#also upside down they look like peaches so now im gonna flip it over and try that next hehe ^-^
xumoonhao · 1 year
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bouncing hearts~
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sokkasangel · 4 years
»»——— eijirio kirishima x reader
summary: the times you expressed all four emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger) with kirishima, & the one time you realized your best friend was the love of your life...
warnings: slight angst
a/n: skida! part two is coming soon!!! don’t worry!!!
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“i hope they have it,” you wished aloud as you entered the convenient store.
kirishima walked a little ahead of you, beating you to opening the door. he had offered to walk you, & you politely declined. but he convinced you by saying something about “everyone needs a buddy” & “a buddy — at the very least — makes things less quiet”. so you agreed. & now you had someone to tease & laugh with on the way home.
“what?” kirishima followed you as you walked past the cashier & isles of snacks.
“my peach iced tea!” you exclaimed as you neared the refrigerated section.
“peach tea? don’t they sell those almost everywhere?” kirishima asked after he caught up with you. “& why are you walking so fast?”
“i’m excited!” you spun around as you walked. & like it was contagious, kirishima joined in with your laughter. “plus,” you continued. “it’s a certain brand. i can never find it anywhere.”
“well, let me know if you do. i’ll be in the snack isle,” he pointed to the beef jerky & chip section. you nodded & then focused on your mission. you were going to get your iced tea.
after a few moments of scanning the many drinks, you finally found it. the glorious pink can. it was just how you remembered. the pastel pink stood out among the drab colors of surrounding bottles, & the words “peace tea - peach flavored” yelled in bold lettering.
you gasped. this store — which was only a block away from ua — had your favorite drink this entire time?!
your exclaimation caught kirishima’s attention. his head poked out from the shelves & he waddled over. when you finally saw his whole body, you noticed that his hands were full of jerky & pringle’s.
“i found it!” you smiled with your mouth wide open, & you hugged the can with your cheek. it’s condensation cooled your skin. “here feel.”
you grabbed one of kirishima’s hands & pressed it to your face.
“ouch!” he ripped his hand back & resituated his snacks. “too cold!”
“hey!” you pouted. “that was warm!”
“c’mon, cutie, let’s go check out.”
today was not your day.
the amounts of schoolwork piled up on your desk. sure, becoming a hero was fun, but it didn’t excuse you from calculus and english class. & it didn’t help that you couldn’t understand anything the teacher was saying.
& your bed was covered in laundry that long needed to be folded. so now, you couldn’t even lay in your own bed.
on top of chores & school, your parents had called nonstop for a week. they bugged you about grades & scores & hero internships. not one word of praise or love.
it was all exhausting & too much.
you had been sitting at your desk for what was now hours. checking your phone, you saw that it was already 9:00p.
already? you thought. my last break was during dinner.
you need to escape. tears pooled your eyes as the stress came crashing down on you. you still had hours of work, & you couldn’t crawl into bed & ignore it. but you needed a break.
so you pushed yourself away from your desk and left your dorm for the common area. it should have been empty, but when you walked in, bakugou & kirishima were eating snacks.
you quickly swiped the remaining tears from your cheeks & walked past them. you were thankful for the dim lighting.
you passed the kitchen & entered the living room. you situated yourself into the couch & reached for the remote. but nothing sounded good; you just kept looking through movies upon movies.
you huffed.
the sound of dishes clanking together mixed with fading footsteps. they must have gone to bed...
tears welled up. even when you were away from everything, you were still stressed. it wasn’t even finals either.
as you groaned, a head popped out from behind the couch. it hovered over yours. when you looked up, kirishima’s face was upside-down.
“you okay?” he asked.
that was it. the last straw. the tears kept coming and coming. you buried your eyes in your hands & begged for it to stop. kirishima was immediately by your side. he reached an arm over you & pulled you in. his warmth was comforting & it distracted you for a second.
“what happened?” his voice was soft. you always thought that was ironic. his quirk was hardening, but he was always soft.
when you moved your hands, you saw that kirishima was also crying. this made you want to cry even more.
“why are you crying?” you asked & wiped one of his tears.
“because you are.”
you smiled & hugged him. you could always rely on kirishima. he was your best friend. nothing could change that.
it was dark & cold.
the cold crept up your neck & made your teeth chatter.
you kept reaching out for something — anything. but once you did, you felt on your knees. you could hear them crack under your weight. it was agonizing.
a deep voice was surrounding you. it was laughing at you; taunting you. it was also familiar.
it was him...
his eyes glowed in the pitch black. they drew nearer & nearer. you could hear his breath get closer & closer & closer...
you bolted upright. you were covered in a cold sweat, and you noticed all your pillows & blankets had been tossed to the floor.
this had been happening a lot recently. ever since the incident at usj, nightmares had taken over your sleep. the thought of that man’s hands scared you beyond anything.
