#also why the heck are the emojis so big on desktop?????
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
echollama · 3 years ago
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(Look look in my defense it’s been 47 years since I last saw RWBY and after finishing this only did I realise this looks too much like Kali and no way in heck am I changing it so just just bear with me pleaseeee)
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seungmin-jpeg · 7 years ago
Stray Kids on Tumblr / Seungmin
Chan // Woojin // Minho // Changbin // Hyunjin // Jisung // Felix // Seungmin // Jeongin
Okay so 
He went to LA for a bit right 
Like back in elementary years but whatever
He kept in touch with his LA friends for years
And then someone was like 
Hey get a tumblr so i can message you there its easier
And he was like 
Then seungmin ended up with a tumblr
his friend barely even messaged him rip seungmin
His url has something to do with snails 
Because his nickname is snail
Didn’t take long for him to track down the day6 tag
So little trainee seungmin joins the day6 fanbase through tumblr
Welcome seungmin 
Has no shame when it comes to reblogging day6 stuff
Reblogs a lot of the audio stuff
Concert videos too
Allllll the covers they do as well
His blog is just a mash up of day6
Other random kpop stuff
Breakfast recipes 
Inspirational quotes 
And like
A few random other things
But he got bored one day and decided to work a bit on his mobile theme
Just his mobile theme he wasn’t devoted enough to work on desktop theme
Seungmin just strikes me as a super aesthetic person 
So i feel like he’d have some cool photo of you know those pine trees in fog
But he was like thats not enough 
So he got a gif of it 
And it looks super cool
Has a nice off white almost grey background 
Somehow managed to make the font fit perfectly with everything 
Has a cool quote or something as the header 
Lowkey has hipster vibes to his blog
And since he only either blogs text posts 
And aesthetic day6 things 
His blog is actually suuuuuper aesthetic
Even though its a mashup of a lot of things
He still managed to make it look aesthetic 
draws the attention of a quite a few people 
So he doesn’t have zero followers
But he also isn’t like famous 
Also doesn’t put much work into his blog
After all he has bigger things to focus on
Like debuting 
But people really like him
You know how seungminnie writes in his diary a lot?
I bet he would also take to writing his thoughts out on tumblr as well
He wasn’t really sure when it started 
But he’d make little text posts of possible lyrics and ideas that came out of his head that he couldn’t find a use for 
And sk lyrics are deep as heck so his would be just as deep
And these posts actually got quite popular 
Fit in with the aesthetic of his blog as well
One day he reblogged one of your day6’s posts 
And because who doesnt check for tags when people reblog their stuff
You hopped over to his blog to see if he tagged anything
He didnt really tag it anymore than just the members name and day6
But you were like fair enough 
And then you scrolled through his blog just for the heck of it 
And you realized just how nice of a blog this was???
It gave you like studyblr vibes but with a good mix of kpop stuff
And you really liked it 
So that day seungmin gained another follower 
And he followed your right back
Legit nothing else happened after that until mooooooonths later 
Like months 
When stray kids started doing the survival show 
And you fell deep
Into the hole that is stray kids
And starting posting about it 
During one of his breaks he got on his phone 
And just kind of mindlessly got onto tumblr
And one of your posts about sk showed up on his dash
It was one of the first time’s he’d seen something about his group on tumblr 
His very own group 
It made him super excited 
So he checked out your blog again to find out that you were super into stray kids
And it gave him all the energy the previous dancing had taken away from him
He felt like he was floating knowing people were already out their excited for their debut
And someone who was running a cool blog like you at that!
He’d totally become one of those cute anons 
Who somehow lands a super cute name
Of course its ‘snail’
Always signs off with the cute lil snail emoji
Any message from him makes your day because man he was the softest person you’d ever talked with
Somehow started talking about day6
And you discovered this snail anon was the biggest fanboy for day6 you’d ever met your whole life
And man did you support his fanboying. 
Screamed a loooooot about day6
And you were surprised how well he knew the group
And all the members
He had their personalities down to the T
It was very impressive
Eventually you mentioned stray kids
After all 
Your blog was a majority of skz at this point. 
