#also there's puke everywhere bc old cats puke
abysswatchers420 · 7 months
that IS my burden to bear with emmy, she's too arthritic to get in and out of the litter box every time so i leave out doggy pee pads for her. which she uses but pee will leech off and get on the floor anyway. scottie is a copycat and likes peeing on them too but will miss entirely. and what am i gonna do, yell at cats? they dont know what the fuck ur saying.
my life revolves around vacuuming and mopping until the time comes that emmy passes. then my house will be cleaner
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it’s time for ~a year in review~
ya bitch went to paris and became like good, like REALLY good friends with my current roommates!!! we got to see some really beautiful sights, do some STRANGE things like watch a french indie movie and get fucked up at a french gay party club in the basement of our hostel. i apparently shaved my head again (per the use lets be real)
accidentally started my Com capstone like a total moron but took it like a mf champ. got to party at a friends place and watch all of “dont hug me im scared”. made a friend try a grap for the first time (he was a sophomore in college). studied a lot with kelli -- and by studying i mean we mostly bullied each other. WENT TO SEE WATSKY with a super dope friend (sad we fell out of touch but she’s living her best life and im happy for her). also like got to meet george watsky uhm WHAT wild. bullied my college in the snow and also manically shoveled the walk. was a bootlicker for the college and dressed in a taco suit
WOOF i got pretty fucked up for capstones cast party and this is where the beginning of the end was for some of my friendships. however, other friendships were being built so im grateful for that. ran lights for a really awesome slam poet. FOUND THE KEY THAT WAS MISSING FROM THE THEATRE (turns out it was Sab whoops). spent a lot of time with someone who is no longer a friend -- her choice, certainly not mine. went home for spring break and took so many pictures of my cat. got selected as stage manager for comedy of errors which was a nightmare of a production but certainly not the worst.
became a vegetarian!!!! joined/started the flat earth cult because of comedy. helped randi film her weird videos, which was so much fun! the bat came back to the theatre and Basil and I both saw them. comedy of errors opened and it was intense and i really hated every second. ranted about being in a scene for directing, which means i’d been in it for a second. that shit sucked bros oh my god????? he was never on time, he was so disorganized and didn’t understand his own character. organized a dinner for the cast because they had missed a campus dinner for the show. celebrated my best friends birthday!!!! “I can read!” was on the news with two others for comedy. also presented my capstone research for academic showcase day (i still can’t believe people listened to me rant about birth order)
more videos! this one was zak bagel bites with again my best friends. was elected president for APO and i couldn’t be more grateful. did a research proposal with a friend and i cannot BELIEVE we’re still friends after it because we really could have killed each other. physically fought the MONSTER that is jess (didn’t actually, really should have). helped two friends fall in love on accident/purpose. was elected as KPY president (damn) and forcibly elected as parliamentarian for LPH. ended my junior year. started work immediately after going home for my dad. mostly answered phones, worked 7:30-5 every day for the whole summer yikes. managed to pass junior year with a 4.0!!!
 learned a lil how to quote and did NOT enjoy it. went to PRIDE with my wife and bought my first ace flag. it was actually petrifying to buy and wear, but i have one now which is awesome. holy shit got my first tattoo!!! it has faded a bit now but still looked awesome. it was the beginning of an addiction. picked up an internship at my old theatre company and... deeply regretted it as it pushed my 12 hour days to almost 18 hours. literally fell in love with the music director. 
