#also the way kenobi's is what anakin would look like if he didn't fall I can't do this
talkfastwalkfaster · 8 months
Serenity ~ Ben Kenobi x Reader
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A/N: this is set about 5 years after rots. reader is about 27 & obi-wan is 43. i was going to make a valentine anakin fic but that plan moved so enjoy my other love, hermit obi-wan. this is my first time writing smut so it might not be the best. also, if you have any feedback, it's welcomed & appreciated :)♡ WC: 3,041 Warnings: MDNI, smut, some angst
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Tatooine was known for its extremely warm temperatures, but today was worse than ever. Ben was drenched in sweat the entire day, making him wish they could afford a cooling system to install within their home. 
He noticed you never seemed to sweat as extensively as he did. He assumed it was because you were a native of the planet. 
“(y/n), are you certain that our animals will survive this weather?" Ben called out from the entrance of your home. His thoughts were consumed by his trusted stead, Eopie may have been able to sustain this weather in previous times, but that didn't ease his worries.
Ben headed into your house and over to the kitchen where you had been for the past few minutes. 
He rested his hand on your lower back and peered over your shoulder to watch you chop up some vegetables for dinner. If he was honest, he was a little envious that this heat was seemingly not affecting you as it was him.
Your mouth formed into a small smile as you continued cutting vegetables, “I’m certain, Ben, they’ve survived hotter weather than this before. They’ll be fine.”
He exhaled, his shoulders deflating as he continued to gaze at you. He knew his worries were futile, yet his concerns wouldn’t falter. “I know, I know. I just can’t help but worry for them.” 
This was his life now, he had accepted becoming a farmer ages ago, but there was still a lot more that he would have to come to terms with; he was still haunted by memories of the war, watching Anakin fall to the dark side, watching Qui-Gon die, watching Satine die, watching his beloved Commander and battalion turn against him in the blink of an eye…
He rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to shake the weight that always seemed to be weighing him down. “I suppose it’s just the heat getting on my nerves. It feels as though the heat of a hundred suns is shining down. I don’t know how you’re acting all nonchalant, I feel like I might as well be burning and yet you’ve barely broken a sweat.”
You glanced over your shoulder to look at him, “Well I have lived here all my life, I’m used to the heat.” The truth was that the heat always did manage to bother you a little, but you had grown up in the scalding temperatures, you were, unfortunately, accustomed to them. It made no sense for you to complain about it. 
“I don’t know how you do it if it’s not the heat that’s unbearable, it’s the awful sandstorms that are always passing through here,” Ben complained. Despite having lived on Tatooine for a while now, it seemed as though no matter what he did, he could never get used to the heat. His mind digressed toward Anakin and his hatred toward this planet, and he finally seemed to understand his point of view. But Ben quickly pushed that thought away as his heart ached each time his mind brought up his former student. 
He was brought out of his trance by the sound of your voice. “You’ll get used to them. Sure, they might not be ideal but Tatooine isn’t as bad as it could be. I mean the war never came here and the Empire has little interest in this planet. The weather may not be perfect and there are always things that could be improved here, but i can’t think of living anywhere else,” You mused. You knew that Ben got stuck in his head easily and you’ve known him long enough to see the signs of it. 
His brow always started to furrow and he stroked his beard, seemingly without even realizing it. You’ve figured out that the best way to bring him back to the present was to talk about where you are. Even though you’re not necessarily fond of praising Tatooine, he needs it, and that’s all that matters to you. 
“I wish I had as much patience as you do, my dear,” he sighed, taking in another deep breath. 
It all seemed so normal, this was a conversation that any couple could have. To any outsiders, you two would be seen as a regular husband and wife, like any other married couple in the galaxy. Ben was slowly starting to feel content with his life here, he could almost forget everything that happened five years prior. He could almost pretend that he did not come to Tatooine because of his failure, that he didn’t have to go into hiding, and that his life didn’t completely spiral because of one order.
Your face softened, knowing how difficult it’s been for Ben. It always seemed as though he was unable to completely move forward, despite his best attempts, because of whatever happened in his past. “Well, you've only been here what, 5 years? You have to give yourself time to adjust, sweetheart."
A faint smile stretched across his lips when you called him ‘sweetheart’. It was the most endearing pet name you had ever given him and he felt a warmness throughout his chest whenever you used it. It made him feel normal, he didn’t have to worry about his former life as Jedi Master and General Obi-Wan Kenobi anymore, he could just be Ben, your husband.
He chuckled softly, watching as you began to cook the vegetables before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. “I know, darling, I know…” he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and sighed, breathing in the scent of you, something that always relaxed him.
As you cooked, your mind briefly wandered to Coruscant, Ben had once mentioned that he was born and lived most of his life there. You wondered if the planet was anything similar to Tatooine or if it was the complete opposite. You had always wanted to ask him more about his past, what he was like before you met him 3 years ago, and yet, for some reason, you could never bring yourself to give in to those desires.
However, as the two of you stood in the kitchen, you believed that now would be a better time than any to ask him, seeing as this was the first time in a while that he was truly beginning to relax. You hummed softly, attempting to keep the peaceful environment that had been created, “You said you were from Coruscant right? Is it very different from here?”
Ben stiffened slightly from his position behind you before forcing himself to relax, he knew you had no ill intent with your question. If this was any other time, he would have avoided your prodding, but for once, he decided to indulge you, even if only slightly. “It’s very different from here, my dear.” he held you tighter and kept his head resting in the crook of your neck, your familiar scent had always given him a sense of peace and calmness, something which he craved, wishing he could forever be engulfed in it.
“Coruscant makes Tatooine look like a ghost town. It’s full of large buildings and many different levels. You could always hear the buzzing of speeders and people clamoring to numerous places,” Ben paused for a second, wondering how much more he should tell you, before ultimately deciding it’s best to keep it brief, “Let’s just say there was never a dull moment there, my love.”
You decided to push your luck, desperately wanting to know more about your husband. You murmured, as if trying not to startle Ben with your next question, “Do you ever miss it?”
His heart immediately constricted at the thought, though he quickly dismissed it. There was no reason for him to start dwelling on what-ifs, this was his life now, and there was no changing the past. “My life there? No, not at all,” he replied quickly, the lie coming out easy. 
This has become a type of dance for him, every once in a while you would try to inquire about his past and he would always find ways to avoid giving too much detail. He would only ever respond vaguely enough to not make you suspicious while also satisfying your curiosity. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you what his past life actually entailed, it was still too raw, too painful. He didn’t want you to worry either. He knew that he couldn’t hide who he once was from you forever, but he couldn’t tell you today, not now. 
Ben rested his chin on your shoulder and muttered “I wouldn’t want to go back.” A half-truth, he’s not as fond of the planet as he used to be, but it still holds some sentimental value to him. It’s not that he would never want to go back to Coruscant, it’s that he can’t. If he ever tried he knew the Empire would be on him as soon as he was even remotely close to the planet’s atmosphere. 
You finished cooking the vegetables and raised your eyebrows slightly surprised, not expecting that answer from him. “Never?” you inquired, feeling slightly bewildered. “You’d really never want to go back? Was it that bad?”
Ben held you tighter and exhaled, that part of him died years ago. To him, Obi-Wan died the moment he left Anakin to die on Mustafar — he had been, in a way, reborn as Ben. He was just Ben Kenobi, a simple farmer, and your husband. Nothing more, nothing less. “It was fine, nothing particularly interesting happened to me when I lived there,” he lied again, giving you a soft kiss on the side of your neck hoping that this topic of discussion would die out soon.
You sighed at his words and murmured, “Dinner’s ready.” You decided to let the topic drop, knowing that he wasn’t exactly telling you the truth, but you hoped that one day he would trust you enough to let you completely in. 
The two of you ate dinner in silence, both of you seemingly lost in your thoughts. Ben had intrigued you from the start. You had met him at a market in Mos Espa, and he immediately stood out to you. From the way that he held himself to the way he talked. He looked like someone who had seen the galaxy, who had actually experienced life, something you had always wished to do but never had the luxury. His eyes — his beautiful, entrancing sapphire grey eyes that were like pools of sorrow. They showed a variety of complex emotions, something that made you want nothing more than to break down his highly built-walls and see who he truly was. 
Ben was never one to speak much while eating, he felt there was no need to fill the silence with meaningless chatter — he wanted to just enjoy being with you, you were everything to him. 
He had never thought that he would be able to have this, that he’d be able to feel happy again. For the first two years that he had lived on Tatooine, he had expected that he would be alone forever, that he had deserved to live a life of isolation. But then you came along and completely wrecked all those painful thoughts. 
Ben hadn’t realized that he was being completely quiet, he was still processing that he was married and a farmer — he never thought this was how his life would turn out. “Thank you for the dinner dear,” he remarked appreciatively. 
The corners of your mouth turned upward and your eyes brightened ever so slightly at his gratitude, “You’re welcome. I’m sorry though, I know it’s not much-”
He interrupted, “Don’t worry yourself, it’s perfect… You’re the best, you know that?”
You held back a smile, unable to resist teasing him a little. “Am I now?”
Ben brought your hand up to his lips and kissed the palm gently, “You certainly are, my dear. You are the best thing to happen to me in years and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
You leaned forward and kissed him, deciding that no words would be able to encapsulate how you felt towards him.
His heart fluttered as you kissed him, it was so tender and he was more than willing to return it. Your lips were soft and inviting, and he couldn’t resist pulling you into his lap, his hands gently caressing your face. In response, you wrapped your arms around his neck, desperately wanting to be closer to him.
You couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, your body was reacting to his and you were so comfortable being in his arms. He was all you needed in life, there wasn’t anything else that mattered. His hands slowly drifted down and began rubbing small circles on the small of your back. 
Your heartbeat quickened as the two of you pulled apart, the feeling of kissing him was intoxicating. You started to subtly grind your hips down, desperate for any type of friction. 
Ben gasped softly at your ministrations and quickly connected your lips again. The kiss between the two of you was full of love and passion. Your hands were everywhere, one wrapped behind his neck and your other around his shoulder, as if you were trying to entangle yourself with him.
Ben deepened the kiss, his tongue darting out and exploring your mouth. He couldn’t take it anymore and picked you up, heading straight for your shared bedroom. Your arms were tightly wrapped around his neck and you kissed all over his face and neck as he took you to the room. 
Once you reached the bedroom he gently laid you down on the bed and slowly made his way on top of you, wanting to savor each moment. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at you with an expression that could only be described as pure, devoted love before lowering himself and kissing you again, this time slower and more intimate than he had previously. 
Without breaking the kiss, he started to tenderly remove your tunic from your body, revealing your naked top to his gaze. The rest of your clothes were quickly removed and thrown off the bed as Ben began to kiss you everywhere — your neck, your shoulders, your chest, anywhere he could get his lips on. His hands slowly made their way down your chest, squeezing and massaging your breasts before finally heading towards your neglected pussy. You were completely entranced by his touch, his hands were sending shivers throughout your entire body, making you tremble with anticipation.
You whimpered in pleasure as his hands moved downward and he inserted one finger into your dripping folds while lightly rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb.  You hastily tugged on his own tunic, stripping him until both of you were naked on the bed. You grasped his shoulders and spread your legs open wider, inviting him to come closer. Ben slotted himself in between your thighs and hovered on top of you, his arms caging you in. 
Ben shifted slightly, slipping one hand in between your bodies to grasp his cock. He dragged the tip of it through your folds a couple of times before finally sinking into you. You moaned as he pressed himself closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist as you adjusted to the size of his cock. 
You gripped his shoulders tighter, nails digging into his skin as you begged, “Ben, please, move.”
He slowly began to rock his hips, not wanting to rush this moment. The love between the two of you was palpable, your bodies fit together perfectly as if you were made for each other.  He moved his head to your neck, pressing soft kisses into the crook of it. He knew right then that everything he went through was worth it if this was his fate. All of his struggles and hardships faded away as if all that mattered was you and him. 
Your moans grew louder as he gradually picked up his pace, the wet squelching sounds of your skin meeting filled the room. Your nails raked down his back, pleasure completely filling your senses, the only thought on your mind was Ben. 
As your lips met again, the kiss was tender yet rough, a juxtaposition that seemed to also perfectly describe your husband. You could feel your orgasm looming, squeezing his cock and pulling him deeper into you. He moaned into the kiss, his hips stuttered, spilling inside of you, coating your insides with his cum. His orgasm triggered your own, whining loudly as you spasmed around him, your whole body trembling as you rode out your high.
The two of you laid there for a while, basking in each other’s presence before he slowly pulled out of you, the mixture of your cum slowly running down your pussy and thighs. 
You leaned up and gently kissed the side of his mouth, “I love you, Ben.”
A soft smile grew on his lips, his heart was overflowing with his love for you. He had never felt like this with anyone but you — you were his person and he was yours, you were perfectly suited. He had no doubt in his mind that you were his soulmate, and he’d thank the Maker that the Force led him to you. “I love you too, my dear.”
You looked up at him lovingly, knowing that this was where you were meant to be, everything seemed right, everything made sense, when you were with him and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew in the back of your mind that you still had ways to go with Ben, but in this moment, none of that mattered, you’d have him in any way you could.
He exhaled and pressed his forehead against your shoulder — leaning against you in this way felt very nice. His body, mind, and soul felt rejuvenated just by being in your presence.
The two of you shifted so that you were laying your head on his chest and your legs were intertwined. Slowly you and Ben drifted asleep, your bodies, minds, and souls forever entwined.
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thehollowprince · 4 months
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We're a few days away from the premiere of The Acolyte, and this showed up on my Google Recommendations. Against my better judgment, because it's Screenrant, I opened it anyway, and I'm a little torn.
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Like, on the one hand, I've never viewed the Jedi as gods, literal or otherwise, but I fully admit there has been a kind of deification of characters like Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn, and more recently with newer characters like Rey and Ahsoka. Even Anakin, though, to a lesser extent. There have been quite a number of people who have looked at these characters and said
"This is what a Jedi is supposed to be and nothing else."
Of course, it's been that exact sentiment that has led to a lot of negativity toward other Jedi, namely Mace Windu, but also Yoda and Luminara and Ki-Adi-Mundi.
But since there are no legacy characters in this show (with the possible exception of a Yoda cameo), I'm hoping this show will look at the Jedi as what they are, warrior monks doing the best they can to keep the peace in an ever more chaotic galaxy.
Charlie Barnett (Yord Fandar) said this
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I want to talk specifically about the first half of this quote.
"It's like that moment when you realize that your parents aren't gods, do you know what I'm saying? That kind of mysticism plays out., and I think Yord is stuck in and committed to being in the 'Jedi are gods' sentiment. He is a Jedi Knight, and he's fairly new to the position too, so he is very excited to do it right...
I am all for exploring the "flaws" of the Jedi (such as they are) by showing a character that grew up with this expectation of what a Jedi was supposed to be (basically the galaxy's version of superheroes) only to find out that it's not all like it was in the holos.
The only downside I have with this is the fact that Yord would have grown up in the Temple and realized that the Jedi aren't these superbeings. Sure, he could have idolized his teachers and masters, but not to the extent that he'd be blind to the realities of the position.
And then we have this.
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I remember reading the interview with Dafne Keen in Empire where she talks about her character (Jecki Lon) and how, even though she's just a Padawan, she's a better Jedi than Yord.
That rubs me the wrong way. Not every Jedi is obviously equal in all talents. Anakin, for example, was one of the best lightsaber duelests of the Order, even when he was just a padawan, but he lacked focus and control, something Obi-Wan had in spades. Same with Ahsoka later, with her being an exceptionally talented padawan but letting her anger get the better of her sometimes, as well as her pride. Yoda was the wisest member of the Order, but Mace was the Order's best duelist.
You get what I'm saying?
Even Obi-Wan had an answer pointed out to him by a youngling in Attack of the Clones. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, and they compensate by working as a whole.
So, while I don't have a problem with Jecki being a better duelist or being stronger in the Force than Yord, it's irritating when it's labeled as her just being a better Jedi. Another thing I remember specifically from her interview was her saying that the only reason Yord became a Jedi Knight was because he was older, and I didn't like that, because that's not how the Order works!
Who knows, maybe I'm reading to much into this, because I've been pretty vocal about how most of what's been said about this show behind-the-scenes has been pretty anti Jedi and this just feels like a continuation of that train of thought. I have no problem with Yord being proud or angry or even falling to the Dark Side and becoming this acolyte. I'm just nervous about how they're framing it all.
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Uh oh, new S/I intro already...
Meet: Freida Baltwin Priestess of Jein'ta
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Ship Tag: #death by anyone's hand but his would never taste as sweet
*Disclaimer* while I have been watching and rewatching the prequels I have never seen Clone Wars. So this ship will evolve as I do that... whenever I do that.
Star Wars Lore is not my strong suit.
Also, I don't want this to be actually doomed so I might have to rework some plot points. And I'm totally not stealing part of the story from Phantom Menace, nope... You can't prove anything.
Jein'ta is a planet in the farthest reaches the outer rim. It's lush with alien life and nearly untouched by the rest of civilization.
It's where Freida was born, and had it not been so far from everything she would have been brought to the Jedi temple as a baby. She's extremely force-sensitive and without the Jedi's teachings, she's found her own way to comnune with and interact with it.
It amplifies and displays her emotions in a way, as it affects the world around her.
Because of this deep connection to the force she is regarded as somewhat of a spiritual guide on her homeworld, a priestess.
It isn't until dark forces hiding within the galaxy learn of her does she also come to the attention of the Jedi.
These dark forces attempt to kidnap her and her father contacts the Jedi council to protect her and teach her to control and conceal her abilities better.
That's when she's trusted to the care of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker.
She's normally quite a free and bright spirit but with having to leave all she's known with two strangers, she becomes timid and quiet
The trip back to Coruscant did not go according to plan when their ship was intercepted and forced to make an emergency landing.
While Obi-Wan is out bartering for parts, Anakin is left to do what repairs he can and keep her safe.
Of course, the people who all but shot them out of the sky find them and there's a scuffle. He tries to keep her behind him, but one of the kidnappers grabs her and presses a blaster into her back.
As Anakin tries to come up with a plan the man's eyes go wide before he falls down dead. She gave him a major aneurysm with her control of the force, but she didn't enjoy it.
Just as the others are about to move in the whole group is attacked by a creature that isn't native to this planet and looks as though it's been tortured.
It turns on her and Anakin, teeth bared, once it's ripped through their assailants, but before Anakin can even activate his lightsaber she's pushing in front of him, her hand out like a HTTYD character.
She's always been good at connecting with animals, and this one is no different, but the tone shifts when it steps closer and Anakin takes a defensive position. His aggressive energy throws off the balance she's created, making it look like the animal is going to attack, giving him no choice but to kill it.
She's immediately in tears over it. She'd connected with it, felt its pain, and tried to soothe it. Even then, having felt its life force be torn from her, she lets him take her in his arms and lead her inside where he holds her while letting her cry it out.
Let's just say, he had a lot of explaining to do to Obi-Wan when he came back to find various corpses outside the ship and Freida sat on his padawan's lap, sleeping peacefully against his chest.
She became instantly flustered when she woke up there though, and her face was bright red the rest of the trip back to the Jedi Temple.
From there, he's basically her personal bodyguard and they spend a lot of time together, so their relationship blossoms from there.
And I'm sad to say there are only two ways this will go. Either they live happily ever after like they deserve or... to put it bluntly?
He kills her.
Ship Playlist:
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hayden-christensen · 2 years
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I didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to put it back on again. So, this is a pretty neat thing, you know, all these years later.
HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN Costume fittings for Attack of the Clones (2002) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) | Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (10/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: very few tbh... it's just- it's really long.
Summary: Senator Amidala is given three jedi bodyguards after her life is sought after again. Obi-Wan, You, and Anakin must protect her, and figure out why her life is constantly in danger.
