#also the philippine eagle rolling her eyes at them
boom33713 · 8 months
yee-ha yippie !!!!!
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honeydarling98 · 5 years
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Adelaide Fairweather Reference Post 
To the person being my Secret Santa, please accept this really quick reference post I made for my MC Adelaide, I was going to draw her but the result was terrible so please consult my Inktober sketches of Addie for her eye colour and for how I draw her hair.
Don’t be afraid to ask and take good care!
I used a mixture of @hogwartsmysterystory​ ‘s template for HPHM Profiles and @salaofthenight​ as a guide cause I have no clue how to do these kinds of things. So...Thank you!!!
Name: Adelaide Esmeralda Fairweather
Nicknames: Addie, Pip, Até (Tagalog for “Older Sister”)
Date of Birth: December 5, 1973
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half-Filipino, Half-British
Nationality: British
Alignment: Lawful Good
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’4’’
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Tan  
Wizarding Information
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
1st Wand: Acacia, 11 ½ in., Unicorn Hair Core, Pliable Flexibility
2nd Wand: Redwood, 11 ½ in., Unicorn Hair Core, Reasonably Supple Flexibility
Animagus: Border Collie - Chocolate Tricolour Merle
Patronus: Border Collie
Boggart: A Death Eater whose mask reveals the face of her Aunt Margaret which in turn is also a mask that hides the face of her brother
Riddikulus: A sheep wearing a suit, monocle, and top hat
Amortentia (of herself): Swaying trees and rippling fields of the rolling hills are whisked away by the scent of heather mingling with other sweet wildflowers faint in the breeze. Followed by cinnamon sugar, sun dried laundry, and dish soap which are covered by the muted scent of wool.
Amortentia (of her special other): Cinnamon, cloves, safron, and cardamom soar freely through a cool afternoon breeze, muffled by the musty scent of feathers and hay.
Occupation: Auror
Mother: Anna Maria Fairweather (neé Cortez)
Bakery Co-owner (formerly); Healer
Father: Jonathan Lee Fairweather
Hufflepuff (theoretically)
Bakery Owner (formerly); Stay-at-home father
Joaquin “Jacob” Emilio Fairweather  
Wizard-On-The-Run; Herbologist (future)
Eldest Fairweather sibling
Adelaide has a strong bond with her brother and was devastated when he disappeared
Meredith Amanda Fairweather
Attends Hogwarts after Adelaide graduates
Healer (future)
Youngest Fairweather sibling  
Adelaide has a strong bond with her sister and would do anything to keep her safe
Best Friend: Rowan Khanna
Close Friends [As of Year 3]: Ben Copper, Bill Weasley, Penny Haywood
Love Interest:  Talbott Winger
Pedro the Suffolk Sheep
Doesn’t really consider himself a pet, or an animal for that matter. Pedro holds himself up in high esteem deeming that he truly the brightest and wisest sheep of the flock and he is not wrong. Pedro is an intelligent sheep and likes to help out Adelaide and Jacob around the farm when he isn’t too busy philosophizing.
Rocky the Toad
Gifted to her by Ravenclaw Tulip Karasu, Rocky is a spirited little toad whose croaks can rival that of Celine Dion’s.
She was originally going to name him “Sylvester Stallone” because the little bumps on her toad’s back reminded her of the movie “Rocky”. In the end she ended up naming her toad after Stallone’s titular character for brevity.
Mars the Philippine Eagle-Owl:
Little Mars was adopted after the passing of his original owner, Adelaide’s maternal uncle Joaquin Cortez (who her brother’s named after). He’s a sweet little owl but can get quite feisty and rude when provoked and is fiercely loyal to the family.
Currently being cared for by Adelaide.
