#also you only get one angle cuz someone's face melted
the-white-snake · 4 days
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watching the sunrise in paradise
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daisymydaisy · 3 years
Elain seer predictions
(This post will include all the visions elain had in acowar)
Idk a lot about seer abilities but based on what we saw of elain’s powers, it shows that:
They’re able to see the future: “Twin ravens are coming, one white and one black.”
They’re able to see the unknown (something that already happened): “I saw a box of black stone. I saw a feather of fire land on snow and melt it.”
All the visions elain talked about might help predict next book’s plot (or just small mentions that might take place)
I will add some of my thoughts with each vision (my thoughts are not always right cuz apparently some people don’t get it)
Vision 1: The sea & heartbeats
“I can see so very far now. All the way to the sea.”
“I can hear your heartbeat—if I listen carefully. I can hear her heartbeat, too.”
Now elain said this while looking at the “sea beyond Sidra” so you might think she’s just trying her fae abilities but feyre knew that was not the case in the next line:
“I can hear the sea. Even at night. Even in my dreams. The crashing sea—and the screams of a bird made of fire.”
“Will I hear the earthworms writhing through the soil? Or the stretching of roots? Will the bird of fire come to sit in the trees and watch me?”
We all thought she went mad but well..it was just her seer abilities and that led the IC to find vassa.
Now with elain having visions about vassa and hearing her heartbeats...are they connected somehow? Because yes vassa helped in the war but I don’t think that was the only reason for the visions.
Vision 2: Through the stone
The very uncomfortable conversation between Lucien and elain led to some visions about a possible journey
While reading the quotes below i want you to notice how when elain is facing Lucien, she talks normally about things that already happened, like how he betrayed them, or how she remembers him from feyre’s stories (in case anyone wants to read it: it’s acowar chapter 24 may god be with you)
But when she faces the windows again she starts talking about all the stuff that doesn’t make sense.
“She looked away—toward the windows. “I can hear your heart,” she said quietly.”
“When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?”
I don’t think she was talking to lucien, especially since in the previous chapters she was talking about heatbeats.
Some elucien stans use the quotes above to support their ship, but knowing that previously elain heard vassa’s heartbeat....plus even lucien doubted elain was addressing him:
“He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.”
She just stared somewhere far through the window and mentioned how she could hear heartbeats through the stone, which reminds me of ACOSF when nesta was in the prison:
“She stared into the darkness above. “I think they used it to … to trap their enemies and their enemies’ children into the stone itself.”
Again she isn’t trying her new fae abilities, she saw something no one can, and we now know that some people are trapped in stone (honestly i was waiting for nesta to free them but i guess sjm is saving it for later)
Vision 3: He saw me
“No one ever does. No one ever looked—not really.” A bramble of words. Her voice strained to a whisper. “He did. He saw me. He will not now.”
Whenever i read this I’m like elain, honey—you mean to tell me the man who rejected you? the man who didn’t accept your new self? Something you couldn’t control.....He saw you? How in the living hel-
But then i read this post and it made sense, especially since no one guessed the suriel was talking about a different highlord, so why are we sure that elain was talking about graysen?
Considering elain is a seer, she either saw the future or the unknown. Now who is the only character who saw her?
“It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. The male who heard things others could not … Perhaps he, too, had suffered as Elain had before he understood what gift he possessed.”
This makes me think elain was shown the future, and saw herself with someone who understood her, but something happened he disappeared / died and he no longer sees her.
Vision 4: cassian dying
“He snapped your wings, broke your bones.” “It’ll take more than that to kill me,” “Elain only said to Cassian, “No, it will not.”
“Not twenty feet away, Cassian was on the ground. Wings—snapped in spots. Blood leaking from them. Bone jutted from his thigh. His Siphons were dull. Empty.”
Looking back, elain’s vision came true. That might’ve been the scene she saw and as a result she saved the day by killing the king.
But i added this just in case it wasn’t the scene she was talking about.....and to give you more anxiety :)
Vision 5: koschei
“They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …” She shook her head. “I can never see him. What he is. There is an onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything … save for them. The girls. He keeps other girls—others so like her—but she … By day, she is one form, by night, human again.”
“Mor leaned forward. “Do you know why the other queens cursed her—sold her to him?”
“Elain studied the table. “No. No—that is all mist and shadow.”
Well, there are many theories about koschei (don’t know how you guys do it) and I’m not going to come up with more theories about my dude, but based on my quick research that onyx box contains his soul (or not? Please he’s so complicated) and the fact that elain saw it...
Here are also few questions:
Why was vassa sold and cursed? What did the queens gain from that? And why was this truth unknown to elain?
Vision 6: Vassa and Lucien
Right when Lucien said that he’ll bring vassa back, this happened:
“Elain now watched Lucien warily. Blinking every now and then. She revealed no hint of whatever she might be seeing—sensing. None.”
Elain saw something, and it wasn’t him dying because he came back unharmed. So what did she see?
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This whole scene screams “goodbye” to me, because after this scene Lucien found his band of exiles. This was their last chance, and elain saw it all.
Even feyre—our baddest bish—saw it:
“A bird of flame … and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet.”
A bonus vlucien moment cuz why not (this scene was the last Lucien scene in acowar):
“Vassa still remained inside, chatting with Lucien animatedly. I supposed that if she only had until dawn before turning back into that firebird, she wanted to make every minute count. Lucien, surprisingly, was chuckling, his shoulders loose and his head angled while he listened.”
Also how did papa Archeron convince koschei to free vassa (temporary)?
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Anyway like miss Morrigan said “There is a reason why Elain is seeing these things.”
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
➤ Deaging fic because the fan art with baby Rex is adorable. Bonus points if Ahsoka and Anakin are deaged as well. I sort of figure it could because of some weird Force magic but whatever works for you.
➤ genre: just fluff cuz tiny babies :)
➤ 🌑Requested: @carlycrays ❤ DISCLAIMER: idk how kids work🙃 and was too lazy to look it up so yeah, enjoy this mess. Also so sorry it took this long but i was really struggling, maybe I'll use the other ideas at some point ;)
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"By the Maker..." You sigh in frustration as Sivix continues to pace nervously. "How are we going to fix this, if even the Council doesn't know how?"
"Calm down. It could be worse, at least it's not a hostile planet." Sivix reasons, stopping before you.
"Yeah, but it's still out of the Republic's reach. We're alone out here and this situation is not helpful, in any way." You grumble, crossing your arms.
Captain Sivix sighs, "With all due respect, sir. I understand your concern, but obsessing over something we can't fix is not going to solve anything." he speaks resolutely, arms behind his back and spine straight as a ruler.
"You're right, you're right." You sigh, dragging a hand down your face in frustration as the captain's words settle in your mind. There's nothing you can do, at least for now.
"Why don't you go check on them?" He offers you gently and you're up on your feet before you can stop yourself by thinking too hard about the situation.
You salute the trooper guarding the barrack you step into. Once inside, all you hear are cries and coos. It would've been surprising, if it wasn't exactly what you were expecting to find.
"Well, who do we have here?" You ask playfully, with a softness not many are privy to. But how can you help it, with whom you're looking at?
High-pitched coos come to you as a response as you walk towards the sounds. "Hello there!"
Tiny hands reach out to you as you approach. You pick up baby Anakin, placing him at your hip as he giggles in delight while you bounce him slightly.
Perhaps a situation so strange would've called for a more panicked reaction, but that stage's already passed. Plus, they're all just so cute.
"Anything to report?" You ask Fives, who looks away from his now tiny Captain, knocking him over with a slight push while locking eyes with you.
"Report? General..." He trails off amusedly, holding a hand against Rex's forehead as be attempts to get to him, unsuccessfully.
You have to admit, it is certainly amusing.
You shake your head with a sigh, looking down at the child at your hip as he makes a quizzical noise. You place a soft kiss on his blond head, to which he giggles.
You put Anakin down before sitting close to Fives and Echo, who's mostly just eyeing the small Ahsoka curiously.
"Any news from General Kenobi?" Echo asks, startled as the young Togruta suddenly stumbles onto his lap. "Nope. Nothing at all. We're alone out here."
Noticing your crestfallen expression and heavy sigh, Anakin wiggles around until he can lay his head on your shoulder and wrap his tiny arms around your neck. "Aw, buddy, it's ok. We'll figure something out."
"How long do you think it'll take for him to get to us?"
"I'd say more than a few hours, but I can't be sure. Given that we're supposed to be on a mission. Our only saving grace is that we're supposed to meet with him on Kenrall, hopefully when he gets there and realizes we're not coming, he'll send someone out way." You can't help your negativity.
