#also yellow sticks out more in the nether where most things are red especially in the earlier version of Minecraft
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leapdayowo · 1 year ago
Evil Beezuma
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
Well, I realized that the hermits I had left fit into a rainbow so now I’m doing that. Red, orange, yellow, lime, green, and brown as a treat.
au by @hermitcraftheadcanons and tagging @helleborusangel as always because 💖!
Welsknight jumped to another crimson tree, clinging to what was there instead of leaves. Any time he felt like he was about to fall, he was given a push in the right direction by the hoglins below waiting for him to fall. As if he hadn’t already fallen plenty.
He really needed to take the wart blocks he was tearing up and make himself a safe path. But the nether wasn’t really safe enough for him to get a chance to do that. At the very least he had a full set of wood tools in a chest. Said chest was still further ahead, but it was also the safest area he had right now.
Wels heard the familiar sound of a ghast crying out trying to find him. He immediately tore up some of the wart blocks from the tree he was on to give himself some cover. As he waited for the ghast to fly away, he worked at some of the hyphae. The knight made sure not to get too close to the ground in case a hoglin tried to knock him off. Getting back up involved turning some of the stem into planks to tower back up to the treetops, but he still had plenty of wood for crafting anything he would need.
Once he got things set up, he would start scouting out for a fortress or deltas to get better gear. He was also thinking of setting up an area to attack Ziglins from to get some gold nuggets so he could eventually trade with piglins for some desperately needed gear. But for now, all he had were the trees or giant mushrooms or whatever these were.
Cub whacked away another stray cave spider that found him. It had been, what, four days at this point? And he still hadn’t found this second spawner in this mesa. It also didn’t help that he was starting to hear things. It was just little whispers, quiet enough he couldn’t tell what was being said, but just the fact that they existed, or at least theoretically existed was enough to put him on edge.
He munched on a bit of beef he had gotten from some cows roaming just outside the mineshaft exits. Compared to how bad it looked like some of the other Hermits had it, Cub was doing well. Sure, his health was low due to the spiders attacking him, but he hadn’t gotten too badly poisoned. Then he had a good amount of food and the cobwebs gave him plenty of string for beds, which was thankfully able to let him change his main spawn.
It was getting closer and closer to the point Cub was thinking about trying to head towards what he hoped would be spawn. For all he knew, absolutely no one was actually at spawn and when he finally reached there, there would be nothing. That being said, if there was absolutely no one there, he could start setting up. He had full iron gear, a number of diamonds, plenty of food and other supplies, and of course, lots of wool for beds.
Cub killed another spider before it could bite him, but wondered if that was really the best idea. No matter what happened, he couldn’t manage to heal himself at all unless it was through respawning.Theoretically he could start towards spawn at three and a half hearts, but it wasn’t really the wisest decision. So for now, he would just prep as much as he could before he respawned again.
XB fanned himself with a hand. Even underground in the cave it was still pretty hot from the desert outside. He could theoretically go further down, but his resources were severely limited due to having no wood. XB had a little luck with getting creepers to explode near coal, so he at the very least had torches, but it wasn’t very many. There was also the fact that every time he died, he ended up back in the middle of the desert and had to trek back to the cave.
A few respawns here and there, XB had considered trying to escape the desert and find a slightly better biome, one with trees or wood or something to help him. But most of them ended up with him dying before he could even spot the edge of a biome, so his one cave of safety was the best he had right now.
Still, even then, there were a few times XB faced the hot sand, and not to find an escape for himself. In one of his attempts to escape, he had come across someone else. At first, he had some sort of hope that he had been found and might get a way out. But that changed when he watched the person collapse. XB ran over to the other person and recognized Iskall through the sand that clung to their body from sweat. Neither of them had anything currently on their person, so all they could do was stay by the other until one of them, likely Iskall, died of dehydration.
XB was able to tell Iskall that he had a cave for them to stay in if they could make it back in this direction and go a bit further. Iskall nodded and asked if XB had made the tower of sand, to which the answer was no. XB took out his comm to check the death messages and see if anyone else was dealing with dehydration deaths. Scrolling up, he couldn’t spot any, but if he hadn’t made that tower and Iskall hadn’t, there had to be someone who made it.
Hypno continued to follow a bee that had been pollinating flowers around him. For being stuck in a lush, green, flower forest, there weren’t really many trees around. But he knew that bees went to nests, and nests were connected to trees. At this point, he just needed to find one. He could get a sapling from the leaves and grow more and then he would be set. Well, he would need to find his way back to his spawn again, since his comm wasn’t giving him any sort of coordinates. Though, that was probably because it was filled with pollen, and every time he shook it even a little, yellow powder would come out of it.
He looked back to the bee and was glad it hadn’t flown too far out of his sight. There was just one tiny problem. It didn’t have any pollen on it anymore. Hypno looked around, hoping to see a nest and tree nearby, but there was nothing. Just flowers, flowers, moving flowers and more flowers. Wait, moving flowers?
