#also three cheers for triple question marks
a-lil-perspective · 2 years
Omg you’re giving me Tech ideas. Like I’m writing an essay and I swear I just typed a bunch of bs, and then your Tech post popped up and I was omg Tech would start crying over how bad my essay is 😭 but bet he’d be supportive af when it comes to editing the crap out of this essay.
Even I’m rereading my essay and can hear his comments: “Mesh’la, your comma splices are wrong, let me help”; “I don’t think three question marks are necessary here, Love” (yes I actually did type three question marks 😭); “Darling you used the same word three times in the same sentence, here’s some synonyms”
Honestly, I don’t think my teacher would know if Tech wrote my essay??? (not the three question marks again)
Omg Sydney remember to take a break soon if you haven’t already! Essays can be incredibly taxing.
Yes Tech may scrutinize the finer points but I think he genuinely wants to assist. You’d have his full support.
Also he would make sure you take healthy breaks and stay hydrated throughout. :)
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blackacre13 · 3 years
cute little triple dat with loubbie, rose x daphne and tammy w her s/o
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“God, this is nice,” Tammy sighed, taking another sip of her wine with a satisfied hum. “Feels so adult without any skateboards or beanies or video games.”
“All three of those things you just described belong to the one and only Constance,” Debbie pointed out.
“I’ll be sure to tattle on her,” Lou winked, placing her hand over Debbie’s and squeezing it gently as she tapped the brunette’s thigh with her own.
“And we finally got to meet the infamous Mark,” Daphne purred, nodding her head towards Tammy’s husband.
“Never imagined I’d get to have dinner with the Daphne Kluger,” he laughed nervously, playing with his fork.
“Well, you’re not, darling,” Tammy laughed. “You’re having dinner with me. Daphne is just a bonus.”
“Hey!” Daphne complained as Rose laughed, massaging her shoulder gently.
“But I agree,” Debbie grinned. “A toast! Here’s to more couple’s nights out away from the loft.”
“Here, here,” Lou agreed, tapping her glass of seltzer against Debbie’s martini as the group slowly joined in on a round of cheers.
“Well, we know how Lou and Deb met,” Rose offered, clearing her throat. “What about you two, Tammy?”
“Oh, you don’t want to hear that,” the woman blushed as she waved off the question.
“Come on, Tam, it’s cute,” Debbie promised. “And if you don’t share, Mark gets to spin his version of it.”
“You’ve got her there,” Mark grinned.
“This is nice,” Lou murmured quietly, playing with Debbie’s fingers as she thought before planting a gentle kiss against Debbie’s cheek.
“Never thought we’d get to do something as normal as this,” Debbie admitted, looking into the blonde’s eyes fondly.
“If you call dinner between five millionaires and a clueless man normal,” Lou winked.
“Know what I’m thinking after this?” Debbie asked, wagging her eyebrows.
“Diner milkshakes?” Lou snorted.
“Diner milkshakes,” Debbie grinned, her face lighting up.
“Care to follow it up with something rated R?” Lou suggested.
“Always, baby,” Debbie winked, trailing a finger up Lou’s thigh slowly for a moment before letting it disappear back into her own lap.
Somewhere in their post-dinner plotting, the conversation had changed from how Tammy and Mark had met and shifted into Daphne offering up her boat for a weekend on the water and something about a private island that Lou and Debbie weren’t quite sure was 100% actually real or some sort of bullshit Daphne was spewing to impress the table, but it was working nonetheless.
“Have you two set a date yet?” Rose asked suddenly, the group’s focus shifting to Debbie and Lou as everyone but a pretending-she-didn’t-notice Lou watched Debbie steal a forkful of steak off the blonde’s plate twice.
“Not quite,” Lou admitted, trying not to make eye contact with Tammy, who was slowly shifting into laser focus, looking back and forth between the couple as her jaw slowly opened.
“No. Nope. Not gonna happen.”
“What?” Rose asked, not following the silent conversation between the trio.
“They’re going to elope,” Tammy rolled her eyes. “And I am not having it. I mean this isn’t just about the two of you.”
“Our wedding isn’t about the two of us?” Lou smirked as Debbie laughed.
“You know what I mean,” Tammy sighed. “These has been a decades long affair!”
“An affair!” Debbie gasped. “Baby, did you know we were having an affair?”
“And decades long,” Lou snickered. “Honey, I didn’t realize how far gone past over the hill we were.”
“I hate you two,” Tammy groaned, leaning into her husband as he kissed the crown of her head, whispering something to her that made her giggle.
“Go ahead and elope,” Daphne shrugged, draining the last of her champagne.
“Daphne!” Rose cried as Tammy nodded along with her.
“We’ll still throw them a party,” Daphne rolled her eyes. “Best of both worlds. They can have their little gay Lou and Deb moment and then we still get our big celebration.”
“You say gay little moment like you’re not also sleeping with a woman,” Lou snorted.
“What happened to our lovely adult date night?” Tammy sighed.
“I mean, it lasted a half an hour,” Debbie giggled, taking a French fry off of Lou’s plate. “That’s pretty good for us.”
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch.7
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I was excited writing this chapter and I hope you all love it! I think at this point I’m half way through the serious with the different events I have in my head to take place! Thank you for all the kind words and reblogs! You have no idea the smile it puts on my face! Anyways, enjoy and let me know what you think! 
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 
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You almost did a spit take when the Avs’ media department told you their plan for that Saturday’s home opener. “You know that is in three days, right?” you asked to clarify you heard correctly.
           “Yes we do. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal though, you already know the routine,” one of the men spoke up. You looked at him like he had grown an extra head.
           “I’ve skated at least five different routines after it. You can’t expect me to remember that one specifically,” you argued. “Also, fans are coming here for a hockey game, not a figure skating event.” The media department was asking you to perform your long program that you skated for the Olympics during the second intermission.
“It would be a fun way to introduce you to the fan base though. Show everyone that we have an Olympic champion as a coach,” you stared at the girl who told you this. They were all smiling at you, but you were starting to feel like a side show.
           “I just want to be treated like one of the team, one of the coaches. I don’t want to be a side show,” you tried to reason with them.
           “You aren’t. Just this once. It is the home opener after all, everyone will be excited and we’ve had requests on our social media to see you skate.” The man said again, but this time looked disinterested in anything else you wanted to argue. How was skating your performance in a sparkly, little dress going to earn you respect as a coach? The media team looked at you expectantly.
           “Just this once please. I’d rather have the focus on the team and blend into the background myself,” you conceded. A few of them nodded, but you weren’t so sure you were being heard. You had this problem more frequently than you would like. Being of smaller stature with a softer voice, you weren’t always taken as seriously as you would like to be. Leaving the meeting, you walked back over to the ice and put your skates back on. The team had a light practice that afternoon after playing two back to back games, you being pulled aside after practice.  
           Back on the ice, you looked up your routine on Youtube. No one could really blame you for forgetting parts of your routine; you still competed after the Olympics and did have to memorize new ones. Playing the music over the loud speaker you started to mark your program, slowly remembering where your spins and jumps were placed. The footwork was what would be tripping you up. You closed your eyes and tried to remember as best you could, until you skated backward into a wall. Or what you thought was a wall but ended up being Nate, his hands on your waist to steady you. “Dang MacKinnon, you are a fridge,” you laughed as he let go of you. Nate’s cheeks became a little red as he chuckled.
           “Why do you look so stressed?” he asked you. You looked down quickly, not realizing that you had a look on your face.
           “It’s nothing,” you tried to smile. You knew the home opener game was on everyone’s nerves. They wanted to play well and win, and did not need you panicking for a different reason. “Why are you still here?” you asked, trying to change the subject.
           “I was waiting for you outside, but you never came out after media took you off for whatever they needed. I just thought I would come find you,” he said quietly, trying to gauge your mood still. “Why is your music playing?” You let out a laugh.
           “You actually know this is my music?” you asked, starting to skate backward away from him. Nate followed, starting to see you were avoiding his questions but also wanting an answer.
           “Coach showed us your routine when he told us you would be our skating coach,” he explained.
           “You have a good memory,” you commented, stopping the music once you reached your phone. Nate rolled his eyes and took your phone out of your hands. “Hey!” you yelped, trying to take it back from him. He looked at the video and back at you with a raised eyebrow. “Media asked me to perform my routine between the 2nd and 3rd period. The only thing is that I’ve kind of forgotten my footwork for it because I’ve had other routines after it. Plus I’m not entirely comfortable performing it at a hockey game that I’m supposed to be a coach at.” You explained in a huff, turning in circles as you explained because you couldn’t exactly stand still.
           “Why did they ask you to do that?” Nate asked, reaching out and grabbing your hand to get you to stop spinning. You shrugged, looking down at your hands and playing with his fingers.
           “They said to introduce me to the fan base.” Nate nodded and looked at your phone.
           “Well what do you need help with?” he asked. You looked up at him and relaxed a bit under his gaze.
           “You don’t have to stay. I’m sure your tired,” you said, but he shook his head.
           “Either you tell me what I can help you with, or I will keep your phone so you can’t practice at all.” Nate gave you a straight face. You rolled your eyes but smiled at him.
           “Tell me if the footwork matches up?” you asked swiveling away from him, and Nate smiled softly at you.
           “You got it Coach.”
~ ~ ~
           The feeling at the Pepsi Center was electric. The fans were excited and it made the arena come to life in a way that a figure skating event never had. At your competitions, people sat patiently in their seats for their favorite skater to take the ice, clapping politely for the others. Here at the game the fans were up and yelling, being as noisy as they could. You tried to focus on the team, but your performance was in the back of your mind. Was this really a crowd who wanted to watch a skating routine. You were standing behind Kadri at the moment, half way through the second period. The score was tied 1-1, and you could feel the tension radiating off the team.  With about five minutes left, the other team called a time out and a woman from media appeared on the other side of the glass, motioning for you to go with her. Bednar saw her too, and nodded toward you. “Break a leg kid,” he said as you walked past him. Nate was on the ice and skated over to the box opening, offering you his arm before you stepped onto the ice. As you reached out for him, you remembered what you wanted to say during the time out.
           “Oh! Cale, try to go to the outside. They keep stopping you when you turn in,” you said and he nodded.
           “Good luck,” Nate whispered as you let go of his arm when you got back on the none-slip surface off the ice. You sent him a small smile. As you were changing, you heard the goal buzzard go off and the crowd cheering. You hoped that meant it was one of your boys. Looking in the mirror after you changed, a huge smile lit up your face. You hadn’t worn this dress since the Olympics, and you loved the way it made you feel. It started off white at the top, and faded into (Y/Fav/Color). The whole dress was bedazzled with Swarovski crystals the same color as the material of the dress. The sleeves were sheer netting, bedazzled as well, with an open back. You put on your three-tier crystal choker that you wore for every competition since you were 8. Not one to have a lot of superstitions, your choker was the one thing that would devastate you to skate without since you had it for so long. You had worn your hair into a bun for the game and just had to fix your make up. You did not want to show up with competition make up to the game. Lacing up your skates, you walked out and started to warm up your jumps in the tunnel. Once the ice was clean, you were able to skate out and warm up quickly. No attention was draw to you, though being the only one on the ice drew it to you anyways. After warming up your jumps and a spin, you skated back off to wait for your introduction. Taking off your jacket, you jumped slightly as someone took it from you.
           “Didn’t think you could perform without us Coach, did you?” Tyson asked. You turned around and saw the team walking back down the tunnel toward you, most with their helmets and gloves off. The guys piled onto the bench, along with the other coaches. It made you relax slightly having familiar faces. Nate sat on the edge closest to you and gave you a reassuring smile.      
           “You got this,” he said in a low tone so that only you heard. You nodded, smiling brighter as you heard your name over the speaker. You skated out to center ice, elegantly striking your beginning pose. The music started, and everything around you faded as it always did when you performed. You felt like you were flying when you jumped, and couldn’t help a little excited toe step when you landed your last triple axle of the routine. Also, it did not help that you heard the guys cheering you on, so you knew you were doing something right. The last note of your music played, and you jumped out of your scratch spin to your backward bend, effectively ending your movement and routine. The stadium lit up in applause, whether they were just being polite or not you didn’t know, neither did you really care. You didn’t realize how much you missed performing until now. Smiling, you bowed and waved at the crowd. As you started to head back toward the Avs, a chant of “Coach” started to sound. You laughed and went down the line high fiving them. The ice was set to be cleaned once more, the holes your toe picks made being filled in quickly as there was about five minutes left of intermission. You were bouncing with adrenaline, and Tyson had to practically throw your jacket in your face for you to pay any attention to him. Walking off the ice with the team, you all of a sudden remembered the buzzard that went off while you were getting ready. You turned to Gabe who was next you.
           “Who scored?” you asked eagerly. Gabe smiled his charming smile at you.
           “Makar. It was your call Coach,” he said. You bounced excitedly and shoved Cale when you saw him. Nate was watching you the whole time, amused at your bubbliness.
           The game went on, with the Avs scoring 3 more times, making the score 5-1 when the final buzzard sounded. You were standing on the bench when it happened, and Nate picked you up slightly to put you back on the ground before you tumbled off the bench in your excitement. He had remembered what you said about being clumsy if you didn’t have your skates on. Once the team was in the locker room, you grabbed your bag and your dress and changed. Nate had mentioned that everyone would be going out after the game and that you should go with them. Then when Mel facetimed you to pick out an outfit, you really couldn’t say no. Plus Nate said he would pick you up so you didn’t have to worry about driving that evening. Though you suggested it should be the other way around since he was the one playing in said game, he insisted. After letting down your hair from its bun, you changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a top that just barley hit the top of your jeans, heeled boots and a jacket, and walked back toward the locker room where the families and guests of players were starting to gather. Before you could even question where you should go, a familiar blonde grabbed your attention. “You were beautiful!” Mel squealed, pulling you into a hug. You laughed and thanked her.
           “I never want to do that at a hockey game again, but thanks,” you smiled at her. She rolled her eyes.
           “I know. Nate said you were apprehensive about it,” she said, eyeing you suspiciously. You gave her a questioning look. “Just cause I can’t get you to spill everything yet doesn’t mean I can’t get something out of him at least. And I got my something. So you look extra cute tonight, your welcome.” Mel smiled slyly at you. You were about to ask her what she actually meant when the team started to disperse out of the locker room. Sinking into the background as everyone greeted their loved ones, you couldn’t help but feel warm at the scene. Competing as a figure skater was so individualistic, you usually didn’t see your family after a competition until after the award ceremony back at the hotel. That was if they traveled with you at all. As you looked around, you locked eyes with a familiar pair of blue ones. Nate made his way over to you, scooping you up into a hug. You giggled; your arms wrapped around his neck. As if you both remembered where you were at the same time, Nate quickly set you down and you brushed your hair behind your ear awkwardly.
           “Nice game MacKinnon,” you said, trying to not seem like you were too phased by remembering where you were. Nate chuckled, rubbing the back at of his neck. He felt slightly bad for making you feel awkward, but he was also getting tired of this unspoken line you had both drawn. What he wouldn’t do to just be able to kiss you then and there. He had to admit, watching your routine on video was one thing, but seeing you perform it in person and seeing you radiate with joy after took his breath away.  
           “Thanks coach. I guess you were pretty good too,” he winked at you. You laughed and shook your head, shoving his arm. Once everyone who was going out decided on where they were going, you walked with Nate to his car. Andre also got a ride with the two of you. You tried to tell him he could sit in the front since his legs were longer, but he insisted that you took the front. Once at the bar, the team got a seat in the VIP section, of course. You had actually never been in a VIP section, except for the time you went out with your friends for your 21st birthday. You had pulled the Olympian card, tipsy you having fun being center of attention when you usually shy away from it when you were off the ice; and it helped you were with a group of attractive people in the first place. Drinks were brought around and you had to fend off Tyson who kept trying to make you take a shot with him. Eventually you gave in and did one, but stuck with your beer for the rest of the night. You were a lightweight, and did not want to get drunk the first time you went out with everyone.
           As the night went on, you were definitely tipsy but not uncontrollable. You danced with a few of the girls and just had a fun time talking with everyone. Nate kept a close eye on you, grinning as you cracked up at something one of the girls said. “So what are you going to do?” Gabe asked, taking a seat next to Nate at their table. No one was paying attention to the two; either out dancing, at the bar, or in other conversations.
           “About what?” Nate took a sip of his beer.
           “Coach. Y/N,” Gabe answered, rolling his eyes. He knew Nate knew what he was talking about. Nate sighed, and figured out of everyone Gabe would probably give the sanest advice in this situation.
           “Honestly, I don’t know. I like being around her. I feel like I can just be myself and she doesn’t expect anything from me. I mean, I think she’s amazing,” Nate rambled and Gabe grinned at his friend. “But like you said the first day she showed up, I’m screwed. She’s our coach. She’s trying to work out this whole entire program and I don’t want to be the reason why it may not work out for her. There’s a line that we haven’t crossed for a reason, you know.” Gabe nodded. He felt bad that Nate was in this position. He was honestly just messing with him when he told him he was screwed that day; he hadn’t expected there to be actual feelings between the two. Nate had a solemn look on his face, and Gabe patted his shoulder.
           “To be frank, you two seem to have some sort of connection. It’s not obvious, but I’ve been paying attention since day one because I thought it was funny at first. But since then you guys have just grown closer it seems. I mean, you hang out all time. And don’t think I didn’t notice that you went and sat with her on the plane coming home. I don’t know what to tell you, but you are both adults and I’m sure if you just talked to her about it you could work it out,” Gabe finished as you and Mel bounded over to the table.
           “Work what out?” you asked, curious as to why the boys looked so serious. Gabe gave his wife a look that you did not understand, and answered as Nate seemed at a loss for words.
           “A new play,” he said, and Nate nodded. You took a seat next to Nate as Mel sat next to her husband, and dove into a story of what Linnea did that day. Nate started to relax again, laughing along with you. Soon after the night came to an end, and Nate drove Andre home before heading to your apartment. He carried your backpack for you into your apartment, setting it down by the front door while you ran to your room to put your dress away. With his conversation with Gabe still echoing in his head, Nate sat down on your couch, rubbing his face.
           “Do you want some water or something?” you asked, walking back into the main room.
           “Yeah. Water would be great. Thanks,” he responded. You grabbed two water bottles out of your fridge and handed him one as you sat cross legged on the other side of the couch facing Nate.
           “What’s up? Are you alright?” you asked, worried he was upset about something. It seemed like there was something on his mind. Nate turned to you, debating if he was really going to say it, or if he should leave it and you would both keep playing this game of not being something more to each other even though he was pretty sure you were on the same page as him. He gauged you as you watched him, deciding that you weren’t drunk, in fact you barely seemed tipsy anymore. If he was going to say anything, now would probably be the best. After taking a quick sip, he set the water down on your coffee table and turned so he was fully facing you.
           “What are we doing Y/N?” he asked. You looked at him confused, not sure why he was asking.
           “We’re hanging out? Drinking water…” you trailed off as he shook his head.
           “I didn’t mean right now. I mean kind of but not really,” Nate mumbled, but stopped when you reached for his hand and stared down at them intertwined. “What does this mean to you?” he asked, giving your hand a light squeeze.
           “Um,” you started, not sure if you actually wanted to say what it actually meant to you.
           “Because this,” Nate squeezed your hand again, “means something to me. And I think it means something to you too.” You nodded at his assumption. That was all the reassurance Nate needed to keep talking. “I like you Y/N, a lot. Like more than I thought was possible.” You smiled shyly, but then you remembered why you were in Colorado to begin with.
           “Nate, I’m your coach…” you started, but Nate shook his head.
           “I know that. I would never want to put you in a situation that cost you that, but I also don’t want to pretend like these feelings don’t exist anymore.” He moved closer to you and your heart picked up a bit. “You looked beautiful skating today. I think you look beautiful everyday and I want to be able to tell you that without feeling like I’m crossing some imaginary boundry.” You blushed and looked down, but Nate used his other hand to gently lift your chin back up so you were looking at him. He looked slightly worried that he had said to much, so you knew it was your turn to talk.
           “I really like you too Nate. I just don’t know how we’re supposed to navigate this. I’m worried that the program won’t be taken seriously if we start dating,” you said and Nate nodded, slowly letting go of your face. You could see the doubts start to form in his mind, and quickly grabbed his wrist, effectively keeping him there. The two of you stayed quiet for a moment, letting all the words that had been said sink in. Nate took a tentative breath, not sure if he wanted to know the answer to his next question.
