#also your watching experience depends on what pov you has watched soooo
mooneith · 1 year
Unpopular opinion but I don't love these ranking life series thingies. I love each season so incredibly much. Every season is special and different from others. I can't see say something like "this is cooler than that because blah blah blah". I love every season the way they are. I appreciate every cc that took part in them. I just really like to watch friends having fun yk?
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Hi :3 ✩ for Madara/Kakashi or maybe Sakumo/Orochimaru if You like that one :) Have a nice day! You're awesome!
Aww thank you!!! You’re too sweet!
I am contractually obliged to do this for MadaKaka lol. I don’t actually really ship Orochimaru with anyone, and Sakumo I didn’t ship with anyone until @sloaners started posting all that Kaguya/Sakumo stuff that I never knew I needed lol. But anyways, on to the answers!
This is going under a cut because it’s long af like jesus christ.
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Madara, 100% the man barely has an inside voice as it is.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Madara did, only once.  Kakashi thought he was serious and it was a whole Thing™.  He has since stopped saying things like “why am I with you?” and “what did i do to deserve falling in love with someone as terrible as you?” because he realised Kakashi took that waaaayyy too seriously.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Kakashi.  Not because of their disagreement, but because he honestly thinks Madara is better off without him.  Madara has had to chase the bastard down more than once to convince him that there’s no one else Madara could ever want.
Who trashes the house?
Madara, definitely.  He’s a table flipper when really angry.  Kakashi will let his ninken chew Madara’s sandals if Madara is being an asshole (because he’s passive aggressive like that).  Madara’s belongings might go missing, or end up in strange places as well.
Do either of them get physical?
I mean, they’re ninja, so yeah, totally.  But not in a domestic abuse sort of way.  Just, they start arguing and then it turns into sparring, which later turns into sparring, if you know what I mean….
How often do they argue/disagree?
about petty things?  All the time.  More because Kakashi likes to make Madara angry, and because Madara is kind of tsundere, so it’s just so easy for almost anything to get him mad.  But when it comes to serious matters, they’re both surprisingly good at talking that kind of stuff out.  Mostly because they both look at their problems from a strategic POV, and can separate their emotions from what’s going on.
Who is the first to apologise?
Depends on who’s in the wrong, and if feelings were hurt.  Typically, that means Madara, since Kakashi doesn’t really get angry.  Kakashi’s way of dealing with an argument is to disappear, so that means it’s typically up to Madara to hunt Kakashi down and bring him back home.  Even when Kakashi is mad, instead of banishing Madara to the couch, he’d probably go sleep in a tree somewhere (or hang out with Hashi/Tobi or Tenzou, depending on the era he’s at).
Who is on top?
depends. Kakashi is less likely to care either way, but they’re both good with either position.  It depends more on who initiates, and the mood they’re in.
Who is on the bottom?
…this is essentially the same question.  Also depends.  
Who has the strangest desires?
like, kinks?  Idk they’re ninja they both get up to strange things, but nothing I’d consider too weird (tho like, I don’t really know how to measure what other people would find weird…)
Any kinks?
oh yeah.  Orgasm denial followed by over stimulation.  Maybe a bit of exhibitionism.  Kakashi likes to watch (and Madara realises he does too, when there’s a Kakashi!bunshin in play…).  Kakashi has a praise kink (tho he’d never admit to it) but luckily Madara’s dirty talk mostly consists of praise so it works.  Kakashi probably also likes to be degraded, but Madara does not want to degrade him, so that doesn’t happen.  Madara has a clothing kink too, and it’s all Kakashi’s fault.
Who’s dominant in bed?
depends!!! They’re more a ‘bring sparring to the bedroom’ couple; Kakashi likes to tease, and Madara feels like he needs to get the upper hand.  But once they trust each other more, they might be willing to indulge the other and submit a bit.
Is head ever in the equation?
oh yeah
If so, who is better at performing it?
that’s hard to say (no pun intended lol).  They have very different techniques.  Madara takes it as a matter of pride to see how fast and how hard he can make Kakashi come (and how loud he can make Kakashi scream).  Kakashi is a tease and will stay down there until Madara can’t take it anymore.
Ever had sex in public?
…define public lol.  In public spaces, sure.  Outside?  Definitely.  In view of someone else?  Nope, never, not allowed.
Who moans the most?
depends on what’s going down!  Madara is typically louder tho.
Who leaves the most marks?
Madara 100% no question.  He likes to know that under all the clothing Kakashi wears, he’s covered in love bites.  Tho Kakashi leaves his fair share (those high collar shirts are not just fashionable lol).
