#also today we had a school leavers event in our own clothes
jupitercl0uds · 3 months
maybe moving to a city would save me
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galaxy-whiskers · 4 years
I was tagged by @bailandonorris, thanks!
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? 
I have a silver paddle brush which I don’t use very often, a transparent and purple swirly coloured (honestly don’t know how else to describe) afro comb, and a regular black comb.
2. name of a food you never eat? 
Tuna, can’t stand it. To be honest, I eat most things if they’re warm, but VERY fussy when it comes to cold food
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? 
Definitely too hot! I still have a fan on in the winter at night time
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? 
Playing Animal Crossing, tried to catch some tarantulas because Flick is on my island but the dodos don’t seem to want to send me to any decent islands so my mission was unsuccessful
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
That’s a hard one... probably either Cadbury’s marvelous creations with the jelly beans and popping candy, darkmilk, or the one with oreos. Snickers are pretty great too, also Kinder Bueno and just Kinder chocolate in general. Basically, what I’m saying is I love chocolate
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? 
Yes, I went to the London 2012 Olympics to watch show jumping, football and basketball! Have probably been to others? Really want to go to Wimbledon at some point but not sure when I’ll be able to do that. Does dog agility count as sport? Seen it at Crufts multiple times
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? 
‘Night night curly shoes’ - a goodnight wish for my sweet doggo Ivy
8. what is your favourite ice cream? 
I’m a fan of coconut ice cream it has to be said, also honeycomb, and your standard Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough is high up there. Really specifically, the vanilla ice cream from the waffle shop in Cirencester. To be honest, don’t eat much ice cream, not my go-to food choice because I’m lactose intolerant and a lot of it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Has to be good!
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? 
Some water, absolute health right here (she says drinking her first glass of water all day after about 4 cans of Pepsi Max whoops)
10. do you like your wallet? 
I guess so, yes. Could probably do with a slightly more efficient one but it’s decent
11. what was the last thing you ate? 
A jazz apple from the fridge. We have no pink ladies which are the favourites but jazz are pretty tasty too
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? 
No, only virtual ones in Animal Crossing. I haven’t been clothes shopping in so long and doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon
13. last sporting event you watched? 
Honestly no idea, since all the sport has been cancelled for a while I can’t think what the last thing would have been. Probably Cheltenham races on the telly back in February or March or whenever it was?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? 
The classic, salty cinema popcorn. Honestly the best
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? 
Strangely, someone from my secondary school who I haven’t ever spoken to over message before. She posted our leavers video on her Instagram and thought I’d message since I’d been looking for that video for  y e a r s  and sparked a conversation! She never liked me much back in school I don’t think, she was popular and I really wasn’t so I never properly spoke to her. One of my friends had a bit of drama with her, absolutely hated her, but they eventually became best pals. Also her best pal during most of school really didn’t like me for some reason... anyway, had a nice chat, strange how friendly she seems these days
16. ever go camping?
Uhh well... I’ve been 4 times, 2 of which were for D of E and I can safely say I’ve never had a good experience. First time, the people in the tent next to us got arrested at 3AM for drugs or something, second time was my dad’s 40th birthday and my brother didn’t know he was allergic to nuts so eating a cake with mixed nuts on the top didn’t go down well for him... also went to a restaurant on the way there with my granny and got a caterpillar in my salad. Third and fourth times, let’s just say D of E was one of the worst experiences of my life, I’ll leave it at that... would really like to go camping again though to have a good experience, maybe change my mind on it? I don’t know, willing to give it a try
17. do you take vitamins? 
I go through phases, sometimes I take them every day, other times I don’t take them for like 3 months
18. do you go to church every sunday? 
I used to, but as I got older I slowly went less and less until I didn’t go at all. I lost faith I guess? Kind of didn’t feel I belonged there or believed anymore. I loved singing the hymns and our vicar was an absolute lad, we also got biscuits at the end of each service, but over time I decided it wasn’t right for me to keep going. Pretty much all the people that go to ours are your typical white, posh, probably homophobic and hate children type so that put me off. Also after everything that’s happened in mine and other’s lives, I slowly lost the belief in God. If all of it was true, why would these things happen? I guess also my scientific mind was constantly telling me there’s no proof. I think the only reason I went to begin with was because it was a family thing and as a child I believed pretty much everything that was said
19. do you have a tan? 