           “So then what do you want to do?” he whispered, but at your proximity to each other it could have been a shout. You were pondering what to say next when he spoke up again. “Because I would like to see where this could go Y/N.” If you had any more doubts, that sentence pushed them away. You smiled softly up at him and nodded.
           “Me too,” your voice was barely over a whisper, but Nate heard you loud and clear. He smiled warmly at you, looking down at your lips then back into your eyes. This time when he leaned in, no phone went off to drag you both out of this blissful bubble surrounding you both. Your eyes fluttered shut as his lips finally met yours, the butterflies in your stomach working overtime. It was short and sweet, and you both had smiles that could light up a room when you pulled away. You knew there was a lot to discuss and figure out, but in that moment you could have cared less. The rest of the night was spent with stolen kisses and talking about nothing and everything all at once. Neither of you had ever felt so content. And as the sun started to rise over Denver that Sunday, it found the two of you cuddled up and fast asleep on your couch.    
tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @andreiaafaria​ also @gravygravygravy​ @comphybiscuit​ (I know you two didn’t ask, but you’ve been so nice to me <3)
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anotherspnfanfic · 4 years
And If I Win
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Pairing: Dean x reader (third person POV)
Word count: 3800
Warnings: none
Square filled: Free Space for @spndeanbingo, P.S. I Love You quote in bold below for @spnquotebingo
A/N: Written for SPN Quote Bingo and Dean Bingo. I had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy!
Dean pulled into the parking lot of the small dive bar. He put Baby in park and quickly got out. He was halfway across the parking lot when he hollered. “Hurry up, Sam!”
Sam caught up to him as he opened the heavy, wooden door. “A few beers, a couple games of pool, and we’re leaving. We should be researching, Dean.”
“You really know how to have fun, Sammy.” Dean rolled his eyes. “We have been researching for weeks. Maybe a night off will help. Fresh eyes or whatever.”
“This job was the time off.” Sam scoffed and walked over to an empty table.
Dean went straight to the bar and ordered two beers. He glanced around the room as he waited. He noticed a group of frat guys gathered around the pool tables; easy marks, he thought. He also spotted a couple of older gentlemen at the end of the bar, likely regulars you could find there on any given night. Finally, he noticed the woman sitting alone in a dark, corner booth.
She looked deep in thought as she twirled her straw around in her drink. He couldn’t make out much more with her long hair concealing most of her face.
“That’ll be 4.50,” the bartender stated, breaking Dean from his thoughts.
He tossed cash on the bar top as he grabbed the bottles. He glanced toward her once more as he walked over and sat across from his brother.
She was halfway through her second drink when the door swung open and two tall, handsome, flannel-wearing guys walked in. Sam and Dean Winchester, she was pretty sure. She’d spotted them—or rather their unmistakable Impala—outside her motel two days earlier. Therefore, that had to be them. It was the middle of nowhere; how many guys could fit the description?
She had rolled into town in search of her sixth or seventh hunt in a row; she had lost count. She’d planned for this to be the last one before she was going to take a break. That is, until she'd spotted the Winchesters. She took their presence as a sign to start her break early. She had heard enough stories to know she didn’t want to get in their way.
She would have left town immediately if she hadn’t already paid for the motel for the week. So now she was pondering where to go next in the only bar for miles around. She scrolled through a few news articles on her phone while she nursed her drink. When the bartender delivered a refill, she moved on to people-watching. She watched the old guys at the bar chat and laugh. They were having such a good time that she almost wanted to join them. As the drinks flowed freely, the frat guys at the pool tables got progressively worse at sinking shots.
The Winchesters shared the occasional hushed conversation. The shorter-haired of them polished off two beers and two shots while the other slowly nursed a single bottle. Eventually, she saw the short-haired one stand from the table. He ran his hand through his hair to mess it up a bit before stumbling slightly on his way to the pool tables. He waved a couple twenties as a greeting.
She was careful not to stare as she watched him swindle the clueless frat guys. She watched the way he glanced at his opponent before intentionally missing a shot. The way he quickly lured them into a sense of superiority. Then, she watched as he upped the bet beyond the cash they had on hand and promptly destroyed them. He was good.
She stood from her table as the guys started throwing a fit. She tossed her hair up into a messy bun as she heard, “You hustled us, asshole.”
“It was just a lucky game. I swear.”
The taller, longer-haired brother walked over to the table. He looked annoyed that he might be stepping into a fight. “Seriously, Dean?”
“I’ll play,” she stated, effectively distracting everyone from the impending brawl. She wandered over to the cue rack on the wall. She pulled one out before turning. “If I win, you give the kid back his watch and you buy me a drink.”
“I’ll buy you a drink,” one of the frat guys offered.
She raised an eyebrow. “Uh, no. Nice try, though.”
The Winchester brother she now knew to be Dean stared at her intensely for a few seconds. He handed the watch over to its rightful owner with an order to get lost. He watched as they all moved over to an empty table across the bar. He raised his chin as if he was sizing her up. “And if I win?”
“You won’t.” She smiled and set to racking the balls. She slid the cue ball into place moments later. She winked at Dean before she broke, pocketing three balls.
Less than five minutes later, she had cleared the table of solids and was announcing, “Eight ball, side pocket.” She couldn’t help but laugh at the looks on both of the Winchester brothers’ faces after she’d won.
“Holy crap. Where’d you learn how to play?” Dean asked.
“I spend a lot of time in back-woods dive bars. I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks, and not the cheap crap.”
Dean smiled. “Yes, ma’am.” He went over to the bar to get drinks. He came back a minute later and handed her a lowball glass. “Will you join us? I’m Dean, by the way. This is Sam.”
She introduced herself as they slid into the same booth the brothers had claimed when they arrived. She took a sip of the whiskey and hummed in satisfaction. “Damn, that’s smooth.”
“Johnny Walker Blue. Bet is a bet and you said no cheap stuff.” Dean shrugged. “Honestly, I am a little shocked this place stocks it.”
She smiled at him. “I’m certainly not gonna complain.”
“So, you said you spend a lot of time in places like this. You do a lot of traveling?” Dean asked.
She nodded, sipping her drink. “Quite a bit, yeah.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly as if he was waiting for more. “For work or for fun?”
“I’m something of a drifter. I get bored if I spend too long in one place.” She had no intention of letting on that she knew who they were or that she was also a hunter. “What about you guys?”
“We travel a lot for work,” Dean answered.
She nodded and took another sip of her whiskey. “Sounds interesting.”
They exchanged looks before shifting their focus back to her like they were expecting her to say something else. “That’s it?” Dean questioned. “You’re not going to ask fifteen more questions about what kind of work we do?”
She shook her head. “Work that requires a lot of travel and has you in this hole-in-the-wall bar… I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.”
“You’re probably not wrong,” Dean said before sipping his drink.
“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Sam told her before giving his brother a smirk. “But, I think I am going to head back to the motel.”
Dean stood to let Sam out and handed over the car keys. He watched as Sam vanished through the same door they’d entered.
Before he could slide back into the booth, she stood. “Wanna play a game of darts? No bets, just for fun.”
He smiled. “You’re on.” He grabbed his whiskey off the table and wandered to a high-top near the dart boards. After setting his drink down, he retrieved the darts from the board and handed one to her.
She set her drink beside his before she tossed the dart and hit the outside circle of the bullseye. She flashed him a cocky smile as she took another sip of her whiskey.
“Not bad.” He moved to the line and tossed his own dart at the board. It hit the bullseye dead center. “But not good enough.” He winked.
“Lucky shot!” she yelled as he moved to grab the darts again.
“Sore loser?” He teased. He promptly threw all three darts, landing them all in the triple twenty section.
She went to pull them off the board and matched his shots keeping them at a tied score. “You didn’t win anything yet. Maybe I wanted to let you go first.”
“Alright, this is too easy.” Dean flashed her a mischievous smirk. “We need shots.” He headed to the bar and returned moments later with a tray. He handed her one before raising his own to cheers. He tossed it back and winced slightly at the burn.
As he handed her another shot, she asked, “Are you trying to get me drunk?” He shrugged. She rolled her eyes and raised the glass, clinking it against his.
He grabbed the darts to take his next turn. He got 95 points and then watched her take her turn. She only scored 38 points and pouted as she turned to face him. “Clearly, you can hold your liquor better than me.”
He chuckled. “You think so?” He grabbed one of the two remaining shots and downed it. “Happy?”
“Maybe.” She nodded towards the board for him to go again. He moved to the line. As he raised his arm to throw, she leaned in close behind him and whispered in his ear, “Don’t miss.”
The dart landed in the triple 20 spot. He smiled as he turned and locked eyes with her. She was only a few inches away. “Maybe you are just my good luck charm.”
She nodded subtly as her gaze dropped momentarily down to his mouth when his tongue peeked out to wet his lip. Next thing she knew, his palm was on her cheek as his fingers curled gently at the back of her neck urging her closer. He leaned in, resting his forehead against hers. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders as she rose to her tiptoes and captured his lips in a soft, almost-shy kiss.
In perfect sync, their lips moved together. His other hand came up to rest on the small of her back and he gently pulled her flush against him. She could feel his body heat radiating through the t-shirt that he had under his flannel. Neither knew how long they stayed like that before he pulled away. His eyes swept over her face before he pressed one more quick kiss to her lips. It took her a moment to catch her breath.
“Wow,” she mumbled, the alcohol in her system letting the comment slip. She locked eyes with him again, finally noticing how intensely green they were.
He chuckled and she felt it rumble through his chest. “Wow, yourself. Any chance you want to get out of here?”
“I, uh, don’t do one-night stands,” she forced out, as if she was fighting herself to say so. She glanced down, not wanting to see the disappointment on his face. “It’s my biggest rule.”
His index finger found her chin, forcing her to look back up at him. He smiled softly. “That’s not a bad rule to live by. How about we finish this game and talk a little more?”
She smiled and nodded. He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead as he pulled away to finish his turn. He was so kind and caring that she was truly tempted to break her rule for him.
He scored another 35 points and she suspected he was going easy on her. He retrieved the darts and handed them over. She took a sip of her whiskey, holding the liquid in her mouth for a second before swallowing. “How about if I can make two bullseyes, I win?”
He squinted his eyes at her as he considered it. “You think you can?” he teased.
She tossed one dart, landing it dead center. “Maybe. Winning is pretty good motivation.”
“Well, then, let’s see it.” He moved to stand close behind her, as she had done to him, but stayed silent. She took an extra moment to aim before throwing. The dart landed high, missing the bullseye by less than half an inch.
“Damn it!” she yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the bar.
Dean tossed his head back as he laughed. She crossed her arms as she tried to hold her glare. He looked back at her just long enough to catch the look and burst into another round of laughter. After another second, she cracked and let out a giggle. 
“I’m sorry,” he started. “You were just so sure you had me beat.”
She punched him lightly on the shoulder. “I would have if you hadn’t given me shots.”
He smiled softly and pulled her closer. He kissed her once more. As he pulled away, he whispered, “Guess we’ll never know.”
She smiled. “What were we talking about?” she asked.
“I think you were saying that you wanted to go sit at the bar and have another round,” he said, a hopeful look in his eyes.
She reached over to grab her drink and finished it off. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. That is a good idea that I had.” He kept his hand on the small of her back as they moved over to the bar top. The bartender approached as they sat on a pair of stools. “Can I get a beer?”
Dean raised two fingers, indicating he would have the same, and set a twenty on the bar. Two bottles were placed in front of them a moment later, followed by his change.
“I think that round was my turn to buy. You did win the darts after all.” She reached to pull out her wallet before Dean grabbed her hand to stop her.
“You said no bets on that game. So you don’t owe me anything. I just wanted to buy a pretty girl a drink.” He winked.
She rolled her eyes and glanced around the mostly empty bar. “Oh, so where is this ‘pretty girl’ you are buying a drink for?”
“She should be here any minute; you mind scooting down a few?” Dean teased. “I wouldn’t want to give her the wrong impression.”
She scooted her stool a few inches closer to him and leaned her head over into his shoulder for just a moment. “How is this?” She smirked as she sat up.
“Perfect.” He smiled as he looked over at her. “How much longer are you planning to be in town?”
She took a drink before answering, “I’m headed out in the morning. I’m thinking I might go and find somewhere to camp for a little while.”
He cringed, almost imperceptibly. “Camping? Like, in a tent out in the middle of the woods?”
“That’s usually what camping involves, yes. Sometimes just sleeping out under the stars is nice, too.” She laughed as a look of complete disgust bloomed across his features. “I take it you are not a fan?”
“I hate camping. Do you know how dangerous it is? How many things might want to try and eat you?” Dean asked.
She played dumb, “You mean like birds, squirrels, and deer?”
“No.” He hesitated before continuing. “More like, uh, bears or wolves.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I have been camping most of my life. I have never had a run-in with any bears or wolves. I have seen a few from a distance, but none that tried to eat me.”
“I guess you’re just lucky then.” He went on to tell a couple stories of the “dangerous wildlife” he had encountered in the past. She was enthralled, trying to decipher what kind of monsters he was talking about. He was being vague enough that she wasn’t quite sure she could guess correctly.
She tried not to laugh when he stumbled over the story as he carefully omitted details. She sipped her beer and listened intently as he finished with a contented smile as he mentioned the people he had saved.
“So, basically, you’re like some kind of real-life Batman?” she joked, despite knowing it was fairly accurate, considering she knew he and his brother had saved the world at least once.
He laughed. “No. I’m not a billionaire.”
She hit the bar with a fist. “Damn. I was so sure you were.”
“Remind me not to bet on your sure things,” he joked.
She finished her beer and glanced toward the door. “This has been so much fun, but I should probably head back to the motel. I really am heading out early tomorrow.”
Dean would have sworn she sounded disappointed. He certainly was. He grabbed her hand gently as he asked, “Stay? Have one last drink, please?”
She nodded, unable to bring herself to say no. “Just one.”
Dean nodded at the bartender to bring them another round. They continued to talk and laugh, and sooner than either would have liked, their drinks were gone.
“Would you let me walk with you?” he asked.
“I appreciate the offer, but if I let you walk with me, I will definitely break my no-one-night-stands rule.” She leaned over and pressed one last kiss to his cheek as she stood.
“I bet we will meet again.” Dean winked.
She smiled as she looked down to the bar top. “You better win that bet, because if we do, that’ll be the end of it.”
“The end of what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Life as we know it.” She turned and walked across the bar without another word. She smiled back at him quickly before pushing the door open and disappearing through it.
~~ A few weeks later and a few states over ~~
She was on the floor struggling to fight off what she was pretty sure was the last vamp of this nest. She was trying not to panic as she realized she was losing. Suddenly, its head was gone, and it fell limp on top of her. She shoved the body off and stood quickly, ready to keep fighting. As she spun around, she locked on a familiar set of gorgeous green eyes, ones she had thought about so many times over the last few weeks. She noticed Sam behind his brother looking around at the dead vamps on the floor.
“It’s you.” Dean stood slightly slack-jawed for a moment. “You’re a hunter?”
“You took out six vamps on your own?” Sam added.
She couldn’t help but smile at the dumbfounded look on Dean’s face. “Winchesters, thanks for the assist.” She glanced around. “It was eight. There are two in the other room.”
“I never told you our last name.” Dean quirked an eyebrow before realization settled in. “You knew who we were.”
“That beautiful Impala of yours is a bit of a giveaway. Any hunter worth a damn has heard the stories.”
Dean broke eye contact as he tried to hide the shy smile that crossed his face. He looked back up and a frown quickly replaced his smile. “You’re bleeding.” He gestured to his own head, mirroring for her.
She reached up to touch her hairline and winced slightly as she pulled away and looked at her hand. She shrugged. “It’s just a scratch.”
He took a couple steps closer. “May I?”
She didn’t respond, simply tipped her head towards him so he could get a better look. His fingertips ghosted over the skin beside the cut. It felt like sparks running through her at the simple touch.
He pulled away and she instantly missed the contact. “You’re right. It’s not too bad. I can clean it for you, if you’d like.”
“I would appreciate that. It'll be so much easier than trying to do it myself in my rearview mirror.” He turned on his heel to walk outside with her following close behind.
He pulled a first-aid kit from the trunk. “Tell me, sweetheart, you always go running into vamp nests without backup?” He started to dab a disinfectant-soaked gauze pad across the cut, and she hissed at the sting.
“Pretty much, yeah. At this point, I actually prefer it. It is better, and safer, than going in with some stranger who might not be experienced enough. Not everyone has a sibling that can practically read their mind.” She glanced around them. “Speaking of, where is Sam?”
Dean carefully placed three small Steri-strips over her wound. He offered her an ice pack, which she declined. “Starting on the cleanup. You are good to go.” He tossed the kit back into the trunk then turned to face her. “What did you say that night? ‘The end of life as we know it’?”
She nodded slowly.
“How about we start with you not running into vamp nests alone anymore,” he suggested.
“Hmm, are you suggesting I find a hunting partner?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No, I’m volunteering myself.”
She smiled as she stepped closer to him, leaving only a few inches between them. The fingers of her right hand found his left and she intertwined them. He glanced down to her lips for a second before they locked eyes again. “I was really hoping we would run into each other again,” she said quietly.
He leaned in and kissed her. Her hands made their way to the short hairs at the back of his neck. His arms wrapped firmly around her waist, hugging her to him. Sooner than she wanted, he pulled away. He nuzzled his nose against hers. “And I was really hoping I’d get to do that again.”
She nodded her agreement and pulled him into another kiss. He shifted them so he could lean against Baby. She pulled away again when she heard Sam clear his throat behind her.
“You think you guys could help with cleanup first?” he asked once he had their attention.
She mustered up her best puppy eyes. “I thought you guys were here to do that part for me.” She gestured to the small cut Dean had just cleaned. “I hit my head and I just thought you guys could handle it.”
Sam shot her a bitchface. “You said it was just a scratch.”
“Damn. I had to try.” She shrugged. “You guys could at least buy me lunch when we’re done.”
Dean leaned to plant a kiss on her cheek as he moved past her. “I think we can arrange that.”
“Hey, Dean?” She reached out to grab his shoulder before he could get too far away.
He turned back to face her. “Hm?”
Her puppy eyes were back. “Those stories you were telling at the bar… Could you tell me those again with the monster parts?”
“On one condition… You tell me a few of yours.”
She nodded. “I think I can handle that.”
Tags: @deanwasscaredbyacat​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @muchamusedaboutnothing​ @defenderrosetyler​ @a-dorky-book-keeper​ @akshi8278​
165 notes · View notes
muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
PreCure stock footage
More pointless ponderings.
This is a comparison count of all the recurring attack animation sequences (meaning excluding one-time attacks) we’ve seen so far in Precure’s tv series. Done mainly because I wanted the numbers all on one page. :P
Of course, as I haven’t watched all the seasons (Futari to Splash Star) and my memory is crap, this should not be considered accurate. So any help correcting would be appreciated.
Originally, this was supposed to focus only on sub-attacks but that term’s definition seems to vary widely from season to season. So let’s not confuse ourselves with what counts as a “finisher” and what doesn’t and just stick with the general words “stock footage”.
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Futari wa [3?] - Marble Screw, Rainbow Therapy, Rainbow Storm
I’m reading here on the wiki that Rainbow Therapy is “hardly used”...I don’t really know what that means, hence the question mark if it counts as a recurring attack or not.
I also don’t want to include upgraded attacks as separate entries if there are hardly any significant differences between the original and the upgraded one (like StarPre’s) but when I compare it to Marble Screw...it seems okay in my book? Since I haven’t watched this season, I’m not confident enough to make the final call so I will leave it at 3 for now.
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Futari wa Max Heart [2?] - Heartiel Action, Extreme Luminario
Alright, Marble Screw Max is pretty much the same as the original with a little extra tacked onto the end. So technically, if there’s nothing else I’m missing, the count for this season should be 2. But still gonna leave room for debate.
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Splash Star [3?] - Twin Stream Splash, Spiral Heart Splash (2)
The two versions of Spiral Heart Splash are distinct enough from each other to count as separate.
Spiral Heart Splash Star is a one-time, final boss group attack so not gonna include it.
