#also viewjune!!!!!!!! 馃ス
gunsatthaphan 1 year
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dangerous romance - coming august 18th
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visualtaehyun 7 months
Okay y'all listen- I know most Thai QL viewers on this site don't care about GMMTV's concerts and the general reaction here to the announcement of a Last Twilight concert looked to be a resounding Uhh why?
But this is literally a way to test the waters for NamtanFilm!
Look at the promo material and the ad spot! Even during the live show for Last Twilight's final episode, Namtan was already intentionally caught between her on-screen partner Mark and her future co-star Film. And both the English and Thai comments on the livestream the Last Twilight cast did the other day are full of NamtanFilm mentions. :)
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This concert opportunity is huge! All their BL actors have been getting fan meetings and concerts and the like for years now but this is a first for GMMTV's actresses, as far as I'm aware.
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(from this bts video of shooting the "Last Twilight New Dawn Live On Stage" spot)
So if you like GL, if you like Namtan and Film, or if you wanna support GMMTV actresses by showing the higher-ups that fans will show up for them and want them to have more opportunities like this - thinking about 23.5 here as well!! - then this. Is. The. Chance! If you have and use Twitter, please tweet about them along with the concert hashtags or like and retweet other fans' tweets about them (xitter is sadly THE place to be to support Thai artists). If you can spare the money, consider buying a livestream ticket. But most importantly please engage with any content and official posts about the concert featuring the girls, talk about them (and their performances!) on any socials, and tell other GL fans.
As I said, this isn't even just about NamtanFilm as a koojin (and thus Pluto), it's also about making noise for more GL content. Considering the trailer for 23.5 came out today, the possibility of a final episode live show, fan meetings, a concert etc. featuring MilkLove and ViewJune are on my mind as well now. I for one have been waiting for the GMMTV girls to get the same opportunities and hype the guys have been getting, so I've just been lying in wait, armed with pots and pans, to start being obnoxiously loud about my girls 馃槫
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lamonnaie 5 months
hi!!!! gmmtv part 2 is happening soon so i wanted to ask you a few questions :)
what kind of shows are you expecting?? what kind of shows so you want to see??? which couples do you want to get a show and which couple do you think will get one??? is there anything you don鈥檛 want to see at all???
sorry anon this has been sitting in my inbox for over a month, but it's gmmtv24 p2 eve so i'm finally getting around to answering it :)
ngl i haven't been super up to date on gmmtv stuff lately + a lot of my favourite actors aren't in the lineup which is kinda sad :(
NEVERTHELESS, let us proceed with the fun stuff hehehe
Based off what artists have leaked + reddit detectives + my general delusions: (first 5 with asterisks are ones i'm extra excited for!!! :D)
**firstkhao mafia romcom directed by p'jojo - fk have a series confirmed by khao himself, and all their interactions with p'jojo ever since that first sus ig story makes this one almost 100% confirmed for me (maybe not all the details exactly, but fk with p'jojo at the very least).
**estwilliam cp debut - ALL THE DETECTIVE WORK HAS CONVINCED ME, after greatinn and thorfluke were successfully sussed out before part 1, i have faith that this is gonna come true too 馃檹
**KRISTSINGTO COMEBACK - YOU DON'T JUST BRING BACK SINGTO WITHOUT EVERYONE CALLING FOR THIS and there's nothing gmmtv loves more than the big bucks so we all know this is happening 馃槍
**bounprem's vampire project reannounced (possibly with a new trailer) - i think this one's a given and probably why bp will be there. i'm not sure how long this whole sws gmmtv overhaul has been in the works for, so i dont know whether they'd have filmed a new trailer or not, but i'm expecting some more gmmtv artists to be added to the cast as well.
**new perthchimon bl - i hate myself for not staying up to date enough on perthchimon news lately馃槶 but i swear someone somewhere strongly hinted at it ???
new joongdunk bl (more adult setting??) - again, i swear i saw someone somewhere confirming/hinting at this, but idk
At least 1 more gl announced - 23.5 is going pretty well and i think they're gonna keep trying it out (emibonnie? viewjune? janjane?)
lego lykn's acting debut + mark pakin main role - As confirmed by the people themselves in livestreams (just grouping them together for shits and giggles lol) also leads me to think some of the other lykn members might dip into acting? 馃憖
gemini in a het series (with prim or a newbie) - definitely expecting non-bl works for both gemini and fourth, and i've been seeing stuff about geminiprim?? 馃憖
perthchimon non-school bl directed by p'aof - i will happily take them in whatever capacity we get but i'd love to see them with p'aof in a more mature setting + with a solid good plot
perth in a bl with a different cp partner - i love perthchimon and i love dangerous romance with all my heart, but i also love mixing and matching all the blorbos and i'd love to see perth opposite some others (gmmtv would give us ohmperth if they weren't cowards)
more plot-heavy bls where romance isn't necessarily the main thing - i want to see some less tropey works, where the non-romance plot is more the main focus of the the show
midnight museums s2 - this is not in a million years happening, but a girl can dream 馃槶馃槶
dark romance/something more gritty - honestly thing gmmtv does best with their lighter shows, which is why i think it'd be interesting to see them branch out a bit more
another bounprem bl 馃お - this probably wouldn't have even happened before the gmmtv switch, and don't think it's gonna happen now, but bp are my day 1s and i'm always gonna root for them, solo or together 馃ス馃ス馃挒
sports bl !!!! - i've been on a sports drama kick lately, and gmmtv has plenty of sporty people, so make it happen!!