Why else would he be following you
You were surprised to learn he knew about the group pretty well
Really well actually
Knew more things about the group than you did
That's when you started to notice things were getting a lil fishy
None of your followers seemed to notice 
But the times you got your anons
And when he seemed most active on tumblr
Seemed to be lining up with koreas time
And all the big events skz was having 
Snail anon was never around
But when skz fell silent
Snail anon was always there
Talking about how he got a break from work
So one message you got from him 
You decided to ask him to direct message you. 
You just snuck it into the tags of the ask
Because you knew he’d read it 
And not everyone on tumblr would read it
A day later
Your phone goes off
And you see a message from none other than snail anon
You’re not really sure how to start
So you start off by asking if he’s in korea
And hes like 
And so you ask a few more questions
And with each answer
You’re starting to get more positive this isn’t just any old person
You hop onto the member profile for stray kids
And learn that seungmin’s nickname is snail
And everything connects
You calmly send of a message asking if its actually him
And the line goes dead for a good bit of time
But eventually he gets back to you
With a simple 
“Yup, thats me…” 
And you’re like wtf
So calm
But then he was like 
“Was it really that easy to tell”
And you’re kinda like no not really
Because to be fair most people probably wouldn’t have noticed
You just had some sort of special feeling
Maybe one of those dumb “reblog for luck” tumblr posts had finally helped you out.
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jacobthespaceguy · 3 years ago
New life, new computer & new perspective.
I wrote this half a year ago and forgot to post this. Enjoy.
Dear Cosmonauts,
Greetings! It’s me, your boy! Did you miss me? No? Yeah, not too surprised. To be honest, I would be genuinely surprised if anyone actually read these. It’ll never stop me though. I love using this as some kind of escape. I think I’m trying to say that I’m officially back to blogging! Well actually, I never was in a state of, “blogging.” I just simply make a blog post every once in a while. So instead of being back, I guess I will simply start blogging more often. At the very least, try to. In an ideal world, I would create entries at least once a month, that’s not too much to ask for... just a few paragraphs every month. Sounds easy enough... On that note, it probably isn’t. But maybe it is. It depends on your personality.
Laziness. Saying laziness defines me is an understatement. I don’t want to be lazy nor do I wish I was. I’m honestly not too sure why I'm so lazy. I think this pandemic just made it really bad. Working from home 3/5 days of the week changes you. Early on, I figured I would be able to use this extra time to work on more music and I even started being a mixing/mastering engineer for a friend of mines. However, I ended up using this extra time to stay in bed and be useless. Some would say I'm being hard on myself but I'm not. I stay in bed and I waste my time, my friend's time, and overall, I'm just a useless human being. I feel like a failure sometimes. However, I do hold on to the hope that I can change. I want to change. Some days, I tell myself, "I'll be productive this time," but then stay in bed half the day. By the time I'm up and eaten breakfast and done my whole morning routine... it'll be 2 o'clock and the day is practically over. It's not really over, but it'll feel like it. It sucks. Now the pandemic is ending and I'll probably have to go back to work full time soon. I have no idea how I'm going to cope with that. I'm already depresso mode from things changing so much around me that I feel like a hermit and want to hide under my desk for the rest of my life. I hate change. I hate it, hate it, HATE IT. I know change is good and if my music career takes off, then they'll be a lot of change. Although, I would rather endure that kind of pressure than have to go back to work. Every day to get to my work is a 40-minute drive there, and an hour drive back since traffic is so bad. I know other people have it worse, but with how tired I am after a shift, I have days where I lay on my bedroom floor doing nothing and or nap until I finally get up to shower, eat dinner and finally get to the home activities I wanted to. However, at this point, it'll be 7 PM and I'm too tired to do anything other than watch YouTube videos until 1 AM, and then it's finally time to go to bed. It's a struggle and I can't seem to escape it.
I don't even know what I'm writing anymore and lost track of where I was going with this. I guess it's to complain about hating work and or my laziness? I originally started writing this post with the intention to talk about my new computer and how writing a blog post with it is a vibe. I bought a mid-2017 MacBook Pro back in August of 2019. It was the most absolute base model and only had 128 gb of storage and 8 gb of ram. WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF! I loved the flexibility of having a decent laptop for when I travel, but this was a bad purchase that left me financially ruined. I want to say that it was a terrible machine and I hated it. However, it ran decently most of the time and I must confess that Apple just knows what they're doing when designing computers. I can't argue though, since I started this blog, I became an Apple fanboy and I'm seriously buried in the Apple ecosystem. My phone, laptop, tablet at one point but sold, my credit card, my watch, earphones, and tracking devices are all connected to Apple and they basically run my life. However, my main machine will likely always be a Windows desktop.