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Yes! 5 [7]
Individual Attacks [6] - Dream Attack, Crystal Shoot, Rouge Fire/Burning, Lemonade Flash/Shining, Mint Protection/Shield, Aqua Stream/Tornado
Group Attacks [1]: Five Explosion
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Yes! 5 GoGo [7]
Individual Attacks [6] - Shooting Star, Fire Strike, Prism Chain, Emerald Saucer, Sapphire Arrow, Milky Rose Blizzard/Metal Blizzard
Group Attacks [1]: Rainbow Rose Explosion
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Fresh [5]
Individual Attacks [4] - Love Sunshine Fresh, Espoir Shower Fresh, Healing Prayer Fresh, Happiness Hurricane
Group Attacks [1]: Lucky Clover Grand Finale
Not going to include Triple Fresh since it’s just a mash-up of three individual attacks.
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Heartcatch [10?]
Individual Attacks [7?] - Pink Forte Wave, Blossom Shower, Blue Forte Wave, Marine Shoot, Gold Forte Burst, Sunshine Flash, Silver Forte Wave
Group Attacks [3?] - Floral Power Fortissimo, Shining Fortissimo, Heartcatch Orchestra
This is where things start to get confusing with the introduction of sub-attacks. I’ve only included Blossom Shower, Marine Shoot and Sunshine Flash because it’s obvious they were meant to be shown as a set for the initial trio while everything else was done in real time.
And after debating about the Fortissimo ones, I decided that I’ll keep Shining as its own entry for now. Not quite happy about it (Shining is just old attacks laid out on top of one another with some minor new animation in between) but it doesn’t seem entirely right to call it just an upgrade either......I dunno.
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Suite [10]
Individual Attacks [7] - Music Rondo (2), Miracle Heart Arpeggio, Fantastic Piacere, Heartful Beat Rock, Sparkling Shower, Shining Circle
Group Attacks [3] - Passionato Harmony, Music Rondo Super Quartet, Suite Session Ensemble/Crescendo
...I think Suite has everyone else beat on having attacks with the longest names.
also, it’s a travesty that there is no HD video of Session Ensemble uploaded to youtube.
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Smile [7]
Individual Attacks [5] - Happy Shower, Sunny Fire, Peace Thunder, March Shoot, Beauty Blizzard
Group Attacks [2] - Rainbow Healing, Rainbow Burst/Royal/Ultra
Can’t remember how often the upgraded individual attacks were used but to my knowledge, there are no stock footage for those anyways.
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DokiPre [17]
Individual Attacks [14] - My Sweet Heart, Heart Shoot, Heart Dynamite, Twinkle Diamond, Diamond Shower, Diamond Swirkle, Rosetta Reflection, Rosetta Wall, Rosetta Balloon, Holy Sword, Sparkle Sword, Sword Hurricane, Ace Shot, Ace Mirror Flash
Group Attacks [3] - Lovely Force Arrow, Lovely Straight Flush, Royal Lovely Straight Flush
*whistles* Quite a jump in number of unique attacks. Just wait till HaCha.
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HaCha [20]
Individual Attacks [17] - Pinky Love Shoot, Passion Dynamite, Poppin’ Sonic Attack, Lovely Powerful Kiss, Blue Happy Shoot, Arabesque Shower, Hawaiian Alohaloe, Princess Windy Wink, Sparkling Baton Attack, Ribbon Heart Explosion, Maracas Rhythm Spark, Honey Temptation, Stardust Shoot, Starlight Ascension, Oriental Dream, Sakura Blizzard Dance, Emerald Illusion
Group Attacks [3] - Twin Miracle Power Shoot, Happiness Big Bang, Innocent Purification
Oh yea, if this wasn’t stock footage-restricted, HaCha would still go home with the prize and the cake because of the sheer number of sub-attacks not listed here.
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Go!Pri [18]
Individual Attacks [14] - Floral Tourbillon, Rose/Lys Tourbillon, Sakura Turbulence, Mermaid Ripple, Frozen/Bubble Ripple, Coral Maelstrom, Twinkle Humming, Full Moon/Meteor Humming, Galaxy Chorus, Phoenix Blaze, Scarlet Illusion, Scarlet Spark, Scarlet Flame, Scarlet Prominence
Group Attacks [4] - Trinity Lumiere, Trinity Explosion, Eclat Espoir, Grand Printemps
A lot of the secondary attacks are essentially the same thing but with different effects. Scarlet Spark and Flame almost look identical but the movements diverge once the attack is released so I consider them distinct from there.
Trinity Lumiere and Trinity Explosion would’ve been under just one entry, too, but the CGI animation leading up to the attack are different.
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MahoPre [9]
Individual Attacks [4] - Linkle Stone Spells (Miracle ver, Magical ver, Felice ver), Emerald Reincarnation
Group Attacks [5] - Diamond Eternal, Ruby Passionale, Sapphire Smartish, Topaz Esperanza, Extreme Rainbow
I’m glad that I changed it from sub-attacks to simply stock footage. Counting the same animation sequence thrice would just make my head spin worser.
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KiraPre [10]
Individual Attacks [7] - Whip Decoration, Custard Illusion, Gelato Shake, Macaron Julienne, Chocolat Aromase, Un - Deux - Tres Bien! Kirakuru Rainbow, Parfait Étoile
Group Attacks [3] - Three-2-Wonderful A La Mode, Animal Go Round, Fantastic Animale
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Hugtto [13]
Individual Attacks [9] - Heart For You, Flower Shoot, Heart Feather, Feather Blast, Heart Star, Star Slash, Heart Song & Dance, Macherie Poppin’, Amour Rock n’ Roll
Group Attacks [4] - Trinity Concert, Twin Love Rock Beat, Cheerful Attack, Tomorrow with Everyone
I know Heart Song and Heart Dance can be standalone attacks but since we didn’t get to see much of either of them before Macherie and Amour got their Twin Love Guitars not long after, then I count them as one. Also, Macherie and Amour are considered as one Cure split into two anyway so there’s that.
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StarPre [8]
Individual Attacks [6] - Star Punch, Milky Shock, Soleil Shoot, Selene Arrow, Rainbow Splash, Cosmos Shining
Group Attacks [2] - Southern Cross Shot, Star Twinkle Imagination
Again, how ironic is it that the season that touts the theme of imagination has the least creative stock footage across all variations in their attack arsenal?
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HealPre [tbd]
Individual Attacks [4?] - Healing Flower, Healing Stream, Healing Flash, Healing Hurricane
Group Attacks [1+] - Healing Oasis
Since the secondary elemental bottles barely have any animation sequence and don’t even include the Cures in them, they won’t be counted. 
That said, with the upcoming super form upgrade (new promo art has already been released), we know there will be one more group attack to be added. I suspect there might be another upgraded version of that super group attack as well so perhaps a total of 6 formal attack sequences for HealPre altogether.
Unless they plan to give the Cures individual attacks with that...needle arrow weapon whatever it is but I somewhat doubt it.....we’ll see.
Season with the most attack sequences: HaCha [20] Season with the most individual attack sequences: Hacha [17] Season with the most group attack sequences: MahoPre [5]
Top 5 Seasons w/greatest total # of attack sequences: HaCha [20], Go!Pri [18], DokiPre [17], Hugtto [13], Heartcatch/Suite/KiraPre [10]
Again, if I’m missing anything, let me know.
Updated 9/10/20
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mythriteshah · 4 years
Sleepover with the Angels
Thiji’s Angels: the ever-dependable and trustworthy entourage of the Mythrite Sultan’s retinue. These maidservants work tirelessly to maintain the integrity of the Regalia whenever their master is away or otherwise indisposed.  And on occasion, they conduct numerous operations and campaigns across the globe to deal with whatever threats may surface.  Delicate yet deadly, the Angels are the shining example of power and beauty – both of which they have in spades.
But whatever goes on through an Angel’s day, when they are not upholding the good name of the Higuri Regalia?  What activities await them when they are off-duty?  The answer one would find one day when Miss Kaori, one of the newest Angels to join the team, came upon a missive enveloped in an aroma unfamiliar to her.  She gave it to the Head Secretary of the Othard Branch – Yuanji Yuji – who immediately discerned the scent:
“Frankincense.  This is from Miss Susuna,” she deducted. Immediately after opening the letter to read its contents aloud, Yuanji and the others quickly gathered whatever they could within the next bell and made their way to the Shirogane docks, where the Mythril Wavetraders were anchored.  Their sisters from the Aldenard Branch had arrived as well, and their own personal effects and belongings were packed with the rest of the cargo.  Apparently they were already making their way to Hingashi to pick them up long before the message found its way to their mailbox!  Head Secretary Sesena hurriedly brought the others on board and ordered the merchant fleet to set sail for Thavnair.
About a half-bell before sunset, and everyone had arrived at Radz-at-Han, where they unloaded and transported the cargo over towards the Main Branch Headquarters.  There, a familiar face was awaiting them at the courtyard.
“Shiro!!” the Angels gasped.  This was Shiro Reina, their double agent downrange working for the Lion Order. She gave them a wink and took a large sip from the bowl of sake she delicately balanced on her hand.
“ようこそみなさん;点灯しています,” she uttered in her native tongue.
“Uh, care to translate, Miss Kaori?” asked Shishira.
“Shiro-San said, ‘Welcome, everyone.  It’s lit.’”
The Angels cheered and followed Shiro inside, where she would then lead them towards the newly-opened Servants’ Lounge whilst the Wavetraders hauled their cargo inside.  What was strange, however, was the attire the Angels were wearing: they all seemed to be dressed as if they were preparing to rest for the evening.  Nightgowns and nightcaps; slippers and pillows; even plush dolls in the likeness of the Mythrite Sultan.  But what could possibly constitute such a large gathering of the Angels under one roof, let alone all this cargo the Wavetraders were bringing? The answer would be made clear as the doors to the Servants’ Lounge swung wide open, revealing Treasurer Susuna with a *LARGE* glass of her favorite Bacchus Wine in hand:
“Welcome, girls, to our first-ever Regalia Slumber Party!” Susuna declared.  Everyone gave a loud cheer and entered the lounge, where they immediately broke out the food and drink.  “We’ve got a lot planned for this monumental occasion, but first, we gotta pay respects to an old friend.”
All the Angels took a glass of wine (or sake, for the Far Easterners) and gathered around a large portrait of a young Dunesfolk woman on the far side of the lounge.  She had eyes as white as snow, but blank.  Her hair was long and fuchsia with blue highlights, and in the portrait she wore a gown befitting that of a Sultana, her smiling visage bringing the entire picture to life.
Susuna took her place upon the balcony – her preferred perch and seat of power in the Servants’ Lounge – and turned to face the portrait. With a snap of her fingers, the gil which poured from the walls ceased, and all fell silent within seconds.  She then rose her glass to the portrait, and everyone else would follow suit.  Those who delivered the cargo also joined in the occasion.
“Angels and servants alike, we are here tonight to honor one of our fallen sisters: Lady Mamai Mai, whom was posthumously given the royal name of Sor for being the first – and only – Angel to have fallen in love with our master.  She was a young and promising Angel, who had a peerless gift for metallurgy, so puissant that not even the Calamity – which divested her of sight – could deter her mastery.  Only Althyk and Nymeia Themselves would know what events would have transpired have things went different in the Amphitheatre - whose name I can’t recall right now because I’m about four glasses in…”
“Akh Afah, Suna!” Lelena interjected.
“Thank you!  But without you, Lord Thiji wouldn’t have been the badass he is today, so here’s to you, Lady Mamai!  A sister; an Angel; a friend.  We know you’re watching us from on high, with wings you’ve so rightfully earned.  And even though we miss you and your cotton-candied sweetness that you always brought to us, we know your spirit will be with us to join in this celebration.  You won’t be forgotten, and every Angel who has come after you shall know your name, that your legacy may live on through our hearts and souls! Your vision was greater than any in all the land.  And once you’re done rejoicing with us, may you find peace in the aetherial plane. To Lady Mamai!”
“To Lady Mamai!” everyone echoed before finishing their drink. Susuna especially took hers to the head, falling over the railing just as she finished it.  Fortunately, she landed conveniently in the arms of Isja, who gave a playful wink to the Treasurer before setting her back down. With their remembrance concluded, it was finally the hour to commence the festivities.  The slumber party kicked off with a tournament of the popular card game which swept the realm: Triple Triad.  While it was tempting for Shiro, Yuanji, Kaori, and Koyuki, they preferred Doman Mahjong instead, so they played amongst themselves and watched their fellow Angels duke it out on the 3-by-3 battlefield…
Susuna: All right, girls!  Remember: the regional rules are Ascension and Three Open!  Match rules are Plus and Same!
Lilina: What?! Since when?!  I checked the rules for Thavnair the night before and they were Sudden Death and Chaos!  How did they change so quickly?!
Sosona: I remember hearing that one of the noble houses’ aristocrats spoke to some queer Hyur chick standing in the middle of Radz-at-Han the other day.
Luluma: Oh, I’ve heard of her!  Brunette; white dress; red bolero; blue jewel over her forehead?
Sosona: Yeah, the very same.  Fancied herself the “Queen of Cards”.  She seems to plant herself in areas with high foot traffic, but is never seen walking for some reason.  Anyway, the aristocrat paid her to change Thavnair’s rules because she has that much influence over the game.
Lilina: Well, how much did they pay her?!
Sosona: Thirty thousand gil.
Lilina: That’s it?! Suna could practically sneeze out five times that much given how opulent we are!
Susuna: I’ll take that as a compliment!  Now, let’s get to playing!
The tournament finally went underway, and the Angels commenced battle. They gave it their all in the battle of wits and expensive cardboard, but not everyone can be a winner.  One by one did they fall before their sisters through superior strategy and no small amount of luck, but only two would be left standing.  The time of the finals came, and it was down to Himmeya and Isja, who surprised everyone with her burgeoning skill.  The Far Eastern Angels halted their Mahjong to watch the finals match…
Lilina: After this night is over, I’m hunting down that “Queen of Cards” and changing the rules!  Stupid Ascension really cost me this tournament!
Luluma: Lina, you didn’t even make it through the preliminaries.
The other Angels couldn’t help but laugh at the remark.
Sesena: But I didn’t expect Himmeya to come in here with that deck of hers!  Where’d you learn to play like that?
Sarielle: And more importantly, why are all her cards Garlean?
Himmeya: I had a lot of time to play during my time serving the Resistance.  As for the cards, I beat up a few conscripts for them.
Shishira: Uh, does she mean that figuratively, or literally?
Himmeya: Yes.
Everyone paused to stare at Himmeya, who had a big question mark on her face.
Himmeya: What?  They were just hiding out around Gyr Abania at the time and I wanted to challenge them. They didn’t seem very belligerent, so I figured a game of Triple Triad wouldn’t hurt.  Though there was this one guy in the Ala Mhigan Quarter who got all uppity because he beat me, shouting “Glory Garlemald” this and “Unwashed savage” that, so I decked him.
Sarielle: Now I see why she likes hanging out in the Azim Steppe during work.
Veeveena: In her defense, such responses are justified given their history.
Umimi: Seconded!
Kaori: Quite the bloodthirsty Lalafells, I see…
Yuanji: We got to be a little blood-crazy to protect our lord.
Isja: With that out of the way – come, Himmeya.  Let us see who shall walk away as champion tonight!
With the banter concluded, the finals began.  Himmeya put up a fierce offensive with her Garlean deck, but Isja was able to hold her ground with her Primals, taking inspiration from the Eikon Collection.  The two fought with such skill that they were able to reach Sudden Death thrice, with the Ascension rule playing both to their advantage and disadvantage. However, something would catch Lilina’s eye…
Lilina: Wait… I noticed something!  Garuda… Lakshmi… Shiva… Susanoo… Ravana… Those are the primals either Lord Thiji or the Angels have faced!
Isja: Yes.  This deck serves as a reminder of the life our Mythrite Sultan has led to reach the position of power he currently holds.  The strength of these otherworldly beings shall see me through this day.
Himmeya: Respectable, Isja, but you forgot about my trump card – literally!
With a flourish, Himmeya slammed down the final card on the northeast corner that would seal Isja’s fate…
Isja: Oh, no… with her lower-left stats now at “A”, that means…!
With Shiva and Ravana surrounding Yotsuyu, the rules of Same and Plus activate, resulting in them both being captured, and a combo that swept the board, taking Grynewaht, Lakshmi, Susanoo, Gaius, and Nael, and claiming the entire board for Himmeya, save for Garuda.
Susuna: And just like that, in an incredible finish, our own Ala Mhigan mauler takes the title of Triple Triad Champeen!
Isja: Well, I suppose one of us must excel at something.
Himmeya: Hahah!  You were a good opponent, Isja!  Let’s duel again sometime!
Isja: Deal.  But this time, it will be on my battlefield: in fashion!
Susuna hands the trophy over to Himmeya: a gilded card with outspread wings, commemorating her place as champion.  With Triple Triad now knocked out, the party would resume apace. First, the Angels set up dummies in a row and showed off their ranged prowess.  Sesena decapitated her target’s head clean with a Shield Lob; Umimi created a breaching wound with her deadly Tomahawk; Kaori utilized her Samurai powers to send a blade of force to slice her dummy to ribbons – the Tachi: Enpi; Luluma and Isja, the resident Lancers, practiced their deadly accuracy through the Piercing Talon technique, skewering their targets with ease; Shiro and Yuanji brought the Far Eastern flair, turning their dummies into pincushions in a flash of Throwing Daggers.
Himmeya, being the only remaining Angel, nodded to the others’ fine work.  Then she cracked her knuckles and concentrated her chi, giving Koyuki the signal to launch a Water spell at the Fist of Rhalgr disciple.  She captured the Fluid Aura into her arms and made a flowing series of movements which molded the waters into tendril-like extensions of her arms, effectively increasing her striking range.  She then utilized this Fists of Water technique to grab the striking dummy by the arms, snapping them with her aqueous appendages. Then she would deliver a punch to the chest and sent it flying.
“Monks may not be good at fighting from a distance, but that’s because they’re too small-minded!” the Fist of Rhalgr disciple chided, which gave cause for the Angels to cheer.  Their evening of merriment resumed with a variety of different activities, from light dancing and music, to combat demonstrations, and even some showcases of the latest fashion designs from the Regalia's think tank, courtesy of Isja. The drink flowed like the Thaliak River, and aided in prolonging the festivities well into the long hours of the night.  Save for Himmeya, who stuck primarily to lemonade, every other Angel had surrendered to the pure inebriation wrought from their rampant revelry - the one affected the most being Susuna, who was sitting atop the gil pile as if it were her own personal throne (which it kind of is).  Her fellow Angels were either resting on the floor, on a sofa, or over the railing on the floor above.
Their time of fun had obviously begin to wind down at this point, at which Sesena stirred from her stupor to speak with her sisters-in-arms...
Sesena: All right, girls.  I think now's the time we addressed the marid in the room!
Lilina: There's, like... four marids around the lounge, though!
Sosona: Idiom, Lilina.
Kaori: What does Sesena-San mean about this?
Umimi: Well, it can't possibly be about why Thavnair's joining the Blitzball Association, so it can only mean...
Sesena, pointing to a Thiji plush doll: Yup!  Our lovable lord and Sultan, Thiji sor Higuri!
Lelena: What of our beautiful lord?  Did something happen to him?
Sesena: Not what happened, but is happening now!
Meriri: The lass is talkin' about our lordship's marital conundrum!
Sesena: Thank you, Consultant of Metals!  So, as you all know - save for you, Miss Kaori, as you are still new -
Kaori: No offense taken.
Sesena: Our Mythrite Sultan's about to reach his twenty-eighth Nameday.  More importantly, this will be his twenty-eighth Nameday spent single!  And while this may not be of much concern to most... the guy needs a Sultana, as much as he may not let that on!
Isja: Who could possibly amount to the brilliance that is our Sultan?  The man has molded himself into a bastion of beauty and power - so much so that even I will admit that I had fallen for him at one point.
Sosona: We all have, Isja.  It's okay.
Isja: Are you certain?
Himmeya: Well, not me.  It was mostly for his impressive combat prowess he showed all those summers ago.
Sesena: It's thanks to Lady Mamai's sacrifice that there is a "No Dating Angels" policy!  He may love us like his own daughters, but it's because of what happened in Coerthas that he doesn't want that emotional attachment to happen again! And at no offense to Lady Mamai, I'm glad that was implemented!
