#also you could try to watch Erkenci Kus
holly-mckenzie · 4 years
Hi! I was going through the layla x warren tag and stumbled upon your layla x warren essay (amazingly written by the way!) in which you said to check out Our Times. I was curious so I decided to check it out. I just finished it, and I am in tears! I love the movie- thank you so much for recommending it!!!
Oh my gosh! Hii!
I am so obsessed with the concept of Layla and Warren... They should have been endgame is all I’m saying (and will continue to say)! I mean come on, they have that sunshine character steals the heart of raincloud/grumpy character and it's just amazing! (But also, if you think about it, Warren is actually the one to steal her heart!)
(However, I understand that in my post I hate on Will and its unfair because that boy is literally a teenager who’s just trying his best.) I am also very obsessed with the fake dating / the whole we need to team up to do something but end up falling in love with each other plot! It’s just so good and so iconic and I cannot! And Our Times honestly does that plot so well! 
Truly Lin and Tai Yu are literally so cute? Lara Jean and Peter K. who? (jk... unless)
There were so many iconic scenes? Them with their dog? Her crying in the rain? Him risking it all (literally) to get her a gift? Just the movie is iconic shit, and I kid you not, I watch it at least once a month (because I’m apparently someone who feels the need to inflict pain on themselves EVERY month). 
When will I find myself a Tai Yu?
Also if you like Our Times, you should watch this other movie with Vivian Sung (the actress for Truly Lin) called Love The Way You Are that came out last year! It’s not as good as Our Times, but it is hella endearing and I love it! Plus the main couple is freaking cute!)
Screw it here other random tv show/movie suggestions (not that you asked):
1. Better Days (2019) 
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I’m going to start with a disclaimer and say It is not a comedy or a rom-com like Sky High or Our Times, but its SO good! It also deals with some pretty heavy subject matter (bullying/suicide)... So I understand if its too heavy for you... 
But if you don’t mind the heavy subject matter, the main characters have crazy chemistry and they are honestly too much for me! I love them so much! They deserve the world... did I mention I love them? They’re dynamic is so beautiful and sad and it will definitly make you cry is all I’m saying!
But its about this teenage girl who’s being bullied and befriends/hires a local small time gangster for “protection” from her bullies.... needless to say there are sparks! ( Aditional notes: When I say this movie is good I’m not joking, its been nominted/won multiple awards... )
2. Sen Çal Kapımı (2020 - )
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Okay, if you want to delve into the addicting world of Turkish dramas and are obsessed with the concept of fake dating (like I am), than this is the show for you! 
It’s a Turkish rom-com show that is currently airing on tv (as of today there are only 3 eps out)... It about the main character who’s hopes of going to Uni are shattered when she loses her scholarship because of the mishaps of wealthy business man (who she hates... obvs)! 
So, she goes to confront said man only to find herself relunctantly agreeing to be his fiance in exchange for a job... Needless to say things get out of hand very quickly!
So, you know its going to be good stuff? I mean, they “hate each other” but have to pretend to be fiances... and have crazy chemistry? It’s too good!
(additional notes on the subject of our times, the lead hero in this show has a dog and uses it to see the heroine and if that isn’t a Tai Yu move than I don’t know what is!)
3. That Thing Called Tadhana (2014)
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This is one of my favourite Pinoy movies! (Though On Vodka, Beers, and Regrets might be my new fav)  Anyways its about this young woman who’s a hopeless romantic who just broke up with her bf and is doing some travelling to get over him. Cue her at the airport struggling to meet airline baggage requirements when she meets a man who comes to her aid. They decide to travel togather, and form a friendship as they attempt to med each other hearts.
It’s very cute and sweet and sad, and I love it!
( additional notes  : if you like Pinoy movie I would also suggest watching : On Vodka, Beers, and Regrets, Meet Me at St. Gallen, or Crazy Beautiful You )
4. Aśk 101 / Love 101 ( 2020 - )
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(gif credit : @brumarchesine​)
So apparently I am a total ho for Turkish tv shows!
This show is so freaking cute I cannot! Its a netflix show and its so endearing and I love it! 
It’s a Turkish Teen Drama set in the 90′s about a group of teenages rebels (?) who would be expelled from their school if not for their teacher who vouches for them.