Back to the MacBook Pro, my 2017 laptop having 128 gb made the machine unusable for me. Apple offering a 128 gb machine was a cardinal sin and I do the happy dance every morning knowing they no longer exist. After downloading Reason and Logic Pro, I had about 8 gb for any else I wanted to use. I couldn't even have all of Logic's sounds installed. Ugh. I never used the machine because I resented it so much. However, I recently started using it to record my vocals because the fans (despite going up 1000 db when I record in Reason) were quieter than having my desktop fans on when recording so I opted to use my MacBook Pro to record instead. In addition, it was really nice to have when I was on the go and needed a computer. Despite being a baseline laptop, it ran the project file for my song, "Nothing Was The Same," decently enough for me to get some mixing done at my Dad's house late last year. It still chugged pretty bad when I was traversing through Reason's sequencer. My final straw was when I wanted to try a vocal plug-in that refused to work on my PC so I pulled out my MacBook Pro and installed it on there and it worked perfectly. I was like, "Man, I wish this MacBook Pro just had a little more storage so I can actually use it efficiently." That's when the idea came to me, "Holy crap, let's just buy a new MacBook."
I would constantly go to Apple's website and look at their newest 16" MacBook Pro. It's when Apple finally let go of the butterfly switches on their keyboard and went back to a scissor-switch design and improved the heck out of the performance. It was a beautiful machine and I wanted it ever since they announced it. So I went back on Apple's website last week after testing that vocal plug-in and was reminded of the horrendous price. $3,000 for a decently specced computer was just too much. Someone on Reddit was telling me how great Apple's refurbished computers are and that they're basically brand new aside from the regular box it comes in. So I decided I wanted to get a refurbished MacBook Pro. However, the next morning, I decided to do a little more research and I thank God I did because after a little research, I saw how much better the new 13" M1 chip MacBook Pro was over the current 16" Intel MacBook Pro and that it was the best laptop to buy. Even better, it's cheaper. So after more research, I decided to buy a refurbished max specced out M1 MacBook Pro. I finally have 2 tb of storage. 2 TB!!! I have more storage on this laptop than on my Windows desktop. I also went with silver over space grey like my other MacBook simply because it looks so much cooler. I don't care for space grey anymore. Something about the classic silver is where it's at. Also, this keyboard is amazing! I'm using it right now to type this. The Touch Bar is pretty cool too. I thought it would be a weird adjustment but it was actually pretty seamless. My only complaint is that it's easier to tap it and do something while typing on the keyboard. Happened to me twice while typing this. Although, all I did was open the emoji window so it wasn't even an issue. However, I think I type a bit in an unconventional way than most of you reading this do so just ignore me. I would also like to brag about how quiet this computer is. I haven't heard the fan once and it's dead quiet. In fact, the M1 MacBook Air doesn't even have a fan, that's how good this new Apple silicon is. Lastly, I haven't had the computer heat up at all yet. I'm typing this using safari with a few tabs open, Logic Pro in the background and there's no part of the computer that's hot right now. My lap would've melted if I was using my 2017 MacBook and it's in great shape! I want to say this computer is a beast but, to be honest, I haven't had a chance to stress test it yet. I've had the computer for less than a week. I will definitely keep you all updated.
Wow, I can't believe I typed all of this simply because I imagined Adam Young in his basement late at night with his MacBook Pro writing his magnificent blog posts that inspired me to start this blog in the first place. For whatever reason, it's a real vibe for me and as I was fumbling through Logic Pro, I had the idea to write a blog and all of this entry just poured out from my brain to this text box. I sincerely apologize to anyone reading this far and to my future self who probably just spent 20 minutes proofreading and fixing errors I made. I'd imagine all the run-on sentences are probably infuriating. I think I spent 40 minutes to an hour just writing this.