Lelena: I heard you entertained the thought of dating him after a talk with Lady Tahrara some time ago!
Sesena: So?!
The Angels laughed.  However, Shishira went silent, as it was obvious that she harbors feelings for the Mythrite Sultan.  Veeveena took noticed and gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
Lilina: Even still, he attracts a lot of attention from the females, no matter their race!  I mean, look at him!  Any woman of any race with a love of Lalafells would take one look at him and they'd get hotter than the 4th Astral Moon!
Sosona: Too bad most of them are too busy getting hot from chasing tail.
Sarielle: In all aspects of the phrase, I take it?
Sosona: You know it.  The ailurophilia and herpetophilia’s running rampant across the land, and it’s become a big deal to us as of late.
Lelena: Our Chief Analytics Officer, hard at work!
Shishira: I believe the Sagolii Merchant Queen collects those tails and consumes them as delicacies...
Koyuki: Hm?  How are you aware of this, Miss Shishira?
Shishira: I... may have glimpsed a few things during my tutelage under her.  Queen Chichibi's awfully passionate about collecting them.
Yuanji: She and Sosona have a point, though.  Many people seem to go after Miqo'te and Au Ra for some reason. We of the Far East have especially taken notice of this and it's become a cause for alarm for us, especially when they began adapting our customs.  What is it about the tailed races that makes them so much more desirable than others?  I will honestly admit that even I wonder at times why there aren’t --
Himmeya: Er, Head Secretary, there is no possible way to explain that right now without inciting some kind of riot.
Yuanji: How so?  No one is listening in somehow, are they?
Himmeya: ... Angel's intuition dictates that the matter should be left where it is.
Kaori: I fail to see the appeal.  Lord Thiji is an iconic figure upon merchants and nobles alike.  It was my understanding that many would be attracted to the sight and promise of coin.  Why should race play so huge a factor in this?
Susuna, finally having enough of the debacle, groaned loud enough for it to echo throughout the Servants' Lounge, commanding the attention of the others.  She then shifted her weight ever-so slightly that she slid down from her throne of gil and landed smoothly at the base of the fountain, her full wine glass unmarred.
Susuna: Honestly, girls.  The answer’s right in front of you as if you slipped and fell into Nophica’s massive rack! No more pulling punches here; I'm gonna tell you all why it's not happening.
After taking a moment to gulp down her wine before tossing it aside (Shiro easily caught it so as to prevent it from shattering), Susuna hopped on the fountain and reclined so that her back laid upon the mountain of gil.
Meriri: The answer bein'...?
Susuna: The status quo!
Umimi: "Status what"?
Susuna: Status quo; the current state of affairs.
Isja: I'm afraid you've lost me, Miss Susuna.
Susuna: Don't worry, I've got an epexegesis ready for you!  I, my sisters, Lelena and her sisters, and even Miss Veeveena have been with Lord Thiji since the beginning - before the Angels were even formed!  Ever since the Sagolii Desert shenanigans, Lord Thiji's had te-heh-heh-herrible luck with the fairer sex!  Miss Shishira, I'm sorry -
Shishira: I'm over it.  I was his first crush, and I disregarded it for Memejora...
Umimi: That you had the courage to state this tonight makes you the bravest of us all.
Susuna: And there's no lie here that you'd have been an incredible match for Lord Thiji were things different!  But that's beside the point - somewhat.  What I'm trying to say is this: the Mythrite Sultan's single because the Twelve know it and are keeping it that way!
Sarielle: Oh, my.  She's had so much Bacchus Wine that it's poisoned her thought process...
Susuna: It's the truth!  Because think about it: if Lord Thiji ended up with the right woman, he'd take over the godsdamned world!  He’d already make the Syndicate jealous from the wealth he's amassed, and if the ideal lady were to come into his life and finally become his Sultana, there'd be no stopping the Regalia's sphere of influence from expanding!  Every attempt he's ever had at courting a woman has blown up in his face because there's no one in this world who can handle one of the most elegant men in Radz-at-Han becoming an item!  It's why his twin brother took the burden off him somewhat by making Lady Mimizo a grandsire!
Umimi, giggling: Guilty as charged!
Susuna: It's not uncommon knowledge that the Valide Sultan favors her firstborn the most - he's had the most potential, and has shown it well!  And every loving mother wants to see their children succeed!  But she's still holding out on hope that her firstborn will find someone!
Isja: Not to mention his romantic dream... I heard that, too, was shattered.
Susuna: Thanks for reminding me!  All the crap he's put up with as an adventurer molded him into the martial and magical badass that he is today!  This reinforces my argument; the Mythrite Sultan's a god among men, and he's immortalized himself on numerous occasions!  I bet any of our honorary Angels would also say the same!  But man, did he look so regal in that Sorceress's Knight armor...
Himmeya: I guess dating auctions are out of the question...
Susuna: He'd only entertain that nonsense just to see what the smallfolk think he's worth!
Meriri: The Treasurer's startin' to speak some sense, actually... But the lord's a recluse!  He's so focused on his work that he doesn't have time fer such frivolities!
Susuna: Because he knows that the powers that be have screwed him over so much that it's not worth trying!  With the possibility of a love interest pretty much balled up and thrown out the window, he’s had more time than ever to focus on his work!
Veeveena: Well, it is said that true love comes when you least expect it!
Susuna gave a hearty laugh in response to the Main Branch Advisor's comment.
Susuna: If that were true, then we wouldn't have this discussion!  And Menphina forfend that doesn't come true right as our lord is on his deathbed and some floozy comes barging in giving her teary confessions of love to the man! I only hope that one of us is in the room at that moment to plant one between the bitch's eyes to save whatever dignity remains of the moment!
Kaori: Susuna-San truly is a spectacle to behold...
Sosona: This is honestly her thought process - only slightly skewed when she's drunk.  But I’ll keep it one-hundred just as my sister is: if any of us had the honor of being his Sultana, it’d be you, Veeveena.  No one else is as deadly or as beautiful as yourself.  The heirs you two would sire would be something to behold.
Veeveena: Stop it, Miss Sosona!  I only wish to serve alongside our Sultan!  
Umimi: Everyone here would agree that a flower born of Thavnair such as yourself would be the ideal mate for my brother-in-law!  I had almost sought to abdicate my position as Head Secretary and become Advisor in your stead!
Veeveena: Lady Umimi, you’re much too kind.  Just the honor of being with Lord Thiji is enough to bring fulfillment to my life!  Being an Angel has helped with that immensely!
Susuna: Well, if anyone would have to step up to bat, it’s you.  While it’s no secret that Lalafell have heritage from both clans, The Higuri family’s lineage has been predominantly Dunesfolk for as long as any of them can remember!  And he’s the oldest of a set of octuplets, and he’s an uncle of two, so their line is more than secure!  In fact, by that logic, Lady Umimi should no longer be an Angel, but I’m not gonna argue with long-lost Nymian royalty, either!
Umimi: Which is why I wanted to step down from the position of Head Secretary!  An Angel married into the family would definitely spark a conflict of interest, but I’m only wed to the Regalia’s Adjutant!  
Susuna: Speaking of which, going back to what Sena said about the “No Dating Angels” policy – we’re not. His.  Harem.  Many people will see a bunch of ladies under the same room and start jumping to conclusions over that, only to be proven dead wrong in the end – literally. And this further backs up my point! People think that having all of us under his wing is merely a means of seeing who will earn his favor and putting a ring on it.
Sarielle: And yet I hear Nobles having affairs with their own servants numerous occasions. You would think that individuals of such high social standing would face little issues concerning the pleasures of the flesh.
Susuna: Re: "No Dating Angels"! Calling Lord Thiji’s Angels a harem is an insult not only to the Regalia and its employees, but to Lady Mamai as well! And we’re not gonna dishonor everything she did just to have the public view us as such!  We’re his army of assassin-maidservants, and it’s gonna stay that way!
Lelena, to Sesena: Your sister, the demagogue, hard at work!
Sesena: She’s not wrong.  Even I’m growing concerned over the fact.  While people have begun jokingly referring to Lord Thiji as the Mythrite Bachelor, that as well is becoming something of a trend.
Luluma: Our Sultan can’t help it; everything transpiring around the realm sort of gets in the way of such efforts.  Problems from abroad have escalated thanks to the appearance of those towers everywhere, not to mention factors beyond our control, like people’s preferences.  We may as well start sending missives to prospective suitresses.
Susuna: And hurt the Mythrite Sultan’s dignity?!  Not happening!  Let’s not waste funding on postage for that! Plus I heard they tried making a show about that once...
Shishira: But, it doesn’t even cost anything to use mail.
Susuna: The fact of the matter is that if we force this, the results are gonna be catastrophic!
Sarielle: But we cannot remain idle for too long if we truly wish to assist in his predicament.
Isja: Agreed.  I know firsthand that Valide Sultan would be very cross should he reach his thirtieth Nameday without a suitable mate.
Sosona: Well, I don’t think half-Lalafell, half-Viera children are being brought to the table, if that’s what you’re implying.
Isja: Very funny.  I am perfectly fine serving as his prime model.
Susuna: Look, we just gotta keep doing what we’re doing, and if something finally happens, we gotta make sure that whoever has their eyes set on the Mythrite Sultan isn’t either doing it for the money, is out to kill him, or worse!
Just then, they would all receive a ring from their linkpearls, to which they would promptly answer.
?: Good evening, Angels.
Angels: Good evening, Lord Thiji!
Thiji: I sincerely apologize for interrupting your meticulously-planned slumber party, but a thought had just occurred to me that the season of spring is close to arriving.  We must begin preparations for the fourth Regalia Largesse.  With the strange appearance of the towers, our more militaristic efforts have been curtailed somewhat, which will allow us to focus more on our events.  I have already gotten in touch with our merchant fleet to prepare our reserve stock, for there are still many items we’ve left over from the previous summer we can still offer to the masses.  Until then, however, you Angels enjoy your rest for tonight and the rest of this sennight. We will reconvene later this moon to divulge further details.
Angels: Thank you, Lord Thiji!
Thiji: Of course, my beloved Angels.  Enjoy your party.
The transmission ended and everyone rejoiced once more as the lounge rang with their jubilant cries.  Due to their intoxicated state, however, they did not celebrate for too long until they collapsed to the floor in a comedic fashion.  The issue regarding the Sultan’s courtship would have to wait.
For now, it was time for the Angels’ beauty sleep.
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am-imagines · 5 years
Legendary Pt. 2 Morgan!Reader
Here we go, guys! Fluffy route for those that want a proud AM.
Warnings: None.
Italic is the broadcast of the game. Something R doesn’t hear but I thought it was a nice touch to the story. I hope you guys like it!
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You’ve heard that word a thousand times over the last few weeks. It appeared for the first time when the roster was announced and it has followed you all the way to Australia. They want to know if you can keep the Morgan legacy alive, and you wonder how it can die after the things your mom did.
Nervous energy fills your body while you stand in line for the National Anthems. It seems like forever before you’re ready to start the game. You shake your shoulders and everything is left behind; the doubts, the questions and inquiries about this team or your preparation.
The entire world is looking at you; the stadium is filled to the brim and you have no doubt this World Cup will shatter past audience records. Some people believe in you, others don’t. By the end of the tournament, they will. You’re gonna make them believers.
“Let’s give it all, ladies!” Krash shouts from the goal.
This is your moment.
All the attention is on the USWNT on their first game and you’re gonna take this chance to prove yourself. It’s time to show who you are on your own, and make the Morgan name rise again along with a whole country that is just as hungry for this cup as you are.
     “Number thirteen returns to the field for the USA and I’m sure everybody is           waiting to see if she follows the steps of the great Alex Morgan. Only time          will tell, and it’s time for the first 90 minutes on this World Cup for the dream        team.”
You kick the ball into action and the game begins.
Running on the field is part of you by now, and you turn into a totally different person then. You follow the ball, plan the next pass before it gets to you. You’re not just a player, you’re a planner and have an innate ability to see plays no one else does.
Germany is a tough team; a challenge on itself and it’s almost impossible to crack their defensive line. Not a single ball makes it through them for the first twenty-five minutes or so, but that doesn’t stop you.
You try new things and observe how they react. You analyze their strengths and weaknesses, by the thirtieth minute you have a plan.
“Pick and roll, Press!” You say when she jogs past you.
The term belongs to a completely different sport, but that’s the strategy. Press knows exactly what you’re talking about, and so does Long when you give her the same instruction a minute later. You stay close to each other as you move forward, passing and moving, never keeping the ball too long to be tackled.
It’s a triple threat and Germany doesn’t know how to stop you.
Press moves with the agility you’ve seen in old Tobin Heath’s videos. She creates space between two defenders and Long takes her chances. Her shot is deflected and the ball finds you almost by accident.
Time seems to slow down as you shift your body for the perfect shot. You have just enough space and the right angle so you don’t overthink it. You have a mean left foot and don’t hesitate to use it. When the ball leaves your boot, you have a great feeling and you follow the arch the spheric makes through the air.
    “That’s a goal! Oh, what an amazing goal from Y/N Morgan to open the                 score! An incredible play by the USA finished with a delightful shot. Buckle           your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen! Morgan is back in the building, and            she brought pure magic with her.”
You don’t even know if the roar on your ears is the crowd cheering or your heartbeat going haywire. It doesn’t matter when your teammates reach you and jump into your open arms. That’s all you can do to celebrate.
Two minutes later the excitement of the first goal is forgotten to focus back on the game.
This team is hungry for victories.
You want to win it all; the match, the group, the cup.
It’s a constant grind lived minute by minute. Relaxing too much after a goal can be a lethal mistake; one you don’t make. You’re back on your A-game when the match resumes and you’re still in that mindset after half-time.
Germany adapts to your game quicker than you’d have liked it. Chances are few and far between without a clear look. They win most of the balls in the air and the physical aspect of the game starts wearing you down at the 70’ mark.
If there’s a thing that defines you is that you don’t give up, ever.
You wouldn’t be a Morgan or a part of this National Team otherwise. 
The clock is running out fast so you do whatever you can; run faster, play harder, don’t give up. You draw a foul. It’s not the first one you receive, but you’re going to make this one count.
Take a deep breath, you tell yourself when O’Hara is ready to take the free kick. You call for the ball, and then show the world why you’re a forward. You jump with all your might; timing it as much as you’re able to, and it’s just an inch higher than your mark. It’s just an inch but it allows you to connect a header and the ball finds nothing but net.
      “Goal for the USA! Morgan with her second goal of the match with only a              few minutes to spare on this encounter. The dream of America is more alive        than ever, and I’m sure this game feels like a dream to Y/N.”
You can’t believe it.
You can’t believe it even when the crowd goes wild or when your teammates tackle you by accident before hopping on top of you. You can’t believe it when you look at the scoreboard. You shout “Yes!” as they laugh with you.
O’Hara; Janice, helps you to your feet and you take it all in.
People are jumping up and down in the stands, cheering louder than ever for a team they believe in. You pat the number on the front of your jersey before pointing to the stands. You wear the thirteen because Alex will always be watching your back, and she’s somewhere in that stadium; as proud as a mother can be.
Pinoe subs you out with five minutes left, and if the ovation you receive is any indication, she wanted you to have that moment of glory.
“Great game, Morgan.” Sonnett says as you make your way to the bench.
Exhaustion doesn’t compare to the thrill of your first World Cup game and when the whistle is blown to end the match, you run to meet with the rest of the team.
This is one of those moments you wish you could share with your family. You’ve been on camp for a small eternity, or at least it feels like that, and you miss them terribly.
“Morgan!” A reporter calls when you make it to the tunnel. “Could you answer some questions for us?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Harris gives you a high five when she passes by and then you’re in front of a camera.
“Y/N, what a delightful way to start the tournament, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely. Germany is a really good team. They made us think out of the box and challenged us to find new ways to play when our initial tactics didn’t work as well as we wanted. It was an exciting game and we’re glad to get the win. But, we also understand that this is just the first step, we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves. We haven’t won the cup yet, and ultimately, that’s what we’re here for.”
Even the post-game interview feels out of this world, and you can’t stop smiling.
“There was a lot of expectations about having you on the field today. Should go without saying that you didn’t disappoint. Two goals for you today, how do you feel?”
“I was fortunate enough to score twice on this match, but it was a team effort. We’ve worked really hard to be the best we can, and it paid off. Hard work, consistency and determination were on the field today. I couldn’t have done that without Press, Long and the rest of the girls by my side, you know?”
“Do you think Morgan is back as some fans call it?”
“I’m proud of being a Morgan and proud of wearing the same number my mom did. I understand people want to see the next Alex Morgan, but let me tell you, I’m not. Mom is a three time world champion. She won gold medals at the Olympics, golden boots everywhere and broke endless records. I’m just starting my journey. But she taught me to work hard and to never give up. That’s what you can expect from me.”
“Thank you for your time, Y/N. Enjoy your victory.”
With one last smile and a wave, you finally make it into the locker room.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby.” Alex says from the screen of your tablet. “You did an amazing job today and I couldn’t be prouder. You are exceptional, Y/N. Don’t forget that.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“You should get some rest now. World Cups are really tough on the body. And hey, I’m always here if you need me. No matter what happens, I’m here.”
“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You snuggle further into your pillow; tiredness taking over, but you want a few extra minutes with your mom. She’s so close, but camp has some restrictions. You knew it, and this is not too different from college. Still, you wish she could hug you right now.
“Of course, my darling.”
“Love you.”
She waits until you’re fast asleep before disconnecting the call but not before muttering: “I love you too, my sweet girl. Goodnight.”
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bonatosca · 5 years
Investigator Mr. Park
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Reader X Jinyoung Genre: Investigation stuff - Horror - Thriller - Romance Warnings: Dead body - Blood Word count: 1.8k ​Chapter 2. Catherine
  Waking up by the sound of your alarm at 7 in the morning. You get off bed, stretching while walking towards the kitchen. Grabbing some bread and putting it in the roaster.
Let’s be real, sometimes it’s nice to eat toast with Nutella.
You grab the Nutella and grab your now toasted bread, and smear a whole thick layer of nutella on it and shove it right in your mouth. You turn around and jumped in the air “JACKSON WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” still in fear because one of your friends, well actually ex-boyfriend, got into your apartment.
He shakes his keys “Remember, I still have your key” he said raising an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah right, forgot. But hey Jack, why are you here?” you grab the TV remote control and put on the news, taking another bite of your toast.
“Ah just felt like it, I feel at home when I am in your apartment” he said while smiling.
Sometimes your heart still skips a beat at him, you still kind of like him, but not in the way you both used to be in. But hey he was a great kisser tho!
You look at the clock, not even thinking of the time ever since you made your toast. “SHIT sorry Jackson I need to change and go to work” just as your phone rings, Donghyun. You grab your phone and immediately answer it.
“Hey Donghy-” You got cut of from a hysterical Donghyun
“YOU NEED TO COME, I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, I JUST GOT.. I JUST” You sighed, knowing how stressed this boy can get. Looking behind you, you see a worrying Jackson sitting on the couch, kind of like he is a question mark above his head.
“Donghyun calm down, breath in breath out. Ok now tell me what is wrong” You said calmly but knowing there is something wrong at the office, Donghyun is always the first to arrive so yeah he probably knows something.
“Cath.. Catherine is dead inside her office! THERE IS A WHOLE BLOOD BATH IN HERE” Eyes shot open at his words.
“Ok call the others, and stay calm Donghyun I know how stressed out you can get, I will come immediately” You hang up, ran towards your bedroom, changed as fast as possible and ran towards the door, almost forgetting Jackson was there.
“Hey y/n, something wrong with work or?” He looks concerned at you with his puppy eyes. Gosh he is such a Wang Puppy. This boy.
“Yeah Donghyun told that my boss is kind of dead in our office and he is freaking the hell out, so I really need to go now, sorry Jackson bye!” You wave at him before you rushed towards the office.
Already seeing a lot of police cars and an ambulance standing in front of the office you show your badge to get inside and finding an hysterically Donghyun standing in front of the office door.
“Hey Donghyun, is anybody else already here? We need to get inside, or at least I need to get inside, you stay out here ok?” He nodded, you gave him a hug to reassure him, looked him in the eye and nodded. You gave him a pat on his shoulder before you enter and walk towards the end of the hall to see Catherines office filled with blood and her dead body.
