#also yall frankies such a dumbass she got a staple stuck under her fingernail
antisocialgaycat · 6 months
something i love about choir is we only see each other once a week so we're allowed to be very unhinged and its kinda great cos i just get to be myself like today there was this bit that us ones were constantly messing up and our tutor was getting a bit annoyed so i look over to the twos and i just see my friend bella signing you suck be better at me then at the end we did hotseat and i got volunteered to do it and the kind of questions we get are wild lmao it was great and one of the questions i got was would you ever have kids and me and bella were talking about it afterwards and then frankie came and joined the conversation and was like what do yall have against having children and bells looked her dead in the eye and was like we're lesbians and frankie was like oh. so i was js like its ok we wont infect you. probably. so ofc we ended the night chasing her around trying to infect her with the gay which was fun but yeah i love my friends
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