A crash is heard from somewhere in the corner, making you all look towards it. To find Ahsoka, who'd somehow gotten away from Echo without him noticing, holding a lightsaber oh no.
"No no no, put that down." Fives tells her sternly, finally letting go of his tiny captain, who falls on his face upon the lack of pressure.
The child immediately starts crying as Ahsoka continues to wave the activated lightsaber around while Echo attempts to get a hold of it.
Anakin reaches out with grabby hands, wanting to join in on what seems to look like fun, but you hold him steady, smiling when he looks up at you in confusion. “You don’t wanna get involved, believe me.” He pouts in response, attempting to escape your hold, to no avail.
You finally sigh at the troopers’ attempts to get the girl to let go of the dangerous weapon, raising a hand and moving it out of her hand and towards yours. Anakin looks up at you with wide, wondrous eyes, a heart-melting smile showcasing his tiny teeth.
Ahsoka tries to chase the sword, only to stumble and fall as it is carried away by an invisible force. Rex, upon seeing his friend on the ground, in the same position he just was in, gets up to help her, completely forgetting that he was the one screeching for help just moments before.
The lightsaber drifts smoothly towards your hand as Echo and Fives occupy themselves with their captain and commander, while a pair of wide blue eyes sparkle mischievously before a small hand reaches out just like yours. Suddenly it drops slightly, changing angle and moving towards your chest instead.
You look down to see a tiny hand reaching out, mirroring yours. Tiny Anakin furrows his brows as he draws the lightsaber towards himself. You’re too amazed to even think about how dangerous it all is.
The trance is broken once the sword reaches Anakin’s grabby hands, making him smile unbelievably wide, before you snatch it away. “No, you can’t touch that. You’ll hurt yourself.” You tell him sternly.
His pout returns, deepening as he processes what just happened, before a loud cry rips itself from his chest, catching everyone’s attention.
Echo sighs, rubbing his temples as he feels a headache coming on, holding Ahsoka’s hand while Fives holds his tiny captain on his hip. The Togruta runs towards you and Anakin with a determined expression, surprisingly not stumbling once.
You watch curiously as she approaches, turning off the deadly weapon, before clambering up onto your lap. She stares into Anakin's eyes, before enveloping him in a tight hug, smooshing her cheek against his.
Surprisingly, it works. It quickly makes the tiny Jedi quiet down, hugging back his commander while sniffling the rest of his tears away and putting on a brave face. As if to say 'I wasn't crying!', just like normal-sized Anakin would.
"General!" Sivix exclaims, drawing everyone's attention, "We've received a transmission from Commander Cody and General Kenobi. They are on their way." he can't hide his relief.
"Thank the Force." You sigh, making the children in your lap look at you with concern in their wide eyes, before raising their tiny arms and cheering when you shoot them a smile.
Not the worst of experiences, but you're definitely relieved to hear from Obi-Wan so soon.
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shyneanon · 4 years
There is only one bed with red
I bet you thought I was never gonna respond to this one, huh, anon? Nope! I just had to rewrite it like five million times before I felt like it was actually not terrible. lol
Hope you enjoy this even though it’s been foreeeeeever.
“Well. Lookit that.”
You stared at the single available bed in the single available room, pretty immaculately kept.
“There’s only one bed,” said Red, leaning against the wall. “How unfortunate.”
You stared at it for a while, then looked back at him. He was flashing his gold tooth at you in a smug grin.
“It’s fine,” you said. “I can sleep on the floor.”
His smile vanished.
“Hey,” he said, “hold on, sweetheart. I c’n sleep on the floor.”
Actually kind of nice of him to offer, but as much as he annoyed you… no. “It’s cool, I can do it.”
“Nah, it’s gonna make me feel like trash if I letcha sleep on the floor.”
“Well, ditto.”
He grinned. “Ooh, I gotta solution. How ‘bout we both sleep on the floor?”
You held in a laugh, trying your best to give him a deadpan look. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh….
He waggled his brows at you.
And you let out a snort.
You started to set your things down and move onto the floor but Red shoved you towards the bed. “No,” he said, “I don’ wanna feel like an asshole.”
“You are an asshole,” you said.
“Sure but I don’ wanna feel like one…!”
“OK,” you said, “fine.” Whatever, his loss. You climbed into the bed and got under the covers, and you turned a bit as Red lay down on the floor.
… Dammit.
You sighed. I’m going to regret this.
“Red,” you said.
He turned with an oddly soft smile. “Yeah, beautiful?”
Your face turned warm. His nicknames are more effective than they should be. “Just get in the stupid bed.”
“Oh?” A brow rose, and the soft smile was gone. “Feeling bonely?”
“Don’t,” you said, moving over. “You just look so pathetic on the floor, I can’t do it.”
“Sure, sure.” He moved the covers aside and slid under them with you. “You tell yerself that.”
“I will shove you back onto the floor, Red.”
He shut his mouth (figuratively speaking), and you shut your eyes. He was surprisingly warm for a skeleton, perhaps due to wearing a jacket all day. Since he didn’t have the jacket on, though, you were far more aware of the fact that he was literally just… bone. You could feel his actual spine… It was kind of weird, but not weird enough to keep you up. You were just glad he wasn’t getting handsy. Though the truth was that him getting touchy hadn’t been your main concern. In reality, you tried to avoid having to share a bed with anyone. There was a, um, bad habit of yours that people had informed you of.
But hopefully you wouldn’t do anything crazy tonight.
Red was awoken by the feeling of something lying across his whole body.
What the hell?
He was on his side, and he attempted to push it off, but it didn’t budge. Groggy and annoyed, he awkwardly twisted and wriggled until he was on his back and could see what the fuck it was….
It was you.
He squinted, thinking he might be insane, but yeah. It was you. You were lying on top of him. A bit awkwardly, one of your legs was pointing in the direction of your side of the bed, but your head was where the crook of his neck would be, and you were breathing softly.
Red’s face lit on fire instantly.
“Sweetheart?” he mumbled, even though he was pretty sure you couldn’t hear him. When had this happened? Had it happened in your sleep? Had you done this on purpose?
You sighed in your sleep.
Oh… oh my God.
What if she likes me?
Had you instinctively cuddled up to him in your sleep because you… liked him? Or… maybe you liked his smell, or the way lying on him felt… Red was a bit embarrassed to find that he felt giddy, but the giddiness overrode the embarrassment.
“Sweetheart,” he repeated softly, gently wrapping his arms around you. You snuggled closer and he felt his soul start to hum.
We’re… so close….
She’s so cute when she’s asleep….
“You are the most adorable thing,” he said. He knew you couldn’t hear. That was the nice part; he could say whatever he wanted. He started to readjust your stray leg with his own, and his face warmed up even more when you curled your leg around his. He let out a small sound of surprise.
“Baby, you’re uncooperative…. Hah….”
Not that he, uh, minded… having your legs like this….
“Aren’t you just the sweetest,” he purred, pulling you closer. His soul was picking up. While you were asleep he felt no need to maintain his tough guy persona, so he cooed. “Yer cute as hell.”
He nuzzled you, holding you close.
He never wanted to let go….
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, lifting one finger and stroking your cheek. “I’ll keep you safe.” He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling washing over his soul while the two of you were so near each other. “Jus’ stay right here… with me, yeah?”
One hand tangled in your hair and he sighed. It was so soft…. You moved closer to him, making a soft hum, and Red’s grin widened, his soul melting into a puddle.
This was the best night of his life.
When your mind started to barely lift out of its unconscious state, the first thing you noticed was that it did not feel like you were lying on the mattress.
The second thing you noticed was that a pair of arms were around you. What the… Red? Why was he…
Oh. Oh no.
I climbed on him in my sleep, didn’t I?
It was a weird habit you’d never would’ve known about were it not for the unlucky victims who had told you about it. You had never woken up on top of someone before— you always woke up next to the person in the morning, in the same spot where you’d fallen asleep, and then they would tell you about how they’d woken up in the dead of night to find your entire body lying on top of them. It also apparently took a lot of effort to push you off, especially since attempts would usually result in you immediately trying to climb back onto them.
Red, uh, didn’t seem to be making any attempts to push you off, though.
“Hah, sweetie… You look so stupid when yer asleep….”
Did he know you were awake? Judging from his low volume, you were pretty sure that no, he didn’t.
His finger wiped the side of your mouth and then immediately withdrew, and you heard him laughing as quietly as possible. Yep, he was trying not to wake you up.
