#also yeji is absolutely gorgeous oh my god
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hwangyeddeongie · 2 months ago
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this sequence of ryujin being a little shit is cracking me up
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honeylations · 2 years ago
- “I Love You For You, Ryu” -
Prompt: Ryujin gets dumped by her ex girlfriend, and you give your absolute best to help her get back on her feet. Little did she know was that you were trying to fight your own feelings from having Ryujin all to yourself.
Warning(s): g!pRyujin, sad Ryu :( , heartbreak, happy ending, smut ;)
It was 3:15am at your shared dorm with the girls. Yeji, Lia, Chaeryeong and Yuna were asleep in their bedrooms while you sat alone in the living room, waiting for Ryujin to come home. You knew you had schedules early in the morning but for some reason, your body refuses to sleep until the one member was with you in your shared room.
Ryujin told you earlier on that day that she was meeting up with her girlfriend, Karina from Aespa. No one knew about their secret relationship besides your group and their group, promising to keep your mouths shut until the two girls make it public themselves.
Ryujin had also told you about how rough her relationship was going with the Aespa member. Unfortunately Karina was not as supportive on finding out about Ryujin’s opposite-genitalia secret. She even tried to convince Ryujin to get surgery to make her a ‘proper woman”. It made your blood boil and also hurt your heart that your bestfriend (and love of your life) still decided to stay with her when you were right there, willing to give your whole soul to Ryujin.
You knew she wouldn’t love you back. She only saw you as a friend, a bestfriend, a sister, a group member. Although Ryujin had never confirmed that to you, your anxiety was speaking for you.
Your body straightened from the sound of the main door being unlocked, making you stand up quickly and speed walk to the door. You were about to scold the older member for being out so late but you froze upon seeing her look so…broken.
Ryujin’s eyes were red and puffy, face stained with tears, her hair a little ruffled, and she was sniffling behind her black mask. She looked at you with no colour in her eyes which you’re not used to.
She was known to be such a bright person, always smiling and giving the effort to make others smile too.
This wasn’t the Ryujin you knew.
She took off her mask and threw it to the side carelessly, shoving her hands into her pockets. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you” She mumbled with a voice that shattered your heart even more.
You opened out your arms and sighed. “Come ‘ere, gorgeous girl”
Lips quivering, she ran into your arms and broke down crying. You couldn’t quite decipher what she was saying between her cries but you did hear one sentence clearly.
‘I hate myself, Y/n’
Whatever Karina did to her, you were surely willing to run over to their dorm and smack the shit out of her.
“Hey let’s go to our room, how does that sound?” You softly whispered, running your fingers through her short hair.
You felt her nod and she allowed you to lead her weak body upstairs where you found the rest of your members, now awake. Oops.
“Hey it’s past 3am what’s- oh my god Ryu what’s wrong?!” Lia panicked, trying to make the girl face her but the crying member could only bury her face deeper into your neck, hugging you tighter.
“I think Ryu only wants Y/n right now. Let’s give them some space” Yeji spoke, her hand rubbing Ryujin’s back softly.
“Go on Y/n. I’ll check up on you two tomorrow morning” The leader continued to say in which you nodded and finally got Ryujin into your shared bedroom, locking the door behind you.
“Sit on the bed, darling. I’ll get some comfier clothes for you” You told her.
She didn’t respond. Her eyes stared blankly into the floor as she was seated on the bed, slowly taking her shoes off.
You went to her closet and came back with grey sweatpants and a baggy white T-shirt, helping her get changed. You got her to lie down and you pulled her quilt over her curled body. You kissed her forehead and ran your fingers through her hair one more time. “Sleep this off for now, okay? We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t-“
“She broke up with me” The older finally spoke.
“Lie down with me please, Y/n. I don’t want you to go too..”
You knew this wasn’t good for your heart but for Ryujin, you’d do anything so you got under the sheets and allowed the taller girl to lie her head on your chest and hug your waist. You continued caressing her back, knowing it helped her relax and you smiled upon hearing her sigh with relief.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ryu. Tell me what happened”
“The moment I went to her dorm, I cooked us dinner and the whole time we ate, I knew something was off with her. She wasn’t smiling, she didn’t give me any affection, and she didn’t even call me by our usual nicknames”
“Were her other members not there?”
“They were at their family’s house apparently so we were alone”
“Mhm. What happened next?”
Ryujin sighed. “That’s when she told me she wanted to break up. At first I thought it was because I wasn’t being good enough as a girlfriend but she said she didn’t want to be with someone born with a penis..She even said that if I truly loved her, I would get it cut off”
“That bitch..” You said under your breath, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I was trying to explain to her that I liked the way I am but the more she insulted me, the more I started second guessing myself” Ryujin said as she started to cry again, you hugged her tighter.
“Oh Ryu, I’m so so sorry that happened to you. If Karina truly loved you, she wouldn’t have cared about what you were born with. It just showed how worthless she was. You deserve so much better and don’t ever think that you have to change yourself over some idiotic girl. Don’t do anything that will make you unhappy, okay?”
Ryujin sniffed and nodded, her glossy eyes looking into yours.
“You’re the most talented, most gorgeous, most handsome, most perfect person I know. I’m more than happy to tell you that again and again” You smiled, wiping her tears away with your thumb.
