#also thinking about that time i drew myself as a sloth. that was sick
skenpiel · 1 year
one day id like to have a proper fursona thats maybe even remotely interesting instead of just a kittycat. someday
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melan-cauli · 3 years
1. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them?
I was in kindergarten and his name was Eddy. I liked him because our cubbies were next to each other. haha.
2. What is one thing you regret having done or not done in your life?
I try not to regret things, but I feel like I regret times where I wasn’t the best friend to people-- when I let my mental health take over and isolate me, causing me to ghost some people I cared about. 
3. Which parent do you identify with the most?
My mom, definitely. I love her with my entire being (not to mention I don’t have a great relationship with my dad), but even beside that, I have a lot of her mannerisms and her exact sense of humor. 
4. What do you think you cook or bake the best?
I am not big on cooking or baking; it’s just not something I have a lot of skill and practice in. I am good at making banana bread and taco dip!
5. If you could change your first name what would it be?
I really don’t know if I would change my name, but maybe I would choose something that allowed for more nicknames, like Charlotte.
6. Can you hula hoop?
I haven’t in a long time, but yes I can... and now I want to go hula-hoop, haha. 
7. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people?
I am so beyond easily embarrassed, but it really all comes down to talking. I feel like I am not very eloquent, so when I ramble often or misspeak, I get really down on myself and assume everyone has become mad at me or thinks I am stupid. 
8. Have you considered running for president?
Not in any serious manner, no. I don’t think I would have the right stamina and energy for it. I have strong beliefs, but as I mentioned before, I get embarrassed just by speaking and I would get so frustrated trying to debate people who cannot articulate ideas well or who refuse to listen. 
9. If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?
Writing. It is the one thing in my life that I have ever felt confident in, and I have been drawn to it since I was just a little kid. There is nothing about writing that I don’t love, and it is the easiest way for me to communicate in both a straight-forward manner and a creative one. 
10. Who are you most envious of—real or fictional—and why?
I don’t really have particular people that I envy. I suppose I just envy people who have got control of their mental health issues and who can articulate it in a healthy manner, but that is something I am getting better at and working toward!
11. Where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
That’s a really hard question-- as beauty is subjective and there are soooo many gorgeous places. I would personally say Germany. I say that because of its history, architecture, art, landscape, etc. I just kind of love the idea of the country, and I would love to visit one day. 
12. Are ghosts real?
I am a firm believer in ghosts. Yes.
13. Are aliens real?
100% I think it is naïve to believe that there is no other life form out there when our galaxy is so vast. 
14. How old is the most expired item in your fridge?
They are no longer in my fridge, but my strawberries went bad yesterday... Sadly. 
15. What are your favorite style of underwear?
16. What’s the saddest song you’ve ever heard?
There are so many, but the first one that came to mind was Hyperballad by Whitley (originally by Bjork)
17. How about the sweetest song?
Metaphors by Keaton Henson
18. Do you know how to play dominoes?
I have no idea. I have always owned dominoes, and my grandparents played, but I was never taught.
19. What’s under your bed?
A cat toy in the shape of an avocado 
20. Have you ever prank called someone?
So many times. It was my friends and my favorite pastime growing up. It was all always friendly and just ridiculous. 
21. 100 kittens or 3 baby sloths?
100 Kittens. I love little baby cats, and cats in general-- they are so sweet and snuggly. I miss when my family cat had kittens; they were so fun to take care of. 
22. Are you proud of what you’re doing with your heart and time right now?
I’m trying to be. I am trying to acknowledge my successes and be proud of my progress. 
23. Why or why not?
I have a good job in my field, I have dedicated all my time to working on my mental health, and I am trying to put myself first for once, so I am trying to acknowledge the good in all of that. It’s just always been hard for me to do so. 
24. How many bones have you broken?
None (knock on wood)
25. Have you ever won anything? Big or small?
I won third place in state-wide writing competition in the third grade, and a Student Writing Award in college.
26. If you could buy one material thing, and money was not an issue, what would it be?
A house. I just want a place that is all my own-- it doesn’t have to be big or anything, I just want to own my dwelling. 
27. What’s your favorite movie from your childhood?
I would say Ever After (even though Forrest Gump is my favorite movie and has been since childhood). I just have so many memories with my mom watching that movie, and I love Drew Barrymore. 
28. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat?
Oysters. No way in hell.
