#also yeah here's some spoilers oh no you're not getting everything hahaha
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𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙊𝙛 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
➵ Fezco x fem!reader x Ex!Nate Jacobs
➵ summary: Fez stops selling you the drugs you need to handle your boyfriend, so you go looking elsewhere, resulting in you being unconscious and a physical altercation between Fez and Nate on New Years.
➵ word count: 4k
➵ tw: a lot of drugs, toxic relationship, some domestic abuse, drinking, swearing, steamy makeout session, euphoria season 2 episode 1 spoilers, unedited hahaha oops
➵ a/n: so, this is set during the season two episode one, in a world where Nate and Maddy never dated and Lexi and fez never had the conversation on the couch(even tho we all love it). this is my first euphoria imagine and im rlly excited to write more!! im suchhhhh a fuckin softie for Fezco UGH!! my mf baby!!! also this is rlly long and take a long time for it to get happy so sorry hahaha. it’s not really based on Dead Of Night it just is kind of the mood and im obsessed with the song in the show! it’s just such a mood setterrrrrr. happy reading, doves!
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
The sun goes down, another dreamless night, you're right by my side. You wake me up, you say it's time to ride, in the dead of night. Strange canyon road, strange look in your eyes, you shut them as we fly, as we fly.
“Whatchu doin’ here, (Y/l/n)?” Fezco drawled, counting a stack of $1 and $5 dollar bills like he was in slow motion, his fingers steady as he flipped the bills from his hands and onto the counter, not looking up as he addressed you.
“You know what I’m doin’.” You responded, leaning your body against the refrigerator door that was holding the energy drinks, narrowing your eyes at the freckled boy who wouldn’t look at you.
Of course Fezco knew why you were there. It was the same reason you were there every Friday night for the past year. You came in and asked for a bag of the same drugs you got every week, pretty much anything you could get your hands on, came in that bag. The redhead didn’t know why, but there was a sharp change in your behavior. You became bitter, mean, incredibly careless. You seemed to no longer care about your life, in your eyes, everything was meaningless, and Fez could see it. He knew that look. You no longer gave a fuck.
“Enlighten me.” Fezco said, still not looking up from the small task in his hands, which he could be done with already if he would just go fucking faster.
“Ashtray.” You said, turning your body to the younger boy sitting in the chair in the corner.
“Yeah, yeah.” Ashtray swatted a hand in your direction and stood from his spot, walking towards the back of the store to get your usual bag of contraband that they had ready for you every week.
You turned back towards Fez, “You gonna look at me?”
Fezco sighed and placed the bills on the counter, patting them lightly to keep them in place before he rested his hands on the counter and leaned forward. “Happy?”
You scoffed. “I don’t understand your fucking attitude.”
It was Fezco’s turn to scoff, “Maybe it’s time you do a self evaluation then, Princess.”
“Oh, fuck off. I haven’t done shit-”
“You haven’t done shit?!” Fezco’s voice boomed throughout the shop, bouncing off of the refrigerator doors and cracking through your ears.
Your mouth was shut and your chest heaved. You decided against responding, you knew he was right. You wanted to tell him why, you wanted so badly to tell him why, to have him protect you and take you away from what’s been weighing you down so heavily and stealing your joy.
But he made you keep it a secret.
“This is our secret, right baby?” He hummed, kissing the inside of your thigh while looking up at you through dark eyelashes.
You only whined in response so he gripped your thigh with so much force you were sure it would leave a bruise.
“Say you understand.”
You nodded, he squeezed harder.
“Say it!”
“I understand.” Your voice shook and He smiled.
“Good.” He purred. “I won’t hesitate wrapping my hands around that pretty throat of yours and squeezing if you seem to forget.”
He terrified you, right down to your core, you were absolutely petrified of your boyfriend, and it was your own fucking fault.
Ashtray came sauntering back from the backroom, hands empty.
“Yo, I can’t find the bag.”
“S’cuz it’s not there.” “Why?” Ashtray raised an eyebrow before cautiously turning his head towards you, knowing it was only a matter of seconds before you blew up in their store.
“Yeah, why?” You asked, crossing your arms, and unbelievably deep scowl etched on your face as you tried to keep your lower lip from trembling, you needed those drugs, you don’t think you could get through another week without them.
“You ain’t gettin’ no drugs from me no more.” Fez’s voice was steady as he looked straight at you, “Tired of watchin’ you ruin your life, baby girl.”
You couldn’t help it as tears started to fall down your cheeks, “Fez, please.”
You wanted to curse yourself for how small your voice sounded when you spoke, the way it shook and faltered as you pleaded.
“What’s goin’ on with you?” Fez asked, for the first time in nearly a year, he confronted you instead of watching you ruin yourself from the sidelines.
“Nothing. I just need the fucking drugs, please, I can’t go on without them! I can’t face him without them!”
You hadn’t meant to say it, the pronoun slipped from your mouth like uncontrollable bile crawling up in your throat.
Fezco narrowed his eyes. “Who’s got you hurtin’ this bad?”
Your heart hammered in your chest. He knew. He knew it was a him, and Fezco wouldn’t stop until he knew the full story. You knew him through and through, inside out, like the back of your hand, and he wasn’t gonna stop ‘til he knew the whole story, and you were safe.
“No one, Fezco! God, can’t you just leave me alone for 2 seconds! I’ll fucking go somewhere else.”
Fezco felt his heart drop as he watched you go, but he wasn’t about to chase you out and beg for you to tell him what happened, to stay. So, he watched you go, and he knocked over a display of cheap sunglasses as soon as you were out of sight.
Once you were outside, you finally let the tears fall down your cheeks. Painful sobs of anger and fear pushed through your throat and turned into pathetic wails that floated through the LA skyline. You didn’t want to go to the stupid party anymore, having this fight with Fez made you too sad, a reminder of the best friend you lost, the person you loved more than anyone in this world.
The reason you needed a distraction in the first place.
You sucked it up anyway, knowing that Rue Bennett would be at that party, and Rue Bennett doesn’t go anywhere without drugs.
You kept your car completely silent as you drove, driving jerkier and a little bit more careless than you usually would, just wanting to get to the party, take drugs from whoever, and get the fuck home and hopefully fall asleep before the clock hits 12.
But obviously, New Years had other plans.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Nate lowly growled under his breath, not even sparing a glance at you as you poured yourself a drink.
Nate fucking Jacobs. Tall, dark, handsome. Achingly attractive and unbelievably charming, he was perfect on paper. Football star, good grades, came from money, sweet. That’s exactly how he drew you in, who wouldn’t that draw in? He wanted to keep you a secret because what you had was special, he wanted to keep it special. Now he was possessive, angry, mean, wanting to keep you a secret because he thought you were fucking pathetic.
“I was having trouble picking out an outfit.” You lied, picking at the edge of your red solo cup.
“Bullshit. You using again?”