You take one step back, before feeling a hand on your own shoulder. “She was murdered last night I think, it’s not sure yet, the doctor will examine her” you look around, wanting to know who was talking to you and you find Jinyoung at your side. “It’s brutal, she has over fifty stabbing wounds all over her body, someone clearly hated her” he said.
Donghyun would’ve freak out if he knew this information.
“Did Donghyun called you to?” You asked looking at the people working on Catherine.
“No, I was already on the way, I think he might’ve been calling you while I arrived. He kind of was hysterically?” You laughed, even though you know it wasn’t the right time for it, but only because you knew your friend way to good.
“Yeah he always does that, but he is smart and knows how to look things up, so he mostly doesn’t come to crime scenes”
Jinyoung nodded “Yeah thought so, it’s not good having a scared guy at the crime scene. Oh give me a second, I need to call someone” you nodded, Jinyoung walked outside.
You took a step forward seeing something was off, a picture there was a blood fingerprint on the guy in the picture. Seeing it you rush towards your desk and grab your gloves and immediately got back to the picture and grab it. “Who is this guy? I have never seen it, nor has Catherine spoken about him, talk about it I have never seen this picture before” You take a closer look.
“Something's off?” Jinyoung is back standing an inch away while looking at the picture.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen it before, it’s strange.. She doesn’t even have a boyfriend or a husband and she doesn’t even talk to family so yeah it is strange” You put it away on the same place and turned towards Jinyoung.
“I think I might have seen him once, but I am not sure when and where” he said while thinking. “Oh? Could he have been a culprit for another crime maybe?” You suggested. He nodded, and ran towards a desk looking up the culprits from last year. “I think I might have seen him last year, let me look him up” You ran after him and looking together at the screen. The ambulance taking Catherine away, you look at them while they get out of the office knowing her body will be in good hands. Even if you hated her you can’t help but let a small tear escape, feeling a little shit on how you reacted to her yesterday about working together with Jinyoung. He actually works pretty well and is moving fast from one to two. It’s kind of like how you like to work on your own, but now with two. Thinking now it may come some fight, because when you have an idea you want to do it, if Jinyoung doesn’t want to what the hell will you do then? Well yeah this will be a challenge but now you have lost another person you knew very well, so it can’t be otherwise, you have to.
“Found him! Lee Donghoon. He was in involved in the triple murder of last year, he murdered three millionaires where he was in debt by, and put in prison for life” he said while pointing at the screen, you look at the guy on the picture and it was indeed him.
“How the hell did she know him then? And when would have that picture taken, and wait! It looks like Donghwasa Temple!” You look closer, maybe they were siblings since they actually look pretty much alike.
“Let’s go to Seoul prison and interview the guy! He kind of looks like Catherine and he may know something” You said grabbing Jinyoung’s shoulder. He grabbed your arm to get it off him. “Not so hasty now, I will first call them, see what’s going on he maybe could have escaped. If we would have gotten there and he is not there, yeah we traveled for nothing huh” he said with one raised brow.
Well there it was, you know you are hasty but you want this fast over with, but it kind of feels like you will be handling this situation together with Jinyoung. You sighed and nodded while he grabbed his phone to make a call.
You walk towards the exit and seeing a still not calm Donghyun standing in front of you.
“Y/n.. she is dead! How do we work now? She has been murdered in our office!” you slap his face, knowing that it is the only way to calm him down.
“Sjeez Donghyun calm down will you, I know she was our boss but still man up and grow some balls, even Jinyoung said it kind of like that” you laughed at him.
“H-he did?” his face flushed, grabbed the edge of his jacket and straightened it out. “I am ready! Can I work with you together y/n? Please I am scared”
“No, you will stay out of it, unless we need you, go home and take a rest before you stress out the rest of the people here, man up and grow some balls” you laughed knowing it was Jinyoung who was standing right behind you.
You gave Donghyun an ‘ok’ sign and gave him a hug. “Go home and rest up, you need it, it’s weekend tomorrow, I think I will need to work so yeah, I will call you when I know more ok Donghyun? Please calm yourself, have some fun with your roommate Mark, he can cheer you up” he nodded, almost kind of crying. This baby, he is such a scaredy cat. You gave him another hug before he went home. “Yes you will be working all weekend, this is gonna be fun. Let’s go to Seoul, he is still serving his prison time” he said, you nodded while walking with him towards his car.
An awkward silence.. a long awkward one. “So yeah, how long have you worked as an investigator?” You asked trying to break the ice, with no success because his answer was short without asking any further or talking about it.
“For two years” he said. “Ah ok” you awensered not knowing what to talk about any further. It was deadly awkward, and it was not even fun, maybe for him since he looks really cool under it, but you oh you hated silence, well except when you were home, then you loved it. Sometimes having Donghyun at your place, or even Jackson like this morning. Talking about Jackson, you grabbed your phone wanting to text him.
“Not texting to others about this ok?” he said while his hand was above your phone. You completely understand why he said it, because you also wouldn’t let anyone know about cases you are working on, you can’t trust anyone while you are doing an investigation.
“I just want to let my friend know I am ok, he was at my apartment this morning while I got a call from Donghyun and he was pretty worried so yeah I have to let him know” He didn’t answer and just looked at the road ahead of him.
Y/n 9:03 Hey Jackson, I am alright but I need to work. It may take a while, it might be that I won’t come home this week. Call or text me if you need anything
Putting your phone back in your pocket, it will be a long road to Seoul, three hours to get there.
“You can take a nap while I will drive to Seoul, so just relax” Jinyoung said, you nodded thinking it might be a good thing to do since this might be the only break you will get today. _______________________________________________ Previous Chapter | - _______________________________________________ Wow guys thank you so much for the likes on the previous chapter! I wan’t expecting that. It’s a bit of a shorter chapter, but my mind went almost blank at the endig.
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dememarquette · 5 years
Midnight Caller
Adria's day went as well as they usually do.
Training drills. Stake outs. Patrols. It was all very normal if you didn't know better.
But she did. She felt it; Heaven was perpetually on edge. The polarizing shadow war had made itself into the atmosphere and into routine- the specifics of which she only knew from 'mistakes' as a lowly pawn, and the details she gleaned inbetween. At this point, the increase of raids was normalized. It was ordinary to systematically sneak out demon operations, no matter how trivial the charges. Specialized drills were more frequent, too.
All of the added procedures were tying her guts into knots. The situation was becoming more and more wrong each passing day, but there was no trade-off. There hasn't been an update in months. The park was in limbo. They  were asking every other time she dropped by until eventually realizing she had nothing to give. And may never. Cheerful as they were, nobody liked the quiet. Suspense bothered her, for their sake, for hers. Playing the long game in subterfuge meant she lived life in paranoia, yet not one iota of it was concerned with Hell. She was as scared of a demon as her shadow, but Heaven. Heaven was something to be feared.
She didn't know what to consider her role in this. Double-crossing? Triple? She tried not to think on it. It'd only get her worked up, but when that inevitably failed, she realized no treasonous term felt right. She didn't hate Heaven. She wasn't actively working against it. It's just her allegiance didn't fall into carefully sectioned off labels and sectors- it fell into place by virtue. And reason.
But being screamed at all day that her reasoning was wrong and flawed bred self-doubt. Her mind never seemed to shut off, even after the mission reports were read, and the raids concluded.
She lounged on her couch. Muscles in her back and shoulders were rigid after a stressful day, but there was one thing that always seemed to help: Colin. On top of everything she supposed she should feel guilty about that too but she absolutely did not. It was a little piece of wrong that felt right.
COLIN: How was work, sweetie?
He wrote. He just got off shift at a private rodeo show where it was not the bulls being wrangled. Her phone, thankfully, does not receive pictures but needless to say, he was happy to unwind and see her too.
ADRIA: THE NORMal. sarah is really a piece of work.
COLIN: Awh, what happened?
What happened!
What happened was her squad-mate’s penchant for public humiliation. Adria had a thick skin, but if you're going correct her on fighting form, you'd better be able to back it the fuck up! She punched at the keys with her thumbs, detailing the tiff in atrocious texting, 150 characters at a time. She sent a chain of three messages, the order of which they sent in was left in the hands of God, when her screen blacked out.
A cheerful ringtone replaced it. That delightful sequence of Nokia chirps had been featured in three separate horror movies in the past two decades, and that auditory connotation was no less portentous now. Demetrius’ name flashed in eight-bit.
She answered on first ring. "Demetri?"
"Adria, thank G-man."  He heaved. "I need you."
Adria cupped her phone with both hands. "What's wrong?"
“What’s wrong?” He wheezed. "What isn't?"
His first fake emergency was a text. His second very real! emergency was also a text. This was a call, and already his desperation pierced through her shitty reception in four syllables. Demetri’s voice was an octave higher than she'd ever heard it and hysterical. She'd seen this man handle pressure (and if you ignored his thing with snakes), nothing short of imminent doom bothered him.
The contrast was horrifying.
She launched off her couch, storming her quarters. The bedroom door rebounded off the wall as she breached her closet. The more utilitarian parts of her uniform were ripped from its display. She yanked a set of greaves over her knees. Her hair was a tousled mess, an ondoyant spread across her shoulders, but she had a band around her wrist to crudely tie it back should this turn into a brawl. At the time he was calling? The night couldn't go any other way. She wasn't on shift but they held raids at all hours.
She saw it: demons dusted into ash. One coming to the other's call only for a massacre. The Powers were organized and lethal, and her vague and sporadic feedback was never going to cut it, either to sate Heaven, or save them. She was stupid for trying. Her superiors hired on someone else to intervene, to gather intel, and now she was on the phone with Demetrius-
"Demetri?!" She panicked, shoving her forearms through her bracers. "Talk to me. I can't help if I don't know what's going on. Is Niko okay? Archer?"
The line went quiet and her wings folded out in a forceful draft. Adria was a full second away from making the plunge from Heaven to Hell, when over the line there was a single sniff.
“Look on th-...the tv- MTV." He said. "Righ'now.”
Adria's head snapped up. There was no 48-inch mounted on the wall. She didn’t have a smartphone, how would she have a cable?
But context worked with what she gathered from her time on the computer and the demon himself. MTV was no news outlet nor has it had any respectable programming since the 1990's. Their ragtag group was a spectacle but nothing she imagined making a time slot between Teen Mom and MTV Cribs.
(That's a compliment.)
"Excuse me?"
"Channel- channel forty-eight. PleaaaAAse."
She stiffly straightened up. She was half armored- the bottom half ready for the war that would be her fall from On High, while the other awaiting on conformation for where this was going. "You're...going to have to describe it to me. Where are you?"
"And you're not dying?"
"I don't knooooow." He whined. "Probaply."
She audibly heard the melodramatic flop.
On the other end, he slapped against the counter top. Sulking on his kitchen island, his rings tangled in his bangs. He stared in disdain at the source of his despair. It was a frame paused on his television set. Depicted was an unflattering still of a suburban mom. Her jumpsuit was as orange as her fake tan, and two streams of black poured down her face like she tried her wings at a newer, trendier 270 degree angle.
Adria had no way of knowing this, else she had reason to hang up then and there. "What does that mean?! Is ANYONE in danger? Is ANYONE dying?"
"Are you even looking?!" He said, frustrated.
"No. No I am not. What is it?"
"They're taking Samantha in!"
He flailed his hand at the set. In his mind, he was the image of every tragic hero in a cathartic Renaissance painting. "She's getting arrested!" He cried. "Fuckin' Ricky set her up, th-the child suppor' payments. 'n after she got Kaytee and G-ma Hoovie in the pyramid scheme no one will talk to her-"
"And why do I care about this woman’s shitty decisions?"
"She's not gonna make it into season six!!" He shrieked.
"Oh Jesus."
She remembered that. She remembered a lot more than she thought she would. They were characters from a colorful cast from their last hangout.
It wasn't her idea, obviously. She owed him for their first training session. Retribution for her violation of his trust, he called it. Somehow it was separate from the favor she already promised him but that's what he dismissed as semantics, preceding a change of subject. Nevermind how he tricked her into a strip club, she arrived dutifully at his apartment in the forth circle of Hell. That was two months ago.
That day he opened the door more casual than she’d see him before, which wasn't saying much. He was still swanky- buttoned down in something she'd seen in an all-too-dramatic cologne commercial, hue set off with a matching Rolex that told time with three faces. She, on the other hand, arrived in gym shorts. He said 'no armor' on the summons so when he opened up, he tensed like a wild animal. His hands even raised like she taught him ("Protect your head!"), and it was a good fifteen minutes of her standing on his blistering doorstep, convincing him she wasn't there to pulverize his face before she was allowed inside. He relaxed.
And eventually, so did she.
She crashed on his couch. Arms wound around herself so tight, she was ready to make fun of every vapid star that strutted onto the screen. Reality shows were stupid. A waste of time, clearly staged, and air-headed entertainment. All she was here to do was get through four hours of this garbage so he'll trust her for self defenses classes again.
However, Demetri took criticism like a champ. He pointed out that she had literally no reference point at all for television programming (true), and hit play.
At first she was entirely correct in her assumptions. These Real Housewives were overacting, over-dramatic, and overly ridiculous- but around the twenty minute mark, the first twist, it was apparent that was the charm. They were ridiculous. They were all impossibly absurd, and no matter how much she had the gist of their one-dimensional personalities, they'd surprise her with a curveball she never saw coming, dramatic irony Shakespearen in any other context. When she stopped commenting on how these stupid things would never happen in real life, it clicked.
"So...why is this lady breaking into her cousin's flat?"  She picked at finger foods he set up on the table, small pastries he credited to Donnabelle. She needed something to do with her hands while she pretended to not be interested in the television she was very interested in.
"I mean,” She shrugged, too jerky to be casual. “If they just made up. Why would she break in?" He quirked a brow.
Truth was he’d been a nervous wreck the whole time too- he just wasn't as transparent. Never had he cared more about anyone else’s usually-contrarian opinion more.  Covertly he watched her more than the re-run. It didn’t make sense, but when her question rang sincere he grinned. The arc maxed between his ears before it pulled back into something more restrained. "Ah, well. That's why she set up the brunch. Her cousin has incriminating photos on a flash drive."
"But we know this because it's been broadcasted to all of America."
"No actually," He sat up, invested. She noticed afterward that she leaned to follow. "We know they exist but we don't know what's on them. My guess is it's something to do with last year's bachelorette party since that got the fire department called, but the forum thinks it's..."
And that's how she started caring too much about some random group of nutjobs in the city.
She still believed it was staged bullshit, but it was fun staged bullshit. She watched nearly three hours of dramatic close-ups, cryfests, and varying degrees of misdemeanors until the night was called. Time flew before she knew it, and their goodbye was a lot less awkward than their hello.
She wasn't expecting to revisit any of that in the near future.
She stared at the keys of her phone as she snapped back to reality. Demetrius was slurring through a monologue calling for Samantha's salvation (eloquently coined "FreeSam2k-2k-shit-2k19?") when it registered: Samantha Drama was a lot more preferable than the alternative.
"-'ish not like the scheme was her fault, y'know. She's a business woman at heart."
"...She sure is."
"'scatcly!” He said, overly relieved. “You get it!"
She sighed, head in her hand. The restless energy she amassed depleted into pure appreciation of the overreaction. Her overreaction- and if he was oblivious to the whiplash she suffered, it was missed entirely. It was gone. Replacing it was the sound of her barely holding back laughter. She rubbed her eyes. God, what was he doing? "Demetri, are you drunk? Did Archer give you the pilfered party booze?"
"Aria-Adria, please. Less focus fer two secons."
"Okay, okay.”  She pulled the tie from her hair. “So. Samantha."
“Samantha, yes.”
She indulged, smiling. "Is this the one who uh....cheats at dog pageants?"
“NO that's Kristie!" He corrected, distressed.
“Oh- sorry. The lady that held the intervention at the baby shower?”
“Yes,” he sobbed.
“She was just tryna- tryna show her kid that she- aw fuck.” Glass clinked. "Oh no."
"I spilled it. Fuck."
The phone rustled loudly. She listened, with her head tilted into her phone. Demetrius was struggling, but she was too. She bit the corner of her lip so her laughing wouldn't carry over the line.
"Back." He rasped, returning like he lost the war.
"You okay over there?"
"No. I need- I need to bail her out." He said. He’d run out of options, his voice teetered on a whimper. "I jus' gotta."
She walked back to her living room. Hasty strides before were now a languid stroll, as the armored plates fell off her knees in a clatter. She threw her bracers into her pillow as she hit the sofa beside them. The threat was neutralized. "No,” she said. “You should not bail her out."
"I have to. She's all alone in there- y'know I'm good'for it, Adria. Issat short for Adriana by the way."
"No it is not, but I'm VERY sure she's fine."
"What do I do?!"
"You're still home right?" She barely got the question out with a straight face.  "Like you're not out, and definitely not in the Alpine area?"
"Wha' you tryna say? 'at I'm not r’sponsiple?"
"That you're drunk off your ass."
"Does that make any of it- any of it less real?" The volume softened as he scolded his phone. An old selfie that he used as her contact photo served as her avatar and the source of his betrayal. "I'm SO hurt. My feelings are real, Adria."
"Oh yeah?"  Her head canted. She was staring at a blank wall, but imagery from the other end of the line was so clear. She could see his face too. That lopsided grin. Bent brows when he feigned offense, even if his eyes were still smiling while he clutched his heart for the effect. So distinctively him. "I thought you were too cool for feelings."
"Welp. S'where you're wrong~"
"Am I? You're quick to make fun of other people's."
"Is 'is about yoouurs? Hmmmmm?"
She debated her answer as clinking and swearing reared up a second time. She heard him bat the glass around, coordination beyond her expert salvage, before he returned, forgoing the cup altogether. Whatever. He still had the bottle. "Maybe."
"Maybe what?"
"It seems at times you care more about Samantha’s. Like right now."
"Whaaaaa-!! Yer only sayin’ that cuz you like teasin’ her. Jus’like I like teasin’ you."
Her fingers combed through the waves rolling over her shoulders, as she smiled. “I got that much."
"I'd bail you outta jail too, y'know."
"You are not bailing Samantha out of jail."
"'n if I don't," He continued, galvanized into another tangent. "If I DON'T tease you! Then what we doin', hmm?"
She quirked a brow. She was going to love this. "What does that mean?"
"Whatdoyamean what’do I mean. I dunno how else t'talk to you!!" He said, phone brushing with static when he shrugged. "Yer somethin else. It's scary."
Or not.
The word punctured her bubble of amusement. Scary? She knew she could be intimidating. And sure, she beat him up more than once. And sure he was a baby about it, but before Adria’s heart had the chance to sink-
"I trust you so much," He continued, shrilly and mystified. "Isn't that crazy?"
Her heart caught. "W-what?"
"Riiiight? But it happens.” He shrugged. “It happens when, when people got this intense light. A light y'just wanna be a part of. D'you know how rare that is?"
"I don't-"
"You know!! Of course you know." He asserted, finding it inconceivable that she didn't understand. "Some people jus' got it. It draws you in. People like me don' got it- we don' got it- so its blindin' when we do see it. You got it, girl. You got it baaad," He sang. "I mean FUCK- yer "spyin'" on us and we take you everywhere we go! An’ an’ all I wanna do right now is invite you over. Have you here. Again."
Adria blanked.
Staring wide-eyed, she had no idea what to say.
Her wings slid down the sofa in a soft shh. Unsure she heard him right, praise was just something she couldn't wrap her head around. Even as the conversation devolved into an ad-libbed ‘Come on Over, Baby' Christina Aguilera parody (’Spy on Over, Baby’ - execution as good as one would imagine), no one thought that way about her. No one talked about her like that. No one ever had- no matter how much, how long, and how hard she tried to do the right thing. She was a series of failures, stemming all the way back from her first charge.
But Demetrius was more than happy to tell/sing to her otherwise. Her feedback wasn't necessary. In fact, she couldn't get a word in. He rambled hard and assiduous about that signature compassion he couldn't compute. About their classes against heavenly forces. About the way the right thing always just seemed to spring into her mind, without cause or consideration. His opinions had receipts- which was something Heaven never bothered to audit.
Thoughts of doubt were smothered before they had the chance to manifest. They tried. Unable to defend against his points, they wanted to dismiss the call as inebriated prattle, but she wouldn't. She refused- it felt nice. They were compliments with no ulterior motive. No seeds of manipulation she could detect, and he didn’t want anything from her this time.
She could have comfort this once, just this once, before jumping back into scrutiny tomorrow.