A/n: 22 hours from now i will be watching the next episode, and someone said they suspected we were gonna get a shirtless obi-wan (fingers fkn crossed). also thank you guys so much for your feedback, it means the world to me and I love seeing how everyone is enjoying the story! if there's anything specific you'd like to see in this series, please let me know, because I only have so many ideas tbh (although i still have a general plot following the next 12 years oop-)
Words: 4.1k
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"Try to contain yourself, Anakin, it's just another mission," Obi-Wan sat down after delivering the news of your three's next assignment.
"Yes, but master, it's a mission with a pretty girl," You smirked across the room, earning a glare from your fellow padawan.
Anakin used the force to make the water you took a sip of flow faster, so you nearly choked on it. You set the cup down, throwing one of the pillows beside you in his direction. He looked so upset that you would possibly tease him about his nerves.
"You've never met her before, she's unlike anyone I know, and I haven't seen her since I was young."
"You still are young, Anakin," Obi-Wan wasn't really paying that much attention to the conversation anymore, as he'd picked up his holopad to check the schedule.
"You know what I mean. I was only a boy at the time," He corrected his earlier statement, standing up and beginning to pace around the room.
"So, what does that make you, now?" You chided, earning the return of the pillow that you'd launched at him. "Don't worry, Anakin. I'm sure the senator will think you are a man's man."
Your valiant attempt at poking fun at him was cut short when your master stood to his feet as well, walking between you both before a worse quarrel could commence in the living space.
"If you both are quite done, we're supposed to report to the senator and her team of security within the hour," He held out a hand to help you to your feet, and let you walk in front of him as you all made your way to the door.
It had been about two months since the kidnapping on Ryloth and the rescue from Hoth, and though it was a traumatic experience for all of you, it didn't take long to fall back into the swing of things.
There were however a few small gestures that had changed, knownst to you, yet somehow unmeaningful. The way Obi-Wan would keep his hand at the small of your back as you would walk through small corridors, the way he would pick up your hand in his and give it a gentle squeeze if he sensed you were anxious.
You dreamt the day he rescued you that he'd been so happy you were in his arms again that he kissed you, only once, and never again. It felt so much more real than your other dreams, but you chalked that up to the fact that he was actually there that time.
You thought about it often, how he could be so relieved to see you that he would go against the jedi code and make such an action of endearment, breaking the law of attachment completely. You knew he never would, so you quietly disregarded those thoughts, leaving them to the back of your mind for only the end of the day.
Obi-Wan thought about it often, too. Although he was ashamed of what he'd done in the moment, the longer he thought about it, the more he craved more actions such as those. He craved something more than a mentorship, and though it felt wrong in the presence of others, there were times, like when he would read to you in the library, when he could contemplate it being the best thing in the world. He knew that someday you would outgrow his teachings and become a knighted Jedi. He knew that at some point you wouldn't be so close to him as you were now, but if there was just the slightest chance that you felt the same way about him, he wanted to give you subtle hints. So subtle that perhaps they might go unseen, but enough to let you know he liked being that close to you, liked holding your hand or placing his hand at your waist when a stranger walked by.
He even helped wrap you in your cloak on the way out of the apartment just now, leading the way, but still making sure you walked next to him, not behind him. Anakin, bless him, in his state of current anxiety, was all too happy to bring up the rear.
The speeder ride to the senator's living accommodations was rather short, and though no one said anything, Anakin's presence left a thick tension in the air, even though you hadn't quite arrived at the real destination.
As soon as you all stepped into the elevator, Obi-Wan could feel how tight the space had become, and all because of Anakin and his worries. Though you teased him about it, you were very intrigued to know of this mystery woman that had him under such a predicament.
"You seem a little on edge," Obi-Wan said, and you snorted at his choice of words. 'A little' didn't even begin to compare.
"Not at all."
Standing on the other side of Anakin, you felt the need to soothe him, if only for the fact that you felt bad about your jokes before. You placed a hand at his shoulder, gripping it softly before letting it fall back to your side.
"I haven't seen you this tense since we fell into that nest of Gundarks," Obi-Wan continued. Surely, he knew what the trouble was, but as aforementioned, he hadn't really been paying attention until now.
"You were the ones who fell into that nightmare, master... And I rescued you, remember?"
Yes, you remembered it well. Although it was Obi-Wan who had clumsily fallen in, and you only slid after him because you lost your balance trying to grab him out of the way. You shuddered at the memory of mud caking your clothes and hands. You hated the feeling.
"Oh, yes," He chuckled under his breath, turning to see Anakin with his jaw and fists tightly clenched. "You're sweating. Relax, take a deep breath."
"I haven't seen her in ten years, Master."
Why did it matter so much to Anakin what this senator thought of him after ten years? He was an adult now and hadn't been when they met. Surely, she wouldn't still look at him as a small child, that would be completely foolish and ridiculous to believe.
"Here, let me help," you raised your hand to the back of his head, closing your eyes and focusing quickly, knowing there was little time before you would step out of the elevator. You detected the nerves, and how they rippled along his signature, causing bouts of fear to arise in him over the small build ups. You grabbed hold of a few of them, not sure if you could carry them all, and pulled them away from his mind, as always, leaving only good things that surrounded them instead.
"That's better, thank you."
You were greeted by the loud and obnoxious voice of Jar Jar Binks as soon as the doors opened. You had only met him once before, for diplomacy reasons, and always thought of him as a rambunctious fella. He was always great for a good laugh whenever in anyone's presence, you could surely say that.
He led you all into the main room, where a group of people surrounded one lovely woman, the senator. You were certain it was her, because even you were captivated by her beauty almost instantly. You well understood what Anakin had been fearing all this time. He feared rejection. He had to have. She was so lovely, and if he felt for her the way you thought he did, it meant he didn't want to lose favor in her sight.
"It's lovely to see you again, malady," Obi-Wan greeted, and you were sure that when you looked over at him, he would be enraptured by her as well. He... wasn't. How strange.
"It's been far too long, Master Kenobi," she smiled, and oh how her eyes shined like stars when she did. "...Ani? My goodness you've grown."
"So have you," Anakin replied, stepping forward with a look on his face you knew all too well. He was trying to be smooth... oh no. "Far more beautiful I mean..."
You raised your eyebrows and widened your eyes in surprise. He was so nervous only a minute ago, he never would have said anything like that. You mentally thanked yourself for helping him in the elevator, seeming that you also helped yourself to be entertained.
"Well, for a senator I mean."
What did he think that was going to fix? He certainly hadn't rehearsed his words to her, which was a bit strange, because you remember when he had a crush on another padawan a few years back, and he practiced talking to her in the refresher mirror. He was upset that you caught him, hence the schedule that Obi-Wan had promptly put in place.
The senator seemed to be amused by his antics, as were you, and everyone else in the room.
"Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine."
Oh man. Oh man. Did she just-?
Well now you felt bad for him. He had clearly been excited to see her again, albeit nervous, and she just shot him down as if he were an enemy fighter ship.
"I'm sorry if I don't recognize you, but have we met before?" She asked, turning to you, and you were quick to forget about Anakin and offer her a kind smile.
"I believe I have never had the pleasure, Malady. I am Master Obi-Wan's second padawan, I've been training with Anakin for the past several years," you bowed to her with respect, but she wasn't one for formalities, you could tell. You sensed it in her.
"How wonderful to hear, I didn't know a Jedi Master could obtain more than a single padawan at once," She seemed a bit confused, and for good reason, but Obi-Wan was quick to step in and clear it up for her.
"She was my designated padawan before Anakin had come to the order, so the council was gracious enough to allow me the honor or training them both."
The way he spoke was always so entrancing. The way he worded his sentences and made them flow like poetry every time he talked. You let your eyes linger on him a bit too long, and it was only when his turned back to you that you broke out of it. Everyone's eyes landed on you again, and it appeared you had missed a question.
"I'm sorry, I missed that," your face became red with embarrassment, and you waited for whoever it was to repeat the question again.
"I was wondering about your Jedi class. Are you a guardian like Master Obi-Wan and Anakin?" The senator asked with a gentle a patient look on her face. You could tell she was a kind leader, and probably beloved by all... except those who were trying to kill her.
"Oh, I'm a consular, although I sense I have some guardian tendencies," you answered, and when you glanced back at Obi-Wan, he was still looking at you with a proud smile. You loved that smile, dammit.
"How exciting, I'm sure everyone in the order is proud to have two such promising future Jedi," she commented, leading everyone into the sitting area to discuss the terms of this assignment.
Not everyone, you thought, knowing that practically the entire council, outside of Master Yoda were not in your favor.
The conversation from this point forward bored you to no end. Running security was not your forte, you much preferred diplomatic missions, where you got to converse on specific topics that otherwise would be forbidden in the order. It was frowned upon that any Jedi have a political opinion, or at least a public stance on one. You weren't exactly into politics, but you enjoyed including yourself in debates when it came to rather intellectual company. Obi-Wan could definitely attest to the fact that you were good at arguing, as well as Anakin, too.
At one point in the discussion, Anakin spoke out about how useless your three's presence was, on account of local security already being there. He was looking into more of an investigation type of assignment, and apparently, this was not what he was hoping for. To be fair, you would much rather be on the hunt for the person that was in charge of initiating these assassination attacks, but you were also looking forward to getting to know the senator. She seemed to be a kind and intelligent woman, whom you would very much enjoy the company of.
"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed," she finished the conversation gracefully, standing to her feet and excusing herself to retire.
You and Obi-Wan were following along with the security officer in charge of the senator's day to day travels, making sure you were clear on what the plans for tonight were, but you both overheard Anakin talking about the senator, Padme, as he had called her.
"You're focusing on the negative Anakin, be mindful of your thoughts... She was pleased to see us," Obi-Wan encouraged his distraught padawan, and you couldn't help but smile at the way Anakin had behaved on her behalf. He had it bad. "Now, let's check the security."
You were sleeping soundly, laid on the couch in the middle of the night when Obi-Wan returned upstairs.
Anakin had assured you he was fine to take first watch, or any watch for that matter, and knowing how he presumably felt for the senator, you knew you could entrust her into his capable hands while you caught a bit of sleep.
"Has she been out long?" Obi-Wan asked, sitting down beside you for only a moment, resting the back of his hand against the skin of your cheek, before running two fingers through the unruly strands of your hair.
"Only about a half hour or so," Anakin responded, pacing the room with an ounce of boredom clouding his mind.
After Anakin explained to Obi-Wan that Padme had suggested to use herself as bait, Obi-Wan grew a bit more tense with his padawan's decision to allow it.
"I can sense everything going on in that room," he promised, showing his master his confidence in a situation of danger. It scared Obi-Wan, if only slightly, that he wasn't showing as much restraint in this mission as he was supposed to. "Trust me."
Obi-Wan wanted to trust him, really, he did. He wanted to be able to say he was ready for something like this. Normally, he would be considered so, but due to the special circumstances concerning Padme, and Anakin's ever-growing arrogance, Obi-Wan simply couldn't let him take the lead on this one.
Later in the night, Obi-Wan took watch, but Anakin never laid to rest. When he was questioned of it, it was revealed that he was suffering yet again with bad dreams. Ones of his mother.
"Dreams pass in time," was Obi-Wan's response, but it was hardly the truth. He knew the extent of what his and your dreams normally went to, and they never just stopped, but more so got worse as they went on.
"She's been good to help me all this time, I can't bring myself to ask any more of her," Anakin nodded to you, sleeping soundly, dreaming of a specific pair of cerulean blue eyes whilst you snored softly.
"She cares for you more than she will admit," Obi-Wan smiled with a shake of his head. He loved it when you teased Anakin, because it kept him somewhat grounded. You had always been rather humble about your abilities, though in comparison to others, there was so much you could do, including help Anakin with the nightmares.
"She has them too, doesn't she?" Anakin asked, almost certain he knew the answer. He'd heard you next door to him a couple times and had heard Obi-Wan leave his room to tend to you.
"Sometimes," he confessed. He didn't want to expose you, but he knew there was no harm in letting him know he wasn't alone in his struggle.
"Does she ever tell you what they're about?"
Obi-Wan remembered one of the nights you awoke, crying and clinging to him, as you often did in that state of panic. He remembered asking you what happened, and you were very quick to comply. You'd told him that talking about it in the open air always helped ease your mind. Telling him of the things you knew weren't real as he held you, so that you could get it off your chest.
"Us, mostly."
Anakin furrowed his brows and turned his head to you. You had rolled over, and your hair was now falling in mops off the cushion of the couch. You were like his sister, and he cared for you deeply, and he didn't like the idea of you worrying over him in your dreams.
"Sometimes the only thing that can help her sleep again is to feel our signatures near her own."
Anakin thought about that sentence for a moment. He was almost comforted in his own dismay at the fact that you sought comfort in his and Obi-Wan's force presence.
"I don't mean this as a slight to you Anakin, but perhaps you could learn something from her. She keeps herself centered, and shuts out the distractions," Obi-Wan said, unaware that he himself were the biggest distraction you had ever faced. It would do you well to know that he hadn't noticed it, or rather, was ignoring that it could even be a possibility.
"I'm sure I could learn much from her, she's gifted with the force in ways the council does not recognize."
Obi-Wan soon after had changed the subject, unwilling to discuss your constant problems with the council, or rather, the constant problems they seemed to pick with you. It went on for several minutes more before both heads snapped towards the room, and you sat up from your slumber, startled by a riff in the force.
"I sense it, too," Obi-Wan said, and they both lunged for the room immediately.
Upon entry, Anakin jumped onto the bed, killing two small creatures who were being used to do immense harm to the senator, who had also been startled awake by all the commotion.
You were late to run into the room, and barely caught sight of Obi-Wan as he jumped out the window, grabbing hold of the droid that seemed to be a culprit in delivering the death trap.
"Stay here with the senator, I'll go get him," Anakin told you, running out of the room soon after he came. You were in a mess of confusion, still hazy from just waking up, and went over to Padme to see if there was anything she needed. Her lady maids were by her side, so you stood at the edge of the bed to ask:
"Are you alright?"
She seemed to be calming down from a rush of adrenaline, and you could sense her heart beating rapidly, even now, when the threat had initially been disposed of.
"Yes, I am," she answered, her hand over her chest, but she didn't sound convincing. She kept looking around the room, as if she was subconsciously searching for something.
You nodded anyway, stepping back until she dismissed the others away, claiming that you would be fine enough to protect her until the others returned.
"I thank you for your confidence in me, Malady," you sat on the bench that was near her bed, looking out the broken glass window and watching everything with an attuned sense.
"Anyone trained by Master Kenobi must be fit to protect me," she offered, noticing the awkward way you sat and patted the space beside her for you to join.
You did so thankfully, nodding your respects and getting comfortable.
"I'm happy to be in your service, and I hope to be of aid to you in this whole mess," you said, chuckling with your words to hopefully put her at ease. You had stretched your force presence around her as well, hopefully making a difference in her ongoing speedy heartrate.
"I'm very grateful to you all, I know you would probably have other, more exciting assignments right now if it wasn't for me."
"On the contrary, I am thrilled to have a chance to get to know a senator," you smiled, pausing to decide whether or not you should test the waters of her thoughts of your colleague. "I presume Anakin is on cloud nine just being able to see you again. He seems to admire you."
"I suppose he does... I remember when we first met, he asked me if I was an angel," she said, laughing slightly at the memory. You rolled your eyes, because that was absolutely something Anakin would do, even as a boy. "He said I was beautiful."
"I suppose you still think of him as that little boy you met," you were being sneaky, or at least you thought you were. She didn't exactly know where you were headed, but by now had figured out that you were acting on Anakin's interest.
"I'm not sure. He's definitely changed... he's much taller now," she joked, and even you were a bit surprised. Here she was, senator of Naboo, having just survived an assassination attempt, and she was laughing about your fellow padawan, which just so happened to be your favorite past-time.
"As someone who has had to share a living space with him for ten years, I can assure you the only thing that has changed was his height."
She was so easy to talk to, and you could already feel yourself allowing a connection to her, something you did with very few people. Not because you didn't trust them, but often times because they couldn't seem to trust you. You wondered why she was so quick to address you so plainly, as if you had been friends all your lives. You supposed she was just kind that way.
It was nearing sunrise before you had finally been able to tire her out enough that she felt safe to sleep again. It was also the time that Obi-Wan and Anakin had returned.
"Where have you been? What happened?" You approached them with a certain tone of voice, they knew not to beat around the bush. You weren't demanding, but direct, and the look on your face was stern.
"We chased the assassin into a bar in the city. We tried to interrogate, but she was shot by a bounty hunter, whom we think is responsible for all the attempts on senator Amidala's life."
"Do you know where the bounty hunter left to?" You put the pieces together rather fast, and given that said hunter was not in their capture, you knew it was likely that he got away.
"We're not sure, but he left us a clue. I have a friend I can speak with about it, but until then, we need to only worry about getting the senator off world," Obi-Wan said, stepping past you and going to speak with Padme's head officer.
Anakin seemed distraught, and when he sat down on the couch behind him, his shoulders sank.
"Hey lover boy," you quickly regretted the choice of words for the glare you soon received after they were uttered. "Calm down, I have good news."
"No, you don't," he gave you a second look you knew all too well. He was annoyed and preparing for you to tell him something that was meant as a prank.
"Yes, actually. I do," you sat across from him and smiled cheekily. Now he was really afraid. You were up to something, that much he could tell. "I spoke with Padme."
"She asked you to call her Padme?" he asked with a certain jealousy that was completely unwarranted.
"That's not the point. We spoke about you," you watched to see if he would connect the dots, but he only looked at you, an inquisition upon his features. "I think, and I could be wrong, but she gave me strong reason to believe that she might find interest in you now that you're grown."
"You're playing games with me again," his face dropped, and he moved to stand up, but you pushed him back in his seat, looking at him completely serious, now.
"I am not, I promise."
Well, you were good for your word, and he knew because you'd always kept your promises to him before, however small. You felt it was a good part of character to be a woman of your word. This changed things, and Anakin smiled widely, soon letting you mirror him.
"Well then I guess I will be acquiring your help," he said, standing and offering you a hand to your feet as well.
"Help with what?" You mused, following him into the next room.
"Winning over the lovely senator."
@spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27
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I'm So Glad I Got To Hold You🌧
Words: 831
Warnings: language? typical Star Wars violence
Star Wars Masterlist Main Masterlist
Based off of the Ashe and FINNEAS song Till Forever Falls apart and was requested by @supertoastrisesagain
This was supposed to be fluffy but y'all should know me by know, I'm shit at writing straight up fluff. This is also being written AFTER watching episode 6 of Obi Wan Kenobi and fuck did that show break mee. But yeah, made a supposed to be fluffy fic into an angsty one
Y/N sat next to Anakin on the ship. She laid her head onto his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her temple softly. No one was around. Not other Jedi and not the Clones. Just them. They both were given a few days off due to their injuries received on Geonosis. Both were surprised that they were given it. After all, a war just started. She placed her hand into Anakin's, now, mechanical one.
"This all feels like a dream."
She looked up at him, "What do you mean?"
"I mean this. Right here. Us. Everything is growing out of control and yet I'm sitting here next to you. I," He paused, "I still have you."
She smiled at him, "You'll always have me. No matter what."
"Yeah." She adjusted the front of his robes, "Even if everything went down right now. I'd be happy that I got to be with and love you."
He looked at her lovingly before leaning down to kiss her.
Anakin struggled to not run to Y/N as she had been carried out from the rubble. He tried to not run as he saw the smoke, dirt, dust, and blood that covered her face. In that moment, he couldn't give a damn about the Code. He had to make sure that she was okay. He was supposed to make sure she was okay. He always did. Just like she always did to him. But he hadn't move as he felt Obi Wan's hand on his shoulder.