a random woman complimented me??? so that was fun. watched after my old band directors kids (they were a nightmare i literally never want kids). got to hike and do all that fun stuff. went to the local county fair
my mom admitted to loving brooke more than me on her birthday (fair). got a card from my office team to celebrate my 21st a lil early. went back for SENIOR YEAR BOYS. got drunk at an old friends place. did marching band. moved in with two of my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. took improv with friends which was lit. we even did a whole performance. met a new friend! my other roommate brought in a new kitten (which became a whole thing holy shit). used school sanctioned ipads to dick around. shaved my head againnnn. was sober at a party (woof why). got the drunkest i have ever been and puked everywhere and passed out on the stairs. have not ever reached that level again. also cracked my phone. fully assumed position as president of two clubs. started rhetoric (yucky) and theatre and diversity (also ick but for different reasons)
became NOT sober literally the next day nice. started the MASH group i think??? which is like the only thing im proud of. it was around here. had to pick up a friend whos car broke down. went to pride in a local town with friends!!! that was fun. turned 21!! couldn’t celebrate bc school and stage management, but my two roommates still made sure i had a good time. marching band boys! we did a LONG ASS parade with my cute lil section. did mixers for KPY and APO! had our first football game. held a band rehearsal in the dark because the lights didn’t work which was funny and SO weird. walked to the trains with some really awesome friends. broke into the cemetery and stole a traffic cone and put it on a statue on campus bc mania. went to a friends musical career takeoff and ran her merch table bc the person who was supposed to run it showed up almost an hour late. someone showed up at the lib while i was closing with a friend asking for a place to stay. i hope hes good now. tried omegle again for whatever reason. tried to go to a local diner and was DENIED bc they went from 24 hours to closing at 10pm so i had a mental breakdown in my car at 2am in a McDonalds parking lot. FINALLY got to celebrate my birthday and go to the bars!!! well bar singular. but had a really good time even if those people aren’t really my friends any more
homecoming boysssss!!!! also ace pride. worked the WORST thing I have ever had to operate in the chapel but the people were nice about it so i was kinda okay. also got to be a part of the dopest percussion show and ran lights and sound for it. rhetoric ended thank christ and i never want to talk about anti-war messages in MASH ever again. finally learned that my best friend has a partner and was ECSTATIC. worked a haunted house which literally sucked so hard but we made bank on it so im okay with it. were robbed (i still have suspicions who did it but ill keep my mouth shut). dressed up as a newsie for halloween, and my roommates and i all took pictures which was awesome. started my internship and movement and stage
LAST FOOTBALL GAME got drunk too often probably lol. got an impulse tattoo with my roommates. went to a soccer game. went to the trains drunk and also olive garden. did trauma training so i got to act hysterical (act?). did some KPY bonding. had a hella long saturday with a concert and everything. shot my shot and MISSED. did greek thanksgiving. played DD for someones birthday bc expired license. got my NEW license. had a horrible time driving to and from thanksgiving break. got to hang with my WIFE
made it home somehow?? did box office for the children’s show as well as publicity which was a lot of work tbh. went on a double date with my roommates and their partner. did the filming for the college christmas card. had an awesome party at our place and i regret nothing. celebrated the moving out of our 4th roommate. worked my last gig at the museum. managed to scrape by again with a 4.0. threw a great party at my place for like 5 days straight (jesus christ). did a horrible puzzle. tried an edible (suffered for it). hiked in the mountains a lil. caught up with high school friends by drinking which was AWESOME. saw Frozen 2. went out with my fam bam. had a great christmas. also threw a new years party (what??? that just got over) and felt like a pretty good hostess (i just provided alcohol lol but it worked) and got to catch up with some great great awesome friends and keep people safe and off the roads for new years. 
all in all a damn good year. its crazy how quickly things change, but im grateful for the place that i am in. can’t wait to graduate this year and see what happens next!!!
