#also this time I'm going to the FF7R endgame with the knowledge that the final boss sephiroth is uhh apparently not the same sephi
thatrandombystander · 2 years
Getting towards the end of my FF7R re-playthrough, so we're approaching our first encounter with Sephiroth that isn't just a Cloud hallucination, and I'm just "Hiiiiii Sephiiiiiii 🥰🥰 You here to kill the president and psychologically torment Cloud a little bit 😍 Happy to see you, we'll talk later 😘"
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crisiscutie · 1 year
I've been reading some theories regarding FF7R, one of them said there might be two Sephiroths in the new timeline with the reveal that Zack alive. One is hero, the other is villain.
It makes me think that maybe in the historical moment where Sephiroth lunging down to stab Aerith, suddenly another Sephiroth appears to parry it.
How likely do you think this scene to happen in FF7R?
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Didn't the Ultimania confirm there were four Sephiroths? The one Cloud was hallucinating, the clones, the memories and endgame Sephiroth? I have to admit; I have little to think about that theory... or what to expect for Sephiroth in Rebirth and the final game in the Remake Trilogy in general. There are so many possibilities. It makes my head hurt... He's an absolute mindfuck, but that's what I love about him. Gaslighting us as much as he gaslighted Cloud... There's a reason why he was so perfect for my Self Aware AU!
But the idea of a heroic Sephiroth intervening in important events is super interesting. I can see a version of him or even somehow Zack jumping to parry it. Though, wouldn't that just piss off the Arbiters of Fate for changing such a major plot event so they'll find another way for Aerith to die somehow? Something major for sure is bound to happen during that scene, though I'm not sure if it will be Sephiroth himself trying to save her.
In general, a heroic Sephiroth could also possibly explain why Sephiroth didn't take the advantage of his advanced knowledge and do stuff like eliminate Aerith and Tifa as soon as possible to put his plans in motion.
Or maybe this heroic Sephiroth is just as villainous as his Jenova puppet counterpart and simply wants to work alongside Cloud and co. so HE can be in charge of everything when the time comes, changing aspects of his plan to assure total victory as such.
In a meta sense of where a version of Sephiroth is heroic and/or redeemed, I think it could work beautifully if the writing handles it with the proper gravity. No sweeping anything under the rug or "Sephiroth is the coolest guy ever" shit I'm sorry, but I gotta take a pot shot at Naruto for that. Which I doubt will happen as not even people kindhearted and pure as Tifa and Aerith will be willing to forgive what Sephiroth did to them and the pain he caused for others. And the big tragedy behind Sephiroth was that he used to be someone that had a good heart and the potential to be as loving and heroic as others thought him to be. It wouldn't be respectful to the character if the redemption was done so hastily.
And I don't know why, but I have an inching feeling that Sephiroth and Aerith's relationship will go beyond a thematic one. We might get some chemistry between the two in the next two games. She is being built up as his archnemesis, like Cloud. He seems to mimic similar words and actions toward her as he does with Cloud. The hand on shoulder thing he does and his quote about the clouded eyes are the biggest things that come to mind.
If you're curious: For 7R Seph in my writing, I just base him off the four combinations stated above and combine them into one character since we don't know his deal yet.
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