Main traits:
Miscellaneous Headcanons
Adelaide helps out on her paternal uncle’s sheep farm 
She loves taking the sheep out to graze
Adelaide continues to contribute to the “Father’s Future Bakery” Jar that she and Jacob started as children, just because Jacob disappeared doesn’t mean she can’t continue to contribute. This time it’ll be from the “both” of them
Adelaide has tiny scars from sheep nippings on her fingers as well as gashes on her left arm from a duel against one of Fenrir Greyback’s lackeys
Her mother gave her he middle name “Esmeralda”  for the emerald green eyes she inherited from her father 
Adelaide, like her siblings, can play a little bit of the piano 
But the piano is more of Joaquin and Meredith’s thing
However, Adelaide can sing 
She likes to sing to while away the time 
Since Jacob’s disappearance Adelaide picked up the habit of caring for his magical and non-magical plants in hopes that one day he’ll come back home and be happy to find his precious plants loved and alive 
Earning her easy marks every Herbology class 
While Adelaide’s gone at Hogwarts her little sister Meredith’s in charge of the sheep and the plants  
She keeps a journal where she pretends that she’s writing to Jacob
Adelaide also writes actual letters once to twice a month to her family, twice a week or once every two weeks to her little sister  
You can never find Adelaide without the Rosary bracelet on her person
It was given to her by her maternal grandmother on her 7th birthday to remind her that she is “always safe, always loved, stay with God and He will always guide you from up above.” 
Favourite Colours: blue and green
Favourite Classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Transfiguration 
Least Favourite Classes: Potions, Flying 
Adelaide also learned how to: 
Bake (from her father, however it is a consensus between the siblings that Joaquin is the better baker out of the three)
Knit and sew
Adelaide would have to purchase a third wand in the future as she broke her second one while on Auror duty. 
3rd Wand: Cypress, 12 ¾ in., Unicorn Hair core, Supple Flexibility
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angeltriestoblog · 5 years
Second sem (and freshman year) recap
It’s pretty hard to believe, but another chapter of my college journey is finally over and done with. Since I had ended the first half of the school year in such high spirits, I didn’t really believe upperclassmen when they warned that things were only going to get harder from there. In fact, I even thought I’d be the one to prove them wrong! I mean, with a class schedule that looked like this, how would I run out of time for all the things I both needed and wanted to do? My Tuesdays and Thursdays were practically free, save for that one Math class I had to attend in the morning that I surprisingly never cut.
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For the most part of the semester, I was in a chill state compared to everyone else. I claimed that I had successfully adjusted to the demands of higher education to the point where I found what once was an unreasonable workload to be manageable. I was able to make time for my home org’s activities and devote enough attention to the only project I was deployed to, which I touched on a bit in my first recap blog post (linked here in case you want to jog your memory). As previously mentioned, I was assigned as one of the Documentations Heads under the Information Management department of the Career Building Program, a three-phase event that gives its participants a glimpse into the corporate world. We kicked things off with a resume writing workshop that I was lucky enough to join. The facilitator assigned to me gave useful insights that I was able to apply in the creation of my own curriculum vitae, which I am keen on using when it’s my turn to apply for internships and jobs in the future. I obviously don’t have much on it yet, seeing as I’m just a freshman, but the idea of filling it up with more experiences over the years is exciting me in ways I cannot explain.
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Our group was even given the opportunity to explore the studio of the country’s biggest network, where we were briefed by executives in communications and IT and toured around the sets of our favorite shows. We even ran into Luis Manzano while he was filming Minute to Win It! Unfortunately, I wasn’t scouted by any representative from Star Magic and spontaneously put in a love team with Donny Pangilinan, but I guess that’s alright.
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I also went to Talent Night with some friends (not in pictures: Gela's boyfriend and ICA barkada), which is shocking since I’m honestly not the type to attend parties like this. I’ve always been the girl who stayed home and binge watched YouTube videos on a Friday night. But, I guess the drunk confidence of those I was with rubbed off on me and I managed to pull through! It was also a plus that Timmy Albert was one of the performers: I do pass him by along the corridors quite frequently, but it’s just different seeing him sing and play an instrument in front of a crowd, especially since I’ve loved Roses and Sunflowers even before I got into Ateneo.
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One surprise that I definitely did not see coming was participating in Daloy, our annual program that revolves around corporate social responsibility. This year, we decided to shed a light on how this could be seen in the Philippine clothing industry, so it seemed fitting to hold some talks featuring prominent figures in this field, as well as a fashion show to exhibit the collections of local brands that advocated sustainability. I was really interested in the concept when I first heard of it, and initially wanted to go as a mere audience member - little did I know that I would be tapped by the committee to model! To this day, I don’t know how or why I was chosen: from what I know, there were even screenings held a week prior to the event to determine who would get to walk the runway. But, I was messaged three days before and in that short span of time, I had to fit clothes, find pieces in my closet to match them and perfect my walk (which took several tries on my part, given the fact that when shy, I’m stiff as a board).