Nate groaned and grabbed your wrist, dragging you closer to him, tightening his grip on your wrist so hard you were afraid he might break it.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. Meet me in the bathroom in an hour. Knock 3 times.”
You nodded and whimpered when Nate released his grip on you. “Fuck.” You muttered as you lightly ran your thumb over the tender skin. That would be noticeable.
This had never been you. You weren’t this girl. In fact, you were the girl who would give girls like this pep talks, hyping them up and telling them they deserve better, they need to leave his abusive ass. And here she is, whimpered and caressing your bruised wrist at a party, and most definitely meeting Nate Jacobs in the bathroom in an hour. You shook the tears from your eyes and downed your drink, then another, and another, and another, and then one more, and a couple shots for good measure, before scanning your eyes through the party, your eyes finally landing on just the girl you were looking for.
“What do you have on you?” You asked as soon as you approached Rue, standing alone, staring off into God knows where.
Rue turned to you and smirked. “Follow me.”
You took the girl’s hand as she led you through the party so you wouldn’t lose sight of her in the chaos. Once the two of you entered the long, dark, hallway, you both began knocking and opening random doors, looking for an empty room to comfortably get high in.
“What are you snorting?”
You spun on your heel to look at Rue who was standing with her hand on a door handle to what looked like a laundry room, talking to a boy with face tattoos.
When Rue looked at you and nodded her head toward the boy, gesturing for you to follow her, you smiled and gladly followed her orders, making sure to shut the door behind you.
The blond, tattooed boy, who introduced himself as Elliot, presented you with a tightly wrapped dollar bill while he prepared yet another line of fluffy white powder for you to snort through the bill.
“You sure she needs another one?” Elliot looked at Rue, his eyes quickly flickering back you in concern at your appearance, your eyes droopy and breath labored and slow, the whites of your eyes glossy and red.
“She’s fine, one more and I’ll give her adderall to even her out.”
Elliot backed away, “Nah, I don’t think I’m cool with that. She already looks like she boutta pass out.”
Rue looked at you and sighed. Fezco was gonna be so angry with her if he ever found out you were with her. She knew that Fez refused you drugs that night, because she had also been with him earlier just after you left the store, accompanying him and Ashtray to their drug deal in exchange for a ride to the party, and she heard Fezco grumbling about you to his little brother. But, she also knew how it was to need those drugs so bad, and be refused, so she caved. It was just a little bit, nothing too major. You’d be totally fine.
“Yo, (Y/n). Elliot’s probably right, Fez’s gonna kill me if he finds you like this.”
“Yeah, f’sure.” You slurred, a lazy smile stretched across your face.
“I’m not sure it’s a good thing we met.” Elliot said, looking between you and Rue with wide eyes.
“What do you mean? You’re like, our new favorite person.”
After exiting the laundry room behind Rue and Elliot, you took a left straight for the drinks set up instead of following the two outside to the large crackling fire to share a blunt, which you all had agreed on, but you had other plans.
Rue and Elliot didn’t give you the amount of drugs you were happy with, so you set off in search of your own. You approached a group of older kids huddled around a table, rolled up money clasped tightly in their hands and white powder spread across the table. A boy, just slightly taller than you, handed you a dollar bill without even looking at you, and you bent down and snorted the substance through the rolled up bill, sighing and smiling as the relief coursed through your veins.
But the relief was short lived when you were harshly pulled up by your wrist and you yelped in pain, letting the stranger pull you to God knows where, you were too high and disoriented to even grasp what was happening.
“Fuckin’ junkie.”
“3… 2… 1!”
“Oh my god!”
“Happy new year!”
“Give her space!”
“You fucker!” “Find Fezco!”
“Are you Fezco?”
Fez looked up from his spot on the couch, his eyes meeting those of a younger boy with face tattoos.
“Who’s askin’?”
“Um, some girl is like, trippin’ hard and some guy was tryna take her into a bathroom or somethin’? I was told to find you?”
Fezco stood immediately, dropping his red solo cup filled with a liquid he didn’t care enough about, curtly nodding his head at the boy before pushing past him and running to where the commotion was.
You were slumped against a wall, head lolling from side to side, Jules’ hands holding your face trying to keep you upright, Kat and Maddy yelling and shoving Nate Jacobs backwards, telling him to fuck off, Rue standing there staring at you with wide eyes like an idiot. Lexi Howard was pacing back and forth, phone pressed to one ear and her free hand pressed against the other, like she was trying to get ahold of somebody but she couldn’t hear.
Fuckin’ Nate Jacobs.
Fezco was seething, he could barely even see straight as he stomped toward the group, swiftly grabbing an almost empty bottle of titos on his way before shattering it against Nate’s head, sending the much taller boy to the ground, and giving Fez an advantage as he began to beat the shit out of him.
He didn’t stop, he fucking couldn’t stop. For the first time in his life, Fezco knew exactly what people were talking about when they used the expression “seeing red.” Every memory of you coming to the store with a black eye, him just figuring you had been impulsive and dumb and gotten in a fight, every flinch, every bruise, every scratch, went over his fucking head, and now he was channeling it all straight back into Nate Jacobs’ face.
He heard the yells and pleas for him to stop, felt Cassie Howard trying to pull him off before he shoved her away.
It was a long time before he was pulled off, Nate’s face almost completely unrecognizable at that point.
He didn’t even watch as Cassie, Chris Mckay, and a couple other nameless party goers carried his pathetic frame from the party, he didn’t give a fuck.
“Are you insane?! You could’ve killed him!” Maddy Perez stopped him before he could get any closer to you, lightly shoving his shoulder.
“He coulda killed my fuckin’ girl, get outta my way.” Fezco droned, making his way around Maddy to get to you.
He crouched next to Jules and examined your figure, frowning when his eyes met your wrist.
“Her pulse is normal, she’s just high as fuck.” Rue chuckled. “That was fuckin’ crazy!”
Fez felt like he was going to blow up.
“Why you actin’ like that shit was fun, Rue?! For real, you’re pissin’ me off!” Fez spat and Rue backed up, throwing her hands up in surrender.
“Everyone back the fuck up!” He said sternly.
The group obeyed and slowly backed away from you, allowing Fez full access to scoop you into his arms. He stood up with you, trying his best to be careful but also go fast, knowing that someone here probably called the cops on both of you.
Your eyes opened a little bit more once you made it in the car, Ashtray was driving and Rue was in the passenger seat, and and Fez in the back.
“Hey, baby. Time to ride, alright?”
“Don’t talk, (Y/l/n), go to sleep.”
Fez saw the flash of panic in your eyes, darting around the car, worried that you were in bad company.
“Jus’ me, Ashtray and Rue, alright? You good.”
You nodded and closed your eyes, your body slumping with your head on your best friend’s lap.
Fezco couldn’t help the uneasiness in his stomach while he threaded his fingers through your hair, his gaze fixed out the window. The streets were nearly empty, everyone either hammered off their ass in the bars, clubs and house parties or bundled up in their homes, trying to avoid the chaos that LA brings for New Years.