In conclusion, I'm writing blog posts again and plan to release new entries at least somewhat often. I have quite a few ideas of things I want to talk about, so you guys will get to pick my brain soon enough. In addition, I may go public about this blog. It is public but I announced it a long time ago and I wasn't very big. But with my podcast and additional following over the years, I may finally get some readers. I'd be surprised if more than 3 people have seen my blog which I'm not upset about. I'm treating this as my personal time capsule and it's fun to go back and read. In addition, I'm going to die someday. I don't know when and how, but it provides a little bit of comfort knowing a potential love one may find this one day after my unfortunate death and get hours of personal content that they can read over any time. I don't mean to get morbid and I don't mean to say my blog is the second coming of Christ. I don't know what I'm saying other than I hope you enjoy it. Anywho, I plan to make blog posts more coherent and not so all over the place. I went from being lazy/hating work, MacBook Pros, and then to my death, all in the same post. I just got so excited once I started typing and couldn't stop. More posts to come. Thank you and goodnight.
Jacob McDonnell
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infotainmentplus-blog · 7 years ago
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MWC 2018: Biggest announcements so far What is MWC? Mobile World Congress is one of the biggest and most exciting events in the mobile industry. It’s where the majority of big players like Samsung, LG, Sony, and Huawei show off their latest and greatest products every year. When is MWC? MWC formally kicks off on Monday, February 26 and ends on Thursday, March 1. Of course quite a few companies have already made their announcements official Where is MWC? As is the case every year, MWC will take place in Barcelona, Spain at two venues— Fira Gran Via and Fira Montjuïc. Now that MWC 2018 is starting to kick off we’re already seeing big announcements from Samsung, LG, Nokia, and several others. Let’s dive right in and see what each company has to offer at this year’s Mobile World Congress. Samsung Samsung officially announced its newest flaship phones, the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus, at its Unpacked event on February 25, a day before MWC kicks off. In terms of their design, the S9 phones look similar on the surface to the older Galaxy S8 devices. The Galaxy S9 has a 5.8-inch Quad HD+ Curved Super AMOLED display with an 18.5:9 aspect ratio, and a pixel density of 570 ppi. The S9 Plus has a 6.2 inch display with the same aspect ratio and pixel density. Samsung says these displays are also 15 percent brighter than the ones on the Galaxy S8. The Galaxy S9 will have 4 GB of RAM and a 3,000 mAh battery, while the S9 Plus bumps it up to 6 GB and a 3,500 mAh battery. Both come with 64 GB of onboard storage, with a microSD card for additional storage. Both phones will come with either the Samsung Exynos 9810 or Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoCs (depending on the region). The biggest difference between the two phones are the camera setups. The Galaxy S9 sports a single Dual Pixel 12 MP sensor with dual /1.5 and f/2.4 apertures. The S9 Plus offers two rear-facing camera sensors — one wide-angle at 12 MP and one telephoto at 12 MP. Both phones also support what Samsung is calling AR Emoji, which lets owners turn themselves into an animated emoji inside the phone, which can then be shared with friends and family via messaging or social media. Pre-orders for both the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will start on March 2, and both will go on sale on March 16. The Galaxy S9 price is $719.99 unlocked (or $30/month over 24 moths) and the Galaxy S9 Plus price is $839.99 unlocked (or $35/month over 24 months) via samsung.com or the Shop Samsung app. Wireless carriers will have their own prices, and trade-in deals for both phones. Samsung also revealed a new version of its DeX Pad accessory along with the Galaxy S9 series. Like last year’s DeX, it should let you hook up your smartphone to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to use it like a desktop computer. However, the new DeX Pad will have a different design than its predecessor, which will allow the smartphone to lie flat on the dock instead of upright. Read more Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus are here: The best just got better Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus hands-on: Express yourself Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus: Release date, price, and availability Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus specs: All about refinements Top 9 Samsung Galaxy S9 features Samsung Galaxy