#also this guy wasmade in Y9! hes an old boy!
jacqcrisis · 1 year
‘why can’t you save money in neopets’ 
well, you see, I saw what silver xweetoks look like and it activated a sleeper agent in my brain and next thing I know-
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I have this little lady and I'm obsessed with her. Then I decided to trawl through the pound and see a guy named Green_Mangler and immediately have to adopt him and then buy a Grundo Transmog potion before I can even stop myself from clicking the button. So now I have spent the neopoints and im debating on going through with making the new boy a proper Green Mangler despite the fact there seems to be no wrestling gear or backgrounds that I can find which is a real shame and-
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I've already gone and done the dang thing. Anyways, Lutrola and Mangler are bffs in my mind and that's why my neopets bank account is constantly fluctuating.
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