with blank eyes. revali doesn't ask; he just gets out of the hammock to pull link back into bed and holds him tight, singing softly until link falls back asleep.
revali is very much like fe3h edelgard in which he hides every piece of art he's ever made because he's embarrassed about not being the best at it, except link is good at finding shit and digs it up and puts it on display in their roost. revali can either only draw stick figures or he can paint something straight out of the impressionist era, there is no in between
(he likes to paint things that remind him of link, so quite a few of his paintings are shades of blue, green, and bright yellow because they're colors that remind him of link :>)
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the-river-of-light · 2 years
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[targent!randall au] sometimes you just gotta invent a sibling dynamic that doesn't have any basis in canon. it's like a rarepair for found family enjoyers
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please please please give me your thoughts and opinions on trc I need to know every thought you have had about the series ever
I would love to share! Have not read the dreamer trilogy yet, hence the reread because I'm finally getting around to it. I got to Ronan crying after trashing Adam's dorm and being banned, then for some reason got distracted from it.
But! There are a few things that first come to mind: ronan is so so precious to me. I have a type of favorite character and he is it. I would hold him in my hands but he'd never in a million years let me. He is raw and unbridled and fascinating. I don't think we'd get along great, but he's such a good character.
Second, I'm like 97% sure Blue and I have the same haircut. Not pictured: me five minutes ago tying my hair into the spikiest ponytail and trying desperately to find more clips because it's just not quite long enough to work, but I like it. Need more clips tho. Enamored with her eccentricity and commitment to it. When I first read her descriptions however many years ago, I didn't quite get it, but I do now and I aspire to be as unconventional and intentional as she is.
Another thing I can't stop thinking about: Noah. No other loss has hit me and stuck like him. It's wrenching, just how poignant his "death" is. I say death because I know he's dead, but I'm referring to how he quietly faded from time. It guts me every time I think about it because it's so unlike what you find in any other writing. As painful and raw as death can be, in other books, they aren't gone. Not fully. There are memories and memorabilia and fond thoughts and moments. There is a space where they were, and it may be empty but the space is there. Not for Noah. He isn't dead, he doesn't exist anymore. There are no thoughts, no space where he used to be. He's gone from the story in a way no other character death provides--and it hurts. Especially reading that scene where Ronan wrote remembered in the car window. Because I know he isn't. I know that the only place Noah exists is in our, the readers, minds. That he's only truly there in your first read through and you don't even know to treasure it. Because rereading it, you see him on the page and know he's not there. Not in the same way. At least to me. It is devastating and I don't think any death will ever compare to it for me.
This series was designed to be reread and even though it's been long enough I don't remember everything, it still hits. And I am immediately reminded why I adored the series so and why I read through it so fast, even though it hadn't been anything like what I thought it was about. I cannot believe I've let cdth and mister impossible sit on my shelf for so long--i've had cdth since like 2019, 2020 or something. really soon after it was released
i know the series just ended or something like that, and I'd been joking like "haha everyone else has reached the end of the story but since I haven't read it I get to live in a world where it isn't over <3" but now I am oh so aware that's it's over and that time it limited. i am going to reach the end and that will be it but I won't be the same. you know how that is, when a story ends and there's nothing new, and you can reread and talk about it and enjoy it but something has changed?
anyway, my point is wow I missed this series and I'm so glad I picked it up again on a whim
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paintedlight · 2 years
people always telling me The Boys is so gory and explicit yet not once has it really disturbed me or felt like way too much but I’m realizing that. I think I’m unflappable because my favorite movie is The Handmaiden.
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mcrmadness · 4 months
Why is it so DIFFICULT to find good black jeans :(
I just put on my jeans fresh from laundry and omg they look and feel SO GOOD RN because they fit me perfectly and they also are fully black, but I know it won't take more than 1-2 weeks for them to be back to being super baggy and looking like they are 3 sizes too big to me.
The other pair of these same jeans have already turned very dark blue which is a bummer because I like my jeans black.
I wish there were black jeans that did not stretch to the baggy version so fast, but the ones that don't do that, cost way too much money and don't have even that little stretch, which leads to them being next to impossible to wear if you planned on doing something else than standing 24/7, such as simply sitting on a chair. Not to mention the fact the fabric might tear quite easily if there's no stretch to them. Even with stretch the fabric tears easily in cheap fabric, such as one pair of my previous jeans that I liked SO MUCH but only got to wear for less than a year before they broke.
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dutybcrne · 9 months
I can ramble on all the ships &/or whatever I like and whatnot, but forever will hold that the Best Genshin potential dynamic / ot3 for me is Mond Big 3, but very specifically the dynamic being romo-Jeanluc, romo-Kaejean, and the two idiots as what happens when you put two cats who weren’t properly acclimated to each other in the same room.
#//God where is that one dynamic chart I rb’d a bit back#//It perfectly encapsulated what I meant#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Two clowns who love their Dandelion Knight v much; they’ll Tolerate each other’s presence#//I say that playfully lmao. But also kinda genuinely#//They’re on good behavior but the moment her eyes turn; back to ribbing an’ snarkin they go#//It’s their comfortable pattern after everything#//Perhaps get along better in time; but That Shit ain’t healing any easier than Rome being built in a day#//Jean is a v good mediator tho; and they would do anything for her. Even smth as difficult as that#//It’s cool tho; bc it’s almost like the good old days again. Almost (& BOY do they all miss those simple days#//Three friends; first and foremost; ready to serve and protect Mond & each other with their very lives#//Brainrotting about them bc I got to use them as a trio in Fontaine more and I couldn’t be happier#//FINALLY found the perfect place to incorporate Jean at long last! and with the lads!#//And their friend Steve (Baizhu)#//Idk; I love this concept#//Any and all differences put aside the Moment she needs their cooperation; whether asked or done unprompted#//Like clowning Fatui giving her a headache: taking up/coordinating extra tasks to lighten her workload#//Collabing on getting her the perfect gifts & sneaking them under her radar to keep the surprises intact#//What’s stronger; Conflict formed after Years of distance; deceptions revealed at the Worst moment; & The Fight#//Or (1) pretty blonde badass of an Acting Grandmaster
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laurasimonsdaughter · 1 month
“The first thing you need to know,” the stable master announced loudly to the gaggle of school children trailing behind her, “is that these are not unicorns.”
Eleven-year-olds tended to be loud. Their silent scepticism was deafening.
“You cannot keep unicorns in captivity,” she continued. “These are all crossbreeds, mostly with specific breeds of horses.”
There was a small murmur of curiosity and a gangly arm shot up into the air.
“Only mostly horses?”
It was always fun when some of them paid close attention. “Only mostly horses. I only deal with European breeds, and they tend to cross well with horses. See this here is a cross between a grey Thoroughbred and an English Unicorn. They’re large, and reasonably docile.” They also had that champagne sheen most showy folk preferred. “For people who come here looking for a steed, this is their best bet. Although I've only ever seen it done by people who personally broke them as yearlings.”
By now she definitely had the whole class’s full attention.
“But this French Licorne cross is actually half fallow deer.” She gestured to the pasture beyond the fence. “Look at them. Slight build, slender legs, built for speed and agility. They need a lot of space but they are beautiful to look at, and they’re relatively easy to tame for the pure of heart.” There was still something distinctly deer-like about them and they were all so beautifully cream coloured that they almost took on a silver hue.
“What’s those hairy ones?” a voice piped up.
“That’s a Unicorno/Shetland mix, from central Italy. Traditionally they tend to be crossed with Monterufolino, but they are hard to come by and make their coats even darker.” Unicorni were naturally built more like ponies, some with considerably shorter horns, and their coats were often a much darker gold, or even brown. They were less flighty than the French breeds though, even if they showed blatant favouritism towards certain caretakers. They would even pull a carriage if properly motivated.
“Do you have any bigger ones?”
The stable master turned around. “What was that?”
One of the boys was standing behind her with a determined look on his face. “Do you have any like that but bigger. With the beards and the furry hooves.”
“Feathering,” she corrected automatically and the boy nodded eagerly. She frowned. “What exactly do you mean?”
“There’s really big unicorns,” he pressed. “With wild manes and tails and split hooves like the French ones but hair like those ones!”
“Buddy,” she laughed, “what you’re describing there is a Scottish unicorn and let me tell you, they cannot even be crossbred into domestication.”
The little face fell.
“Any offspring of an Aon-adharcach will be as wild as they are no one can capture them with their horn still intact, not on your life. You go near one of them with a halter and it will skewer you.”
She smiled at the boy, who still looked rather taken aback, despite this proof of his favourites superiority.
“Tell you what. If you want to see something unhinged and imposing, I’ll take you to see the Eenhoorn/Friesian cross we’ve just got in from the Netherlands.”
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euthymiya · 18 days
Thoughts on pervert ayato please………:
dear wife, dear husband ft. kamisato ayato
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synopsis: your husband is doting, regardless of whether your marriage is one of duty or of love. but unbeknownst to you, ayato craves you much more than you might have initially believed him to
contains: 3.1k word count ; fem reader ; arranged marriages ; reader has parents and is of a respected clan ; reader is described as quiet, shy, obedient, and pliant ; reader is also described to have a mole on her chest ; male masturbation ; panty (and clothes in general) thief ayato ; unprotected vaginal sex ; creampie ; implied cunnilingus + fingering + nipple play ; make no mistake: ayato is perverted but he’s still madly in love
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Ayato is a man of reputation, of class. He holds certain status and sophistication that he’s fought tooth and nail to keep perfectly intact for the Kamisato clan ever since his parents passed away.
It started since he was young, when people expected him to behave messy. What they saw was a simple, inexperienced, uninformed, and ill-suited young man who’s been handed the mantle. It was too big a responsibility for a boy his age to take, being the clan head—too ruthless and unforgiving of a position. They thought him too naive, too easy to crush.
So, of course, he has to keep his image up to standards.
He doesn’t let himself be seen with a woman for years. Scandalous habits are hardly favorable for forming ties, and the Kamisato clan could certainly use at least a few allies. A young Ayato was not opposed to a marriage of convenience, either, if that’s what it would have taken to secure his clan’s former glory. More importantly, doesn’t trust too many people. Sleeping around makes him open, vulnerable, less susceptible to seeing through deception and any attempts at sabotaging him from within.
So he stays alone for many, many years. He does just fine that way—but underneath it all, he’s less than proper. He’s starved. Starved of touch, of intimacy, of a raw, carnal desire that a man can only stave off for so long. It develops into something far too insatiable to be normal. At first, he’s a bit ashamed of it. A man of his prestige, of his reputation shouldn’t be so…shameless in his own mind.
Later, he accepts it. It’s only natural, he tells himself.
Then he marries you—and, of course, it is that marriage of convenience he’d resigned himself to years ago. It happens later than he thought, but it happens all the same. He specifically chose you, too.
You’re not like other women. You’re quiet, pliant and obedient under your father’s watchful gaze. Your father tells you to sit beside him, and you do. So sweet and dependent on that guiding figure to tell you what to do. You’ve been trained so well, so wonderfully to do what you’re expected to do.
Ayato raises Ayaka to be free. People have much to say about it, of course. His sister is a precious jewel among the clan, and he can’t fathom caging her like a bird, can’t imagine keeping her sweet chirps locked away from the sky to hear. But you, you’re far too beautiful to risk. The sky is dangerous, and the world is too.
He appreciates your obedience. Revels in it.
It’s a slow progression, really. You’re wedding is a quiet affair, and apart from it being a known fact across Inazuma that your clans are to join, there is not a lot of flashiness regarding the actual ceremony.
Ayato is, of course, ever the doting husband regardless of marriage by love or by duty. He gifts you well—two beautiful pieces of jewelry from his family’s collection. His mother’s ring and his grandmother’s necklace. Expensive attire for the wedding itself that doesn’t seem to phase you. (Your father spoiled you well, he notes. He’ll have to keep up to those standards).
The first night, as a dutiful wife should, you offer yourself up to him. Kneel in front of his legs as he’s sat on the bed, slowly pushing your kimono down your shoulders, revealing more and more skin. There’s a mole on your chest—it reminds him of his own by his lip. Celestia, he thinks, must have written you as his from birth. Even the marks on your skin suggest it.
He could burst in his pants at the thought alone.
But he’s kind. Respectful as he’s always appeared. He gently reaches over and traces your cheek with a delicate finger, chuckling as he murmurs, “there is time for that once we’ve become better acquainted, don’t you think, dear wife?”
“I am happy to complete the marriage whenever you please, my lord,” you reply. So sweet. So polite. So good.
“Ayato,” he corrects, “call my Ayato.”
“As you wish,” you nod.
That night, when you sleep peacefully on your side of the bed, he fucks his fist in the bathroom, flashes of his mothers ring on your finger and his grandmother’s necklace around your neck pushing him to his climax. He suppresses the sounds he wishes he didn’t have to hide, one hand clasping over his mouth as the other squeezes around his aching, pulsing cock. His cum paints the floor, the last drops dribbling onto the tile as he shudders, thinking about the beautiful mole on your chest.