S9: New camera features Samsung Galaxy S9: First camera samples What the heck is the Galaxy S9’s dual aperture? AR Emoji vs Animoji: The differences explained Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus color comparison Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Galaxy S8: Welcome changes Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Note 8: A glimpse of the Note 9 Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Pixel 2 XL: Two of the best Samsung DeX Pad announced, we go hands-on LG Instead of announcing a successor the LG G6 at MWC, the company decided to reveal a variant to its most recent flagships, the LG V30 and V30 Plus, as part of the trade show. The new phones are called the LG V30S ThinQ and the V30S ThinQ Plus. In terms of design, the V30 S ThinQ phones are the same as the V30 devices. with both getting a 6-inch FullVision display. Both also use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor. However, the G V30S ThinQ and the V30S ThinQ Plus will get a memory boost to 6 GB of RAM, compared to the 4 GB on the V30, and both get storage boosts as well, with 128 GB on the V30S ThinQ and 256 GB the V30S ThinQ Plus. The V30S phones are also getting some AI camera upgrades, with features like QLens, which can do visual searches on Amazon or in Pinterest, and AI Cam, which suggests camera settings based on image recognition. Finally there is Bright Mode, which LG says makes images taken by the camera twice as bright compared to the V30. The V30S and V30S Plus will debut in South Korea in March, followed by launched in other parts of the world. Pricing for the phone has not yet been announced. Read more LG adopts the OnePlus “T” strategy for device releases with the V30S Nokia HMD Global, which owns the rights to use the Nokia brand, revealed several new phones at its MWC press event. This includes the Nokia 7 Plus, a bigger version of 2017’s Nokia 7. The Nokia 7 Plus will have a 6-inch display, compared to the 5.5-inch Nokia 7, along with an 18:9 ratio and a 2,160 x 1,080 resolution. It will have a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 chip, 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of onboard storage, dual 12 MP and 13 MP rear camera, a 16 MP front facing camera and a 3,800 mAh battery. It will be released in selected markets in Europe this April for the price of €399. The Nokia 8 Sirocco was also revealed at MWC. It has a 5.5-inch edge-to-edge pOLED panel with a 2560 x 1440 resolution and protected by Gorilla Glass 5. It has Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 chipset, along with 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB storage, along with the same 12 MP and 13 MP rear camers as the Nokia 7 Plus, along with a 5 MP front camera, QI wireless charging and a 3,260 mAh battery. It’s due out in April in some parts of the world for €749. HMD Global is launching the 2018 edition of the Nokia 6 in Europe, with two models; one with 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage and the other with 4 GB and 64 GB of storage. Both have a 5.5-inch 1080p display Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 630 chip, a 16 MP rear camera and an 8 MP front facing camera. It will be priced at €279 when it launches in Europe. By the way, the Nokia 8 Sirocco, Nokia 7 Plus and the Nokia 6 will support Google’s Android One, which means those phones should get regular monthly Android security updates. The cheapest Nokia Android phone was revealed at MWC as well, the Nokia 1. Based on Android Oreo (Go edition), it will launch in Europe, Middle East, Africa, India, Asia Pacific, Australia, and Latin America this April, with a price of just $85. For that cost, you will get a 4.5-inch IPS display, 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of storage, a 5 MP rear camera, and a 2 MP front facing camera. Finally, HMD revealed the Nokia 8110 4G, a feature phone designed to look like the older Nokia 8110 mobile phone, which was made famous by its appearance in 1999’s classic movie The Matrix. The “banana phone”, with its sliding cover to protec its keypad, will go on sale in May for €79 in Europe. Read more Nokia 7 Plus with Android One, Full HD+ display is finally official Nokia 7 Plus specs and hardware breakdown The Nokia 8 Sirocco is official: This is HMD Global’s true Nokia 8 Sirocco: Spec sheet breakdown Nokia 8 Sirocco: Release date, price, and availability Nokia 6 (2018) heading to Europe this April for €279 Nokia 1 with Android Oreo (Go edition) announced at MWC The ‘Matrix phone’ is back: Nokia 8110 retro reboot coming Huawei Huawei didn’t announce any new smartphones at MWC, but it did reveal a new Android 8.0 Oreo tablet, the MediaPad M5, a successor to the MediaPad M3, this new tablet will come in 8.4-inch and 10.8-inch screen variants, with both versions