#also two versions of saeran bc reasons
jinjinranran · 7 years
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Pixel MysMe icons~ 
I might or might not also make ones for MCs, Vanderwood/Rika/Elizabeth 3rd, idk, would you want those? ^^
Feel free to save and use them wherever you want, just please don’t claim as your own, and give credit if it’s possible ♥
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I won't say I'm in love + Suit Saeran and in Suit Saeran's POV!??? I MEANNNNN??? And like the other believers singing the part of the muses??? YES? 😌 I love this prompt and this sounds sooo fun 😆
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Also a Jumin version is also incoming since two people asked for it hehe, but I just COULD NOT HELP BUT WRITE THIS ONE FIRST NANSSBBS ITS SO CUTEEE
Also I had a lot lf fun until the last part where I was editing and tumblr actually went fuck you and deleted everything so thanks for that
(also if someone idk wants to draw this or whatever hehe please tell me bc I will actually sell my soul to you.) I will try and uh draw a bit but as yall now, middle hands I don't rest know how to so PFT
Prompt from: give me a mm character and a song
I won't say I'm in love (Saeran x Fem!MC)
Song: I won't say I'm in love (Caleb Hyles)
"And don't you forget that you stupid toy." Saeran said, as he closed the door with a bang. "You all know the rules. Don't you dare touch my toy, and don't let anyone else come in here am I clear?" He told the believers, who stiffened and stuttered, "Yes Mr. Ra- Sorry, sorry! Mr. Saeran...."
Saeran scoffed at the believers but decided to go easy on them this time. After all, today he was in a pretty good mood thanks to his toy.
Or well, at least that what he thought before stopping in the middle of his tracks. Today he wasn't really able to see that scared, helpless look on her face. It was the exact opposite, today she was resilient, and actually fought back, and although he had to admit he liked the fiesty act at first, now it was getting really annoying. I mean, at this point she should be begging on her knees, asking him to please have mercy, that she love-
Saeran's eyes widened as he realized what he has just imagined. He didn't want to hear her telling him how much she loved him. That she needed him, yes, the she was going to do whatever he wanted too, but that she loved him??
He didn't want anyone to love him. Angrily, screaming at himself (or well, at Ray, he had come to the conclusion that it was all that marshmallow's fault) he walked over to the garden. Nothing made him feel better than picking up flowers he knew Ray loved, and then destroying them immediately. It was a hobby of his to be honest.
As he walked through the beautiful garden, he had a mental conversation with himself, mostly about what he thought about....her.
Love....why would he want her to love him? It just didn't make any sense. Just why?
Because you love her.
A voice said, and Saeran immediately turned around, trying to find the idiot who said such a blatant lie.
Love her?
Love her?
In typical Saeran fashion, he scoffed and then tried to come up with a whole list of why his toy wasn't even worthy of his affection. Yet....when he tried to do it....his mind couldn't come up with anything.
Oh fuck no.
Saeran ran a hand through his hair and sat on the nearby fountain. He noticed that it was right in front of her room, which still seemed to have the lights on.
Seriously what's that idiot doing awake still....and hey, why do I care?! Seriously, that airhead Ray might've fallen for her, but I'm definetly not going to follow the same path as that dumbass.
He sighed.
"Seriously....If there's a prize for rotten judgement....I guess I've already won that.
No girl is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that." He groaned as he buried his face in his hands and-
"Who d'you think you're kidding
She's the earth and heaven to you."
"HUH?!" Saeran quickly looked up, only to find....the gardener tending to the plants. Hm, the lack of sleep must be making him hear, and especially think, crazy things. He sighed and went back to placing his head on his hands but then-
"Try to keep it hidden,
Honey we can see right through you
Boy you can't conceal it
We know how you're feeling
Who you thiiiinking of!"
Saeran immediately stood up and looked around the garden once again. "Oi whoever is in here, you have three seconds to run before I go and rip your head off."
Fucking finally. He thought, as he took a deep breath in and tried to go back into his mediative state.
He turned around to sit back on the corner of the fountain, when a believer appeared out of nowhere.
"The hell are you-" Saeran started, but the believed walked over to him with one finger in the air.
"Aghhhhhh" he said as he stopped in front of him. "Saeran....my boy....you're in love."
"WHAT!? NO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AND WHY ARE YOU EVEN- WHO DO YOU- I-' he stuttered, when anither believer came out of the bushes and placed a hand on Saeran's shoulder.
"Aw baby boy, why don't you just go and admit it?"
Another believer appeared from the other side and sighed dreamily. "It's a beautiful thing, so you shouldn't be afraid." The believer said, with a very high pitched voice.
"Love is a beautiful thing Saeran." Saeran heard a deep voice say in front of him, and he almost punched the believer in the face as he came out of the fountain, yes, wet robes and all.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Saeram screamed, but the believers (?) Only laughed and then proceeded to get together and strike a really weird group pose.