“You’re the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for” Ryujin smiled back at you.
“I know”
“I’m sorry for keeping you up this late”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything. But I’ll tell you what I want you to do from now on..”
Ryujin nodded, letting you know she was listening.
“Show everyone that you’re better than what Karina says. Even better, show her that you want to be you. It’ll anger her so much seeing how happy you are”
“Okay..” She said softly, her eyes slowly falling.
“You better have listened to what I just said sleepy head” you giggled.
She tiredly smiled at you before falling asleep, her little snores making you laugh more. You kissed her head again. “Goodnight Ryu….
I love you” You whispered the last part. “And I’d treat you so much better than Karina if you let me”
It’s been a few months since Ryujin’s breakup and you ensured that you were with her every step of the way in healing, even though you were hurting in the process.
She seemed to be better now, finally going out and eating proper meals. She’d smile and laugh from time to time but she always stuck by your side which the other members had noticed.
Your whole group decided to have a night out at a pretty restaurant, using it as a time to reward yourselves for your hard work. You were all dressed nicely aswell, Yuna being the silly girl she was and forced everyone to wear black as the colour theme.
“Who’s funeral are we attending Yuna?” Lia joked, making the youngest playfully slap her shoulder.
“Black is a sexy colour! And tonight we are the stars of our own show” She winked, making you all laugh.
You, Chaeryeong and Lia sat on side of the table while Ryujin, Yeji and Yuna sat on the other side. You were lucky enough to have Ryu in front of you and she was looking hotter than ever. She was wearing a black button up long sleeve with black business pants and black shoes. She took the colour theme seriously.
You on the other hand was wearing a strapless black silk dress that reach just above your knees and it hugged your figure nicely. Yeji had already ordered the food for you all and as you were waiting, a group of girls entered the restaurant, making all of your heads turn. It was Aespa and one other girl that was holding hands with Karina.
You looked at Ryujin and she had her jaw and fists clenched while looking away. You felt yourself tense as the group approached you, Karina smirking with the girl in her hand. “Hey Itzy, funny seeing you here”
“It’s a restaurant after all. Anyone’s allowed to be here” You responded with a cold tone, sending a bitchy smile to the speaking girl.
Karina rolled her eyes. “Anyways this is Jooyeon, she’s a music producer for YG entertainment. She’s also my girlfriend, just putting that out there”
“We don’t remember asking” Yuna responded, making Yeji tap her under the table.
“Hey Ryu long time no see. Got a girlfriend yet?” Karina spoke to Ryujin who clenched her jaw tighter.
“Why do you care?” She growled. You held both of her hands and rubbed your thumbs across them, sending her a reassuring smile to hopefully calm her down.
You felt your heart swell as Ryujin smiled back.
“Oh don’t tell me” The Aespa member laughed, confusing you all.
“I didn’t think you’d actually date Y/n. You couldn’t find any other girl so you had to go for your own member” Karina continued to laugh.
You were about to correct her that you and Ryujin weren’t (sadly) dating but Ryujin spoke up before you. “Yeah I chose Y/n cuz fortunately she doesn’t have the bitchy rat disease that you have. And hey, how’s that treatment for your yeast infection going?”
Everyone gasped as Lia choked on her wine.
“Fuck you Shin. Let’s go girls” Karina spoke, dragging the rest of her girls to their table.
“Ryu, we can go to a different restaurant if you want” Lia offered while cleaning the mess she made.
“No it’s fine. I want to be here with yous” She smiled.
“Does Karina actually have a yeast infection?!” Chaeryeong snorted, going red from laughter.
“Yeah. I didn’t mean to use it to insult her but she was really getting on my nerves. She’s so worried about what’s in my pants that she needs to worry more about the fiasco happening in her’s” Ryujin chuckled, not realising you and her were still holding hands.
“So…you two are dating?” Yeji questioned with a smirk.
Your eyes went wide as you pulled your hands back, face going red as a tomato. “N-No! Ryujin just said that get Karina off her ass!”
Ryujin pulled her hands back with disappointment that you didn’t seem to see, her smile slowly fading.
The food finally arrived and your group ate happily, finally getting peace and satisfaction you needed from your hard work.
Back at the dorms, you and the members bid each other goodnight but you and Ryujin didn’t plan on sleeping just yet. The older member was sitting at the edge of her bed, clearly filled with thoughts, looking cute in her blue plaid pyjamas.
“What’s on your mind, Ryu?” You asked, placing the book you were reading aside. You were in a matching pink plaid pyjama in which your roommate insisted to wear.
“Come with me to the balcony, Y/n. I wanna talk”
Following the member to the balcony, your eyes were blessed by the gorgeous view of the city lights and the stars in the sky. Ryujin was resting her arms on the railings while looking down. You stood next to her, eyes admiring her gorgeous side profile.
“What is it Ryu?”
“I wanna apologise for kinda putting you on the spot back at the restaurant when Karina came. I panicked and I didn’t know what else to do” She explained, still making eye contact with the city night.
“Hey don’t be sorry! Plus, it felt nice seeing her tremble”
“There’s one thing I need you to know though, Y/n” Ryujin spoke softly, facing you and looking deep into your eyes.