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shortjohnsilver · 7 years
tagged by @baalmuian ty bruh i love talkin about myself LAST:

1. Drink: cherry pepsi 5ever. or until i decide to stop trying to die young. 2. Phone call: uhhh probably a potential job n trying to set up an interview 3. Text message: telling my aunt i’d do it this ONCE to get a student’s address for her but that i don’t feel comfortable logging into the system of my old job from home 4. Song you listened to: I’ve had Dark Blue on repeat a lot lately (Jack’s Mannequin) it’s my silverflint song. So probably that. 5. Time you cried: Earlier today while doing Damien’s dream daddy route. I’ve so far only cried during his and Robert’s. I cry about everything.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah not really. 8. Been cheated on: i almost said no bc i care so little i forgot but yeah quite extensively. 9. Lost someone special: who hasn’t done that thing? 10. Been depressed: like last week. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: most recently out the window of a moving car while the guy behind us yelled “pussy!” at me and I flipped him off while still puking. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. orange 13. purple 14. red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: ye! 16. Fallen out of love: nah 17. Laughed until you cried: probably 18. Found out someone was talking about you: nah but i bet they are. little shits. 19. Met someone who changed you: mmmmm not really im consistently a garbage 20. Found out who your friends are: no n that sounds scary. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: ye GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: p much all? i think? i’ve at least met in person anyway. 24. Do you want to change your name: haha dying is easier 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: my gotdamn sister bought me a cabin for a weekend. nice. 26. What time did you wake up: like 2. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: crying bc ddadds got delayed again. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: someone to hire me. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: i was 7 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish i’d chosen an apartment over moving in w/ my sister. don’t tell her that she’ll take it wrong. 31. What are you listening right now: my sister’s shitty kitten bite stuff she’s not supposed to bite. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: idfk. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: drivers not signaling. people who don’t like john silver. 34. Most visited Website: probably this blue hell. or twitter, lately. 35. Mole/s: idk i don’t think so what even is a mole??? i like the rodents. 36. Mark/s: i got freckles in lots of places. not like the good kind that are everywhere in abundance but just like scattered about in a few places. 37. Childhood dream: police officer 38. Haircolour: fucken red RED R RED !!BLOOD!!! 39. Long or short hair: don’t talk to me abt hair length i have issues. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nah 41. What do you like about yourself: uhhh i am… fast learner… that was taken off my ‘strengths’ category for interviews 42. Piercings: none. more issues. 43. Bloodtype: good question 44. Nickname: fufu 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: aries 47. Pronouns: he/him 48. Favourite TV Show: FUCKEN U KNOW WHAT IMMA SAY FOLKS. THOSE BLACK SAILS 49. Tattoos: none but i’ve been thinking about the ones i want recently. 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: none 52. Hair dyed in different color: my hair was not born this way. 53. Sport: i’d play anything if it was easy and i didn’t have anxiety about literally everything. im fucking good at sports and shit im just bad at life. anyway soccer if i had to choose. 55. Vacation: secluded cabin. all hiking. no human interaction or public places. 56. Pair of trainers: wat? MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing atm. tragic. 58. Drinking: also nothing 59. I’m about to: idfk answer the next question after that it’s a mystery 61. Waiting for: someone how wants to hire me to call me 62. Want: a job 63. Get married: nah 64. Career: something with money WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: i love me some kisses 66. Lips or eyes: HMMMMMMM idk both good. 67. Shorter or taller: nnn don’t care? 68. Older or younger: still don’t care. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS I LOVE ME SOME ARMS 71. Sensitive or loud: not sure what this means but probably loud 72. Hook up or relationship: got neither man lemme just have my cats. hook-up if i had to pick rn. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant i am Nothing.HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: no wtf why haven’t i done this??? 75. Drank hard liquor: ye but it’s hard and i can barely stand how it tastes. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have any 77. Turned someone down: sure???? 78. Sex in the first date: no again why haven’t i done this ?? my life reads like a… christian or some shit ew. 79. Broken someone’s heart: probably not 80. Had your heart broken: not in a relationship way but in a someone-betrayed-me-in-a-way-i-never-foresaw-and-changed-my-view-of-them-and-myself-forever way. we love dashes. 81. Been arrested: nah 82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: nah DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sometimes. not often. 85. Miracles: cute but not really 86. Love at first sight: cute but not really 87. Santa Claus: absolutely 88. Kiss on the first date: uh, yeah? 89. Angels: no fuck that OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: aerin/JiRa 91. Eyecolour: idk like green 92. Favorite movie: black sails s01e01 no i didn’t do this whole thing just to answer the last question that way. im tagging uh... mutuals but they don’t gotta do it. pbvs. doubt i’ll find 20. @filmgoldlesbians @crystallisedrain @asexualsanji @samhound  @dearestfreckledginger @gaygingerpirates @husbandpirates @knownasemrys @miragu @lukearnold @anarfea ​
im positive i missed some probably some people i’ve even talked to but im a tired and i didn’t remember how some people’s urls actually went @whxlebones TOO I KEPT TRYING TO PUT AN A INSTEAD OF AN X while tryna tag you
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kingshixld · 8 years
I work at an animal shelter and some of the shit we see is awful so like. tw animal cruelty & death. don’t feel like you have to read this. like. I just needed to get it off my chest and I didn’t want to shove it on anyone specifically so I threw it here. I need to vent because it’s fucking heart breaking. thats all this is.
