#also yeah depipping like that is scummy ig but i wanna have fun and rank 20-13 is where its at ok
legionnairefrank · 3 years
As a console player, what is your opinion on the current state of dbd? Also, thoughts on the nerf to spirit?
They nerfed Stridor, not Spirit
(tldr in the tags)
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The main issue is lag, that's it
It was an issue ever since I joined console dbd in February of this year (I have played pc here and there at a friend's house but that was customs only and doesn't count)
It's really bad
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It's not as bad when I play with mostly console teammates or killers, or play custom matches with friends.
But I hope you understand my frustration when I say when it lags, it can cost a health state, regardless of which side you play.
Hits that should hit, don't. And vice versa
I don't mind the attempts at balancing, something like that is difficult and hard to do with so many things to consider (killer powers, other perks, certain maps, and player interactions with all of these)
But I would rather that balancing be put aside to fix inconsistencies in the game.
I know they're going to fix pallets, that's great.
But what about windows, other stuns, perks just outright not working despite working just fine earlier in the match (dead hard I'm staring directly at you)
Don't get me wrong here
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I feel as though the devs, the actual devs, are a little out of touch with half the player base (mobile doesn't count here I'm pretty sure that's considered separate development from what I'm talking about)
I get it, ps4 and xbox one are old consoles, but if they stop working on the game that's available to older consoles at random then it should no longer be available, and they obviously haven't given up on us. We're hardy and stubborn people tbh
This isn't me being a whiny survivor/killer main either
I play both sides with the same attitude and usually can find positives even from matches with toxic Nea mains and camping Bubbas, like i respect the attempt but I'm just given time to do other shit I do not care about my matches that much
Granted, up until I decided to stop giving two shits (and also started playing with rank 20 again)
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I am being genuine when I say I almost gave up on this game entirely. I nearly lost sight of why dbd interested me in the first place because I let gameplay take control over everything. I fell in love with the lore and I just got done taking a break to read into it again because I loved it so much (yes, even the archives)
The negativity didn't help at all. It's not good for humans to get bombarded with so much bad stuff and nothing good (which is why I want to depip back to yellow as survivor because at least those games were Fun to play as scummy as that might sound)
I feel like the more you play the more jaded and cynical you get about it.
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Would I recommend dbd to others? 100%
I already have gotten 2 irl friends, one irl friend's partner, my own partner, and like half a smallish discord server to check it out at least for a little bit.
They aren't as negative about it, the games I play with and against them are fun as hell and they haven't gotten exposed to this community yet (I warned them though and we're working on the tunneling)
I haven't had this much fun since I started playing. New players get the game and have fun to start out, veterans will bitch and moan about everything and will harass you because you "didn't play right." (True story and part of the reason I don't trust Laurie's with ttv in the name)
The game is good, could be better, but it's good. I feel like sometimes the community gets a bit too rabid and it isn't helping our case against the game's current state. The fact that we get so divided is not helpful either?
I don't have good suggestions, but I'm a positive person by default so I don't have too many complaints either.
If anything fixing the lag to where it's bearable is all I personally want out of BHVR, I can learn to deal with the other stuff, you get used to it anyways.
Also I want BHVR to stop giving us BP when the game breaks and start giving auric cells and/or possibly give us console players access to the public test servers in some form, I also want that.
As a final note
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