That in mind, when a lull settled in the conversation, she took it. She pulled her knees into her chest, and closed her eyes.
“Thank you...Thanks, Deme. That means a lot.”
But where she expected a stiff refute of anything tottering the edge of the sentimental (she tensed for it), or another bout of prattle, she heard a thump over the line.
A cold pause followed. She twitched from her pleasant smile. It stretched. Seconds feeling like minutes, the quiet was just short enough to spurn concern, but not enough to ask, when he broke it. He sucked in air through his teeth. Devoid of his former drunken rapture, the tacit draw unnerved her. “No problem.” He said.
Her world dimmed. Her confidence had barely got its bearings before being dashed. The beat of awkwardness was back. That void that pulled the light from their talks, how she could be enjoying herself before the tone flips on a dime and she regrets reaching out at all-
“...Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah...” He dragged his face. “No.” He sighed. “No I’m fuckin’ not.”
Just like the party. That’s what it took. She hit that mysterious trigger again. The precise sentiment she needed to wipe the audible grin off his face. It was her. It had to be her. She misread the entire situation. His admiration had been clear as day, but now it muddled.
“I’m sorry.” She hovered above a whisper, apologizing without knowing why.
“Don’t be. It was all me.”
“What was you…?”
“You. Me. This.”
It solidified the weight in her chest. All those positive thoughts had just blossomed. To tamp them down so soon as a regret... Demetri wasn’t a guy about that scene. She knew that, and yet-
That’s where her mistake was.
She’d been telling herself the same thing since the fair- she was delusional. She didn’t need it echoed.
“It’s fine.” She cut him off. “You should rest- night Demetri. I’ll, I’ll check in when I can-”
“I let you go.”
She stiffened.
“I saw that light and jus’....poof. Gave it away- like a joke.” He said, abruptly sober. “Who’m I kidding? It was a joke. On myself!! Were cowboy strippers worth it? I mean...t’see THAT ‘n let it slip. Who am I?” He brazenly interrogated his open apartment. His theater set-up was a whole five feet away, and it was a crime scene as far as he was concerned. He truly had fun with her that night. At the fair. Shopping. But it was Colin she was going home to, and that was entirely by his own hand. “Thas’not me.” He said. “Thas’never been me- I’m in hell fer wanting everything. Why would I learn now?”
Archer pushed him to make a move. He dismissed him. He was so damn sure he’d figure out his own way. Demetrius was convinced that honesty and upfront communication were tacky, and not because he was entirely inept at sincerity. But what he was realizing tonight was that window shut.   He’d earned one of her darkest secrets only to be iced-out of what was troubling her at the party. She stared at her phone the whole drive home. His moment passed. Now he was paying for it, but without the inhibition to suffer in silence.
“I made a mistake.” He said, with finality. “I want you. That’s what’s wrong.” “You...want me.” "Mmph. Fuckin’...cowboy strippers aren’t even that funny.” His muttering trailed off, disintegrating into incoherent rambling and something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Colin is a douche.’
Her mouth closed. She had nothing to say.
Whiplash was back, but this time there was no recovering. She had no words. No response. Nothing to fill the quiet, but he did not have much intention of doing so either. The clinking, clanking, and sentence fragments stopped. They both settled into quiet- an awkward, but powerful one.
It dragged for minute. Then five. She was reluctant leave it, to be the one to break it, but her head was buzzing and so was her phone. Missed texts were adding up. There must’ve been seven now. Someone else was impatient for her attention. And while Colin could wait...
"Hmmmm?" He hummed, sleepily but somber.
"Did you...did you mean-? Were you implying-" She cringed. She regretted the question before she asked. Maybe it was best not to pry. Just enjoy it. It’s how things had been going so far.
What would happen if he did answer now?
She hugged her knees. Her heart had taken enough collateral damage. It was time to give it a break. Tonight changed things. She’d have to see what that meant. "Nevermind. Uh, thanks. I mean.Thanks again. I guess. Don’t go bailing anyone out of prison."
"Aye-aye," he mumbled.
On the other end, he slumped. Wine smeared around his table, he half-heartedly sopped it up with a rag before giving up. The marble was feeling awfully comfortable. His head propped against his shoulder, and it slid into lean.
She kept the phone affixed to her ear, eyes closing. The night opened with her walking the demon through the five stages of grief for a reality star. In a bizarre way, in a way neither could have expected, he provided a comparative comfort. These thoughts she’d been having- these errant ideas, these cues- were justified.
"Deme?" She finally asked.
But there was no response. He was out like a light, drooling on the marble.
She listened to a few breaths before bidding a quiet 'good night' and hanging up. Exhausted now, but in the best way, she posed to snap her phone shut.
Just before she did, the screen returned to Colin.
Her cursor flashed where she left it. It tailed the end of a long, angry message her heart was no longer in. Unwilling to tarnish her revelation, or feed the new, fresher guilt winding in her stomach, she hit the back key. One letter blinked out of existence at a time, then words, then entire lines.
ADRIA: actually dont worry about it. goodnight. COLIN: ok! Good night :D
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untemperedwolf · 6 years
An unexpected turn
A hubblestar fic, my first fic for this fandom, wrote for my darling Georgia's @hubblestar birthday!!!!!! Happy birthday angel and I really hope you enjoy this fic!!!
Unbeta'd and read through and edited late at night so sorry about any mistakes.
Dimity sat in the teacher's staff room marking her second years' theory tests. Or at least she was trying to. Truth be told, she was about to give up. Dimity never gives on her agenda and what was on her agenda today, for her lunch, was marking these papers, however she couldn't try for the life of her.
It was too quiet in the school.
No, that's not right. It's never quiet at Cackles-- it's when it is that's worrying-- and even though Dimity is the only one in the staffroom, it was not quiet. The shrieks and laughter of the cackles' girls could be heard from outside: peace and quiet is an impossibility, Dimity learnt quickly.
No, it wasn't too quiet. It was too lonely.
It's only been three days since all that went down with Julie Hubble went down. Three days since Julie Hubble left. And Dimity misses her.
Dimity had gotten used to Julie hanging around in the staff room in the breaks, sitting near Dimity as she marks and plans, chatting away. Usually about her art ideas and what she was going to explore with the girls. Dimity loved hearing Julie talk about all this; her eyes would sparkle and she'd smile, and her voice, oh her voice! Julie always spoke with such passion that Dimity couldn't help but get caught up in what she was saying, the planning long forgotten.
But now Julie is gone and Dimity is alone. Without Julie's cheerful chatting, Dimity feels awfully lonely in the staff room. Usually she'd enjoy being able to work in relative silence, before Julie, but now it's distracting.
Julie was a kindred spirit. She was passionate, she cared about the kids no matter how rude they were to her, and she was always a delight. She was everything Dimity strives to be.
It was nice working with Julie; with someone else who didn't mind being a bit daft unlike the other members of staff-- Dimity loves her colleagues, and they are fun, but Julie was a bubbly ray of sunshine, a free spirit and that's the kind of personality Dimity has. They got along like a house on fire, and she's sad that she no longer has Julie here.
Julie was a good companion, a good friend, even if she wasn't here for long.
If Dimity was being honest, she found herself rather enjoying Julie's presence in a way she hasn't enjoyed anyone's for a long time. It feels childish almost to say, being the age she is, but Dimity found herself developing quite the crush on Julie. It had started, really, ever since she laid eyes on Julie and last year, when they danced, oh... Dimity was a gonner from then. Her crush had only tripled since being around in Julie's presence more.
Of course nothing could come of it. They were colleagues, and Julie is also a mum of one of Dimity's students. She's sure that breaks all kinds of rules, although Dimity never checked, because if she doesn't know for certain then she can continue to daydream about Julie.
And of course there's the glaring problem that she doesn't know if Julie is even into women.
It wasn't exactly break room talk, especially when she hadn't known Julie for all that long. They were colleagues and Julie was Mildred's mum, there's no smooth way of dropping that question into casual conversation, not without Dimity's intentions coming off obviously-- something she did not want, in case Julie wasn't into women, or not into her.
Of course, Dimity could've gone the route of the subject of Mildred's father-- a less open mind may assume Mildred's birth meant Julie was straight when in fact just because Julie had Mildred it still cannot be assumed that Julie holds an attraction for men, let alone men alone-- but that's an invasive topic that Dimity respects the privacy off. It's clear he's not part of their lives and Dimity didn't want to come across as one of those judgemental people who think single mums are not the strong, capable parents they are, and who thing one needs a father. Especially when the single mum in question is the woman she fancies.
Dimity wishes she did inquire, about Julie's sexuality, so that she didn't feel so sad sitting alone in the staff room imaging what could have been between Julie and her when she doesn't even know if that was ever on the table.
Or, at least, Dimity wishes she could've figured out if Julie liked her back. Logic says that the amount of time Julie spent around Dimity and how Dimity remained the only teacher not shrunk into clay is an indicator that maybe Dimity didn't imagine Julie's longing looks of affection. However, logic also says that Dimity was a good friend to Julie, that she was openly kind to Julie where the others were a little more reserved, or just plain disrespectful, and that they were kindred spirits-- of course Julie would want to spend time with her. As a friend.
Dimity shakes her head to herself. What good would it be even if she did figure out if Julie liked her back. If Julie did, she'd still be fired. She'd still be no longer here. That'll be worse, knowing she might've found someone she wants to spend time with, someone she wants to be with, and have her away from her, not with her, not in a relationship.
But then again, there's still a functional mirror available for chats. There's still mail. There's holidays where she could go visit. If Dimity and Julie established something before she had to leave, there still could've been a relationship. It would just be a little more work; work that Julie would be worth.
Sighing, Dimity does what she's always preaching not too and slouches in her chair, dejected. Having thought up that solution to Julie and her's imaginary relationship, Dimity finds herself even more disappointed and bummed out.
Dimity picks up her pen again, spirits low, about to start attempting to mark again-- although there's still the overwhelmingly distracting missing presence of Julie-- when an idea comes to her mind.
Just because Julie and her aren't in a relationship doesn't mean they still can't write and talk!! They still can do that, they still can keep their friendship, and Dimity still can actively talk to Julie, still have her presence in her life.
Struck with inspiration, Dimity hurries off to mirror chat with Julie, hoping that Julie will pick up. Hoping that this is something that Julie would like. Julie did, after all, express a sadness at leaving Dimity when she was packing her things.
Julie does answer, and Dimity's heart skips a beat at seeing Julie's face, although it's only been a mere three days since she last did.
"Dimity!" Julie's voice betrays her surprise. "What a lovely surprise," Julie beams and Dimity feels her stomach tense, her heart constricting, as she's reminded once again how head over heels she is for Julie. Then, a forehead crease appears, panic appearing in her beautiful eyes.
"Wait, is Mildred okay?" Panic floods Julie's voice. Dimity quickly hurries to assure her that everything is fine, and Julie relaxes again.
"I just wanted to...to tell you that I miss you and that, if you want, we can still keep in touch. Like this. And letters, if that's something you'd like," Dimity's heart is beating, fast, in her chest, feeling almost like a confession of her feelings although it's far from it.
Julie beams and her stomach does somersaults. "I'd love that," Julie tells her, and Dimity beams back. Wanting to make sure the conversation doesn't end, and because she is worried, Dimity asks how Julie is. Julie's face darkens slightly, reflecting on the past days, but she says she's getting back used to being at home again. Julie says it's for the best, but Dimity can't agree. She may understand why Julie had to leave, but in many ways she doesn't, in many ways she thinks it's unfair.
Their conversation goes on, changes topics and soon, Dimity finds that an hour has passed. Julie makes her laugh, and time feels like nothing when she's talking to her. Dimity doesn't want to leave Julie, but it's getting close to her next class she's teaching.
"Look at the time!" Julie says, understanding why Dimity's laughter has came to a stop. "I don't want to keep you," Julie adds on.
"We can talk again soon," Dimity promised. "I need your jokes to keep me through the girls' antics," Dimity is sad that it's came to the end of their conversation for today, for possibly a few days, and she doesn't want to say goodbye, but needs must.
"Before you go," Julie says, her voice almost urgent, like she didn't want Dimity to end the call before she has chance to say a final thing. "Just so I know-- these calls, are they two friends having a natter, or two women embarking on a new relationship?" Julie asks.
Dimity almost falls off her chair, her ears not quite believing what Julie said. Dimity stares at Julie, completely frozen in shock.
"Unless I read the signals wrong... but I have a feeling I haven't," Julie speaks again.
"I'm sorry...you...you want a relationship with me?" Dimity says, her mind slowly processing. Julie laughs, and even in her shocks, Dimity's stomach still does flips.
"Of course! I don't just share my stolen forbidden treats with anyone you know!" Julie says and oh my god, Julie likes her.
Dimity beams, a smile overtaking her face, as the realisation Julie has given her makes her feel a little light headed.
"So?" Julie prompts. "Can I take these calls as us embarking on a relationship? I mean, there's nothing in the rules against it, in case you were wondering."
"You checked?" Dimity asks, wondering how long Julie liked her, considering she checked. Julie laughs again.
"Of course I did! If I'm having to make sure I know all the rules of that school, I'm going to check the rules about relationships, when I'm a parent who fancies her daughter's teacher!" Julie responds.
"So?" Julie prompts again. "Don't leave me hanging too long, overwise I might start feeling insecure," Julie cracks a smile but there's an underlayer of worry, worry that she's got this all wrong.
That's what makes it hit Dimity she still hasn't given Julie an answer, and not wanting to be the cause of any worry for Julie, Dimity answers.
"Yes! Yes, that's exactly what I want these calls to be!" Dimity answers, a tad enthusiastically, however Julie doesn't seem to mind.
Beaming, Julie places a hand against her side of the mirror. "Well then, until we can talk again, my dear, you've got a class to teach,"
"Until then," Dimity says, matching Julie's smile and hand.
The call ended, Dimity heads outside, a skip in her step and a happiness in her heart.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Welcome back one and all. Have you been looking forward to this week’s Demon Slayer? We were right in the middle of a deadly fight after all. Sort of an awkward place to leave things. I know I wanted to see the conclusion. How about you Crow?
Absolutely (I say in bold print)! And — I don’t think is a spoiler or anything — we even get a brief replay of the final moments of the battle. In case we forgot. True to form!
Where are my manners… As always, I will be having the pleasure of discussing this episode with my friend Crow of Crow’s World of Anime and of course all of you! Not that there’s all that much to spoil, but we’re going to go into the episode in some detail, so if you haven’t seen it yet and don’t want to be spoiled, I suggest you tab out for half an hour or so and go watch it, Crow and I will wait. Also, I’m in plain text this week!
Are you proud of me Crow? I finally learned how to put all the proper disclaimers at the beginning of posts!
You can’t hear, but I’m clapping in appreciation. I knew you could do it!
I can hear it in my heart
Episode 9 wasted no time, we were brought straight back to Tanjiro and Yahaba
desperately trying to murder each other. I thought Yahaba was an interesting character, or at least potentially interesting. You know — interesting design, interesting power the creepy calm cryptic type. Triple C! But well, it turns out he was already done for! Were you hoping to see more of him, Crow?
Perceptive question! Yes, I was. There were hints of character richness there, to the point where I expected him to not be dead. It was only when his skull began to actually disintegrate that I figured yep, he’s dying.
awww man, that’s gonna leave a mark
I’m not sure exactly how it works but I’m assuming the water that Tanjiro summons is considered an extension of his blade since it could kill a demon. Did we get an explanation?
Not that I saw, but I agree with your theory. His sword’s water effects must be an extension of the blade, at least insofar as it affects demons. Back in episode 7, we saw his water powers rip the two under water (well, under swamp) demons apart, and they stayed dead. So I guess it’s the same thing?
I thought it was because they were shades maybe?
Despite get summarily dispatched, Yahaba actually managed to put up quite a fight for the few seconds he was still standing (well, less standing and more lying about evaporating…). I quite liked the aftermath. Like isn’t the right word. Seeing Tanjiro barely able to move from exhaustion and injury after his fight, just laying on the ground wheezing, went a long way to drive the impact of the confrontation home. I could almost feel it along with Tanjiro and what I felt was a great deal of relief with a sprinkle of pity and melancholy.
Wasn’t that great? So often, heroes walk away from a battle with a cut or a scrape. Tanjiro got pummeled, and he looked it. Were you impressed by how dedicated he was to getting to the other side of the compound where his sister and new friends were fighting? He took the sword in his teeth because his arms were too tired. Kinda reminded me of Violet Evergarden!
But of course, that was just half the story. Over on the other side of the grounds, the rest of them were trying to deal with Susamaru. I was a bit confused as to why Tanjiro was so panicked about this. Sure, Susamaru is very strong, but hadn’t they determined that she was weaker than Yahaba? And these were 3 demons she was dealing with. Then I remembered that Neuko was seriously injured, Tamayo seems to be a non-combatant, and my favourite Yushiro just grew back his head. Yeah…there may be some trouble there.
As happy as I was to see Nezuko alive and kicking(ha!) again, I have to say completely healing her off camera like that felt like a cop-out. Not only does it seem that she instantly recovered, but she can now kick those tamari without losing a foot, for… reasons. That’s a bit convenient wouldn’t you say, Crow?
If I had to point to one serious disappointment in this episode, it was that moment. You’re right! And as evidence, remember how Yushiro freaked out in the previous episode when Nezuko even looked like she was going to try to kick the ball? Sure, Tamayo said her serum gave Nezuko a power boost without human blood, but it seemed pretty dang convenient.
Though you’re also right about something else: Their soccer footwork!
just try to get one past me!
I liked that lightening of the mood by turning a battle for survival into soccer practice, it was a cute scene.
It was interesting seeing Susamaru gaining respect for Nezuko’s footwork!
Despite the fact that things seemed to be going quite well, Tamayo was worried. We learned two important facts. 1) Nezuko is gaining strength at a prodigious rate, especially considering she’s never eaten human flesh (allegedly) and 2) Susamaru was quite literally toying with them and Neuko wouldn’t stand a chance against her real strength. And so it was time for a grown-up to step in.
that hir is so perfect
Tamayo has been playing it coy. Standing back and acting very delicate. But she hasn’t survived all this time in defiance of Kibutsuji because she’s anything resembling weak. Her poise, power and words ripped through the unfortunate demon before she could realize what was happening. And those words struck a chord with me as well. Crow, do you think Tamayo was just trying to get under her opponent’s skin or was there some truth to that story of Kibutsuji living in fear? If so, it makes the character even more interesting!
There’s a lot to decompress from that moment, isn’t there? First, Tamayo has really impressed me. What a tragic character who chooses not to wallow in that tragedy but decides instead of fight in her own way to rid the world of a terrible evil. That’s noble stuff! Yes, I think she was trying to get under Susamaru’s skin (and doing an admirable job of it!), but I think there’s some truth to what she was saying. Remember in episode 8 where Kibutsuji was able to shrug off plain rudeness, but lost his temper completely when the poor drunk dude quested his unhealthy appearance? There was something driving that reaction, and I think it might have been an almost paranoid level of fear.
Good point…he did hate being called sick… hhmmm…
he’s afraid of responsibility!
Turns out the blood spell Tamayo was casting activated the Kibutsuji demon cells in Susamaru’s body and essentially destroyed her from within. Visually it was a visceral scene and possibly the most gruesome to date. It’s going to stick with me. And Tamayo calmly explaining that she had never been one of the 12 demon moons because she didn’t have a number on her eyeball, while pointing to sais stray eyeball on the floor, certainly didn’t make it any less gruesome!
[ A question: Was it merely Tamayo’s spell, or was there actually a curse from Kibutuji, where if a demon speaks his name, his cells within them rip them apart? Wasn’t Tamayo’s goal to goad her into speaking the name? I think that’s what I got from Tamayo’s description…]
I do know Kibutsuji’s curse gives him control over those who have his blood ad his cells eventually kill them. Didn’t they mention something about him keeping his identity secret and therefore making it impossible for other demons to give him away. That’s why the teeth grinding guy was so panicked a few episodes ago. I’m guessing that basically extends to speaking his name out loud. That’s how I’m taking it… I guess he is very paranoid!
Crow thought we should take his questions out but it’s good
Was that horrifying and pitiable all at the same time or what? The two demons had been deluded into thinking they were powerful and on the inside with the demon they revered, but nope.