so we sort of develop a sick sense of humor because thats literally the only way we can deal with some of the shit we see. but like. it’s hard to keep joking because we’re all trying to not let this thing fuck us up but we all know it’s seriously fucking us up anyway?? so the jokes seem pointless but we’re still trying and i just. like some days i’m fine. i can joke and it actually helps make the awful shit seem less real. today it was just too much shit and i couldn’t brush it off bc holy fuck it was so bad.
animal control showed up and hunted me down because I was the only one who knew how to do intake office stuff who was there today. so he was like “hey come take a picture of this dog” and i knew it was a dead one, thats the only reason he’d want me to take it now before he puts in hte freezer instead of waiting until tomorrow when im actually working in the office. but then he makes a joke “well. i think it’s a dog” and i thought it was just a joke, you know haha this poor dog got hit by a car.
no. he was completely serious. this dog got run over about ten times before somebody finally called ACO to go pick it up out of the middle of the road. it was so twisted and shredded i legit almost puked when he opened the bag. and i had to take a picture and i have to save it because if someone ends up calling to see if that’s their dog i have to show them that photo. the dog didnt have tags or a microchip (that we could tell... it was honestly so fucked up that it took us a few minutes to find its head)
like its bad enough when a dog gets hit by a car once. but people kept hitting it. this is someones pet. their best friend. they’re most likely out worried sick looking for him and calling his name but he won’t be able to respond because a bunch of assholes fucking tore him to pieces with their cars without giving any fucks at all. i see shit like this a lot but i’ve never seen a dog so bad. the girl who trained me, who works intake 5 days of the week, was even shocked and she’s been there for almost 5 years so she’s seen it all before. 
and to add to that, a different animal control guy brought in a dog and he fucking strangled the shit out of it. like what the hell, yes the dog was aggressive but he nearly killed it. we had to rush him to the emergency pet care clinic and he was passed out from lack of oxygen. there was so much blood everywhere because this ACO guy didn’t give any shits about the dog. if you don’t care about htem why the hell do you have this job?? 90% of ACO workers are wonderful. they care about the animals, they’ll ask us how they’re doing, they’ll bring treats to go visit some of their favorites that they’ve brought in. they care so damn much and that’s why they do this job. to help the animals. but then you’ve got this asshole, who’s been doing this for a long fucking time. he’s worked the longest out of the current group. he knows better. and he nearly killed this dog because it was being aggressive.
we also have had an outbreak of calici in our stray cats room. and someone, who thankfully got fired recently, was rubbing all over the cats and then going to pet other cats, without gloves (which like. yeah they’re cute. but you don’t do that in our stray rooms. thats where disease and sickness and all the bad shit is. you dont love on teh pets FOR THEIR PROTECTION) but she kept doing it regardless of warnings and knowing that it was bad for them. so we had just one cat with calici, and now we’ve got 5 confirmed cases and 9 more possible cases. the vet is suggesting that we put down every single cat in our stray room (which is about 50 cats rn) so that we can completely bleach the room and 100% for sure get rid of the calici to save all the other cats. and the scary thing is that it spread to our adoption room too. we found the first case of it in adopt. so that means some customers might have picked it up and spread it to the other cats up there. they might have taken it home to their cats. 
its fucking terrifying and heart breaking. because we’re actually even listed on the wikipedia page about calici because several years back we had to PTS nearly 200 cats in order to contain the outbreak because it spread so badly (that was in the old shelter though. they’ve since changed ownership, completely changed hte staff, adn moved to a new location. we refuse to let it get that bad again.) and i just hate that this is a problem because someone was a careless idiot about our safety regulations. we have parvo and calici in our stray rooms literally because of one fucking idiot. 
okay i got this all out. i had a good cry. im gonna go drown myself in coffee and chocolate and try to feel better. 
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