“W-What’s that?” You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering.
The taller girl held both of your hands again just like at the restaurant and pulled you closer. “I wasn’t faking anything”
You were speechless, mouth slightly parted in shock. Were you hearing her right?”
“The few months of me trying to find my source of healing…trying to find my answer to love..was right in front of me” She whispered, eyes flicking from your lips to your eyes. “I also didn’t tell you the full truth on why Karina broke up with me”
You tilted your head. “Wait what”
“During the whole argument at her dorm, she was rambling on about how our relationship seemed closer than whatever I had with her. That’s why she’s quite sour with you. I was trying to defend myself about everything she was saying but it was slowly making me realise that my feelings for you were much clearer. Whenever I was asked about my future, I’d think of you. Whenever someone asked me who I saw myself being with for the rest of my life, I instantly said you”
“I’m sorry for being so oblivious. The whole time you were trying to help me forget Karina, I didn’t realise I was hurting you in the process. I’m so so sorry, baby”
“Wait you knew I liked you?” You questioned, trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating.
“Yuna accidentally let it slip yesterday”
“For god’s sakes Yuna” you mumbled, looking away with a frown, already plotting a way to get her for that.
But all of that was forgotten when Ryujin made you face her again with the tip of her finger on your chin. “You’re my healing, Y/n. And I’m forever grateful that you were with me this whole time.”
She made you wrap your arms around her neck as she held your waist, lips getting closer to yours.
“R-Ryujin, a-are you sure you want this?”
“I’ve never been more sure in my entire life. You’re my everything, Y/n. Let me be yours too…please, baby” She said, feeling her breath against your lips.
Saying nothing back, you made the move in connecting your lips, thanking the Gods for finally letting you have Shin Ryujin. Your crush. The love of your life. The girl you wanted from the very start.
You pulled away, giggling at how Ryujin slightly leaned in for more. “I’ve always wanted you, Ryu”
“Well now you have me. All of me”
“I love you so much Ryujin”
“And I love you too. Always and forever” She kissed you again, hugging your waist tighter. “Let me prove that to you tonight please”
You went red, knowing what she was implying but there was no way you were turning down this opportunity. “Go on then handsome”
You were already wet at her smirk as she dragged you to your bedroom, pushing you on her bed. You looked up at her as she unbuttoned her pyjama top and throwing it to the side, showing her abs that look like they’ve been carved by the gods.
“You’re staring, baby” she said with a husky voice.
“Can’t help it when my girlfriend looks irresistible” You don’t know where the confidence came from by Ryujin clearly enjoyed it.
And oh how amazing it felt to finally claim Ryujin as your girlfriend.
She hovered about you and got you to remove both your top and bottoms, leaving you almost naked. Just covered in a matching white lace set.
“You’re so sexy��� Ryujin whispered, capturing your lips desperately before moving her way to your neck, sucking gently.
A lewd noise escaped your mouth as she hit a certain spot at your pulse point, making her cock get painfully harder. She sucked at that spot until a purple mark formed, pulling away and admiring her art work. “Beautiful”
She sat up on her knees, letting you see her abs again and also the huge tent in her pyjama pants. You gulped and ran your hands from her gorgeous abdomen down to the bulge, palming it gently. “I can’t tell whether I should be worried or excited”
Your girlfriend chuckled and softly moaned as you squeezed her bulge harder. “You’ll find out” Was her response before removing her pants, leaving her in black boxers, the bulge looking bigger.
“You’re so blessed, Ryu. I don’t know why Karina wanted you to take it away” you spoke, your long acrylic nails brushing at the sides of her trapped cock.
Ryu hummed and leant down to kiss you again and again, her tongue swiping at your bottom lip. “I don’t want to hear that name ever again”
“Have you ever had sex with her?”
“Nope. She said she’d get turned off just by looking at it”
“She so fucking stupid. I love you for you, Ryu” You cupped her face, smiling.
“I love you so much, Y/n”
You two locked lips for the millionth time before Ryujin skilfully removed both your bra and panties, one hand groping at your tit while the other held her up. You moaned into her mouth before she sat up again and threw her boxers off, making you gasp at her size.
“Oh my god will that even fit?”
“I’ll make it fit, baby. That way your pussy is only tight for me” She winked, slowly jerking herself off that got you drenched down there. “Wait I need to get a condom-“
“N-No need. I can take pills after”
“You ever had sex, baby?” Your girlfriend asked, still stroking herself.
“Not really. I’ve only used my fingers”
Ryujin smiled and kissed your cheek before rubbing the tip of her cock against your soaking folds. “Shit, you’re so wet. Is that all for me?”
“Y-Yes, baby” You moaned at the feeling, slightly scared of what’s to come. (Or should I same cum)
“I’ll be gentle, my love. I promise. Please tell me if you want to stop because I’m more than happy to do that for you” she reassured you.
You nodded and whined at the feeling of her cockhead being pushed in. One hand caressed your waist before she pushed more of her length in, causing you to whine, tears falling from your eyes. Ryujin showered your face with kisses, going at your pace.
“Ryu, it hurts..”