In the end, Susamaru went like all the major demons have gone so far. Small, scared and pathetic. A lost child who ended up and a very wrong path. I understand why they are setting up this moral dilemma, trying to build up sympathy for the demons, but can’t we just have one of them that’s an actual bad guy? At this rate, I’m going to end up having a really difficult time cheering for the Demon Slayer Army.
Tanjiro’s parting words here were the final nail in the coffin (um sorry, poor choice of expression). There is no salvation to be had for demons. Their sins are too great, the burdens upon their souls cannot be lifted. A tragic realization that is sure to make Tanjiro even more eager to find a cure for Nezuko.
I continue to like Tanjiro’s reactions. His push to understand puts him at odds with most of the other demon slayers we’ve met. At odds with the demons, too. He’s doing his own thing and he’s trying to maintain his core humanity at the same time. Tough balancing act.
You’d think that with those intense battles out of the way and all the useful exposition we got, the episode would be basically over. Nothing left but a quick, sweet wrap up to tie everything together in a nice little bow and send the audience away with a smile on their faces, ready for episode 11. In a way, it did exactly that! But it also did much more.
It was my favourite part of the episode.
Oh! Oh! I’m looking forward to this, because it was my favorite part, too! Go on!
all the cuteness
My two favourite characters are Yoshiro (because I love comedy relief and a proper foil character) and Nezuko (because I’m predictable). They both played important roles in this part. Yoshiro’s various intensely exasperated faces at getting patted on the head by Neuko, or at the horror of potentially taking Nezuko with them, were so much fun to watch. By contrast, the mundanely painful sight of seeing him wasting away from disease brought all the death we’ve been seeing back down to a terrifyingly relatable level.
What Irina didn’t tell you is that Tanjiro joined the other three in the basement after he’d finished with his vigil to watch Susamaru finally turn to ash. As soon as he entered, Nezujo ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. A perfect “awwwww!” moment. Then, she ran back down the hall and did the same thing to Tamayo! Even better, she patted Yushiro on the head! There was almost too much adorable in the room at that point!
awwwww indeed
For her part, Nezuko seems to almost be taking advantage of the suggestion she’s under. Relishing in seeing her family again. Overflowing with love for everyone in the room. Of course, the interesting part is that Tamayo and Yoshiro are not in fact human at all. But she’s decided to see them as such and therefore as part of the family. Which begs the question, how much is imposed suggestion, how much is willful self-delusion?
I really liked that Tanjiro finally addressed the question directly and acknowledged that he was uncomfortable with the situation as well, but that he’s accepted it because it seems that Nezuko has retained her free will. Thank You! That makes me feel so much better for some reason. Now we can all move on!
That free will bit? That was everything. It seemed to me that Nezuko is capapulting her mind off delusion into a greater truth: that Tamayo and Yushiro, by virtue of their choices, are in fact part of her family. It makes them human in the sense of members of the human community. I love that message!
when the lies are so sweet….
Tamayo and Yoshiro will be leaving town out of precaution, and Tamayo invites Neuko to join them, as they will know how to take care of her. Yoshiro is the one to watch in this scene. Despite acknowledging the wisdom of the offer, the siblings decide to stick together and Neuko runs out the door. Just as Tanjiro s about to run after her, Yoshiro calls him back and staying with his back to Tanjiro the entire time, admits that his little sister is a real beauty.
How adorable was that moment?
Very, very adorable! And did you see who drove the decision for them to stay together? Tanjiro wavered. He wants her to be safe as desperately as he wants her to stay beside him! But Nezuko took his hand and gave him a look that spoke volumes. It’s as articulate as I’ve seen her be so far!
that face!
If I remember correctly, Zenitsu was your favourite right Crow? Want to tell us about the closing scene?
Cool — thanks! Zenitsu is among my favorite characters in this series — and the list is growing! But, poor Zenitsu! Tanjiro’s on his way to his next assignment — his Crow being a real pest like only we Crows can be — when both of them stop because they hear this tearful voice. It’s Zenitsu! He’s begging this bewildered and disgusted girl to marry him because he could die at any time!
Zenitsu needs to work on his communication skills…
Where was his birdy?
Few away in embarrassment?
good guess
And another great episode down. Demon slayer has been consistently entertaining and does not seem to be losing momentum at all. I wish Tamayo and Yushiro could have stuck around a bit longer but I bet we’ll see them again. Any closing thoughts?
Isn’t Tanjiro supposed to gather tissue samples for Tamayo? Shouldn’t he have her forwarded address or something? Other than that, I’m still thinking of Tamayo’s tears as Nezuko hugged her!
Previous episode reviews
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 01: Cruelty
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 02: Crow will protect me
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 03: Sabito and Makomo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 04: Final Selection
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 05: My Own Steel
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 06: A Friend fo All Humans
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 07: Muzan Kibutsuji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 08: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 09: It’s a Whole New Ballgame
Hooray for more pictures!
  Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 10 – A Friendly Game of Kickball Welcome back one and all. Have you been looking forward to this week’s Demon Slayer? We were right in the middle of a deadly fight after all.
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kolmogorov-is-sad · 6 years
Mikhail Kolyada, interview
Rough translation of this interview.
I: We’ll start with blitzkrieg, questions not related to figure skating. Your first word?
M: [laughs] I don’t know. My parent didn’t share that with me.
I: Favorite school subject?
I: Favorite place in St Petersbourg?
M: Isaak cathedral, inside of it.
I: Your [she uses formal pronoun, then corrects herself as they agreed to use informal speech - I just though it was ver Misha of him to ask that] dream that is not related to figure skating?
M: I don’t know, haven’t thought about that
I: How do you ee yourself in ten years.
M: Just as positive and cheerful. I don’t know yet what job will I do.
\they get on the ice\
I: Please, say, is it true that once the season is over skaters start breaking new boots right away
M: Yes, basically.
I: [Your skates are] new?
M: New.
I: For how long have you worn them?
M: For five days.
I: Is it uncomfortable?
M: Yes, not yet comfortable. 
\\\\\ they talkabit about breaking in boots
Let’s talk about the sport now. [there is a video from WC, Misha knocks his finger on his head] World Championships, free skate, the final that did that gusture mean?
M: [laughs] That’s because I’m a dum-dum. I failed a jump that I could have done in theory [repeats the gesture] I should have thought about that on time
I: On time. When is that?
M: During the program, not after. But well, eveything has its time and place. In fact, should have I done that triple loop instead of a double, I could have been second
I: During your performance TAT repeatedly said: ”Misha doesn’t fight for his jumps” What does that mean?
M: I guess it means that she knows that better [than me]. Actually, I always try to fight for the jump. It is just that my jumps look like they take no effort from me, but in reality, it takes just as much as for other skaters.
I: There were a lot of falls at the WC, especially in the men’s discipline. Why do you think was that? Were the skaters physically tired or mentally/emotionally exhausted?
M: I think was rather emotional problem, there were the Olympics and just in three weeks the WC. It was also a very important competition, so everyone knew they couldn’t relax. But not to relax after the Games… I don’t know.. you just HAD to take a breath after that. So a lot of people didn’t manage that/
I: Do you have some kind of psychological fear before the jump: “what if I fail, what if I fall?”
M: I don’t know, maybe on some primary level, I don’t really think about such things. I just go and jump. Wel, or I just go and fall [laugh]
I: No matter what, you still have that bronze medal from the WC. By the way, where is it?
M: Somewhere at home.
I Are you proud?
M: I don’t know [laughs]. Maybe I don’t give it that much meaning. Maybe beacouse I know I could have done better.
I: You also have a silver team medal from the Olympics. After the short program there were a lot of complains implying that you have robbed the team of the gold medal. Did that hurt at the time? Did you feel bad for the team, for yourself?
M: At the time I was overwhelmed with emotions, there were a lot of people trying to cheer me on, a lot of people saying nasty things about me. At the end I managed to get back from the situation, though it was very hard. It has never been that hard for me. People from the team helped me a lot, they were coming to me, saying something. And I got a little better with every word. Also, my friends called and supported me, so I could recover.
I: [there is a video from the FS StSq, TAT: “and here he finally relaxed/calmed down (sighs). At 4:19 he finally relaxed”] What happened here? Why had you relaxed?
M: Then? Well, I relaxed earlier than that actuallu.
I So TAT got it wrong?
M Yes, hello to Tatyana Anatolievna, she got it wrong. I relaxed earlier, even before I stepped on the ice. I tried to forget everything from before and that from anew.
I:  I feel like it takes an army of psychologists, of friends and some other ‘doping’ to leave all tha behind and skate.
M: well, that’s what it was, kind of. Just no doping [laughs]
\Masha skates with a camera\
I: Mikhail, don’t you want to join the crew?
M: Actually I wanted to do photography, Iike seriously learn, but there is no time for that
I: There were a lot of opinions about the quality of the training and that the skaters [Misha] do not give their all when performing. Any thoughts on that?
M: Well, I agree that I should work more. As to the training – I think that is only for me and my coach to discuss. Of course, everyone knows everything and so on, but really, try to take someone fron five years old and guide them to such a level. It is hard
I: How does the schedule goes for you from now on. The season in over, you have the new boots, what next?
M: We will probably work on the new programs, choose the music break in the boot more.The trainings are not serious yet, just so that I won’t forget how to skate and stand on the ice.
I: How do you create a new program? Are you just presented with a program or is it a collaborative work?
M: No, we work together, discuss things. Basically, I can stand in a line at the shop and get some idea to write down. You go home, start listening to the music, imagining yourself in that program, and then you come the next day with an almost ready concept.
I: Do you already have any ideas for the next season
M: Well, just some notes.
I: Anything you can tell us about?
M: No [smiles]
I: Music?
M: [smiles wider] No. Noting to share until September.
M: I can’t say the precise percentage, but definitely most of the sportsmen are superstitious. So yes, me too. There are just like some things that I do every day and it is not even a superstition, more of a habit.
I: Like what, for example?
M: I don’t know, like to start doing my boot from the left one. And not just the skating boot, the ordinary one as well. Or to tep on the ice with the left foot first.
I: Always from the left?
M: [smiles] Always.
I: There are some changes to the fs rules starting next season. For example, the long program is shortened by 30 second. What do you think, is that a good or a bad idea?
M: There will be one jumping pass and 30 seconds less. So the program will get more filled. So in some aspect it will be more difficult than it is now.
I: There will be less time in between the jumps to rest, right?
M: Yes, yes, yes.
I: So it will be more difficult?
M: Well, of course. There will be a need to upgrade my ‘functionality’, so that I will be able to get through to the end.
I: The ISU Congress will take place in July, and that is where the future of the quads will be decided. Why there is duch a fuss about the changes concerning the quads? Do I get it right, tat the same quad will be allowed to be executed only once in the FS?
M: That is unknown yet. The fuss is because skater will be forced to learn new kind of jumps.
\Misha talks about different types of jumps\
I: One will receive from -5 to +5 on the elements from the next season. Does that scare you?
M: No, not really.
I: Not at all?
M: No, not at all. They do that to make competitions more spectacular and to shorten the time of competitions. From the first to last group on the ice it take about 5 hoyrs, si it is hard for the spectators toward the last groups, and the last groups are the strongest ones. So you sit full of energy through the early groups but then you get really tired towards the end, it gets hard to watch or judge objectively.
I: Ok, now your quote. “Every season is a notebook from the new page”. You said that. So, what will the next season notebook be like, and what do you want to wright in there?
M: I will say it like that: we will work on the calligraphy and write things in so that when coming back to the notes there would be no need to struggle thought my own text.
Interviewer asks Misha to write a wish for the fans/audience on the cup.
M: I have forgotten how to write. I took a pen in the hand not so long ago and thought: “oh shit” […] What should I write… Eh, I have a poor imagination as well, brain just refuses to work at the end of the season.
I: What mark did you have for the Russian language at school?
M: More of a 3 (C) than a 4 (D) [laughs]
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transsteves · 7 years
dead stars [CH.6]
WARNINGS: alcohol, eating disorder, ptsd, night terrors
AUTHOR’S NOTE: ok it got a little angsty again idk what you guys were expecting. it’s not too angsty, don’t you worry, no one’s dead, but touchy subjects hurt lmao. hope you like it 💕
by the end of the film, the bottle is empty, they’re both stumbling over the words to seasons of love and dancing awkwardly around the room. singing loudly, out of time with the music, they are more synchronised with one another than they are with the song playing on crackly speakers in the background, and the world outside seems to fade into insignificance. they are loud, so loud that their own thoughts are drowning, pushed under by the cascading alcohol-induced amnesia.
the credits roll, and el stumbles ever so slightly, grabbing a handful of lucky charms and shoving them into her mouth as she slams the computer shut (will startles at the sound, before collapsing into giggles and falling into the blankets).
the record player clicks as she flips a record into place from of her vintage collection of tattered vinyl, wobbly hands dropping the needle twice before finally reaching their mark; the opening chords of boys don’t cry garnering a cheer from will as he holds his empty glass into the air. happy. safe.
it’s like nothing hurts, and it’s nice. it’s like they’re lone stars, in a night sky void of all others; free from the burden of memory and experience.
but then el remembers the chinese food she’d promised, and starts rifling through takeout menus.
why did she have to remember?
he’d skipped a couple of dinners a couple of times, said he’d already eaten at mike’s before he went home, or that he’d been too engrossed in homework to eat anything of any real value. when his mother worried, he’d reassure her that he was fine, she could even ask mike, and then he’d make a mental note to wear more figure-hiding clothes the next day.
it was fine, no big deal, and he’d had it completely under control—
until he didn’t.
until one night, he was sat in his room trying to calculate the number of calories in the two spoonfuls of mashed potato, three forkfuls of string beans, and two bites of chicken. more than half of his plate had been left untouched, some transferred to jonathan’s when his was left empty, but most down the garbage disposal when his brother wasn’t watching- he remembered being glad that his ever-observant mother was working late more often than not. joyce worried, a lot, and will wished he could say she worried too much.
he wished she wouldn’t worry at all.
he wished he didn’t warrant that.
but that night, he panicked about triple digits.
that night, he cried until his whole body ached.
that night, he realised he had a problem that he didn’t want to stop. he realised there was a world outside of his window that he would never be able to see through unclouded eyes. a shadowy filter would always cover everything to him. something would always feel wrong.
and when those clouded eyes finally got too heavy, and lids fell too hard upon their neighbours, he would fall again, screaming and scratching, into sleep. he fell deep, but felt empty, endlessly spiralling but only skimming the surface, constantly dying but still breathing - he screamed and screamed and screamed, and no one answered; no one saved him, ever. down the rabbit hole, and never back out of it, never escaping, never free, never will again.
he felt the breath leave his body, the darkened air suck the life from every fibre. he felt the cloud take him over, every miniscule piece of him screaming with the weight of foreign intervention. he felt himself burning, every cell wrought with inside-out fire that brought him, screaming, to the ground.
he felt himself lose, over and over again. fail. fight and fight until there was nothing left.
he felt himself die.
zombie boy.
and again.
and again.
when the haze lifted, he was in his brother’s arms.
jonathan, holding him tightly, shaking him from the darkness. they were on the floor, and will could feel warmth slowly creeping from his forehead and into his eyes - blood, proof of life.
“it’s okay, you’re okay,” jonathan whispered, over and over, arms becoming the ground on which will’s sanity would slowly, creepingly return. “everything’s okay.”
“i’m sorry–“
“mom keeps telling you. no more sorries.”
“don’t– don’t tell her, jonathan. don’t tell mom.”
flopping back down into the mound of comforters and pillows, bottle of whisky in one hand and menu in the other, el leans her head on will’s shoulder and refills his glass, pushing the shabby pamphlet into his lap as she goes. it’s been overused, hopper still struggling to cook more than eggos without setting fire to something.
drunk, but not completely out of her mind yet, she knows will doesn’t want to eat. she’s observed him, kept an eye on him, even if he hasn’t noticed yet, and knows how little he eats. it’s the little things, like the fact that it gets worse when he’s got bags under his eyes or a bruise from falling out of bed. it’s when he’s quieter, and won’t accept questions. it’s when he acts like nothing matters, but el sees that everything matters too much.
on some level, the constant offers of food from her won’t stop until he opens up about it – considering almost everything else was shared between them, his consistent refusal was baffling. but above all that…
it’s your fault.
she hums, nonchalantly, reaching for her phone and typing in the phone number of the restaurant.
“i’ll order. what d’you want?” she slurs, ever so slightly, but that’s good enough. the menu ends up on the table, and will unfolds himself to meander towards the bathroom.
“‘m not hungry,” comes a mumble from the boy, as the wooden door closes gently behind him. the paint is peeling, and a little more seems to flake away every time it moves.
standing again, moving back to the tiny kitchen with the phone and the whisky, she leans upon the counter and presses the call button. though he may not want it, she orders his favourite, and gathers the money from her pockets on the side.
a sigh, before she stumbles back over to the doorjamb of the bathroom. they are no longer floating in the stars, and the air is heavy. they drink more. they talk. they cry and laugh and eventually fall asleep wrapped up in each other on the floor.
the record ticks over.
yo hope u liked that. as always, any feedback at all is welcomed, and you can message me to be added to the taglist! also, I read every reblog and the tags and I love love love you all 💕
TAGLIST: @beforetoday @king-wheezy-trash @marikamber @turkerlymarsh @benverlyharsh @eddskaspbrak @thescaryflower @serendipity-y @whee-ler @doesnthavetobesobad
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fcrtiers-blog · 7 years
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( &&. general information )
full name: charlotte elizabeth fortier
pronunciation: shar-lot
nickname(s) or alias: charlie, char
preferred name: charlie
current age: twenty-one
astrological sign: sagittarius
element: fire
title: miss
label: the halcyon
gender: female
preferred pronouns: she & her
sexual preference: bisexual
romantic preference: biromantic
resides in: princeton, new jersey
current occupation: student
language(s) spoken: english
native language: english
current marital status: single
( &&. background )
reason behind name: charlotte was her maternal grandmother’s first name and elizabeth is her paternal grandmother’s middle name
birth order: she is the youngest of three siblings
ethnicity: caucasian
nationality: american
religion: agnostic
political views: liberal as fuck
financial status: upper middle class
iq: 127
hometown: georgetown, washington, d.c.
( &&. physical appearance )
looks like: phoebe tonkin
height: five feet and ten inches
weight: a hundred and forty pounds
shoe size: eight and a half
figure/build: lean, slightly muscular
hair colour, Dyed?: brunette and no
hair length: medium length
eye colour: hazel
shape of face: square
tattoos: ‘joy’ in scribe on her wrist. a dainty sternum tattoo of two sprigs of lavender
piercings: ears are triple pierced with her cartilage 
birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: n/a
dominant hand: left
if painted, what color are their nails/toenails?: it stays in the gray family, ventures into lavenders sometimes. 
usual style of clothing: hipster skater chic vibes that is most likely hella comfy as well  (lol does that even make sense)
frequently worn jewelry: two personalized rings on her middle finger with her first and middle name on it. a dainty gold necklace with her siblings’ initials on them
what is their speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)? insanely loquacious, although there are moments (aka that high life) she’s just insanely mellowed out and talks quite... slow.
describe their scent: she usually smells of citrus???
describe their posture: usually in a slight slouch
( &&. legal information )
birth name: charlotte elizabeth fortier
any speeding tickets?: one from driving in northern virginia (true story. me af. fuck u nova)
have they ever been arrested?: nope
do they have a criminal record?: no
have they committed any violent crimes?: no
property crimes?: no
traffic crimes?: no
( &&. medical information )
blood type: o positive 
date/time of birth: december fifth, 1995 / 2:49 am
place of birth: washington, d.c.
vaginal birth or cesauren section?: vaginal
sex: female
diet: somewhat healthy... not really. hella junk food on occasion
smoker? / Drinker? / Drug User?, Which?: no / yes, socially / yes, mostly marijuana but the occasional psychedelics (shrooms, lsd, etc). 
addictions: none
allergies: none
do they get occasional checkups?: yes
ever broken a bone?: no
hospital visits, what for?: torn acl when used to play soccer in high school
any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: none 
any medication regularly taken: none
( &&. personality )
direct quote from them: “wanna go hang on the rooftop?”
positive traits: independent, understanding, charismatic, adventurous 
negative traits: sarcastic, stubborn, hedonistic
likes: naps, fluffy sweaters, corgis, weed
dislikes: sour candies, breadsticks, roller coasters
fears/phobias: heights
hobbies: crocheting (hit up ya girl for hats and scarves in the winter)
guilty pleasure: watching reality tv aka the challenge
regrets: not telling a certain someone that she loved them
turn ons: being dominated, also the being dominant
turn offs: cockiness, little to no hygiene upkeep
lucky number: 13
pet peeves: when people who just ordered move to the front of the counter when there is a large crowd still waiting for their own food??
their motto: here for a good time not a long time
( &&. favourites )
food: pizza
drink: water
fast food restaurant: five guys
flavour: cherry
word: moist
colour: black
clothing: flannels
accessory: rings
candle scent: the winter candle from bath & body works
store: h&m
instrument: guitar
game: any of the pokemon games minus pokemon go
animal: kangaroo
holiday: christmas, duh
season: winter, also duh
book: milk and honey by rupi kaur 
artist: ella mai
band/group: the eagles
song: take it easy by the eagles
tv show: the challenge (she’s a slut for reality tv tbh)
sport: baseball
sports team: philadelphia phillies 
school subject: maths
possession: her rings that were given to her by her parents
number: 11
emoji: shady eyes emoji
mythological creature: pegasus
person: @gtglayla​
( &&. skills )
talents: does balancing a spoon on your nose count??? or 
ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: loves driving. will drive if you don’t want to
can they ride a bike?: yes
do they play any sports?: used to play soccer until she tore her acl
anything they’re bad at?: singing and drawing??? 
do they have any combat training? Why?: no, bc no?