Stark, hollow town, Carson city lights, baby let's get high. Spend a johnny's cash, hitch another ride, we laugh until we cry. You say "go fast" I say "hold on tight", In the dead of night, dead of night.
Ashtray pulled up in their driveway, shutting off the engine and getting out of the car wordlessly, leaving you and Fez alone in the car, having already dropped off Rue.
Fez didn’t move, keeping his eyes fixed in the same direction they were while driving, fingers still tangled in your hair, now unmoving.
“Shoulda told me.” Fez said, you didn’t have to say anything, he knew you were awake.
“What would you have done?” You slurred, sitting up from your position.
“Whatever I had to do.”
You scoffed.
“Quit fuckin scoffin’ at me, I’m serious. This shit ain’t no joke like you and Rue make it out to be. Y’all are fucked up.”
“Don’t act like you all of the sudden care about me.”
Fez just shook his head, “You’re so fucking stupid.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I’ll call you what I wanna call you, (Y/l/n). I refuse to give you drugs for your own wellbeing and you do them anyway and nearly kill yourself. Nate Jacobs was draggin’ you off to the bathroom to do who knows fuckin’ what before Kat and Jules caught sight of you. Coulda been fuckin’ bad for you!”
“That’s not my fault, just because I was high doesn’t mean I wanted that!”
“God, I didn’t say that. You’re fuckin impossible. I care about you, I’ve always cared about you. Fuck, I might be in love with you!”
The silence and tension hung thick in the air, you almost felt like you could wipe it off of your face.
Fezco was breathing heavily, and if you weren’t coming down from a high you’d say you saw a couple tears run down his face.
“You shut me out for a year. That fuckin’ hurt, you know?”
You stayed silent, the corners of your mouth being pulled down in a tremble.
“Don’t apologize.” Fezco drawled. “It’s not your fault and you know that.”
You nodded. Why didn’t you say it? Why couldn’t you tell him how much you love him too? How all you wanted the past year was to run and tell him everything, all of the hurt you’d been enduring, all of the pain and doubt and fear. But you kept your lips rolled into your mouth and your hands tightly rung together.
“You got anything else to say?”
“I have to go.” You hurried out, swiftly opening the car door and getting out, hurrying down the driveway in your thin heels, trying really hard to focus on not falling.
Six summers down, another dreamless night. You're not by my side. Scratch on the moon, like a familiar smile, stained on my mind. Some other town, someone else's life. Dead in the night, in the night.
You fought back tears as hard as you could until you arrived back home, which was fairly quickly due to how close you lived to Fezco and Ashtray.
You’d known Fezco since you were a baby, your parents were shitty too so you spent a lot of time with him and Ashtray and their grandma, who had become basically your grandma too, so you helped out a lot in taking care of her. Fez had always been like a big brother and Ashtray like a little one. Until one day Fez wasn’t your brother anymore. You blushed when he giggled, pushing his tongue slightly between his teeth. Your heart soared when he called you the nicknames he didn’t seem to call everyone else. And you caught yourself counting his freckles in the sunset during golden hour. You loved him.
But you were his little sister, you had to be. If you weren’t, then why’d you let Nate Jacobs sweep you off of your feet? If you weren't, all this shit was for nothing, right? Or is that what you deserved? Was Nate the best you could do?
If Nate was all you could get, then that’s the love you deserved, right?
If Nate Jacobs was a slap in the face or the roll of an eye, that’s the love you deserved.
The chime of your phone snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump.
Jules: let him in, i know ur doubting it.
You sighed. Jules always seemed to be your voice of reason. You met her through Rue, and you held a soft spot for the blonde girl, she had always been able to read your mind and provide you with the love you needed.
You quickly typed out Fezco’s name in your phone and typed a message, your fingers flying across the keyboard.
(Y/n): I’m sorry please come over so we can talk
Fezco: open the door
Your heart nearly shot out of your chest and you bolted toward your front door, nearly tripping over your own feet multiple times. You nearly tore your front door open once you got there, coming face to face with the freckled boy you adored.
“I love you, too. I do.” You pushed the words out as quickly as you could, you needed him to know.
Fez smiled and looked at his shoes. “You still high?”
You shook your head, then paused, making Fez laugh.
“Only a little bit.”
“No more of that shit.” He said, his face turning serious, desperate, blue eyes searching yours, darting back and forth. “Don’t want you scarin’ me like that again. Can’t lose you, ya know?”
You nodded, a silent promise. If Nate was gone, and Fez was yours, you didn't need it anymore. The drugs were no longer of use to you.
Fez nodded. Shoving his hands in his pockets as his smile began to creep back on his lips before he started to sway back and forth. “You loveeee me.” His voice high pitched in a sing song tune.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, Jesus Christ.” But you had a smile playing on your lips.
Fez grabbed your hand gently and pulled you closer to him, a gentle thumb coming to caress the angry bruising decorating your wrist like a bracelet. A stark contrast in the way Nate had angrily touched you earlier in the night.
“Happy new year, homegirl.” He said softly, his face just inches away from yours, your noses just barely touching in the most agonizing yet beautiful way.
“You gonna be my new year's kiss, Fezco?”
Fezco didn’t respond, just placed his fingers on your chin gingerly bringing you even closer to his, ghosting his lips over yours.
“Fucking tease.”
And then his lips were on yours, and you felt like you were finally breathing for the first time in a year. His lips moved against yours so softly, but the kiss was still filled with so much heat and passion it made your head spin. He moved his hands from yours to rest on your waist, only gripping enough to make you feel his grasp. Your arms moved around his neck, pulling him even closer to you, the two of you backing slowly into your door frame, your back barely bumping against the wood.
He was everything. Your lips on yours was better than anything you could’ve ever imagined someone’s lips being. His teeth biting your lip was better than any drug you’ve ever shot into your body. His tongue against yours was more delicious than any dessert you’ve spooned into your mouth.
Fez broke his lips from yours and giggled at your whine, the melodic sound making you weak in the knees, only to quickly attach them to your neck, nipping and sucking at your neck so delicately you thought you might cry out from that alone.
“Fuckin’ pretty girl.” Fez mumbled against your neck before sponging a line of kisses up your neck, your jaw, the corner of your mouth, teasing you again before you whined and grabbed his face, connecting his lips with yours once again.
This was it, this was your heaven. Fez’s lips on yours and his hands on you, soothing your burning flesh with gentle squeezes and caresses of his thumb. He was right, you were a stupid, stupid girl.
“My room, please.” You stammered, Fez’s heart nearly stopping at the sound of your pleading.
“Mmmm.” He purred, connecting his lips to the sensitive spot behind your ear, drinking in the pretty noises spilling past your lips. “Yes ma’am.”
It's enough to make a young man…
#fezco imagine#fezco fanfic#fezco one shot#fezco x you#fezco x y/n#fezco x reader#fezco euphoria#euphoria imagine#fezco fanfiction#euphoria fanfic#euphoria fanfiction#euphoria season 2 spoilers#euphoria season 2
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TBHK x reader | Mitsuba headcanons