“I know, baby, I know. I’m sorry…Give it a moment and you’ll be okay” She grunted, savouring the feeling of your warm and tight pussy.
Her entire cock was finally in and you made her stay in the uncomfortable position for a few more seconds before you tapped her shoulder. “M-Move slowly”
“Anything for you, Princess”
She held herself up more before moving her hips at a slow pace, and you softly moaned as you realise the pain was turning into an addictive pleasurable feeling. “More, baby, more. Please…” You whined that could’ve made Ryujin cum on the spot.
“F-Fuck yes, you feel so good” She grunted in your ear, her thrusts getting faster and harder.
“Oh Ryujin!” You suddenly yelled, making your older girlfriend shove her fingers down your throat. “Don’t want to get caught, my love”
You nodded and sucked her fingers, moaning more as her cock hit spots in your cunt that your fingers couldn’t reach. She removed her hand out of your mouth and kissed you more.
“Yes yes yes, Ryu, oh my god…”
“You sound so perfect, fuck!” She groaned into your chest, latching her lips around one of your nipples, moving to the other after a few minutes.
You were so lost into the amazing feeling of your girlfriend’s cock absolutely destroying you that you didn’t feel her leave a million hickies around your neck and chest. Painting you like her own canvas.
Ryujin lifted your legs up for a better angle, letting her hit you impossibly deeper, making it harder for you stay quiet. “Fuck yes, Ryu I’m gonna cum baby, please don’t stop!”
“Yeah? You gonna cum on this big cock baby?” She chuckled into your ear.
“Uh huh!” You moaned, clawing at her smooth back, knowing it’s gonna leave marks.
Ryujin groaned at your nails digging into her skin, turning her on even more. “Fuck I’m gonna cum in this pretty tight cunt of yours. You’d like that wouldn’t you, baby? Letting me fill you up to the fucking brim until your pussy can’t hold it any more”
“Yes daddy~”
“Fuck!” Ryujin groaned feeling your walls tighten. Your orgasm triggering her to pound you a few more times before squirting thick ropes of cum into you.
Ryujin placed your legs around her waist again before laying her entire body on top of you, panting into your neck, beads of sweat going down your bodies.
“God, that was fucking amazing” Your girlfriend huffed into your ear before kissing your cheek.
“You felt so good, baby” You smiled, rubbing her back and frowned feeling the marks. “Oh my god, im so sorry! I didn’t think I scratched you that hard”
“No no it’s fine. I’m proud of it. And plus, it makes us even” She eyed your chest.
You looked down and saw purple marks everywhere, making you slap her shoulder. “We have practice tomorrow!”
“And? I wanna show what’s mine”
You rolled your eyes at her cheeky smile and quickly latched onto her neck, sucking hard and fast until your own mark was on her. “There. NOW we’re even”
“Do you want me to pull out now?”
You nodded and winced as the older removed her cock from you, cursing at how your mixed cum escaped your abused lips and drenching the sheets. “Wow I came a lot” Ryujin commented.
“Fuck I feel so full”
“I’ll quickly change the sheets, babe” Ryu said as she was about to stand up but you dragged her down next to you, laying your head on her naked chest.
“We can do that tomorrow morning. I’m really tired”
“I bet you are. Goodnight, baby”
“Goodnight Ryu”
“Thanks for always being there for me…and for being my girlfriend. I love you”
“I love you more, my darling” You whispered, giving her a final kiss before falling into slumber in each other’s embrace.
The end.
SLAYYYYYY 💅🏼 I manifest to have this type of happy ending in my life🥹
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a-blue-secret · 4 years ago
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Chapter XXXIV | Epilogue
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
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AN: Considering how monstrously long this fic is, there was no way I was going to end it without an epilogue! Thank you all of you for reading Court of Lies! It means a lot to me :)
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for a year and a day, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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“It’s a shame we couldn’t hold it in Gojongja,” Beomgyu commented from where he had draped himself over the chaise longue, flicking idly through a book.
Taehyun smiled at him through the mirror as he let the maids clasp yet more gold bracelets onto his wrists.
“No matter,” Taehyun said. “We’re too good for Gojongja anyways.”
Beomgyu laughed. “True. Besides, Barumin is nicer.”
“But it’s a real shame that Nabi and Seohyun couldn’t be here,” Taehyun said as his hair was touched and crimped into place.
“Well, it was to be expected,” Beomgyu replied, flicking through his book. “Being rulers of Gojongja is hard work.” He glanced at Taehyun, smiling. “We should know.”
Taehyun grinned. “Oh, definitely.” His hair was patted into place again, and his arms were spread out so his coat could be tweaked to perfection. “And it’s not like we’ll never see them again, anyway. They can always come down to Barumin to see us, even after today.”
Finally, once the maids had deemed him to be perfect, a lace veil was produced, placed over his hair and fixed to the silver circlet nestled in his hair.
“That’s true.” Beomgyu gave a small laugh. “Oh, but I’m so glad that Jiwon was able to come here. You really wanted him to hand you off, didn’t you?”
“If he didn’t come, I was thinking about bringing in the elm tree,” Taehyun admitted, chuckling. “You know, from the garden? That tree was the closest thing to a father figure to me.”
Beomgyu laughed. “That would have been so weird,” he said.