 When they realise this teacher is about to move to a different town, they know their chances of staying in school and not being expelled are non-existent. So device a plan to have he fall in love so she'll have a reason to stay in town with them.
And let me tell you! The ships in this show are so pure it literally makes me want to scream! I love Sinan and Isik +  Burcu and Kemal
Those are really my only tv show/movie suggestions that have similar premises or dynamics as Our Times... However, we will do some honorary shout out, shall we? (Which is to say, I’m going to spazz about random shows/ships)
 Dark (2017 - 2020)
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Dark is literally like none of the concepts I described above? Purely because it's a mystery/thriller about the disappearance of two children in a small German town. It’s a very explicit and dark (pun intended) and grim show... and has some serious eerie feels!
I would actually die for Aleksander and Regina Tiedemann so jot that down!
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(LOOK AT THEM!) If anyone looked at me the way Aleksander looks at Regina, I would probably die!
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teaenthusiast65 · 4 years
Dolunay Crossover
At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone has watched everything on netflix. 
From foreign cinema to porn from the cinema. And I thought, why not combine the two together? 
My favourite finds during this quarantine have been the Turkish series Dolunay, hello Ferit Aslan! 
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Hello to Can Yaman in general really. Erkenci Kus and Bay Yanlis have also been some enjoyable viewing, I highly recommend. 
Then there was the Turkish series Ramo. Only the first season! Thirty minutes into the second season I called it quits, I couldn’t do it. But the first season is about two rival families; high class mobsters vs lower class gangsters. To stop the blood-shed between their families, they go old school and make the respective heirs of each family get married. 
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Surprise, surprise, they hate each other but that hatred soon turns into respect... then admiration... then love. 
Arranged/Fake marriage, hatred to love... you guys see where I’m going with this? Dolunay meets Ramo.
Then there was the soft porn that was 365 Dni / 365. Days. A polish-italian-english smut fantasy that was made into a movie! 
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Basically, the story is about an Italian gangster who had a near death experience, where he saw this woman, who made him want to live; don’t walk towards the light and all that jazz. 
He becomes obsessed with finding this woman and when he does, he kidnaps her! He tells her that he will keep her for one year (hence the name of the movie) and if after that time she doesn’t fall in love with him, he’ll let her go. His way of trying to get her to love him, is buying everything she wants, whisking her away on trips around the world and having a bunch of hot/crazy sex. The sex being consensual and when she’s ready.
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So romantic... at least by Tumblr and fanfic standards. 
But the main character, Massimo, played by Michele Morrone, is some serious eye-candy; Italian class mixed with American bad-boy. 
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Side Note: already coming up with a 365 Dni / 365 Days crossover fanfic with the Turkish show Ramo. 
But as someone so controlling, business orientated, arrogant and cold demeanour, it reminded me so much of Ferit Aslan in Dolunay that of course, a crossover story formed in my mind. 
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I mean, given how controlling Ferit is, I don't think it’s TOO MUCH of a stretch to think he could kidnap someone in an attempt to make them love him. I mean, the whole employment contract with Nazli and then buying her restaurant, its all  in the same crazy-controlling-love. 
So I thought I would throw this idea out into the universe, or at least Tumblr, of a crossover fanfic between Dolunay and 365 Dni/365 Days, to see if this is something anyone would read or like to read. 
Quarantine has put my brain into overdrive and I dont know which of my ideas are good anymore! I’m hoping you Can Yaman/Dolunay fans will tell me. 
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Feel free to like, comment or message me to let me know your thoughts. 
--Tea Enthusiast 
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poppywrigts · 4 years
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people you want to participate! (Also tag it #The Dizi Tag Game so we can see everyone’s lists)
tagged by: @aycaysiin​ (miss u bby)
1. your first dizi & how you discovered Turkish dramas
it’s a little complicated hahahaha i first discovered dizis here on tumblr back on 2015 by seeing gifsets of magnificent century (nurbanu and selim, i miss them so much) but it was not the first dizi i watched bc the only channel i found had awful subtitles and sometimes russian dub; the first dizi i started watching was aşk laftan anlamaz, but around episode twenty-five the channel stopped posting the episodes; the first dizi i really watched through the end was kiralik aşk.
2. show(s) you’re currently watching
i’m not really watching that many dizis right now, i’m on day with maraşlı (bc i make the portuguese subtitles for it), i’m like six episodes behind in sen çal kapimi (and tbh i don’t want to catch up) and i watched the first episode of masumiyet last week.