It’s wasted release, he thinks regretfully when he’s done, panting and catching his breath as he stares down at his mess. It would have looked so beautiful on your face, across those breasts he didn’t get to see tonight, perhaps even down your throat.
The latter makes his cock twitch again. He groans, feeling himself harden in his hand once more. His sweet, unsuspecting wife. So kind as to give up the left side of the bed for him because that is what he’s used to, even if it’s her habitual side as well. His precious, angelic wife, who gets along so well with his darling sister after only a few brief meetings.
He should feel bad, doing such filthy things at the thought of such innocence. But he can’t help it. The drag of his palm across his cock is not the same as before, not when thoughts of you heighten the pleasure so much.
He chokes, gripping the edge of the sink as he stands, hot, heavy breaths that are labored escaping his lips as he feels his second orgasm approach.
And then the knock is on the door. A quiet, “my lor—Ayato? Is everything alright?”
You’re outside the door. Every fiber of him aches to slam the door open and take you against this sink right now. Watch your breasts spill over the neckline of that nightgown he gifted you, decorated by the necklace hanging over them around your neck. He’d watch your face twist through the mirror, watching his thick, hard cock fuck in and out of your slick hole.
Would your pussy greedily suck him in? Would be witness the puffiness of your clit? Would the slick of your cunt drip along your thighs? Surely, you’d be just as fascinated by the sight of his glistening length bullying in and out of your walls.
So filthy. So messy. So dirty. Yet, in his mind, so perfectly beautiful.
But he doesn’t let himself have that, not yet. He can’t taint you so quickly, not when you think so highly of him.
“I’m fine,” he pants, eyes fluttering shut as he bites his lips and suppresses a grunt.
“Are you sure? You sound hoarse.”
He does end up groaning at that—at your concern and your precious little voice. The sound of you makes his cock do that familiar twitch before he’s tense and still, the shocks of an even more devastating orgasm coursing through ever nerve of his body. He lets out a desperate grunt, hissing as his palm drags along his sensitive length, so sticky and coated with hot cum.
“I’m…I’m fine,” he pants, voice strained, “I believe I’ve just unfortunately become ill with food poisoning. Perhaps I got too carried away at the wedding.”
You hum in concern through the door, murmuring a soft, “shall I fetch someone? Thoma perhaps, if you don’t want me to see you like this?”
He smiles. So thoughtful, so sincere. You’re too bright for this dark, cruel world. For a filthy, disgusting man like him. He doesn’t even know you, hasn’t even taken the opportunity to learn of your interests or your goals, yet here he is. Dreaming of spreading your folds open and getting an eye full of them.
He chuckles, breathy and tired as he stares down at the cum coating his hands. Oh, if that door wasn’t separating the two of you, he’d smear the remnants of his pleasure across your beautiful lips. The same ones where such gentle words spill from.
“No, it’s alright,” he replies. “Give me but a moment, I’ll be out. My wife will be sufficient enough. No need to disturb Thoma.”
“Oh,” you breathe. He can imagine the slightly shy look on your face perfectly. Picture it clearly. It almost makes him want to stroke himself a third time—but he retires for the night, quickly cleaning himself and the floor off before opening the door and facing you.
You’re concerned the moment he steps out, a warm hand rushing to press against his cheek and then forehead, feeling his temperature as you gasp, “oh you’re heating up! And your skin is flushed. Come lay down.”
He enjoys the way you dote on him that night. Pressing cool rags to his forehead, brushing hair from his face, spoon feeding him the soup you asked a maid to make.
He enjoys it. He enjoys you. He turns that night when you finally lay beside him, tucked under the sheets, reaching over to grab your hand and give it a lingering kiss right where his mother’s ring lays.
“Thank you, my beloved wife,” he says softly, “I am, what seems, the luckiest man in all of Inazuma. Such a doting spouse to have graced me.”
“Oh, you mustn’t make me sound like such a saint,” you say bashfully, “I’ve only done the bare minimum.”
“Then I shall be the most spoiled man, too,” he hums, “if this is considered the minimum.”
He doesn’t let go of your hand that night, sleeping with your fingers entwined.
When he wakes up, there’s a familiar ache between his legs, the morning air cold against your warm bodies. He rises, strokes your cheek gently and smiles before he heads to the bathroom.
The sound of the running water from his shower drowns out the pleased sounds he makes as he fists his cock once more.
It’s a slow, slow build up over the first few months of your marriage. Ayato dotes on you with thoughtful presents and honeyed words. You reciprocate with tender care as you look after him.
You bring him tea when he’s at his desk too long. You brush his hair and tie it back when he complains of headaches. You ice his sore calluses after long days of sword training with Ayaka.
He craves your touch. Uses every excuse to find it, remembers every detail of it to help him release the pent up tension in his body in secrecy.
He fucks his fist to you more times than he can count. Sometimes, he steals something of yours. The robes you wore the night before. The panties in the laundry pile. Once, even just the handkerchief you used to wipe your sweat on the walk you both took together.
Anything that reminds him of you, that might smell like you. He clutches it one hand, stroking himself with the other. Always when you’re not around, always without you to know of his lewdness to even your most mundane actions.
He finally breaks the night you bear yourself to him.
It’s a long night of paperwork. Ayato is tired. Extra stressed from the tricommission duties he’s stuck. The shogun herself will be making an appearance to this event, and Ayato has worked himself to the bone preparing.
You don’t see him as often as either of you would like. By now, it’s evident you’re as fond of him as he is of you. He took careful consideration to make sure you see him in such a positive light. Your sweet, respectful husband. Your dependable, generous husband. He’s so gentle with you, so patient and kind and takes such great care of you.
You’re endeared by him. So much so, that this particular night alone makes you restless.
He can tell as soon as he walks in.
“There you are,” you breathe, “I was just debating checking on you.”
“You’re still awake,” he says in surprise. He slowly undresses himself—by now, you’re used to a shirtless Ayato in bed. You often lay on his bare chest, trace careful shapes into the surface of his skin if your lucky.
On some nights, you connect his moles. He fights the strain in his boxers when that happens.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you say shyly, “not without you. I’m afraid…I’m afraid I’ve grown too used to your warmth.”
“Is that right?” He chuckles, eyes crinkling fondly. “How inconsiderate of me. A dutiful husband should never abandon his precious wife alone in bed, especially not cold without the presence of his warmth to shield her from such harsh coldness.”
“Oh don’t be silly,” you giggle, waving him off. So enamored by him—he can see it in your eyes. Such light and brightness reserved only for him.
You think so highly of him. If only you knew his true nature.
He climbs into bed, moving to pull you close against his side when you stop him—he pauses when he notices the hesitance in your eyes as you swallow thickly.
“What’s wrong?” He frowns, “if I’ve upset you, there is no need to feel guilty about sharing your concerns. I shall make sure to never—”
“It’s not that,” you breathe, “it’s…I just…”
“What is it?” He asks kindly.
You can’t seem to get the words right, mulling over them for a moment before sighing and deciding to forego the words altogether.
Your lips are on his before he can comprehend. Your hands tug him close, pulling him to hover over you as his eyes widen. He melts into the kiss, of course, but not without the shock.
“Please, Ayato,” you breathe, “I’ve waited enough. Make me yours.”
Oh. Oh, how you should have thought over your words—because you could you insinuate you’re not already his? You belonged to him, him alone in his mind as soon as the first day he saw you. Since that day you sat so close to your father, shy and meek and nervous to be in his presence.
You are his—and now is his perfect opportunity to teach you that.
“If…” you speak, breaking him from his thoughts, “if you’d like to, at least. I am more than willing to wait longer if—”
“Oh my dear, precious wife,” he chuckles, “have you not the slightest idea how much I crave you? How ardently I desire every part of you?”
The night it all snaps. His desires, his needs, his purely, filthy carnal instinct.
He takes you over and over. Tastes you, first before he feels you with his fingers. Inspects you carefully, spreading your folds and looking into the slick walls of your tight hole. He ogles your breasts for the first time, too—takes his time to kiss from the jewel from the necklace he gave you around your neck to that mole he saw that first day, all the way to your pebbles nipples. He kisses and sucks at them for far longer than you can handle—finally breaking away when you whine at him to please, please put it in, Ayato.
His cock is painful by then. Rock hard between his legs, strained against his boxers from his still clothed crotch. He doesn’t even take them off properly, simply tugs them down enough to reveal himself to you, slapping against his abs with a drooling tip of pre cum.
Hard. Red. Swollen. But still so beautiful in that way Ayato always is.
His cock nudges past your folds, but not before he drags his tip along your slit to collect the slick dripping from your soaked cunt. Not to tease you, but simply to be coated in you. Simply to have your mess on him. Simply to feel every part of you mix with every part of him.
“Do you love me, my dear wife?” He asks you in between thrusts, nudging the fat tip of his cock against your sweet spot perfectly.
“Yes,” you wail, “yes, yes. I love you. Love you, Yato.”
It’s the first time you’ve called him by a nickname. He smiles wide, pearly white teeth that glint sharp and predatory.
“Will you always love me? Do you promise to never stop?”
“Y-yes,” you moan, whimpering when his thumb catches over your clit. A jewel crowning your body, he thinks, as he stares at it. So beautiful, so rare.
“Then shall I confess something?” He murmurs into your skin, pecking along your breasts until he kisses that mole he’s sure was made to match his own.
He could cum at the sight of it alone—he holds off just for you, though. For what is a doting husband if he does not wait until his beloved wife as felt the thralls of pleasure before himself?
“C-confess?” You furrow your brows, gasping between harsh rolls of his hips, trying to keep your eyes open to stare at him while he chuckles in amusement at your effort.
“This cock,” he breathes, whispering the words against your ear, “it has come for you far too many times before now. Did you know that?”
“W-hat—oh, Ayato,” you cut yourself off with a mewl of his name from a sharp thrust, any question you want to ask him dying on your tongue.
“That first night of our wedding,” he drawls, kissing beneath your ear, I was not ill from the food. I was ill from you. You have possessed my mind since the first time I’ve laid eyes on you.”
“Please,” you whimper. You seem to clench around him at his words, earning a groan from him as you babble, “please, please—m’close.”
“Ah,” he chuckles, “so you like it, do you? Does it excite you to know that I’m unable to concentrate on anything? That I’ve spent so much time away from my duties coming undone to the thought of you? Answer me, sweet wife.”
“Yes,” you sob, nodding fervently, “yes—it does.”
“How fascinating,” he marvels, staring at you with pure awe. His eye twinkles with mischief as he murmurs, “It seems you’re just as filthy as I am. Good. Then I shall never waste another drop of seed on my hand or that tiresome bathroom floor of ours again—this beautiful cunt is more than willing to take me, isn’t it.”
You nod—and just as you do, you fall apart on his cock, spasming around him with tight walls that send him into his own orgasm.
He cums harder than he ever has before. And then he’ll cum again, he thinks. And again. And when he’ll pull his spent cock out, and he’ll notice the beautiful way his release leaks from your cunt, he’ll paint the rest of your body with his release too.
Ayato is a man of reputation, of class—that’s outside your chambers, though. Behind the closed doors, he’s a lustful, shameless man.
And you, his precious, giving wife, allow him to fulfill his ever insatiable desire.
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Ok it’s 4 am and I didn’t mean for this to become this long it was genuinely supposed to be a 1-2 paragraph REPLY to an ask. Not a whole written work. But anyway. PREVERTEDLY ROMANTIC AYATO………
1K notes · View notes
jaylaxies · 9 months
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PAIRING: haechan × fem!reader
GENRE/CW: smut, brother’s best friend trope, fluff, slight angst, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cunnilingus, penetration, breeding, usage of nicknames, themes of jealousy, mentions of mark (brother) and other dreamies, mentions of yunjin from le sserafim, Imk if i missed anything!
WORD COUNT: 10k words
SYNOPSIS: mark was an overprotective brother and he didn’t fail to show it, warning all the guys to stay away from you, his best friends were no exception. so, how will you make it work when you return back after graduating school, only to find that your crush is paying more attention to you than ever? it most certainly doesn’t help that it’s lee donghyuck, to whom, you are strictly off limits.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, my loves <3 i finally wrote a fic for the loml hyuckie <3 all likes, comments, reblogs are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all and happy reading <33
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The music blasting from the speakers, reverberating around the room full of university students, the wretched smell of alcohol mixed with cigarettes lingered in the air as your sharp eyes adorned with perfectly winged liner focused around the room, greeting everyone who was shocked to find you at the party. 
It felt good to be back. 
Leaving for a boarding school wasn’t on your bucket list, yet it was an opportunity you couldn’t miss, the school being a prestigious one with a degree that would only be helpful in the future, which left you no choice but to disappear for three years, only to suddenly reappear today, straight making an appearance at the party. 
“Told you, your celebrity status is still intact,” Yunjin winked at you, her being the only friend who was stubborn enough to not break contact with you, and you loved her for the same. 