Once his veil had been fixed, and the last finishing touches applied to his makeup, the maids stepped away, and Taehyun walked over to peer curiously over Beomgyu’s shoulder.
“By the way,” he said, “I’m pretty sure that it is custom for the groom not to see the bride’s attire until the wedding itself.”
Beomgyu smiled up at him, snapping his book shut. “Well, this is no customary wedding, is it?” he grinned. “It’s our wedding, after all. Now come on. I wanted to see you before I get dressed, so I don’t ruin my makeup by crying my eyes out during the wedding itself.”
Taehyun stepped back and spread his arms proudly, showing off his suit. Beomgyu’s eyes lit up as they travelled the length of him, taking in the ivory satin with its silver and blue embellishments. Intricate, thick lines of embroidered silver twisted and curled themselves around the fabric of his arms, embedded with tiny, bright sapphires which glittered and shone in the light. His silver buttons, polished to perfection, glittered brightly, but nothing could rival the shine in Taehyun’s eyes. He smiled widely, spinning on the spot.
Beomgyu walked forward, placing his hands on Taehyun’s waist. Taehyun’s hands automatically came up to rest around his neck. Beomgyu nudged his nose against Taehyun’s.
“You look absolutely beautiful, love.”
Taehyun smiled, brushing the hair out of Beomgyu’s face. “I know I do. And when I put on that bridal cloak, I’ll look stunning.” He nodded towards the ivory cape, still hanging on a mannequin.
In contrast to his suit, Taehyun’s cloak was free from any sort of complicated silver stitching. It was a long length of shimmering ivory, and embroidered at the bottom of the train was an intricate detail of blue roses, embedded with small blue stones. Beomgyu gaped at it.
“How long is that cloak? It looks like it’ll carry on forever.”
“The train alone is twice my height,” Taehyun smiled. “That’s why I just have a short blusher veil covering my face. It would be too heavy to have a long veil as well as a long cloak.”
Beomgyu turned back to look at him, eyes shining. “Is this really happening? Am I dreaming right now?”
Taehyun laughed. “You’ve asked me this every single day since I proposed to you. Yes, love. This is really happening. We’re getting married.”
Beomgyu’s eyes sparkled. When Taehyun smiled teasingly, catching a glimpse of the tears, he shook his head rapidly. “No no no, I’m not crying. I’m not crying.”
“I never said you were,” Taehyun laughed, brushing away the liquid building in Beomgyu’s eyes. Beomgyu blinked rapidly, before smiling blissfully. He took a step back, holding Taehyun at arm’s length so he could marvel at his wedding attire.
“You look absolutely gorgeous in the Gyeongju Choi colours. I knew you would.”
Taehyun smiled. “Is that why you insisted that I’d be the bride, even though I was the one who proposed?”
“Why else?” Beomgyu grinned. “Also, Yeonjun and Hueningkai look amazing in dresses. I couldn’t pass up on the chance.”
Taehyun’s eyes widened. “You actually made them wear dresses?”
“Well, they’re the maids of honour. Of course they have to. Plus, they wanted to! Hey, don’t start accusing me,” Beomgyu laughed.
“Alright, alright,” Taehyun said, smiling. He checked the clock in the corner of the room. “Oh, the wedding’s going to start in two hours. You’d better go get dressed.”
As if on cue, Hyunjin knocked on the door and peered inside. “Beomgyu, there you are! I think your maids are going to go bonkers if you don’t get there now.”
He hurried into the room before dragging Beomgyu by his hands. “Come on, come on!”
Beomgyu let himself be dragged out, smiling at Taehyun. “See you soon, love.”
Taehyun waved. “See you soon.”
.・゜-: ✧ :-
“So Beomgyu, how are we feeling?” Hyunjin asked as Beomgyu had his hair flattened then straightened then curled then straightened again.
“Annoyed at the hairdressers for whatever they’re doing to my hair,” Beomgyu responded, glaring playfully at the hairdresser. “But anyway, nervous. And a little bit scared.”
“Why? Are you scared that Taehyun will turn you down?” Hyunjin asked.
“No, no! No way. He proposed to me, remember? There’s no way he’d turn me down at the aisle. At least, I hope,” Beomgyu said, chuckling. “I’m scared of what Gojongja will think.”
Hyunjin made a noise of reassurance, reaching forward to pat Beomgyu’s shoulder before the stylist yanked at the sleeve of his jacket. “You don’t need to worry about them,” Hyunjin said as the last finishing touches were put onto his suit. “Even if they don’t like it, there’s nothing they can do. These weddings are perfectly legal, no matter what Kingdom they take place in. Seohyun and Nabi made sure of that.”
Beomgyu smiled at Hyunjin through the vanity mirror. “True. Thanks, Hyunjin.” He suddenly gave a laugh. “Oh, I just realised that you’ll have to dance with both Yeonjun and Hueningkai, since you’re the best man.”
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “I have to what?” Beomgyu laughed, and Hyunjin’s face melted into a smile. “Well, at least I don’t have to dance with Yeji. She’d step on my feet purposefully all the time.”
Beomgyu grinned. “About that… I think she’s one of Taehyun’s bridesmaids so… she might insist on a dance.”