& before you could think anymore, you made your way out the door. you didn’t even bother to put on shoes. you snuck through the dorm & into the hallway.
it was a short walk to the boys’ dorms.
you had only made this trip once before, so you weren’t totally confident in not being caught. but luckily, you made it to the door you were searching for.
you quietly opening it & slipped inside. you maneuvered across the floor. it was too dark to see, so you held your hands out in front of you.
“oww!” you cried. you held your toe & whimpered.
“huh?” kirishima’s voice rung throughout the previously silent room. his bedside light clicked on; the brightness momentarily blinded you. you looked down & realized you had stubbed your toe on a weight. “y/n? whadder you doing here? what time is it?”
“i had a nightmare,” you said, embarrassed. it was like you were five years old. “can i sleep in here tonight?”
“of course.” kirishima opened his blankets & scooted over. “c’mere.”
you shuffled into his bed. it was warm & everything smelled like him. it was so nice.
after getting comfortable, you switched the light off.
“i’m actually kinda glad you’re here,” kirishima whispered.
“me too.”
a few moments passed.
“you make me feel safe,” you commented & snuggled closer to your friend.
“i’m glad.”
you had been screaming through the phone for what seemed like hours. your voice was hoarse & your legs were tired from you pacing about the living room.
luckily, everyone was out today. so you were able to scream without anyone being disturbed.
you didn’t know how it got this bad.
this was one of your closest friends. & now she was your worst enemy. the reason for the argument was long buried underneath horrible namecalling & profanities. both of you brought up points that were wrong & could never be forgiven.
“hey, i was gonna touch up my roots an-“
a certain red-headed man stopped dead in his tracks. he had walked right into a screaming match. he’d never seen you this angry. sure, you’ve yelled at denki & bakugou. but those times couldn’t compare to now.
you stopped.
she hated you? no, that’s not right. this was the woman who was going to be at your wedding, the girl who always had your back.
the fight had gotten bad, but this? this was beyond anything you could’ve imagined.
without replying, you hung up & threw your phone into the couch as hard as possible. you huffed & ran your hands over your face.
“y/n?” kirishima ventured further into the living room. “what happened?”
angrily & resentfully, you managed to explain how you & your friend had started to fight. you told him all what was said. you thought talking about it would make you calm down, but it only fired you up.
“why don’t we take a walk?” kirishima suggested.
“don’t wanna.”
“too tired.”
he had been sitting on the couch, watching you pace as you retold the story. but now, he got up & wrapped you in his arms.
“let go-“ you wiggled in his arms & noticed that he used his quirk to keep you in place. “stop! kiri, i swear. i don’t wanna be hugged right now!”
but he stayed silent. he just held you closer, in fact. & as if it flipped a switch in your brain, you slowed down. your breathing calmed, your mind stopped buzzing, & the need to keep moving stopped.
“i know you, y/n.” he rested his chin on the crown of your head. “i know what you need without you having to say anything.”
the teasing from your class had gotten worse over the past two months. your classmates had always joked about you & kirishima, but ever since denki found out you snuck into kirishima’s dorm, it grew substantially.
but you ignored it. there was nothing between you two... right?
okay, so you tried to ignore it.
but ever since the fight with your now ex-friend, something changed. the words of your friends invaded your mind.
“don’t you see the way he looks at you?” jirio’s voice echoed in your head.
his eyes softened sure, but didn’t all friends’?
but the more you thought about it, maybe it wasn’t normal.
you noticed how his eyes wandered to your lips, which made your cheeks heat up. & you remembered how he once bit his lip while listening to you ramble. even thinking back on it made you flustered.
“you smile whenever his name is mentioned!” ochaco had commented once.
you thought back.
whenever bakugou mentioned that kirishima was tagging along, your heart did skip a beat. but it was because he was your best friend.
just your best friend. nothing more.
“don’t you ever want to be more than that though?” tsu asked a while ago.
yeah, you thought about it while you were cuddle up with him in his bed. but you never made a move. he was a friend.
oh my god, you thought to yourself. i’m in love with my friend.
you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. now what?
you sat up & hung your legs over the side. you clicked your heels together, thinking.
you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had. but he had these feelings too right? everyone said so. hell, you even took notice. you can’t just keep this bottled up. you saw too many romance movies with this plot. it never ended good.
so you ran out of the room.
you were going to find kirishima. you were going to confess to your best friend.
you looked through the kitchen & living room & didn’t see him. you ran through hall after hall. but not once did you see him. where was he?
the sun was setting, & the school was now covered in an orange hue. you were on your way back to your room. you had been looking for at least a half an hour & nothing.
as you turned a corner, you bumped into something hard.
“ouch!” you looked up at what smacked into you.
it was him.
“oh thank goodness i found you!” he exclaimed & grabbed you by the arms. “i’ve been trying to find you for like an hour!”
“i- i’ve been looking for you, too.”
“i need to tell you something... something really important.”
“me too.” your nerves were building up. what if he said no? would it go back to normal? would there be a wall between you two after this?
“i realized something today,” he began.
“i did, too. ... kiri, i think i-“
“IM IN LOVE WITH YOU, Y/N!” he yelled. it came out so fast that you thought you misheard it. “i love you.”
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