#also they're both in for like. petty theft and vandalism. venera just hasn't stepped into civil society on their own since the era where
jestiamy · 1 year
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venera is so confused. he didn't know they changed the execution method so much. why do they need a picture of him and a plaque with his name on it? do they no longer mount the heads on walls? oh god, how is venera meant to fake the execution if they changed the methods?? fuck why did everyone stop doing the cutting off the hand of the thief thing. that was so much easier to illusion away. jianwei (or if you want to get all exact about it, jiàn-wěi) is freaking out just as much as venera, though for highly separate reasons relating to the fact he is an amnesiac and has no way of knowing if he's already in their systems for something. people looking at his mugshot don't need to know about that though.
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