Hyunjin groaned. “Oh, god no! My feet are doomed!”
Beomgyu laughed, and when the hairdresser finally stopped torturing his hair he stood up, walking over to look at Hyunjin’s suit.
“Oh, looking smart,” Beomgyu said, smiling.
“I should hope so,” Hyunjin grinned. “You picked this for me.” He nodded his head at Beomgyu admiringly. “You look good.”
Indeed, Beomgyu did look good.
His suit was simple, but also complicated at the same time. It was traditional black with a white dress shirt, but there were lots of intricate details which made his suit unique. At the shoulders of his black coat, there was a cluster of silver sequins sewn into large, leaf-like shapes, and small blue peonies encircled the cuffs of the jacket, the tiny blue stones sparkling against the glittering silver sewn around them.
On closer inspection, even the traditional black of Beomgyu’s suit wasn’t simple. It was made of a shimmering black fabric, looking like the darkness of a midnight sky sparkling with tiny stars.
Beomgyu stretched out his arms, admiring the design of his suit. “You should see Taehyun’s,” he said, eyes shining. “He looks beautiful.”
Hyunjin laughed at Beomgyu’s bright face. “No matter how nervous you feel, you’re probably more excited than anything, aren’t you?”
Beomgyu beamed. “Yes. Is it obvious?”
“More than anything,” said Hyunjin, smiling. “But it’s good! It’s good. You should always be excited on your wedding day.”
Beomgyu smiled. “I should, shouldn’t I?” He gave a blissful sigh. “I’m getting married.”
“You are,” Hyunjin grinned, stepping down from the pedestal once his stylist deemed his suit finally perfect. He checked his pocket watch. “Oh, and we have to go now if you want to get married. The guests should be seated by now, and Taehyun’s due to appear ten minutes from now.”
“Right.” Beomgyu straightened his suit sleeves, and turned to Hyunjin, a nervous smile on his face. “Let’s go marry me off, best man.”
They walked out of the room, accompanied by several maids.
“I’m not the one marrying you off, though.”
“Oh, it doesn’t matter.”
.・゜-: ✧ :-
“Five minutes! Oh god, Taehyun you’re getting married!”
“I’m pretty sure I know that,” Taehyun chuckled as Yeonjun waved his hands excitedly.
“You look so beautiful,” he gushed. “I swear, if you start crying I will cry with you.”
“We better prepare tissues then,” Hueningkai said, smiling. “Something tells me that everyone will cry.”
“You guys fuss too much,” Taehyun sighed affectionately, as Hueningkai assisted the maids with adjusting Taehyun’s cloak. “God, this cape is heavy.”
“Pure satin with five hundred tiny sapphires embedded into the end of it, held together by a huge silver clasp at your throat,” Hueningkai quipped, smoothing down the fabric. “Of course it’s heavy.”
“I can take it off after the procession, right?” Taehyun asked.
“Sure. After you’re married, you can do anything with it. Nobody will mind. You could even rip it up and throw it away.”
“Hmm, I don’t think I’ll do that, but I’m sure I won’t wear this again.”
“Fine by me. You could donate it to Gojongja, and have it put into their artifact collection,” Hueningkai said. “This is the first same-sex marriage which has been displayed as openly as a normal marriage. It would make a good artifact.”
Taehyun nodded, adjusting his veil. “That’s a good idea. I might do that.”
“Two minutes!” Yeonjun cried, running back into the dressing room. “Oh, the ballroom looks amazing! We truly have to thank Yeji for convincing Barumin to let us hold the wedding in their palace, everything is so beautiful. And Taehyun, Hueningkai’s sisters managed to make it too!”
Taehyun blinked. “Wait– when did you leave?”
“Stop running around in your dress,” Hueningkai tsked, fixing the ruffles of lace on Yeonjun's dress. Then he registered what Yeonjun said and looked up, eyes wide. “Hiyyih and Lea? They made it to the wedding?”
Yeonjun nodded. “Yep! They’re there right now! Come on, come on, we have no time to waste! Let’s get you married!”
He paused in his tracks and held a hand over his mouth, staring at Taehyun. “Oh my, you look wonderful. Beomgyu will definitely cry.”
Taehyun smiled. “If he cries, I’m going to cry, so let’s hope he doesn’t,” he said. “Anyway, two minutes, did you say? We better get going. Where are the bridesmaids?”
“Waiting by the door,” Hueningkai said. “Waiting for you to walk down the aisle.”
Taehyun took a deep breath, fingers tightening around the bouquet of flowers in his grasp. He gave a smile, turning to look at his maids of honour. “I have to say, you two look amazing in dresses.”
Yeonjun beamed, both of them giving curtsies. “You look amazing yourself! Now come on, come on! We don’t want to keep the groom waiting, do we?”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai chattered to Taehyun as they made their way from the dressing room to outside the venue, standing outside the closed doors.
Inside, they heard someone announcing for the guests to stand.
“Alright, this is it,” Hueningkai whispered. “Don’t be nervous, okay? There’s no need to be scared.”
Taehyun looked at them, face bright. “I won’t be nervous,” he promised. “I have all of you with me, anyway.”