Saeran, who was now pretty annoyed because of the self proclaimed 'muses' and also because he forgot to bring his gun so now he had nothing to threaten them with and let out his anger and insecurities, glared at the group of people and crossed his arms.
"And what is this so called truth?" He asked. The muses smiled even more
Saeran swore he could see confetti suddenly fall from the sky and he let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Yeah right. With who? MC? Please. I'd never be in love with her."
"But you are!" One of the muses said.
"Just admit Saeran!" Another one chipped in.
He was taken aback for a minute before he went back to giving them muses a deal glare. "I'm not admiting anything. This is stupid seriously, just go away."
"No! We won't! Until you say that you're in LOVE!* The deep voiced muse said and Saedan raised an eyebrow.
"What me?! Seriously?! In love? Please. I'm leaving if you're not, I'm not dealing with this bullshit."
Saedan quickly walked over to another side of the garden, when suddenly the muses appeared in front of him. He turned around, only to find the muses once again.
Everywhere he went, he saw them, and everytime his patience kept running thinner and thinner.
He stopped in his tracks and turned around, stomping his foot.
"NO! No chance no way I won't say it, no...no!" He shook his head side to side and glared.
The muses groaned. "You swoon, you sigh, why deny it? Oh oh."
Saeran blushed. "B-because, it's too cliche! I won't say I'm in love!" He angrily walked over to a bush and glared at the flowers as if that would suddenly help him get rid of his problems. (It was a bush of forget me not's, one of Ray's favorite, ironically it seemed that's where his body took him, probably out of instinct.)
Angrily, he took one out and glared at it.
"Ugh...I thought my heart had learned its lesson...It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming 'Get a grip boy..." He angrily threw the flower on the ground and stepped on it and let out an exasperated sigh. "Unless you're dying to cry your heart out...." He mumbled and then cursed as he saw the muses again.
"UGH BOY YOU CAN'T DENY IT!! Who you are is how you're feeling!"
"I don't even know what that means-! I-WHY ARE YOU SINGING- I DON'T LIKE HER!""
"Baby we're not buying!"
One of them (it also has to be the one that came out of the fountain due to the wet sleeves) poked Saeran's cheek and smirked.
"Hon we saw you hit the ceiling"
Saeran felt himself blush even more, a gasp escaping from his lips.
"Face it like a grown-up, when you gonna own up that you got, got, got it bad!"
Saeran groaned as he saw the believersline up in a single file and then proceed to do that dance move where each jumps out one after the other.
"God!! No chance no way I won't say it, no no!!!" Saeran stomped his foot once again and shook his head, like a toddler, and the muses rolled their eyes.
"She's just...she's so annoying. I hate her, I hate her face, her hair, her smile, the way her eyes light up when she talks, or how happy she looked when I showed her the garden..."
One if the muses laughed, bringing Saeran out of his trance.
"Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love!" They teased him, which made Saeran gape at them as if he was very offended.
"This scene won't play I won't say I'm in lo-UGH!!
"We'll do it until you admit you're in love!"
"Leave me alone!" Saeran stomped off towards the other side of the garden and the muses followed.
"You're way off base I won't say it...." The muses glared at him with a skeptical glance and he glared.
"Get off my case I won't say it" he growled and say on a bench near by, crossing his arms with his face all red.
"Boy don't be proud it's okay you're in love."-
"Mister Saeran...Mister Saeran!"
Suddenly Saeran looked up to see the believer who was gardening before. "You fell asleep on the fountain...shall I get you anything?"
Saeran scoffed and pushed the believer's hand from his shoulder.
"Don't you dare to ever touch me again. Go away, I was just- just- ugh! Leave before I tell the others to prepare another cleansing ceremony."
The believer quickly nodded. "Yes sir, of course! I apologize!!!" He quickly left and Saeran watched as he ran away, and then he sighed.
Suddenly he found himself staring at....her room, and for some reason, he felt a very deep part of him glad that she was finally getting some sleep. Then, his eyes widened and he let out a sardonic laugh.
He looked back to the flowers and sighed a small, sad smile on his face. "Well....at least out loud....I won't say I'm in..... love."
The End
Believers: *Looking out from the window at the garden and Saeran.*
Believer N°643: Hey he's been sitting there for a while...
Believer N°262: yeah almost about 2 minutes and 32 seconds....
Believer N°643: d'you recon we should wake him up?
Believer N°262: and immediately get massacred? Nah man, I have a wife, a kid! You wake him up.
Believer N°643: what no dude I don't want to die, I have dreams!
Believer N°262: *whispering but also yelling* YOU'RE IN A CULT YOU'RE NOT SUPPODED TO HAVE DREAMS WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?