Raising your brow at her, you took another swing of beer which you had loosely gripped in your hand, “it’s not mine, it all belongs to my brother,” you said, “I don’t want this attention, especially when it’s only valid because I’m Mark’s sister who had a glow up over my time of not being in the town.”
Your brother was well known in the university—the same university which you’d be attending soon along with the people who also attended the same middle school as you, however, his reputation preceded him as he, along with his friends, had turned into the group all girls desired to be with, yet they never let anyone stick around for long. 
Settling down wasn’t their forte. 
People snogging around every corner of the house wasn’t a sight you were willing to witness, granted you had a long flight and were tired. Not having any ride back home was another factor which made you approach your brother—who wasn’t locked up in a room with some girl for once. 
“I wanna go home,” you huffed, standing next to Mark, who was quick to excuse himself from the conversation he was having. 
“I can’t drive you back, I’m buzzed dude,” he says, “my baby sis is all grown up,” he looks your way, patting your head before you step back, disgusted at his overly affectionate big brother act. 
He acted as if everything was normal when in reality, he was the one who always deprived you of every single thing, not allowing you to go out, not allowing you to meet boys, and most importantly, not letting his friends interact with you.
“Ew, drink this and sober up.” You passed on the water bottle in your hand to him, “how am I supposed to go back? Should I take a cab?” 
“No, that’s not safe. You wait here, I’ll get my friend to drop you off,” he asked you to wait by the front door. 
The shock on your face was evident, yet it was better to get a ride with one of his friends rather than fending for yourself this late at night. With a nonchalant nod, you walked away, waiting by the door. 
It wasn’t hard for Mark to find his group, they were sprawled across the sofa as if they owned it, surrounded by girls sitting around them; or on their lap. 
“Who’s not drunk here?” He asked, straight up eliminating Jeno from the list, who was taking big gulps from his can, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, “minus Jeno.”
Haechan was quick to ignore the girl who was leaning down to kiss him, eyes tired yet lined with the perfect amount of eyeliner—a look he went for whenever a party was concerned. 
“I am sober. Driver duties, why?” He asked. 
Even though there was nothing but truth in his words, it would be hard to accept it, provided that his eyes were the perfect shade of brown which harboured the ideal amount of brightness during the day, and just the exact amount of intoxication at night. 
“I had one beer,” Jaemin said, sitting with a bored expression on his face, probably not in the mood to entertain the girls at the given moment, unlike Jeno and Renjun, who basked in the attention of them. 
“Y/n wants to go back home,” Mark explained, grabbing another can of beer, “and I obviously can’t go to drop her off.”
“Y/n? Is she back?” Hyuck asked, playing with his silver rings before unbuttoning the top of his black button up, exposing his chain clad neck and clavicle, which was valid given how hot the room was. 
“Yeah, she came back in the afternoon today. Jaem can you drop her back home?” Jaemin chuckles at the offended look Haechan threw his way. 
“Of course man,” Jaemin agreed. 
“He’s drunk too, in case you overlooked that, I’m the sober one right now,” Hyuck said, pointing out the obvious. 
“Yeah, dude there’s no way I’m letting you go alone with my sister,” Mark laughed, “lord knows you can’t keep it in your pants,” he added. 
Hyuck was quick to raise his eyebrow, scoffing, pushing his tongue inside his cheek, “and he can?” He asked, pointing at Jaemin. 
“He knows where to draw a line, unlike you, and she’s my baby sister, I’m not risking anything,” Mark explained enthusiastically, as if it was a joke, because it caused an uproar of laughter, which only infuriated Hyuck more. 
“I know when to stop,” he said, annoyed. 
“You didn’t know that when you fucked principal’s daughter,” Jeno provided. 
“And when you did so in his office, with cameras installed,” Renjun not so helpfully added. 
Hyuck agrees that they were right to a certain extent, but their lack of trust was always something that bothered him. If there was someone who actually didn’t know where to stop, that would be them, because he did not appreciate the insults thrown his way. 
It also didn’t help how he genuinely wanted to see you, but now his mood was ruined, courtesy of Mark. 
Mark then proceeded to list out a few more things as to prove that Hyuck wasn’t fit for being anywhere close to his sister, “I don’t trust you with her,” he shrugged, asking Jaemin to drop you off and ending the conversation. 
Meanwhile, it had been a solid seven minutes and twenty six seconds since you started waiting for Mark’s friend to come and pick you up, and you made sure to put the time into good use by observing your surroundings yet again. 
In the farther right corner, you spotted your old crush, Park Sunghoon, who was in your ethics class. He never paid attention to you, granted your brother made sure to warn the whole school population that you were off limits. 
You couldn’t deny, it was good to see him happy and you swore you noticed him giggling too, talking to your old classmate, who you remember, was called Moon—one of the beauties of your school, before he pulled her into a sweet kiss. 
Your observation was cut short when one of Mark’s friends, whom you had not seen in the past three years appeared in front of you with a small smile. Na Jaemin, he was charming from the bottom to the top. 
“Welcome back, Y/n,” he smiled, voice slutry, which came naturally to him. 
You offered him a smile in return, shamelessly checking him out, he had gotten buff. You were not expecting him to come here, but then again, your subconscious wanted to see that one boy whose eyes reminded you of honey. 
You wondered how he looked now. Does he even remember you? A sigh left your glossy lips as you admitted that you still might have a teeny tiny crush on Lee Haechan after all this while, and deep inside, you wished to see him again. 
With a smile, you followed him to the car as he engaged you in a conversation. It was probably the first time he had been given the permission to interact with you, and even he couldn’t deny, he loved to see the development, the confidence that you had come back with. 
While you were getting back home, Haechan was fuming with anger, kicking the pavement as he had left the party, his mind formulating ideas for a plausible revenge against everyone. He was rebellious, he’d give himself that, yet in the depth of his heart, he meant well, not wanting to hurt anyone intentionally, only for the sake of having unharmed fun. 
It wasn’t as if his friends were any different, so why should he be the one who’s labelled to be the worst of them all? This time, he wanted to hurt someone on purpose, the someone being Mark Lee. 
Solution? Get as close to you as humanly possible—which would also mean that he’d have to work to get a place in your heart. But he didn’t mind it, especially when he had liked you all this while. 
Mark wanted him to stay away? Tough luck because Hyuck wanted you. 
Thinking about you reminded him of when you first met through Mark, he had priorly informed everyone to stay away from you, despite the fact you were in fifth grade, almost isolating you from the world. However, it wasn’t enough for Hyuck to stop greeting you with his gummy smiles, which caused you to smile back at him too. 
That’s the most exchange you guys have had over these years. Hyuck was gonna change that, and so, he found himself walking towards your house, knowing well that Mark won’t be around to stop him, and your parents would be deep asleep given that it was past midnight. 
Climbing up your room wasn’t hard, especially when he was aware of the ladder kept in your backyard, but being silent after entering your room through a window was tough. 
The lights were dim, just how you liked it when you slept. With a few steps, Hyuck reached your bed, eyes fixated on your sleeping figure. 
A small, genuine smile graced his face when he noticed the small pout on your moisturized lips. Adorable—that’s how he perceived you, yet there was no denying how much you had grown up to be prettier than ever, and he couldn’t help but caress your cheek with his thumb, even the slightest touch making you stir in your sleep, causing him to chuckle. 
He had to have you. 
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You weren’t sure if it was a dream or had Hyuck actually visited you at night, though, the latter idea seemed nothing less than a delusion. Maybe it was your brain playing tricks with you, but it wasn’t your biggest concern at the given moment as you wanted nothing more than to freshen up and eat. 
What you did not expect was to see your mom catering the four boys sprawled across your living room, the guy in your dream wasn’t anywhere to be seen still. 
“Good morning, sweetheart,” your mom sweetly pulled you in her embrace, gaining the attention of your brother and his friends, who were sitting together playing some video games. 
“Good morning, mum,” you smiled, having missed her while you were away for school. 
“Yo, I almost forgot you were back for a second,” Mark commented as your mom asked everyone to sit down. 
You looked at him with a sour expression, “yeah, right. Cause there was no one to tell you that you’re wearing two different designs of socks,” you pointed out, getting a snigger out of Jeno, who passed you a sweet smile when you looked his way, averting his gaze within a second, a habit of all his friends who weren’t allowed to stare at you. 
“Or that you’re wearing your T-shirt inside out,” you scrunch your nose as others see a very clueless Mark trying to get everything in order, your mom also amused by the sudden liveliness in the home, “no, but how are you this unaware about yourself?” You mused. 
Mark didn’t get to reply or whine when the front door opened to reveal the guy of your dreams, quite literally. 
Lee Haechan came into the room as if he owned the place, your eyes fixated on his messy hair as he said hello to your mother, who was more than happy to see him here. 
Hyuck was her favourite out of all Mark’s friends. 
Other guys were quick to apologize to Hyuck, you wondered why, and Mark had apparently apologized on text last night for crossing the line. 
He looked carefree and unbothered, so you didn’t ponder upon it much till he sat down next to you for breakfast, finally looking in your eyes. 
You blinked once, focusing on his eyes which looked like they had honey swirling around them, his skin was tanned to the prettiest shade as he passed you a small smile, “hey, Y/n,” he acknowledged your presence, lips almost upturned into what seemed to be a smirk. 
For a second, you couldn’t quite focus as you were too enthralled observing the beauty marks scattered across his face, his plump pink lips—
Yeah, that thought shook you awake, “hey, Haechan,” you greeted back, thinking that calling him Hyuck might just be too friendly. 
“So, are we on for our trip tomorrow?” Jaemin asked, cutting your interaction short. 
“Wait, what trip?” You asked, knowing that your parents were gonna be out for a business trip too, and you weren’t one to enjoy being home alone in such a big house. 
“Didn’t Mark tell you?” Your mom asked and shook your head, throwing an accusatory look his way, “They all are having a stay in at Hyuck’s beach house.”
“And me? Am I supposed to be staying alone for what—how many days?” You asked. 
“A week,” Mark informed, unaffected. 
“I’m not staying home alone for a whole week, mum, this isn’t fair.” The distress was clear on your face. 
“Call your friends over then,” your mom suggested. 
“For a week? We’d rather go out for vacation too,” you pouted, not noticing the stare of two boys. 
“Join the trip with Mark then,” she recommended, placing the fluffy pancake on your plate. 
“What? Why? No,” Mark protested and the room bursted into a web of chaos with everyone discussing it. 
Only Hyuck was silent, his eyes still on your face, admiring your side view shamelessly, but also careful not to give out his intentions in front of Mark. 
“It’s a boys trip, mom. Y’know? Boy stuff,” he winced, trying to explain without explaining that all they planned on doing was drink, smoke and invite girls over, “guys, tell them?”
“Yeah—he’s right,” they all agreed, not maintaining eye contact, looking at each other awkwardly. 
“Okay, since the beach house is Hyuck’s, why don’t we let him decide?” Your mom sighs, looking at Hyuck. 
Now that the sole attention is on him, he tries to act clueless with a helpless look on his face, especially when you are looking at him with big eyes, lower lip jutting out in a pout. 
Then he looked back at his friends, who clearly wanted the girl to go, minus Mark at least. Lastly, he looked at your mom, who only smiled, and that was enough of an excuse for Hyuck to say with the sweetest smile—
“Of course, Y/n and her friend are always invited.”
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“He said yes,” you were on the phone, explaining the whole situation to Yunjin, knowing well that she’d be more than ready to accompany you for your rendezvous. 
“He what?” She exclaimed, knowing that the boys would never take your side, especially in front of Mark. 
“I know, mom sorta helped cause Haechan never says no to mom, it’s like he’s her favourite child or something,” a humorous laugh left your lips. 
“Well, he will be once he becomes your boyfriend,” Yunjin gushed, “we’ll make sure he notices you this time, we’ve got a whole week to make it work.” 
You had rushed up the stairs and into your room as soon as the decision had been made, followed by the loud complaints of Mark—which you did not bother to hear, calling Yunjin to fill her in with the situation instead. 
She was packing as you were speaking. 
In all honesty, it never crossed your mind that you would actually want to seduce Haechan, provided that he was Mark’s friend, which would lead to fights you definitely didn’t wish to be a part of, but you were an adult, so Mark held no authority over you. 
There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun after all. 
“I’m not giving you a ride,” Mark deadpanned when you got back downstairs, your mother looking at him with disappointment. 
“I’ll take a cab then,” you rolled your eyes. 
“No need, you’re taking two cars and it’s enough to fit you all,” your mom finally said, “who’s driving?” 
“Me and Mark,” Hyuck replied, voice innocent as you turned to look his way, “Mark is taking the bigger one.”
“Is that so? All boys can go with Mark then. Won’t you give a lift to Y/n and Yunjin, Hyuck?” Your mom asked, knowing he won’t say no. 
She was good at persuasion, unknowingly giving Haechan the full opportunity to be with you, which is exactly what he was aiming for in the first place. 
Haechan only nodded earnestly, eyes almost shining as he looked back at you, “of course, you can ride with me,” he said, ignoring the glare thrown his way by Mark as your name rolled off his tongue, “Y/n.”