3. your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.):
i was always the rom-com girl type but i recently discovered that i’m more drawn to dramas/mafia shows that i could ever imagine. i’m also very found of historical dizis/movies/books bc that’s a huge part of me (well... after all i’m a history teacher).
4. the show you rewatch (parts of) the most:
i don’t know if it’s considered a dizi or just a netfix show, but i watched aşk 101 like... eight times last year. my yt is always recommending me videos of leyla and hakan in the protector, so i’m counting it. i’m always watching scenes of kiş güneşi too... and güneşin kizlari (lost count of how many times i watched videos of savnaz).
5. favorite Turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples):
all my faves: çağatay ulusoy, ayça ayşin turan, merve boluğur, berk atan, hande erçel, burak deniz, mert yazıcıoğlu, ipek filiz yazıcı, sude zulal güler, emre bey,  neslihan atagül, uraz kaygılaroğlu, alperen duymaz, melisa döngel, esra bilgiç. i’ll stop here but there’s a lot more.
6. a show you quit before finishing:
that dizi i refuse to say the name (y’all know which one, the one that made awful decisions with the best characters they had... and now that these actors jump off the boat the writers are trying to survive by bringing into this mess another great actress just to make that hateful character someone worth watching) (yeah, i hold a lot of grudges) (at least now neslihan and uraz are free) and erkenci kus.
7. favorite song(s) you’ve discovered in dizi’s:
i don’t pay much attention on the soundtrack :( 
8. the show whose plot disappointed you the most:
again, the one i refuse typing the name. i think iyi günde kotü günde disappointed me but bc i was so invested and they didn’t gave us a reason for everything. 
9. a show that was cancelled too soon / ran too long:
again, iyi günde kotü günde. but i think zemheri had such a short life too. and i think that çukur and hercai are running too long. i mean, i don’t even know what’s happening anymore (ok that çukur had this kind of time jump and things revived a little) 
10. favorite character(s):
sinan (ask 101), osman (ask 101), işik (love 101), gediz işıklı (you know from where), defne topal (kiralik ask), nurbanu sultan (magnificent century), turhan hatice sultan (magnificent century: kosem), firuze pinar (zemheri), yildiz yilmaz (yasak elma), sibel yildirim (ramo), eda yildiz (sen çal kapimi, but like until episode 15), nare çelebi (from that dizi, until the 5th episode)
11. your favorite romantic pairing(s):
sinan and işik (love 101), gediz and nare (from that one), ramo and sibel (ramo), omer and defne (kiralik ask), and so far marasli and mahur (marasli) 
12. favorite side character(s):
melek (sen çal kapimi), ceren (sen çal kapimi), leyla (the protector), burcu (ask 101), sinan (kiralik ask)
13. best kiss:
sinan and işik on the water (ask 101)
14. an underrated show more people should watch:
15. a show everyone loves that you aren’t interested in:
16. a show you want to recommend right now:
maraşlı, masumiyet, halka
17. the next show on your list:  
teşkilat (waiting for it to start on sunday) and son yaz (but alperen as 20 y’old boy creeps me a little)
tagging: @izbellas @mayuamakura @sparkledesign @ofrumours @savkennas and anyone who wants to do it!
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talenevertold · 6 years
When love freezes over
Erkenci Kus Headcanon for Episode 32
- This isn’t happening! Not happening!
Sanem was frantic as she yanked the freezer door in vain attempt to pry it open. Çan’s expression was a mixture of amusement and irritation as he watched her from the side. He chuckled:
- Sanem, I’m sure it’s locked…
She turned sharply, her curls whirling around her, and almost screamed at him with frustration:
- How do you know? Maybe it’s just stuck! Maybe it just froze shut!
Çan murmured something unintelligible – she couldn’t quite hear what it was but somehow she knew it was nothing to her benefit. Irrationally, it got her even more angry – with him, with this situation, with their entire situation. Her heavy breath was coming out in white clouds of cold air and Sanem suddenly realized that they might freeze over… just like that!
- No, Çan-bey, we have to get out of here! Don’t just stand there, do something!
Çan crossed his hands observing her carefully, as if she’d looked differently than before. But of course, she looked differently! She was turning blue and icy by the minute! And he didn’t move a muscle!