featuring 2560 x 1600 pixel “ClariVu” IPS LCD displays. Inside they will have the older Kirin 960 processor inside and 4 GB of RAM, along with 32, 64, or 128 GB of onboard storage. The 8.4-inch version will have dual speakers, while the 10.8-inch version will have four speakers. There will also be an 10.8-inch MediaPad M5 Pro model, which supports an optional keyboard dock, and can use the M-Pen stylus. Huawei also announced the Windows 10-based Matebook X Pro notebook, with a 14-inch display, and inside you can get either the full Intel Core i5 or i7 processor, along with either 8 GB or 16 GB of RAM and either 256 GB and 512 GB of storage It also has a full-size chicklet back-lit keyboard with a cool feature; a web camera that’s placed in the keyboard, between the F6 and F7 keys, that pops up when you touch it, and goes back down when you press it down. Pricing and a launch date have not been announced. Read more Huawei MediaPad M5 hands-on: More than multimedia Matebook X Pro hands-on: Huawei’s new Windows laptop Alcatel During MWC, the budget-themed smartphone maker Alcatel announced five new handset: the Alcatel 1X, Alcatel 3, Alcatel 3V, Alcatel 3X, and Alcatel 5, all of which have 18:9 FullView displays. The 5.3-inch Alcatel 1X is not only the cheapest of the five phones, it’s also running Android 8.1 Oreo (Go Edition), which explains why it will have either 1 GB or 2 GB of RAM, along with 16 GB of internal storage. The Alcatel 3 will have a 5.5-inch display and 16 GB of storage, while the Alcatel 3X has a 5.7-inch screen and either 16 GB or 32 GB of storage. The Alcatel 3V has a big 6-inch display, with 16 GB or 32 GB of storage. The Alcatel 5 has a 5.7-inch display, 16 GB or 32 GB of storage, and a 13 MP front-facing camera with an f/2.0 aperture, along with a back camera is 12 MP. You can check out our detailed look at all the the new Alcatel phones announced at MWC at the links below. Read more Hands-on with Alcatel’s new phones at MWC 2018 Quick look: Android Go on the Alcatel 1X (Updated) ZTE The ZTE Blade V9 and Blade V9 Vita were announced at MWC. The V9 Vita will have a 5.7-inch, 18:9 display, with a resolution of 2,160 x 1,080 pixels, along with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 chip, either 3 GB or 4 GB of RAM and either 32 GB or 64 GB of onboard storage. It will also have a dual rear camera, with a 16MP and 5 MP sensors, and an 8 MP front facing camera. The Blade V9 Vite is smaller at 5.45 inches, along with a slower Snapdragon 435 chip, 2 GB and 3 GbB RAM options, and either 16 GB and 32 GB of storage. There’s still a dual rear camera, with 13 MP and 2 MP sensors, and a 5 MP front camera. Pricing and availablity have yet to be revealed. ZTE also announced the Tempo Go, which is one of the budget phones that will us Android Go, a version of Android 8 Oreo made for low-end devices. The phone will have a 5-inch display with a 480 x 584 resolution, along with 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of onboard storage, along with a microSD card slot where you can add up to 32 GB of additional storage. It will also have a 5 MP rear camera, a 2 MP front-facing camera and a 2,200 mAh battery. It will go on sale for just $79.99 unlocked. Read more ZTE Blade V9 and V9 Vita are here, we go hands-on ZTE Tempo Go is the latest Android Go phone with a price . Upcoming: Sony According to a report from MyDrivers, Sony will reveal a flagship smartphone at MWC. Called the Xperia XZ Pro, it is expected to sport a 5.7-inch OLED display with 4K resolution, the Snapdragon 845 chipset, and 6 GB of RAM. It could be Sony’s first handsets with a dual-camera setup. The report claims it will feature an 18 MP sensor with 1.33μm pixel size and a 12 MP sensor at 1.38μm pixels at the back. Other specs and features include a 3420 mAh battery, 128 GB of storage, and an IP68 rating for protection against water and dust. We’ve also heard rumors about the Xperia XZ2 and XZ2 Compact, both of which are expected to sport a Snapdragon 845 chipset. The former has accidentally been confirmed by the carrier Three Ireland in a now-deleted tweet, while the latter has apparently stopped by the FCC recently. The XZ2 Compact is expected to come with a 5-inch Full HD+ 18:9 display, 4 GB of RAM, and a dual-camera setup. The XZ2, on the other hand, is rumored to sport a larger 5.7-inch Full HD+ display with the same aspect ratio. It’s also expected to offer 4 GB of RAM like its smaller brother. Rear-mounted fingerprint scanners are tipped for the devices, but no headphone jack. The two smartphones could be revealed at MWC alongside the Xperia XZ Pro, although this hasn’t been confirmed yet. Upcoming: Lenovo/Motorola Lenovo announced the Moto G5 and G5 Plus at MWC 2017. At this year’s event, the company could unveil the G6 series of smartphones. Images of the Moto