No, certainly not... used to when I lived in the Caribbean but now I’m pretty much white as a sheet
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? 
A very difficult one... probably chinese? As much as I love pizza, it’s the same issue as the ice cream
21. do you drink soda with a straw? 
Nah not a fan of straws, they taste weird
22. what colour socks do you wear? 
ALL THE COLOURS! I own a pair of socks for every outfit to colour co-ordinate, my sock draw is overflowing
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? 
Strangely, I drive under by quite a bit when no one else is around. It’s the other cars that stress me out and make me go too fast. Also I have a black box so not allowed
24. what terrifies you? 
Good question, lots of things... the sea, pools, tbh water in general, heights, rejection, the current impending doom, large open spaces with no walls I can be against, losing everyone I love, the fact that anyone might be secretly talking about me behind my back because they actually hate me, the list goes on but I won’t continue it
25. look to your left what do you see? 
An empty Pepsi Max can, a glass of water, some crocodile scissors, my Switch, a cranberry scented candle, and some tiny balls of wool
26. what chore do you hate? 
Got to be changing my bed, or washing up when the things have got cold food left on them
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? 
A throwback to year 8
28. what’s your favourite soda?
Pepsi Max
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? 
It depends who I’m with
30. who was the last person you talked to? 
My mum about a meteor shower and satellites
31. favourite cut of beef? 
A random question... I do like a good rump steak
32. last song you listened to? 
You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates because I’m using it in my animation project
33. last book you read? 
I’m like part way through Good Omens and have been for quite some time... I have learning difficulties and find reading a lot of effort so don’t read very often
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? 
No, it’s the kind of thing I’d have expected myself to learn at some point but never did
35. how do you like your coffee? 
I don’t like coffee so in the bin
36. favourite pair of shoes? 
My multicoloured Vans, got them in the second week of uni and I’ve loved them ever since
37. the time you normally go to bed? 
Well, currently it’s around 1AM to go to bed, 3AM to sleep. Used to be around 12/1AM sleep but the lockdown has ruined that
38. the time you normally wake up? 
Again, currently it’s around 11:30AM to wake up then 12PM to do things but used to be around 9:30/10AM. To be honest I still sometimes wake up then but I go back to sleep again because I have no reason to exist more than I need
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? 
Sunrise is always nice to watch, but I don’t like getting up early so definitely sunset, especially when you’re at a restaurant or sitting outside somewhere in the countryside
40. how many blankets are on your bed? 
Just the one duvet, but I have a soft fish patterned blanket for when I want something to cuddle with
41. describe your kitchen plates? 
We have some plain white ones and some that are white with leaves around the edges. The edges have a ridged pattern and the rims are gold
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink so no
43. do you play cards? 
Yes, love a good card game! 
44. what colour is your car? 
It’s very nice Caribbean sea blue. Used to be my mum’s car, it’s her favourite colour
45. can you change a tire? 
I probably could if I had to but can’t say I’ve done it before
46. your favourite province? 
I guess that’s counties? Hometown of Gloucestershire is up there, also a fan of Devon. My favourites may have to be Caenarfonshire and Anglesey though after the road trip last year
47. favourite job you’ve had?
Not sure really, I guess it would have to be doing my art commissions
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
The biggest scar I have these days is on my right knuckle between my index and middle finger, it’s very small. I got it from when I was holding a horse still before untacking and he decided that hay was more exciting, caught my hand on a splintered wooden fence and that was that
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? 
Nothing, I’ve only seen my family and even then it was for a short time. Don’t think I make anyone happy these days ahah
It’s now 3:22AM, that took longer than I expected. ‘I’ll go to sleep early today’ I said but I say that every day. Don’t know why I keep lying to myself. 
Anyway, I guess I have to tag someone now, so I tag @duckingpunches !
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