But now he was walking down the halls of the ship to the med-bay. A Clone who worked in the med-bay mentioned that she was awake and talking song. He entered the bay and smiled as he saw her sitting up. He saw as her head turn and give him a soft smile as he walked closer. When he reached her he heard her weakly chuckle, "Here to check on me Skywalker?"
"I guess." He sat down next to her, "We can't go losing one of our best General's now can we?"
She smiled, "I guess not."
"That and," He took her hand into his, "I had to see if you broke our promise of being together forever, or at least until forever falls apart. And the only way for that to happen is through death."
"So has this become a till death do us part situation?"
He smiled and kissed her knuckles, "Yes it is."
Y/N stood facing away from Anakin. She couldn't believe him. Actually, she could believe him. Ever since Ahsoka left the order he became distant. Their arguments got more personal. Bringing up past mistakes. But this? Fuck, this one just hurt. He brought up that they should take a break from each other. All that she wanted to do was fix this. She tried to hold back the tears and keep her emotions in check as she heard him leaving her room.
She still promised to be his, even as it all falls apart.
Anakin stood near Y/N. Neither had said much to each other since he left her nearly crying in her room. Blasts were from droids were coming from all sides and they were forced to stand near one another as they fought. Getting closer every time their lightsabers collided with a blaster shot. Anyone who didn't know the two before would never suspect a thing was up. But those who knew them? Oh they knew. They knew the two weren't them. It may have been small, but it was still there. Something small that was different.
Their backs collided as the droids continued to come from all sides. Well, that was until they all stopped shooting at the two Jedi and all but shut off. The two looked around confused. This wasn't right. They both turned their heads and looked at their own Clones. Y/N called out to her Commander as Anakin called out to Appo.
Their Commanders and the other Clones brought their blasters up. They heard the blasts coming from all sides. But instead of aiming at the droids they previously were, they were aimed to the two Jedi. And before either had the time to react, they both were already on the ground.
Anakin looked at Y/N. He reached his hand out to her. His words were soft, barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry."
Her trembling fingers grazed his own and tears fell from her eyes. Her voice just the same as his as they said the soft words of, "I love you."
Both wishing that the final thing they heard were those words instead of the sounds of their Clones turning their blasters to them for the last time.
But neither could be upset as they died with their friend. They spent their last moments making sure the other knew what they wanted them to know. Both died never loving anyone else.
Neither breaking their promise of parting until forever broke apart.
Neither breaking their promise until death.
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tennessoui · 3 years
#20 for the kiss prompt, please!
20. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
Obi-Wan isn't looking where he's going, choosing instead to let his body switch to auto-pilot on the stairs. He's been walking this same staircase for years now, from the ground floor of the English building up to his tiny office on the fourth. If he can't do this without watching his step, he doesn't deserve to be tenured.
So he isn't looking where he's going, head buried in a student's essay and mind wrapped up in trying to work out what exactly she thinks the point of the novel they'd just concluded is, and he runs into someone.
Or, rather, someone runs into him.
Paper goes flying as Obi-Wan flings out his hands to stop himself from falling. A hand snakes its way around his elbow and yanks him back into a body and Obi-Wan clutches at it even as he swears loudly.
"Sorry, professor," the person says and Obi-Wan knows immediately who's bumped into him. No one else has ever in the history imbued that title with such heavy, weighty promise. He looks up into dark amber eyes.
"Mr. Skywalker!" he exclaims, more from the shock of the proximity of their faces than anything else. Anakin's mouth curls up into a sly sort of grin and he tightens his hold on Obi-Wan.
"I'm not in your class anymore, sir, surely you can call me Anakin."
"You just called me professor," Obi-Wan points out.
"That's because I like calling you professor," Anakin hums. "And you like it when I do." He ducks his head closer.
They're in public. They're halfway up the sodding staircase in Obi-Wan's office building.
This is unacceptable behavior.
"Anakin," he says very firmly. Sort of firmly. He's trying for firmly at least. It's very hard to be firm with Anakin, he's discovered recently.
"Professor?" Anakin drawls, still holding him inappropriately close.
"Thank you for catching me, Mr. Skywalker," Obi-Wan says, forgoing the bit where he also was perhaps the very reason he fell in the first place. "If you would kindly remove yourself from my person, I find that I am quite able to stand without assistance now."
"That's not what you were saying over the weekend," Anakin murmurs. "If I recall correctly you needed my assistance to get to the bathroom for a shower."
Obi-Wan gapes at him. The absolute nerve--
"As if you didn't demand coffee in bed the morning after I fucked you for the first time," he hisses irately. There's a glint in Anakin's amber eyes and Obi-Wan curses internally when he realizes that he's given Anakin the exact thing he was looking for: engagement.
Why, god why did he think it was a good idea to sleep with a former student? Especially this student. And then to keep doing it as well. For fuck's sake, Kenobi. Didn't he know, from the very first day of class when Anakin, a senior in a freshman intro course, skulked into the last row of the classroom twenty minutes late, didn't he know that Anakin would be nothing but trouble?
Trouble from hell itself wrapped up in a pretty package that kissed like heaven.
Obi-Wan shouldn't know that last part, and he definitely shouldn't think the second part. Everything about their relationship is unprofessional to the extreme and yet--
When Anakin had come into his office a week after the course ended, when he'd propped himself up on Obi-Wan's desk and kissed him, Obi-Wan hadn't been able to convince himself to pull away. To end this whole thing before it started. He'd wondered both in his head and out loud to Anakin between frantic kisses pressed to his chest where this would go, what sort of hell it would take them through.
And Anakin had laughed slightly breathlessly and then sunk to his knees. "I don't know," he'd said, "want to find out?"
Four months later and he's finally found out. Apparently, fucking his former student for months exclusively leads to charged encounters on the stairwell.
"What are you even doing here?" Obi-Wan asks in a harsh whisper. "This is the English building. Were you waiting for me?"
"Paranoid, much?" Anakin whispers back but there's a slight mocking tone that Obi-Wan can't stand. He's acting as if this is completely normal, as if no one could walk in on them any second, as if--- "I needed to see my professor."
The answer startles Obi-Wan into compliance and tilts his head up to allow Anakin to press a kiss against his cheekbone before he understands what he's doing. "You're taking another English class?" he asks, eyebrows furrowing.
"Jealous?" Anakin asks cheekily, stealing a kiss from his lips. It must hurt a bit to have to crane his head down so far to reach Obi-Wan on the stair below him.
"Why are you taking another English class?" Obi-Wan asks when they break apart. He'd never admit it, but he's not that fond of the idea of anyone else teaching Anakin literature, which is half the reason he allows the kiss in the first place.
After all, look what Anakin did to the last person who taught him English.
"You filled your requirement in mine. It's your last quarter of school, surely you don't want to have to read...read Moby Dick if you don't have to."
Anakin....blushes slightly and that's terribly interesting. The boy tries to cover it up, of course, a smirk that seems half-hearted and forced stealing its way across his face. "You're right, there's another dick I'd rather get better acquainted with this quarter."
"Congratulations, you must be the first twenty-two year old boy in the world who's made that joke," Obi-Wan says drolly, blinking in slight confusion when he's let go and Anakin steps past him on the stairs.
"Sorry about your papers, old man," his lover? Partner? Boyfriend? winks as he makes to continue his descent.
Before he can, Obi-Wan catches him on the elbow to stop him.
"Do you want me to stay or go, baby?" Anakin says, much too loudly in Obi-Wan's opinion. Echoing stairwells are not the place for pet names, no matter what hearing Anakin call him baby does to his spine.
"Why are you taking another English class?" he asks straightforwardly, dying to know.
Anakin's mouth pinches for a second and there's some sort of fight in his eyes before he relents and says, "Had the time in my schedule."
Obi-Wan tries his best not to pout, as he's an accomplished literature professor of a respectable age and those don't usually go around pouting at their paramours.
"And," Anakin hesitates before looking up at him challengingly. "I wanted to...be able to talk about that stuff with you. Stuff you like. Metaphors and. Symbolism shit. Narratives and stuff."
Obi-Wan blinks at him.
Anakin takes his silence to be some sort of rejection because he huffs and the blush on his face starts to spread down to his neck. He cuts his eyes away and starts to turn to leave. "Whatever. It was stupid."
It's actually the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for Obi-Wan, he thinks, and before he knows exactly what he's going to do, he grabs Anakin harder to get his attention and leans down to kiss him as hard as he can.
Anakin is so obviously shocked that it's almost funny, but he gets with the program incredibly quickly, tilting his head further up as Obi-Wan leans down.
And Obi-Wan was right, it's incredibly uncomfortable to lean down so far.
When they separate, which is pretty quickly considering their locale, Anakin stares up at him with a heavy gaze. Obi-Wan loves the way the boy looks at him sometimes, something so dark in his eyes that they look like they're burning.
Obi-Wan feels like he's burning when Anakin looks at him like that.
But now Anakin is looking at him with an air of expectation and Obi-Wan doesn't quite know what to do or say, how to articulate the bubbly feeling inside of him. He settles on, "Come around tonight, yeah?"
A smile slowly spreads across Anakin's face and it's even more beautiful than the slight gold of his eyes. "Only if you read through my essay," he bargains, reaching up to kiss him once more before turning with a wink and taking the rest of the stairs two at a time.
Obi-Wan collects his papers with a fuzzy mind. He can't remember the rest of the journey to his office, body on autopilot. No one else meets him on the stairs, which is quite lucky considering how he's quite certain he'd crash into anyone with the state of his mind right now.
He sits behind his desk and it's only an hour later that he realizes he's wearing a silly little grin. Fuck.
Abandoning his essay, he pulls out his phone for a quick google search. Obviously, he needs to meet Anakin halfway, show him how much he cares about him too by learning about some of the things Anakin's always talking about. After all, their bedroom dynamic is very much equally split, depending on the day and their mood, so why would Obi-Wan leave Anakin to make this sort of sweet gesture alone?
And anyway.
How hard could it possibly be to learn about biomedical engineering?
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binaryeclipse · 2 years
Obidala next for the SHIP ASKS
Oh ho ho 👀 thank you so much for this paring ask 💖
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: You know how everyone makes that joke about "why would Padmé choose Anakin when Obi-Wan is right there!?" but they don't actually mean it in a shipping way they only do it to rag on Anakin's character? Well I took the question in good faith instead, followed it to it's logical conclusion and what I found was hot as fuck.
My thoughts: It's hot. It's so hot. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a slut and you know he'd eat pussy so good and Padmé deserves that 😌
The only way I could see them working in a canon setting is post-Mustafar where Padmé survives. They're on the run, raising the twins and that is the peace between them. There's resentment on either end for their parts in Anakin's fall (how could you not see it, why didn't you stop it, how could you be so selfish to cling to him) and also their own acknowledgement that they didn't want to see what was in front of them the whole time. But there's also this draw, this lingering obsession, with the person Anakin Skywalker loved most in this world. Because Anakin didn't leave the Jedi because of Obi-Wan, and Anakin wasn't fully committed to the Jedi because of Padmé Amidala. So they fuck, desperately, hard, rough, seeking out a glimmer of that which Anakin loved as a way to still hold onto him. It's a twisted sort of comfort, but it's all they have asides from the twins.
And it's the twins who soften it, over time, who turn that dark and twisting thing between them into something softer. They can heal from the wounds Anakin left on them when he betrayed them and everything they loved. They were both loyal to democracy, and they'd see that restored. Palpatine took everything except the twins from them, they'd bring hell to his doorstep. Because neither of them are soft people. Padmé is honestly kind of feral and Obi-Wan is three cats in a paper bag.
Oh they'd fight, they'd dig in their claws. They were both the moral pillars of Anakin's life and Obi-Wan can go toe-to-toe with any politician and probably win. He'd tear Padmé Amidala from her ivory tower and build her back up, with greater foundation for her beliefs than her academic study.
I think they'd learn to love each other genuinely but I cannot divorce their love and loyalty to Anakin from their relationship. It can't really be done in a canon setting. Loving a demi-god does that to you.
What makes me happy about them: They'd be good together, eventually. I think both of them have the capacity to be supportive partners (Obi-Wan would probably have to tear down some of Padmé's worse traits, her desire to avoid conflict being one of them).
Also, they're hot. I'd watch their sex tape 👀💦💦💦💦💦
What makes me sad about them: They're both so tragic, betrayed by the person who they loved the most in the galaxy. Obi-Wan was by her side when she died and she pleaded with him, insisting there was still good in him.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I'm not a fan of dom!Padmé and sub!Obi-Wan. I don't see their dynamic in that sense. I don't see Obi-Wan as a sub at all really. I think in the game of doms, Obi-Wan takes the throne between the two of them (and honestly, I like sub!Padmé in this instance)
Things I look for in fanfic: Honestly, anything. There's not a lot of just them that isn't already Obianidala. Which is fine! But even in that context, you rarely see them two of them together. It's usually Anakin getting his cake and eating it too and we rarely see the two of them interact.
My wishlist: Just more content of the two of them really. We rarely see them interact.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Anakin 😂 But I also like Padmé x Satine and Padmé x Sabé. As for Obi-Wan... ah, let him be the hoe he's always been 😂
My happily ever after for them: Raising the twins and acknowledging their love for Anakin Skywalker and absolving each other of their guilt surrounding his fall. And having great hot sex.
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
i feel as the kenobi show innnnnnches closer to actually being a real tv show i can really watch that i've found myself thinking more about casting and such.
like, we've got anakin! and i'm hoping for some clone wars flashbacks, because why get him just for suit business. but also it's making me think about The Anakin Clone Idea again (i've discussed this before, somewhere, but hell if i can find it).
anyway it starts with just imagining obi-wan chilling in the desert. very sad. trying not to cry because he can't waste the water. when, out of the blue, anakin shows up, in a panic, utterly confused about what's happening, and begging for help.
at first obi-wan is pretty sure he's hallucinating. it's happened before, after all. more often than he likes to admit. and he's pretty sure anakin is dead.
and even if he isn't, he should not have...any of his limbs, which he does.
however, anakin insists that, no, he's definitely really there, and what is going on Obi-Wan, why would you come to this shit-hole of all places, do you know how hard it was to find you after i escaped from the empire, also, obi-wan, are you aware that the republic fell and there's an empire now?
obi-wan is cautiously willing to admit that he's only ever had headaches like the one he's getting right now when anakin is involved.
so he takes anakin back to the hut of despair and agrees to at least listen to the wild story anakin has to tell him, which is thus:
anakin woke up some time ago, coming to awareness in a tank. he didn't recognize anything around him and the entire area felt suffused with the dark side. he assumed he'd been captured by dooku or possibly this mystery sith they'd been trying to find and, with some work, managed to bust his way free in time to discover that the lab he'd been in was burning down/blowing up.
he doesn't know why. just knows that he hauled ass away and managed to haul himself into a ship and escape before the entire thing blew.
and now everything in the galaxy is weird and bad! he doesn't know what's going on! he heard padme died! the temple is in ruins! what is going on, obi-wan!
and, when obi-wan asks him what the last thing he remembers is, from before the tank, he's not expecting anakin to tell him some story about something from years ago. before the fall of the republic. before all of this. before the death and destruction.
and obi-wan wants to believe it's a hallucination, but he asks anakin some more questions about the machinery that he'd seen, and, well. they both know very well what cloning equipment looks like....
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band--psycho · 4 years
Obi Wan x Reader-I Love You(Follower Prompt)
My fifth entry for @girl-next-door-writes bingo challenge! I hope you enjoy it!!
Follower Prompt by @xacatapelsyx :
Were you ever going to tell me about her? You weren’t, were you? I had heard rumours but I didn’t even think to ask, I… I thought we told each other everything. 
You hated how jealous you were of Satine...hated the thoughts that flooded into your mind when you saw the two of them together. You’d heard quiet rumours about the two of them but naively, you chose not to believe them. It wasn’t until Anakin mentioned it that you thought there may be some truth in the words some of padawans were saying. And then you saw it, the way he looked at her...like she held all the suns and stars in the universe, a look of pure adoration, you knew that look all too well because it’s how you’d catch him looking at you..but now, he just did everything to avoid you. Instead of going on missions with you, he’d send Anakin in his place, the training sessions you both normally took part in all but ceased to exist...and you hated it. 
From the second you laid eyes on him, you knew you were a goner. When you first met him you felt both calm and nervous, a contradicting collection of emotions that you thought would fade in time, but they didn’t, you just got better at hiding them. After years of working and training together, things began to change, or you thought they did, you thought he felt the same. Now, you weren’t sure what to believe. Whenever you saw them together, you’d feel your heart ache as thoughts of jealousy would swim through your mind. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death there is the Force, that was the Jedi code, your code. And You knew how you shouldn’t have felt how you did, it was against the code, against everything that you were meant to believe in but that didn’t stop you from falling for Obi- Wan Kenobi.
 You needed answers. You needed to know if you’d imagined everything between the two of us, if it was all just some embarrassing miscommunication. So I headed to Obi’s chambers, you knew he was going to be back from his latest mission soon, so you thought you’d just wait here and ask him about it. You practised what you were going to say over and over again in your head, none of the words seeming to fit together or make sense. You couldn’t help the curse that fell from my lips as the words ran through your head; if you were wrong about how he felt, you were going to make a complete idiot of yourself. Then a wave of anxiety washed over you. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all you thought to yourself as you began to walk towards the door, but just as you were about to reach for the handle, it moved downwards as the door opened to reveal Obi Wan Kenobi on the other side. Confusion washed over his once soft features, including his eyes as he pushed your practically frozen body deeper into the room as he abruptly closed the door behind him before standing infront of you. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked, you could feel his eyes burning into you, waiting for your answer, you thought about lying but he’d know even before the words left your mouth that it wasn’t the truth. 
“Were you ever going to tell me about her?” Your timid voice asked as you locked eyes with him, seeing all the colour drain from his face. Your question caught him off guard. 
Slowly he approached you; carefully he placed one foot infront of the other treating you as though you were prey and he was the predator and then you saw it in his eyes. A flicker of truth, that was only there for a second, he wasn’t going to tell you.
“You weren’t, were you?” Your voice was sharper now, gone was the timid girl who’d asked the first question, you tried to remain calm but couldn’t help the feeling of pain and anger that rushed through you. 
“I had heard rumours but I didn’t even think to ask. I thought you’d tell me.Maker, I can’t believe you! We’re supposed to be a team. I… I thought we told each other everything,”you said shaking your head, a fake laugh escaping your lips as you walked away from him, before you did though you noticed the  pain flashed in Obi Wans eyes. 
“Yes, I kept it a secret from you but don’t think you can get up on your high horse and lecture me about secrets when you have your own,” he said, grabbing your arm, halting your footsteps. You felt yourself jolt as his touch, a single touch shouldn’t have had this effect on you, it shouldn’t have made you want him more but it did. 
“Secrets. No I only have one secret and it’s not exactly a secret, least of all from you,” you whispered harshly, recoiling your arm from his grasp.
“But if you really want to hear me say it?” As you said those words you walked closer to him, your confidence momentarily faltering as you looked into his sapphire orbs. All the anger that you held seemed to wash away with one glance, instead you just felt sadness as reality dawned on you. You loved him and he didn’t love you...and now you were about to admit it, knowing what would happen, knowing what his answer would be. 
“I love you, okay? I love you and I hate it. I want this feeling to stop, but it won’t, I know it never will, I’m in love with you and I can’t stop,” you felt the tears fall from your eyes and slide down your cheeks as you admitted your feelings to him, your gaze instantly shifting to the floor, not wanting to see the look in his eyes. You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you hadn;t even realised him coming closer to you saw his shoes appear, when you looked up, he was closer than you originally thought. 
“I had feelings for Satine, a long time ago and I pushed those feelings aside to become a Jedi and I hadn’t seen her until this week. I won’t lie to you, yes, some of my old feelings came up but something else also came to light. How I feel about you,” you felt your heart flutter as he said those last few words. How he felt about you...