Hueningkai and Yeonjun smiled as Taehyun took another deep breath. The doors opened, and Taehyun faced the front, a smile on his face.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
A bright, tinkling melody played as Taehyun walked down the aisle, smile radiant. Shoulders widened confidently, steps light and hopeful, his cloak trailed gently behind him, unfolding to reveal the glittering cluster of blue flowers.
Behind him, Yeonjun and Hueningkai led the way for all the bridesmaids and junior bridesmaids, and in front of him the flower girls and ring bearer walked forwards.
When he looked back on his wedding day, Taehyun would be able to remember one thing very clearly: the happiness, which was almost tangible in the atmosphere.
Perhaps it was cliche to think so, but he felt as if he were walking on air. All he could see in that moment was Beomgyu: Beomgyu in his midnight black wedding suit, eyes twinkling. Beomgyu with a smile of pure joy on his face, matching the similarly joyful expression Taehyun’s face was alight with. Beomgyu, whose eyes were brimming with delighted tears, and whose hands were trembling with happiness.
His feet didn’t even seem to touch the velvet carpet laid out for him, instead skimming over them as if dancing on clouds, slowly approaching Beomgyu.
Beomgyu, watching him approach, couldn’t help the tears which prickled at his eyes. Taehyun’s face was so obviously bright with happiness as he walked towards Beomgyu, and in that moment Beomgyu swore that Taehyun had never looked more beautiful.
Taehyun came to a stop beside Beomgyu, beaming. Beomgyu could see the glitter of tears in Taehyun’s eyes, too, and gave a smile.
“Look who’s crying now,” he whispered softly.
Taehyun gave a small chuckle. “You’re crying too,” he pointed out. “And the ceremony hasn’t even begun.”
Beomgyu smiled softly, eyes sparkling. “So I am,” he said. “So I am.”
The ceremony passed by in a blur. Beomgyu and Taehyun were beaming, beaming brightly throughout the whole service, eyes still full to the brim with happy tears.
There was much to be said by the officiant, his speeches sentimental and solemn at the same time. But there were little words needed to understand that the two people who were getting married loved each other dearly, with their eyes fixed on each other, fingers intertwined.
Following the officiant’s speech came the ribbon tying, and Taehyun’s tears almost spilled over as the emerald green ribbon tied to his arm was wrapped with the navy blue one knotted to Beomgyu’s, signifying the union of their two clans. It was happening. They were getting married.
Beomgyu, also looking down at their two intertwined ribbons, looked up at Taehyun and smiled. It was obvious how much it meant to Taehyun to be properly part of a family: a family which he had chosen to be part of. A family with Beomgyu.
And then the officiant asked if there was anyone who objected to their marriage, and Taehyun almost expected a crowd of people to come storming into the ballroom, protesting against their same-sex relationship, but instead the guests gave a loud whoop, cheering them on.
And then it was time to exchange vows. Beomgyu turned to Taehyun and took hold of both of his hands. He smiled, took a deep breath, and began to speak.
“Taehyun. My beautiful, determined, intelligent Taehyun. God, I know literally everything about you and yet I feel like I could happily spend the rest of my life learning even more. We’ve had our ups and downs, we definitely have, but my love for you has never wavered. In fact, I think that the circumstances we’ve been in have only strengthened my love for you.” Beomgyu smiled, tears threatening to spill over as Taehyun gazed at him, eyes sparkling.
“Remember how you’d sometimes steal my toys and I’d always let you? I would be annoyed for five minutes, but then I’d completely forget my annoyance because your delighted smile made me feel happy too. Remember how I’d sometimes sneak into your room and you’d tell me off, telling me that the guards would find me? You’d be mad at me, but I knew that you were grateful that I cared enough to visit you when you’d been holed up in your room with your prince duties. And remember those years where we drifted apart? It was a time of hurt, sure, but it made me realise just how much I loved you.”
Taehyun’s tears had spilled over now, crystalline droplets falling down his cheeks. Beomgyu’s eyes had released his tears long ago, the liquid openly streaming down his face.
“You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, Taehyun. Honestly, I can never imagine life without you by my side. I can’t imagine life without your sarcastic quips or your thoughtful words, or your bright smile or happy eyes. You complete me. You provide the calmness and peace that I need; you give me the happiness and love at times when I need it the most. You’re the moon to my sun, the calm to my excitement, the yin to my yang. You’re the gentle silver light to provide me with comfort when I feel overwhelmed by the darkness of the night.”
Everyone was crying at that point: the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, and all of the guests had shed at least one tear.
Beomgyu had to pause, tears overwhelming his words. But he gave a watery chuckle, smiling. “Most people will talk of how they will die for their partner, but for me it's different. I lived for you, Taehyun. For you, I vow to live happily if you promise to be by my side. I, Choi Beomgyu, will give myself to you through this marriage. I promise to live well, and happily, and be with you through good times and bad, through sickness and good health. I belong with you, and I hope that we’ll never ever have to part.”
With shaking hands, he took the diamond-studded wedding ring from the officiant and slid it onto Taehyun's finger, grasping his hand tight. "I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you. All that I have I share with you. I promise to care for you above all others, to give you my love, friendship and support, and to respect and cherish you throughout our life together."
