#also weblena's canon in the pirate au
kinuhanino · 5 months
I made an au back in early 2023 where Webby and Violet gets transported to a Pirate AU
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i wouldve written a fic for it but i cant write long fics unfortunately
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webby-vanderslap · 3 years
Whaaaat’s up! My name is Slimer, or TerminalMiraculosis on ao3, and this is my blog for my duck fanfiction! I’ve written a ton for this fandom, mostly Weblena, and a few of my fics have gotten pretty popular, which I’m very thankful for. I don’t write much for this fandom any longer (I write for deltarune now), but I built up a pretty large body of work across my two years in the fandom, and I figured I should make a post organizing some of that.
Anyway, some of my most notable fics include:
- Crossing the Streams, a light and fluffy Weblena streamer AU, which currently has the most hits and second-most kudos in the ship tag (somehow). It’s entirely comedy and romance as the characters meet and grow in less stressful circumstances than canon, and has some fun meta elements. 65K words.
- Of Claws and Cutlasses, a Weblena pirate AU where Lena is a runaway pirate and Webby is a runaway mermaid, and they are gay. Mostly action-adventure, with a strong romance subplot. This one also did really well, and I probably consider it my best work. 90K words.
- Stitched Through Time, a time travel fic, where three versions of Lena at different ages get thrust into each other’s times and have to find a way back. Also Weblena. This one’s a lot of fun, and explores a lot of my headcanons for the characters’ near and distant futures. 55K words.
- Shadowbound, a rewrite of season 2 where Lena is living as Webby’s shadow, and is there for everything. Angstier than my other fics, especially at the start. Finished, 70K words.
- Webby and the Quest to Hold Lena’s Hand, my first work in the fandom and a pretty standard romantic comedy about Webby crushing on Lena and failing to make a move. It’s a little old, written in early 2020, but I think it holds up. 40K words.
- Season’s Change, a fic of connected one-shot chapters about May and June finding their place in the Duck family after the series finale. I’d probably classify the prevailing genre as hurt/comfort, but as with all my fics there’s a lot of comedy too. Also, weblena starts happening in the later chapters because I have no self control. 30K words.
- These Ducks Be Trans, which is a series of unrelated oneshot fics exploring trans headcanons for the duck kids, because I am trans and I can write whatever I want. These are all very special to me, even though they’re obviously much smaller than my multichapters.
- My works for the YBI Weblena Week and Weblena Week 2020, which both have a bunch of fun Weblena oneshots. Poems, Prose, and Problems is definitely my favorite out of all of those; it still makes me laugh when I reread it. I think they’re all pretty good, though.
And then there’s like, ten other stories, too, but those are the main ones and I don’t want this to get too absurdly long. If you’re like, man, some of these are good, but I wish she’d written this specific kind of thing, then feel free to commission me, but otherwise, I hope you enjoy what’s there!
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