“None of it was a lie or in your head, you didn't imagine any of it. It was real, all of it. How I feel about you, is real,” he said, his voice soft and vulnerable as he placed his hands either side of your face, pulling you closer to him. So close that you could feel his warm breath on your lips. So close that with the slightest movement your lips would be touching. 
“I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you.I love you, Y/n, I’ve tried not to but I cannot get you out of my head,” and with that he closed what little distance there was between the two of you, placing his lips on yours. He was kissing you. It took a few moments for your brain to catch up with what was happening, but soon enough you started kissing him back, like he was the only source of oxygen in the world. You felt like you were on cloud nine, every thought seemed to fade away, the only thing on your mind was this moment with him. This perfect moment.
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(Credit to the gif owner)
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hellowkatey · 3 years
Ghosts of the Past: the continuation
A continuation of what happens after Obi-Wan sees Nield twenty years after Melida/Daan. Anakin finds out his former master's rough apprenticeship beginnings, Obi-Wan faces some unexpected consequences of his past when Ahsoks gets hurt, and Nield addresses some regrets.
Read ch. 1 here | Read it all on AO3
Anakin is in the middle of combing droid parts and blaster dust out of his hair when there's a knock at his door. Considering Ahsoka is having a sleepover with Barriss, he just spoke to Padmé and she is at her apartment waiting for him, and Obi-Wan is supposed to be on a campaign, he has no idea who could be showing up at his door this late at night.
Watch it be a council member giving me some random task that'll ruin my night with Padmé.
The door buzzes open, and he's surprised to find it is indeed a council member ready to interrupt the night with his wife. The council member being Obi-Wan.
"Hello to you, too, Anakin."
"Aren't you supposed to be in the middle of a battle?"
It looks like he's just walked off the battlefield. His robes are dirty and singed in places where blasters blew right through the material. He at least took off his armor, but from the dirt still smeared across his cheek, that's pretty much all he's done. Anakin's confusion quickly turns into concern. It's unlike Obi-Wan to show up anywhere looking rough for wear, even if it's just to see him. The knight's worry raises as he realizes his master grips a handle of Corellian whiskey in his right hand.
"Ended the battle early," he says distantly. His eyes are a little glassy and cheeks tinged pink. "Are you going to invite me in or do you want your dinner in the hallway?"
"Dinner?" Anakin looks to his former master's other hand and realizes he's also holding two bags of Dex's take-out. "Oh. Right, sorry," he steps back, and Obi-Wan strides into his apartment.
He's acting weird. That as much is obvious. Anakin tries to brush up against his master's shields to get a feel for his mood, but they're tighter than usual. Another red flag.
"The 212th was granted a week of leave before our next campaign," Obi-Wan explains, setting down the bottle and bags on Anakin's table. Anakin slips into his usual chair as Obi-Wan sets a bag of food in front of him. "Their's starts tomorrow, but Cody took over the debriefing so I could make it back early." Obi-Wan sits now, unwrapping his own burger. He stops when he realizes Anakin is still staring at him, food untouched. "What, do you not order a double burger and curly fries anymore?"
"What's going on?"
The Jedi Master raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Can I not come visit my former padawan?"
"Are you seriously going to act like you aren't being weird right now?"
"I'm acting as I normally do, Anakin."
"You left the front early and you started drinking without me. What's wrong, Obi-Wan?"
Anakin expects him to get defensive. Expects him to turn on Master Mode and lecture him about respect or whatever. But instead, Obi-Wan sighs and sets down his burger.
"I want to tell you a story, Anakin. A story that..." his eyes flicker to the bottle of whiskey, "requires a little bit of loosening up on my end."
Somehow him being honest is more worrisome than if he did get defensive and lie about it. So Anakin stops arguing with him, nods, and goes to the kitchen. He takes the moment to send his wife a quick message that he would probably not make it over for the night since Obi-Wan needs some company. Padmé will understand. Anakin returns with two cups, one with ice and the other with ice and some cola. He hands the one with only ice to Obi-Wan.
"You're freaking me out," Anakin says as he adds a small amount of the whiskey to his soda. How the hell can he drink this stuff straight?
His former master smiles. "No need to freak out."
"What is it about?"
"Well if you allow me to speak—"
"Okay, okay. Let's hope this story lives up to the suspense you've created."
Obi-Wan grimaces, taking a long swig of his drink before clearing his throat. "When you were a padawan, you used to always ask me about what missions I was going on when I was your age. Do you remember?"
Anakin leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, but you never actually told me."
Obi-Wan shakes his head. "No, I didn't, I know. I always felt bad about not telling you. You were quite the pouter. But I convinced myself that telling you about my early missions would do more harm than good."
"You're freaking me out again, Obi-Wan."
"Just listen. Before the war started, there was a rule that younglings had to be chosen by a Master by the age of thirteen. If not, the youngling was reassigned to one of the other Jedi corps."
"In my case, I was assigned to the AgriCorps."
Anakin leans forward as disbelief courses through him. "Wait, wh—"
"I aged out," Obi-Wan interrupts, not meeting his eyes anymore. Instead, he stares out the window beyond Anakin. "Qui-Gon considered taking me as his padawan but decided against it. In his words, I had too much anger within me. So the Jedi reassigned me to the AgriCorps on Bandomeer."
Anger? Obi-Wan? "That doesn't make sense."
"It's what happened," Obi-Wan whispers. "I began as a Jedi farmer, and Qui-Gon coincidentally came to Bandomeer for unrelated Jedi business. That in itself is a long story, but I was captured and Qui-Gon came to save me. He then decided to train me."
"Obi-Wan why didn't you tell—"
"This is the preface of my story. So you understand the context of what happens later." Anakin leans back again, biting on the inside of his lip with nervous anticipation. If this is just the background, how bad can the actual story be? "So Qui-Gon and I did not start on a good note. He had no interest in training another student. His last padawan fell to the Dark Side... and was actually the one who captured me on Bandomeer. Needless to say, he was wary of me in the beginning."
"But he warmed up to you, right? You and Master Jinn were close when I met you guys."
Obi-Wan presses his lips into a thin line, finally looking Anakin in the eye again. "Eventually, yes. We found common ground and he grew to be like a father to me. But due to my actions, that did not happen for a few years."
He pauses, taking another sip of his drink, and then gesturing to the untouched Dex's bag. "Your food is going to get cold, you know."
"I know." Anakin ignores the food.
"We were sent on a mission to Melida/Daan," Obi-Wan continues. "It was a planet in the midst of a civil war. The Melida vs. the Daan. Or, so we believed. We were there to retrieve a Jedi that had failed to check-in. She was trying to negotiate peace between these groups, but we discovered it was not just the Melida and the Daan fighting one another. There was a third group. All the children from both sides had left their families and formed their own side. The Young, they called themselves, and their mission was to bring and end to this multi-generational war."
Anakin vaguely recognizes the name Melida/Daan from his history classes but remembers nothing else about it.
"We found the missing Jedi. She was hurt, so Qui-Gon was eager to return to the Temple. But the Young were pleading for our assistance. He told me we couldn't help them. I disagreed, and we had an argument. So he gave me an ultimatum. Either I come with him, or I stay to fight with the Young."
Anakin's eyes grow wide. "Master, you didn't—"
"I stayed."
"But he came back right? He dropped off his friend and came back to help you!"
The silence that falls over the room says what Obi-Wan doesn't. The Jedi Master resumes staring out of the window.
"I fought with the Young for nearly a year."
"How old were you?"
Anakin doesn't like the pause that comes before his master's answer. "Thirteen. Fourteen by the end."
"You were a kid," Anakin mutters in disbelief.
"I was, but... I was one of the eldest. There were seven-year-olds who were wielding blasters. Eleven-year-olds were dying in bombings. Friends that I loved dearly died in my arms, and other friends found ways to blame me for deaths I could not control." Anakin can see the tears brimming in his Master's eyes. His own hands are shaking.
"Qui-Gon did come, though, didn't he?"
"We were so close to peace, but we were only kids. Warfare and diplomacy require different types of decorum. I called the Jedi to help us finally end things. The council sent Qui-Gon."
Anakin deflates.
"We negotiated peace. This time I returned to the Temple with him, but he was not pleased with me. I had made almost all of his worst fears about taking another padawan come true."
"You didn't turn to the Dark Side or anything, though!"
"I left the Order, Anakin," Obi-Wan lets out a shaky breath. "The council was reluctant to accept me back, but thank the Force they did. Qui-Gon on the other hand... He took me on a whim, and when I defied him it was like a slap in the face. I was placed on probation while he decided if he was going to continue as my master. Evidently, he eventually did forgive me, but it was a long, painful road."
Feeling constricted in his seat, Anakin stands, pacing into the living room. He's learned so much information so quickly. That his master almost wasn't a Jedi? Obi-Wan Kenobi, council member and Jedi Master was almost a farmer? Qui-Gon Jinn left his thirteen-year-old padawan in the middle of a war for a year?
It doesn't make sense yet he can feel his former master's anxious energy clouding the Force. He isn't lying. Anakin turns to the man waiting quietly for him to say something. Though he has so many questions, the first that pops out of his mouth is: "Why are you telling me this now?"
"We had a diplomat make an emergency repair stop on my flagship just before this last battle. A representative from what is now Melidaan."
"The... unified planet, then?"
He nods. "His name is Nield, and I fought alongside him in the war. It was the first time I'd seen him since. It was also the first time in years I'd really talked about the war out loud, and... I realized I've been ignoring this for almost twenty years now. I avoiding telling you because I didn't want you to be disappointed in me like Qui-Gon was—"
"Master! Disappointed in you? I would never—"
"You are so much like him, you know," Obi-Wan says with a wistful smile. The glossiness in his eyes is even more prominent as the alcohol starts to settle in.
"You think I'd leave you in a war zone?"
A soft smile appears on his master's face, "Technically you have. On a number of occasions, actually."
"Those were sanctioned abandonments."
Obi-Wan chuckles, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve. "You have all his best qualities, Anakin. And some of his more annoying ones, but I've chosen to forgive those."
The knight walks over to the window with his back to Obi-Wan, arms folded across his chest. He's still overwhelmed by this new information. Unsure of how to feel. Sympathetic? No, Obi-Wan hates it when people pity him. Angry? He has the right to be frustrated that Obi-Wan has been lying to him for years. Letting him believe that he was this perfect padawan with a perfect apprenticeship...
But the overwhelming emotion that is hitting Anakin is not pity or anger, but guilt. Because a part of Anakin has always held onto the secret belief that things would be different if Qui-Gon Jinn had lived. That Master Jinn would have understood him in a way that Obi-Wan just can't because he was model Jedi.
He's been wrong all this time.
Anakin is suddenly thrust back to a time when he himself was a padawan feeling the galaxy pull him in a different direction. He told Obi-Wan he was going to leave the Order after their mission. And Obi-Wan still stayed by his side. Still treated him the same and protected him. It was ultimately Obi-Wan's unconditional support that persuaded Anakin to stay with the Jedi. Would Qui-Gon have done the same for me?
For the last ten years, Anakin has told himself that Qui-Gon would have stayed by his side. Now, he isn't so sure.
"I'm sorry," Anakin finally says, slowly turning around. Obi-Wan is quick to rise from his seat and approach him.
"I did not tell you this so you pity me—"
"I'm sorry I doubted you," Obi-Wan falls silent. "And for all the times I pushed you away because I didn't think you understood what it was like to feel like a screw-up... Force, I was horrible sometimes! Why didn't you ever tell me?"
The Master steps closer, placing his hands on Anakin's shoulders. "I truly did not think it would help. Or that you would think I was discounting your feelings, and I would never want to do that."
"What about your feelings?" Obi-Wan swallows hard, obviously not expecting this sort of question. He squeezes Anakin's shoulders, smiling softly.
"I am still learning how to confront them. And this— confiding in you— is part of that process."
Anakin can't hold himself back anymore. He closes the gap between them, throwing his arms around Obi-Wan and hugging him tightly. And Obi-Wan does not hesitate to hug him back.
There was a time when Anakin was a young padawan when he believed his Master was the greatest Jedi who ever lived. Sith Killer with a silver tongue, Obi-Wan Kenobi. A valiant knight and an even better teacher. He's always looked up to Obi-Wan. Saw him as a father figure. Though that giddy feeling of pride for his Master faded as he grew, Anakin feels it now just as he did when he was ten. Obi-Wan is by no means the perfect Jedi he's always believed him to be, but Anakin prefers it that way. Somehow it makes him even better.
Waging battles in desolate landscapes was one thing, but when the fighting spreads to urban areas, Obi-Wan is always on edge. There is something fundamentally wrong with tearing through the middle of a city with tanks and cannons. It's so easy to distance oneself from the reality of war. Easy to see the tall buildings and duracrete streets as either cover or a tactical liability. Obi-Wan just sees family homes left vacant. Stores and restaurants ransacked and abandoned. The amount of desolation depends on the length and amount of resistance the locals put up against their Separatist occupation.
And this city has been under the thumb of the droid army since the beginning.
Tesha Prime was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nestled in the middle of Separatist-controlled planets, it stood no chance of maintaining its independence. It's estimated they were under secret occupation as early as the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo, but their pleas for assistance were stifled until recently.
Obi-Wan one came to Tesha Prime as a padawan. One of Qui-Gon's side missions-- he enjoyed their specialty textiles and made a detour to purchase a friend a throw blanket. Its capital of Taloona was a beautiful city, advanced in technology but maintained the vintage glamor and elegance of their Old Republic architecture. Walking the streets now, it pains his heart to see crumbled buildings and durasteel military structures taking over the once picturesque skyline. War has tainted the rich history of this planet. Basically erased it. As the Jedi General moves swiftly through the waves of droids, diverting blaster shots from his valiant soldiers trying to free this city, he cannot help but be reminded of Melida/Daan.
Melida/Daan was an urban planet much like Tesha Prime. Completely different in their architectural inspirations and cultures, but violence does not discriminate. Rubble looks the same no matter what it used to be. He remembers Melida/Daan in the hastily painted graffiti urging for resistance against their aggressors. In the sound of bombs causing duracrete walls to collapse. In the yells of pain and the shouts of orders as medic clones traverse the battlefield to pull their fallen brothers out.
Obi-Wan grimaces, biting on his bottom lip so hard he tastes blood.
Seeing Nield and telling Cody and Anakin about his early exposure to war has brought about an unexpected consequence. Remembering. The nightmares of seeing Cerasi's murder and holding children as their life Forces faded away plagues his nights. Sometimes he will awake with a start, his first instinct to reach beside him where Nield used to sleep an arm's length away. When he doesn't feel a warm presence nearby, Obi-Wan begins to panic until he turns on the light and realizes he is not in the barracks of the Young, but in his quarters aboard his star destroyer. He's not thirteen, he's thirty-six.
Try as he might, though, the memories of his youth are not leaving him alone. He's been distracted by the flashes of Melida/Daan in battle before, but Taloona is messing with his mind more than usual. The city air smells the same. The wrecked streets feel the same beneath his boots. Obi-Wan is just thankful that his training allows him to shove his anxiety aside. He releases it into every moment of calm he can find. He must stay on his game for his men. For the people of Taloona and Tesha Prime.
But it's a shrill gasp of pain exploding through the Force that makes Obi-Wan tunnel. He whirls around from his place atop a fire escape and can see Ahsoka on street level with the 501st's battle route. Her eyes wide and arms wrapped around her chest as her knees buckle and she falls to the ground. The air leaves his lungs as though he's been punched.
"Ahsoka!" he yells as he leaps from the fourth story of the fire escape. The 501st has begun to regroup to compensate, Rex barreling through the crowd to reach her. Obi-Wan gets to her first, pulling himself between her and the front line and tucking her into his lap.
She's so small, he realizes. So young. Barely older than I was.
"You'll be okay," Obi-Wan says, cradling her head in the crook of his arm. He blinks and there's blood everywhere, dear Force, where did this blood come from?  He presses his hands to the center of her chest where the blood seems to be pouring out.
"Obi-Wan?" the voice calling his name is distant, but he ignores it. I need to stop the bleeding. He squeezes his eyes shut to keep himself from vomiting.
"Do you hear me? You'll be okay, Cerasi," he whispers.
"Master Obi-Wan?" Louder this time. Closer. A warm palm rests against his cheek and when he opens his eyes Ahsoka is staring up at him with deep concern laced in her features.
She's awake? That can't be! The blaster shot... the blood... No, there is no blood. There never was. Ahsoka is lying in his arms, a scorch mark on the breastplate of her armor, but it didn't go all the way through. He blinks through the tears in his eyes. This is not Melida/Daan. I'm not there anymore. I'm thirty-six, and the war is over. This is the Clone Wars. Ahsoka is Anakin's padawan. I'm not thirteen. Melida/Daan is at peace. Nield is alive and well.
"General?" Another voice. He looks up and realizes he isn't alone. Captain Rex is giving Ahsoka a stim, glancing up at the High General every so often. Cody kneels next to his brother, more focused on Obi-Wan as reality slowly creeps back. Though he cannot see his face beneath his helmet, he can feel Cody's patient understanding. These men unfortunately know the look of someone lost in a time other than the present. And Cody is one of the few that knows exactly where his mind has gone.
"General Kenobi, are you alright?" Cody attempts to get his attention again. This time Obi-Wan nods, trying to relax the tension in his muscles.
"Yes... of course," he looks down at Ahsoka who's hand slips from his cheek. It reminds him too much of the way Cerasi's hand dropped like dead weight as her heart stopped. He shakes away the memory. The stim is setting in, clearing the cloudiness of shock from her eyes. "Are you alright young one?"
"Yes, Master Kenobi, it just surprised me. It's a good thing I had on armor for this battle."
Obi-Wan swallows thickly. The Young never had real armor. On such small bodies and without adequate medical attention, nearly every hit was a lethal one. He smiles, slowly sitting her up. "A very good thing indeed."
The battle felt like it droned on for days. Perhaps because a rotation on Tesha Prime is thirty-four hours. Or because Obi-Wan completely immersed himself in the Force, letting his instincts take charge over his mind. Obviously, his mind was not to be trusted. He's just thankful his brief blur into the past didn't cause more of a scene.
Obi-Wan walks through the aftermath now. The shooting and the bombings have ceased, but sometimes silence isn't any better than the sounds of war. At least focusing on the battle kept his mind occupied. Now he buries himself in his cloak, tucking his hands away so nobody can see they're still shaking.
"Master Kenobi?" the voice is soft, unimposing. Obi-Wan turns to find Ahsoka standing a few paces away. She's out of the armor now and in her usual clothing. Like Obi-Wan, her cloak is draped around her as the night finally settles in to cool the heat of the day. Despite the scare from earlier, she looks unharmed.
But she looks younger than Obi-Wan usually notices her to be. Maybe it's the too-big cloak that swallows her lanky adolescent figure. Or the timidness on her face that is not characteristic of his grand padawan.
"Yes, Padawan? How are you feeling?"
She catches up to him and matches his pace. The Togruta shrugs.
"Tired. A little sore, but Kix says none of my ribs are broken. Just a little bruised."
"And Anakin, have you seen him yet?" Anakin took charge of the air raid, leaving Ahsoka to command the troops from the ground. Obi-Wan hasn't run into him yet, but he expects his former padawan to come looking for him once word gets around about Ahsoka's close call and Obi-Wan's... strong reaction.
Ahsoka shakes her head. "No, but he commed me. The fighters are just going to go back to the hangers. The battle went on for so long they need to refuel."
Obi-Wan pinches the hairs on his chin. "Of course, smart of him. No need to waste fuel to land and take off again," he glances over at the padawan with a playful smirk. "Though don't tell him I said he was smart. After the stunts he pulled in the air, the last thing he needs is an ego boost." The padawan chuckles softly, but her smile fades quickly. They walk in silence for a few moments before Obi-Wan rocks into her to nudge her to the side. "I can tell something is troubling you, young one."