Character: Mitsuba Sousuke
Fandom: TBHK
Pronouns: They/them // Gender neutral
Warnings: Mentions of death, slight angst (?), manga spoilers
A/N: I recently rewatched TBHK with my friendo because I finished reading the last chapter and cannot wait for the next chapter/season 2 eek /pos. Anyways I’m like really obsessed with Mitsuba? He’s a precious bby like sjdhbe. I’m gay for him Istg /hj.
Summary: What dating Mitsuba Sousuke would be like, and how did you handle his death, and confessing!!

• Ah yes
• Here we go with the angst~
• I would say that you and Mitsuba were really close, and still are!
• He would let you hold his camera and sometimes take pictures ACKDH
• You’re the only person he’s actually being nice to and not going full attack/tsundere mode
• Of course, he does that sometimes but you know that he don’t mean it
• Actually, you think it’s quite cute!
• Literally everytime you flirt with him, he would try to insult you and be a fucking tsundere aaa
• He seemed like a very nice guy the first time you met him
• He’s the one who asked you to be friends (of course)
• When both of you slowly got closer and closer, he slowly also showed his real self
• Aka bullying you, insulting, etc.
• Though you knew why
• He have told you before why he has to act more nicely
• You thought it was understandable, and quite sad
• So whenever he insulted you, you really didn’t get too much thought into it
• Then the winter came
• Oh boy
// Manga spoilers starts here, and angst!! //
• It was his mother’s birthday
• When he told you at school, you wanted him to give her some flowers you bought for her
• You and his mother were actually close, despite you being his only (possibly?) first best friend
“Sure, I’m also gonna make curry, she loves it.. Maybe I can put the flowers in a vase on the table for decoration, thanks, (Y/N).”
“Of course! You know how to make curry right? You don’t need my help?”
“I’ve made curry before, I don’t need help, it’s gonna be fine.”
• That was the biggest cap ever
• Anyways
• I actually cried at that chapter-
• You were in call with him when he was making curry
• It seemed like he did fine
• You just had to remind him of a few things
• “Where’s the potato’s?”
• “Agh, crap I forgot them. Should I go out to buy some? The grocery store is not that far away.”
• “It’s fine without it, there’s no need. Besides, it’s cold outside and dark.”
• “It’s her birthday, I have to do it. I’ll call you back when I get home”
• “No, wait-“
• Before you knew it, it all ended
• You believed in him, maybe he would be fine
• Right?
• Though, you never received a call from him after that
• But when his mother called you, telling you about the news, you broke down
• You were devastated, and sad and frustrated
• Only if you could have done better
• Only if you were there to stop him instead of just telling him through a stupid call
• “You dumb dumb, everything just for the stupid potato’s...”
//Manga spoilers and angst end!!//
• After a few months has passed, there was a new rumor going around saying a voice of a boy would grab your hands by the entrance of the school asking “Do you remember me?”
• You didn’t really think much about it, considering being rumors spreading around the school like everyday
• But when you arrived at the school enterance to place your shoes, there it was
• You saw a shadowy figure grabbing your arm and saying the following words: “Hey, do you remember me?”
• You were panicking, you shut the locker up and pushed the figure away from you (just pretend you can touch Mitsuba even though he’s a ghost JAHDBE)
• Then you saw a slightly tall boy, pink hair, feminine look, with a school uniform
• “The hell?!..” You realized who it was, you walked slowly towards the boy to get a closer look
• “M...Mitsuba?!” You said in relief and jumped on top of him, so happy to see him
• “Hey!! I get it I’m a cute little ghost but that doesn’t give you permission to touch me, you pervert!”
• “It really is you! Dear god, aren’t you dead?!!” Not caring about what he said, you looked at him in the eyes with tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks
• “I am dead, idiot. Can you get off me now? You’re going to make my clothes wet.” He exclaimed, rudely
• You nodded as you wiped off your tears
• After everything got settled and explained, you thought it was nice to have your best friend back
• You loved him a lot, he was so dear to your heart
• By loved him, you still do
• You both hanged out a lot again
• He would sometimes join your classes and keep you entertained or just insult you for whatever god knows
• Though you liked that he would be with you
• It was nice being with your ghost friend again
• You were so goddamn happy Istg
• Anyhow, after a few months, you decided to confess
• It was dumb asking someone like him out, besides, he’s a ghost
• You knew it would never work, considering him being a ghost
• But it would never hurt to try though, right?
• But little did you know, Mitsuba actually also has a crush on you
• He's just.... Not the type to show it correctly kind of-
• You notice that he blush a lot whenever he's around you, but didn't really give in too much thought to it
• He never had the urge to confess unlike you, he was too scared and nervous
• He got so suprised and happy when you asked him though, but he of course still acted like a tsundere
• You met him in the usual place, the rooftop after school
• Both just chatted and chilling iykyk
When you suddenly go "Hey.. Uhm... Mitsuba? I was meaning to tell you something."
"What is it now, (Y/N)?"
"I don't know how to put it but... I like you, like a lot."
"Of course you do, I mean who wouldn't like an adorable cute ghost like me?"
"No- I'm serious. I like LIKE you."
*A moment of silence then he started harassing you about it for a moment*
"Hah. Anyways, that's... Very unfortunate. Yeah, yeah... I like you too I guess, it's nothing much.."
• Your heart go brrr
• Anyways, you got so happy and started hopping around and hugging him
• "H-Hey!! Just because I said that doesn't mean you can touch me, you pervert!"
• You know he likes it depending on the facial expression ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• Overall, you both are the cutest couple!!!
• No one really knew about it except Yashiro, Kou and Hanako (Of course)
• I mean, no one could really understand except them-
• Yashiro be like "All these ghosts, and I still can't get a boo-"
• Y'all would probably wait a little for kisses until you both get comfortable
• BUT when you do kiss, it's so cute and wholesome
• They're pretty short, wouldn't go THAT far
• Short but passionate if you're feeling up to it though hehehsjbe
• It's pretty much just a peck on the lips, although you COULD get into a make out session but that's rare-
• He would act like a tsundere after kisses
• "Hahaha!!! I know you just fell in love with me because of my cuteness, and now you just want to attack me like this! You big pervert!"
• But he adores the kisses on the inside
• It warms his heart
• Literally wherever no one can see both of you
• Just cuddle
• He's the smol spoon obviously
• He likes being held by you even though he's not good at showing it
• He's the big spoon though if you're feeling down or something like that
• He doesn't mind being the big one either, it just kinda fits him more yk?
• Anyways,, I will probably make a part 2 of this because this is getting WAY too long ^^;