Who screams the loudest?
9/10 Madara (it takes a special something to make Kakashi loud).
Who is the more experienced of the two?
I like to hc Kakashi as a virgin before he gets into a relationship, so Madara, but only just barely (and that’s because I seem him as the kind of guy who would have been to a pleasure house or two…)
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
both.  definitely both.  both is good.
Rough or soft?
both again!  More often rough, at least at first.  Can be soft and lazy and loving tho, depending on how things are initiated.
How long do they usually last?
DEPENDS!  Both are busy, so lots of quickies.  But if they have the time to spare they can go for a looooong time.
Is protection used?
no, but that’s because they’re exclusive and clean and neither can get pregnant but if even one of those does not apply to you, use a condom goddamn it!!!! #safesex
Does it ever get boring?
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
mmmm, probably on the Hokage monument lol.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
if this is taking place back when Madara is clan head, then yeah he needs to have kids.  If it’s in Kakashi’s time Madara might be pressured by the Elders to make more Crazy Eye Babies, but he prob won’t want to.  Kakashi is prob pressured into having kids by the council as well.  Tbh it’s a ninja village they’re all probs pressured into having kids but Madara and Kakashi especially.  Kakashi doesn’t really want kids, they’re a lot of trouble.  But if he somehow ended up with kids I think he’d enjoy being the biggest Troll Dad ever, of all time.
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
I can see Madara wanting to have like four or five, just because he had so many siblings and he would want his kids to have that experience.  Kakashi wants only one, but then that one grows up a bit and he wants another, and then the second gets a little older and he wants another…
Who is the favorite parent?
Neither.  Madara is strict and Kakashi is soooo embarrassing omg he’s the worst.  Kakashi has his ninken help out with babysitting.  The kids prefer the ninken.
Who is the authoritative parent?
Madara is more likely to talk about the rules and give long winded lectures, but Kakashi will not let his kids get away with anything (tho he sees it more as training.  If you can trick me then you can get away with it sort of deal).
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Kakashi, definitely.  If the kids have a day off, Madara makes them train lol.  There are no breaks when your father is Uchiha Madara.
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Kakashi for sure, but only if they’ve had one healthy meal already.  No all day junk.  Madara thinks sweets make you weak, but he also can’t cook, so when he’s in charge of dinner it’s like, sliced veggies, sandwiches, or takeout (with sliced veggies lol).  Maybe cold leftovers, unless one of the kids is better at using the stove than Madara lol.
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
both are pretty busy, but they both put aside time to train with the kids, and to do fun things
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
Madara needs to go and always ends up frightening the teachers.  Kakashi will pretend he isn’t listening just to make the teacher mad.  Teachers hate them.
Who changes the diapers?
both, tho Kakashi will try to get out of it by saying his nose is too sensitive.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
Kakashi.  He’s already up from nightmares, it’s soothing to see the baby.
Who spends the most time with the children?
depends.  If this is a Founders!AU then probably Kakashi since he’s less busy.  If this is in Kakashi’s time when he’s Hokage, then Madara since he’s less busy.  Tho I can see them both taking their kids to work.
Who packs their lunch boxes?
both.  They are very healthy lunches either way.  Kakashi will have to cook, but Madara is pretty good at making/arranging pretty bentos.  He’s good with a knife.  He makes the cutest food (but never mention it unless you’re his child he will show you just what he can do with a kunai).
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
Kakashi hands the kids Icha Icha when they’re like, fourteen, and calls it a day.  Madara confiscates the books and gives the world’s most uncomfortable and confusing explanation of the birds and the bees.  Gods help everyone in the family if they have daughters.  Someone save the children!
Who cleans up after the kids?
Madara is the dad that will stand next to a mess and start yelling through the house until the person responsible comes by and cleans it up.  If none of the kids take responsibility, then they all have to clean it up.  Kakashi will tidy up almost unthinkingly, but the kids will get in trouble for it later.  Unless they’re really young and like, can’t, in which case both clean up messes when they see them.  They’re both neat freaks.
Who worries the most?
Madara expresses his worry the most, but Kakashi gets anxiety as soon as he can’t see his kids.  Sometimes he gets anxious if he can’t easily reach out to grab them immediately.  He hides it really well tho, and can come off as cold.
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Izuna. Or Naruto, if in Kakashi’s time.  Neither Madara or Kakashi really swear, but if I had to choose one, probably Madara after burning dinner lol.