- Çan-bey, I don’t know why you plan to freeze here, but I have had plans! For today and for the rest of my life too! Shouldn’t we try to get out of here before we turn to ice-cream?
Çan shrugged:
- I’m sure we’re not locked here accidentally. It’s either someone’s prank… and that someone is going to regret it immensely…
Sanem shivered at the obvious threat in Çan’s voice… or maybe she was shivering out of cold… she couldn’t tell… her brain was refusing to work under sub-zero temperatures.
Çan, seemingly unphased by the temperature, continued his assessment of their situation:
- Or maybe our friends just decided to play matchmakers and give us some time to talk over our… difficulties.
Çan spoke so calmly, so detached, as if he was discussing pizza order… No, scratch that! Not pizza… color schemes… No, that too, scratch that too… There was nothing Sanem could think of that Çan would be so dispassionate about as he was about their life-threatening situation… and she wasn’t thinking about freezer right now. Their situation – the situation of them.
Was he really that… bored? With them? With her? With their ‘difficulties’?
Çan’s eyes were warm as he caressed Sanem’s face with his gaze. His hair would’ve been so soft – but only if she’d dared to touch him. His beard would scratch her a little and leave barely visible marks on her neck, behind her ear… But his words were so cold.
… Which reminded her – the cold!
Sanem looked around and bolted towards the depth of the freezer trying to find something to put on – she was chilled to the bone and wasn’t sure if she was feeling all her toes anymore. Çan yelled after her:
- I don’t think it’s going to be any warmer there!
- Ç-ç-çan-b-b-bey, d-d-don’t try to b-b-be funny! I n-n-need to…
Before Sanem could finish, familiar set of strong hands spun her abound and pressed her into Çan’t broad chest. She automatically hid her face in the folds of his scarf seeking for warmth that was radiating from Çan in waves. Familiar scent hit her nostrils – he was wearing her gift. Hidden flower scent.
Çan’s hands were wandering all over her back, pressing ever so lightly but firm enough to get her blood moving. It’s not like Sanem wasn’t freezing anymore – she absolutely was! – but his touches brought a welcome distraction and she’d refocused on him. On the little hollow on the base of his neck that Sanem knew was very sensitive… on the way his body pressed into hers… and how normal it felt – just to be in his arms. As if it was her own personal space in this world.
Sanem slipped her hands under his jacked and held him closer – only to feel Çan jump at the contact with her icy palms over his shirt. She looked at his, her eyes full of apology:
- Sor-r-ry! I didn’t…
She took a step back to free Çan of her cold presence – and he took a step forward. Without a word he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Sanem. Then he did the same thing with his scarf. Sanem tried to protest… but it was so goooood – to be enveloped in his warmth, his scent… his care.
- Çan-bey, you shouldn’t!
Sanem tried to take off the scarf to return it but Çan has caught her hands with one of his and brought them his mouth, breathing out warm air, melting out think layer of blue tinge off her skin immediately. Çan’s other arm was still holding Sanem close to his body.
His eyes caught with hers above their entwined fingers and he asked softly between breaths:
- There’s nobody around… What are you calling me ‘Çan-bey’ for?
Sanem stilled – but this time not for the cold, for the dread. Her words felt like shards of ice going up her throat as she spoke:
- You’re still my boss, even here…
Çan’s lips came close enough and Sanem could feel the ticklish touch of his beard and gentle press of his lips to her hand. Little fingers clenched convulsively, tightening their hold. Sanem mind was racing mile a minute trying to understand where this conversation was turning to – but it was so hard to focus with this beautiful face so close to her she could almost feel the taste of his kiss on her lips.
She licked her lips checking if the taste is really there – and Çan’s gaze immediately flew to her mouth and back to her eyes. He arched an eyebrow as if asking her… for permission?
Or for the question from a moment ago?
- Çan-bey, you said it yourself, that you are… my boss… and that’s how it will be between us.
Pain ran through Çan’s features as he closed his eyes hiding away his soul from Sanem. She felt his emotional walls beginning to shut down on this little moment of sincerity and Sanem just couldn’t let it happen! She freed one hand and tentatively touched her fingers to Çan’s face. He instinctively leaned into her touch and exhale – Sanem hasn’t even realized that Çan was holding his breathe until she saw a little white cloud escaping his mouth. With just her fingertips Sanem traced the outline of his eyebrow, cheekbone, nose bridge, his upper lip… Çan’s eyes flew open at her touch on his lips and this time he inhaled sharply, his nostrils flaring and irises widening rapidly.