"Master Kenobi... who is Cerasi?"
Obi-Wan's own smile disappears. "Where did you... hear that name?"
"You called me Cerasi... when I was shot. I didn't even realize it at first, but I remembered and... I don't mean to pry, and you don't have to tell me, I was just curious--"
"It's alright Ahsoka," he stops her rambling, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. They stop walking in the middle of a market square and he leads her to sit on the edge of a large fountain. It has long run dry and is half-decimated, but it is a place to stop. "Cerasi was a good friend of mine. And she... was hurt in a very similar way to you, but unfortunately, she did not have armor to protect her."
"So she's..."
Obi-Wan nods.
The padawan exhales shakily, her fingers brushing against the place the blaster would have hit her. "Were you... there when it happened?"
He nods. "I was."
Her hand rests over his and she squeezes his fingers. "I'm sorry about your friend, Master Kenobi."
"It was a long time ago. I'm not sure why I said her name."
"It happens. Sometimes I almost accidentally call you Master Skywalker. Or I call Anakin Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan smiles. "Oh, I bet he hates it when you do that."
"I keep telling him it's a compliment but he doesn't want to hear it."
They both laugh. Obi-Wan lets the peace and lightness of the moment settle around his body like a warm blanket. While he hates the fact that padawans are fighting in this war, he also loves their resilient presence. Ahsoka never fails to make him feel better, even when she isn't actively trying to.
"I'm glad you're okay, Ahsoka. Though I will be more insistent you wear that armor from now on. We can send your measurements to have you properly outfitted in gear that won't hinder your saber technique."
"But Master, then I won't have a good reason to not wear it."
"But it'll make your Grandmaster worry about you less."
Ahsoka sighs dramatically. "In that case, I guess I could learn to work around it."
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and tucks his hands back into the sleeves of his cloak. "I swear, you and Anakin are going to be the death of me one day."
"Not if you wear your armor, Master," she says with a wry smile. Ahsoka glances at her comm and stands.
"Is Anakin asking where you are?"
"Rex. I told him I'd help with the med evacs," her blue eyes flicker up. The universal silent plead for dismissal.
"Go on," the general nods.
"Are you sure you're okay, Master Kenobi? I can tell Rex I'm sitting with you."
He stands and places a hand on her shoulder. "I am. We can talk more after dinner."
Ahsoka smiles and takes off running back toward the evac zone. Her cloak billows behind her as she disappears around the corner. The Jedi Master exhales a deep breath he wasn't aware he was holding.
Nield, two drinks already warm in his belly, walks into the quiet cantina with the perfect amount of confidence to get through what he's about to do. It doesn't take long for his gaze to rest on the two cloaked figures seated at the bar. Before he can convince himself otherwise, the diplomat crosses where the two men are seated.
When he ran into Obi-Wan Kenobi two standard months ago, Nield was shocked at how the scrawny Jedi had changed after so many years. While it should not have been a surprise— he himself had changed quite a bit as well— in his head, Obi-Wan was still a thirteen-year-old with a horrible haircut and a pretentious amount of self-importance. (Nield has been to enough therapy since his warring days to realize his hatred of the young Jedi was a lot of his own projection. It did not change the way his mind remembered the boy that was once his companion.)
But alas, Kenobi grew up into a Jedi Master and a High General. When they spoke those months ago, Nield congratulated him on achieving his Jedi rank. They spent many nights during the war talking about the people they wanted to become once the fighting was resolved. Nield remembered Obi-Wan's anxieties over whether or not he would try to return to the Order that left him behind.
He questioned the second rank he had achieved, though. High General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Nield wasn't questioning his qualifications— Kenobi was a natural-born leader, even as a kid. There was no doubt he excelled at his position. What he questioned was why. Why would he want to take on that role again?
That led to a much longer explanation. One that Nield walked away deciding the answer his old friend was avoiding was simply: I did not want to go to war again, I had to.
Obi-Wan, of course, had the same question for him. Travel the galaxy was his previous answer to the question: who do I want to be when I'm not fighting a damned civil war? It wasn't what he told the others of The Young, but a secret desire he confided in Obi-Wan while they chatted to keep one another awake on watches. Nield wanted to be a nomad. He wanted his home to be among the stars rather than a planet or civilization.
"And you became a representative for the very planet you wanted to put behind you forever," Obi-Wan had said with the same smugness Nield gave him.
"I do get to travel."
"I suppose. But it isn't living among the stars."
They ended the night with the conclusion that they both failed their childhood dreams in some ways. But what is adulthood, if not living to find things to regret?
For Nield, he ironically walked away from his reunion with Obi-Wan with new regrets. Which is what brings him to this random cantina on Keitrum.
He doesn't need to try and get the attention of the Jedi General— as he approaches, Obi-Wan Kenobi's stool swivels around. There's confusion in his tired eyes and furrowed brow, and then he relaxes, a small smile on his lips.
"What a surprise," he muses, causing his companion to also turn around. Nield recognizes the shaggy dark hair and piercing gaze of General Anakin Skywalker almost immediately. "What brings you to Keitrum, old friend?"
"Definitely not the same reasons as you," Nield says tightly, eyeing the armor they were keeping hidden beneath their billowing robes. Well-used armor, tainted with dried blood and oil stains. Obi-Wan is clad in a more complete ensemble of shoulder, chest, arm, and leg pieces, while the younger General appears to only sport the shoulder and chest armor. Oh, the false security of youth. They look as though they came straight from the battlefield to grab a celebratory drink. Nield suspects that is exactly the case.
"Friend of yours, Master?" Skywalker says, curious eyes flickering between the two of them.
"Something of the sort," Obi-Wan replies, leaning back so they can see one another. "Anakin, this is Nield, a Representative of Melidaan. I met him—"
"When you were part of The Young?" The wide-eyed General finishes, suddenly looking his age. Nield raises an eyebrow at Kenobi. So you told him after all.
"Yes, we... fought together."
"And against one another," Nield adds.
"Yes, that too, I suppose."
Nield settles down on the opposite side of Kenobi and listens as he explains to the young man the nature of their... history. Though Obi-Wan gives him a charitable amount of leeway and understanding for his actions, Nield can't help the guilt that builds as the story goes on.
Especially as Skywalker keeps looking his way with increasing outrage and obvious protectiveness over his former Master.
"...after Cerasi... died," Obi-Wan says in a softer voice. "we had very different approaches on how to proceed."
"You wanted revenge?" Anakin asks Nield with off-putting intensity. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"I was angry," he glances at Obi-Wan. "I thought about it a lot, though. How the people who killed her needed to pay. Obi-Wan had to help me get out of that mindset. It wasn't what she would have wanted."
Now it's Obi-Wan's turn to look surprised. They'd avoided recounting the specifics of the war when they last talked, and that's exactly what Nield regretted. He never got to tell Obi-Wan he's sorry for the way their friendship splintered back then. The war, the death— it changed him for the worse. It aged his soul, made his heart turn to stone. It took many, many years to come back from the shell of a person he became.
"We were kids," Obi-Wan whispers, a creak in his tone.
"I'm still sorry. You did nothing but help us when nobody else would. You were always one of us, no matter what I said as a punk kid. You were one of us, and honestly, the best of us. Your name still comes up among those of us that remain."
The Jedi Master stares at him for a long moment before staring down at his drink as he swirls it. Skywalker assumes being a wallflower, switching between fiddling with the commlink on his wrist and monitoring his Master's facial expressions.
"How many?"
"About half from when we last saw you." A moment of silence. Nield lets out a breath and then continues. "Not all gone, just not living on Melidaan anymore. They attended university. Traveled. Got married and moved away."
Neither say it, but he knows they both are thinking it. We fought so hard for a peaceful home. Leaving seemed like a dishonor to those who died with the dream of growing old on the land they left their family for.
But Obi-Wan left too. And Nield does not actually blame him nor anyone else for leaving.
"I hope they're well."
Skywalker's hand suddenly clasps Kenobi's shoulder. "Ahoska and the men are here. I'm gonna go tell them to put their drinks on your tab."
"Anakin, don't you dare, the accounting department was so angry with me last time!" he calls after him, but the young General has already disappeared into the thickening crowd. Obi-Wan sighs and looks back at Nield who can't help the amusement on his face.
"So that's Anakin Skywalker."
"In all his glory, yes."
"He reminds me of you as a kid."
"Oh Force, don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it."
Nield laughs. "I'm glad I got to meet him. Put a face to your stories."
"I take it meeting my former padawan is not the reason you have come out of your way to find me. Nor is this the coincidence you make it out to be."
"Perceptive as always. I just realized we skirted around the obvious when we last spoke. Pretended that I didn't alienate you from the Young after you devoted everything to help us."
"Like I said earlier, we were kids, Nield."
"And like I also said earlier, I'm sorry. That's why I wanted to see you again."
Obi-Wan smiles, holding out his hand. Nield shakes it. "I'm sorry too, old friend. I'm glad we got to see one another again because I needed to thank you. You and one of my officers convinced me to finally tell Anakin about the war."
"How'd he react?"
"Better than I anticipated. But now every free moment has turned into storytime."
Nield recalls the few fond moments of the war when Obi-Wan would sit in the center of the room and tell all the younger kids a bedtime story. An attempt to thwart the nightmares away. "You were always good at telling stories."
"Apparently so. I usually draw quite an audience."
"It helps though. Talking about it. Doesn't it?"
The Jedi General nods. "For the most part. Though I see our war everywhere, now."
"The dreams?" Nield asks. Obi-Wan frowns. That's a yes. "The war can't be helping. Every time a speeder backfired I thought I was..."
"Back there again," The Jedi finishes for him. "Yes... Our recent terrestrial battles have not been helping."
Nield cannot imagine what it must be like to be back in the middle of a warzone. The fact the galaxy is at war at all was enough of a trigger for the flashbacks to his youth. It's why he takes his duty as a representative so seriously. He will do anything and everything to keep his home away from this conflict.
But his friend does not have that luxury. Nield waits for Kenobi to meet his eyes again.
"It still affects me, too. Bad days come out of nowhere. No matter how many times people tell me 'recovery isn't linear' it still surprises me. But before I knew it, I had more good days than bad and even the bad days didn't compare to what they used to be. It'll get better, Obi-Wan. I promise you it will."
Obi-Wan holds his stare. He's harder to read now than when he was thirteen, but Nield can still recognize the look in the Jedi's eye when he trusts someone. Though Nield doesn't feel he deserves this trust, for Obi-Wan's sake he's glad he's willing to listen.
"I will remember that," the Jedi says softly. "Thank you."
Nield raises the drink that was placed before him at some point. Obi-Wan does the same. The words come tumbling out before he can think of anything else to say. "To our brothers and sisters in the trenches... and the pursuit of peace."
The chant feels acidic on his tongue.
"We fight for our future, and the lives those who have died deserved," Obi-Wan continues. He hasn't forgotten it either.
"To unity."
"To freedom."
"To the Young," they say together, voices barely carrying beyond the space between them. Their cups clink together, and for a moment they're back in the lookout station. Kenobi, Nield, Cerasi, and half a bottle of red wine they found when pillaging an abandoned home for supplies. They didn't actually drink the wine-- it was obviously rancid. But that cheer they made up between giggles and dares to taste the sour beverage became their battle cry.
He tries to sip his brew but it tastes like that damn expired wine. For some reason, that makes him smile. Somehow the moments Nield cherishes the most lie among the worst points of his life. Perhaps because Cerasi never made it past the war to record over the old memories with new ones. Perhaps because Obi-Wan disappeared before Nield could come to his senses.
But for some reason, he's been granted another chance. Nield isn't sure what he did to deserve such a gift, but he'll accept it. Kenobi sits next to him, washing away the bittersweet chant of their youth with a brew.
Another survivor, and now, a friend once again.
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melissa-kenobi · 4 years
Commander Kiri x Reader
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A/N: heyyy finally got round to writing a Kiri (OC) x Reader yay! I know I've had alot of requests about it so here it is. It still follows the Fallen Premonitions storyline, but reader doesn't end up with Rex, still has her visions of the future and stuff, also they sorta have a thing for each other ahaha, enjoy! x
📷: @pinkiemme (love it so much)
Word Count: 3.4k
The voice of your Commander echoed through the forest as he rushed after you, avoiding the branches that you force threw at him. Your legs ached with pain as you pushed yourself to run faster, not wanting him to catch up with you.
You were on a relief mission, having finished giving the people what they needed, yourself and your two man squadron decided to explore the planet for a while. Neither of you had ever been here before and the shuttle that was supposed to pick you up had been delayed, so there was no point in rushing. You decided that you might as well explore the place with the boys, seeing as they never have a chance to. Which is how you ended up rushing through a forest, having stolen one of your Commanders treats you paced your way through the forest.
Before you knew it, you ran straight into the chest of Hopper, who stood still, glaring at you, all while you gave him a cheeky smile. "Hops, you good?"
"General, what are you doing?" Hopper asked, a hint of sarcasm laced in his tone. You hid the treat behind your back, keeping it out of sight from Hopper and supposedly Kiri.
You rolled your eyes, letting out a small chuckle as you swerved around Hopper, hiding behind him, your head peaking out from the side as you kept an eye out for your commander.
"Nothing!" You innocently smiled, eyes flittering around. Hopper shook his head in annoyance but continued to let you stand behind him, holding onto his arms as protection.
All of a sudden a tap on your shoulder had you flipping around, eyes wide and mouth open as Kiri smiled back at you. "Gotcha..."
"That's not fair, you cheated!" You moaned as you slumped against Hopper who had turned around, watching his General and Commander interact with a curious glint in his eye.
"You're the one who threw branches at me and stole my treat!" Kiri accused as he sent a soft glare your way.
"Wel-" Your words were cut off as you felt a strange presence, no a dark presence embrace your body. You clutched your head in pain as you stumbled, losing your footing. Your head screamed in pain as you felt the darkness embrace your body, you legs weakening as you fell limp. The troopers acted quickly, grabbing you before you could fall to the ground and hurt yourself further.
"General? Are you okay?" Kiri asked, eyes full of concern as he held you in his arms. Hopper checked your pulse only to find a faint beat as he shook you gently trying to wake you up.
"She's not responsive!" Hopper panicked, eyes wide as he looked at Kiri. The Commander picked you up, one hand around your legs and the other around your back as he carried you across to the village. Hopper scurried ahead, looking for the villagers who they had just spoken with, only to find the village completely empty.
"Kiri, there's no-one there! They've all disappeared!"
Kiri furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, eyes flickering around, looking for a safe place to put you. He looked down at you in his arms, your face pale and unconscious as made a split second decision. "Hopper, check that hut over there for supplies, we'll have to make camp here. But be on the lookout, I don't know what's happened but I'll try to contact General Kenobi."
Hopper nodded in understanding, his face stern as he knew your life was on the line.
It had been at least an hour since the three of you had made camp. Hopper had found a bundle of material, wrapping you up warm while you shivered unconsciously. You kept mumbling some words, neither Kiri nor Hopper knew what was going on. They had tried to contact General Kenobi but to their disadvantage they couldn't, the signal had been ripped from the village, almost as if this all débâcle was planned.
The boys took it in turns to stay by the fire at your side while the other kept guard by the entrance of the hut they were staying in. Hopper was currently on door duty while Kiri sat besides you, fiddling with his comms, trying to get a signal or something to someone.
"D-dooku...Kiri....H-hops... careful..."
Kiri instantly dropped his comm, his hands coming to hold you down as you shuffled and fought in your sleep. Kiri eventually calmed your down, his body twisting to face you as he gently cupped your cheek, eyes soft as he watched you mumble words. His name to be specific. The very one you had given him, the one he was oh-so proud of.
Kiri let out a deep sigh, his eyebrows furrowing as he took a quick glance at Hopper who was focuced on the outdoors before he turned back and spoke to you.
"Cyar'ika, c'mon Y/N, I can't have you dying on me, not when we've just begun. We haven't even had time for a proper mission, or even spend time together." Kiri whispered those few words, hoping Hopper didn't hear him. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your forehead, leaning down to place his own on yours as he whispered.
"Come back to us. Come back to me."
"Kiri! There's some Civ's rolling in!"
Kiri quickly got up, but not before squeezing your hand in comfort, he could have sworn he felt you squeeze back but it could have just been wishful thinking, or he was thinking with his heart.
"They don't look like regular civilians..." Kiri noted as he stood besides Hopper who pulled out his scopes, trying to figure out who the people were.
"That's because they're not! They're clankers! Kriff! Kiri we have to get out of here!"
"We can't!" Kiri instantly turned his head towards your unconscious body in the hut. "She's too weak, we can't move her!"
"Well we have to, otherwise we'll be crushed into pieces and none of us will ever make it out alive!" Hopper retorted, he'd been in a situation like this before with you. But you had been conscious, you had been his saviour, his beacon of hope, but now you were the one who needed the help. That was on of the worst days of his life, but when he saw your face alongside General Plo, he knew it would be alright. You'd taken him into your battalion, practically begged General Plo until he caved and you had been glued to each other since. Hopper wasn't too happy with the way you handled the 265th but you were- no are a good General. He wasn't going to give up on you yet.
"Kiri, you defend! I'll get the General!" Hopper ordered. Kiri panicked, not wanting Hopper to take you, he wanted to be the one, not that he didn't trust Hopper because he did. He just didn't trust himself, would he be able to concentrate when your life was on the line?
He would have to. For his brothers. For you.
Kiri nodded in confirmation as he took out his twin blasters, ready to defend. He started shooting the clankers that came anywhere near the hut, giving Hopper the chance to pick you up and run. Kiri followed suit, but so did the droids, gaining on them as they made their way through the forest, Hopper going as fast as he could, with you slung over his shoulder one hand clutching your back as he shot with the other. Kiri blasting the droids left and right, each one falling down just as quick, but the other behind gaining speed as they soon started to overwhelm the two soldiers.
"Hopper, I can't- I need your help! There are too many of them!" Kiri yelled over the noise of blasters being shot, he narrowly missed a blaster blot being shot into his arm as swooped to te left. Hopper glanced over to Kiri, having taken refuge behind a tree, his back facing Hopper all hope lost from his face, as he breathed heavily. The droids were gaining on them as he took a quick glance. Hopper hid behind a tree, gently placing you on the ground as he placed a small kiss on your forehead whispering a small prayer in mando'a before rushing over to help Kiri.
"What's the plan General?" Hopper asked immediately as he rushed over to Kiri, back to back as they shot the driods that were coming in left and right.
"We need to take out those destroyers!" Kiri stated as he signalled to his right, the two destroyers that were gaining on them. Hopper nodded in confirmation, as he pulled out a grenade, already throwing it in the direction of the destroyers, disabling their shields allowing Kiri to shoot at them, instantly destroying them. But it wasn't enough, they still had droids coming in left and right.
Out of nowhere a force of something threw all the droids back, instantly crushing them to the ground, only leaving the destroyers up, with their shields down, giving the boys a split second to glance back and see you stood there, hands out, a small smile on your face.
"Go..." You whispered, just loud enough for the boys to hear before you gripped onto the tree for support as the troopers quickly looked at each other, eyes filled with fear, not sure whether to go to you or the destroyers. But alas their prayers were answered when several Republic gunships flew in. Generals' Kenobi and Skywalker flying into battle alongside some of thier troopers, giving Kiri and Hopper the chance to rush over to you.
They were too late, Dooku had you in his grip, ready to fly off with you before Kiri blasted his bolts at him, eyes furious as he saw your limp body be dragged away. "Y/N!"
Kiri rushed over to Dooku, blasters held high but never stood a chance against Dooku before he was swept aside like a doll. Dooku regarded this gesture carefully as he watched the young soldier call out your name, leaving his own defenses open. Anakin jumped in at the right time, lightsaber at the ready while he forced pulled your body from Dooku's grip and into his arms. Dooku having already seen your Commander to his left had signalled them to take him instead.