#TBHK#Toilet bound hanako kun#TBHK x reader#TBHK fanfiction#Mitsuba sousuke#Mitsuba sousuke x reader#Mitsuba x reader#Sousuke x reader#Mitsuba Sousuke fanfiction#Fanfiction#Slight angst#Fluff
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I played @undermaintenancegame last night...
And got Theo's route first. 💙
Then I continued tonight, and came to the conclusion that...
I love him. He's so my type irl or at least I want someone like him irl 😭
I kinda feel like, among the three boys, he's the one for me. His route came easy to me. Like I didn't have a hard time choosing the right choices to get to this...

Plus, I looked at the profiles on itch and I'm like, okay, let's try and get Theo's route, then boom! I'm on his route(*)!! 🥳🎉🎉
My second route is... *drumroll*
Oh goodness, I've been through a lot in his route. First, this...
His bad end 😭
I'm so bad at it. I couldn't figure out what to do or say in his route. Lmao 😭
Then, I tried again and guess what?
Normal end. LOL
But third time is a charm, indeed!!!

I liked him, too. I mean, I didn't give up just to get to his good end, so that's proof. 💖
I'm not sure if I'll take Tristan's route, tho, because he reminds me of myself somehow and I don't really like myself so idk... 🤷🏼♀️😅
Might update once I decided on this.
Overall... I frickin' love this game!!! ❤️❤️❤️
The references cracked me up. I love them!! 😂
The art style is 💙💙💙💙😍😍😍😍
I love that naming your character and setting everything up is a part of the game itself (not just in the beginning, before you play the game). This is very clever! 💯 I really love that. 💙
Story-wise, it's also 💯💯💯💙💙💙 (I was moved by Theo's father's speech 🥺 That stuck, aside from Theo's cheesy lines 😂😍😍 love them, too, esp the one about a heavy hand 😉💙)
The romance is... 😍😍😍 My heart is filled. 💙💙💙
I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THEO. Omg!!! 😭🥺💙💙💙💙💙💙
Some reactions:
This guy. He's hot and I kinda liked him at first and I would've loved a route but... I mean, I'm attracted to his physical appearance but I realized I'm not that shallow. 😅🤷🏼♀️ (And nevermind on the route 😬✌️ I'll end up fighting him and might end up getting his bad end 🤣🤣🤣)

Oh Mark... *sighs*

Eep!!! I literally squealed. Carmela here is kinda better than my Carmela irl (at least at this part, I don't want the real Carmela to hate me because I love her. She's my bff after all lol) And in-game Carmela is on-point!!! I didn't expect for her (this is my pronoun for in-game Carmela) to say this. 🥺😍😍😍 (Love that I got to keep the hoodie. Love it so much!!! 💙💙💙💙)

Game, why are you so accurate? Lol (Theo's route, of course 💙)

We have a response to this in Filipino but I'm not sure how to translate it in English, it goes like this: "Kasi mahangin ka." LOL (Sorry not sorry for dissing you, Mark but that's only because you're kinda getting on my nerves. I don't wanna hate you honestly but... Oh, Mark... *sighs*
The moment I realized Theo really is my kind of guy 💙😍

I mean, I already love everything about him even before this moment but when he said this... I'm like, "no way, I really love this guy. Why isn't he real? 😭"
Idk how to explain it but I just love what he said. If you could see me when I read it, I'm cheering for him as if it was a basketball game and he shoot the ball at the three-point line and was successful. Hell yeah!!! 😎 That's my man!! Right there!!! 💙💙💙

That was my reaction. 😂😂😂 I so love the employee identifier 😎💙🤣🤣🤣
I love the writer's sense of humor, in general, tbh. Hahaha 😁
I feel slightly/subtly called out...

But I'm okay with it. No biggie. I mean, it was the truth. And it was exactly what I was doing when this bubble popped up. Lmao jk 🤣🤣 so accurate (half of it at least 😬) 😭 but at least our MC is gettin' some. (Luca's route) happy for her. 🥰