Sanem felt his lips moving against her fingers, first she thought it was a kiss but then realized Çan was saying something:
- … told you so many things. I told you I love you. I told you I don’t trust you. Told you never to come near me. And I told you to never let me go…
Sanem felt as if his eyes – and his words – were burning through her soul, erasing old pains and eliciting new ones, but this time sweeter and deeper then before. She wanted to say something, add something – but Çan shook his head in a silent ‘no’:
- I still don’t know where I stand between these words. Because they are all true.
Çan inhaled loudly again and his lips quivered in a sad smile. Çan’s words were hushed as if he was talking to himself:
- I hardly breathe when I’m around you because it hurts so much… but I can’t breathe at all when I don’t have you near me, can’t touch you, hold you… And I…
Sanem’s hand was cradling his face, her fingers massaging his temple in soothing circles. She spoke softly:
- Çan-bey, we don’t have to do this now. You need time and space – and I’m sorry I didn’t give it to you before, but I will now. I’ll wait…
Sanem tried stepping away from his embrace but Çan tugged her back to his body. His face inched in to hers as he said:
- I also told you that if you keep calling me ‘Çan-bey’ I will have to kiss away this ridiculous ‘bey’ from your lips…
His words supposed to sound like a threat but Sanem met it in kind:
- I remember that… Çan… bey…
Çan smiled with his eyes but his lips were too busy – shaping to fit hers, tasting Sanem’s scent in her exhale, getting lost in the warmth of her mouth and her entire self. Their kiss was soft, then passionate, then frenzied and sparkling – like a creation of a new world in the middle of ice desert.
And then loud noise of clinging metal startled them. They turned their heads towards the door in unison, their expressions equally confused as if they just remembered they were locked in the freezer and the real world was still out there.
The door cringed open and high-pitched voice broke through silence:
- Çan, aşkım, I finally found you! Your people are impossible! You should really work on discipline there! It’s a miracle I’d found you before you froze to death!
Sanem sneezed loudly and like that the magic was broken. The real life was upon them…
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payidaresque · 2 years
Exactly Eda messed up her whole show and we just weren't able to recover. I mean the show was salvaged by Ali at the end (so great full for him) but unfortunately she caused a lot of damage. It's common amongst Turkish shows that they all start off well but somewhere the writer just messes it all up. I've watched this happen countless of times unfortunately. Siyah beyaz ask, uckurus, erkenci kus, hercai and just so many other shows were ruined by dumb storylines.
It's a damn shame because with the right screenwriter I'm sure Aziz could have come back stronger. The highest ratings the show had was when Azef were getting closer so its not like the audience wasn't interested in the couple etc.
I definitely think they pulled the plug because Murat wasn't interested in the script. He is the show and losing him would mean the next season wouldn't survive anyway. You cant blame an established actor like him to go along with a dumb script. He already did it in season one 🤣
Lol I watched a few clips online of Damlas acting and honestly I wasn't amazed. There were also scenes in Aziz that I felt like she over did it or just cringe (lol I won't say which ones). I'm glad for one thing which is that Simay got the admiration she deserved for her role as Efnan. She was literally holding her own against legends such as Firat tenis (pierre) and obviously Murat.
Please don't apologise for being upset. Shows we love ending abruptly is always a tough thing to go through ❤️ and as much as it ended abruptly I think it would have been worse watching them ruin a beautiful couple in season 2 which seemed to be the plan.