Who likes to cuddle?
both, tho neither will admit it.  Lots of standing really close to each other haha
Who is the little spoon?
Neither.  They don’t spoon.  Usually they’ll sleep face to face, tangled up in each other’s limbs, or pressed back to back if they don’t feel safe where they’re sleeping.  Spooning only happens if they were having sex in that position, but it doesn’t last.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Kakashi.  Such a tease.  Will usually initiate just to see Madara go red.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
Neither.  They both have great self control.  If there’s touching going on, it’s very purposeful lol.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Neither is good at just sitting and cuddling.  Unless you count leaning back to back as cuddles, in which case they’re good at that… after a while.  They can both fall asleep while holding each other too.
Who gives the most kisses?
they’re not casual kissers.  Kakashi might peck Madara on the cheek if he’s being a tease and wants to see Madara go red.  Madara is more likely to start a make-out sess tho.  Madara also likes to kiss during sex.  Something about Kakashi’s lips always being covered… Madara is a perv who has a clothing kink
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Kakashi likes to bother Madara until he gets angry.  Madara says he hates it but he loves the attention (since Kakashi is so stingy with it).  They both have problems, obviously.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
bed.  Almost all cuddles happen in bed or post sex (which could be anywhere but like, bed is where most of the cuddles happen).
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?
Kakashi for sure.  Madara will try to retaliate but he gets more flustered by touching Kakashi than Kakashi gets by being touched haha.
How often do they get time to themselves?
both are pretty busy, but they often work together or in the same room.
Who snores?
neither, they’re both elite ninja and if they ever did snore, it’s been trained out of them
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
they share a bed, no doubt lol
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
they’re touching, either front to front or back to back
Who talks in their sleep?
What do they wear to bed?
nothing no that’s a lie they’re paranoid and always prepared for anything, so Kakashi is wearing his jounin pants and the tight undershirt plus mask.  Madara is more likely to sleep in a yukata.  Both have weapons on them at all times.
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
mmmm, Kakashi wakes up a lot from nightmares.  Both have been trained to sleep even in terrible conditions tho so they can force their bodies to sleep.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
no way in hell these paranoid bastards are going to use sleeping pills
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Who wakes up with bed hair?
BOTH!!!! So much bedhead in this relationship.
Who wakes up first?
Kakashi will wake up from nightmares but will fall back asleep.  Madara usually wakes up earlier in the morning tho.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Madara would but he can barely cook.  Maybe he’ll bring some sliced fruit/yogurt/cereal/something that doesn’t require heat lol.  Kakashi is better at making breakfast but would never do something so obviously affectionate like bring Madara breakfast in bed (it’s so much more fun to do other things in bed…)
What is their favourite sleeping position?
front to front or back to back
Who hogs the sheets?
Kakashi will just to be a brat.  Madara will retaliate by stealing them back.  If they both end up tangled in the sheets and each other, well, I guess they’ll just have to sleep like that.
Do they set an alarm each night?
no need they wake up when they need to
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
nope.  If it’s the past then they don’t exist, and even in the future neither really watch tv.
Who has nightmares?
Kakashi more often but Madara does too.
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Madara will occasionally have a weird dream, but it’s rare for him to remember his dreams at all.  If Kakashi is not having a nightmare then his dreams are hilarious.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Kakashi will, just to be an asshole, but he actually takes up just enough space for his body to fit.  Kakashi will take up more space in the beginning of the relationship to force Madara to cuddle him or fall off the bed lol.
Who makes the bed?
both, usually whoever leaves the bed last.  
What time is bed time?
whenever they can be dragged away from work
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Kakashi reads.  Madara actually brushes his hair.  I know, I didn’t believe it either.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Madara is always grumpier than Kakashi, but not any more grumpy in the morning than he is at any other time, does that count?
Who is the busiest?
depends! Past!Madara and Hokage!Kakashi
Who rakes in the highest income?
see above.
Are any of your muses unemployed?
Future!Madara might be
Who takes the most sick days?
Neither, tho Kakashi plays hookie a lot.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Kakashi of course
Who sucks up to their boss?
What are their jobs?
ninja, obvi
Who stresses the most?
Madara tho he won’t admit to it.  He just gets increasingly irritable.
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Are your muses financially stable?
they’re rich, bitch!
Who does the washing?
they do their own washing
Who takes out the trash?
whoever sees it’s full
Who does the ironing?
idk if their clothing is ever ironed but if necessary they do their own
Who does the cooking?