As if his voice and gaze wasn’t enough for you to stop breathing in a room full of people, the subtle smirk on his lips successfully had your knees buckling with anticipation. 
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Never in a million years you had thought that you’d be riding shotgun in Hyuck’s car, with him driving and humming along to songs under his breath. You had worn the shortest skirt you managed to find in your closet and the little trick had worked as you saw him staring at your legs when you first came downstairs, announcing that you and Yunjin were ready to leave for the trip. 
Not only did it grab the attention of the boy you had been targeting, but also it garnered attention of Jaemin, who at least tried to act respectful by gulping and looking away. 
Hyuck on the other hand believed that he should blatantly stare at the things which are to be admired, including your legs. 
It didn’t take long for you guys to load your bags into his car, as the other one left ten minutes before you guys. Yunjin wasn’t a fan of long drives—two hours in your case, so she put on her AirPods and closed her eyes the second she got into the back seat, also to give you privacy with Haechan. 
He drove with one hand, the other resting on his thigh. The rings and chain adorning his body caught your attention for a second too long. His hands were definitely bigger than yours, veins popping out whenever he gripped the steering wheel. 
The aura around him was too strong, as if he was a magnet ready to pull everyone towards him, you were no exception. 
“Like the rings, darling?” He asked, eyes on the road with the corner of his lip upturned. 
The question successfully broke your train of thoughts. It was probably the first conversation you had with him, excluding the usual greetings. 
And he kick-started it by calling you darling. 
“They’re pretty,” you replied, not letting the nickname phase you, despite heat creeping up your neck. 
His smile widened at your answer and he swiftly got a ring off his finger, passing it to you—again, without even looking your way. 
“They’ll look prettier on you,” he says ever so smoothly, and you bite your lips, trying to stop the smile from widening as your fingers brush against his, taking the ring and inspecting the design, “don’t wear that in front of the boys though, they’ll flip.”
An amused chuckle left your lips, something which Haechan did not expect, “why? Still scared of Mark and his empty threats?” You asked. 
He pissed you off too much with his don’t come near my sister or I’ll make your life a living hell threat to others, and you were bitter about it. 
“Now, why would I be scared of Mark?” He scoffed. 
“Because you’re one of his friends who aren’t even allowed to look my way,” you said as a matter of fact, breath hitching the second you felt his fingers on your thigh, the warmth of his palm juxtaposing the cold metal of his rings. 
The car was stopped at the red light, “I’ve always looked you in the eye, sweetheart,” he whispered, confirming his statement by turning his head and staring right into your eyes, the tension palpable as your gazes locked, the look being too alluring for you to break the eye contact. 
His whole demeanour changed in a second when his serious expression morphed into a sweet smile, the kind that makes you melt right before he shifted his focus back on the road as if he hadn’t just provided you a sliver of hope about him being interested in you. 
He, however, didn’t bother moving his hand which was gripping your thigh lightly, his fingers were long and looked exceptionally pretty on your skin. You couldn’t help but look out of the window, trying not to let your thoughts get out of hand. 
It certainly didn’t help that he was singing explicit romantic songs with all his might while your best friend was sleeping peacefully in the backseat. 
Haechan loved every single reaction he got out of you, your little shivers when he caressed your thigh, your breath hitching for the very same reason midway a conversation, and your sweet blabber as you he initiated a conversation. 
“How was school?” He asked after a while. 
The conversation flowed smoothly after, the ride wasn’t long after all, his hand caressing your thigh throughout the journey, and you wished for it to be longer. 
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The beach house wasn’t a house apparently, but a mansion with how grand it was. Meaning, everyone would easily get their own rooms. Mark’s car was already parked as they reached earlier, but you saw Jaemin coming out when he heard the sound of Hyuck’s car, helping you take the bags inside with his ever so charming smile while Yunjin and you silently gushed about the beach view. 
Others were busy preparing for the party that was to be held at night—which was news to you. 
The interior was in the shades of black, white, and greys, matching Haechan’s personality in a peculiar manner, given that he was filled with colours of all sorts. 
You and Yunjin selected the adjacent rooms on the first floor, the balcony giving you a pretty view wasn’t something you’d want to miss out on. Haechan occupying the room which was right in front of your room is another thing which boosted your excitement. 
The next few hours flew by as you rested on the beach with Yunjin, soaking up warmth of the sand with the cold ocean waves reaching your toes. It felt peaceful. 
“So, what are you gonna wear to woo Haechan today?” Yunjin asked, sipping on her iced beverage. 
The sun was about to set, your eyes never leaving the sky which displayed all shades of red, yellow and orange, “what do you mean?”
“I mean that there’s no way they won’t be inviting girls, it was supposed to be a boys trip after all to get their dicks wet,” she said as a matter of fact. 
You winced again, not having it in you to watch your brother surrounded by girls. 
“And if Haechan was flirting with you, then it’s your chance to flirt back now, given that Mark would be drunk beyond the point of recovery. Not to mention how you’ll have to do something so he doesn’t stray off and give attention to other girls,” Yunjin listed out. 
She was right, it wasn’t like you were going to get this chance again, “red dress or black dress?” You asked with a playful smile and she squealed, rushing you into your room to help you get ready. 
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The music was blaring by the time you applied the last swatch of lipstick, smacking your lips for the colour to blend in perfectly, complementing your skin tone ever so perfectly. Yunjin doing the same beside you. 
You weren’t sure how they managed to gather all this crowd for a party, granted you guys didn’t even live here, yet who would question these boys, an online invite and people would come running to attend their parties. 
Which was the case at the given moment as well. The second you stepped out from your assorted room, you found Jeno practically eating a girl’s face off with how passionately they were kissing  right beside the door, the music blaring in the background as you tried to overcome the initial shock of seeing your brother’s friend going what you’d consider wild. 
Making your way downstairs, you put on your best confident expression, your eyes immediately looking around, trying to find a certain black haired guy. 
Yunjin stopped you, pointing at the corner of the room where Hyuck was sitting with girls surrounding him, Renjun right next to him, a scoff of disbelief leaving your lips when one of them oh so comfortably sat down on his lap, his arm wrapping around her waist so naturally. 
Yet you couldn’t deny just how effortlessly attractive he looked in that black button up, the first few buttons undone to reveal his chest. The eyeshadow enhancing the look of his eyes to appear more slutry than they already seemed to be. 
Great. This is what you came on this trip for—to see Hyuck tilting the chin of a random girl, shoving his tongue inside her mouth. 
This won’t do, you averted your gaze, going straight to get alcohol, any kind would do, you just needed a boost of confidence to work upon your plan. Yunjin knew exactly what you were up to, winking at you before wandering off in the crowd. 
“Not dancing tonight?” Jaemin asked, standing right next to you as he poured himself a drink. 
His presence made your job easier, especially when he looked so good tonight. His dark hair was a little messy, sleeves rolled up as he was clad in all black, a simple chain adorning his slender neck. 
Perfect bait to get a reaction out of Haechan. 
If he’d bother to look your way, that is. 
“Talking to me tonight? Not scared of my brother anymore?” Your lips curled up, amused. 
That earned a laugh out of him, “he’s locked up in a room as we speak,” he said over the music. Translation: he was busy fucking someone and he won’t be here to monitor your moves. 
Your nose scrunched, not wanting to think about your brother doing the deed. Jaemin walked alongside you as you took up his offer to dance, but also made sure that you could see Haechan clearly with your spot. 
His eyes turned your way for the first time tonight the second you started moving your body along to the rhythm. The distance was fair, yet it felt as if you were the only person in this room and he was the only spectator to your actions. 
Jaemin’s hand came to rest on your waist, your body in sync with his moves, the proximity close and a blissful expression on your face. 
Again, you subtly looked Hyuck’s way, only to find his eyes darker than ever, not straying away from you for even a second, the girl on his lap long forgotten as he couldn’t find a reason to give her his attention anymore. 
Not when you were dancing with Jaemin, not when your dress rode up, revealing your thighs, not when Jaemin whispered in your ear and you giggled, getting closer to him. 
He couldn’t stand it, the muscle in his jaw clenched, his tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek with annoyance bubbling up in his body. 
You turned around, only to find Haechan missing from the spot he was sitting at. All of a sudden, you excused yourself from Jaemin and made your way around the room, to find him again and you failed to do so. 
The room’s atmosphere got stuffy as the night progressed and you made your way upstairs to your room in need of fresh air which was very well provided by the grand balcony. 
Just as you twisted the door knob, getting inside the room, you gasped as Hyuck closed the door behind you, pushing you against the wooden surface of the door, his scent taking over your senses seamlessly as you breathed in deeply. 
“Hyuck—” you whispered, hyper aware of how close he was to you, his body pressed against yours in a way you could feel his torso muscles. His face tilted ever so slightly, just enough for your noses to brush against each other. 
The position alone sent you into a state of frenzy, and he didn’t even let you finish speaking out his name as he chuckled darkly. 
“Didn’t know you were into Jaemin, darling,” he whispered, causing you to gulp down the nervousness, which was of no use as your knees felt even weaker with his slender finger tracing your cheek, stopping right by your lips, “dancing with him while wearing the ring that I gave you.” His thumb caressing your bottom lip, parting it ever so slightly, “doesn’t really sound fair to me now, does it, baby?” He asked, stopping his actions and looking your right in the eye. 
You couldn’t show him how affected you were with possessiveness laced tone, “I don’t see how it’s unfair, Haechan,” you smiled sweetly, keeping your hand on his chest. 
“Wrong,” he said in a beat, “his intentions aren’t pure,” he provided. 
You chuckled, turning your face to the side for a second, “what about your intentions?” You dared to ask. 
His hold on you tightened, “you wanna know my intentions?” He asked, voice so low it gave you goosebumps as he moved even closer to you, his lips on the verge of touching yours. 
They never fully touched, your hand becoming a barrier between you two, “maybe some other day,” you whispered, the expression in his eyes unreadable, “someday when you don’t come here with tainted lips after kissing god knows how many girls,” you smiled tightly, pushing him aside, the alcohol only providing you with unadulterated courage. 
He pulled you back, hand wrapped around your wrist so his torso was pressed against your back, which vibrated with his chuckles, “didn’t know it bothered you that much, pretty,” his lips touched your earlobe. 
“It doesn’t,” you seethed out, trying not to sound breathless as you shrugged out of his hold, “besides, we mean nothing to each other. I won’t stop you from snogging anyone and you can’t stop me from dancing with anyone.”
That’s all you said before slipping out of his grasp, rushing in and closing the bathroom door behind you and breathing in deeply. The feeling of his touch still lingering on your body, he was jealous as you were and he was so close. 
So close to kissing you. 
Hyuck leaned against the door on the opposite side of you, “we mean nothing to each other?” He scoffed under his breath, the image of Jaemin’s hands on your waist coming back to his mind. He was wrong to pay attention to someone else, he admits, but now he was determined to give you all his attention. 
“You’re mine, you just don’t know that yet,” he says, knowing you won’t be able to hear him, “all mine,” his tone was possessive still as he walked out of the room. 
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The boys woke up all hungover the next morning, while you and Yunjin snuck out of the mansion before others woke up, only to avoid Hyuck, which was almost funny given that you were here to get his attention. 
Regardless, you sat in this cute cafe you found nearby, explaining the whole situation to your best friend. The slight smirk on her face gave away the fact that she was proud of you for not giving him attention last night. It’ll only make him want you more, she had said. 
Mark called you right after you finished your meal, “where are you?” He asked, panicked, “don’t tell me you got kidnapped,” the horror was clear in his voice and you rolled your eyes, not understanding how his brain worked. 
“I literally left a note on the fridge that I’ll be out for lunch and shopping, Mark,” you explained, almost laughing when you heard him say oh. He was standing right in front of the fridge apparently. 
“Right, have fun,” he said, hanging up the call. 
He wasn’t the best brother but he did care. At times, more than he needed to. 
“Okay so here’s the plan,” Yunjin started to explain. She loved giving out ideas and they always worked, which is why you found yourself in the swimsuit store, purchasing the one which flattered your body in the best manner. 
“And don’t lock your room at night. Knowing Haechan, he would definitely give you a little visit after seeing you pull that stunt.” 
The sun was setting and you were almost back at the mansion. You enjoyed the day and it was a great plan to get Hyuck out of your head, even though it wasn’t possible despite the fact that it had been only two days since you came back and met him again. 
Tonight’s plan was to have a bonfire by the beach, grill meat and have a good time. Mark had finally accepted and asked everyone to tone down and make the trip more family friendly, hence the bonfire.  
The place was empty when you got back in, and you saw the boys setting up the barbecue when you changed into your dress before making your way to join them. 
“Remember the plan?” Yunjin asked and you nodded, loving the feel of cold sand beneath your foot. 
Hyuck was the first one to notice your presence, his dark eyes fixated on your figure as you walked towards them, Jaemin being the second one as he smiled your way, to which you smiled back sweetly. 
You still had Hyuck’s ring on as you approached the place where Hyuck and Jaemin were grilling the meat, Mark was sitting down and playing his guitar while Jeno and Renjun sang along to the song, Yunjin being a great singer also joined those three. 