G6, G6 Plus, and G6 Play have leaked, giving us a closer look at their designs. All three models look more or less the same, sporting glass backs and big camera bumps — check them out below. Moto G6 Moto G6 Plus Moto G6 Play When it comes to specs, the G6 is said to come with a 5.7-inch Full HD+ display, the Snapdragon 450 chipset, and a 3,000 mAh battery. The Plus model will reportedly feature a 5.93-inch display, the Snapdragon 630 processor, and a 3,200 mAh battery. It’s said to launch in five colors shown in the image below. Android Headlines Both devices might come with either 3 or 4 GB of RAM and 32 or 64 GB of storage, although the Plus model might also be offered with 6 GB of RAM. The smartphones are also expected to be equipped with a dual-camera setup sporting 12 and 5 MP sensors. The G6 Play could have a 5.7-inch display and pack a massive 4,000 mAh battery. Other specs such as the chipset and RAM are unknown for now. Additionally, images of the Moto Z3, Z3 Play, and X5 have also leaked. However, these three phones likely won’t be revealed at MWC, although everything is possible. Upcoming: Asus Asus has sent out press invites for its MWC event taking place on February 27, which hint the Zenfone 5 series will make its debut. It’s expected we might see the Zenfone 5, 5 Max, and 5 Lite, all of which could have 18:9 displays. The Zenfone 5 could look a lot like the iPhone X, which can either be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask. WinFuture has shared an alleged image of the handset that shows it could have an iPhone X-like notch on the front and vertically positioned dual-cameras on the back. Winfuture.de An alleged hands-on image of the device has also popped up online, which tells us the same story — check it out below. Bernardo G da Silva The Zenfone 5 Max is expected to feature a massive battery, although its capacity is unknown at this point. Rumors suggest the handset will also offer a 5.7-inch display, a dual-camera setup, and Android Oreo. Moving on to the Zenfone 5 Lite, the device is expected to come with the Snapdragon 660 chipset under the hood along with 4 GB of RAM, according to Roland Quandt. It could also sport four cameras — two on the front and two on the back. None of the rumors have been confirmed yet, so we’ll have to wait until February 27 to see whether they are true or not. Many other well-known brands like HTC and Acer may also be present at the show, but there’s no word on which devices they might announce. We’ll update this page as soon as we hear more to keep you up to speed with all the latest. Meanwhile, let us know which products are you most looking forward to in the comments below! , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2F6AGBj
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laseroy89 · 7 years ago
Poltergeist Deal
A response to [WP] You live in a haunted house with a poltergeist that loves to mess with you via playing with the utilities (flickering lights, gas turning on, TV turning itself on, etc...),you have made peace with it but as a result the utilities are getting too expensive & you need to sort this out.
The television flickered, and the screen froze. I found myself staring at Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson putting his fingers in Pedro Pascal’s eye sockets.
I sighed. She was at it again.
I grabbed a handful of strawberry candy, flung it at the television screen, and closed my eyes. I heard a faint giggle, but I never heard the sweets hit anything. After a while, I heard the crinkling of plastic wrappers, and soon the Viper’s screams filled the living room again.
She just had to stop the episode at the bloodiest part - and make me miss it. Screw you, kid ghost, for always messing with me.
It was quite annoying, but she wasn’t this mild when we first met. I still remembered how she went on the offensive on the day that I moved in. I didn’t have much possessions, but that kid ghost had enough imagination to make everything a weapon.
Somehow, every time I turned around, some furniture seemed to have moved a few centimetres. I hit my little toes of both feet so many times, I thought the nails would have become ingrown at the end of the day. Then, crockery that I placed in the centre of tables would appear dangerously close to the edge. Next, bags would empty their contents on the floor when I wasn’t looking. With so many things falling on the floor and so many threats against my feet, I should have foreseen her final move when my steel Batman paperweight about the size of my fist slid across the table and dropped down….on my big toe. There was a lot of screaming, a lot of time and money spent to get myself to the hospital….and also a lot of faint giggling in the living room while I was enveloped in excruciating pain.
But hey, the house was cheap though.
