#also while I would be happy with a Cantonese Parker
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Idk if this means anything but I’m thinking about how two dead characters who were really close to Arthur have names that are sheep-related (Peter Yang and Faroe)
Parker’s last name just means ‘sheep’ or ‘goat’ in Mandarin and Cantonese (I like to think he’s Cantonese or just Southern Chinese because most Chinese immigrants from the 30s would have been from the south iirc)
Faroe (as in the Faroe Islands) just means ‘the sheep islands’ in Nordic.
Idk if it’s intentional or has deeper meaning but that’s a lot of sheep (a whole island plus one)
#anyways enjoy my late night ramblings#I just think that sheep are pretty cool#also while I would be happy with a Cantonese Parker#I will not object to a Parker that speaks some Hokkien or any of the other southern Chinese languages#I think they deserve some love too#totally not biased#peter yang#malevolent podcast#faroe lester#halo just talking#malevolent
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An Accord (WIS), Chapter 2
I’m sorry I missed a day re-posting Accord. I really want to get it all back out there so I can continue on with chapter 10-13 when I hit that point. Unfortunately, I’m still sleeping off whatever hit me Monday-Wednesday while I was in the hospital. I’m pretty sure I’m back up to normal now. So let’s start this daily posting thing again.
As a bit of annoyance, I’m going to remind you that @starker-stories is formerly starkerstories, which got accidentally deleted. So if you followed me at the non-hyphenated blog, I hope you’ll make the move with me to the hyphenated one. I miss all’y’all.
I’ll be re-creating my individual chapter posts for An Accord over here on the blog that replaces starkerstories. Until I hit the current chapter, I’ll be posting daily. They’ll have links to both tumblr and AO3 chapter links. I’m sorry if that bothers people who’ve seen this all before in the tag. I’m content to leave all my other fic as AO3 only, but this is my current favorite child, so I’m spoiling it rotten.
This fic is on a weekly update schedule. Hopefully every Friday. More chapters may appear sooner if the writing is going well. Because I have 0 self-control.
Tumblr Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13 AO3 Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13
Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Cheating, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Domestic Nightmare Tony Stark, Reconciliation, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, WinterIronSpider, Happy Ending, Clothed Sex, Domesticity, Peter Parker is legal age in the state of New York, College Student Peter Parker, Takes place about 2 years after Civil War. Closeted Character
Summary: “Oh. My. God. Old man stereo.” Peter disentangled himself from Tony’s hold. “Feed me.” Bucky started to rise. “Sit down, Bucky. I didn’t say cook. I told him to feed me. Feed US.” ——————————————————————————————
Chapter 2: The pass-code to the penthouse
A movie and a half later, Tony sat on the other end of the sofa from Bucky. “Taken care of. Tomorrow you’ll meet Fury up at HQ.”
“It’ll take more than one day,” Bucky said quietly. “There were a lot of missions.”
Tony nodded.
“I remember all of them, Tony. I’m sorry.”
It was still hard for Tony to reconcile the raw emotion of what happened with the knowledge that the man sitting next to him was not the man in that videotape. “I know, Bucky. I’m getting there, okay?”
“You’ll head upstate for a few hours a day until it’s finished. Either Fury or Maria Hill will handle the debrief personally. Whatever Ross finds out will be filtered through them, cross-checked by FRIDAY, gone over by me, and then given back to Fury to release.”
“They agreed to that?”
Tony laughed. “Of course not. It’s all going directly from Fury to Ross, with not a single stop in between.”
Bucky was quiet for a long time and they both pretended to watch the movie. “Steve underestimated you.”
“You think?”
They watched the movie until its end. “Didn’t peg you for a rom-com man, Bucky,” Tony said smiling.
“War movies kinda lost their charm.”
“Overly realistic sci-fi ones lost theirs for me,” Tony countered.
“Drama… I live enough of that lately.”
“Ditto action.”
“Romance never gets old,” Bucky said finally.
“God, are you two getting weepy over Tom Hanks movies?” Peter said, laughing and landing in Tony’s lap once he dropped his backpack by the elevator.
“You told me you liked that I’m a romantic,” Tony said, kissing Peter lightly on the lips.