If I was drinking when I read this, I would've spat my drink and choked. LOL again, I love the references. 💙💙 The kabedon, too HAHAHAHA
Is Heavenly Love somehow Tears of Themis-inspired? I kinda got that vibe when MC was explaining to Luca about childhood friends turn to lovers trope. Plus, there are 4 husbandos hehe 🤔
I love the title of the game. It's quite fun. Like if ever the game will actually be under maintenance, it'll be less effort. They just have to flash the key art and we'll know what's up. And maybe some notes under it like the date when the game will be back on. Lmao so cool.
Not to mention the trailer!!! LOL I love the trailer. It's so nice. 😂
Aaaaaaannnndddd I think that's the last of it.
(*)footnote: I always go for beer when choosing what to drink in games. Because I think it's also what I'd drink if I go to a bar. Hehe luckyyyyyy~
End. 💖💖💖
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Pairing ~ nagito/reader
Genre + warning ~ angst, death, gore, blood, also. Spoiler for nagito free time, SPOILER FOR THE WHOLE GAME!! A little bit of hajime/reader and izuru/reader :>
Summary ~ Nagito couldn't help it, and you just snap by him saying that he a trash, and his luck with effected you, even though, it's been three years of relationship.
Note's ~ i need angst, I'm an angst based person, so yeah, and i don't think my angst is good anymore, also a little crack fic, and this is going to be a long one shot..
"s/o...I already told you! You will never know when-"
"we've been in three years relationship, nagito! Your luck didn't affect me! You should stop worrying about this!" You bit bottom for your lips, glaring at him. Your eyes became watery, you wanted to cry.
"you'll never understand how I feel when they died in front of me! Losing someone that I love, that I care about. I don't want that to happen again!"
"nagito! We've been through that together! Are you forget about that?!"
He flinches and back away a little, he made a mistake. A big mistake.
"s-s/o— i-i—" "forget about this. I'm sick of this, we've been fighting for one and a half hours, and I'm done, you win, nagito komaeda." Nagito back away little by little again and collapse to the ground.
"you're using my full name..."
"i know"
"you...must be real mad at me."
Nagito eyes widened and he realizes that his tears are dropping, nagito quickly wipe them away and get up, not looking at you.
Everybody that hearing this fight between you and nagito seems....guilty and sad, even hiyoko and fuyuhiko. "Hey, what should we do?" Chiaki begins to whisper.
"we..should leave them alone, for now. And check both of them tomorrow." Hajime glances back at you two, "let's go." And then everybody leaves.
"they eavesdropping on us, didn't they." He sighs, "unfortunately, yes." Nagito still didn't look at you. You tighten your fist and clench your jaw.
"i. I'm sorry.." "you don't need to say sorry, komaeda." He flinches, nagito felt his heart slowly losing apart, "maybe the last hug would be great.." you said to him, looking at the ground with arms open, waiting for him to hug you.
He hugs you tightly, securing you in place, not letting you go. He got distracted by you saying that.
In the next two days, things getting worse...
You and nagito ignoring each other, at breakfast, whenever you see each other while walking exploring the island, everything. Nagito only eat a bit and head out, Hajime we're concern so he asks him, and nagito said "oh, I'm not hungry, and you shouldn't worry about me."
His self-degrading becomes worse. Also, you rarely see Nagito outside.
The two days were hell for you both.
And then this happens on the third day.
"why are we gather around again?" You ask.
"well, the future foundation needed us to help them." Hajime explains "we will be fighting the remaining of monokuma's, and make the city better again." Hiyoko whines "ugghhh, that would be a lot of woorrkkkss!" "But, we have to help them, for what they do to us, for what they've done to return us to hope instead of despair." "Ugh, now you bring that! Fine!" Hiyoko murmurs something.
We wait until the boats arrived, and it this, not long enough. As we got into the boat, three people were waiting for us, it was Makoto naegi, kyoko kirigiri, and Byakuya togami.
"Welcome back, seniors!"
We all smiled at them, Makoto and Hajime shaking hands, "we ready to risk our lives." "Oh no, we don't hope you guys to die! I'm sure you guys will do great, we already prepare the gun, come!"
We follow Makoto to the inside of the boat. "W-Woah...." We were all amazed by so many weapons. Gun, ak-47, flamethrowers, grenades, dynamite, swords, and many more.
As everyone selects their weapon, this one weapon got my interest. A scythe. A red one, I pick it 'it's not heavy as it looks..nice.' "oh! (L/n), great choice!" I jumped a little, "oh, thanks, naegi." I awkwardly laugh.
As I observe the scythe, I feel two— I mean four pairs of eyes looking at me, I shrug the feelings away and continue to observe.
"you guys already pick yourself weapons right? Let's train a little so it's doesn't you!" Everyone agrees and follows Makoto, again.
We train a little, yes. A little. Mikan constantly trips. Ibuki almost shot Akane. Teruteru... I don't want to talk about it. Hiyoko accidentally burns her kimonos. Chaos. Also, Hajime spilled his orange juice.
We take a break from the train, give ourselves a drink, I decided to talk to Hajime, "yo Hajime, how was training?" "It was chaos..." "Meh, I said it was normal."
"so..." "How was a thing? Is Kamakura there? I'm curious." "It was great, about that..." Hajime looks around and grabs my hands "come." I got drag by Hajime.
"hey Hajime, what's wrong?" I catch up and walking beside him, as I look into his eyes, it was completely red. I stayed silent after seeing that, Hajime or Kamakura continue to drag me and pin me into the wall.
"what was that for!" His index fingers place into my lips "shhh...you don't want anyone to hear us, right?" Deep voice, that must be— "Kamakura?"
"yes." "Um, you don't have to drag me here so that you could talk to me.." he sighs "I don't want to face them, yet." I tilted my head a little bit, "it is because of the killing game? But it's already over—" "I know it's already over, but their trauma. I don't want them to remember that."
'Woah, Kamakura cares about the other?', "so." I hummed and look at him "how were you and komaeda? Still fighting?" I look away to the ground "we...broke up." Hajime/Kamakura let out an 'oh'.
"That was unfortunate. Ahem, we should head back now, let—" I don't know what I was thinking, I hugged him without any thoughts. "(L/n)?" "Ah! Sorry." I back away "yes, let's go."
As we head back and everyone was waiting "hey! Where were you two?" "Talking." We both answered at the same time "ahem, we almost there, prepare for the battle, I will explain to you where is the headquarters, also your position."
Byakuya explained to us everything, Mikan will be the healer, Sonia and hiyoko protect mikan, teruteru will throw the grenade and dynamite. "Unit one will be....."
"nidai, owari, (l/n), and tanaka, unit two will be: pekoyama, kuzuryuu, hinata, unit three will be: imposter, mioda, hanamura, komaeda, souda. This unit will be fighting"
As we drop off from the boat, "senior!! We wish you luck!! Don't die okay!!" We wave at them and begin our battle.
We encountered the monobots, it wasn't a lot, we managed to fight them, no one is injured until we got into the middle of the town.
We've been a trap, a lot of monobots around us, back, front, left, and right. "Everyone! Prepare yourself! Sonia, hiyoko! Protect mikan! And everyone else pleases circle! And prepare for the sixth battle!" As I ordered them.
Everyone got into the place, and the battle begins.
The never-ending battle. Some of us got injured, nothing bad until...
"damn it! These monobots must be a lot in here, I think we have to find a hiding spot and heal." I couldn't focus at the time, I heard someone screaming my name when I look back, it was nagito, screaming my name, "(Y/N)! BEHIND YOU!" "Eh?"
Everyone's attention shifted to me, as I look back, a monobots charge a laser beam towards me.
It was too late for them to save me.
The laser hit my stomach. I heard everyone screaming, screaming my name, my eyes were widened, my mouth wanted to say something, but couldn't.
I felt someone lift me, as I look who it is, it was nagito, crying. "Please stay. (Y/n)! You have to live! Don't l-leave me!" He begging me to stay longer... Suddenly the monobots seem off...they don't attack us, they just stay in place, not moving.
"UWAHHW (Y-Y/N), DON'T DIE." Mikan begins to treat my wound, even tho it was a waste of time. I cough up blood."nagito, listen to me..." I lift my right hand, to touch his cheeks, but I don't have too much energy.
So he grabs my hands and places them into his cheeks, everyone watch this cried, in horror, blame themselves, "no matter what happens to me, no matter what we've been through together, don't blame yourself nagito..." More tears fallings.
"I don't have too much time in here...and everyone, nagito, please stay alive for the sake of our next generation of hope and future, love you guys..." I softly smiled. "Don't forget, from the bottom of my heart..." "I truly in love with the determination that sleeps inside you...and yes I stole nagito line! Hahaha...."
"Why are you smiling like this is nothing..." Hajime- no. Kamakura said it, he walked to me and crouch. "You're an idiot." "I am." I look at nagito one last time, wiping his tears away, "now...don't look so sad. I don't want that, please smile."
Everyone forced smile, I traced nagito lips and pull him closer. "Stay alive, okay my hope?" And kiss him, a final kiss. A goodbye kiss.
And I let out my last breath. With that, I sacrifice myself. This is our last battle, the beginning of the new generation has just begun.
Side note ~ hm......did you cried? No? Alright.
#rura writing!#danganronpa nagito#danganronpa komaeda#danganronpa imagines#danganronpa#danganronpa x reader#sdr2 x reader#sdr2 hajime#dr2 goodbye despair#danganronpa v2#dr2 imagines#danganronpa v2 goodbye despair#danganronpa oneshot#nagito x reader#nagito komaeda x reader#dr2 komaeda#nagito komaeda#komaeda x reader#sdr2 nagito#dr nagito#nagito imagines#nagito komeada x reader#sdr2 komaeda#drv2 x reader
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I'm kind of late to the party cuz I couldn't play the episode till now and I basically used way less social media trying to avoid spoilers so thanks walking dead. So yeah. Its a long post and I want it here, so I can maybe read it years later and cry like a little bitch.
Violet: fuck, you...
me: indeed, fuck. me.
*James gets pissed off at Clem for making AJ kill Lilly*
*meets violet*
me: fuck yes boo, ur alive and u here for me.
*Clem has a wholesome chat with boo*
me: *feels Light and happy and knows for sure its not for long*
*Clem negatively answers a little angry at Violet suggesting Texas as the new name for boarding school*
me: pls don't tell me the real villain here is going to be Clem, because she will lose it or some shit.
*Clem smiles at Texas 2 suggestion*
*me happy knowing Clem is fine and is just a little tired*