That was just the beginning. There was once when I returned home drunk with a female friend. Being intoxicated, my mind was filled with thoughts about my companion, so I had forgotten about the ghost and her antics. I also forgot that earlier in the day, I had bought two cartons of raw meat, for a barbecue with my friends the following day.
We were chatting on the couch, inching closer to each other. Things were going well, and I thought I was getting lucky when she leaned in for a kiss. Just before I closed my eyes and sank into the moment, I caught a fleeting glance of a large red patch above both of us. It was like that movie "Carrie", only thing was that it wasn't just pig blood, it was really expensive, high-end meat that cost around....I don't really remember the size of the hole that it burnt in my pocket, I just remembered how heartbroken I was.
Needless to say, she left my apartment with my meat on her face. And she left my apartment and my plans for the barbecue in a huge, bloody mess.
The turning point came when I came home after a tiring day of overtime. I was simply too exhausted to do anything else but sleep, and the first thing I did upon entering my house was to head right to my bedroom and collapse on the bed.
She had hidden small little thumbtacks in the sheets.
I jumped up, screaming and cursing, and threw my bag across the room. It hit the opposite wall and burst open to spill my supply of strawberry candy all over the floor.
I had been crying and begging on the floor, wondering why the world has forsaken me, but I quietened down when I realised that her normally faint giggling had stopped and the pain had subsided. No, not subsided, but completely disappeared. In fact, the thumbtacks had been removed from my face and hands, and the wounds had closen up. And my sweets had vanished, leaving behind only plastic wrappers strewn all over the floor.
From then on, sweets became my way of making a deal with her. I began to invest in sweets, most notably strawberry candies, not only as a way of relieving my own stress, but to pay her whenever I noticed she wanted to harm me. Pretty soon, she got less violent, till she only annoyed me just enough to get her daily fix of sweets. Maybe turning on the television when I was asleep, turning on the gas when I just turned it off, flickering lights when I was trying to sleep, stuff like that.
I always had the impression that poltergeists were either pure evil or just some bored spirits that ruined people's lives just for the heck of it. I didn't know that they could be bought over too.
But with the costs of utilities rising....her behaviour wasn't that harmless anymore. With the current stagnating economy, I had been living from paycheck to paycheck for quite a while now, and while the rent was still manageable, the increasing utilities bill was taking quite a toll on my finances.
I heard a faint whir to my side. Aaaand my desktop was booting up again.
"Look, kiddo, you've got to stop doing that, alright?" I couldn't take it anymore.
The whirring of the CPU fan stopped, but the monitor still showed my homescreen. The LED at the side started flashing rapidly. When it was functioning normally, it would have shown either green or orange, but right now it was flashing red. BLOOD RED.
She was angry.
But I was angry, too.
The show had ended, but the television screen started flashing, almost as rapidly as the LED light of my computer. I kept my stern expression on. I wasn't about to give way this time.
"You've got to stop doing all these ANNOYING SHIT!!"
The screen cut to static, then the speakers gave out a sharp shriek that forced me to lose composure for a while and cover my ears. Oberyn Martell's crushed skull started flashing on the screen. It was in high contrast, such that the blood appeared thick, black and sinister. And she kept distorting the eyes. Or rather, where the eyes used to be.
I smiled. She was getting nowhere with this.
But I was a little scared too. She was holding back; but what's to stop her from wreaking total havoc?
I needed to calm down. To approach it as a rational adult, explaining to a young child.
Yup. I needed to use soft power.
"Look, my bills are rising because of you. I have less to spend now. You wouldn't want me to starve and die, would you?"
Harsh laughter filled the apartment. My phone unlocked itself, and opened Whatsapp. She started typing cheeky and tearful emojis. Then a middle finger.
"Look, if I die or get evicted, you'll have no more strawberry sweets!!"
In a flash, all paranormal activity stopped. The monitor died, the television shut down and fell silent, and my phone deleted the draft text and went back to the homescreen. I picked my phone up and examined it; shit, she ended all the recent apps too. What a good girl.
I grabbed another handful of sweets, and flung it into the air. As expected, they never hit the ground.
This has been the best trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. Strawberry candies FTW. I love ya, you silly little poltergeist.
Now I wonder if I can pay her to redirect some of my neighbours' utilities to me....
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