"Kiri! No!" You yelled weakly, tugging on Anakins arms, trying, pleading with him to save Kiri.
"We can't Y/N!" Anakin apologised softly as he watched Dooku fly away, your Commander trapped with the Separatists, all while you stood helpless. You spotted Kiri's helmet, picking it up as you clutched it to your chest, not wanting to let your feelings out in front of Anakin. You caressed the helmet, thumb rubbing over the four arrows marked on it, they represented each of your little squadron, yourself, Hopper, Jester and Luka.
"We'll get you back Kiri. I promise."
Coruscant - Council Chambers
"Master Windu, I sugge-"
"No. I'm sorry Y/N, but the council have decided that this mission is far too risky. We can only put our faith in Commander Kiri's hands and hope that he returns to us." Master Windu spoke sternly, eyes fixated on you.
"Bu- I can't let him die! He's my Commander!" You retorted, eyes furrowed in anger.
"We can always get you another one Y/N."
The look of disbelief that crossed your face was more than enough for you to burst out your thoughts. "Then we are no better than the Separatists! Leaving a man behind because he's a clone, because, what, he is replaceable? So are the Jedi, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't at least try and go after them! That is not what the Jedi stand for and not what I signed up for!"
"Y/N! Control yourself." Master Kenobi spoke, eyes sending a warning look at you, instantly telling you to mind your tongue. Obi-Wan's disapproval only angered you further, you wouldn't leave Kiri by himself, not when he sacrificed himself to save you. Why they had taken him was beyond you, but you promised you would get him back.
And you would. Whatever it took. Whether you had the blessing from the council or not.
You bowed in respect. "My apologies Master. I spoke out of turn.. I am just worried about my Commander. He is one of the finest, most loyal person I have ever worked with, and I do consider Kiri a dear friend."
Master Windu nodded in acknowledgement, your apology accepted. "I understand young one, but this matter is out of your hands, as well as the councils."
You nodded in confirmation, ready to leave the council room before Master Yoda called for you. "Yes Master Yoda?"
"Speak to you I wish, in private." Master Yoda asked as he signalled for the other members to leave the room, Obi-Wan placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort before he followed the others out the room.
"What is it Master Yoda?"
"Y/N, sensed a great disturbance in the force I do. Careful you must be when rescuing your Commander."
Your mouth fell open out of shock. "Master Yoda! I-i er, it has been forbidden by the Council, I cannot go!"
"Matter it does not. Ever Clone matters to us, do they not?" You nodded. "Then you will go. Skywalker will go with you, careful you must be Y/N. Dooku looks for you."
"Yes Master Yoda." You knew not to question Master Yoda, especially when he had just given you permission to get Kiri back.
"Tell me... Commander... why is she so special? Why do you resist telling me about her?"
The low tones of Asajj Ventress' voice echoed through the tunnels of Dooku's fortress. Her longer fingernails traced the Commanders face, running from the tip of his eyebrow, down his cheek to his lip, before she squeezed his chin in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
Kiri was pinned against the wall on a durasteel contraption, hand held above his head and his leg split apart as they were held down by the same material. His helmet was long gone, probably still stuck on that godforsaken planet, he'd have to get a new one when he got back. If he ever got back. All Kiri could think about was if you were safe, if you made it out alive. He prayed that you did, that whatever he tried to do kept you safe, kept you alive. Your life was worth a million of his, and he was glad that it was him here, instead of you.
"I'll never give you what you want!" Kiri rumbled out, taking deep breaths as she squeezed his windpipe with her bare hands, not using the force.
Ventress growled in anger as he slapped his face, Kiri's head slapping the hard metal as he grunted in slight pain.
"Fine. I guess we'll have to do things the old fashioned way." Ventress taunted as she pulled out a flaring hot viroblade, waving it in the air as she approached Kiri. The blade taunting his skin, as she pressed it slowly, into his upper lip, carving it into his skin. Kiri screamed out, the pain that he was experiencing was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to how he felt when he almost lost you.
Kiri prayed to the maker above, for someone to help him, to hear his pleas, but it was useless. Ventress pulled the viroblade from his face, cleaning the blood off it before hovering over his face again. "It would be a shame to mess this pretty little face up, wouldn't it?"
"Then again, there are several of you clones. Who cares if there's one that's a little bit damaged, or even one less?"
"I do."
Kiri's eyes widened in shock as he saw you approch, your robes swaying behind you as Anakin and Ahsoka followed behind, your twin lightsabers out, a fierce grown painted on your face. Kiri could have sworn he was in heaven, an angel had come to save him, one that had taken the form of you, he would die happily, his last thoughts and visions of you. His eyes started to droop slowly to sleep, as the last thing he remembered was the soft tones of your voice calling his name out.
Medical Bay
"Look who's finally awake!"
Luka grinned happily as he hugged his brother, trying his best not to further injure him. Jester copied Luka, giving Kiri a large hug, causing him to slightly wince in pain. Hopper stood on his left as he placed a hand on his shoulder, sending a small smile his way, happy to see his brother alive and well.
"Good to see you back with us Commander."
"Glad to see you too boys." Kiri laughed, although his tone was a little off as Hopper noticed Kiri looking around anxiously.
"She's at a debriefing. Broke a lot of Jedi rules to come get you."
"I-i didn't sa-"
"You didn't have to vod. We already know." Luka smiled, patting Kiri on the arm.
"Already know what?" Your angelic tone echoed through Kiri's room as you entered, a large grin plastered across your face as you saw Kiri wide awake. Kiri's eyes widened in surprise as he wondered if you had overheard their conversation.
The boys quickly looked at each other, before Hopper spoke up, covering up what Kiri had practically confessed to them. "That Ventress got away again."
You rolled your eyes at his statement, taking a seat at the end of Kiri's bed. "She's a coward. She'll always run."
Your boys nodded in agreement, happy to accept whatever it was that you said, moving away from Kiri's confession. "Anyways, I brought some sweets! I bought them from a vendor in Central Coruscant, the twi'lek said they were the sweetest, so I hope they are."
You handed out a packet to each of the boys who looked at them in glee, Jester already stuffing his face with them while Hopper looked sceptical at the sight of them.
"Oh, Hops, they're not gonna harm you! It's just a sweet! Look I'll eat one!" You popped one in your mouth, chewing on the sweet delicacy as you hummed in pleasure. "Here look, Kiri have one!" You took one out, hand coming up to place one in Kiri's mouth when your eyes stopped on the scar that had formed across his upper lip.
It was a deep nasty cut that left a horrible scar, one that you were partially responsible for. "Sorry..." You mumbled, eyes downcast. Hopper could feel the tension a mile away, luckily though before he could intervene, Captain Rex knocked on the door asking for your troopers to report to General Kenobi for their next assignment. The boys said thier goodbyes before leaving you and Kiri alone in the room.
"I am so sorry Kiri! I wish you didn't have to go through all of that, I wish I- we could have done something sooner." Your guilty eyes falling on the scar, and the brusies that scorned his beautiful face.
"Hey, at least we both made it out alive. You saved me, remember? You came back for me."
"I know. But I could have been too late. What would Ventress have done to you if we hadn't arrived on time? If I hadn't gone against the councils wishes? I-i don't know what I would have done." You sighed, feeling the emotions you bottled creep up on you slowly.
"I wish I could take all the pain away for you." You lift a hand, tracing a finger over the scar as Kiri winces slightly, eyes closing in content at your soft fingers tracing his skin.
"You already have."
You look up to Kiri in confusion, eyes caught with his as you leaned in, Kiri simultaneously leaning in too. Your hand moving to trace his cheek as he brought his hand to cup your face his his large hands, bringing your closer as your lips finally met. Eyes closing in content as you felt Kiri's soft lips pressed against yours, the scar brusing your top lip as he pulled away, forehead pressed against you as he smiled happily.
"I would do it all again if it meant keeping you safe."
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds @starwarsworld
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the-13th-battalion · 4 years
It's here! Somehow, I made it on time! This one is a huge tone shift from my usual writing and I guess it shows since I got stuck on it... anyway it's done!! :))) I used the alternate prompt "coma" for this.
Break Your Fall
"And you have to watch him, okay? He's got a knack for breaking out of medbay's."
"Of course, sir. We'll-"
"And make sure he eats! He forgets to eat, especially when he's hurt."
"Yes, sir. I-"
Anakin paused as Ahsoka poorly stifled a giggle behind him. He looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrow at his padawan.
"What's so funny?"
"You!" she replied, her face half hidden in the voluminous sleeve of Plo Koon's robe, "Obi-Wan will be fine! Stop mothering him!"
Anakin's cheeks burned. "Wha- I'm NOT!"
Ahsoka laughed. The medic beside Anakin coughed and cleared his throat.
Anakin scowled. He turned away from Ahsoka. Despite the anger on his face, his heart soared as Ahsoka's joy flooded the Force. It had been too long since he heard her laugh.
"Anyway, I just want what's best for him," Anakin continued, "I'll see if I can get his medical file to you."
The medic nodded. "Yes, sir. I assure you, we want the best for General Kenobi as well. We'll treat him like a brother."
Anakin's expression softened. "I know you will. Thank you."
The medic rushed ahead with a parting salute. Anakin fell back and walked beside Ahsoka. "Holding up okay there, Snips?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'm okay! You don't have to ask me that every five seconds."
"I know I don't have to, but maybe I want to."
She gathered the robe around her a little tighter and ducked her head to hide her smile.
They fell into companionable silence. Clones sporting the 104th's colors hurried past them, many offering the two Jedi a salute or a quick nod. Anakin did his best to return every gesture with a nod of his own, but his gaze often trailed down to Ahsoka. A part of him worried she would disappear if he looked away for too long.
He had his eyes off her for only a second when she stumbled and bumped into him. His eyes widened in alarm. He instinctively reached out and caught her elbow, pulling her to a stop. "Whoa, hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good," she replied unconvincingly. She pressed shaking fingers to her forehead.
Anakin squeezed her elbow. "What do you need?"
Ahsoka took a shuddering breath. "I-I think...I need to sit down."
Her free hand floundered for a hold on his tunic. Before he could say anything, her knees gave way and her limp body sagged against him.
Anakin caught her before she could hit the floor. "Ahsoka!" He knelt down and cradled her against his chest. He caught her hand as it slid down his front. "Ahsoka?"
He stared at her unresponsive features. His vision blurred. His lungs tightened. "No...nononono... Ahsoka? Ahsoka!"
He heard footsteps behind him. He looked back as two troopers rounded the corner.
"Hey!" he shouted to them, "I need a medic!"
The troopers rushed over, one of them already on his comm. In a blink, clones surrounded Anakin and Ahsoka. He answered their questions while he laid her on a stretcher.
Then he was walking- running- to the medbay. They reached a door. The medics took Ahsoka through it. A clone stopped Anakin before he could follow.
Anakin struggled against the arm across his chest. "What are you doing? Let me GO! That's- she's my padawan!"
The medic said something to him, but he didn't hear it over the rush of blood in his ears. He knew it was pointless, he knew he was being unreasonable, but still he screamed for her. He fought through the crowd- when had it become several clones instead of one?
He had a singular goal in mind; his padawan needed him and nothing would stand in his way.
Plo Koon's voice cut through the haze. He rushed to his side, grabbed his arm, coaxed Anakin away from the door. He led him to a chair and pushed him in it.
Anakin relented. He curled in a ball and allowed Plo to draw him into a one armed hug. Tears burned down his face. Plo muttered reassurances, his voice rumbling in Anakin's ear, his heart a steady, grounding beat.
"Ahsoka will be alright."
Anakin prayed he was right.
"She'll wake up, sir. She's too stubborn not to, and too energetic to stay still for much longer."
Anakin sighed and slumped back in his chair. "But it's been four days, Rex!"
Rex sat beside him, a mug of tea cupped in his hands. "Three, actually."
Anakin huffed. "Whatever. A long time. Too long."
He leaned forward and grasped Ahsoka's hand. She hadn't stirred since her collapse. Anakin had taken up almost permanent residence in the chair beside her bed, only giving up his position when Rex could watch over her.
He traced a few thin scars crisscrossing the back of her hand, a map of countless sparring sessions. Suddenly his heart ached to think that she might never wake up, that she would never hold her sabers again, that he might never hear another snippy remark...
"This is my fault."
Rex sat up straighter. "What?"
Tears welled in Anakin's eyes. "I shouldn't have let her come. Then she wouldn't..."
Rex placed a hand on Anakin's shoulder. "With all due respect, you and I both know the commander. Don't you think she would have found a way to come anyway?"
Anakin let out a breathy laugh. He scrubbed his free hand down his face. "She would. I taught her that."
"You certainly did. You also taught her to be strong, and she is." Rex smiled. "She'll wake up, she'll crack a joke, and soon, she'll be running ahead of us and telling us to keep up."
Anakin sniffled, reached up, and brushed away more tears. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. I should listen to you more often."
Rex lightly squeezed his arm. "Nah. That would take the fun out of our missions."
Anakin's head shot up, eyes wide with hope. "Ahsoka?"
Her bleary blue eyes peered back at him. Her nose crinkled. "Are you crying? That's so embarrassing and out of character..."
Anakin laughed even as fresh tears streamed down his cheeks. He leaned forward and embraced her. She laced her arms around his shoulders. He shifted up and sat on the edge of the bed, clutching her as tight as he dared.
"Hi, Rex," Ahsoka called. Her hand briefly left Anakin's shoulder, presumably to wave.
"Hey, kid." His words thickened with emotion.
"Is that tea? I guess Obi-Wan really started rubbing off on you, huh?"
The three of them laughed. Anakin reached up and put his hand on her montrals. Ahsoka buried her face in his shoulder. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
We'll be alright.
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (34/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: more jealousy, mild violence... literal satine loathing
Summary: Satine Kryze is in great danger, and it is up to Obi-Wan Kenobi to saver her from the clutches of Darth Maul... Oh, and, you're there too.
A/n: bruh- this is literal trash i'm sorry i'm sleeping over at a friends house i wrote this on my phone it's unedited and probably gross but it gets the point across and i had to stay on that HoM grind so
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 2.2k
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Obi-Wan had no reason to be jealous of the young padawan in whom you'd maintained a strong friendship with. He was a confidant for sure, someone you trusted and someone you could rely on in times of need, and Obi-Wan knew it was important to have people like that in your life. It didn't stop him from dropping his smile whenever his name was mentioned, or making up an excuse to leave the room when he walked in.
The poor kid would have thought Master Kenobi hated him, had he not known any better. You'd told Mak that Obi-Wan was very protective, and he understood. He'd been partially overprotective of Anakin as well... but you were different. You were his pride and his joy, and quite frankly the only person he had ever loved in this way.
You assured him time and time again when he brought it up to you, that Mak was only a friend, and that you could never possibly see him as more. He was always satisfied with your statement, until you were no longer with him, and his insecurities would arise all over again. The only thing that mattered at the end of the day, was when you were sleeping soundly in his arms, and no one else's.
He had no reason to be jealous, but when he'd received a distress call, from Duchess Satine Kryze, asking for his help in an urgent matter on Mandalore, you had every reason to be jealous.
"She needs my help," he tried to reason with you, but you were unwilling to let him go alone, knowing what the consequences of that could be. She was all over him the last time you saw her, and you'd rather not repeat that scenario with the man you loved.
"She she can have our help; I'm coming with you."
"If what she says of Darth Maul is true, it may be too dangerous to risk having you there," he meant it in the interest of keeping you safe, of course, but you didn't feel a need to be kept safe, and for the sake of this man, you were willing to throw yourself headfirst into extreme danger.
"So, you would risk your own life and keep me on the sidelines... Obi-Wan you know what happened to me when I thought you were dead, imagine what I would become if you actually were," you stood your ground, unwilling to lose this argument. As horrible, and petty as it sounded, the faking of his death won you a lot of fights that you would have otherwise just given up on.
"We talked about that. If anything were to happen to me, it would break my heart to see you fall away from your training."
"And it would break my heart to know I could have prevented it from happening, if only you would let me stay by your side," you countered, and he'd admit, it was the consular in you, your defiance of his resilience. It was in your nature to be wise, and to be compelling. He wasn't going to exclude you from this mission, now. Not when you'd fought so hard just to defend him from himself.
He sighed heavily, his shoulders dropping in defeat when he realized he didn't have anything valid that he could say to counteract your words.
"You will do exactly as I say, and if at any point I feel we have lost control of the mission, you will leave for safer grounds. Do you understand me?"
You smirked, his annoyance shown through his controlling tone, but you liked the way he sounded, telling you what to do. He didn't often give you commands anymore, because he didn't have to. You'd most likely be thinking the same thoughts or have received it from him signature without even trying.
"Yes, Master," you teased, a seductive look in your eyes. He knew you were taunting him, and did not give in, only rolling his eyes and walking to the door and knowing you'd be right behind him.
This is the last time we borrow a ship from Anakin...
You knew he liked to fly fast and hard, but dear maker... this poor vessel was falling apart. You'd barely made it to the Mandalore system, and even after that, getting her to fly in a straight line while in descent was horrendous.
You were lucky enough to have had enough practice by now, earning back your piloting registration upon being given permission by the council. You were surprised they even came to a decision about it, since for the past several months, you had to sit backseat instead of in the desirable flying chair.
Obi-Wan wasn't a fan of flying, although he did well enough when he had to, and of course, flying with you was far more enjoyable. He didn't share a love for the pilot's seat like you and Anakin did, it was not his forte.
Upon landing, you could see a platform inspector waiting for you, and though Obi-Wan had a disguise, you did not... so you waited for him to bring it to you.
You hid in the top compartment of the cockpit, ready to jump the Mandalorian when he approached. You heard Obi-Wan's footsteps, then another set behind him, and dropped right on target when you saw him enter.
You ripped the helmet off and shoved him forward, meeting Obi-Wan's readied fist. The poor guy was out like a light.
"Give me the one you're wearing, his is too big for me," you nodded to his disguise, which would soon become your own.
You stripped yourself of your robes, leaving you in your undershirt. Obi-Wan might even be enjoying himself right now if it weren't for the fact that he needed to get moving, and quickly. An old friend was counting on him, and as much as you hated to admit it, she did need his help.
You paid little attention to Obi-Wan, as you'd been focused on trying to pull off this ensemble, which clearly was not meant for you. You were about to raise the helmet to your head before you took a glance at him and damn, he could wear Mandalorian armor very well. You'd always had great respect for the Mandalorians, they seemed like a great people who made themselves into warriors, and they always died as heroes to their cause. Of course, perhaps you weren't so fond of them right now, only the man that stood before you while being dressed like one.
"What is it?" he furrowed his brow, looking over himself to see what you were staring at.
"Nothing," you shook your head, blinking rapidly to rid yourself of any distractions, now, and henceforth. "Do you know where we're going?"
"Not a clue, but as soon as we live this ship, we need to look like we do."
Well, that was encouraging.
You followed him down the ramp and noticed that he seemed far more confident in this role than any other undercover one he'd performed in... perhaps it was the helmet, yours was giving you a boost of certain self-assurance as you scanned the area. Your faces were completely hidden from view, and no one knew you were a Jedi, which meant you didn't have a reputation to uphold, or an order to represent. You only had a mission to complete, and with Obi-Wan by your side, nothing could stop you.
You seemed to have gotten yourself on a fair level and had many access points from the tunnel you entered on the tarmac.
He pulled you into a stairwell that was far too long for your liking, but you couldn't chance being spotted on an elevator. You would bear the brunt of this mission, because you'd begged for it. You quite literally had an unneeded argument with your Master over being with him during this endeavor... so you were going to be an adult about it, and not complain now you were here.
You'd found the right entry point to the holding containments, and slowly walked through the corridors, hopeful there were not many guards on watch. It would be awfully foolish to come this far, only to get stopped by hallway security.
