#also the ultimate irony of giving Jowan hell for running off with a red haired chantry sister and ending up with. you wouldn't believe it
herearedragons · 17 days
kyana and morrigan for the alternate love interests? 👀
Kyana and Morrigan: so they both have the "goth witches who grew up in isolation until being forcibly removed from it" thing, which could be fun, buuuut I feel like with Kyana specifically this wouldn't work as a ship. They're a little too similar in the sense that both of them are guarded and Practical and they'd need a nudge from the other person to even consider the idea of romance, which. no yeah neither of them are making the first move here. I guess I could maybe see it as an unspoken thing that never goes anywhere, but I feel like both of them are more fun with someone who gets them out of their comfort zone, and (once again) they're too similar to do that with each other.
send me alternate love interests for my OCs and I'll tell you what I think
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