“Gross!” he whispered, and you heard the sound of his hand brushing against the fabric of, presumably, his clothes. “You drool in your sleep!”
More quiet laughter. If you blushed visibly you’d give yourself away, so you just buried your face in his collarbone. Embarrassing.
“... Ah… doll….”
A hand was gently placed on your back.
“I wish we could do this all the time,” he said softly. If he thought you were asleep he wasn’t saying this to flirt with you.
He meant it, then?
“Why’ve you gotta be so damn adorable, huh? M… My soul’s going crazy over here….”
A hand ran through your hair. He was being unusually gentle….
“Then again, that happens a lot when I’m with you.”
Your face got hotter; thank goodness he couldn’t see it from this angle.
His teeth pressed against your forehead. A kiss?
“I wish… I had the guts tah tell ya how I feel.”
Huh? Not… not like… romantically, right?
“You make me feel amazing. Like… really amazing, I… I dunno how t’put it in words cuz I’m real bad with words. S’why I can’ bring myself to tell you, I wanna tell you but every time I open my goddamn mouth all I say is somethin’ suggestive.”
Some silence. Should you tell him that you were awake? You were basically eavesdropping right now.
But at the same time…
“‘N, admittedly… I wish I was good fer you. Which I’m not, I’m… I’m fuckin’ me.”
Why did your heart suddenly ache?
“I’m lazy, I’m sleazy, I dress stupid, I act stupid, I can’t communicate like an adult to save my damn life…. An’ I… I’ve done a lotta bad things. Y… ya should get with some sweet guy who’s responsible ‘n shit.” He muttered: “Lookit me, fuckin’ swearing while I’m tryna talk about my feeli— Fantastic, I did it twice.”
It took all the effort you had to not giggle.
“I wish I was good for you. Ah, sweetie, I’d… I’d take such good care of you, I really would. Or, I’d try. Tryin’ is… really all I could do, t’be honest.”
Trying is all anyone can do.
“... Too bad I suck, yeah?”
Your heart ached again. Red didn’t suck, he was a good guy…. It was probably best to tell him that you were awake before he spilled any more personal information.
“You don’t suck,” you mumbled, turning your head.
“‘M sorry, dollface, did I wake you up with my rambling? I’ll be quiet.”
“No, I’ve been awake for a while.”
His whole body froze up.
“... Ya have?”
“H… How much of what I was just saying did you—“
“All of it.”
There was a long, awkward silence.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I should’ve said something—“
“Fuck,” he said, and you lifted your head. His eye sockets were squeezed shut.
“No, Red, it’s OK—“
“No it’s not, I’ve been makin’ a sappy ass outta myself an’ now I prob’ly made you feel guilty—“
“You didn’t make me feel guilty—“
“Jus’ please don’t say that we should go on a date cuz I know you’re only doing it to make me feel better ‘bout myself—“
“Shut up, Red.”
His eye sockets opened and he looked down at you. You could see the two red lights standing out in the darkness. “... Huh?”
“Stop wallowing in self-hatred and listen to me.”
He said nothing. You would take that as cooperation.
OK, he was listening. So, uh… what should you say?
You actually didn’t know.
So you just kissed him.
Initially he just froze up, but after a moment his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close, kissing back. W… Wow, this feels really good…. You moved into a better position and felt your hair spill down onto him.
“Sorry,” you said as the kiss parted.
“Sorry?” Red cupped the back of your head and gave you a second fervent kiss. “What the hell for? Ya just kissed me.”
“My hair is kinda touching you.”
“Oh no,” he said in monotone, “how awful. Kiss ruined.”
You snickered and leaned down to press your forehead against his. He looked up at you with fuzzy eyelights.
“I don’ deserve your love,” he said quietly. You smiled back.
“Nobody deserves love, Sans. That’s why it’s so special when someone loves us anyway.”
“You deserve love,” he said, “from somebody better than me.”
“That’s awfully vague.” You kissed his cheek. “And besides, I don’t want love from this person you call ‘somebody better than me.’”
He smiled.
“I want love from you.”
“Hah,” he said, and you saw his eyelights change… They were like hearts now. “Sweetheart, trust me, you already have all my love.”
Your face heated up. “That’s really romantic,” you told him.
“... It is?”
A giggle escaped you. “Yes, Sans.”
You kissed his nasal ridge.
“So?” you said with a smile. “You gonna ask me out or not?”
His eyelights got fuzzy again. “Ya think maybe we could go out sometime, beautiful?”
After kissing his cheek, you said, “I’d love that.”
“So, uh…” He looked at the way you two were positioned. “You think… we could do this more?”
You lay your head down on his ribcage.
“We should fall back asleep,” you told him.
“Sure thing, angel.”
Drifting off took no time at all.
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greasygyeom · 4 years
gigil | ten
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pairing: Ten x Female Reader (Fluff)
words: 1.9k
warnings: might be disgustingly cute idk.
A/N: Gigil is a word used to describe the overwhelming feeling that comes over us when we see something cute.
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At 1 am, with bare minimum noises in the background, save for a stray car zooming away in the distance and a blanket of stars overhead, Ten walked back to his apartment; feet dragging on the pavement, as they traced his displeasure along the way. 
For the third night in a row he’d had to stay overtime at office, simply because someone else had been too lazy to finish their portion of work assigned to them.
Had it been any other day, he would have pulled through without feeling this level of annoyance. Any other week, he would not have complained; he liked working alone, when no one was around to disturb him and ask him stupid questions. But the fact that this was happening during the few days your schedule wasn’t as tight knit as usual, was really testing his patience.
He’d thought long and hard on whether he was being too dramatic about it, because it wasn’t like he never got to see you—your off days always had his name written on them—it was just that off-late he’d been wanting to see a lot more of you.
For him, dating you had started as a breezy ‘hmm I’ll see where this takes me, I’m not looking for anything serious’, but had quickly and quite irreversibly morphed into an intense whirlwind of ‘fuck, I might love her’ and at the end of six months it had rendered him dizzy. 
He didn’t know when exactly he’d started to crave more of your attention, but on days it overpowered his entire existence. He wasn't yet used to the out of the blue pangs of wanting to hug you until you fell asleep in his arms, but he loved the warm and fuzzy feeling thoughts like these left him with.
On most days he could prioritise his work over his neediness for you. Today though? Today had been one of those days, where it had served as a roadblock between what he had to do and what he really wanted to do. Instead of being in bed, cuddled with you, watching a cute coming of age movie, he had to stay back and redraw the anatomy for a new character because some of his peers were incompetent. 
Half an hour of brooding and a long silent walk later, he finally reached his building. On his last call you had already been yawning, so he assumed you were fast asleep and entered the apartment as quietly as he possibly could… only to find you lying on the floor.
His heart dropped down to his stomach as the worst, most horrible thoughts of you being injured and unconscious and him being too late in taking you to the hospital clouded his mind.
His panic lasted only about 30 seconds though, until he switched on the lights and it unravelled a completely different story.
You were passed out on the floor alright, but because you’d fallen asleep cuddling with his cat. He didn’t see the cat because your back was facing the entrance. Louis had fit himself comfortably in the crevice of your concave form, lying curled up, snug next to your stomach and was using your arm as a pillow.
Ten’s heartbeat slowed down with the realisation that you were indeed alive and okay and he breathed in a sigh of relief, giggling fondly at the sight of you two sleeping so peacefully; completely unaware of his presence. 
He was kinda jealous of Louis, which was an insane thought, but he wanted in on what looked like a super cozy cuddle session.
Of course, he had to grab his phone and take some pictures first—how could he pass off this opportunity to stock up on some free serotonin. But as soon as he was done taking photos from every angle, he sat on the floor next to you, your back towards him, and rested his chin on your waist. It was a challenge to not kiss the sliver of skin peeking through, from between your shirt and boxers and an even bigger challenge to not wake you up.
He extended an arm to pet Louis, but the cat wasn’t having any of it. 
Within minutes Louis was out of sight and reach and it was just the two of you, on the cold floor. With no cat to disturb, his attention naturally wandered over to you. It was too tempting to not kiss your bare skin. Your hands were tucked under your head, like a makeshift pillow; sooner than later you were bound to get uncomfortable—it only made sense to wake you up. It was definitely not because you looked too cute and he couldn’t stand not being able to squish you. 
“Baby” he whispered softly, “Wake up.” 
You stirred at the sound of his voice, pushing your body towards him, but not really moving.
He had the widest grin plastered on his face, just looking at you. “Let’s go to bed, you’re sleeping on the floor.”