Madara could burn air, so that means it’s up to Kakashi, or takeout
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Madara has exploded the kitchen multiple times
Who is messier?
they’re both neat freaks
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Who is the prankster around the house?
100% Kakashi, Madara doesn’t know how to prank, he’s just mean.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
neither tho if anything is “lost” it’s because Kakashi took it when Madara wasn’t looking
Who mows the lawn?
whoever is less busy
Who answers the telephone?
Madara, so long as he’s not working (and there are phones to be answered lol).  Kakashi will avoid all human contact if possible.  If you want to get a message to Kakashi, send an animal.
Who does the vacuuming?
Who does the groceries?
Kakashi, mostly because he cooks so he knows what they need.  Madara will buy things if he wants Kakashi to make him something in particular.
Who takes the longest to shower?
Madara, is this even a question??? Have you seen that hair?  Probably takes half an hour just to condition that b.  He can shower really fast if he needs to tho.  Ninja magic and all that.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Madara, if he’s trying to tame his hair.  Or impress Kakashi.  Otherwise they’re both pretty fast.  
Is money a problem?
they’re rich, bitch.
How many cars do they own?
none because there ain’t no ninja cars
Do they own their home or do they rent?
In the past, Madara owns the clan house.  In the future, Kakashi ends up in the Hokage mansion which technically the village owns.  They eventually buy a house together when his tenure is over.
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
they live in the village hidden in the leaves so… wherever that is.
Do they live in the city or in the country?
see above lol
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
both love the village, tho in the future, being there is bittersweet for Madara
What’s their song?
I don’t think I can choose one for them since they exist in a world where none of the music i listen to exists lol
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
if it’s for a mission or something, they both pine and pout and are typically grumpier/moodier/broodier. If it’s just by choice they’re both fine with alone time (they both need it tbh let’s be real) 
Where did they first meet?
on the battlefield (regardless of the time lol)
How did they first meet?
on opposite sides of a war (regardless of the time lol)
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Kakashi is pretty frugal.  Madara likes nice things but won’t splurge (unless he’s showing off in which case he can go a little ham with his money).
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Madara is not afraid to show some skin.  Kakashi is covered head to toe but he knows that taking off even just one (1) glove is enough to get Madara sweating.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Kakashi is a little shit.
Any mental issues?
ohhhhh yeah.   Entire lifetimes full.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
neither (tho Kakashi has probably gotten fleas a few times lbr)
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Their favourite place?
Kakashi has his hidey-holes.  Madara likes to be where Kakashi is.
Who pays the bills?
Do they have any fears for their future?
they fear the other’s death
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Madara will try.  If the food is edible, it’s takeout.
Who uses up all of the hot water?
Madara showers longer, but Kakashi will drain the hot water just to get on Madara’s nerves if Kakashi is upset with him.
Who’s the tallest?
Kakashi is 181 cm (so 5′11.25″) and Madara is like 179 cm (5′10.5′’) so Kakashi.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Kakashi.  Esp if Madara is taking a while.
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Madara for sure.  You can bet he’s trying to show off, or grab Kakashi’s attention (it’s working, but Kakashi has an amazing poker face/is great at hiding behind Icha Icha.)
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
neither sings
What do they tease each other about?
Kakashi will tease Madara about anything.  Madara is terrible at teasing (it comes across as threatening lol).  If Madara ever finds out how embarrassed Kakashi gets while reading Icha Icha out loud tho… RIP Kakashi.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
neither, they both dress very professionally (and blandly tbh)
Do they have mutual friends?
HASHIRAMAAAAA lol.  That’s it tho that’s Madara’s only friend aside from his brother (and Izuna kinda sorta hates Kakashi for being an “eye thief,” tho they get closer later.  Still not really friends tho).
Who crushed first?
Madara for sure, though it took him a while to realise it.  Kakashi took forever.  Like literally ages.  Poor Madara…
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Kakashi, esp if he was out with Gai.  Madara if he was out with Hashirama.  Tho if it’s the two of them out together they’re probably both drunk.
Who swears the most?
neither really swears, but Madara will if he’s really frustrated.
Goddamn, that took waaaayyyyy longer than I thought it would lol!  This felt like a marathon.  It was fun tho!
Send me ✩ and a ship
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pageturnersblog · 4 years
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We are excited to be one of today’s stops on The Summer Set by Aimee Agresti Blog Tour.  Thanks to  Graydon House Books for the review copy and including us on this tour.