“Can I have a taste?” You asked, looking at Jaemin with hopeful eyes. 
The weather was cold yet the burning stare of a certain someone had you feeling all kinds of warmth, yet you didn’t look his way. 
“Of course, say ah,” Jaemin said, eyes shining as he held the piece of meat for you and you gladly accepted it, your lips touching his fingers in a caress, the juicy taste making you hum out in pleasure. 
In a second, you were turned around, “there’s something on your lips,” Hyuck muttered, expression stoic as he brushed his thumb on your lower lip, “all cleaned.”
You would have laughed at the jealousy had his action not been so intimidating, as if he was warning you not to do this. 
“Thanks,” you said, voice extra sweet before you looked back at Jaemin who was confused at the exchange, “can I have more?” You asked. 
“Here.” Hyuck shoved a plate in your hands before Jaemin could even reply, “enjoy your food,” he said, smiling but his eye twitched in the process, making you bite your lower lip to contain your laugh yet again and you sat down finally. 
“Do you think the water would be cold right now?” Jeno asked no one in general, his intrusive thoughts winning.  
“Why? Wanna take a dip?” Mark asked with a laugh, eyebrows raising once he realized that Jeno was serious about it. 
“It’ll be fun,” he said as everyone laughed around him. 
“There’s no light out here, Jeno,” Renjun said. 
“It’ll be fun.”
“The waves are strong too,” Mark reasoned.
“It’ll be fun.”
“Okay, his vocabulary is limited,” Hyuck said, sitting by you as Jaemin handed over the plates to everyone, Mark sparing a glance to make sure Hyuck didn’t sit too close to you. 
“We can go one hour after eating, just dip our toes in,” Yunjin suggested and you guys agreed as Mark resumed playing his guitar. 
“Have more, Y/n.” Jaemin smiled, giving you more pieces to eat from his own plate. 
Haechan didn’t remember the last time he felt so pissed over something this small, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. It had been two whole days since you made your comeback in his life but those two days were enough for him to want you, granted he did have a crush on you for the longest time, only now it wasn’t just your sweetness he was attracted to. 
“Thank you, nana,” you beamed, the nickname only infuriating Hyuck more while you could see Jaemin blush faintly and you truly wondered how all these goofballs pulled girls so easily. 
“Nana,” Hyuck mocked under his breath, Yunjin noticing the atmosphere and slightly pushing you towards him. 
“You’re doing brilliantly,” she whispered, “he looks like he’ll blow up anytime now.”
It felt nice, sitting in front of the bonfire while listening to others singing. You knew you were trying to make Hyuck jealous yet it was hard not to stare at his face, which basked in the glow of fire. He was already looking your way, noticing how you still had his ring on, which only tempted him to pull you on his lap, yet he knew it was impossible with your brother monitoring his every move. 
“Let’s go into the water,” Jeno repeated, as Mark smirked. 
“On the count of one, two,” he said, and didn’t even finish before your eyes widened as your brother came to pick you up in hopes of throwing you into the cold water. 
Mark was escapable. Jeno on the other hand, not so much and it didn’t help how they both had lifted you up despite your thrashing and whining and ran towards the water. 
“Mark I swear I’ll kill you—” you warned and Yunjin had the time of her life recording this whole scene. 
Renjun continuously reminded the boys to stay safe while also doing god’s work by providing you with the flashlight set on the highest setting from his phone. 
Within a second, you were screaming and thrashing as the boys dropped you into the cold water, laughing and doing the same with a horrified Renjun before rushing towards the mansion, especially Mark, leaving you all cold. 
Hyuck rushed to close the flashlight. 
You were wearing white, and the water only made your clothes look transparent, which is why Hyuck was taking his jacket off, but yet again, Jaemin was quick to wrap his leather jacket around your shivering frame. 
He was glad that you were covered but the annoyance was clear on his face, the amusement long gone even with you muttering and plotting Mark and Jeno’s murder with Renjun. 
Nor did he enjoy the sight of Jaemin taking you back to the villa, acting all protective as if he was your knight in shining armour. 
“You’re making it so obvious that you’re jealous,” Yunjin quipped, noticing how everyone walked ahead of them, rushing to the mansion. 
He laughed out, ending it with a scoff, “I have no reason to be,” he said, voice calm, “she’s mine anyways,” he shrugged, determination clear in his eyes. 
“Wow, you’re not even scared to admit it out loud? What if Mark hears?” She asks and Hyuck’s expression sours. 
“He wouldn’t approve. That’s a given but that’s not enough to stop me,” he shrugged yet again. 
“Okay Mr. Someone is stealing your girl as we speak though,” Yunjin pointed out, a fake sympathetic scowl on her face. 
Haechan hated feeling this way, the feeling where things do not go his way. He hadn’t felt this way since—forever. He had everything he wanted, but not you. Mark being a hindrance is something he considered to be normal till some extent, but Jaemin? That’s unacceptable. 
“I’ll take care of it.”
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It was one in the morning and you were wrapped up in a blanket, sitting down near the balcony to observe the spectrum of stars which you could have sworn were shining. 
Being thrown into the water wasn’t the best experience per se, but you knew it would soon turn into a funny memory you guys would look back at someday in the future. Yet, it wasn’t something you were thinking about much, granted you had better things to ponder about. 
Lee Haechan. 
You well expected him to show at least a sliver of reaction, some sort of outburst during the evening, however it never came. Either he was plotting revenge or he simply didn’t care enough. Or he was trying to keep it in, your mind tried to reason with you. 
You sighed, getting up and closing the sliding doors of the big balcony in hopes of getting a cozy sleep. You needed that warmth after all. Just as you dropped the blanket on the bed, the door swung open—which shouldn’t have happened, given that you were sure you had locked it.
Haechan entered the room, closing the door behind him and you couldn’t help but stand at your place, shocked at his sudden appearance, “how did you—” 
“It’s my place, I can get in and out anytime I want,” he replied, voice smooth, giving you goosebumps as he walked closer to you. 
He was clad in sweatpants and a white T-shirt, the attire was simple, yet he made it look a hundred times more attractive than the usual. 
“Oh,” you breathed out, the dim lights of the room caused his skin to glow a beautiful shade of golden. 
There wasn’t a single ounce of jealousy on his face, rather, he looked content with the setting, settling down and sitting on the corner of the bed, his dark eyes staring at you, the silence louder than ever. 
“Uhm, so—did you want something?” You asked, wincing at your tone as you suddenly felt conscious under his gaze, slightly aroused too, not knowing what he was actually here for. 
He clicked his tongue, looking away for a second before his eyes settled on you for the second time. 
Hyuck gave you no time to process anything as his hands grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him in a single hard tug, which had your body stumbling forward and right on his lap. 
He held on to your waist, helping you stabilize your balance, “what’s wrong, princess? You were so confident, getting cozy with Jaemin, huh?” He raise his brow, letting the possessiveness show on his face, the I don’t give a fuck facade disappearing. 
Your breath hitched with the movement of his fingers on your waist, his thumb rubbing circles on the part where your top had ridden up to expose your skin. 
“He was just being nice,” you breathed out, shivering slightly. 
He rolled his eyes at your statement, a scoff leaving his lips before he leaned in, earning a gasp out of you. His nose caressed yours, and you were scared to move, his lips hovering above yours. 
“Just being nice my ass,” he clicked his tongue yet again, and suddenly you were hyper aware about the fact that you were breathing in the same air, “you wanted to know my intentions, right, princess?” He asked, “then listen, I want you all to myself,” his tone was raspy, your fingers digging into his shoulders for support, “don’t think I didn’t notice your subtle glances towards me, especially when you were with Jaemin,” he chuckled and you gulped, looking elsewhere. 
He was quick to grab your chin, making you look right in his eyes, “trying to get me jealous, darling? Well, good for you, it fucking worked.”
“Hyuck—” you whimper, your body heating up as you realized you were sitting right on his crotch. 
“Shh, bad girls don’t get to talk,” he shook his head, disappointed, “now what do we do about this? Maybe I’ll just have to claim your body to make you understand that you don’t need to make me jealous to have all my attention,” he suggested. 
You could feel the wetness down in your lacy panties and he hadn’t even touched you. Something about the way his voice came out so luscious, something about the way his touch made you feel like putty, something about his eyes made you feel mesmerized. 
“Tell me, baby. Can I mark you mine?” He asked and you felt your heart flutter, his voice was gentle when he asked for your consent, and you couldn’t hold back from wanting him anymore, nodding gently, “use your words, love,” he urged, lips parted. 
“Yes,” you whispered, grabbing on to him as he bit your lip, eliciting another gasp out of you, a teasing smirk on his face. 
“Yeah? You sure you can handle it?” He asked and you tugged on to his collar, impatiently pulling you to him. 
“Let’s find out,” you mumbled. 
Without any more delay, you closed the distance between you both, his hand coming to rest on your nape, tilting your head to kiss you passionately, his tongue brushing over your lips, parting them with ease for your tongue to graze the tip of his own. 
The room felt misty as you continued to kiss, his kisses getting more possessive by second, thinking about how no one else should have you, that you belong to him. He picked you up with ease, putting you underneath him on the bed, his kisses trailing down as you took a deep breath. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he mumbled midway kisses, some were long, especially the ones around your clavicle and neck region while the others were feather soft, driving you insane to the point of no return. It only ascended when his fingers finally lifted up your top, exploring the expanse of your skin with teasing touches. 
Your back arched as soon as he caresses the area under your tits, before cupping them fully, leaning back to get rid of your top altogether. You couldn’t shy under his gaze, the way he looked at you only boosted your confidence, as if he was a predator hungry for a meal and you were his precious prey, all ready to be devoured. 
He had no time to waste, his mouth working fast to lean down, swirling his tongue around your hardened nipples, noticing how you react to his each touch, fondling your other tit, hearing you whimper and beg for more, his name chanting on your lips out of sheer pleasure. 
“It’s so fucking cute how your body reacts to every little touch of mine,” he whispered, biting your earlobe in the process, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he stuffed his pretty fingers inside your shorts, chuckling when he realizes how soiled your lacy panties had gotten, “fuck, I wanna taste that pretty cunt,” he says, taking off his T-shirt before doing the same to your shorts, dragging your panties down alongside it. 
You found yourself drooling at the sight of Hyuck’s muscles, he had started going to the gym and the results were clearly visible on his body, but you were ripped out of your thought train when he bit your inner thigh, causing you to clench around nothing, giving you kisses and licks all over, but not touching the part where you needed him the most. 
“P—please,” you cried out of frustration, and he immersed himself, licking a big stripe of your wet cunt, genuinely loving the taste as he hummed with satisfaction, holding your thighs open with his strong arms, “oh god,” you moaned out, causing him to smirk against your wetness, pressing sweet kisses to your clit. 
It felt like heaven when you were being destroyed by the demon himself. 
Hyuck was hard, his thick cock barely containing itself from splitting your pussy into two, but he wanted to see you fall apart on his tongue first, “your cunt,” he said, licking it to make a point, “belongs to me,” he whispered and you nodded. 
“It’s yours—all yours!”
“That’s my good fucking girl, you’re all mine,” he said, his tongue prodding at your entrance, fucking your pussy, which gave you more pleasure than you had ever felt through your life. 
It didn’t take long for you to feel your lower abdomen tightening, your fingers tugging on his silky black roots as he ate you out like a madman, as if he was drunk in the essence of your pussy. With a cry, you found yourself falling apart all over his tongue and he lapped it up, coming to kiss you right after, letting you taste yourself in his mouth. He knew you’d be overstimulated, but that’s exactly what he was aiming for when he finally pulled out his cock. You knew he’d be thick, but you underestimated him still, knowing well his cock wouldn’t fit in your cunt. 
“Gonna claim you mine,” he whispered, intertwining his fingers with yours as he positioned himself on your entrance, “fuck, you’re all mine,” he said, kissing you deeply to absorb all yours moans as he pushed himself inside you. 
Your wetness helped him, yet he had to thrust in a few times to bottom out and could feel yourself clenching around him uncontrollably, loving the stretch and also the fact that he was twitching inside of you. 
His fingers grabbed your hips in a tight hold as he started pistoning into you at a pace which you hadn’t expected, and you were sure you looked crazy with how your eyes were teary, your hair a mess and your lips swollen, courtesy of the boy who groaned and slapped your cunt, fucking you deeper. 
“That’s it, baby, you’re taking me so well,” he praised and you let out broken sentences which he couldn’t comprehend, you were too gone, pushed into your subspace to the point you simply let Hyuck do all the work, moaning and whimpering for him, trying to keep your noises at bay in case anyone wakes up. 
Just when you both were about to read your high, he stopped fucking you, making you whimper out in distress, only to have you flipped with your ass up and head down on the pillow. 
It didn’t take him a second before he was entering your cunt again, fucking you from behind in hopes of giving you the brutal backshots you deserved, to fuck you in a way that you’ll be ruined forever, not even wanting to go back to another guy for their cock. 