You hummed in response, too lethargic to actually move and also just a scat annoyed.
When he stroked your cheek, you shivered under his touch, goosebumps forming all over your body. His touch was electric. 
Feeling a bit smug about the reaction he just elicited out of you, he pulled your shirt up, just enough to expose your waist, and planted soft kisses alongside your ribs.
You squirmed with every kiss, until you were wide awake and sitting upright, fighting him off.
“Why why why” he giggled, as you pushed him away.
“Why!! Look at the tiiime.” You whined, not letting him have his way for the 800th time.
His face fell, “I know baby, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I was really sulky the whole time I was there and not here.”
“No, that does not make me feel better.” You replied, “I don’t want you to sulk when you’re working.”
“Ayee you can’t have both.” 
“Both what?”
“Be mad at me and not let me be mad at my work.”
“I’m not mad at you.” You pouted, crawling into his lap, “I just really missed you.”
There was something so soothing about your presence, something he couldn’t really explain. He held you tight and buried his head in the crook of your neck, taking in the faint vanilla-esque scent you naturally emanated. 
“I missed you too, baby.”
You ran your fingers through his brownish-blonde hair, your heart skipping beats every time you felt his hot breath on your skin. You weren’t one to feel ticklish easily at all, except for under his touch. It was a phenomenon that perplexed you too. So when he slipped his hand under your shirt, to feel your skin, you shivered again. 
He raised his head and gave you a knowing, smug smile.
God he was so infuriating with how attractive he looked when he smiled like that.
“You’re lucky you’re this cute.”
He grinned even wider. “Oh? What’s that? You think I’m cute?”
“Yeah, I think you’re very cute. What of it?”
The cutest laugh escaped his lips and he cupped your face, “I think you’re cuter, now please kiss me.” 
He puckered his lips and in anticipation, closed his eyes, deliberately acting like a cringey young adult rom-com hero, but two could play that game, right?
You pecked him on his cheek instead. 
His dramatic reaction sent you into a fit of laughter and the whole time you were trying to contain yourself, he was gazing at you as if nothing else existed in his world, with the goofiest, most endearing smile on his face. 
He’d never told you he loved you—even though it’s all he’d thought about the past couple of days—partly because he was scared and partly because he didn’t want to scare you away. 
But the way you made his whole being melt into a mush of happiness, made him not want to hold it in anymore.
“Hey,” he interrupted your hysterics in a serious tone, causing you to stop and look at him. You couldn’t match the intensity in his eyes, but it sparked a wildfire at the pit of your stomach.
“I love you”
Did you hear that right? Did he say he loved you? 
“You what?”
“I love you.” 
You beamed ecstatically. “Good, ‘cuz I love you too.”
“Oh thank god” he exhaled in relief, but before he could finish that sentence you had him caught up in a long, sweet kiss that knocked the wind out of his lungs. 
In the dead of the night, you could only hear his soft moans as you bit and sucked on his lower lip. His hands wandered all over your body, grabbing and teasing you, while you focused on how he tasted like liquor and chocolate, without having any. 
Everything about him was intoxicating. 
“Let’s go in”, he signalled towards his room, when you finally parted away from him.
You looked delectable with your messy hair and slightly swollen lips. Ten wanted to devour you.
“Ohhhhh Mr. Lee why do you want to take me into your bedroom at 2:30 AM.. What are your intentions?” 
“To show you how much I love you.” he seduced, “Will you let me?”
“I’ll let you do whatever you want, baby” you replied, getting up and holding your hand out to help him.
“I wonder what good deeds I did to have found you in my life.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked towards his room. “And I wonder the exact opposite.”
He gasped. “Is that how it is huh? I guess you’ll never find out how much I love you then.”
“Aww.” You chuckled, closing the distance between you, “It’s okay, I can show you right here how much I love you instead?”
“No, I can feel Louis looking at us and I’m not about to traumatise my son. So, I’m gonna give him some treats and be right in.”
“Fifteen minutes or I’m going to sleep.”
“I’ll take five.”
“You and I both know you need at least fifteen minutes with Louis.”
How does this woman know me so well, he thought to himself walking over to where his cat was perched. 
“What do you think, Louis? Did I do the right thing” Ten whispered, nuzzling his nose in the fluffy fur. 
Louis meowed.
“Yeah, I think so too. She’s really great isn’t she.” 
Louis meowed again, making him chuckle.
While pouring some dry food in the bowl for his cat he realised he actually hadn’t eaten anything since afternoon, yet he felt full… full of this happiness and a kind of contentment that he’d never experienced before. He cringed at this disgustingly sappy thought and made his way back to you, into the bedroom. 
You were sprawled on the bed, already asleep, not even having managed to get under the blanket.
“So cute”, he fondly murmured, as he got in bed too and encompassed you completely in a hug—his arms now wrapped around your waist and one leg overlapping both of yours.
You stirred, but he pulled you in closer,
“It’s okay, go back to sleep baby.”
He heard a little affirmative hum and you turned around to face him—eyes half closed—to give him a tiny peck on his lips and then hid your face in his chest. 
You started falling back into your world of dreams and he fell right in with you, following you through a field of daisies, admiring your beauty as the sun glowed on your face; just like he would if you were awake. And tell you a thousand times over how beautiful he thought you were and love you and kiss you until you fell right back into his arms at the end of every night. 
There was something so sweet about that feeling, it made you smile and you thought yeah… it seemed like a good way to spend the rest of your life.
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ravenbrenna09 · 5 years
Unattainable - Chapter Six
Note: This chapter is so long that it won’t completely copy over into Tumblr so I’m only pulling over the first two sections. The rest of the chapter will have to be read on AO3. I’m sorry!
I just want to thank each and every one of you for all of your continued support on this series, both AO3 and on Tumblr. It means the absolute world to me and I will never say it enough how much I love and appreciate each and every person who has read, left a kudos/like, or commented on this story. It means the world to me and lights up my entire day!
I just want to warn everyone right now. The end of this chapter is not that easy (for me, anyway) to read because of Sander’s episode. If you feel uncomfortable reading it, then you do not have to. It should also be noted that I, in no way, shape, or form, have a mental illness or specifically been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. with the "hotel" scenes, I tried my best to mimic what the fabulously talented Willem/Nintendo DS did from the clips and what I believe that Robbe would've noticed. I tried to stay as true to the dialogue in this scene as the clips since it's such an important clip for Sander and showcasing what he's going through.
I hope I did it all justice.
Robbe woke up the way that he always did, slowly and unsure, but this time felt a little different, a little more unsure, because he had been certain that he had fallen asleep to the weight of Sander’s on his hip, his nose pressed against the back of Robbe’s neck, and his back flush against Robbe’s, no clothes to block the way between their skin. And, he was definitely sure that it hadn’t all been a dream from the way his body felt so sore as he shifted, searching for the weight of Sander somewhere on the bed. 
When he didn’t feel anything, he reached back, but all his hand came in contact with sheets. It’s then that Robbe forced his eyes open, turning around to confirm his suspicions. The bed was completely empty and he was alone. His eyes darted around the room, looking for his black t-shirt and jeans, but both articles of clothing were gone from the floor. 
He left.
Robbe searched for his phone, finding it on his small nightstand and searched through the notifications. Jens and Moyo were talking in the group chat, about something or another, and there was a handful of notifications from the game that he always played, but nothing from Sander or from Instagram. No goodbye text, no ‘I’ve got to go’ text, and not even a note. Robbe sat up, disappointment washing over him in all-consuming waves. 
Will you be here in the morning?
Of course, I will. I’ll be here for as long as you want me.
Robbe let out a sigh, pulling up his personal messages with Jens.
Sander came by. He was here, but he’s gone-
There was a sound of a laugh in the kitchen, a light laugh that was quickly muffled with a deep shh. Robbe’s eyes furrowed. He recognized the laugh, it was Amber, and that wasn’t surprising because Aaron likely came home late last night with Amber in tow. Moyo, Jens, and Lucas weren’t home quite yet. But, the owner of the shh clicked something in his head, his heart soared, but Robbe shoved it away. He didn’t dare get his hopes up, not until he saw. 
Ignoring his body aching, Robbe got off his bed, snatching his t-shirt from the ground. He slipped it on over his shoulders and moved towards his dresser, pulling out a pair of sweats. Normally, he wouldn’t have bothered, simply walking around the apartment in only his briefs and his shirt. The boys and Noor never minded, but Amber always got quiet and averted her eyes like she didn’t expect it. Slipping the sweats on, he opened the door and headed out into the hallway. 