*hears the night will be over soon being sung*
me: omg omg omg omg is Sophie actually alive? Omg maybe Minera never killed her and Minnie actually still had a heart OMG. (BOY WAS I WRONG)
Tenn: you're dying
Minnie: yes yes I am, I'm finally going someplace better and I want u with me
*Minnie chops Clem with the axe she used to kill walkers*

*literally seconds later Violet dies because I didn't trust AJ making calls*
*RESTARTS THE WHOLE EPISODE JUST TO SAVE MY BOO, while wondering whether this choice will make aj into a murderer or a psycho and ill have to change my choice just so I'm a good parent*
*gets to the same scene again everything is fine and then the little mountain climbing scene*
me: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, I swear to god if she gets bit ill fucking kill myself.
*seconds later Clem gets bit*
*me in denial*: haha her boots are as hard as steel, and the zombie bit the beginning of the shoe not the cutten place where the wound is at.
*Clem verifies she's been bit*
me: *starts crying for the majority of the remaining episode* (like I cried so fucking mucg and I felt sick, I had to take a break and I felt so dead inside during it)
When AJ and Clem got into the barn, I still had hopes that like we have time and shit, (I even ended up replaying the sequence just to change my choice from kill Clem and let her become a walker because I thought what if that way she gets a chance to live and I don't end up accidentaly killing her) but everytime I'd see Clems skin getting whiter and whiter and I'd end up crying more and more. It was fucking awful. And then the whole lessons thing. Fucking hell. And when they cut the part where AJ just swings his axe at Clem I was like: don't do this to me, fuck no. Fuck off everyone.

