#also u get to follow the person who literally invents airships in TMS
actually pax i’ve been meaning to ask you this for a Bit but can you gimme like a basic rundown of the whole whispers/millennium saga. like your wip for dummies
of course!!! it looks long, but i promise i boiled it down as much as i could while keeping all the important stuff 😭
The Millennium Saga:
A fantasy series that starts with the promise of a revolution story, except the revolution itself (at least the part the characters are able to participate in) is over by the end of part one of book one (of ~7), and it quickly becomes a game of cat-and-mouse running from the military retribution that THEN becomes the classic "oh fuck the world/magic is gonna end" plot. Which ends up really being a world-wide societal revolution, because the world was supposedly saved from that shit already, like, 1000 years ago. The Chosen One just lied about it because he ran out of time, begged the Goddesses for more, and is struggling to figure out how to Actually Save It For Real while juggling being an immortal king who is in way out of his depth and has never had, like, friends. Or anyone to tell him what to do without the expectation of being their puppet.
The main narrator of book one, Ember, volunteers for said revolution, but is dragged into the rest of The Bullshit because they are physically incapable of a) leaving their friends behind and b) not telling authority figures like said Chosen One to be better or fuck off.
The other narrators include their long-term boyfriend, Gab (an acrobat/actor/prostitute that's very emotionally intelligent but Not when it comes to his own feelings), their mutual polyam love interest Iceberg/Isa (great grandson of another immortal and grandson of the general that is hunting them after the revolution), and more as the series goes on and slowly switches from their storyline to that of their younger siblings/friends.
You see a lot more of the world in this than in Whispers, and get a shit ton more worldbuilding cause it's, like, plot-relevant. Also we get to meet the Goddesses (x6) and help the Chosen One and his ex-husband work through couples therapy. And collect a found family along the way.
Oh, and save the world through the powers of love (in all its different forms) and intersectional solidarity being the thing the Goddesses admire most about mortality.
Set in the same world, this time it's a standalone and starts ~11 years after the start of TMS. The Fantasy Mafia (the Whispers) has been a problem since before TMS and is actively a problem during it, but is still kicking and getting Worse by the time this book happens.
Our main narrator Marika owes a life debt to them, but has managed to avoid the debt collectors for 10 years... until her ex, Ivan (the dude who indebted her without telling her), shows up with another new recruit to take them to the Mafia HQ up at the north pole. All of them have Issues because no one with a good life has any reason to go to the Whispers for help, and she ends up falling back in love with him while committing terrorism on behalf of the Whispers and their leader, the Shadow.
Our other narrator, Lorelei, is basically the Batman to the Shadow's Joker. Except she wants to kill the Joker, because she recognizes there's no other way to fix That Problem. (Unless...?) She's ALSO got a bit of a dual-timeline story going, because as we see the events of Whispers play out, we also see the events leading up to and after her little sister Meerin's traumatic disappearance 30 years ago, which Lorelei still hasn't stopped searching for answers to. Also her dad was a dick who earned the name Vowbreaker, and she's trying to Not Be Like Him.
Plot Happens, and Marika, Ivan, and their new friend Dakarsa have the chance to get rid of their life debts... if they help the Shadow fuck up Lorelei's best friend's life and also terrorize the entire city she's in.
They agree, of course.
Lorelei has no idea this is coming. She's too worried about this guy who went missing whose description matches Dakarsa's almost perfectly and who apparently died 10 years ago, according to the only record of his existence at all.
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