The Summer Set is a fun “beach” read. It reminds me a lot of the rom-com movies of the recent past like Leap Year and When in Rome. Charlie, our dashing staring lady, has a storied past and as you read on, is just fun, someone you’d want to call your best friend. She’s obviously a little broken, and has some things to work on, but her journey is one I’m along for the ride on. 
The story follows her to a summer theatre festival where she performed at early in her career, and it’s now run by her ex, Nick, who directed her breakout theatre performance at this very festival and later, movie. She is part of the professional company doing three Shakespeare plays throughout the summer. The professional company is also joined by some younger apprentices, learning the different crafts of theatre.  I love that two of the apprentices also get POV moments in the story, mirroring Nick and Charlie. This what a little confusing to follow at first (probably because of the eARC formatting), but once I really got into the story, it was fun to see the big moments from the point of view of our younger, soon to be stars. 
Also, if you are wondering why Aimee’s name sounds so familiar to YA readers, her first book was ILLUMINATE, the first book in the Gilded Wings Trilogy.
Thank you Graydon House Books for the provide author Q&A with Aimee. 
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Q: Please give your elevator pitch for The Summer Set.
A: Gladly! THE SUMMER SET is a romp about a former Hollywood It Girl—Charlie Savoy—who flamed out, left the film world and now is almost 40 and back at the summer Shakespeare theater where she got her start as a teen….and where her ex is the artistic director. Drama and hijinks ensue! But it’s really a universal story about old flames, old friends, old rivals and second acts: having the courage to shake up your life!
Q: Which came first: the characters or plot line?
A: They sort of arrived together! This idea has been with me for a long time: I always had Charlie, my main character, and this sense of wanting her to be embarking on a “second act.” I wanted to tell the story of a bold, wild child kind of star who flamed out early and had to start over and figure out what she truly wanted. I always knew this character would be the type who seemed confident to anyone watching but was actually much more vulnerable deep down. Someone who’s acting as much offstage as onstage!
Q: Why do you love Charlie and why should readers root for her?
A: I really loved writing this character: she’s impulsive and aggressive and tough and uncontrollable. But all of her bravado is covering up how out of place she feels, how nervous she is to be back in the theater world after feeling like she failed in her film career. Anyone who has ever tried to act like they had it all together while actually being unsure on the inside (which I think is all of us, right?!) will understand Charlie and feel she’s a kindred spirit.
Q: We can see from your bio that you have written extensively about entertainment topics. Have you ever been involved in theatre yourself? If so, in which capacities? If not, what fascinates you about the theatre world?
A: As anyone who saw me as Miss Jones in Sherwood High School’s 1994 production of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying would know: I am that drama geek who loves theater as much as humanly possible while having no actual talent. ;)  I was lucky enough to grow up in a small town with a fantastic theater—the Olney Theatre in Olney, MD—and I volunteered there (offstage!) all through high school. It was an amazing place because the actors were incredible, they were New York-based, and they would come and actually live together at a residence on the theater property. I’ve always had an overactive imagination so I remember wondering what went on there: which ones were friends, which ones weren’t, was anyone hooking up?! I was fascinated. That experience hanging around there definitely sowed the very early seeds of this novel!
Q: Obviously you've interacted with many celebrities. Who were the most fascinating to talk to? 
A: Oooh, there were so many fun ones: George Clooney is my all-time favorite (he’s EVERYONE’S favorite!) because he’s just a supernice guy and is that type who seems to always be having a great time. Some more of my favorites who also had that same warm spirit and were so much fun to chat with: Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Hugh Jackman, Hugh Grant, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the list goes on!
 Q: If you could star in a movie or Broadway show, which one would you choose and why?
A: HA! OMG, I love this question! Since THE SUMMER SET is set at a summer theater, I’ll choose Broadway! Wow, there are just. So. Many! I would love to be Angelica in Hamilton and Mimi in Rent and Roxie in Chicago! I assure you I would be absolutely TERRIBLE in all of these roles but it would be tons of fun!
Q: What was your last 5 star read?
A: I just re-read a favorite--THE LOST VINTAGE by the wonderful Ann Mah! It’s an absolute gem of a novel about love, secrets and drama in French wine country. Beautiful writing, fantastic storytelling and it also satisfies the wanderlust we’re all feeling these days.
Q: What is one thing about publishing you wish someone would have told you?
A: Oh wow, I feel like even five books in, I’m still learning! But I think one thing I never would’ve expected before I published my first novel is that every time a book comes out you feel that HUGE excitement but also that little rush of nerves, like: “OMG this thing that, for years, only lived in my head and on my laptop is now out there!!! Aaaah!” Or maybe that’s just me? ;)
Q: What inspired you to become a writer?