Believer N°643:....... *Looks at the camera*
Believer N°262:.....
Believer N°643: Iwsnsssnsnsns
Believer N°262: what?
Believer N° 643: I...I want to start a band! It's...it's a work in progress but Carol and Jimmy have already agreed. It's going to be...it'll be cult based... probably.
Believer N°643: IM SORRY
Believer N°262: THAT- YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY ANSWE- wait... Bartholomew the Second isn't mine...?
Believer N°643: *slowly shakes his head* ...no
Believer N°262:....dude.
Believer N°262: what THE FU-
Announcer: Join us next week in The Cult, it's like The Office but it's actually a cult, made my someone who has been writing for about an hour non-stop and it's actually 1AM in her time zone so she's clearly already loosing her mind, GOOD NIGHT FOLKS
*audience applause*
*The Office theme but cult version starts playing as the credits roll, THE END*
(I'm sorry I don't know what the fuck this is but my fingers just started typing it on their own I'm sorry pffff
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
OKAY. The only reason I’m sending this into you is because you seem to also be a fan of Taylor’s music. I hope you don’t mind! :)
This isn’t really a request, more like 2 random HCs I had while listening to Evermore. I’m not asking you to writing anything if you don’t want to. I just thought they were interesting!
Senario 1: what if in the RFA-universe MC was their version of Taylor Swift.
(Meaning her music was known world-wide, she had a massive fan base, she was known for writing stories about her personal life experiences and any album she released would go #1 immediately). Imagine one day she is sitting at the piano writing a song about a young women who turned down her engagement to the love of her life because she was suffering with mental issues (Champagne Problems). IMAGINE how sad the RFA+V+Searan would be when they think she is writing this from personal experience.THEY WOULD BE SO SAD. LMAO.
Senario 2: this one is a little more angsty
Imagine Saeyoung has been working on a task Jumin gave him for the past month. Imagine MC writing Tolerate It while sitting alone on the roof or in their shared bedroom. Imagine her telling herself that it’s all in her head but her insecurities get the better of her. Imagine Searan not knowing how to help but trying his best. Now I’m just sad..... T-T
bOnuS: imagine their reaction to No Body, No Crime. They would be like: “Mc? Did you kill someone?????” Lmao.
Wow genius stuff right here ! Also YES I love Taylor Swift... I have since fearless but honestly I’ve only listened to the entirety of her newest 3 albums oops
This will be multiple parts, also headcannon style? Imma play around w that tell me if you hate it tho
I showed this to my sister (who hasn’t listened to Taylor since 1989) and she goes you NEED to write this
MC is the in-universe Taylor Swift
Part 1: Sad Lyrics
A lot of these are them thinking the songs are about them
Zen (Champagne Problems):
He tries not to bother you while you’re writing
If you’ll let him sing with you to work on songs you’re planning on collaborating w guys on (think exile) he’s so there for you
He loves singing and has always loved your songs
But, as an actor himself, he respects the process and the alone time you need when you’re working on something new !
When he hears you singing Champagne Problems
Turning down a proposal because you just weren’t there mentally
Why is he... crying all of a sudden
I’ll tell you why bc if you don’t cry listening to the bridge of Champagne Problems you’re stronger than me
Waits until the piano stops
Then comes in
He has tears literally running down his face
“Zen! Are you okay?”
He plops down onto the bench next to you, pulling you into the biggest hug, which you, of course return
“We don’t have to get married. I’ll never pressure you like that. Are you okay? Do you need to talk about it?” He’s rambling
“It’s just a song Zen”
You have to rub his back to help him feel good enough to get through a sentence without crying
“I thought... I thought that really happened to you.”
Oh Zen, they’re not all based on your personal experiences
“It was so good though! It’s going to have everyone crying. Please tell me it’s on your next album.”
You have tears bc he’s so sweet !!
of course it’s on the next album
Yoosung (Coney Island):
Is dead silent when you’re writing
You literally don’t even notice he’s there
He gets jealous when you FaceTime other artists to work on a collaboration
They are literally so much better than him
And you’ve dated all these famous people
WHY are you with him !?
when he hears you playing Coney Island
“Did I do something wrong!?”
“What? No? Of course not Yoosung”
Then why were you singing that
Not everything you write is what you’re experiencing right now
You had to explain to him that that song... you wrote it visualizing the pain you would feel if you lost him
For real ??