“Yes, but…” Peter picked up the remote, clicked, and brought up the title. “Sleepless in Seattle?”
“Shut up, kid.”
“Shut up, kid.”
“Oh. My. God. Old man stereo.” Peter disentangled himself from Tony’s hold. “Feed me.” Bucky started to rise. “Sit down, Bucky. I didn’t say cook. I told him to feed me. Feed US.”
“Take out?”
“Take me… us… out.”
“Your house is full of food, Tony,” Bucky said. “Take your boyfriend out to dinner, I’ll be fine.”
“I said, feed US,” Peter hollered back from the bedroom.
“Thai?” Tony suggested.
“Thai.” Peter agreed, coming back, tugging on a fresh shirt.
“Chinese?” Bucky countered.
“Thai wasn’t a thing in your day?” Peter asked.
“In Thailand it was. Not in Manhattan.”
Tony laughed. “How long has it been since you were here… that you remember?”
“Uh… Forty-three? I’ve been here since, and I remember, but it wasn’t to sample the cuisine. Back in forty-three, pretty much everyone still called it Siam, even though it had changed already. But by any name, there weren’t any restaurants serving that kind of food. Chinese was the closest.”
“I doubt spending the last year, since Wakanda, on the run with Rogers broadened your horizons.”
“Not really.”
“Thai then,” Peter insisted.
“Yes, but proper Thai. We’re not dragging our new guest to that place you and May like.”
“Fine. Rich people Thai.”
“Yes, Thai. Not Thai by way of American Cantonese and whichever Korean guy they have working the kitchen today.”
Bucky smiled at the couple, arguing as they wandered back and forth from the bedroom to the living room, various bits of clothes flying while they changed.
“There.” Peter said, finally dressed in much the same as he’d started out in.
“Ready?” Tony asked Bucky.
“We can just… go out?” He’d spent all of his time, since he escaped from HYDRA, on the run. The idea of just being able to walk outside the door and go to a restaurant was unbelievable.
“Well, yeah,” Peter said.
“It can be a bit of a zoo once I’m recognized,” Tony admitted. “But that’s why I get driven even though it’s only a few blocks away, and I’ll have security there.”
“Iron Man needs security?” Bucky asked, arching an eyebrow.
“No, Iron Man does not need security,” Tony said sharply. “However Tony Stark, the fifth richest man in the world and New York celebrity needs security. Unless you fancy being mobbed by everyone with a cellphone.”
“Not fun,” Peter said sagely.
Happy was waiting with the Rolls outside Tony’s private elevator in the garage when the three of them arrived.
“Bucky, this is Happy Hogan. Head of Security for Stark Industries, but I also make him be my driver and pilot still. He tolerates it because I’m so loveable. Happy, Bucky Barnes. He’s staying with Peter and I for awhile.”
“Mr. Hogan.”
“Sergeant Barnes.”
“Can we not? It wasn’t him. It was someone else. I’m… getting over it. I appreciate my defense squad, Happy, but save the death glare for Rogers if he ever shows up.”
“Tony’s taking us out to dinner,” Peter said brightly.
“Thai?” Happy asked.
“He’s nothing if not predictable,” Tony said, helping Peter in. “There’s going to be grooves carved into the road from the tower to the Thai restaurant.”
“To match the grooves from the tower to the Italian one you insist on going to every time it’s your choice,” Peter countered.
“Italian?” Bucky asked. “You been to Gargiulo’s?”
“Fuck yes. I haven’t been in years. But it was as close as you get to Napoletano outside of Naples. Sorry kid, you’re overruled. Happy! Change of plan. Coney Island.”
“What‽” Peter screeched. “I will be as old as you two before I eat.”
“Yeah, true. Never mind the car. Make the arrangements, Hap. We’ll meet you on the helipad.”
“What the fuck?” Peter said.
“What the fuck?” Bucky said, just a little bit behind him.
“Oh, pretty and beautiful chime in,” Tony said, teasingly. “You think you’re going to dangle the possibility of me eating like my m… Oh.” Tony gasped and sat heavily down onto the backseat of the car. His eyes closed tightly shut and he began hyperventilating.
“Shit,” Bucky whispered. He backed away until he was up against the wall of the garage, as far away from Tony as he could get. He watched as Peter climbed next to Tony. Once the kid had Tony in his arms, Bucky ran up the garage ramp and kept running.