“Robbe?” Amber’s voice called, questioning. 
“Yeah,” Robbe replied, moving towards the kitchen. “It’s just me.” 
And, turning the corner, he expected to find Aaron or someone else, maybe a drunk friend of Aaron’s that had slept on the couch because he couldn’t drive, but he didn’t expect to find Amber leaning against the counter with a coffee cup to her mouth and Sander at the oven, making something in a pan. The man was dressed in his black jeans and t-shirt from last night and Robbe let out a breath of relief, causing the blond cook to glance up at him. 
“Good morning,” Sander grinned. His smile lit up his entire face and it was infectious, causing Robbe to smile as well. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.” 
“Morning,” Robbe breathed out.
Amber smiled at Robbe, her eyes darting between both of them. She grabbed the pot of coffee to fill up her mug before patting Sander’s shoulder, “I’ll give you guys some privacy. And, I’ll do my best to distract Aaron as well.” 
“Thanks, cuz,” Sander replied, grinning at her as he leaned against the counter, flipping whatever he was making. Amber sent Sander a grin before she passed past Robbe, slipping down the hallway and into Aaron’s bedroom at the other end of the apartment. 
Once she shut the door and the two of them were alone, Sander crossed to him
Suddenly, everything seemed to click into place. “You’re Amber’s cousin.”
Sander grinned, nodding his head before crossing the distance between them. His hands were on Robbe’s face, angling his head up to press a heated kiss against his lips. Robbe melted in his arms, leaning against his chest and smiling when Sander did too, making it difficult to kiss. Sander’s fingers were in Robbe’s hair again, his thumb brushing over his cheekbones, and Robbe opened his mouth against Sander’s, sighing when their tongues met in the middle. 
“Shit,” Sander cursed, moving back to the oven. Using the spatula, he pulled whatever he was making off of the pan and onto a plate. Robbe chuckled as he walked over to wrap his arms around Sander’s waist, trying to see what he was making. A grin spread over his face as he spotted, feeling Sander turn to press a kiss against his cheek. Croques. “Here,” Sander spoke suddenly, turning in Robbe’s arms and holding half of the croque in his hand. “Try.” 
Robbe opened his mouth, taking a bite of the corner. Sander was watching him intently, waiting for his reaction and watching him closely. 
“Best croque ever?” 
“Best croque ever,” Robbe affirmed, reaching out to grab ahold of the rest of the sandwich. 
Sander grinned before turning back to make another, presumably for himself. Robbe moved to sit at the table, out of Sander’s way, but the blond reached out, snagging him by the waist and pulling him back. Robbe let Sander manhandle him, resting him against the counter in a spot where he was out of Sander’s way and close enough. Robbe watched him meticulously arrange the butter and the cheese before placing the sandwich on the pan. The butter sizzled.
“Why do you like croques so much?” Robbe questioned, taking another bite. 
Sander smiled. “My mom used to make them all the time on Sundays so the family would come together and be a family. I guess it always seemed to stick. Plus, it was my sister’s favorite day of the week and it was her favorite meal so that helped,” he admitted, glancing at Robbe. “Do you have any siblings?”
Robbe shook his head. “Just me and my mom.” 
Sander smiled, leaning towards him, and Robbe tilted his head up to press their lips together.
But, as Robbe felt the featherlight brush of Sander’s lips against his own, the door down the hall opened and Robbe could hear Aaron’s annoying ringtone that could only mean one thing: “Robbe,” Aaron groaned, sleepy and probably hungover. “It’s early in the morning.” It was like eleven so Robbe rolled his eyes as Aaron turned into the kitchen, barely registering the sight of Robbe and Sander, millimeters away before snapping at him, groggy and annoyed with his phone thrust in his direction. “Why on Earth is your boyfriend calling me?”
Robbe rolled his eyes, holding out his hand for the phone. Sure enough, it was Jens and Sander glanced down at the phone before glancing at Robbe with a slightly confused look on his face. “I’m sure Lucas would be offended,” Robbe stated, pressing the answer button and pressing the speaker button. “And, seriously, Jens plays my fake boyfriend one time and all of a sudden it’s a running gag that neither of us can’t seem to escape or leave in the past. Hello, you’ve reached the phone of Aaron Jacobs, who is too hungover and grumpy to properly answer the phone like a normal human being. Can I take a message?” 
Jens was roaring on the other end of the line, his laugh filling up the kitchen. 
“Five… four… three… two…” 
“I’m here, I’m here,” Jens spoke, sounding out of breath. “You weren’t answering your phone and Moyo isn’t home yet, so I decided to call Aaron. I’m sorry he’s being such a pain.”
“I am not being a pain.”
“I’m answering your phone!” 
“So,” Jens spoke. “How is my boyfriend doing?”
“I don’t know,” Robbe spoke. He could hear how annoyed that he sounded, which was probably the reason that his friends continued to do it. Robbe locked Aaron’s phone, the phone call still running, and tried disabling it. It worked. One minute. He could see Sander eyeing him with a small smile on his face. “How is Lucas doing? I miss him.” 
“Come on,” Jens teased. “You know I’m your favorite.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid that the feeling is not mutual,” Robbe said, smirking as he glanced up to Sander. “That’s exactly why I cheated on you.” Sander grinned at Robbe, a knowing look in his eyes, and Robbe could practically hear the wheels turning in Jens’ mind from the Netherlands. “What can I say? You’re absolutely boring boyfriend, Jens.” 
“Ah,” Jens spoke. “So, Sander decided to show up.”
“He surely had me waiting,” Sander replied.
“Sander! So nice to hear your voice. I can’t wait to meet you in person! But, unfortunately, I’m in the Netherlands for the weekend so I’m sure I’ll see you sometime in the next week?” Sander chuckled, flipping the croque in the pan. “As Robbe’s best friend and fake boyfriend, I am here to inform you that you have made a very wise decision.” 
There was a look in Sander’s eyes as he looked towards Robbe, whispering an “I know” with a bright grin on his face. Warmth pooled in Robbe’s stomach as he stared at Sander, biting down on his lip to keep his grin down. Robbe glanced down at Aaron’s phone, saying, “Bye Jens!” before effectively cutting him off mid-sentence. The one minute on Aaron’s phone had passed so Robbe quickly disabled it again (five minutes should do), tossing Aaron his phone. 
Holding the disabled phone in his hand, the curly-haired man stared at them with squinted eyes and confused features. “Wait, are you two together?” Before either could answer Aaron’s question, he glanced down at his phone and let out a loud groan. “Oh, fuck off, Robbe!” 
Robbe grinned. 
Once Aaron let the kitchen, grumbling under his breath, Sander captured his lips before letting him go back to eating the croque that the blond had made for him. 
After Sander had finished his croque, he quickly cleaned up the dishes that he had used. Robbe had tried to help, but the blond refused, forcing the brunet to sit on the counter and wait patiently. As soon as Sander shut off the water and wiped his hands on the towel, Robbe hopped down from his perch, grabbing the back of Sander’s shirt and pulling him out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into the confines of Robbe’s bedroom. 
There was a mischevious smile that flitted across Sander’s features, his hands reaching up to cup Robbe’s face as he placed an agonizingly slow kiss against Robbe’s lips. Robbe leaned into his touch, letting Sander sway them closer in the direction of the bed, but the taller one pulled away far too soon. There was an eager look on his face like he enjoyed seeing Robbe desperate for his kiss. 
“So,” Sander spoke, wrapping an arm loosely around Robbe’s shoulder and pulling him close, but not close enough for Robbe to get their lips together again. “Who is this boyfriend of yours?”
Robbe groaned, shoving Sander away from him and back on the bed. The man landed on the edge, his back flat on the bed, and there was a laugh that ripped through his chest. Robbe stepped closer, setting down on his lap and resting his hands against his chest. Sander sat up, using one arm to brace himself and setting his other hand on Robbe’s thigh. Even with the thick fabric of Robbe’s sweat pants, Sander’s palm burned into his skin. 
“What?” Sander teased, the smile growing on his face. Robbe watched it grow, mesmerized. Even if he hated the joke, hated the fact that it was still going around, Robbe couldn’t hate it that much if it had managed to make Sander smile like this. Even, if it was at Robbe’s own expense. “I need to know who my competition is if I ever hope to get promoted to something more than a side piece that you call on whenever you need a good fuck.” 
Robbe stared at him, trying not to grin. “Oh, so you think it was a good fuck?”