And then he spirals into telling you how you’d be better off with one of your co-writers or whatever
But... you didn’t write the song thinking about your team
You wrote it thinking about him
It’s hard for him to understand
But when the album comes out... he listens to that song a lot
And still sobs like a baby every time
Jaehee (Exile):
Loves and respects your work
Not all your songs are her sort of thing
You make your newest albums a little more chill so she’ll enjoy them
You’d never tell her that though
You’re literally in a call with the guy you’re collaborating with working on exile
Singing about a failed relationship... for the second time
And experiences with bad relationships in general
It makes her worry that she messed up
Is this about the fight you two had a few months ago!? Did she make the same mistake? Are you thinking of leaving her
Waits until the call is over
“The song sounds beautiful.” Is all she can say
But you know her
“It’s not about you Jaehee”
“I love you like crazy the song isn’t about you”
Needs lots of affirmation bc that SCARED Her
The song is so good but she can’t listen to it more than like once or twice
She’s embarrassed that she thought it was about her
Little does she know you did write some songs about her... but only the happy ones
Jumin (Tolerate It):
He’s been busy with work
Buys a radio station that only plays your music though so he can listen to you all the time
Falls asleep to your singing voice bc it’s so comforting
You’re the media’s favorite couple
They’ve been speculating the two of you have been dating for a few albums now
Paper rings kinda gave it away huh
You thought he was working
Worked through writing a song about love that isn’t well-reciprocated
Honestly... you’re crying while writing it
It’s about an ex !! But also some lines make you miss getting to spend time with Jumin
He just stands there in the doorway
He doesn’t interrupt. Waits until your done
Heart breaks to see you crying
He’s shed a tear or two
Kneels down next to the bench
“I’m so sorry” is all he can say
“No!” Another tear down your face. “It’s not about you!”
He’s gently wiping away your tears
“I haven’t been here enough for you.”
“I’m okay. It’s okay. It’s not about you.”
“But it’s a wake up call. I’m building a home office so I can spend more time with you.”
Not a bad idea.
707 (Marjorie):
Again you are braver than me
Anyways Saeyoung can’t get it through his head WHY you like him / started dating him
Your relationship is completely off the radar thanks to him
Which means you DON’T write songs about him much because you don’t want speculation
You wrote this one after you read a sad fan fiction
I literally can’t sing during the bridge of this song I CRY
He listens to you. As you sob through the song. About how the person’s beloved died but they can still hear her and feel her in themselves
He sniffles
Interrupts you partway through
“Baby? Are you okay?”
You sniff and nod
“Is your mom okay? Your aunt? Your friend? Did someone die? Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m alright.”
But... you’re crying so much how are you okay
“I’m going to need to work on singing this without being emotional” you joke, wiping your tears
“Wait... it’s not my fault right? I didn’t die or anything.”
“Huh!? No. This is about a fanfic”
He laughs, pushes you lightly
V (Illicit Affairs):
He sits with you during your songwriting process
Sometimes will even suggest lyrics to you if he’s feeling bold
He’s shocked with how quickly Illicit Affairs comes to you
Singing about breaking off an affair that has torn you apart and feels one-sided and
Uh... are you okay? You never mentioned something like this before
“My Love,” he stops you, “did this happen to you? Did somebody do this to you?”
“Oh. No I’m okay.”
You’re smiling
He was so worried
“And this isn’t about us right?”
Of course not. Everyone knows the two of you are together
“Of course not.”
He smiled. “I was worried about you.”
You giggle, kissing his cheek
“You showed me colors I can’t see with anyone else,” he recommends. “Or something like it.”
“V? Are you okay?” How the tables have turned.
“That’s how I feel about you. All love though. No angst.”
Saeran (This Is Me Trying):
This one is actually about him
You try to only work on your songs when he’s working or when he’s out
You try to spend as much time with him as possible to help with his coping process of everything that’s happened to him
But it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
He wakes up in the middle of the night with a nightmare
Hears you singing in the other room. He knew you did this at night, it’s okay with him but... he really could use your help right now
Pads over to the door, standing outside until he can gather the courage to interrupt you
He feels pitiful
And then he hears you singing about how you’re struggling with your relationship and everything going on but you’re trying your best
He just sits outside the door. He can’t confront you right now. You’re feeling this way because of him. Maybe he deserves the nightmares
Luckily you’re planning on going to bed and see him when you try to leave the room, curled up on the floor.
“Did you have a bad dream?” You ask, joining him on the floor, pulling him close to you
All he can do is timidly nod
“Come in next time. Nothing is more important than you. I promise you that.”
He shakes his head. “I’m making things hard on you. With your job and your mental health and you trying to help someone so broken...”
His voice cracks. He wants to cry
There’s so much you could say.
This song is too sad
Later you’ll add a line about wanting him. Wanting to be with him despite all the trouble
But for now... you’ll be with him
Holding him.
Taking him to bed
Hugging him
Staying awake a little longer just in case he gets another bad dream
You were trying your best. The best thing you could do was be there by his side
He slept a little lighter. It was comforting to know that even though it was hard for the both of you, you were doing it, and you loved him
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