a proper enemies to lovers bl (WITHOUT a childhood meeting reveal) - i need them to truly DESPISE each other's guts before they get together
heartliming spinoff 馃 - geminifourth's best work imo and i don't think anything will ever beat it for me <3 it would make for such a good show if it's executed well (i have full faith in gem4th and p'aof), it's been too long now, but i would actually die if this happened
a platonic friendship-based show - i just wanna see a really good friendship group (which we can make gay in the headcanons anyway lol) and put them in situations, whether it be crime fighting, trouble making or anything in between honestly
be gay do crime - need i say more? (why are half of my wishes lowkey the same thing reworded 馃拃)
I think that's all i have in mind (for now). Happy gmmtv24 part 2 everyone !!!! <33
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hughungrybear 11 months
Me watching Dangerous Romance Ep 12 (FINALE):
We're tying loose ends! I'm really excited to see my GuyNava ship sailing even if it is just one episode 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶 Also, Name and Saifah would probably switch places as Saifah's name will be cleared and Name will have to go to jail for (the much-deserved) shooting of Big Boss.
1. No connection to the plot whatsoever but I just realised, we never did get a ViewJune moment 馃槶馃槶馃槶 I thought this series would at least give us a glimpse of what is to come considering they are being paired in upcoming (much-awaited!) GMMTV GL series, 23.5. 馃様馃様馃様
2. Kang, that gag was already sold by Pat (and bought by Pran) when the BBS production crew decided to have Pat shot and hospitalised ON CHRISTMAS EVE. Yes, I still have not forgotten nor forgiven 馃槀.
3. Oooh. Guy is walking without crutches! My dude, looks like your 'shooting star' is highly effective in making wishes come true. 馃き馃き馃き
4. Name, you stupid dumbass. Saifah should have just betrayed you from the get-go. I am still not above skinning you alive. 馃が
5. Ngl, I teared up with that conversation between Kang and his Dad. Also, that embrace between brothers, Sailom and Saifah 馃ス馃ス馃ス And then all was lost when I saw that big-assed tarpaulin welcoming Sailom back that Kang posted on the school grounds 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀
6. Saifah and Name. I wonder if they will ever be able to get their dream of travelling together (preferably to the US) and live the "fast and furious" life. 馃様 Also 'best buds'??? BEST BUDS??? ARE WE QUEER-BAITING NOW, PAPANG?
7. Oh, look at Guy. He is playing again 馃槉 Nava must be proud. Also, considering they used to goad Guy into fighting them, the way Max was ready to throw hands at the player who tripped Guy in the field is just 馃. The gangs have fully merged.
8. Dad, what are you doing outside? Why are you not sitting with the audience? 馃槄
9. The fvck is that? I don't remember reviewing that much material to get into uni 馃槀馃槀馃槀 The bulk of those review materials looked like they are studying for licensure exams or something (in my home country, majority of STEM graduates need to take an appropriate licensure exam. Otherwise, you will never be qualified to do the work that you have spent 4 to 5 years studying for. Even with internships - no licence, not qualified).
10. Max and Auto, you know there is such a thing as FaceTime, right? 馃槀馃槀馃槀
11. Pimfah, my spirit animal and fellow GuyNava shipper 馃槀馃槀馃槀
12. Really? All we get are just bits and pieces of ViewJune? We have no choice but to take it, right? I'll just imagine the lesbians will be thriving in the UK 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
13. I want a MarcPawin series with a lovely, no-mess storyline (looking at you, My Gear and Your Gown. It didn't help that GMMTV also did them dirty with the time slot and the promotion of MGYG). I NEED GMMTV TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
14. Oh, look at that. Sailom is officially part of the family 馃槉
15. Okay, but why is Kang making the speech? I thought speeches are reserved for those who graduated with highest honours. 馃馃馃 <after 5 seconds> Ah, of course. Sponsor's son. At least, he's more than aware and accepting now 馃槄
16. Really? You need to do a PSA of your dating life, Kang? WTH. 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀 and yes, we need the sudden (and completely unnecessary) rain to showcase the windmill umbrella. Gotta promote the merch, eh? 馃槄
17. Ooof. From Teacher Nubdao to P'Nubdao. We're getting close, Pimfah 馃槄馃槄馃槄
18. Max, you are rich enough to buy a selfie or vlogger stick. So why the ever loving fvck are you using your hand/arm to hold that phone? More importantly, why are you not equipped with the right camera for vlogging? 馃槄馃槄馃槄馃槄
19. What kind of p*rn play is this end credit scene??? 馃槀馃槀馃槀
Overall, I think this is an okay series. Of course, I might have been a bit misled by the trailer thinking that Sailom's family's debt forced him to sell himself (to prostitution) and Kang is gangster/mafia who comes to save him 馃槄, which could have perfectly explain the series title. Instead, we got minimal hints of danger all throughout the series. 馃槄馃槄 Still, I must thank this series for bringing MarcPawin back 馃槶馃槶馃槶 Now, to get GMMTV to have them cast as main for another BL series...馃槄馃槄馃槄
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gunsatthaphan 1 year
I can't believe we are actually get a GL from gmmtv with two sapphic ships who would of thought this day would come also potentially ViewJune will also be love interests in Dangerous Romance as well and then lesbian Lookjun in Only Friends I would be shocked if jojo doesn't give her a ship even if it ends up being a minor side plot I know Gl's are still a long way from being equal but I still can't believe we are getting so much
yeah it's been 84 years lmao. and I'm so happy that they decided to kick the boys lol, not that I wouldn't have appreciated G4 but something about the fact that we're getting a full-on GL just makes me so happy. we deserve that 馃ズ
and if viewjune become a side pair in DR as well that would be even better. Imagine if they become the first fixed gl pair along with milklove. a new era 馃ス馃馃徎
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