“I think your moans last night proved it, baby,” Sander whispered, reaching up to press a brief, fleeting kiss against his lips. With Sander so close, it was almost hard to concentrate. Even more so as Sander leaned closer, his lips brushing against Robbe’s ear, as he whispered, “I’m pretty sure ‘Fuck yes’ and ‘don’t stop’ are pretty good indicators that it was a good fuck. Don’t you agree?” 
Robbe let out an amused sigh, running a hand across his chest. “I thought you left.” 
Sander pulled back, staring up at him. “Huh?”
“When I woke up,” Robbe admitted. “I saw that the bed was empty and… I thought that you had left.” 
There was a knowing look in Sander’s eyes as he stared up at Robbe. “I promised you that I would be here in the morning.”
“I know you did. But, when I woke up and saw that the bed was empty and your clothes were gone, I guess that I just suspected that you had changed your mind about being with me.” The again hung in the air around them and Sander seemed to have been completely aware of it. Robbe avoided his gaze, turning instead towards his gaming posters which hung around the room. Robbe shook his head, trying to fight away the insecurities that seemed to roar in his chest. “Sorry, it’s stupid-”
“Hey,” Sander cut in, lightly grabbing Robbe’s chin and forcing him to look at him. Sander sat him, his other arm wrapping around Robbe’s waist, shifting him closer. “It’s not stupid, Robbe. What happened isn’t going to go away just because we slept together. But, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily, Robbe.” 
Sander’s eyes searched Robbe’s and Robbe wondered if he would ever stop getting lost in them. 
“I meant what I said last night. From now on, it’s just the two of us,” Sander whispered, brushing his nose with Robbe’s. He tilted his head to the side and Sander brushed their lips together, pressing them together gently and sweetly. Robbe knew that he meant every word, gripping lightly on his shoulder. “Just so you know,” Sander whispered. “I almost went and got you some croissants. But, I didn’t want to be locked out and I didn’t know where your keys were.”
“Yeah,” Sander mumbled. “I found Amber in the kitchen and she showed me what I could use so I decided to make you croques instead.” His eyes flickered up to Robbe’s. “That’s why I was dressed and not in bed with you when you woke up.” 
“Oh,” Robbe replied, smiling. “You didn’t have to.” 
“I wanted to.” Sander let out a sigh, breathing out as he ran his hands through Robbe’s hair, “God, how did I not find you sooner? We missed out on so much, so many years of this.” 
“What do you mean?” Robbe questioned, tilting his head to the side. 
“You’ve been Aaron and Amber’s friend for years, Senne was my roommate for almost two years before he and Zoë moved in together and we drifted apart, and I went to college with Noor,” Sander explained, staring up at him. Robbe spotted that look in his eye again, quickly feeling a worried feeling over him. “How is it that I have so many ties to you and somehow we never managed to meet? How many times could we have almost crossed paths but never met? Is-” 
“Infinitely many,” Robbe replied, cutting him off. Sander stared up at him, a thankful look hidden in his eyes as his finger drew patterns along Robbe’s thigh. Robbe ran his hand through Sander’s hair like he had done that afternoon in Sander’s apartment. “But, in this universe, we found each other the way that we did, me being a total stalker crushing on some unattainable man behind an Instagram profile.” Sander smiled at him, brightly. “And, that’s all that matters.” 
Sander pressed a kiss against Robbe’s lips before pulling away. “I didn’t know.”
“About you being a fan,” Sander admitted, looking nervous as he moved beneath Robbe. “It was kind of my one rule that I didn’t want to cross. Never date a fan, especially with what happened with… you know what it’s not important.” Sander looked up at Robbe, looking surprisingly vulnerable. “But, I saw you at that warehouse with Noor, with the moonlight all around you, playing on your phone and bickering with her and I just knew.” 
“Knew what?” Robbe questioned. 
“I knew that you were the one,” Sander confessed. 
Robbe felt his heart thump in his chest. 
“And, I spent the better part of the night worrying that you were her boyfriend, but when you walked away to answer the phone, she said that you were her friend and I relaxed. But, I couldn’t stop watching you. I had hoped that I would accidentally run into you when I delivered the picture, but you had already left.” Sander edged closer, his lips lightly away from his. “I was on the verge of going through every one of the people Noor was following because I had to find you and I had already checked her pictures when she tagged us in that post.” 
“So, you didn’t know I was a fan until I told you?” Robbe questioned. 
Sander nodded his head, a nervous look in his eyes. 
“God, I must’ve seemed like a stalker,” Robbe groaned, shoving his face into Sander’s neck. Sander let out a deep bellowed laugh, his hand tracing designs along Robbe’s back. He pressed a kiss against Robbe’s neck, collarbone, and everywhere he could touch to try to get Robbe to look at him. But, Robbe was too embarrassed, burying his face further into the skin where Sander’s neck met his shoulder. “No, stop, I’m embarrassed.” 
Sander grinned, he could tell from the way his lips pulled back against his neck. “I thought you were absolutely adorable,” Sander informed him, biting down the vein. Both of his arms wrapped around Robbe’s waist and the next thing that Robbe knew, the world was spinning. Robbe landed flat on his back, Sander fitted between his legs, and slowly climbing over him. Before Robbe could hide, Sander’s lips were on his and Robbe chased after his kiss, gripping on the strands of his hair. 
When Sander ducked his head down to kiss his neck, Robbe giggled. 
“You better hold on, Robbe IJzermans,” Sander mumbled, hovering inches above Robbe. The brunet tried his best not to seem so desperate for Sander’s kiss, but he knew from the gleeful glint in his green eyes that he was failing in that regard, failing so incredibly hard. “I’m holding onto you,” Sander pressed another kiss against Robbe’s lips and Robbe leaned up, chasing after him when he pulled away, “and I’m never going to let you go.” 
Robbe grinned, making difficult to kiss. 
“I’m not letting you go either,” Robbe mumbled, cupping Sander’s jaw with one hand and gripping onto his shirt with the other. Sander looked down at him with wide, loving eyes. “Not when I finally got you back, the man of my dreams.” 
When they kiss again, Sander’s grin is the one that makes it difficult to kiss.
Note: this is not the end of the chapter. Because of post length, or something, the full chapter did not copy completely over onto Tumblr so I couldn’t bring the full chapter. If you would like to read the rest of the chapter, click here.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
This was an anonymous prompt for fluffy fluff. I think this is ok. Lol
”Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
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Axel was having a really bad day, and was having a hard time finding the willpower to keep on going. Suicidal thoughts had been plaguing him lately, since the thought of being alone forever weighed heavier and heavier on his heart. But that was his fate. Doomed to be alone, when you’re quite literally poisonous.
Titania: hi
Axel looks over at the beautiful girl that’s sat next to him on the sofa, and moves to the stool at the bar.
Titania moves to the stool next to him again
Titania: hi
Axel flips his mask on and rolls his eyes, moving to the next stool.
Titania: I fucking love musical chairs. Duck duck goose is pretty fun as a drinking game.
She moves over next to him again.
Axel turns and looks at her incredulously.
Axel: how about hide and seek? You go hide and I’ll count to 5000.
Titania: ouch! Wicked sick burn Axel
Axel: hold up. How do you know my name little girl?
Axel glares at her, standing and looming over her threateningly.
Titania: you can’t hurt me so this macho shit is wasted on me, although I must say, you have a very pretty mouth.
She taps on his face mask and smiles confidently.
Axel: you wouldn’t say that if you knew what it could do, but considering you know my real name I’m gonna assume you know...
Titania: pretty AND smart? You have a big dick and it’s a trifecta.
Axel can’t help but laugh at this beautiful strange girl. It’d been a long time since anyone had treated him normally. Everyone knew him as the acid spewing mutant and avoided him like the plague. He’d built up a wall to keep everyone out, that no one even made an attempt to get past.
Axel: well then it’s your lucky day! Are you a mutant miss....
Titania: Titania. I am. Guess what my power is?
Axel: um charisma?
Titania: that’s probably one of them but not officially
Axel: stubbornness
Titania: be serious
Axel: psychic power? Speak to animals? Heal quickly? Shape shifter would be cool, you could be a new person every... or not.
With each incorrect guess her frown got worse
Titania: ok I’ll just tell you cuz this can take all night and I’m trying to see if you’re really a trifecta.
Axel: wow! You are straight to the point. I like that.
She looks at him skeptically.
Axel: I’m serious! What’s your power beautiful?
Titania: impenetrable skin and I’m poisonous. I also can freeze time for a few seconds but it never isn’t a fucking disaster so I don’t really do it.
Axel: you’re poisonous? How? Like me?