Obi-Wan had almost walked straight passed the cell, but you tapped him on the shoulder, pointing out the form of the kneeling woman behind the glass. You were all too happy you could not see his expression in finding her, for though it was probably genuine, you didn't want to associate her with making him happy.... that was your job.
You pressed the button on the side for the glass door to slide open, and Obi-Wan stepped into the cell.
"Here to do more of your master's bidding?" She snipped at the sound.
"I do my own bidding," he replied, and the lightning reaction she gave was enough to curdle your blood. Her eyes went wide, and a sweet smile spread on her face.
"Obi-Wan," she stood up quickly, whipping around and throwing herself into his arms, trying to cling to him tightly.
You understood her relief, for knowing she was being rescued, but the longer she held on, the less you could stand it. You raised your hand, using the force to pull her off of his body, pushing her back about a foot or two away from him.
"My apologies for interrupting, but we don't have time to dally."
You were far more annoyed than she remembered you. You seemed like a dear the first time you'd encountered her, and the second time you'd been in her presence, it was at Obi-Wan's funeral. The very man you were here to protect, from not only any harmful forces, but also from her. He was yours, and you weren't going to give him up for anything.
"Right, follow me," Obi-Wan checked to make sure the coast was clear, before leading you both to the elevator, with you in the rear to cover the duchess. You couldn't take the stairwell this time, as it would be far too slow, and at some point, someone would realize that the only prisoner was missing.
"I assume you have an escape plan, then?" she crossed her arms, stepping into the chamber and waiting for the shaft doors to open.
"As always."
No, he really did not. The plan was to hope you made it back to the ship without getting shot at, but as soon as the doors to the elevator were opened, another Mandalorian stood there, waiting for his level.
You took initiative, shoving Satine into the confined space, and Obi-Wan followed along, playing his part to avoid suspicion. When the doors closed, you sensed unease in the Mandalorian's emotions.
"There's no record of a prisoner transfer here," he said, turning his visor in your direction. You were thankful for having one of your own to hide your nervous expression.
"The orders came from upstairs," Obi-Wan was quick to reply, not letting a moment pass to make the Mandalorian suspect anything... too bad he still did.
"What's the authorization code?"
Obi-Wan turned to you, then back to him, beginning to try and stutter out a fake answer, but then you realized your cover was blown, so you grabbed the Mando by the head, throwing it into the wall of the space, and watching him go deadweight to his knees right after.
As soon as the doors opened, you ran out to the speeder bikes, commandeering one for yourself as Satine slung herself on the back of Obi-Wan's. This would all be over soon, and you would go back to Coruscant, dropping the duchess wherever she felt was the safest. You'd be sleeping in his arms again tonight, as with that constant reminder, you were able to focus on getting back to the ship, ignoring how tightly she wrapped her arms around him to keep steady.
You were being chased now, several guards being on your tail as you approached the tarmac once again.
You jumped off of yours a bit before you reached the ship, allowing it to hit one of the Mando's gaining, and earning a few extra seconds of run time. You were able to then race up the ramp before it closed, feeling the vibration as Obi-Wan brought the ship from the ground... or at least he tried.
You felt an impact on the bottom left side of the transport, and it sent the vessel into a spin. You were going to crash...
Satine came racing down first, followed by your Master, who lowered the ramp, while midair, and in a wild spin. You had a bad feeling about this...
You timed your jump from the ramp, landing back on the tarmac separately from the other two. You had little time to regain yourself, as then you were being pulled to your feet instantly by a tall Zabrak you'd never seen before. His yellow markings made him different from any you'd ever encountered... but Obi-Wan had told you about him. Savage Opress.
"Let me go," you tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he was far stronger than you, and force sensitive, too. You did not bother trying. "Obi!"
You were thrown into the ground, the back of your head slamming on the concrete. The lights were going out around you, and you faintly heard your master's distressed voice as you succumbed to the darkness.
@spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27 @avenger5-a55emble @amelia-song-pond @kaminanii @the-abyss-of-fandoms @queenofnightdreamland @world-dominating-kitty @mandowhatnow @ella-error505 @annahalo @infinity-witch @beetlejuice-stuff @liueski @solarbxby @sirianisrock @lxdyred @endless-warrior-always-fighter @iloveinej @msjb2002 @shoochi @itsilvermorny @gingerrosecosplay @sebschicken @loversjoy @argentinemango @1-800-vader @house-of-kolchek @marierg @graciexmarvel @ttzamara @truly-madly-nerdy @molieux @majahu @dyzlks @pancakefancake
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prophetwithaz · 4 years
Starlight (Obi-wan x reader)
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a/n: the reader in the story is LEGAL. DO NOT clown in my inbox. i also haven't written fic since i was 13 so this is e h. i finally posted it after @milleniumvalcon hyped me up.
summary: Despite being worn out after work, Obi-wan senses your anxiety about your training, and comes to your quarters to make sure you're doing alright.
word count: 1.5k
Obi-wan had had a long day. It seemed that at each turn, the day tore itself in two. The discussions among politicians made him sick. Despite the fact that he desired peace more than anything, he couldn't fathom any leader being able to willfully harm their own people. Tensions at the temple ran high. Too much to do, and too little time, as per usual.
All he wanted to do was to curl up in a ball and start a new day with some semblance of clarity. You felt the same, having spent the whole day training. You were drained, quite frankly, and you were tired of preparing for the trials every day. You wondered if in a few years you would even be good enough to face the council. Maybe being a jedi wasn't for you. Tossing and turning, you lie awake. Anxiety felt like television static: no particular feeling or thought, but all encompassing and overstimulating nonetheless.
Obi-wan could feel the disturbance in the force from the uneasiness. It made it difficult for him to relax, sensing the pain coming from just a few doors down, despite his heavy, aching eyes. So he did what he wished his colleagues would do more often and left his quarters to check on the padawan down the hall.
He had noticed how hard you pushed yourself. You held astounding skill with your saber, rivaling Anakin in many regards. Despite the strength of the force within you, you were never good enough for yourself, critiquing each mistake you make to the point of embarrassment. Obi-wan had noticed this, but never said anything out of fear of overstepping his boundaries as a master.
He opened the door to your quarters softly, trying not to startle you. He called out your name, pulling you out of your daze. "What are you still doing awake, young one?" he spoke.
"Why are you here?" you questioned. "You were working all day. I figured you'd be asleep as soon as you got to your quarters."
Obi-wan chuckled. "I sensed a disturbance in the force. It felt like you," he said, gently. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."
You were shocked to say the least. You looked up to Obi-wan more than your own master. He was arguably the most talented of all of the jedi, Yoda be damned. That opinion was independently formed without any outside influence. Outside influence being the massive crush you had on him.
They were enigmatic, your feelings for him. Truly, it was the kind of thing philosophers tried to explain with frilly words and a certain softness, and in a way, they were right. You could never explain it in any way other than stardust glittering in your bones, burning your soul in the most pleasant way possible. You were so modest around him, knowing he was everything you weren't, and it led to the intense self-deprication you engaged in on the regular. You weren't patient or levelheaded. The lack of these qualities led to strong passion, leaving you on edge and in fear of turning to the dark side.
In the time you spent in your own thoughts, Obi-wan had seated himself beside you. "You always push yourself so hard," he started, "but I sensed great doubt in you, padawan." It felt as if he could peer into your soul when he looked you in the eye.
"I'm fine. You have more important things to do than be my therapist." It came out harsher than expected, but the message was all the same. He didn't need to treat you like a child.
"You aren't a bother," he said, moving closer. "I care about you more than you know-"
"I'm not even your padawan, so I don't see why you're so worried."
But the truth was, he thought about you all the time. How you put Anakin in his place in training. How you fight with a saber as if you were born with one in your hand. How you spin in the air when you fight, almost envying whoever the poor soul was that had to oppose you in combat. But over everything else, how you managed to be the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life, even with no makeup, hair pulled back tight, and sweating under the almost obnoxious weight of the jedi robes.
"You're the best of the padawans. You could kick Anakin's ass at any given chance. You give me hope for the next generation of jedi, and manage to smile while doing it all."
He spoke with a honey-like grace. The sweet words stuck to you like you had just dipped your hands in his soul. Obi-wan wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a warm embrace. He smelled like linen and home, wherever that was.
You pulled out of the hug. "That's the problem. Everyone thinks that except me. I still feel like that same scared little kid from Naboo I was way back when whenever I make a mistake. And the trials... Maker, I don't even know what I'll do about those."
"Darling," he started, "all in all, we're our own worst critics." He reached his hand out, "may I?" You nodded and he took your hand. "We look at our lives as if it has to live the greatest story ever told, when really, the only person who thinks that is ourself."
You gripped Obi-wan's hand tighter, tears welling in your eyes. Vulnerability wasn't anything you were used to, especially not in front of the masters. As far as you were concerned, you had to be perfect for them. His voice felt like the auditory equivalent of sunshine, and maybe, for a brief moment, it could balance out your storm.
"If you were supposed to just fight perfectly and follow orders, you might as well be a clone, sweetheart." He chuckled and put his arm around you. "Not to mention, you are much prettier than the clones."
You laughed and shook your head, "I wish you wouldn't lie to me like that, Master Kenobi."
"You are truly astounding, young one. I know you don't think that, and I know it'll be even harder for me to convince you of that, but I promise you are." You pressed yourself against his chest and let yourself cry. There was no reason not to by this point. He wasn't the type to gossip, and you couldn't remember the last time you had cried in front of anyone.
Obi-wan pulled you from his chest and looked you in the eye. You'd swear he was made of love, of starlight. "Don't cry, love," he spoke, gently brushing away the tears from beneath your eyes. Obi-wan kissed your forehead softly, brushing over the spot with his calloused finger tips. "You were made for this."
In a turn of events even you found shocking, you had locked your lips on his, your hands wrapping around his neck. Those calloused hands tangled themselves in your hair as his mouth swiftly took your breath away. You pulled apart, the air between you heavy and comforting. He gave you a giddy smile, stroking your hair while he gazed at you. In that moment, Obi-wan looked at you as if you had hung the moon, and for a brief moment, you yourself felt like you could have. The trials should be afraid of you, not the other way around. "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that, really," he said.
You smiled and nodded, giving him a quick peck on the lips before leaning against him and falling back on to your bed. Obi-wan got comfortable, and you soon followed suit. It was late, and you were buzzing with happiness.
"I promise you, I meant what I said to you. Each and every word, starlight." His words pulled the biggest smile from your face as you snuggled closer to him, taking in all of Obi-wan Kenobi. His scent, his warmth, and the way his chest buzzed when he called you starlight.
You weren't sure how long it was or how many kisses it was until you had fallen asleep, but it was by far, the best night's sleep you had gotten in ages. The fact that you woke up with Obi-wan still next to you was the brilliant, loving icing on the cake. Technicalities could wait. You were beyond in love, and nothing could take that away from you. Not war, not fear, not the trials. You finally had someone worth holding on to.
So you did, you looked up to his peaceful expression, eyes still closed, and opted to go back to sleep, holding him like you were the only two people alive.
At that moment, you were.
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ratwrites · 5 years
As Long As I Live
Summary: Rex's Jedi General is severely injured during battle and he refuses to leave her side
Prompt/s: As long as I live I will keep you safe. I promise.
Warnings: Major injury, angst, lots of fighting, lil bit of fluff
Pairing: Captain Rex X Reader
Word Count: 6,276
A/N: Finally finished my wip with Rex ol' boy! Since I'm rewatching the Clone Wars in honor of the new season coming out I decided to try and write my favorite Clone baby!
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The gunship landed roughly down into the battlefield. Men had already been lost just during the flight down. "Get ready boys!" You yelled, over the gunfire. To your left side Rex drew his guns looking to you. You nodded your head to him before the light inside the ship flashed green.
"Let's go!" Out into the battlefield you and your men went. You spotted Obi Wan's blue lightsaber flashing in the distance. You took off toward your fellow Master your men following behind you in a blaze of blaster fire. Rex stayed hot on your heels almost at your side the entire run. You enjoyed working alongside Rex. You were allowed to move freely with him compared to other Captains'.
"Welcome to the party!" Obi Wan greeted, as you and your men reached his position. You fell to his side swinging your lightsaber to skillfully avoid the shots being fired.
"Doesn't seem like much of a party!" You reported. The droids were advancing.
"Move in!" You ordered. You and your men advanced, Kenobi and his following.
"What's the situation?" You questioned, glancing quickly at the ginger.
"We need to get those shields down otherwise we'll never get the tanks close enough to retake the base," he explained, not missing a shot. His skills definitely outranked yours. You paused looking toward the rayshielded tower. You glanced behind you seeing the tanks waiting for orders.
"We sent Waxer and Boil to try and shut the shield down, but the perimeter was well guarded," he added.
"Bombs! Take cover!" You and Kenobi dodged behind a rock as the blast went off.
"So what do you intend to do?" You asked, taking this moment to get the plan.
"I'm thinking about sending a squad to do it, but it's a risky move. I would go myself but I am needed here," he explained. Rex was at your side in moments.
"The clankers are falling back," he announced, looking over his shoulder to shoot one.
"Good Rex, keep them going back," you replied, sending your Captain a smile. He nodded before running off.
"A squad would be too obvious. The losses would be high. I will go. I'll take Captain Rex with me," you stated. You moved back out into the battle Obi Wan following.
"Are you sure?" You nodded in confirmation.
"Alright, we'll cover you. You'll need to go to the south side of the tower that's where they have the least security." You didn't say another word to the Master. You ran further into battle deflecting shots as you went. You spotted your Captain.
"Rex!" You swiftly jumped to his side deflecting a shot that would've hit him.
"Thank you General," he huffed, his attention on the battle before him.
"We're going to the south side of the tower Rex! We need to get those shields off!" you ordered. The Captain turned his head to you. You could sense his uncertainty. He bowed his head. With that the two of you departed from the main battle Cody and his men covering your escape. You slid into the planet's forest.
"What's the plan General?" Rex asked, sneaking at your side. You retracted your lightsaber holding it at your side as you moved.
"We've got to sneak in and get the shields off. Master Kenobi says that the south side is the easiest way to get in, but we'll still have to deal with some droids before then," you explained, pausing in your steps. Rex followed your lead as you crouched down. A group of super droids passed luckily not spotting the two of you.
"Waxer and Boil were no match for their defenses, hopefully having a lightsaber will even the odds," you chuckled, holding up the weapon. Rex scoffed playfully.
"You'll overpower them. Be sure to leave some for me,'" Rex teased. You two had become close over your time fighting together. His sense of humor matched yours to a T. It helped that you and Anakin got along as well so Rex was used to your Jedi shenanigans.
"Let's go." The two of you crept on slowly approaching the south end of the tower. You frowned seeing what you were up against.
"And this is the weakest point of their defense?" You groaned. Two battalions of B1 battle droids along with two tanks and and four rollers.
"The odds of us getting in don't look good sir," Rex warned, his guns now holstered at his waist. You slipped your saber away as well studying the defense.
"Someone doesn't want us getting in. Any ideas?" You sighed, looking at your Captain. He tilted his head toward you slightly.
"Isn't it your job to come up with the plan?" He joked.
"I'm fresh out of ideas Captain," you shrugged. You both looked back at the defense.
"Look!" You watched as a battalion began to march toward the main battle one of the tanks going with it.
"Our odds just improved," he grumbled.
"I think I've got a plan," you blurted. Rex's attention was on you.
"It's crazy, but I think it'll work. I'll draw their fire, see if I can lead them away into the woods. Once they're distracted that'll give you a chance to go in undetected," you spoke. Rex removed his helmet the expression hardening his face telling you that he didn't like your plan.
"That's suicide General," he scowled. You rolled your eyes.
"Everyday in this war is suicide Rex! Plus, you're the one who said I'll overpower them," you remarked, repeating his joke. His scowled deepened.
"I don't like this plan," he announced.
"You don't have to like it Rex you just need to do it."
"And what if they overrun you? Then what?" Rex asked. His concern surprised you. You were good friends, but this was the first time you'd decided on such a risky plan; this was also the first time you'd had such an Anakin Plan.
"If I am overrun then I will call for aid. I'll be fine Rex." You rested a hand on his armored shoulder. His expression lightened slightly.
"Contact me once you're in and once you're out, got it?" He nodded, his helmet returning to his head. You didn't give him the chance to argue. You lit your weapon and lunged out. You sprinted toward the droids instantly drawing their attention to you.
"Jedi! Get her!" You ran past them turning their attention away from Rex's position. You began to fight striking down any droid that got too close to you. You began to back up drawing them further away from the tower. You jumped aside as the canon began to fire as well. The rollers were staying out of the fight to your surprise. Your eyes caught Rex who was sneaking foward. You watched as he rolled a droid popper under each of the rollers disabiling them. He disappeared from sight and into the tower.
"I'm in and heading to the generator room," your com beeped. You didn't have time to properly respond. You sent him a beep letting him know you acknowledged him. You ran back further drawing them away again. Their numbers were slowly dropping the longer you fought. Your arms were starting to protest, but you didn't stop. You couldn't afford to stop. The tank fired again hitting uncomfortably close to you.
The tanks shots came more accurately with each time it hit. You took mental note that their aim normally wasn't this good. The tanks must have a new targeting system which was bad news for you. You drew them as far as they would go and held them. The tank advanced as the droid population got smaller. Your heart sank as another battalion of droids rounded the corner with their own tank.
"Come on," you groaned. You needed to get rid of the second tank. You jumped aside again the heat from the blast sending a shiver throughout your body. Your senses were being overwhelmed as the new battalion began to fire from a different angle. You ran forward into the second battalion taking them head on. You swiftly got to the tank leaping onto the base. You hurtled to the top cutting it open. You dropped inside destroying the droids. You sliced your saber through the controls. You exited the tank rolling away as it burst into flames the explosion destroying some of the nearby droids. The shield began to lift.
"Yes! He got it!" You cheered. Your happiness was cut short as a blaster shot grazed your arm knocking you to your knees. You had little time to recover as the tank fired almost hitting you. You barely managed to roll away. Pain shot up and down your arm causing a groan to leave your lips. You kept fighting the droids closing in. You began to moved back toward the woods.
"I'm out!" Your com echoed. Your eyes went to the base. Rex was fighting his way out, but he was in view. You trudged toward Rex taking out whatever droids got too close.
"Come on Rex!" You yelled, over the fire. The Captain eventually made it to your side.
"Your arm!" He called, his back pressing against yours as the droids surrounded you in a half circle.
"Not now Rex!" You snapped. Now that he was at your side his life was your top priority.
Your senses screamed at you. "Watch out!"
Rex made it into the tower. It was surprisingly dark and quiet compared to the fighting outside. He wanted to get back to her as quickly as possible. "I'm in and heading to the generator room." The com light beeped green signalling that she'd heard him. He drew his blasters and crouched low slinking through the shadows. He'd studied the tower's schematics before they'd left for the reinforcement mission.
He rounded a corner quickly dodging back behind it as a set of commando droids passed him. His blasters were against his chest. He inhaled deeply and exhaled it before dipping out into the hallway. He made quick work of finding the generator room. He slipped inside silently taking out the two droids inside. He dragged them aside placing them out of the way. He moved to the control panel. He swiftly began to deactivate the shield keeping his ears peeled for incoming droids. "Yes!" He silently cheered, as the panel wirred signalling that the shield was down. He needed to get back to her. He took off out of the room and back down toward where he'd come in. He cursed as the commando droids were waiting near his exit. He fired at one striking it down. The other jumped into action.
Rex fired at the droid unhappy that it dodged his blaster. The droid made quick work of disarming him. He fought hand to hand with the droid only for it to knock him onto his back. He rolled away from it's attack reclaiming one of his blasters. He rolled onto his back as the droid pounced. With one shot it collapsed. He collected his other blaster and got back on his feet. An explosion outside sent Rex into a panic. He bolted for his exit only to be greeted with a group of droids.