I think the show was a good, strong adaptation with a solid story and good written backgrounds (except for Dilruba — that character was horrible and shallow from the very start with no actual puprose whatsoever besides getting Aziz back), MUCH BETTER than the original source (Poldark) which is a very rare thing to happen, JUST before Eda decided to pull her shit out while obviously being in a horrendous fever (no one in their right mind would wrote THAT... and everyone who approved that just as dumb and incomitent as she is). And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HERCAI, i personally think this is one of the dumbest shows i've ever seen AND YET it had the privilage of getting a proper ending and last for 3 fucking seasons (for whatever crazy reason there was). And then we have Aziz, that had every chance to become a hit IF it had the right people working on it, ending up like this. Do i think that's fair? HELL NO. Although i do believe ATV have different policy regarding cancelling a show so that played a huge part as well, but still
I really believe the ratings started dropping just as soon as Eda had A FUCKING GENIUS IDEA to make Adem & Dilruba live under the same roof with Azef and Dilruba making eyes at Aziz all the time and playing the victim. I seriously don't understand why would someone do that to their own show. Don't you want your work to suceed?
lol honestly, to me every 2nd scene with Dilruba was bad 💀 She was treated like a freaking ping-pong ball, swinging back and forth between trying to be a good person and a total bitch, and i don't get the reason behind it and i almost feel sorry that Damla had to play her, NO actor should ever be able to play such an awful character, even if your own abilities are far from extraordinary. Aziz was trully a time to shine for Simay, i really hope her career's gonna make big turns for good, she deserves it. Actually, i think Simay is the only one who actually benifited from the show in terms of career and is truly recognized now for her talent
I know it was better to end the show this way than watch it ruining itself with each new episode, it's the wasted potential that hurts me the most, so many questions left unanswered, and the characters didin't get a chance to truly grow (especially Efnan, Adem and Maksude) and fully demonstrate what they're capable of, and i will never forgive The Big Bosses for that. They all were treated so poorly, none of them deserve it. Especially when the bosses HAD every opportunity to make things right, they just slept on it on purpose
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violicity · 4 years
Hi there :) I’m new to dizis (in fact, I’m not even sure what that means, haha), but I’ve only seen Sen cal Kapimi, and I was just wondering if you could recommend any others with a similar rom-com energy? Thanks so much for your lovely blog, it’s such a treat! ♥️
Hi and welcome to diziland :) rom-com energy? Well you can try Kirialik Ask or Erkenci Kus and Her Yerde Sen. I also watched Afili Ask. There are many more but those are the one I watched so I can recommend ;) 
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clayray3290 · 4 years
Clayray Closeout 2020
Alrighty, I am writing this in 2021 because I had things to do on New Year’s Eve lol.
Well, 2020 has been quite a difficult year. I am grateful to be as fortunate as I am, but at the same time, most of the year I have spent full of rage and despair and frustration and fear and grief at all of the loss and all of the injustice and just all of the horrific things that have happened this year. For 2021, I’m trying to find hope and to gather strength to persevere and keep on doing my part in fighting for what is right and contributing good to the world.
Art played a huge part in helping me get through this year, so let me take a look back at some of that great art:
Music - Artists
Jesse & Joy
Niall Horan
Glass Animals
Taylor Swift
Fiona Apple
Little Mix
Chloe x Halle
Who knew BTS would top this list? I’ve followed them from before their debut, but I am a casual fan at best. Though I was supposed to take my mom (who is a bigger fan than I am) to the concert at the Rose Bowl this year...until the pandemic happened.
Obviously, I did not go to any concerts this year, so there are no artists that got a bump from my having seen them live this year. However, some old standbys released some new albums this year - Jesse & Joy, Glass Animals, McFly, Little Mix. And speaking of Little Mix, news of Jesy’s departure from the group sent me into a spin down memory lane listening to their discography more. Also T. Swift’s two (2!!) new albums were in heavy rotation as well.
Secret made this list too, even though of course they’re disbanded now. My love for them stays strong, and their solo releases this year I enjoyed - Particularly Jieun’s Make It Love.
Chloe x Halle I started listening to much more than before, because “Ungodly Hour” is a fantastic album. Which juuuuust missed the cut of my top albums.
Music - Albums
Niall Horan - Heartbreak Weather
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Cast - High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Original Soundtrack
Jesse & Joy - Aire (Versión Día)
Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters
Starry Cast - Starry
Glass Animals - Dreamland
ZOMBIES 2 Cast - ZOMBIES 2 Original TV Movie Soundtrack
Taylor Swift - folklore
Beyoncé - The Lion King: The Gift [Deluxe Edition]
HSMTMTS and Z2 are products of work, but there generally are some fantastic songs from these soundtracks that I love independently. Olivia Rodrigo has turned out to be a star, and “All I Want” is gorgeous. And “Flesh & Bone” in particular is incredible and young people found such meaning from its lyrics, like “No more hesitation, it’s time we start to realize / With all this separation, silence is still taking sides.”