“Stop him,” Tony gasped out. “Lock the garage down before he gets out.” He flailed for Happy’s arm. “It’s not his fault,” he told Happy. Which was as far as Tony’s bravery would take him. He buried his face against Peter’s chest. “It’s not his fault,” he said quieter.
“I know, Tony. It’s okay. He’s… his twin brother.”
“Yeah.” Tony drew a shaky breath and another and another. Slow and deep. In the safety of Peter’s arms, it was easy to convince himself of that. Twin brother. That made sense. It was a gut level reaction to seeing the same face associated with…
Tony was sitting on the edge of the carseat when Bucky came back down, followed by Happy. “I’m not going to kill you.”
“You couldn’t.”
“Debatable. But I don’t want to kill you. Your dead twin brother on the other hand,” Tony said, trying at a wan smile.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky sat cross-legged on the garage floor in front of the car door’s opening.
“I forgot who you aren’t. It’s… I got caught up in the moment. My… her cousin used to work at the place. She and I ate there a lot the summer between high school and MIT. Howard was setting things up in L.A. that summer. It…” Tony closed his eyes again. “I don’t want to blame you,” he said quietly. “I know it wasn’t you.”
“She was Italian? That wasn’t in the file. Nothing was. A time. A date. A location. A mission. I didn’t know who. Not until after. Until just before Pierce had me wiped again and sent me back to Siberia for storage.” Bucky tried to hide his reaction to his memory of the procedure.
“I’m sorry,” Tony said.
Peter reached out for each of their hands. “Takeout, obviously.” He helped both men to their feet and led them to the elevator. “Chinese or pizza?”
“Chinese,” they both said.
“Fantastic.” Peter leaned his head on Tony’s shoulder and wrapped their arms together. But he kept his hand reached out to hold Bucky’s.
They let Peter pick the movie.
“I thought you didn’t like sci-fi?” Bucky asked.
“To be honest, the whole ‘sitting still pretending to be mentally engaged by a movie’ is new to me,” Tony offered in his defense.
“You told me you loved Star Wars.”
“Yeah. Star Wars.”
“And Star Trek.”
“That’s okay too.”
“That’s sci-fi!” Peter said emphatically.
“Technically, that’s space opera,” Tony countered.
“You don’t have to sit and watch movies with me,” Peter said, sounding actually hurt.
“I like sitting and watching movies with you. I never said I didn’t. I said it was new to me.”
“Watching movies can’t be new to you. He’s older than you and it’s not new to him,” Peter said, nodding towards Bucky.
“Baby, the last movie I sat and watched all the way through, in one sitting, was Star Wars. The summer right before I was sent to boarding school in the fall.”
“It’s okay. It’s just… new. Sitting still for this long. Not… doing anything.”
“You’re watching a movie.”
“No, baby. You’re watching a movie. I’m watching you.” Tony leaned over and gave Peter a kiss. He was about to deepen it when he remembered they weren’t alone. He chuckled. “Sorry.”
Peter laughed. “I foresee us bumbling around each other saying ‘sorry’ a lot.”
“You haven’t said ‘sorry’ yet, kid,” Bucky grinned.
“Call me kid again and I’ll web your cool metal arm to the floor again.” Peter grinned back. “Then I’ll say sorry for it after.”
“Bucky. Hey, Bucky. It’s all right. You’re safe. You’re in New York. You’re in Stark Tower. Bucky. It’s Peter. Parker. Peter Parker. You’re okay.”
Bucky punched in the direction of the voice. His punch was… caught. His arm made an electromechanical whir. He opened his eyes.
“Hi Bucky,” Peter smiled at him, holding his metal fist in his hand. “You were having a nightmare. No, no. Don’t move yet.” Peter put Bucky’s hand down onto the bed.
“Peter?” Bucky said hoarsely.
“Yeah,” he smiled again.
“You shouldn’t wake me up from a nightmare. I could hurt you.”
“Hi, I’m Spider-Man. You can’t hurt me. You already tried to hurt me and didn’t. But I didn’t wake you up. I know better.”
“You know better?” Bucky asked, stretching his legs out, one at a time, then his right arm, moving his fingers.