"I'm out!" He signalled joining her fight. Some of the droids turned to face him. He had no cover, but he had every intention of getting to her side.
"Come on Rex!" She was fighting her way toward him. The closer he got the sooner he realized that she was injured. A part of her sleeve had been burned away revealing a nasty graze across her upper arm. Once at her side they moved into a defensive position placing their backs together.
"Your arm!" He pointed.
"Not now Rex!" The lack of concern for her injury upset him a little. All he wanted in this moment was for her to be safe. The fighting continued.
"Watch out!" Without warning Rex was off of his feet and thrown. He rolled as he hit the ground quickly recovering to see why he'd been thrown. His world moved in slow motion as the tank fired. Horror flooded into him as the shot hit its mark sending his General, his friend, flying backwards. Her body roughly struck the ground her lightsaber leaving her hand. She laid on her stomach her Jedi attire singed. He screamed her name, but she didn't budge. Rex got to his feet and ran to her his world still rolling in slow motion. His gut clenched in fear the closer he got. He didn't have time to check for life signed. He had to assume she was alive and protect her. He refused to believe she was dead.
His world returned as he positioned himself in front of her. He was no match for these droids. "This is Captain Rex! (F/N) is down! I repeat (F/N) is down!" He bellowed over his com. He lost all formality in this moment. He didn't have time for it. Rex's eyes spotted her lightsaber a few paces from his foot. He hesitated. He'd never fought with a lightsaber, it was forbidden for him to fight with a Jedi's weapon. He put rules aside. He had to protect her. He put his blasters in their holsters and retrieved the sacred weapon. He fell back to her. Rex took a stance above her planting each foot on their aide of her limp body. He ignited the blade it's bright color standing out in the fight.
He began to deflect the blasts his hands tingling against the hilt. It was as if the blade was using him to fight inside of him using it. The energy from the blade was strong and familiar. It was her blade after all. Hr didn't fight the pull of the blade deflecting any blaster shots that dared to hit her. His attention turned to the tank as it fired. With one swift move of his arms he deflected the blast to his own surprise. He kept going. The rage and fear in him fueled his every move. There had only been one other time he could recall where he'd been so angry and afraid and that was a night he didn't want to remember.
"Captain Rex!" Obi Wan leapt over him and into the battle. His brothers appeared at his sides helping defend his fallen Jedi. Cody passed him following Obi Wan. He hadn't realized that he'd been holding his breath until Obi Wan destroyed the tank. Eventually the droids were defeated. Another battle could be heard. He slowly stepped off of her as Obi Wan approached him. The lightsaber remained ignited in his grasp until the General cast him a cock of his brow. He closed the blade keeping the hilt in his hand.
"What happened?" Obi Wan asked, rolling her carefully onto her back.
"Tank got her.." Rex muttered, his voice shaking slightly.
"Well, she is alive, but barely. Cody contact Master Plo and tell him we need a medical transport now," he ordered. Cody nodded taking a few steps back before turning on his com. Obi Wan continued to check her over for a moment before standing up.
"You did well Rex," he praised, resting a hand on his shoulder. He gave the armor a squeeze. Obi Wan began to walk away.
"General!" He called. The Jedi faced him. He silently held the weapon up.
"Hold onto it Rex. I'm sure that's what she'd want." He nodded and hooked the weapon to his belt. He slowly moved back to her dropping onto his knees next to her. He removed his helmet setting it on the ground. Her face was burned along with most of her body. He wasn't even sure how she was still alive, but he was beyond grateful.
"Hang on (F/N).. Just hang out," he muttered, his voice breaking. He couldn't lose her. Another hand on his shoulder made him jump. He looked up at his brother, Fives offering him a reassuring smile.
"She'll be alright Rex, she's tougher than she looks," Fives soothed. He looked away from Fives and back to her.
Rex helped load her onto the medical transport along with Fives and General Plo. "We'll take her to the medical station. She'll get the proper care she needs," Plo assured. Rex didn't budge from the transport.
"I- I can't leave her," Rex stated, staying by her side.
"Captain Rex you are needed in battle, I assure you Master Fisto will take care of her," Master Plo offered.
"With all do respect sir, she is more important than this battle. I am not leaving my General now," he defended. Master Plo was stunned to silence. Fives rested a hand on his shoulder again.
"We'll save some clankers for when you return," he promised.
"Very well then..." Fives left the ship leaving Rex behind. He didn't want to leave his brother's but her life seemed more important in this moment. He cared deeply for her and his brother's knew that.
Rex paced back and forth in front of the medical bay. Once they arrived at the station she'd been rushed off to the emergency wing. He'd been directed to a different room and stripped down to his blacks. One of his brothers tended to the minor injuries he hadn't even realized that he'd received. Once he had been patched up he had gone in search of her which led him to the room he paced in front of. The red light glowed above the door signalling that Master Fisto anf the others were still working. His attention snapped to the door as the light flickered green.
Master Fisto stepped out. "How is she?" He pressed, trying to look past the Jedi only for the door to slid shut.
"She'll be fine Captain. You got her here just in the nick of time. If she had gone any longer without a Bacta tank her burns would've killed her," Kit explained calmly. A relieved sigh left the clone's lips.
"It should only take her a few days or so to heal enough to where she can be taken out of the tank, but she won't be returning to the line of duty until I clear her," he added, placing his arms neatly behind his back. Rex nodded. He didn't care much for the details, he just wanted to see her. Master Fisto smiled gently obviously picking up on that. Without another word he stepped back into the room allowing Rex to follow.
"Come." With one word the staff in the room left leaving him alone with her.
His eyes scanned across her body taking in her appearance. A white cloth had been wrapped around her chest to cover her breasts while another wrapped nearly around her waist and thighs to cover her bottom. The burns across her skin made him cringe. He'd seen much worse, but seeing such injuries on her almost made him sick to his stomach. He sat on a white bench in front of the tank looking up at her. Guilt twisted in his gut. It should've been him. She shouldn't have risked her life for his and he intended to tell her that as soon as he got the chance. He let out a heavy sigh resting his elbows on his knees. His head fell allowing his back to hunch. He looked up at her again. Her face was peaceful in the tank. The breathing apparatus in her mouth caused her chest to rise and fall steadily telling Rex that she was in fact alive.
Rex spent the next few days helping out around the medical station. Master Fisto had tried to get him back into the field with no avail. Rex adopted his stubbornness from his Jedi General's, especially her. He'd always thought that Anakin was stubborn, but not half as stubborn as her. He had attended a few medical missions to the battlefields, but never stayed to fight.
He walked down the medical halls bowing his head respectfully to a passing Kaminoan. He'd just returned from a supply run and desperately wanted out of his armor. He returned to his temporary quarters which was cozier than his barracks. Once the door slid shut behind him he began to detach his armor until he was back down to his blacks. He quite enjoyed a break from his tight and heavy armor. He hung each piece up on a stand the station had lended to him.
His stomach growled quietly demanding that he eat something. He huffed and made his way out of the room and back down the hall he'd just come from. Instead of going to the docking bay he veered off in the opposite direction where he would find the mess hall. "Captain Rex!" One of his brother's drew his steps to a halt.
"Yes Shore?" he asked, turning to face the medical clone. He'd learned most of their names over the few days.
"Master Fisto wanted me to inform you that Master (L/N) has been removed from the bacta tank and has been taken to patient room 756," he informed. Rex's breath caught in his throat.
"Uh, thank you!" Before his brother had a chance to stop him he took off.
He arrived outside the room a lot faster than he thought he would. Calming himself he stepped toward the door and inside the room once it slid open. She laid on a white cot a blanket covering most of her body. He approached the cot. She seemed to be sleeping and he had no intentions on waking her. Quietly he grabbed one of the white chairs from the room and placed it next to the soft cot. He sat down leaning back in it. He would wait for her to wake up.
His stomach growled at him again reminding him of his hunger. He ignored it pushing the desire to eat down.
Rex had changed his position resting his arms on the cot. His head and fallen against his arms while one of his hands found her nearest one taking it gently into his large grip. Her skin was still a scarred in some places and probably would be for a while. Sleep had almost taken him until she shifted. He raised his head only to be met with her groggy gaze. "Rex?" She rasped, her voice hoarse. He smiled widely his heart skipping a beat at the sound of his name.
"How are you feeling?" he asked. She shifted a little more letting out a cough.
"Thirsty and tired," she chuckled, coughing again. He stood up and wandered to the door. To his luck a medical droid was walking past.
"Can you get some water up here please?"
"Certainly." The droid wandered off. He returned to his seat.
"So, you're welcome," she said, suddenly. A playful smile crossed her beautiful lips. Rex frowned.
"You shouldn't have done that. You could've been killed," he scolded. He hadn't forgotten that he intended to give her a piece of his mind.
"But I wasn't," she pointed, trying to keep the mood light.
"But you could've been," he reported, hotly.
"Yeah well, you could've died too," she countered. Rex's frown deepened his brows drawing together.
"I'm a clone, I'm meant to he expendable. You're not, you're a Jedi," he stated.
"Not to me you're not- your safety was- was much more important than my own." Her words silenced him.
"I wasn't going to let you die," she added, holding his gaze. The door opened revealing the medical droid with a glass of water. Rex stood and retrieved the water dismissing the droid. He brought her the water carefully sitting her up so she could drink. He aided her sips his hand on the bottom of the glass tipping it up. After the glass was empty he set it aside before sitting back down.
"It was reckless of you," he began, again. She scoffed rolling her eyes.
"Reckless is what I do Rex," she reported, her voice a little better.
"And it is my job to protect you. I can't do that when you're shoving me out of the way and taking the hit yourself," he growled.
"Well I decided to do your job. I couldn't let my best Captain die and that's that," she snapped. Rex fell silent again. He took a moment to take in her appearance again. She was perfect in every way. Rex could find no flaws on her. They'd changed her into a white tank top and pair of loose white medical pants. She looked away from him and up at the ceiling.
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you without your armor on before," she blurted, randomly. Her gaze fell back to his. His hard expression softened toward her a small smile daring to tug at the corners of his lips. He ran a hand to his neck rubbing it.
"Didn't see the need of wearing it around the station all the time," he explained. She squinted at him.
"How long have you been here?" She asked.
"Since we brought you here."
"And when was that?"
"Five days ago..." Rex muttered. She gasped.
"Rex! Don't tell me you've skipped out on your duty to be here," she pleaded.
"Fine, then I won't tell you," he replied, helping lighten the mood. She shot him a glare.
"The Council isn't going to be happy about that, neither is the Senate." She shifted into a more comfortable position.
"I don't care what they think, I couldn't leave you," he admitted, shamelessly. He hadn't realized that he'd taken hold of her hand again until she squeezed his lightly. He retracted his hand a blush forming on his cheeks. She giggled.
"I don't mind Captain.. I was quite enjoying it," she murmured. She offered her hand back out to him. Hesitantly he took it again the blush on his cheeks deepening as she intertwined her small fingers with his. Her skin was soft in his grasp; the contact caused his own skin to tingle. The smile that graced her face was one of kindness.
"Tell me Rex, what is real reason why you stayed with me?" she asked. Rex didn't respond right away. At first he wasn't sure what she was implying, but then it dawned on him. She was a Jedi after all and could probably sense the love and adoration that was washing through him.
"I-" he hesitated, her hand squeezing his in assurance.
"I couldn't leave you.. I couldn't leave knowing that you may not have survived," he sighed, looking away from her.
"It is my job to keep you safe and I felt as if I failed you... I still do," he revealed. She tugged on his hand drawing his eyes back to her.
"You haven't failed me Rex. From what Master Fisto told me if it wasn't for you I would be dead," she murmured.
"You saved my life Rex and I am forever thankful for that." Her thumb stroked the side of his hand illiciting a content shiver from him. No one had ever treated him like she was in this moment. Even the smallest amount of affection was foreign to him, but welcomed.
"And you saved mine General," he reported. She let out a quiet laugh.
"(F/N), please, we aren't on a battlefield my friend." Her smile grew. She began to shift letting go of his hand to cast the covers aside.
"(F/N), what are you doing?" he questioned, sitting up in his chair. Her name rolled wonderfully off of his tongue. He'd said her name before, but not casually as he was now.
"I wish to stand, my legs are screaming for movement," she chuckled. Carefully she slipped her legs off of the edge of the cot. Rex stood to his feet coming to stand at her side.
"I don't know if you should be up and about so soon," he warned. She waved him off. She began to push herself off of the cot. Rex moved into action taking her arm into his hands. His hold was light, but sturdy enough to keep her on her feet. She leaned her weight against Rex letting out a pained sigh as she began to walk. He stayed with her moving at her pace. His focus was on her.
"This hurts," she groaned, pressing against him a little more. Her hand found Rex's giving it a tight squeeze. He didn't like seeing her in pain.
"You should sit. I highly doubt General Fisto wanted you up and about so soon," he alerted. She nodded in agreement. Rex helped her back to the cot gently lowering her down. He released her and tried to step back only for her to tug him down onto the cot. He plopped down next to her with a surprised grunt drawing a giggle from the Jedi.
"Stay with me?" She asked, resting her head on his shoulder. He could've sworn his heart grew two sizes in his chest. The content happiness flowing over him was almost overwhelming.
"Always," he replied, resting his head on hers. He'd never shared a moment like this with anyone. It was a simple gesture, but one that he would remember for the rest of his life.
"(F/N)?" He brought his head back up. She did as well glancing up at him. She tilted her head in a silent question.
"As long as I live I will keep you safe. I promise," he declared, straightening his posture. She rested her head on his shoulder again drawing him back down into a comfortable slouch.
"The same goes for you Rex don't you dare think for a second that you are only meant to fight and die. There is more to your life than that Rex.. You are worth more to me." His head found hers again. Every instinct in his body told him to take his chance and show her just how much he cared, but he didn't. She was still a Jedi and even their position now could be considered a violation of her code. It was clear that she was attached to him just as he was to her. His stomach growled lightly reminding him that he still hadn't eaten all day.
"Why don't you run to the mess hall and eat? I'll be here when you're done, I promise," she sniggered. He rolled his eyes as she fled her comfortable position on his shoulder.
"Do you want me to bring you anything? You haven't eaten in a while either," he stated. She nodded her head vigorously.
"Food sounds delightful!" She chirped.
"Then I will return." He stood up from the bed standing in front of her for a moment. He hesitated, but pushed his worry aside. He leaned down placing a hand on the back of her neck. She leaned into him as he placed a tender kiss into her hair. He'd never actually kissed anyone before contrary to his legion's beliefs. She hummed in content as he parted from her and quickly made his exit.
She'd spent two more weeks at the medical station until she was finally cleared to return to the war. Rex entered her quarters just in time to watch her finish dressing herself in her Jedi robes. She looked over her shoulder smiling at him. He held his helmet against his hip as she approached him. "Captain," she greeted, reaching up to press a feathery kiss against his cheek. His face warmed up as he smiled down at her.
"General," he replied. He ran his hazel gaze over her taking in her stunning appearance. His eyes eventually landed on her upper arm guilt still fresh in his mind.
"Hey, you've got that face, what's bothering you?" she demanded, kindly.
"What face?" He asked.
"The face that tells me you're thinking about something you shouldn't be," she replied, playfully.
"I have a face?" He questioned, sending her a puzzled cock of his brow.
"Yes, you do, now out with it soldier," she teased, pushing his chest armor lightly.
"I was just thinking about- about that day.." He looked down at their feet.
"Hey, look at me," she ordered. He did as he was told his stare locking with hers.
"That's in the past. We both survived and we are both well that's all that matters," she soothed, reaching up to gently stroke his cheek. He leaned into her touch letting his eyes fall closed briefly.
"And what's this?" He opened his eyes once her touch left him. Her eyes now rested on the lightsaber attached to his belt.
"I- I've been looking after it since... Since..." He cut himself off and unhooked it from his belt. He offered it out to her. She carefully took the weapon from his hands attaching it to her own belt.
"Thank you Rex," she murmured. The tension between them slowly brought them closer together. Rex's heart was racing in his chest, but their moment was cut short. He pulled back from her as Master Fisto entered the room.
"Your cruiser is waiting for you," he announced, coolly.
"Thank you Master," she bowed. They followed the older Jedi out of the room and down to the docking platform. They boarded the ship only to be greeted by a large group of clones.
"Fives, Kix, Dogma, Jesse, Hardcase, Appo, Echo, Tup! What are you all doing here?" she beamed, hugging each one of them.
"We heard you were bring released so we wanted to see our General back into battle!" Fives squeaked. They all stood proudly around her each one just as happy to see her as she was to see them.
"I don't know what I would do without you boys," she gushed.
"Crash and burn, obviously," Kix responded. Rex shot him a warning glare, but she waved it off accepting the joke with a hearty laugh. Kix hadn't been with them during the incident. He'd been assigned to a different mission alongside Anakin and a few other members of the 501st, but when he heard what had happen he was distrot just like the rest of the men.
"Ready to go?" Obi Wan ruined the moment stepping into view.
"Master Kenobi!" She smiled, walking to greet him.
"Welcome back Master (L/N)," he acknowledged. She followed him to the bridge her men following behind her.
"So, how was medical duty?" Tup teased, elbowing Rex.
"Not bad, it was definitely a nice break from all the fighting," he replied.
"Did you two..." Hardcase wiggled a brow at him. His face heated up.
"Come on Hardcase cut him some slack! He's obviously been struggling to woo the Jedi," Fives chortled.
"Fives!" Rex squawked, punching his shoulder. The men laughed as they stepped onto the bridge.
"We'll be taking you to Felucia where you will be aiding Master Skywalker in a skirmish," Obi Wan explained, to the troops. They all silenced and listened as the General explained the mission. Once he was finished he dismissed them from the bridge, but none of them left. She smiled at them leaving Obi Wan's side to join the company.
"Come, we should ready the gunships," she suggested. Their group went down to the cargo bay where three gunships rested. They were greeted with more of the 501st. Rex watched as more hugs were passed out between her and the other clones. Jealousy crept into his mind, but he pushed it aside. They all began to ready the ships each clone talking excitedly to one another. His eyes were trained on her as she wandered around the three ships overseeing their work. She occasionally stopped to speak to some of the clones sharing laughs with them. It was good to be back around his brothers.
"Ready to get back into battle?" Appo asked, nudging the Captain.
"Definitely, I've been looking forward to those clankers Fives promised me," he exclaimed, catching Fives' attention.
"In honor of our missing Captain we'll let you be the first out into the fight," Fives boomed. Cheers rang up from the clones nearby.
"Of course we'll let General (F/N), run out at your side," Jesse teased.
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't." Her voice drew their attention. Jesse looked away embarrassed drawing more laughter from him and his men.
"It really is good to have you both back," Echo sighed, resting a hand on each of their shoulders.
"It's good to be back Echo."
"We've come out of hyperspace and are taking you in now," Obi Wan spoke, through her com.
"Get ready boys! We're shipping out!" She called. The troops loaded themselves into their ships. After a few moments the ships jerked signalling that they'd taken off. The longer they were in flight the more of the battle they could hear.
"Here we go boys! Helmets on!" Appo ordered. Those who didn't have their helmets on began to put them on. Rex looked down at her readying himself to attach his helmet.
"Here's for luck!" she announced. She pulled Rex down by his armor pressing her lips against his own. Butterflies exploded in his stomach at the sensation. The clones hooped and hollered each one getting hyped and even more excited. Once the kiss ended he stood dazed for a moment unsure if he was dreaming or not. The light flashed green. Rex drew himself back to reality and put it helmet on. He unloaded with his men staying right at her side. With the ignition of her blade their squad propelled themselves into battle and he fought at her side until the job was done.
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Forever Taglist:
@morrioghainfae @xaviersmutcnt @raindrops-on-roses142
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