29. What’s the best way to comfort you when you’re having a really terrible day?
Take me on a long car ride and just let me stare out the window. 
30. Has anything/anyone ever saved your life before?
Not in a dramatic way, but yes, plenty of people have through different emotional ways.
31. Would you ever adopt a child?
I don’t want children, but I have never been opposed to adopting. I used to want to adopt when I was younger and thought I wanted kids, actually. 
32. What is one thing you’re embarrassed to admit you want to try?
Learning to roller skate
33. If you were a cake which cake would you be?
Cheesecake! Not everyone’s taste, but still delicious. 
34. What is the most important material possession you have and why?
I am not super attached to material items, but probably my over-shirt that use to belong to my grandmother; it is one thing I own that has deep-rooted sentimental value. 
35. What is the most important memory you have and why?
I think most memories are of equal importance, but one of my favorites is of when my cousins and I used to get together in the fall and do yard work for my grandma. They were long days, but everyone was happy, we were together, we had good food, and my family members weren’t sick... 
36. When was the last time you cried?
37. How old was your mother when she had you?
She was 31
38. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with?
I think I would mesh really well with Julien Baker
39. Is there something you wish you had said sorry for but never did?
Over the years, I have actually reached out to the people I thought I needed to apologize to, so I have made my peace with all of this. 
40. Have you been on your first date? If so, how did it go?
I have been. It was nice and outdoorsy, but it was also a bit awkward because we didn’t know what to talk about most of the time (and the memory was spoiled a day or two after)... 
questions credited to @itakesurveys
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wrestling-goblin · 8 years
50 to 75, if you don't mind!
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Black with an orange and white design on it. 51. Ever wished you were someone else?Not really. I’m generally content being Kai.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?I would like to be less shy and less defeatist.53. Favourite makeup brand?Kat Von D54. Favourite store?I spend most of my money at Sephora so I guess Sephora.55. Favourite blog?@eddie-the-rattlehead‘s blog contains the most nonsensical mix of all the things I love in life, so I guess his.56. Favourite colour?Aubergine57. Favourite food? Coq au vin58. Last thing you ate?Tacos.59. First thing you ate this morning?A doughnut, but it was actually at 3:0060. Ever won a competition? For what?I won a slogan competition at work.61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Suspended 3 days for punching a guy who punched me first.62. Been arrested? For what?Nah son.63. Ever been in love? Yes.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?His name was Eric. He was one of Sagan’s best friend in high school and he used to come sleep over at our house every Friday. We would watch movies, order pizza, it was a good tradition. Our mom thought he was a great kid so she didn’t mind how much time he spent at the house as long as it didn’t get in the way of homework, music practice, etc.One Friday, Sage was sick so she stayed home. There was a girl who was enamored with Eric and he was trying to find a way for her to leave him alone, so he asked me if I would play along. I had a crush on him, so I said yes.So when it came time to walk home after school, we took an alternative route, one where the girl’s school bus would drive by us, and he held my hand. So we walked hand in hand until we got to the record store downtown, but he held my hand there too. And on the way home. And when I led him upstairs to our flat. When we got home, Sagan was sleeping so we went to listen to music in my room. We put on Children of Bodom and laid on my bed like we’d done a thousand times before. We were silent and perfectly still for half an hour before he rolled on his side and touched my face. When I turned around, he kissed me.We kissed for what seemed like hours at the time, though in all honesty it was probably more like 15 minutes. Then we had pizza with my mom and Sagan, watched movies, but that night he slept in my room instead of Sagan’s.  The next Monday at school, a mutual friend told me that he had told her that morning that he thought I was annoying and wanted me to leave him alone. That weekend, he slept in my room again, and I had such a crush on the guy I allowed that shitty yoyo behaviour to happen for two years. Joke’s on home though. He called me the love of his life a few months ago and I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.65. Are you hungry right now?No.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?Most of my friends on Tumblr are also my real friends.67. Facebook or Twitter?Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?No.70. Names of your best friends?Drew, Sagan, V71. Craving something? What?A revolution72. What colour are your towels?Black, blue, and brown72. How many pillows do you sleep with?About 7, but I don’t put my head on any of them.73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?I sleep with a giant panda plush toy74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I have like 8 or 9 in Vancouver and about... maybe... 45 in Quebec?75. Favourite animal?It’s a three-way tie between sloths, hyenas, and pangolins.
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