#also thoughts and additions and changes welcome im in an echo chamber
kirnet · 4 years
this is just too many words of me talking about how i would write a kotor tv series carry on
Kotor 1: Most of kotor 1 is as in the game. Rev is gonna be canonically non-binary here, and ultimately will have a romance with bastila. However, instead of just force visions about the Star forge and malak, revan is also getting visions about what the audience later learns to be the mandalorian wars, from their own perspective. They start out being about rev and malak and their friendship, but slowly a woman appears more and more in them. A woman that both rev and malak are obviously close friends with, who they refer to casually as “Meetra.” Revan cannot remember who this is, but they know they know her. (I just wanna tie the exiles story into it from the beginning so that it’s not sudden. I also hate the meetra surik name but i’m gonna just use it here anyways). Continue on to beating Malak’s ass as normal. Light side ending but Rev is still more of a gray figure rather than light.
End credits epilogue. We’re on an outer rim planet, some sort of mining operation. In the mess hall, the miners are gathered around a holovid, whispering to each other. In walks a woman, her back muscular from labor, but we do not see her face. The camera stays trained on her back as she moves somewhat labored through the mess, stopping to grab a tray and some unappealing slop. She moves past the group gathered around the holovid, pauses, and then drops her tray to the ground. A few miners glance at her but quickly turn back to the vid. It’s revan and bastila on the scream, at the Jedi temple on Coruscant, waving at a crowd. Both of them are smiling. The camera turns back to the woman, and we are able to see the shock on her face. It’s the woman from the visions. This is the exile.
Season 2: the mandalorian wars. Opens with the planet of cathar being invaded many years prior (3973 BBY, I believe, 10 or 11 years before the actual start of the wars) I’d keep this pretty much the same as the comics but on a larger scale, and the Mandalorians boil the ocean. One of them try to stop it, she’s killed along with the Cathar, and her mask remains on the planet. Timeskip about 10 years to Revan and Malak, where they’ve learned about the mandalorian blockade on Taris, but no invasion has outright started (comic divergent). It’s a big deal bc so far, the Mandalorians have only been taking non-Republic planets and outposts. Taris is the first major Republic planet they’ve set their eyes on. They decide to do something abt it, start the revanchists, yada yada. Eventually, they recruit the exile (first time she explicitly shows up as herself) after she defends Rev from Atris during some council meeting or whatever. Force vision shenanigans or something, Revan learns about Cathar and goes to investigate with the council, finding and donning the mask and officially naming themselves Revan. They realize that the Jedi council was aware of what was going on outside of the Republic and they chose inaction, finalizing the revanchist split. Soon after, they receive word that the Mandalorians have officially sieged Taris I don’t have the rest entirely defined by the Revanchists lift the siege on Taris after a few years (with a baby Juhani cameo), Dxun (oof), Rev and Malak’s discovery of the star maps, battle of Serrecco, discovery of Trayus academy, and the culmination at Malachor and the exile (not necessarily in that order bur broad strokes). Really  a chance to prove Rev’s intelligence and leadership to the audience and to plant the seeds of Revan realizing a sith threat.
I also really just wanna see Rev, Malak, and the exile be friends and their relationships form. Obviously it would be jarring have just watched Rev kill Mal and then them being besties next season but I’m a fan of seeing the past vs how it ended. We also get some good Arren Kae/Kreia and revan interactions to show their relationship. I also want exile to originally struggle with believing in Revan’s cause and the expectations they face from Atris, and then break away from that and fully commit to Rev. Over time, the exile breaks further and further from Atris and Kavar, and Revan and Malak start going darker and darker.
season 3: kotor 2! already perfect so I wouldn’t change much. No one is allowed to write kreia dialogue for the show just use the stuff in the game bc I don’t trust anyone with it. I’m biased and obviously inclined towards a slowburn atton/exile romance lmao. Maybe atton only barely survives the confrontation with sion and after he’s healing at the jedi temple there’s a confession, but the exile has to leave to find Rev. At the end show a bit of the lost jedi starting to put down roots and bastila talking to exile and giving her Rev’s mask.
season 4: whatever kotor 3 is. no i will not accept the revan novel, none of that “revan was actually brainwashed all along!” bullshit. Exile and T3 go to find Revan and learn more about the sith threat. They find them and they join forces, happy to be in each other’s company again but also able to feel Malak’s absence. Things start off slow and awkward but eventually their old friendship resurfaces (revan is, after all, now a different person then the exile remembers). Maybe scourge is there, idk. The sith emperor is like actually defeated (sorry swotor), maybe revan has to sacrifice themselves in the process. Unsure. All I do know is that I want the exile to eventually return to the jedi temple, where we see the new generation of jedi.
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