A: A love of reading! My mom is a librarian so I grew up reading everything in sight and I’ve just always loved escaping into books. I went to journalism school and worked in magazines, which I absolutely adored, but I always dreamed of writing novels, so I feel incredibly lucky to get to do this!
Q: What was your journey to get your first book published?
A: Great question! My first novel was ILLUMINATE, the first of my YA Gilded Wings Trilogy. I tend to write the book I most want to read at any given time and I got lucky that when I was in the mood for YA, so were a lot of other people, so that worked out! But I actually wrote another book BEFORE that one—it was a totally different vibe and not YA--that just didn’t hit things right, for whatever reason. I always say that publishing--the fiction world especially--is like falling in love and you need the right person to read the right manuscript on the right day and have the right connection to it in order to get published. I feel very lucky every time a book gets published!
Q: Let’s talk about your writing, what is your writing process like? Do you follow an outline or do you just see where the story leads you? 
A: I’m a major outliner! I need to have everything mapped out. I need to know this journey has a destination. I admire writers who can let things unfold as they go—how freeing that must be!—but I’m a planner, it gives me comfort. Although, there are plenty of twists that only present themselves when you’re in the middle of writing so I do always let myself deviate from my outline too, great stuff comes out of that!
Q: Do you share your work along the way or wait until it is complete to have others read?
A: My sister is my beta reader and she is amazing! Sometimes I’ll give her the book as I’m writing it, as I did with THE SUMMER SET, and other times I’ll wait until it’s all finished (like with my previous novel, CAMPAIGN WIDOWS), it mostly depends on how tight the deadline is! She’s incredible and I’m so grateful for her close eye and the time she spends doing this for me. Since she enjoys the same books/films/stories/genres as I do, I know that if there’s something in my novel that isn’t working for her then it’s not going to work for any reader! She’s the best! If you’re reading this: Hi, sis!
Q: What inspired you to write The Summer Set? 
A: I’ve always loved the film/TV/theater/music universe. I started out writing for entertainment magazines—Us Weekly, Premiere—and those jobs were incredible and offered me this amazing glimpse into that celebrity world with all of its ups and downs and drama and excitement. I’m an arts girl so I think there’s something magical about the way a great show, whether on stage or screen, can transport you or connect with you or seem to understand you. And I think the people who are able to bring those stories to life are fascinating!
Q: What projects are you currently working on?
A: I’m (slooooowly) at work on the next novel! It’s in those early stages but it’s an idea I’ve had for a long time so I’m excited! Wish me luck!! 
Q: What’s your favorite genre? 
A: Oooh, that’s tough! I actually will read anything and everything! For me, it just depends on the story. I’m always on board for great writing and the kind of storytelling that keeps me hooked and turning pages!
Q: Who is your favorite author? 
A: I could never choose just one! I grew up on the classics (Austen, the Brontes, Hemingway, Salinger, on and on!) and I adore them so much and revisit them often like checking in on old friends! As for contemporary authors, I love Tom Perrotta, Nick Hornby, Emma Straub, Dave Eggers, Elizabeth Gilbert, to name a few! There are so many that I love and admire!
Q: What are your top 3 favorite books of all time
A: Oh man, this is REALLY tough because there are just soooo many. But I’ll go with these:  
--Pride and Prejudice: I could read this every day! I’m completely Jane Austen-obsessed so I actually feel that way about all of her books. Even now, I’m thinking: should I choose Emma?! Or Persuasion?! How do you choose?!
--The Catcher in the Rye: I love everything Salinger. But Holden Caulfield was my first literary crush!
--A Moveable Feast: I also love everything Hemingway but I’ll go with this one because I’m pretty sure I belong in Paris in the ‘20s. (Aside from my very bad French.)
Q: How do you decide what kind of journey you want your characters to go on?
A: That’s a fantastic, huge question! Those first flashes I always have of a novel are of the main character in some sort of inner turmoil. So I tend to know the reason I’m going to be telling their story in the first place, but figuring out how to show it all and get from point A to B to C, takes a lot of mapping out!
Q: Would you ever write YA fantasy novels again?
A: I love this question! Absolutely, if the right story sparked! I had so much fun writing the Gilded Wings Trilogy, I miss those characters and still think of them and what adventures they might still be having! And I do miss writing magic and superpowers, it was always exciting to get to dream up those elements. So, you never know, I might just have to get back to that! ;)
Author: Aimee Agresti
Publication Date: May 12, 2020
Publisher: Graydon House Books
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