And then I cry because its the Ranch bit and I'm like I don't want to do this anymore and then I see AJ traumatised and crying and then I cry and I cry once again they have their bonding moment.
And then it just cuts to AJ fishing and I didn't manage to get even 1 fish, but then it hit me, Clementines hat is still missing and I cried once again upon seeing it ROWING MERRILY DOWN THE STREAM (IF U SEE A LITTLE MOUSE DON'T FORGET TO SQUEAK) yes I did sing the E3 trailer song a little and I cried even more because of it. And I thought for sure Clem was dead, but I still had so much dumb hope that, hey maybe she's alive, hahaha, but like big part of me thought that it was not true and it never will be. And then TAKE US BACK starts playing and I start to cry again and fuck me. For the whole song I crossed my fingers hoping it wouldn't end just like that and it didn't. AJ got back and then CLEMS VOICE SAYS GOOFBALL and I thought oh no, he's hallucinating isn't he? And THEN I FUCKING SEE HER WITH THE LEG CUT OFF AND I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY I START TO CRY AGAIN.
I cried.
I cried so fucking much after the whole bridge part like Holy shit. And then everything turned out to be okay. Clem was happy, I was happy and just before putting Clems hat on the table I thought : everything has a beginning and everything has an end, right? And I teared up a little, but honestly I liked the way her story ended. Even tho I went through a lot of pain (I'm sure all of us did) UHHHH. I was so angry at Minnie that I wanted her to commit reverse birth :( but it's not really her fault, so then I wanted Lilly to commit reverse birth, but then. Once again. I realised its not her fault either. It's the fucking zombies and the way world is. Would Lilly kidnap kids if no apocalypse? Probably not. Would have Violet had a healthy relationship with Minnie? Maybe. Would have Clementine lead a happy life? Maybe. Would have AJ even been born into this world? Who knows. Would have Lee just ended up being a criminal never meeting Clem and maybe changing for the worse? Well, maybe. WOULD HAVE CLEM EVEN GOT A CHANCE TO MEET EVERYONE AND GET JUST AS CLOSE WITH EVERYONE? I sure fucking hope so. Lmao. There's so fucking much, I would create wattpad just to write what I feel about TWDG right now, cuz I feel a fucking lot.
I ended up writing a whole paragraph up there and I messed up the "highlights" order so yeah.
Clementine: I'm glad I trusted you to make the right calls, otherwise I'd be dead.
*me while crying*: the 30minute replay of the beginning was worth it. (or was it, maybe Clementine would just say, gomen goofball for not trusting you, I'm glad u made the right call or smt)
*me going through what Clem taught me*
"if your grandma is dying, stop watching cartoons." I fuckin died
Also this was indeed a greatest and worst bamboozle I had to go through. But I'm not mad. I'm thankful that Clem didn't die, because I'm more than sure I would have been extra depressed for at least a week or month.
So, thank you Skybound, Telltale. I fucking love you guys. ❤️
#twdg#skybound#skybound entertainment#telltale#telltale games#telltale the walking dead#twdg clementine#twdg s4#twdg season 4#i am clementine#twdg louis#twdgmemes#iamclementine#my clementine#clementine#myclementine#twdg s2#twdg s1#twdg s3#the walking dead final season#the walking dead game season 4#twdg anf#twdg memes#twdg meme#buthowdidclemsurvivethecut#like the axe was just covered in walker guts#but you know what clem is a fruit and can't get sick. thus it ends my theory
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Chit chat show: The Walking Dead 'Say Yes'
Doing something a little different here for fun. Instead of posting a post-show recap, here's a transcript of a chat I had with fellow Walking Dead fan Juli Harland during our mutual watching of the show. Make of it what you will.
Todd: Scavenge, scavenge, fuck, scavenge.
Juli: It's all about balance
Todd: Already it feels like Rick wanting to stay away awhile longer will be a problem for alexandria
Juli: Lol likely
I think he just misses getting good nookie
Todd: Well yeah. Back of the van nookie.
Juli: She's gonna give up the women's camp
Todd: Well yeah.
It's a question of how long.
Juli: Because they have the guns
Todd: That's been obvious since she found the damn camp.
Juli: Dinner!
Todd: Haha
I think you're like 20 seconds ahead of me.
Cuz I was like, "That just looks like coffee, not dinner. Oooooohhhhh."
Juli: This won't be good
Todd: That zombie has a gun
Juli: Ew
Todd: lol
Being undead isn't a look that works for everyone.
Haha, toy gun.
But no, don't search the rest of the house.
Juli: Oh my
Zombie jackpot
Todd: It's a fucking carnival
Rick, you better win Michonne the best stuffie out there.
Juli: Oh Shit
Shit Shit Shit
Todd: lol
This is like the zombie holocaust harlequin romance.
Juli: Hahahahaha
Todd: Wait, what was Rosita's plan for the gun originally?
Juli: Kill Negan
Todd: Well, yes, but she tried that.
What was she going to do differently that would have made everything different?
Juli: P
Todd: She's not wrong. He's also not wrong.
Except for the anything is possible bit.
That's just objectively not true.
in a bag!
So basically, her plan is to get rid of one guy who arbitrarily makes the rules and replace him with someone else who arbitrarily makes the rules, except she just happens to like this second guy.
Juli: Yup
Juli: But he's being a pussy. All no no, don't want to go
It's army rations
Todd: Well, would you go back if there was CHILI AND MAC AND CHEESE TOGETHER!?
Plus van fucking?
I mean, I wouldn't.
Juli: Holy shit
Todd: Well, maybe I would.
A bed is nice.
Juli: That baby is huge
Todd: That's not a baby.
And then she eats it.
Juli: Way to kill the baby
Todd: The whole "talking to a baby so I can better understand what I actually think" thing is kind of a painful cliche.
It's a lazy writer's way of expressing an internal monologue.
Juli: At least the baby can't tell on you
Todd: Are you sure? I think Judith is like 13.
Something bad will almost happen!
"Sure, I'll move the car, even though I have no reason to think the keys will be in it, or that it will even run any more."
Dude, you have an axe. Chop him in the damn head.
Juli: While you kill everything else
Todd: I guess he has a helmet.
Oh, neutral, right.
Juli: Oh man he didn't kill anything but one and
Todd: "Hey, I just killed all of em and then came to help."
Juli: Rick
Todd: Oh, sure, the zombie with the machien gun only fired when they were right there.
Haha, look at the comical, romantic banter they have.
Juli: That was a zombie shooting?
Todd: Yeah.
His trigger was being pressed against some bars or something while he walked. But only for those few seconds because reasons.
Um, whut?
Juli: Duck
Todd: Wait, did he just fall off the ferris wheel?
Juli: Did
Juli: They're eating the dear
Todd: Deer feet?
Mmmm, deer feet.
You know, until this moment, I was like, "Well, it's not up to the last few episodes, but I guess it's not bad." But now it's, "Holy shit, that was terrible."
I think every episode with rick has to end with his hair being all sweaty and dangling in his eyes Contractually.
"Hey, sorry babe, I shouldn't have let you think I was dead.
"I thought it would be funny, but I totally read it wrong."
Talking about Glenn would have more of an impact if this scene wasn't so far removed from Glenn's death.
Juli: And this is where she spills it
Well dam
Todd: Your viewing is a few minutes ahead of now cuz I went to pee while my internet was down
Juli: I'm done. I don't know if it cut things of at the end. I'm sure it did. It stopped abruptly
Todd: So the chicks are planning to sniper negan?
Juli: Seems so
Todd: So which of these two are going to die by moving to early on negan?
Juli: Both, likely. Or at least htat's how they're planning it.
Todd: Mmm, maybe.
So, overall thoughts? I'm pretty meh.
Juli: I enjoyed it, actually.
Todd: Yeah?
Juli: I liked seeing a bit of actual relationship building. Cliche or not, it's good to be reminded that they are still people with people feelings and still want to do people romantic things, even awkwardly in the world they're in.
Todd: I can see that.
Though the whole rick falling off the ferris wheel thing was painfully bad
Juli: It got me for a sec.
Todd: Really?
Juli: It did
Todd: Wow.
Juli: momentarily.
Todd: lol
Juli: But then I don't question the process as much as you tend to. I like to just get swept in.
Then it clicks.
Todd: Fair enough.
Juli: DID HE? OH NO!!!! ... Oh .. wait ... deer
Todd: Glad you enjoyed it. I had fun chatting it up with you.
Juli: Me, too.
Todd: Even if you were frequently spoilering things by a few seconds.
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