I have a fraught relationship with Glass Animals’ Dreamland right now because I had bought a limited edition vinyl, but there has been a whole rigmarole because it was super delayed (literally months!) and I went home to Michigan and so then I had to change the delivery address to my friend’s, and then she moved, too, so it has been a whole thing.
Starry is an as-yet unstaged musical about Vincent van Gogh, and it is exquisite. Please give it a listen and fall in love with it like I did.
Lastly, I once heard “Fetch the Boltcutters” as “Vegetable Goddess” and I cannot unhear it.
Soul Yes, would love if we could have a Black protagonist be a Black protagonist for the whole movie, but look, this is a beautiful beautiful film that is so meaningful. I cried so much.
The Old Guard It would be an honor to be slayed by Charlize Theron, Kiki Layne, or Gina Prince-Bythewood.
Palm Springs A delightful time loop take, and just so darn charming.
Emma. Works better as a comedy than a romance, but lusciously shot and Anya Taylor-Joy takes one of the trickiest Austen heroines and brings her to full life.
A Recipe for Seduction Okay, this one’s a joke. The KFC x Lifetime “movie” is ridiculous, but I have no regrets watching it.
The above list is just of movies that newly came out in 2020.
I watched a whopping 390 movies in 2020, 200 of which were Quarantine Movies with my friend Richard w/a Beard (Our 200th was BLOODY NEW YEAR, literally begun on New Year’s Eve with just moments left of 2020). Rw/aB and I watch mostly B-movies, slashers, giallos, psychedelic musicals, 80′s sex comedies, kung fu movies, and made-for-TV kids’ movies. And the KFC x Lifetime movie. (For the record, my top 5 of these movies would be: Blood Beat, Killer Workout, Pieces, StageFright: Aquarius, Mr. Boogedy. Honorable Mention to The Apple and Miami Connection.)
Honorable Mention: Sound of Metal (Technically a 2019 movie), Lucky Grandma (Also a 2019 movie), Hala (Again 2019), the Disney+ music specials like Hamilton and Black Is King, the Pixar SparkShorts particularly Loop, our DCOM releases this year - Zombies 2 and Upside-Down Magic and Secret Society of Second-Born Royals
Films I Want To See But Haven’t Yet: Minari (I can’t believe I haven’t seen it yet), One Night in Miami..., Definition Please, Disclosure, The Forty-Year-Old Version, The Personal History of David Copperfield (DEV PATEL), Nomadland
I May Destroy You What an awe-inspiringly incredible show. Michaela Coel is a force.
Ted Lasso On a much lighter note than I May Destroy You, lol. This show could’ve been so stupid, but it is actually so deft and wise and mature. And just so full of heart.
The Baby-Sitters Club It is hard to take a beloved work and reboot it. But this show not only made it contemporary, but updated it to be relevant and to ring true for today. And it is just simply a really good show. 
Normal People My heart aches from this show, and in the best way.
Little Fires Everywhere This show took an incredible book and distilled it into its best form, packing just such gut punches along the way.
Not New: Pen15, Crash Landing on You (Did a group watch with friends for this, like we did with Erkenci Kus last year!), Schitt’s Creek, What We Do in the Shadows, Watchmen, Kidding, Succession
Honorable Mentions: Never Have I Ever, The Queen’s Gambit, Lovecraft Country, Bridgerton, Dead Still (A show about a Victorian dead people photographer!), The Amber Ruffin Show (I’m not actually much of a late night person, but I adore Amber Ruffin), Dash & Lily, Supermarket Sweep Reboot, Julie and the Phantoms, Taste the Nation, Little America, The Stranger (RIP Quibi)
Shows I Haven’t Finished Yet But Will: Ramy, Saved by the Bell Reboot, Gentefied, The Mandalorian, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
According to my Trakt, I watched 282 hours of TV and 522 hours of movies in 2020 (But this was before the last week of 2020, so this is an undercount). That’s 805 hours total, which would be about 33.5 days lmao, so basically a month of my year was spent watching something hahahahahaha. I watch a lot.
But apparently, I listen even more? According to my Last.fm, I scrobbled 30,916 songs, making for total listening time of 74 days and 8 hours. Whew! Well, let’s get into my top songs then~
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