This also gave him the perfect opportunity to spank your ass, the hurt only making you clench around him harder. 
“Fuck—I’m so—so close,” you sobbed, voice coming out muffled and Hyuck rubbed your clit to stimulate you further. 
“Go on, baby. Give me everything,” he urged and you both finally let go, groaning and whining as he filled you up with his cum, mixing it with your juices.
It felt as if the universe had blessed you with the highest amount of unadulterated pleasure one could have, and your eyes closed shut as Hyuck lay down next to you, breathing in and out just as quick as you to regain his strength to breathe properly. 
“Y/n,” he whispered, more gently this time, pulling you into a sweet kiss as you smiled into it, finding it amusing that he was the same guy who brutally fucked you not even a few minutes back, “you really are mine, yeah?” He said, caressing your cheek. 
“Yeah?” You asked in a whisper and he nodded earnestly, getting a washcloth and helping you into the bathroom, feeling proud when you couldn’t stand up properly. 
He was sweet. Sweeter than you had ever expected him to be and that’s why you found yourself kissing him again, and again as you both washed up in the shower, turning it to the point you both couldn’t help but giggle, his forehead resting against yours. 
“I really do like you, baby,” he whispered. 
“I really like you too, Hyuck,” you replied, feeling happier than you had ever felt, spending a while in his embrace, talking and kissing and eventually, falling asleep in his arms as you both smiled faintly, even in your deep slumber. 
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That’s what your body felt the second you blinked open your eyes. Images from last night revisiting you as a montage, a small smile lingered on your face, discarding the fact that you were disappointed, not having Hyuck by your side when you woke up, but then again, it was still better than getting caught by Mark. 
With the support of the bedside tables, you managed to stand up on your wobbly feet, stablizing yourself before going into the bathroom to freshen up, you needed that long bath to soothe down your muscles. 
Now wrapped up in your bath robe, you passed by the door, only to hear the sound of someone arguing. Curiosity got the best of you as you walked back, twisting the knob to open it just the right amount for it to not be noticeable, gladly the door opened seamlessly. 
“Stop playing with her feelings,” Jaemin whisper-yelled, and your heartbeat rose when you saw how it was directed towards Hyuck. 
“Who the fuck even said I’m playing with her?” Hyuck asked, his voice full of exasperation and anger. 
Jaemin scoffed, you hadn’t seen that expression on his face, ever. “So you’re just gonna go around fucking her right after Mark told you, specifically might I add, to stay away from her. What are you trying to do here? Take revenge by proving a point?” 
Your heart dropped hearing that sentence. Sneaking around made sense because Mark would, without any doubts, be against this setting, but what revenge was Jaemin talking about? When did Mark ask Hyuck to stay away from her, specifically at that? 
“That’s none of your business,” Hyuck replied, teeth gritted, “besides, weren’t you the one begging for her attention by putting up your good boy act? We aren’t that different, Jaemin,” he mocked, “you only want her cause she’s Mark’s sister.”
Your lip wobbled at his confession, he hadn’t agreed to Jaemin’s claims yet he hadn’t denied it either and suddenly you didn’t feel comfortable, all the positive energy drained as you rushed to get dressed, to get out. 
You trusted Hyuck too easily, and you knew you’d have to confront him about this, but you didn’t feel like doing it now. You wanted to go back home, alone, to deal with your inconvenience which would bother you for a while now. 
So you did what you had to do: run away from your problems. 
You texted Mark that you’d be taking his car, also mentioning it to Yunjin that you’ll be going back home, as you rushed to get dressed up and sneak out of the place without Hyuck knowing, and you were successful in doing so, sighing as soon as you started driving back. 
Hyuck thought you were sleeping in, and he couldn’t enter your room with everyone being awake and roaming around, especially when Jaemin knew what you two had done last night. 
The reminder only made him smile, as cliche as it sounds, he had never felt this way with other girls, your little confession only made his heart beat faster. You liked him back, and that’s all that mattered. 
“Yo, why did Y/n leave? She’s not picking up the calls either?” Hyuck heard Mark ask Yunjin, who knew exactly what was up. 
“She’s got some work to take care of, you don’t have to worry about it,” Yunjin patted his shoulder before making her way out to the beach to call you again. She knows you want space, but she also knows you like it when she checks up on you. 
Now, that was news to Hyuck, his eyes widening as he rushed to open the door to your room, only to find you weren’t actually there. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, getting his phone out and calling you, only for it to get declined, “no, fuck,” he groaned, thinking about if he upset you in any way, yet he couldn’t understand why you’d leave, especially when you were so happy when you went to sleep. 
Or maybe she heard you talking to Jaemin, his subconscious spoke up, making him lose his mind and punch the wall next to him, running down the stairs to follow Yunjin, calling out her name which caused her to pause and remove her sunglasses. 
“Where is Y/n?” He asked, breathing heavily. 
“Are you playing with her feelings?” She asked instead of replying to his question, “cause if that’s the case then I don’t care if we’re staying at your mansion, I’ll have to kick and break your baby making machine.” Her smile was threatening. 
“Oh god, that’s not it!” Hyuck was frustrated, “I’ve liked her since we were kids, I'm not joking around,” he said earnestly, “is she upset, why did she leave?” 
Yunjin watched the boy with amusement in her eyes, “you’re so dumb actually. If you like her enough then why aren’t you running after her right now? Get in your car and get your girl, shoo,” she dismissed him and Hyuck didn’t wait to chat about how she shouldn’t shoo him away, rather, he ran to grab his car keys, not paying attention to Renjun who asked why he was in such a hurry. 
Hyuck didn’t want any miscommunications whatsoever, it had been an hour since you had left, and it’ll probably be impossible to cover that distance in a short while so he decided to drive faster and get to your place. 
“Y/n, baby, please listen to me,” he muttered to himself, trying to call you again. 
You weren’t dating. It had barely been a week since you came back, a few days since he had started to get to know this new side of you and he didn’t want it to stop, not when he’s genuinely liked you for so long, minus his fuckboy ways of course. 
Mark had tried to call him a few times too, sensing that something was up, yet Hyuck didn’t pick up those calls, focusing on driving till he finally reached your place, relieved to see Mark’s car parked there. 
He knew there was an extra key under the third potted plant on the entrance, and that’s exactly what he took and opened the door. The living room was empty, which caused him to rush up the stairs to find you in your room, his chest heaving up and down. 
The sudden voice startled you, your mouth going dry at the sight of Hyuck. 
You couldn’t avoid him after all. 
“Hyuck, is everything okay? What are you doing here—why are you here?” You asked, pretending to be okay. 
“Did you hear us in the morning?” He asked, eyes softer than you had ever seen. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but stopped, gulping down your emotions before staring at your feet, “I did,” you whispered, “but it’s fine, Hyuck. The sex was great—”
You didn’t look up while rambling, and it was cut short when Hyuck pulled you into his embrace, warmth spreading all over your body with how he held you close to him. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so broken seeing someone’s face, and he couldn’t handle that it was because of him that you felt this hurt. 
“That’s not true,” he whispered, holding you tighter, you could feel tears forming in your eyes. 
“N—no one’s ever approached me because of Mark,” your voice came out muffled, and Hyuck leaned back slightly just to look at your face, his thumb wiping the stray tear that cascaded down your cheek, “i felt like no one wanted to befriend me for me, all girls wanted to get to him through me and all the boys were so scared,” you laughed pathetically, knowing that your story wasn’t even sob worthy, “but you were the only one who still talked to me, even if it was just greeting me, asking me about my day,” you let out your breath. 
“Baby,” Hyuck cupped your cheeks. 
“You were the only exception, Hyuck. Maybe that’s the reason I’ve always liked you so much. So tell me, was it all a joke?” You asked, eyes serious. 
“It wasn’t,” he shook his head, gulping down before explaining it to you, “it happened at the party when I offered to drop you home but Mark was against it, thinking that I would use you to only fuck you, but that was not my intention I swear,” he says with a frown. 
“So that’s what you did,” your voice barely came out, it sounded broken. 
“God—no. No. I could never do that to you,” he felt helpless, trying to word his sentence properly, “I’ve liked you since we were kids, and I was heartbroken when you switched schools and cities. But I just got so excited when Mark told us that you were back—I wanted to see you, talk to you, but Mark only gave me a reminder that I couldn’t have you.”
You listened to him, your heart undoubtedly fluttering with how earnest his eyes looked, how the distress of being denied of you flashed clearly on his face. 
You really wanted to kiss him. 
“And when he gave all those permissions to Jaemin, I couldn’t help it. I never had revenge in my mind Y/n. I like you too much to hurt you, and I know we’re not even dating right now, but I don’t want anyone to ruin it for us even before our story starts and I swear to god I’ll fight Mark if it means that I can have you,” he breathed out, cheeks flushed as he had confessed to someone for the very first time.
You broke into a smile despite the tears in your eyes, “you promise?” You held up your pinky finger. 
He laced his pinky finger with yours, tugging it so you stumble slightly, and he takes it as an opportunity to pull you into a deep kiss, his soft lips caressing yours in a possessive hold, promising that he’ll take care of you. 
“Good, cause I was going to be really upset if you didn’t,” you mumbled against his lips. 
He chuckled before saying, “don’t ever run away from me, yeah?” 
You nodded, hugging him back tighter as you felt your anxiety calming down, your smile widening as he kissed your forehead, easing out your worries and you were sure you wanted to give it a try—you wanted to give you both a try. 
Yet another problem lingered in your mind. 
“So, about Mark,” you winced, knowing it’ll be disastrous.
“Shh, we’ll think about him later,” he mumbled, but the peacefulness wasn’t here to stay for long as a loud voice boomed up, indicating that Jaemin had snitched. 
“Lee fucking Donghyuck, I told you to stay away from my sister!” Mark shouted, your eyes widening as you both looked at each other. 
“Fuck, hide!”
Despite the chaos of hiding in your closet, you knew that Hyuck would always be your exception. 
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TAGGING: @ajayke-reads @jenoslutie @jjaeyuns @heesuncore @celeste-hoon
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curawrites · 6 months
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Slytherin boys (separate) x fem! Potter!reader
Slytherin boys: Draco Malfoy, Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, and Blaise Zabini.
Warnings: forbidden romance?, swearing, smoking, alcohol, partying, horny teens, probably incorrect body shots.
Note: got back into Harry Potter and fell into the Slytherin boy rabbithole hole💚
You used to be very close to your twin brother. But your relationship changed for the worst during your first year at Hogwarts.
While Harry had been sorted into Griffindor, you had been sorted into Slytherin.
The both of you had tried to keep your relationship intact, but the rivalry between your two houses made it practically impossible.
By fourth year, you and Harry were practically strangers, and uninvolved with each other’s lives…
Draco Malfoy
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In fourth year, Draco decided to ask you out to the Yule Ball. Mainly to piss off Harry.
He swaggered up to you in the courtyard and asked you very loudly in front of a lot of people, including Harry, of course!
“Heard you didn’t have a date for the ball, Potter.” He said with a smirk, “You want to be my date?”
You eyed him suspiciously before answering, “Sure, why not Malfoy.”
Didn’t expect for you to actually accept.
Low key freaking out internally.
Thought you’d just tell him to piss off.
He’s very smug about it on the outside tho.
Especially when he sees Harry fuming on the side lines with Ron and Hermione.
He then escorts you to class like the gentleman he was taught to be.
“Don’t get an ideas Malfoy. I’m only going with you to piss off my brother.” You told him as you entered potions.
“Same here, Potter.” He rolls his eyes a bit.
Glad you have the same idea but also a bit disappointed that you’re only using him.
But he’s also using you so-
When it came time for the ball, Draco was waiting for you by the stairs. Mattheo and Blaise were waiting with him.
He couldn’t lie, he was a tad nervous. Fixing his hair every 2.5 seconds to the annoyance of his friends.
“Does my hair look good?” He asked for the billionth time.
“Your hair is fine mate! Why do you even care so much it’s just Potter.” Mattheo rolled his eyes at the blond.
“It’s not about her!” Draco hissed, “..I just want to look good!” He answered semi confidently.
A few moments later you appeared and began walking down the stairs.
Draco looked at you in awe. You looked stunning all dolled up, your hair was curled and pinned up in an intricate hairdo, and the dark green dress you were wearing fitted you perfectly.
You glanced at Draco every few steps as you descended the stairs, admiring him from afar. You couldn’t lie, he looked dashing in his suit.
Blaise and Mattheo snickered behind him, shoving him forward to make him help you down the stairs.
“You look nice.” Draco said awkwardly.
“Thank you, you don’t look half bad yourself.” You responded, taking his hand as you walked down the rest of the steps.
“You cleaned up nice, Potter.” Mattheo teased.
“Shut it, Riddle.” You rolled your eyes at him.
Draco escorted you to the punch table to have a drink before you had your first dance.
When you started dancing you were both very stiff and awkward, but as the night went on you became much more natural with each other.
You and Draco went on to have a nice evening. Making show of your “relationship” by calling each other by your first names and dancing together for the majority of the evening.