Titania: no. Just my saliva and well any bodily fluid.
Axel: so your eyeball fluid will kill me?
Titania: actually that’s why I had professor xavier find you... you’re immune to all known poisons right?
Axel: I see where this train is headed. Problem is, my spit will eat you alive sweetheart.
Titania: I’m immune to everything too. So I thought maybe if you were open to it... since you’re lonely and I’m lonely, we could be lonely together.
She looks at him shyly, a noticeable shift from her cocky attitude thus far. Axel looks at her contemplating his options. On one hand she might be immune to him, or her face might melt and he’ll have nightmares of her screams for years. On the other hand, he might kiss her and fucking croak. But what if they kissed and nothing happened? He hadn’t touched a woman in 10 years, ever since the incident and man he would like to try that again.
Titania: earth to axel!
Axel: fuck it, let’s try it.
Titania: What? Like right now?
Axel: sure
Titania: don’t you want to get tested in the X-men lab to make sure I won’t kill you?
Axel: nahh! I got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
She giggled and looked at the bar. Axel was amazed how beautiful her laugh was and how she looked good from every angle. She looked like she was from the Middle East or something. An exotic place like Iran or Syria or something. Kind of ironic that a girl this beautiful was literally a trap.
Axel: what happens when someone kisses you?
Titania: they all die instantly.
Axel: all? Like more than one?
Titania: oh hell yes. Probably dozens actually.
Axel: you gotta be kidding? How aren’t you in prison?
Titania: only one was an accident. My first boyfriend, which I’m sure you understand was traumatic. I was very mad at first, then felt sad but then it dawned on me. I could use my gift for good! I paid attention to news stories and started to go places late at night where rapes had been reported. I made myself available, vulnerable, I even tried to fight them off of me, some left me alone and lived. Some wouldn’t take no for an answer
Axel: that’s pretty impressive. You hunted the predators.
Titania: it’s instant tho so I don’t want to risk your life. We can go...
Axel cut off her speech, pressing his lips to hers. They both kind of froze waiting for something to happen, and then slowly got more passionate the longer they went without death or screaming.
Axel: baby you’re ok?
Titania: I don’t wanna sound too forward, but do you wanna go to my house with me?
Axel: you don’t feel any pain?
Titania: I’m fine. And you’re not dead! I’ve never had sex and god I want to.
Axel: me too.
Titania: so you will go with me?
Axel: only if you hold my hand..
Titania: (laughs)you’re a virgin too?
Axel blushed a deep crimson and chuckled.
Axel: yep. Never wanted to hurt anyone again and my saliva burns thru everything. I don’t wanna know what my cum will do...
Titania: omg I was kidding! You have quite the reputation with the ladies tho.
Axel: it’s all bullshit, I just don’t bother to correct any of it. If girls wanna look cool, like they fucked a mutant, I can care less.
Titania is just beaming at him. She takes his face in her hands and kissed him again. Tenderly. Deeply. She pulls back and looks into his beautiful green eyes and for the first time in forever, she doesn’t feel so alone.
For the first time in years, Axel has something or someone to look forward to. He pays his tab, and leaves arm and arm with Titania, leaving the mask on the bar.
They were so wrapped up in each other they both failed to notice they were being watched. The stranger makes a call after they're for sure gone
Mystique: I just saw Zeitgeist and Titania making out completely unaffected by eachother. I was trying to make a connection with him as different women for the past 2 weeks but he took no interest. I feel she too could be an asset
I agree
Thank you
I won't let you down.
Now all she needed to figure out, was how to get close to the girl.
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mldrgrl · 6 years
by: mldrgrl Rating: R Summary: The Hanella honeymoon continues Note: This installment comes after many, many requests from Anons for a story that deals with Stella’s cutting.  If that upsets you, you don’t need to read it.  I also realize there are many, many personal stories that people may have.  This is Stella’s story and not anyone else’s, nor is it meant to be.
Stella would not consider herself a natural caretaker.  She would say she is good in times of crisis and calming those in crisis, but as far as long term care goes, it isn’t exactly her forte.  However, there is something inherently different about seeing someone you love in pain and it certainly brought out a desire to nurture.  Not that much though.  She was no Florence Nightingale and Hank could try the patience of a saint, but her sympathetic strings were tugged by his plight.  And on their honeymoon, no less.
There was something about being able to give him relief though.  It was strange, but the simple act of giving him a massage, of feeling his muscles melt under her hands and to watch him slip into a relaxed stupor under her hands made her essential to his recovery.  And there was something about just touching someone without an end game.  It felt indulgent and she liked it.
They were where they had been for most of the last three days.  In bed, Hank in his underwear, Stella in one of his t-shirts.  He was face down, arms angled up so that his elbows were bent up by his head.  She was sitting on the back of his thighs, her knees gripping his hips as her palms slid up the smooth plane of his back.  She gripped his shoulders and squeezed until he grunted slightly and then she eased up on the pressure and brought her hands back down to the small of his back.
“I swear, Sherlock,” Hank mumbled.  “As soon as I’m back to normal, you’re receiving payment in kind.”
“Perhaps I’ll hold you to it one day.”
“Oh God, right at the side there...whatever you were just doing with your thumb.”
“Yeah, fuck.  Keep doing that.”
Stella circled her thumb just above and to the right of Hank’s tailbone with moderate pressure.  He moaned appreciatively.  She worked the spot for a little longer and then gradually worked her way up again.
“How are you feeling tonight?” Stella asked.
“Better,” he answered.  “Still sore, but those ice packs have helped.  And this, obviously.”
A sudden thought crossed her mind and gave her pause.  She stilled her hands for a few moments and then took up the massage again, albeit a little slower.
“Something wrong?” Hank asked.
“No.”  She shook her head a little and pressed her thumbs a little deeper into the base of his neck.  “Just thinking about something we haven’t done in awhile.”
“Does it involve fucking?  Cuz that would sure be a swift kick in the testicles right now.”
“I promise it had nothing to do with the question of your virility.  Or lack thereof, presently.”
“Oh trust me, I’m not lacking in that department.  I’ve got virility for days on end.”
“I’ve no doubt.”
“Are we at least naked in whatever scenario you were cooking up?”
“It wasn’t a scenario and as stunning as this may sound, not all roads lead to sex.”
“Sounds fake, as the kids say, but okay.”
Stella smiled a little and focused her attentions on the Hank’s shoulders again.
“I give up,” Hank said, lifting his head just slightly so he could look back at Stella.  “What haven’t we done in awhile.”
“Stories,” she said, touching the back of his head with one hand to encourage him to lay back down.
It was something they used to do years ago, when there was an ocean between them and nights were long.  It started as mostly Hank talking, filling the void of when neither of them could admit yet that they missed each other.  She had been slower to share things that weren’t of a more superficial nature, but the more they saw each other, the more she shared.  It felt like a lifetime ago.
“Oh,” Hank mumbled.  “Yeah, I guess it’s been awhile.  Gimmie a minute or twenty and I’ll try to think of a good one.”
Stella smiled slightly and leaned into the pressure she was exerting on Hank’s back a little harder.  He took a deep breath and sighed.  She wondered what he might tell her, but he was also so relaxed at the moment that she didn’t want him to think too hard.  She could try to come up with something, though.  Something he didn’t know.
It was oddly difficult, when she really pondered on it, trying to think of something she could tell him.  Certainly everyone must have thousands of stories to tell, but she wasn’t as gifted as Hank was in that department, to be able to think of something on the spot.  When it came to work, her mind was quick and she could respond to any given situation the spanse of a heartbeat.  Ask her to share something personal and it had to be processed and turned over in her mind for quite some time before she could say a word.
Stella halted the massage rather abruptly again, this time pulling her hands back from Hank’s shoulders.  It came over her and caught her off guard.  There was a story he didn’t truly know.  Well, he knew aspects of it, but not the whole truth of it.  It wasn’t something she kept from him purposefully, but it wasn’t she spoke about in any depth, except maybe with her therapist, many years ago.
“I have a story for you,” she said.
She put her hands back on Hank’s shoulders, but merely rested them there.  He lifted his head ever so slightly and looked back at her again, this time raising his brows.
“You okay, Sherlock?” he asked.
“I was thinking of where to start.”
“Usually the beginning is appropriate.”
“Well, that’s hard to say.  It started when I was 12, but I think it began much earlier.”
“What did?”