( &&. firsts )
childhood memory: being pushed into the pool by her older brother
crush: paisley anderson in the third grade
email address: [email protected]
job: cashier at dairy queen
phone: sidekick
computer: imac
kiss: paisley anderson in the third grade ;)))))) 
love: natalie dent @tfnatalie​
sexual experience: prom in the eleventh grade
( &&. childhood )
best childhood memory?: when she watched her little sister beat up some kid for making fun of her twin. she was going to hold her back, but y’know didn’t want to elbowed in the face
worst childhood memory?: losing her first soccer game. damn, that day was just awful. 
what were they like as a child?: she was really curious, constantly bugging her parents with questions and just won’t stop until she was actually tired. 
any crushes growing up?: several. her first was paisley anderson from the third grade. 
did they know/like their parents?: she absolutely adores her parents
worst influence on them as a kid?: older cousins. they were the ones that taught her what weed was
did they have a lot of friends?: yeah, the girls on her soccer team were her closest friends
were they heavily punished?: not really? her parents were pretty lax about rules.
anything they wish they could cut out?: not really
were they more feminine or masculine?: she was slightly more masculine than feminine
were they an early or late bloomer for puberty?: late bloomer for sure
do they still know any of their childhood friends?: sadly, no
( && this or that )
expensive or inexpensive tastes?: expensive
hygienic or Unhygienic?: hygienic
open-minded or close-minded?: open-minded
introvert or extrovert?: extrovert
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic
daredevil or cautious?: daredevil
logical or emotional?: emotional
generous or stingy?: generous
polite or rude?: polite
book smart or street smart?: street smart
dominant or submissive?: dominant
popular or loner?: loner
leader or follower?: leader
day or night person?: night
cat or dog person?: dog
closet door open or closed while sleeping?: closed
( &&. family relationships )
father: peter ynes fortier
describe their relationship: she has a great relationship with her father. honestly between her mother and him, she is closer to her dad. he was the one to feed charlie’s curiosity about the world around her. he was also the one to encourage her to do whatever she loved. 
mother: juniper marie scott-fortier
describe their relationship: she simply adores her mom. she was always there for every soccer game that she had. cheered her on through things that charlie didn’t even know that she needed to be cheered on for. she was always so loving and tender, understanding and kind. 
brother: austin wyatt fortier
describe their relationship: her older brother is somewhat of an asshole?? but he’s the kind of person that would risk anything for his family. quite the character actually. he’s off in new york doing his own thing and making sure that no one is messing with his younger sister. and she basically does the same for him... in a less agressive way. 
sisters: chloe anne and cassandra lee fortier 
describe their relationship: the beloved twins of the family. she would say that they’re pretty close. although, they’re still in high school and sometimes... charlie can’t really relate to them??? teenagers man. 
significant other: tba
( &&. other relationships )
best friend: layla evans
childhood friend: tba
enemy: tba
past romances: natalie dent, tba
pets: luna & shadow (her corgis)
roommate(s): tba
( &&. social media )
do they have a Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Vine? Snapchat? Tinder/Grindr? Tumblr? YouTube?
if so; Name on Facebook: charlotte fortier
twitter handle: @char_fortier
instagram user: @char_fortier
vine user: RIP VINE
snapchat user: charliebitme
name on Tinder: charlotte fortier
tumblr URL: n/a
youTube channel: n/a
( &&. musical tastes )
Theme song: honey by kehlani
Can relate to: she don’t by ella mai
Makes them happy: sunday candy by chance the rapper
Makes them sad: we find love by daniel caesar (actually anything by daniel caesar gets her in her feelings???)
Makes them dance: wannabe by the spice girls
Loves the most: sam smith. literally. 
Describes them: fine by vada
Never gets tired of: ain’t it fun by paramore
Would like to be played at their wedding: best part by daniel caesar
Would like to play at their funeral: promises by jhene aiko
( &&. miscellaneous )
Do they have a fake I.D.?: yes
Are they a virgin?: no
Describe their signature: there are only two distinct letters in her signature, one being c for charlotte and the f for fortier
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse?: probably not that long. i see her being killed in the first two days or so
Do they travel?: she loves to travel. last summer she went on a cross country road trip with her brothers
One place they would like to live: paris, france
One place they would like to visit: seoul, south korea
Celebrity crush: hayley kiyoko
What can you find in their pockets/wallet/purse: a hair tie / a two dollar bill / two packs of gum, her wallet, random makeup products, and lotion 
Place(s) your character can always be found: rooftop of the pi gamma house, in the library
When does your character like to wake up?: honestly??? noon. 
What’s your character’s morning routine?: wake up, scavenge for breakfast, go take a shower, throw on some clothes and pat on some makeup
What does your character eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?: usually cereal or some eggos / skips lunch on most days??? but probs might ask someone to go to chipotle or something / dining hall anyone??? 
How does your character spend their free days?: smoking, napping, reading
What’s your character’s bedtime routine?: if she has the time to, she’ll take a bath and do a face mask. but if not, she just takes off her makeup and washes her face. 
What does your character wear to bed?: typically an oversized shirt and just underwear
If your character can’t fall asleep, what are they thinking about?: a shit ton of things. what does her schedule look like tomorrow? what work she has to do? any emails that she has to get back to? all types of shit. random shit too. what are millenials really doing with their time? how effective is the sushi making contraption tube thing?
What has been their greatest achievement?: graduating as one of the valedictorians in high school
What or who is the greatest love of their life?: natalie dent
Most marked characteristic: honesty
How would they like to die?: peacefully and in her sleep
Do they snore?: no
Do they chew their pens/pencils?: no
Can they curl their tongue?: no
Can they whistle?: yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?: no, ghosts aren’t real wth *cue shane impersonation*
Have they ever cheated on anyone?: never
Have they ever been cheated on?: no
Has anyone ever broken their heart?: yes
Have they ever broken anyone’s heart?: no not that she knows of
Are they squeamish?: no
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How?: no
Have they ever seen anyone die? What happened?: no
Are they a lightweight?: definitely not. 
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dex is a math genius
he is also in love with computer science, these are not mutually exclusive concepts
from an early age, dex has been working behind the counter at the local corner store, handling the money and payments and counting out change and by the time he’s graduated high school he can give someone their correct change twenty seconds before the register can even tell him what it is
during the summers before he goes to samwell dex handles the financials for his mother and uncle’s lobster business as well as going out with them and hauling traps because his mother and his uncle are getting up there in age, slowly but surely, and dex is the oldest so he goes out there on the boats every day and pulls up lobsters every day and when he’s done with that he goes to the corner store and trades shifts with carolina, a girl two grades younger than him who only got the job because her father thought she needed discipline
when dex turns 16 and can drive without his mother being a necessary passenger, he gets a job as a waiter at the dennys in the next town over and works there monday, wednesday, and friday after school and the morning shift on sundays, and he works the corner store monday, wednesday, friday, and sunday after dennys, tuesday and thurday after school, and saturday after hauling lobsters & gets more money doing odd jobs from his uncle’s repair shop whenever he has spare time
he uses his paychecks from those jobs to pay bills when his mother isn’t paying attention because one day after getting home late from the corner store he walked into the house to see his mother in their tiny kitchen, hunched over their tiny kitchen table, as scratched and dented as it is, crying over bills, and he watches as she stands up, grabs them in her hands, and stuffs them all in the old cookie jar that none of them ever touched because his mother told them she’d put a spider in there and the last time they’d opened it joseph had gotten bitten on the finger and it had swollen so big they’d had to take him to the doctor to get him some antibiotics
and dex waits for his mother to leave their tiny kitchen, and he goes up to that cookie jar, pulls it down from its shelf in their tiny pantry, opens it, and dumps the bills out and looks at them and thinks, if i can put together all of the money from both of my jobs, discarding the amount it costs for gas, and mark, cassidy, lauren, andy, & joseph’s weekly popsicles from the truck as it came around, then i can help ma pay these
and that’s what he does
when momma pointdexter first finds out what he’s doing she’s there and ready to chew him out, rip him a whole new one, but finds herself deflating when she sees him standing there in their tiny kitchen, tall as their broken refrigerator, gangly and lean and freckled as he was, standing there, head down and eyes closed, ready to be scolded, sees him standing there as defeated as he looked, but she knew, from the set of his jaw to the clench of his fists, that he wasn’t going to stop paying those bills no matter what she would say to him
when he opened his eyes to look at her, he didn’t see the angry mother he was expecting, he just saw a tired woman looking at him with all of her weariness, and all of the fondness she had for her children
“why” she asked him, both of them standing there in their tiny kitchen, with dex looming over her due to his growth spurt the previous summer, both tired and not willing to give up without a fight
“i just want to help you ma” he said, and she felt all of her fight drain out of her
“okay” she says finally, “but you have to show me your math before you even think about putting money in that jar again” and dex smiles so big she doesn’t have it in her to be upset with him “deal” he says and they sit there at their tiny kitchen table as dex’s siblings bounce around and yell and play and not once does dex raise his voice at them to be quiet and his math checks out and his mother sighs
and he’s clear to go
between the two of them paying the bills and making sure all of the other kids’ needs get met (clothing, food, entertainment, etc) they make it work and dex never finds his mother crying alone in the kitchen ever again
when dex graduates from high school he has scholarship offers for hockey from a scattered dozen universities across the country, but he tries to choose the closest one to his family so it’s easier for him to still help out with bills and anything else that he can possibly help out with
he also decides to double major
because he is a huge nerd and also a lover of providing for his family
he goes for his major in computer science with his second major in theoretical physics because he loves coding and he loves math so why not do both
he chose to do a major in coding both because he loved it and the immediate monetary aspect of it (what can i say, the kid wants to Take Care of his family)
he chose do take a second major in theoretical physics because one: it is his favorite kind of math, two: physics is a “science” major, but there is so much math in it that nobody really counts it, and three: there are so many topics in theoretical physics to choose from it’s like candyland for geeks
it is also a major contributing factor to why he and nursey don’t get along as well as, say, dex and chowder do
cats and fish, man, cats and fish (i’m talking about english and math majors, if you didn’t get it)
dex excels (i’m gonna cry) in both of his chosen fields as well as hockey and still finds time to work at whatever place is hiring until he finds this repair shop smackdab in the middle of samwell & somehow gets a job there
the pay is good & he manages his budget so he can send money to his ma, who hugs him tight on breaks and thanks him quietly with a kiss to his head
he works with his uncle in the repair shop and his other uncle on the lobster boat on breaks & gets his old job back at the local corner store when he’s home and he’s making it work, okay
nobody on the team knows he’s double majoring until near the end of his frog year when shitty groans about the exams he has to take as a double major and dex says something along the lines of “yeah, i’m not looking forward to that” and the haus kind of ... stops still
the responses:
“bro you’re double majoring?” ransom and holster look equally shocked
“motherfucking represent, brah” shitty high fives dex excitedly and lardo nods in approval in the background, fist bumping him when she goes to throw her drink away “nice, poindexter” 
“wow dex that’s so cool!!!! what are your majors???? one is in computer programming right?? i mean we took an intro to computer programming class together this year so you probably are right??? wow that’s so cool!!!!” take a guess who said this one
nursey kind of just shrugged and said “that’s chill, poindexter”
bitty smiled and planned out a double pie (mixed ingredients) (it was delicious)
jack nods once and says “well done” before asking if hockey could count as a major
“brah i’m not fucking triple majoring” shitty almost yells
“keep your damn pants on, shits” lardo doesn’t even look up from her sketchbook 
he ignores her advice
so dex finishes his frog year with great grades and a promised job for the next school year and goes back to maine for the summer and continues working and balances his family’s budget for them in his spare time so his mother can relax some while he’s gone at school and he plays with his siblings and accidentally befriends cassidy’s first boyfriend because thomas was talking about math
“what the hell willy” mark says to him later “you were supposed to help me intimidate him”
“he speaks math, not happening, marco polo”
in his sophomore year he spends a lot more time helping out around the haus so he can get dibs from one of the leaving seniors so he can forget about paying hella rent money to live on campus
it gives him more money to send back to maine
“it’s chill”
“if you don’t shut the fuck up, nurse”    
in other news, the rest of the smh team finally manage to find out what his majors are when his bag falls open in the locker room one day and about, say, ten thousand books come out covering a wide spectrum of topics including but not limited to:
quantum tunneling, string theory, programming languages, artificial intelligence, boundary effects of conformal turbulence, coding theory, mathematical logic, and bi-local mean field theory for low dimensional quantum liquids with long-range interactions
“what the fuck, poindexter” is a popular phrase
dex flushes at the questions and the “holy shit how smart are you” comments and shoves all the books back in his bag before running back to his dorm
the next two years of his samwell career are momentous and important in more reasons that just math but those are different posts
cough nurseydex
his senior thesis for theoretical physics is on the dualities of some theories that shouldn’t connect in any logical way but really super do and he can prove it with all of his MATHEMATICAL EVIDENCE and PURE MATH GENIUS
his senior project for computer science is a home budget program because honestly he could do that in his sleep and honestly has at some point though it goes both ways in whether it is a good thing or not (most often it is not as once he was so influenced by a dream that he tried to put down ten dollars for a floating motorboat)
case in point: william jacob poindexter is a fucking math genius and DOUBLE-MAJORED in computer science and theoretical physics while his boyfriend cheered him on from the english building, ignoring the dark looks from his fellow english majors
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morganbelarus · 5 years
The media is failing on climate change here’s how they can do better ahead of 2020
We spoke to climate change experts for advice on how news outlets can cover the environment in ways that make voters listen
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America elected Donald Trump at the end of the hottest year ever recorded, without debate moderators asking him a single question about global warming.
But after three years of record temperatures, devastating wildfires and some of the most destructive hurricanes in US history, the media is facing new pressure often from the candidates themselves to give the subject more prominence during the 2020 election.
Yesterday, MSNBC devoted more than five minutes to Beto ORourkes rollout of a $5tn climate plan, calling climate a kitchen table issue for 2020. Jay Inslee, the Washington governor who is seeking to make climate change the central thrust of his campaign, is calling on the Democratic National Committee to host a debate solely focused on climate. Bernie Sanders raised the issue during his town hall on Fox News earlier this month and even drew cheers from the audience when he talked about new jobs in the renewable energy sector. Rising temperatures and the crisis they pose for humans were part of every Democratic candidates pitch during CNNs marathon of hour-long town halls last week.
In the run-up to 2020, as newsroom leaders grapple with their mistakes in the 2016 election from reliance on inaccurate polls to underestimating the impact of fake news the failure to press candidates on climate change is emerging as an area of self-examination.
In 2016 there were almost no questions asked , which is insane, says Tony Bartelme, a senior reporter who covers climate change for the Post and Courier in Charleston, South Carolina. Its a good start that were starting to hear questions for 2020.
The Guardian is joining forces with Columbia Journalism Review and the Nation to launch Covering Climate Change: A New Playbook for a 1.5-Degree World, a project aimed at dramatically improving US media coverage of the climate crisis. The project kicks off today with an event at Columbia Journalism School featuring CJRs editor-in-chief, Kyle Pope, the Nations environment correspondent, Mark Hertsgaard, and the Guardian climate columnist Bill McKibben.
The Green New Deal progressives vision for slowing climate change without further burdening the poor has also helped catapult the subject into the 2020 conversation. In March, MSNBCs Chris Hayes took the highly unusual step of devoting an hour to the idea, in a show featuring the New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
But even as there are signs that airtime for climate is beginning to increase, questions remain about the depth and quality of the coverage. I dont see the media paying much attention to differentiating how serious each candidate is on the climate question, said David Gelber, the creator and executive producer for the Showtime series on climate change, Years Of Living Dangerously.
More Americans than ever are worried about climate change. A poll of likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa ranked climate change about on par with healthcare as the top issues they want candidates to talk about.
Research indicates that major national newspapers are beginning to pay more attention to climate but local publications and TV news havent kept up. The major broadcast networks ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX spent just 142 minutes on climate change last year, according to one calculation from the progressive group Media Matters. And about half of Americans hear about global warming in the media once a month or less, according to surveys by climate communications programs at Yale and George Mason universities.
Meanwhile, five major national US newspapers the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times have, in aggregate, roughly tripled their coverage of climate change since four years ago, according to the Media and Climate Change Observatory at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
The New York Times nowhas a desk of about a dozen covering climate. Climate editor Hannah Fairfield said the team is collaborating with the politics desk to report on the 2020 candidates climate positions.
But climate coverage is not just a question of volume its also a question of approach. We spoke to experts in the field for their advice on how news outlets should cover climate in ways that make voters listen during the 2020 race.
Quote conservatives
Adam Berinsky, who studies why some people believe political rumors such as that climate change is a hoax said people who buy into political rumors are driven by a combination of conspiratorial dispositions and political motivations. They are more likely to change their minds if they hear from sources they identify with, often fellow conservatives.
Aaron McCright, a sociology professor who studies public opinion at Michigan State University, said journalists should give the small but growing numbers of conservatives who care about climate change more of a mouthpiece so that their message could start competing with science denialism.
Republicans who want to limit climate pollution for the sake of national security or as part of a plan for energy independence need to compete better with climate deniers, said McCright. Those could be effective messages if theyre promoted hour by hour, day by day, week by week, by dozens or hundreds of conservatives in everyday life, TV, papers, Congress.
Bring up climate, even when the candidates dont
Gelber says reporters should bring the campaign story back to climate change, even if the candidates arent discussing their proposed solutions. He said they should help audiences differentiate between the candidates, explaining to viewers and readers how specific they have gotten in their plans.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez greets audiences following a televised town hall event on the Green New Deal in New York City on 29 March 2019. Photograph: Jeenah Moon/Reuters
Cover climate as a local news story
Edward Maibach, a George Mason climate communications scientist, said most people are saying they rarely hear climate change news because most people pay attention to local news. Most climate news in America is not local news. Maibachs program, Climate Matters, trains weathercasters and local reporters to explain the local consequences of a warming world.
Bartelme suggests trying to connect local catastrophes to the climate story and explain why the extreme weather is happening.
What we can do is make those connections for people, Fairfield said. Reporters can seek out local stories that have climate fingerprints on them.
Focus on solutions
Elizabeth Arnold, a longtime reporter and professor at the University of Alaska, argues that doom and gloom coverage alone may force the public to disengage.
Repetition of a narrow narrative that focuses exclusively on the impacts of climate change leaves the public with an overall sense of powerlessness, she said in an introduction to one paper.
Choose words carefully
Susan Hassol, director of the organization Climate Communication, said the phrase heat-trapping pollution is easier to understand than greenhouse gas, and global warming conveys more meaning than climate change.
The Guardian is partnering with Columbia Journalism Review and the Nation today on Covering Climate Change, a town hall event with media leaders about how to change the media narrative on climate change. Watch the event live here between 9am and 2pm.
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The media is failing on climate change here’s how they can do better ahead of 2020 was originally posted by MetNews
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