When the ball finally ended, you and Draco returned to the Slytherin common room together.
“I actually enjoyed myself tonight Draco.” You admitted with a smile.
“I did to, Y/n. We should do it more often.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “In your dreams, Draco.” You chuckled before to go to your dorm.
Leaving him standing in the common room, with his heart beating a few beats faster…
Mattheo Riddle
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You both kept your distance from each other for a long while.
You didn’t want to associate with the son of the man who killed your parents.
And Mattheo didn’t give a crap about you.
You only began to associate with each other in fifth year when you became friends with Lorenzo.
Which lead to you being included into the Slytherin gang.
You decided to put your differences aside for the sake of your friend.
You’re not super close with many of them, Mattheo included.
But you have a sort of playful relationship.
You guys banter SO MUCH!
Whether it’s insulting each other or sometimes being flirty.
Harry is SIDE EYEING y’all from across the great hall.
You find Mattheo insufferable in a weird endearing way.
Sixth year hit and you’ve decided to start living it up by attending parties with the gang.
Ravenclaw had beat Hufflepuff in quidditch which made the perfect excuse to throw a party.
You and Pansy had spent the evening getting ready together in your dorm.
“We look hot~” you commented while admiring her and yourself in your full body mirror.
“We do~ Now let’s go-“ Pansy grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the dorm.
Once at the party, you had a drink to ease your nerves before you decided to join the growing circle of people playing spin the bottle. Many of your friends were sat, including Lorenzo, Mattheo, and Theo.
You sat yourself beside Lorenzo, “What are we spinning the bottle for?” You asked, almost yelling over the music.
“Body shots!” Lorenzo smirked at you playfully.
“Fun!” You grinned.
Eventually Mattheo’s turn came and the bottle landed on you. Gasps and ooos filled the circle, making you scoff. Mattheo only grinned as he grabbed the bottle of fire whiskey and a shot glass.
Ron and Hermione had to hold back Harry from causing a scene.
“C’mere, Y/n~” Mattheo smirked, motioning you over.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to him, all while he unbuttoned his shirt.
You got on your knees in front of him, squeezing your thighs together as you cunt throbbed at the sight of his bare chest.
Mattheo smirked down, “Ready?” Once you nodded he poured the alcohol down his bare torso.
You didn’t hesitate to begin licking all of the liquor off his torso, savouring the way the fire whiskey burned down your throat.
Mattheo couldn’t stop himself from getting hard at the sight of you on your knees for him staring up at him with lusty half lidded eyes. It made him feel things he knew he shouldn’t feel towards.
The crowd wooed and whistled as you finished licking his chest having made sure to not miss a drop.
“Thanks for the shot, Matty~” you purred, winking at him, your cheeks equally as red as his.
You got up from your knees and returned to your spot beside Lorenzo. Once sat, you took a deep breath to calm yourself down.
You hadn’t expected to have gotten so turned on. It felt so wrong to be attracted to Mattheo.. but you couldn’t help yourself when all you could think about was his dark lustful gaze…
Theodore Nott
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You and Theodore became friends in first year.
Theodore was a bit of a loner, like yourself so you got along right away.
Because of this, you always paired up together in your classes.
Especially in potions which you both excel at. Unlike your brother, you inherited your mother’s potions skills.
You guys have definitely have bonded over dead moms/parents.
In fifth year you both became more acquainted with Draco and his gang.
It brought you guys out of your shells.
And further ruined your relationship with your brother but you didn’t really care.
You had Theo by your side and that’s all that mattered.
Although you’re “just friends” there’s definitely feelings at play.
Seeing everyone around you get into relationships made you yearn for one yourself.
Since you’re so close with Theo already you couldn’t help but think about being with him.
He’s such a pretty boy, with his hazel eyes, dirty blond hair and Italian accent.
Theodore had a little thing for you phase in third year.
He considers it a phase but the feelings never truly left.
The both of you are way to afraid to confess to each other in fear of ruining your friendship and of the retaliation from your families.
It was a Friday night and the gang had decided to sneak out of the castle to go swimming in the Black Lake.
Somehow the whole gang managed to bypass Filch and Mrs. Norris, even though the lot of you were giggling loudly at each other.
Once out of the main doors, you all ran to the rocky shores of the lake and spread out all of your towels.
Theo sat down and lit up a cigarette with Mattheo, while you took off your (Theo’s) shirt and your pj pants. Revealing your tiny bikini.
Mattheo wolf whistled at you, “Looking good Potter~” he teased.
“Fuck off Riddle-“ you said playfully and rolled your eyes at him.
“Shut it.” Theo muttered to Mattheo as he took a drag of his cigarette.
Mattheo looked at him, a grin spreading on his face, “What was that, Theo? You jealous or something? Don’t like me talking to your girl?”
“I’m not.” Theo denied as he watched you get into the water with Lorenzo, Pansy, and Draco.
He avoided Mattheo’s gaze to look at you and the others in the water.
Theo clenched his jaw as he observed you and Draco play in the water. Jealousy bubbled in the pit of his stomach.
“Sure you are.” Mattheo scoffed unconvinced.
“Fuck off-“ Theo shoved Mattheo lightly.
He took another deep drag of his cigarette in an attempt to ease his nerves.
“Theo!” You called from the water, “Stop smoking and get in the water!” You grinned joyfully at him.
Theo could feel his heart skip a beat at your radiant smile.
“Theo come on!” You called out again.
“Alright alright, bella-“ He chuckled before putting out his cigarette and getting up.
He took off his shirt and jogged towards the water.
You giggled and grabbed his arm to pull him the rest of the way.
There was no way he could let Draco have you…
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Lorenzo has prided himself in his academics.
He has good grades in all of his classes.
Except in history of magic. He’s actually failing the class.
Look it isn’t his fault! Professor Binns is just such a bore.
Seeing as Lorenzo was failing, Professor Binns assigned you, Y/n Potter as his tutor.
Lorenzo was pretty happy about having a cute girl tutoring him.
You’ve intrigued him since first year but he’s never had the chance to talk to you.
But now he sees you twice a week for tutoring.
And honestly you don’t get much tutoring done.
Lorenzo is just so engaging and interesting that you just forget about what you’re there to do.
“Merlin, Lorenzo! We need to focus!” You giggled as you realized how much time you spent conversing.
“Oops!” He giggled.
You found yourself easily charmed by the boy. He was very refreshing to hang out with.
He wasn’t like the other Slytherins who gave you the cold shoulder and looked at you sideways.
Exams were in a week and Lorenzo desperately needed your tutoring if he wanted to pass history of magic.
You both decided to increase the amount of tutoring you’d be doing per week in preparation.
It was the day before exams started and your last day of tutoring.
You made the plan to study in his dorm instead of the library as you found the latter to busy. Lorenzo made sure to kick out his roommates and clean up his area in preparation.
You met up in his dorm after class and wasted no time in taking out all of your notes and textbooks out.
“Ok, Lorenzo.” You said sternly. “No more funny business we need to focus.” You sat on his bed.
He sat in front of you, nodding in agreement, “I really need to pass this exam or my dad will kill me.” He said and got his own notes out.
“Alright. I’m going to quiz you on some stuff. Look over your notes and tell me when you’re ready.” You instructed as you organized a few papers.
Lorenzo nodded and began looking over his notes, desperately trying to not get distracted at the thought that you, a cute girl was in his dorm and sitting on his bed.
“Okay I think I’m ready.” He announces after a few minutes and put his notes to the side.
“Okay… question one..” you began.
You quizzed Lorenzo for the next half hour. He was truly trying his best. What motivated him the most was the praise you gave him after each right answer.
“Good job!” “Atta boy!” “You’re doing great!” “That’s right!”
Every single one gave him butterflies.
Eventually he managed to get all of them right.
“You got every single question right!” You exclaimed with a big grin, “ Well done! I’m sure you’re going to pass!”
“You really think?” He smiled shyly.
“Of course!” You said reassuringly.
You checked your watch, you had finished your quizzing just on time.
You began to pack up your stuff, ready to head back to your dorm to do some studying of your own.
“Thank you, for all of the tutoring.” Lorenzo thanked as he helped you.
“It’s no problem at all, you’re fun to tutor.” You admit shyly, “Good luck on your exam.” You bided him before leaving.
Lorenzo watched you leave, making a note to himself to ask you out on a date after exams..
Blaise Zabini
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You and Blaise got paired up for a project in potions once.
You both weren’t thrilled because you didn’t really get along.
At least you weren’t paired up with Seamus.
And in a way it worked out well for Blaise because he didn’t have to partner up with any of his idiot friends and have to do all of the work.
You did so well on the project together that Professor Slughorn decided to continue paring you guys up.
Hanging out with Blaise was now unavoidable.
Your interactions went from uninterested, cold and limited to being much more frequent and nicer.
Being much friendlier to each other also helped you work even better together.
“Hey, Zabini? How do you cut these roots again?” You asked quietly, glancing over at him.
“Oh you cut them in half and then..” he leaned over to help you.
You couldn’t help but be shy about the close proximity between you two.
He was close enough that you could smell his piney aftershave and his minty breath.
Not to mention his voice was so deep and smooth as he talked.
You snapped quickly out of it and focused back on what he was saying.
“Oh right. Thanks.” You thanked him and proceeded to cut the ingredient as he instructed.
“S’no prob.” He said, hesitating before leaving your side.
Since you were already doing so much work together, it was easier to just study together as well.
This resulted in you two spending more time together.
The library became you main hangout spot.
Away from his annoying friends who always burst into his dorm asking stupid questions just for the sake of bothering you two.
“Do you understand what question 8 means? I completely forgot what Professor Bins said about it.” Blaise asked, furrowing his brows with a sigh.
“Uh let me see..” you leaned over to read his parchment.
While you muttered the question to yourself, Blaise couldn’t help but stare at your focused face.
You looked cute, bitting your cheeks as you played with a strand of your curly hair. He could tell you had just washed it because you smelled strongly of lavender.
“Um I just wrote down this…” you sat up and grabbed your parchment.
You guys only considered yourselves acquaintances.
Yeah you found each other attractive.
You’re both attractive people after all and you were just acknowledging the obvious ok?
You two truly were oblivious idiots who couldn’t realize you had crushes on each other.
You were headed to what you thought would be another ordinary potions class.
You sat down beside Blaise and took out all your supplies, ready for whatever Professor Slughorn was going to make you guys brew.
After a bit of waiting, Slughorn began his lesson. “Today, we will be learning about Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?”
Hermione shot up her hand eager to answer.
“Yes, Miss Granger?” Slughorn picked her.
“It’s a love potion sir.” She answered
“Corrected, ten points for Griffindor!” Professor Slughorn grinned.
He went on about the lesson, talking about the potion’s history and the risk involved with brewing it and its results.
“Now that we’re done with the lesson, I invite you all to come up and smell this batch of Amortentia I brewed just for this class.” Slughorn said enthusiastically.
You watched as your classmates went up and smelled the potion.
It was amusing seeing how many answered with a stutter and returned to their seats with reddened cheeks.
Finally it was your turn and you had no idea what you would smell.
You leaned down to take a deep inhale of the potion and the overhwhelming sent of Pine and mint flooded your senses.
“And what do you smell Miss Potter?” Your Professor asked.
You hesitated before speaking, “Pine and mint sir.” You answered.
Then the realization hit you and your eyes grew wide.
You smelled Blaise.
You blushed in embarrassment and kept your head down as you walked back to your desk.
“Who did you smell?” Blaise asked you curiously.
Before you could give him a half assed answer you were interrupted.
“Mr Zabini! Your turn!” Professor Slughorn announced.
Blaise got up from his seat and approached the potion.
It took a few smells for him to realize what he was smelling wasn’t your scent lingering on him. The potion itself smelled like lavender.
The gears in his head began to turn and it all began to fit. He smelled your shampoo.
He felt his cheeks heat up a bit from embarrassment and he quickly glanced at you.
Class was going to be very interesting…
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pearlywritings · 7 months
'Mom' to his 'Dad'
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synopsis: just a collective bulleted drabble of all the thoughts I had about raising Yanqing together with Jing Yuan (yet somehow not being married (yet))
pairing: Jing Yuan x fem!reader
tw: fluff, domestic fluff, modern AU, CEO!Jing Yuan (because why not), dad!Jing Yuan, adopted son!Yanqing, from co-parenting to dating, from friends to lovers
word count: 1.8k+ words
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CEO!Jing Yuan who looks hella fine in any clothes, but especially good in gray and carmine red suits. Who absolutely hates wearing ties, but has zero complaint when you, after staying the night before, wrap one around his neck. He feels soft when you lecture him, but in the end say he looks good, smoothing the lapels of his jacket, making sure his appearance is intact before turning around and hurrying to check on Yanqing’s preparations for school.
CEO!Jing Yuan who is a great leader, a nice boss and obviously a great catch, but who also hasn’t shown any interest in any suitor who’s attempted to woo him in the last decade. And he is 33 already. There have been many gossips swirling in the company, most potent about you and him, rumored to be in a secret relationship and raising a kid together. Well… they are not wrong on the second part.