Hypno snapped his head back to look at the moving flowers. They looked to be just on the other side of a hill and weren’t swaying in the breeze or anything, but actually moving like they were walking along. He started walking toward the flowers, climbing up the hill, and then he stopped. The flowers were on the back of a cow that should not have been there. He knew that mooblooms weren’t really supposed to be around yet. Something about the gods waiting or something. But no, here it was, right in front of him.
Hypno didn’t have a sword or even a stick, but he didn’t really have many options for food, so he rushed towards the animal to get some sort of actual food other than just chewing on dandelions when he was desperate. Besides, if there was one cow, there would probably be more, so he wasn’t too upset about getting one of them killed.
Before Hypno fully reached the cow, he watched as it noticed him and stopped moving, almost like it was curious about what he was doing. It made him feel just a little regretful about what he was going to do, but right now, survival was more important than guilt. He heard the cow give a moo, and he was ready to hear if any others responded. After a moment, there was a single moo in reply, but it was much younger and right in front of him. And then Hypno realized he was about to run into a calf.
Cleo kicked the door of the house she had been trapped in. It was a bit therapeutic, but it didn’t really help her frustration, especially since she could easily look out the door and see the iron golem staring her down. So what if she were green from being a zombie? She wasn’t going to go around killing villagers all willy nilly.
At the very least, she got very lucky with the house she claimed as it had a chest, crafting bench and bed all in one, so she had basic resources. But she also had an emerald from the chest which the villagers were very upset that she had ‘stolen’. Cleo tried to explain that they could have it back, but none of them really wanted to listen to a zombie. Especially not one living in their village.
So Cleo kicked at the door again, this time along with a punch. It felt right and therapeutic in a sense. Maybe it was a zombie thing, they were always breaking doors. But that made Cleo pause. If she really wanted to get the village to trust her, breaking down a door was not the way to do that.
Looking out the window, it looked like the sun was setting. Soon would be the sweet spot where she could get out of the house and grab supplies while the villagers were all inside and it wasn’t quite dark enough for things to be spawning. The iron golem also went on patrol at that time, so he wasn’t at her one exit blocking her off. Once she had enough wood for ladders and a pickaxe, she’d start digging down to make herself a mine and a way out of the place, but for now, it was just sneaking in and out through the front door.
Beef’s gathering up more dirt. He and Joe have found a few more areas which could be patched up. Normally they wouldn’t be too concerned with keeping things neat and completely safe, but with the current situation everyone was in, safety was a big priority. Joe was likely working on more tree farming or gathering stone, then the two of them would meet back up as the sun was setting.
Spawn had been lit up pretty well, so nothing was spawning much nearby. Because of that, the two of them worked on building places for people to stay, some sorted storage to help people get gear, and finally near the end of the night they would take a nap so that phantoms would stay away the following night. Technically they could skip a night here or there, but making it a habit was a better thing to do.
He tries not to get distracted by the death messages in chat, but it’s a little hard. Ever since Etho died and didn’t show up again, Beef had been on edge, worried about him and Joe dying and suddenly being elsewhere. For all he knew, the three of them were supposed to be spawning elsewhere from this mess, but they had shown up before whatever was causing this activated and their deaths would change that.
And speaking of that, he glanced as his comm buzzed with another message. He looked, expecting it to be a death from Impulse, TFCl or Xisuma, who were having frequent deaths, but instead his heart sank when he saw Joe’s name.
Beef immediately stopped digging, leaving some dirt behind as he ran back to spawn. He needed to know if Joe was really gone too. And if he was, Beef needed to come up with a new plan for setting things up. But he really really hoped that maybe, somehow, Joe was still there.
As spawn came into view, Beef scanned the landscape for Joe. Every second he didn’t see the hermit, he lost more hope, but then finally he spotted movement. “Oh Joe, thank void you’re okay.”
“Yeah, thought I was gonna be in a heap of trouble for a couple of seconds there, but looks like I just respawned in bed. I’m sure as long as we got our beds in a nice safe place, we don’t need to worry too much about dying and ending up somewhere else.”
“That’s a relief. Going to collect what you dropped?” Beef asked, and Joe nodded.
“Yeah. And I think tonight we might want to move our beds a bit.”
Beef tilted his head slightly. “Why’s that.”
Joe didn’t answer immediately, just staring towards exact zero zero. “Just got a feelin’ about it. Like it’s a disaster waitin’ to happen. I know it’s not much to go on, but-”
Beef just stops Joe. “No, a feeling like that is fine. Right now we really need to listen to little feelings like that with everything going on.”
Joe nods and then heads off to gather the supplies he dropped. Beef stores his dirt in some chests and then grabs his bed, moving it to a different building before tucking himself in and making sure he’s linked to it for respawning. When Joe gets back, he can do the same, and then they can get to building now that the sun is setting.
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