Stella didn’t answer.  She started back up with Hank’s massage again, taking her time to put her thoughts in order before she began.  “I bumped into the corner of a table at school and it left a significant bruise just below my hip,” she finally said.  “Red, at first, and then later a whole variety of colors.  Purple, blue, green, yellow.  I remember staring at it in the mirror in my bathroom, pressing into it and watching it bloom into deeper shades when I would take my thumb away.  It hurt terribly, but the pain also made my heart race.”
“Is that...the scars on your thighs, is that…?”
“Not yet.”  
Stella moved her fingertips lightly over Hank’s back and traced the outline of the tattoo on his shoulder.  She was always envious of anyone that had the strength to stop at one piece of body art.  It was why she never got one herself.  She didn’t think she’d be able to stop.
“Go on,” Hank said.
“I liked it,” she answered.  “Even though it hurt, I liked it.  Not the pain itself, I simply liked being in control of it.  I could make it hurt when I wanted and I could also make it stop whenever I wanted.  Unlike other things.”
“What couldn’t you stop?”
“Oh.  Everything.”
“Anything specific?”
“Everything specifically.”
Hank snorted softly and she smiled.  Very cautiously, she shifted her weight and eased down until she was lying on his back with her cheek resting on his shoulder.
“Does this hurt?” she asked.
“Feels good, actually.”
Stella regulated her breathing to be in time with Hank’s.  Rising with their inhales, sinking with their exhales.  She closed her eyes and let the hypnotic rhythm of it lull her.
“It wasn’t one thing,” she continued.  “It was both nothing and everything.  It was a general feeling that life was intolerable, but not wanting to die.  On the contrary, it was a deep yearning to appreciate being alive while finding living unbearable.  And then you find this thing you can control, and it seems like it brings you moments of relief, but the reality is that it is not.”
Hank shifted his arm just enough to displace Stella’s hand from his wrist and then he laced their fingers together.  Their thumbs met and flirted with each other for dominance with easy caresses.
“I had other methods as well,” she said.  “Discovered by accident most of the time.  Once a month, I was subjected to tea with my mother and she forbid me to wear my hair up, which is how I liked to wear it at the time.  I would keep the elastic on my wrist and when she inevitably began with the not-so-subtle reminders that I was a blight on her marriage to my father, I would snap it as hard as I could so I could focus on that physical pain and not her words.
“I would repeatedly wear a pair of shoes that gave me blisters at the backs of my ankles, though I had to stop that behavior when one of the blisters became infected and needed medical attention.  At the time, I also had visible welts on my wrists from the snapping and I was afraid suspicions would be aroused.
“I took extra care to make sure the welts were well-hidden with a bracelet.  When questioned about the blisters, about how I could let it get to such a dangerous stage, I merely said I thought I could tolerate the pain because they were my favorite shoes.  The doctor told me he hoped I’d learned my lesson about putting fashion over comfort.  My nanny called me a silly girl.  My father said I was just like my mother.”
“No one suspected anything?”
“Why would they?”
Stella felt Hank sigh beneath her, the kind of sigh that told her he felt helpless and frustrated.  She turned her head a little to kiss his shoulder and let her lips linger for a few moments before resting her cheek against him again.
“Bear in mind,” she said.  “Self-harm has only been recognized as a disorder very recently.  No one spoke of it.  I didn’t have a name for what I was doing to myself, I only knew how I felt and that it probably wasn’t normal, per se.  Pain and shame are just naturally things that you keep hidden.”
“Is that why you turned to cutting?  It was easier to hide?”
“Perhaps it was.  I don’t know.  It didn’t escalate into that until after my father died though.  I simply found myself with an x-acto knife in my hand one day whilst in the midst of an art project for school, and I wondered what it would be like to drag it across my skin.  And, so I did.  The result was a kind of euphoria.  It was like when I was much younger, four or five, and my mother would deliver a quick, unexpected slap across the face.  A momentary sting, heat, throbbing, and then the adrenaline kicks in and you’re floating outside of yourself for just the briefest of moments.  I’d hated it then, but I liked it when I was in control of it.
“The problem is, you can never recapture that first time.  You just keep chasing that initial, exhilarating feeling, but it never comes.  It just hurts.  But, it’s better than thinking about the father who left you and the mother who turned you away.  Or friends you can’t make or keep because you have too many secrets.”
“How did you stop yourself?”
“I got careless and I got caught by a roommate at boarding school.”
“And she told on you?”
“The opposite.  She was quite compassionate, actually.  She told me whenever I felt like hurting myself, to find her instead and she would talk to me.  And that is what I did.”
“What was her name?”
“Juliette.  She was...my first.”
“First what?”
“It was over before the end of the term though.  She was a year older than me and preparing for her A-levels.  We just sort of let each other go and I never saw her again.  She deserves the credit, however, because it was her care that stopped that particular habit of mine.”
“What did she look like?”
“Dark blonde hair, always perfectly feathered.  She had amber-colored eyes.  I’ve never met anyone else with eyes quite like hers.  She was neither thin nor voluptuous.  Everything about her just seemed to be perfectly proportionate.  The angles of her face were just as they should be, not sharp or soft.  Her brows were arched just enough not to look surprised or wicked.  I suppose she would be considered average by any standard, but to me she was effortlessly beautiful.  And a good person.”
“You don’t know what happened to her?”
“I do not.  As much as her influence helped to close certain doors, it also opened others.  I found other methods of distraction that felt less destructive, but it was all the same.  Alcohol.  Casual sex.”
“Throw in some recreational drug use and next you’d be telling my story,” Hank interrupted.
“Drugs didn’t do much for me.  I didn’t like the loss of control.”
“I guess opposites really do attract.”
Stella shrugged and made a soft humming noise in response.  Hank twisted his thumb around hers and gave it a squeeze.
“I need to stretch,” he said.
Stella eased her weight off of Hank and knelt beside him as he pushed himself up and turned over.  There was still a grimace on his face from the exertion, but not as pronounced as it was a few days ago.  She adjusted the pillows for him and he slid back so he was sitting against the headboard and rolled his shoulders a few times.  He stretched his neck back and then smiled and reached for her.  She straddled his lap and rested her hands on his chest.
“If you ever feel like that again,” he said.  “Come find me.  I’ll be your Juliette.”
She smiled slightly.  “It’s been a long time.”
“What made you tell me?”
“Perhaps it’s that you’re here.  Still.”
“Wish you’d gotten rid of me when you had the chance?”
“There are days when you are more trouble than you’re worth.  I suppose I’m stuck with you now, though.”
“Like superglue, Sherlock.”
Stella bent her neck and tipped her head to the side to kiss him.  She put a hand to his neck to keep his head still as she parted his lips with her own to slide her tongue across his the way he liked it.  He groaned and reached for her hips to pull her closer, but she pulled away.
“This is torture,” Hank said.
“We shouldn’t,” Stella answered, even as she pulled his shirt off over her head.  “You haven’t healed properly.”
Like a moth to a flame, his hands went immediately to her breasts.  She leaned into it and sighed.  Sometimes the perfect way they fit together made her think she was formed from the mold of his hands.
“I’ve heard sex has some pretty fantastic healing powers,” he said.
She couldn’t keep her hands out of his underwear.  His back might be sore, but his cock was certainly functional.  She was already wet with anticipation.
“Can you be still?” she asked.  “Let me do all the work?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“If you’re quite sure,” she answered, stroking him harder than she should to see if he’d keep his word.
“Fuck,” he groaned, tipping his head back and biting his lip in an effort not to move his hips.  “Stella.”
She rose up on her knees, pulled her panties aside and sank down onto him until she was back in his lap.  He was already breathing hard and pulling at her hips.  She petted his head and shushed him, moving at a pace that was even agonizingly slow for her.  His eyes had rolled shut, but then they rolled back open and locked his gaze with hers.
To take her weight from him, Stella gripped the headboard on either side of Hank’s head and changed the angle of her hips, making the upward lift of her hips more short and shallow while still taking him deeper.  They moaned simultaneously and the sound of his pleasure was enough to make the small muscles along her interior walls ripple and clench.  Hank groaned again and she could feel him nearing the end of his tether.  She reached down to help herself along.
Hank muttered a variety of expletives up at the ceiling as he came and Stella moved up just enough to eat his words.  Their teeth clashed and he accidentally bit her lip, the shock of which tipped her over the edge as well.  She licked the stinging taste of copper from her mouth, breathing hot and heavy through her nose against his cheek.  She wondered for the millionth time in her life why pain and pleasure felt so similar and why they were both so fleeting.
Beneath her, Hank chuckled and squeezed her ass.  “Well,” he said.  “Happy honeymoon, Sherlock.”
“Happy honeymoon, Watson.”
The End
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