“Nightmares. Kinda the pass-code to the penthouse.”
“Tony?” Peter nodded. “You?” Bucky asked, less credulously. Peter nodded again.
“Welcome to the fabulous superhero life.”
“Some of mine were from before the superhero life,” Bucky said quietly.
“Some of Tony’s. Some of mine, too. It doesn’t matter who has them worse, when they’re happening, they’re all worse.”
“You can go back to bed now, kid. Thanks. But Tony’ll be missing you.”
Peter sucked in his lips, but stayed.
“He’s not in bed?”
“When he’s avoiding nightmares, he doesn’t sleep.”
“Wish I could learn that trick,” Bucky said bitterly. He saw Peter’s expression. “No, I guess I don’t.”
“It could be three days or more before he sleeps. However long it takes his body to pass out this time around. I’ll be there when he needs me.”
“Who’s there for you, kid?”
“Tony is. When I wake up crushed by tons of concrete or seeing my uncle get murdered or clinging onto the skin of an airplane as it falls from the sky or…”
“Price of admission to the Stark Tower penthouse suite,” Bucky said, “one lifetime of nightmares.”
“Basically,” Peter said, nodding. “You okay? Tony doesn’t like being alone after. You used to have Steve…”
Bucky sighed. “Not exactly. Our relationship was…”
He chuckled. “That’s one way to put it. The thing you and Tony have? We grew up in a different time.”
“I thought you two were together?”
“We were. But not like you and Tony. It was more… casual.”
Peter furrowed his brow. “You don’t sound casual.”
“It was all it could be. We were looking for different things. The thing I wanted… it wasn’t possible back then. Then other things became a habit… then it was hard to fall out of those habits…”
“Tony had those habits. He told me what it was like. I can’t imagine it. Not really. To know you want one thing, but lie and hide and pretend to want something else. I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“Fear’s where you begin, Peter,” Bucky said. He rolled onto his side and balled up the pillow under his head. “I’m glad you don’t know where to begin.”
“Tony learned to get over it.”
“He had you to make him want to get over it. A cute boyfriend’s a pretty strong motivator.”
Peter giggled and blushed. “You’re a cute boyfriend, why didn’t Steve get over it?”
“I wasn’t even sure what we were. What we could be. What I even wanted us to be anymore. I had him before the war, I lost him after I shipped out. Then I had him again for awhile during the war and lost him again. Then I had him after HYDRA. But this third time? I think ‘lost’ has finally won. Whatever we might’ve had…” Bucky shook his head. “The Steve I knew, either before or during the war, wouldn’t have made the decision he has. Whoever he’s become, he isn’t my Steve anymore.”
They fell into silence. “Go to bed, Peter. You have class and I have the first of my debriefs with Fury. Trade ya,” he said, smiling.
“Not for all the money in Tony Stark’s bank account.” Peter leaned over and gave Bucky a quick kiss on his temple. “Good night.”
“He had a nightmare,” Peter said, sleepily settling on a stool next to Tony’s workstation.
“He and Rogers weren’t… together together.”
“That’s good.”
“The Chitauri are attacking again.”
“Uh huh.”
“What?” Tony spun on his chair to face Peter.
“Good night, FRIDAY.”
“Good night, Peter. Good night, boss.” FRIDAY powered down the holotables and the screens.
“I thought I told you not to fuck with FRIDAY’s protocols anymore.”
Peter laughed and took Tony’s hands. “Build tighter access to prevent a hardware intercept.”
“No one else but you has access to FRIDAY’s hardware.”
“Then don’t complain about me adding a ‘good night’ protocol to her.” He pulled on Tony’s hands until he was standing and following him.
“I don’t have to follow you upstairs, you know.”
“Yeah you kinda do if you want to keep your hands attached to the rest of you.”
“God, I hate you, Peter Parker.”
“Ya love me and ya know it.”
“He had a nightmare?” Tony asked, having heard the whole thing.
“Uh huh. A bad one. Don’t worry. I was there when he woke up.”
“I do love you, you know.” Tony let Peter finish leading him to their bedroom door. “I’m glad you were able to help him,” he said. “I know it’s not his fault. It doesn’t… make it hurt any less.” he added, quieter.
