#also your s6 au fic is coming i promise sadkksadkas
♥️ Dfjfk god it took me forever to hit the right emoji —Louise
louiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. my bear-loving, cheese-loving, jack-and-martha-and-ianto-and-orr-and-tyler-loving spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have told you this before, but when i think of the torchwood fandom and my first introduction to the torchwood fandom, i always think of you. i read the fuck outta your fics when i first watched torchwood and the early months of 2020 when you were posting right behind you’s first part first amazing because well, right behind you is amazing and so are you. and well, let’s just say i think back on those louise-fic-india memories fondly. (i still owe you a tour of delhi if i remember correctly.) thank you for answering my numerous questions about linguistics and grammar and being a lovely human being who knocks me on the head and reminds me that i actually have anxiety when i have doubts. honestly, when i think of you and ru and remi and vi, i’m just filled with warm fuzzy happiness because i adore our queer neurodivergent nunbinary gang so much. i love youuuuuuuuuuu and one day i’ll get to pet gwenny and peel clementines for you and with you and hopefully taste the famous mac and cheese and culvers. you make be aspire to be a more wordly food person, if that makes any sense. ily!!!!!
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