Taehyun took a deep breath, before giving a laugh, blinking his tears away. “Oh, I can’t even wipe my eyes because I'll rub off my makeup!"
Beomgyu smiled, blinking away his own tears.”It looks like we both ended up crying, didn’t we?” he said, and Taehyun gave a small laugh, breathing shakily.
"Oh, God, I swear that you will be the death of me one day, Beomgyu. You say I have thoughtful words? Beomgyu, for so long it has been only your words which have been able to move me to tears. Whether it's you confessing your love to me or just stating your thoughts, your brilliant and wonderful mind along with your silvery tongue have always been things which have been able to bring tears to my eyes.
“To say that we’ve been through a lot would definitely be an understatement,” Taehyun said, giving a soft chuckle. “We’ve been through so much over the past years, even going through a period of time where we were rather opposed to each other. But do you know what made me realise I loved you? It was the fact you cared. Around this day, five years ago, I realised how in love I was with you. I loved you because you were always with me whenever I needed you to be; I loved you because you cared about how I felt; I loved you because you made me feel happy. You make me feel safe, and warm, and loved. When you smile and your eyes crinkle at the corners, I feel like I must stare at you, gazing hopelessly at you like how the sunflower turns its face towards the sun. I realised, after countless years of knowing you, that you were the one. And the reason I didn’t know it before was because I’d never even thought about a future where you weren’t with me. It was like I was made to love you, but I just never knew it.”
Beomgyu blinked rapidly to try and quell his tears, but they just fell faster as he gazed at Taehyun adoringly.
“You, Beomgyu, with your fluffy hair and sparkly eyes and pretty lips and adorable smile… you are my guiding light, my star in the sky, my beautiful sun. You shine brighter than anyone else, and when I look at you I get overwhelmed by the fact that I get to love you. I get to love you despite you being such a bright sun and me being a small moon. I am forever grateful for that fact. And I thank you, for always being with me even though I didn’t know it. I thank you for being a place of comfort, of warmth, of happiness. When I came into this world you were already here, so I get to say thank you for always being there for every moment of my life. No one compares to you, Beomgyu. You make me feel loved in the way I never knew anyone could feel. Truly.”
Through tear-filled eyes, Taehyun gazed at Beomgyu, holding his hands tight.
“Thank you so much for being my golden, shining sun, Beomgyu. And I hope that you’ll continue to be with me, no matter what. I, Kang Taehyun, will give myself to you through this marriage. I promise to live well, and happily, and be with you through good times and bad, through sickness and good health. I belong with you, and I hope that we’ll never ever have to part.”
And then this time, it was Taehyun's turn for his hands to shake as he slid the ring onto Beomgyu's shaking hand, both of them laughing and crying at how they were trembling.
"I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you. All that I have I share with you. I promise to care for you above all others, to give you my love, friendship and support, and to respect and cherish you throughout our life together."
There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. Hueningkai was sniffling openly, and Yeji had a hold of a box of tissues which Yeonjun was constantly taking tissues out of.
But even through the tears, Beomgyu and Taehyun gazed at each other, eyes sparkling. It was clear for all to see just how much they loved each other.
The officiant clasped his hands together, looking at the soon-to-be-weds. “Do you, Choi Beomgyu, take Kang Taehyun to be your lawfully wedded partner? Do you promise to love, adore, and encourage him? Share the good times and the achievements as well as the hard times and the disappointments? Keep him in sickness, in sorrow, and in happiness and in good health? Do you promise to be loyal to him forevermore?”
Beomgyu stared at Taehyun, beaming. “I do.”
They'd gone through so much together, suffered so much hardship, but they'd come out stronger and better because of it. And they’d reached the light at the end of the tunnel which would lead them to so many other new possibilities in their future, where they were by each other’s side. They were standing on the threshold, almost ready to leap forward into the light.
“Do you, Kang Taehyun, take Choi Beomgyu to be your lawfully wedded partner? Do you promise to love, adore, and encourage him? Share the good times and the achievements as well as the hard times and the disappointments? Keep him in sickness, in sorrow, and in happiness and in good health? Do you promise to be loyal to him forevermore?”
Taehyun had a similarly wide smile on his face, words trembling with happiness. “I do.”
And after so many ups and downs, near death experiences and tearful days, they'd made it. They'd made it: to the place where they could finally be happy. They'd reached the point where they could turn away from the past and reach forward into the future together, as one.
“Choi Beomgu and Kang Taehyun, you have expressed your commitment and love for each other through the promises you have just made. You may have kissed a thousand times, maybe more. But today it shall be different. No longer will you simply be friends, for this time you have now been joined together in matrimony. You may now share your first kiss as one body.”
This was no end. Far from it. This was a new beginning. The beginning of a life where they were not separate bodies, but were one. They began that life with their hearts full of love and smiles full of happiness.
Their journey of togetherness had begun. They smiled at each other, safe in one another’s embraces, tears of joy streaming down their cheeks.
Orchestral music swelled into a thrilling, hopeful crescendo as Beomgyu’s hands found Taehyun’s waist, and Taehyun wrapped his arms loosely around Beomgyu’s neck.
They both leaned forward, and their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss.
taglist: @my-moarmy-heart @arohabangtan @a-fragmented-world
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