“It hurts him too.”
“I know. That’s why I’m glad you helped him.” Tony kissed Peter lightly before closing the door behind them and letting him finish taking him to bed.
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Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She's Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man
Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She's Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She’s Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man, Hollywood News 2018.
Upcoming Celebrity News 2017, List Of 2018 Hollywood Films, Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She’s Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man.
Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 Best Celebrity News 2017 Celebrities by The Walt Hollywood Company, commonly known as Hollywood, is an American diversified multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate, headquartered at the Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California.
Who was Roy to Walt Hollywood?
Roy O. Hollywood. Roy Oliver Hollywood (June 24, 1893 – December 20, 1971) was an American businessman, becoming the partner and co-founder, along with his younger brother Walt Hollywood, of Walt Hollywood Productions, since renamed The Walt Hollywood Company.
What is Mulan’s last name?
Although Mulan is set in north China, where the dominant language is Mandarin, the Hollywood film uses the Cantonese pronunciation, “Fa”, of her family name. In Mandarin her name is pronounced “Hua”.
Why was Hollywoodland created?
With limited finances, Walt had to find affordable land. It was also important that his park be located near a major highway. In August of 1953, Hollywood and his partners selected a 160-acre orange grove in Anaheim, California to be the site of Hollywoodland. The construction of Hollywoodland began during the summer of 1954.
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Even though Kendall IS a member of the famous KarJenner family, she likes to keep her life well…private. In fact, it’s safe to say that Kendall is the one sister that manages to stay under the radar and ignore any and all rumors about herself until now. In the latest issue of Vogue, Kendall graced the cover with her presence and even opened up about her dating life. When asked if she was dating a certain someone aka Blake Griffin since they’ve been spotted together multiple times she simply said QUOTE, “I like my private life…I’m happy. He’s very nice. I have someone being very nice to me.” And while she basically confirmed the fact that she’s exclusively dating someone without mentioning their name, the interviewer went on to wonder why the internet thinks Kendall is gay even though she’s dated a few famous men in the past. Kendall laughed it off and said QUOTE, “I think it’s because I’m not like all my other sisters, who are like, ‘Here’s me and my boyfriend!’ … I don’t think I have a bisexual or gay bone in my body, but I don’t know! Who knows?! I’m all down for experience – not against it whatsoever – but I’ve never been there before. Also, I know I have kind of a…male energy? But I don’t want to say that wrong, because I’m not transgender or anything. But I have a tough energy. I move differently. But to answer your question: I’m not gay. I have literally nothing to hide…I would never hide something like that.” And honestly, how could she? Kendall is a part of one of the most talked about families in entertainment and even though she hides her relationships, we all still find out somehow! Anyway, aside from talking about her personal life, Kenny also opened up about the birth of Stormi. She said QUOTE, “It’s not that it’s more exciting than any other births in the family – it’s different exciting, because she’s my baby sister who I grew up with. We all grew up in twos: Kourtney and Kim grew up together; Rob and Khloe; Brandon and Brody; Burton and Casey, and then Kylie and I. So to see my best friend growing up have a baby? It’s already made us even closer.” As for starting a family of her own, well, let’s just say that’s not gonna happen any time soon for Kendall. She said QUOTE, “I am ready to wait. I want to have kids, but at, like 28 or 29.” Fair enough. So what did you guys think of Kendall’s very candid Vogue interview? Were you surprised that she even made a comment about her boyfriend? Let me know all your thoughts in the comment section below. When you’re done with that, click right over here to watch as Kylie spilled all the details behind her secret pregnancy. Thanks for hanging with me on Clevver Newsfeed, I’m Emile Ennis Jr., don’t forget to subscribe and I’ll see ya next time!
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New Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 Ratings Videos, Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She’s Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man.
Hollywood continued to focus its talents on television throughout the 1950s. Its weekday afternoon children’s television program The Mickey Mouse Club, featuring its roster of young “Mouseketeers”, premiered in 1955 to great success, as did the Davy Crockett miniseries, starring Fess Parker and broadcast on the Hollywoodland anthology show. Hollywood Celebrity News 2017, Kendall Jenner DENIES Rumors That She’s Gay & Admits To Dating Mystery Man.
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