CEO!Jing Yuan who after the passing of his two friends took their eight-year old son under his wing. Who had never dealt with children, especially this young, but who was lucky enough to have you - a dear friend since university, now a coworker, understanding and compassionate enough to leave your house at 3am to drive all the way to his residence after just one frantic call.
CEO!Jing Yuan who will never forget that night - you, running into the house after he let you in, with hair still messy and clearly first clothes you dug from the closet thrown on you. You looked like a cute ruffled sparrow, which quickly transformed into a mother hen when he better explained his troubles about a little kid - now his adopted son - and how he couldn’t get him to fall asleep at the new place. You too didn’t know much about handling children, but you were willing to try and the white-haired man couldn’t ask for more. Both called off work the next day.
CEO!Jing Yuan who since then has a room in his house that belongs to you - over the years it got filled with your personal things, redesigned (twice!) to your tastes, and has been occupied over the years for almost half of each passing week.
CEO!Jing Yuan who adores Yanqing - the boy proved to be feisty, but at the same time he was very sweet and nice to have around. Jing Yuan didn’t think twice about adopting the little guy the moment he learnt of his friends’ passing, turning from a godfather to just a father. He, obviously, didn’t force Yanqing to call him dad, making up his mind that even if it never happens - it’s totally fine. Due to the age the boy could understand why his parents weren’t there and Jing Yuan was making all he could to give him a good life, a normal life. He was so lucky that you tugged along.
CEO!Jing Yuan who almost cried when Yanqing absentmindedly called him ‘dad’. The ten-year old didn’t even notice it, but to the man it meant the world. He spammed you with messages, all in caps and with weeping emojis, and felt his heart about to combust when you sent him a response full of excitement, congratulating him. And then messaged about how you wished to hear the boy call him dad the next time you were around. Damn, he wished so too.
CEO!Jing Yuan, who loves having you around. He melts when he returns to the living room after going to refill the snack bowl only to see Yanqing cuddled closely to you, staring at the screen with his head tucked under your chin. His lips tug into a wide smile when the boy asks you if you can be the one to get him from school tomorrow instead of Jing Yuan’s personal driver (and you always say ‘yes’, even if it means you’ll sacrifice your lunch break). A pleasant shiver runs down both his and the boy’s backs when you walk into Yanqing’s room to check on the two doing homework and gently scratch their heads. Jing Yuan loves the domestic life the two of you created.
CEO!Jing Yuan, who encouraged his son when a couple of years later he wondered if it’s okay if he started calling you ‘mom’. The man told him to approach you the next time you were staying over and ask your opinion on the matter. Which the boy did, shyly reaching out for your hand and when you gave it to him with a smile, dropped a bomb. Jing Yuan remembers the slight hesitation flashing in your eyes, how you lifted him and got him into your lap to be on the same eye level with him.
“Baby, are you sure?”
“Mhm. You’ve always been there. You raise me. And I really love you and want you to be my mom.”
“Even if I am not your father’s wife?”
“Maybe you should become her? But either way, yes.”
CEO!Jing Yuan who now can’t get the boy’s words out of his head. Yanqing is right - you’ve always been there. For them both. His, no, your son is thirteen now - meaning that for five years you’ve helped your friend raise the boy - you were not obligated to be there for his special events, you weren’t paid to take days off and sit with him when he was sick, no one asked you to kiss his forehead and tuck him into bed, there were no rules that said that you have to share his hobbies… Yet, you did. Always. And the man has always been very aware of that, but only his son’s words seem to open his eyes - both of you are his parents. Maybe it’s a shame you are not spouses.
CEO!Jing Yuan who feels kind of bad - you’ve spent 5 years of your life being a family to Yanqing and, admittedly, the man himself. You’ve given up searching for a partner, starting a family of your own just to make sure that the kid who has no relation to you grows healthy and happy. He can’t help but love and appreciate you.
CEO!Jing Yuan who finds out that you’ve been having similar thoughts about him after that conversation with your son. He really didn’t mean to overhear, he just wanted to drop by your office at the beginning of the break and offer to go get lunch together, only to stop at the mention of his name that passed through the door. Apparently, you sought advice from Yukong - the head of the logistics department, a fellow mother and one of the few who knew what your family dynamic was really like. You are concerned that you took the place that wasn’t meant to you - you worry that Yanqing got attached to you so strongly that should Jing Yuan start seeing someone, the boy would be too stubborn to accept.
CEO!Jing Yuan, whose heart skips a beat, when the teal-haired woman asks you, why you are not entertaining the possibility that you can be the one the man seeks a relationship with. The same heart drops into his stomach when you sigh and tell her of him never showing interest. Things seem platonic to you. Well, not to your coworkers, it appears.
CEO!Jing Yuan and you, who freeze in your seats, when at the end of the meeting a new secretary of the man asks if ‘Mrs Jing will also attend the event’ hosted by one of the company’s biggest clients. Confused, you look at your friend, who's equally stunned (but secretly, realizing what kind of mistake it is, fights back a tiny spark of delight). It turns out that the secretary thought the two of you were husband and wife and for that reason gave you the man’s last name. If it’s not the sign, then what is?
CEO!Jing Yuan who goes clothes shopping with you - because you both indeed are going to be at the event and the man insists the two of you buy something matching. When you ask why, he slyly smiles and promises that it’s his way of ‘showing interest’. At first you don’t get it. But when your cheeks heat up he knows the message is clear to you. You do call him a scoundrel and he heartily laughs at that, but you still reach out to his hand and he readily interlocks your fingers.
CEO!Jing Yuan who notices you getting flirtier, one time in particular not leaving his mind. He was comfortably sitting on the sofa, having everything he needed to push through the last bits of work he had decided to take home (‘everything’ being just his laptop and a mug of steaming tea). That’s when you approached him from the back, laying your palms on top of his shoulders, gently kneading the tense muscles, working a low appreciative grunt out of his throat.
“You look stressed,” fingers dug a little rougher into his flesh and the man groaned, shoulder flinching. Only for his whole body to go rigid when your voice fanned right against his ear, ”I know how to fix it.”
And then you innocently proposed to go to the gym together once he’d be done. Honestly? For a stunt like that Jing Yuan wanted to bite you.
CEO!Jing Yuan who does get his teeth onto you as you are trying to escape the trap of his arms after waking up from the cute cuddling session with Yanqing. Only for the boy to be gone upon your awakening (and you hear some shuffling in the kitchen) and a very hot man - your friend? boss?? unofficial-but-everyone-thinks-you-are-together lover??? - pressing your back into his chest with arms firmly circling your waist. When you attempt to move away, he suddenly surges forward and clamps his mouth onto the exposed juncture between your neck and shoulder. And nibbles.
“Jing Yuan!”
“Hufshf,” he mumbles into your skin, before releasing it and burying his face into your neck. “Don’t shout, you’ll alert Yanqing, and I want some more time with you.”
“Why?” He muses, and you feel a smile pressed to the back of your neck. “Because I think we’d make great as a couple.”
CEO!Jing Yuan who comes to an agreement with you that for the longest time it felt like the two of you were indeed a married couple. You share a place, you do most domestic things together, you go to places together, you raise a son together. And together you come to a conclusion that courting is due.
CEO!Jing Yuan who absolutely shares Yanqing’s sweet anticipation for when you will be able to legally adopt him. Which means - marrying his father (just let this man put a ring on your finger already).
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forestmossling · 2 months
as is pretty obvious, the rockstar! eddie has not yet left the premises of my brain and will be staying there indefinitely so here’s a little something.
no upside down au, 2010s, eddie doesn’t know anyone from the party, but dustin finds out about this rockstar who writes songs about his dnd campaigns and makes tolkien references, but his music is also raw and haunting, so obviously he’s obsessed. he bothers steve about him until steve forfeits and buys them both tickets for the show in indianapolis. steve’s deaf and he hasn’t been to a concert from the point at which he lost his hearing, because he just feels weird and out of place even thinking about going to something that is so hearing-centered. he enjoys cranking up the music in his car or while he’s listening to it at home, but going to a concert always felt like taking a place from somebody who can enjoy the experience fully. robin told him it’s bullshit and tried to drag him to some venues before, but he never agreed. but well- he doesn’t trust dustin alone in a crowded venue, because he’s excitable and reckless (even though dustin’s “literally 18, god, steve, do you even fucking hear yourself-“) so he feels better going on a concert while actually fulfilling some important role.
they go, and dustin is ecstatic. steve is flabbergasted, because he didn’t expect to gain anything from this except peace of mind for dustin’s safety, but when the first song starts to play, it reverberates through his whole body. it’s not the same as the concerts he went to with his hearing still mostly intact, but he can hear the lower pitches, he can feel the beat thrumming through him, and he finds himself headbanging along with dustin by the end of the show. but because he generally just turned away when dustin was rambling about the ingenuity of the lyrics, dustin ends up spending half the concert scrambling to sign along with the lyrics as much as he can, at least on his favorite parts, because he can’t just let steve not experience the sheer “wholesomeness and coolness” of what’s going on. on some songs he just outright refuses to sign to steve, blushing, and when steve teases and prods dustin angrily admits that he’s “not going to translate to you exactly the way he wants to fuck a pretty boy”. steve laughs, but finds himself blushing too. because the frontman is scorching hot, and maybe steve wouldn’t mind finding out exactly the way he wants to fuck a pretty boy (but definitely not from dustin).
so even though his head started hurting by the end of the night from all the flashing lights on stage, even though he’s sweaty and gross and dustin is jumping around like an overexcited puppy, his hands flashing in rapid-fire speech steve doesn’t have the mental capacity to process at the moment, he finds that he enjoyed himself. that he, dare he say, would not mind going again. dustin goes ballistic at the admission and says that it’s only fair if steve takes him to another cc concert considering that dustin was too busy translating half the show too properly appreciate his first cc concert, which wouldn’t be necessary if steve “bothered to listen to him from time to time”.
afterwards, dustin posts a picture of both of them on twitter, sweaty and exhausted after the show, but both smiling wide with a caption: “took my lame brother to the cc concert yesterday!! he said “i could actually hear something, holy shit. just how loud are these guys? also, would like to know what the fuck the hot guy’s singing in the horny songs, but dustin refused to sign” which, obv i did because my brother is disgusting and i hate him actually. but now he owes me another concert because i spent most of the first one translating, so we’ll see you in *insert the nearest next city*, @corrodedcoffin-official!! thanks for the great show!!”
and eddie comes across the post purely by chance and immediately bluescreens at the sight of a preppy guy in a bright polo with exquisite fucking hair, thank you very much, hugging his toothily smiling little brother in a cc t-shirt. he never considered the issues the Deaf people can face coming to their shows before, and well, if the man wants to know exactly what eddie likes to do to pretty boys like him, it would be a shame to deny him. so he talks to the band, and they hire a sign language interpreter for the next show (and not just because eddie’s horny, okay?? he genuinely wants to let as much people as possible fully enjoy their music, fuck off, gareth-)
and when dustin and steve come to the next show and see an interpreter standing by the stage, they both fucking lose it. when dustin saw a like on his post from the official corroded coffin page, he obviously screamed bloody murder and told everyone who would (and wouldn’t) listen about it, steve just felt awkward about the hot frontman knowing the dumb shit he said, but neither of them expected anything to come of it. and now, seeing the interpreter near the stage, finally finding out the stories the group tells through their music, steve can’t help feeling mesmerized by the scene. and he doesn’t tear up about finally feeling included after being dismissed and told to deal with his shit on his own for so long, of course not.
and then, during the gap between the songs, eddie points to the interpreter: “i would like to say special thanks to amazing *insert name*, who agreed to translate our shitty music in asl so nobody could escape us. i hope dustin and his insanely hot brother can both enjoy the show properly now” he grins at the cheering audience, and steve feels himself flushing bright red all over. he can see the moment the frontman’s eyes find him in the crowd, and the guy has the gall to wink at him. dustin has ascended the mortal plane at that point and just screams incoherently while shaking steve by the arm. “and all the other deaf and hoh folks in attendance tonight, thank you for coming!” he continues smoothly, and the band slides into another song. steve just keeps staring at the stage, uncomprehending. he can vaguely recognize the slower and deeper track as one of those dustin refused to translate to him. and now, actually seeing the lyrics, he can understand why. he flushes again. it feels like his brain starts spinning in circles in his head from how hard he tries to keep his eyes on the interpreter and the frontman at the same time (the shit this munson guy does to the microphone stand with his hips has got to be illegal in at least several states). during the bridge munson finds his eyes in the crowd and obscenely licks his lips. steve dies on the spot. he can feel dustin hitting him on the arm, signing something about the way he “can’t believe your gross jock powers have worked on eddie munson” that steve barely sees from the corner of his eyes, but he can’t find it in himself to care.
and then steddie somehow meet face to face and make out, idk. the end! *jazz hands*
i’m NOT D/deaf or hoh!! if i said something dumb or inaccurate, please tell me!
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