#also these mfs need to wear some simpler clothes
thisbitchcantdraw · 2 days
I need to lock in bro😭😭😭😭
This took me 2 hours uhm
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mizzzbizzz · 3 years
relating to the last thing i reblogged but not wanting to spam those tags or anything
theres this one kid in my class that used to not be supportive but is getting better at it, and he asked me and my friend about why there are so many things and why it can’t just be like. just “bi, straight, gay, ace, nonbinary, trans, or cis”
and while i understand it would be easier for cishet people to understand, its just not always that easy
the way i had to explain was that it was like a disorder in that if you check some of the boxes for symptoms for this disorder but still don’t feel like it accurately represents you you’re gonna look around for other disorders that fit you better or explain you better
then he brought up the point about self diagnosing disorders and how its wrong and i said listen buddy a lot of people cant get the diagnosing they need or they feel uncomfortable walking to a stranger with a piece of paper that says theyre smart and tell them why theyre broken, but its a lot simpler to just look at symptoms and go yeah that accurately describes me
but either way back to labels
i explained that people sometimes feel restricted to one thing even with the labels that do exist and when people are discovering who they are they often don’t know where to start but if they try being non-binary and say no but then try being trans and don’t feel good there either, they’re probably going to be more inclined to just say that they’re cis and just have general dysphoria instead of gender dysphoria and restrict themselves to remaining cis
meanwhile neopronouns and being all these different genders and being panromantic graysexual or something like that can be a lot more freeing because you have a lot more places to see how you feel
and he also asked about why people ask “what are your pronouns” because he feels like it’s offensive if someone walks up to a cis person and asks their pronouns, so i had to also explain that sometimes people look cis but are trans and you just wouldn’t know that. you would never be sure if someone identifies differently. a guy could present feminine and not be trans, a trans girl could wear masculine clothing and not be cis, you just never know
people like to or are forced to represent specific ways based on what they feel comfortable with whether that means being as extra as they want because they feel safe or being as “cis” as they can because they feel scared
this is a lot of information to just say that hey. maybe you don’t understand some things and that’s fine, that’s okay. but sometimes you need to just accept when things are told to you. this mf asked a question about labels and then argued self diagnosing is wrong, but also refuses to get a prescription for adhd when he literally is diagnosed with that
it’s weird this kid is weird but im trying to help him better understand this sort of stuff so he’s not a dick to people im the future
tl;dr - people are allowed to identify as very specific labels and people should ask for pronouns, both of these help people become comfortable with themselves and often help them a lot emotionally when it comes to getting used to things. thanks
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