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Agreeing to join was a huge step out of my comfort zone - the closest I’ve ever come to strutting on a catwalk was back when family members would ask me to “walk like a fashion model” as a kid during reunions. So, the fact that it had all paid off in the end, and that I was even complimented for the way I looked and performed beyond what was probably expected, was definitely a huge confidence boost for me. I couldn’t have done it without Nelly, Daloy’s project head who patiently guided me through the entire process before the show.
Shoutout as well to the other ACTM upperclassmen who were so friendly to me this school year. We may not have any pictures together, but you deserve a spot on this post nevertheless: Gella, my "boss" (hehe) who was always so patient when I asked questions and even went out of her way to say such kind words about my writing; Sam Que who made me feel like we had already known each other for so long even if we had just talked for the first time, and Ysagab who constantly reassured me that I was doing a good job even if I was looking like such a rookie.
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My presence in events wasn’t limited to those of ACTM, though. I also went to the Loyola Film Circle’s Under the Stars, where I was able to see the live performances of OPM acts and watch one of my favorite chick flicks beneath the beautiful night sky. Since it took place the day after Valentine’s, I was surrounded by Ateneans and their significant others (who didn’t hold back at all when it came to publicly displaying their affection), but I didn’t even mind since I was content in the company of both my college constants and high school friends.
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I dropped by Sulyap as well, which was the culminating activity of the Ateneo Heights Writers Workshop and the launch of the chapbook of their fellows. It was one of the busiest Fridays of the school year, but I still made it a point to go, because I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to be a part of something organized by my dream org, Ateneo’s premier literary publication. As much as I love my course and the people in it, I have to admit that I haven’t been able to exercise much of my creative side. So being in a room full of like-minded individuals and hearing them speak lengthily about their works and the process that brought them to life was a refreshing experience, a much-needed break from the usual routine. My personal favorite was Unica Hijas by Mikaela Regis, which revolved around a lesbian couple trying to make their relationship work despite the fact that they study in a conservative, all-girls high school - a setting which is all too familliar to me.
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It’s also worth noting that I was sorta able to tick a particular item off my freshman year bucket list. And I say sorta, because… well, you’ll see. It’s been a dream of mine ever since to watch a UAAP basketball game live, show up to the arena in a bright blue shirt, cheer as loud as I can when a player makes a point and raise my fist in the air while Song for Mary plays in the background. But, even if I’m consistently in school by 6am, I was never able to get tickets - I couldn’t match the efforts of some fans, who would camp overnight just to get their hands on them. But, just when I thought there was no more chance for me to show my school pride at a match, my friend Mika offered me a free ticket to the Ateneo Lady Eagles’ volleyball match against FEU at the Filoil Arena one Wednesday. We weren’t really on speaking terms before because we were from different cliques, but after bonding over K-Pop, I saw how nice and chill of a person she actually is. So, I didn’t want to turn her down even if I was hesitant to go at first. You see, I was never a fan - in fact, I didn’t know how the game went despite the PE lessons I had back in Grade 5. (Ms. Abella, if you see this, I’m sorry.) But, it didn’t take a lot of convincing for me to agree and I ended up enjoying way more than I thought I would. Fortunately, I was able to catch on when it came to the rules of the sport: the energy of the crowd was contagious as well, and the performance of the players was way too good it was impossible not to shout either out of triumph or frustration. Once we made it to the finals against UST, I even found myself waiting for announcements on where to buy tickets. I didn’t get any though, because they were either sold out due to the ever-increasing demand (ALE fans don’t play around) or there was a conflict in schedule (hi, Enlit play).
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Despite this, I streamed the last game and screamed like I was actually in the venue myself. Apologies to all our neighbors, who probably thought someone was getting killed in the house beside theirs. I was so proud when they brought home the championship after three years, I even bought a Team Ateneo shirt (it’s not that hard to guess whose name is on the back) and went to the bonfire with my friends Gwen, Julia and Lou. I had hoped to meet and take a picture with the players, but they were already far too wasted when I arrived. Like, seriously. I saw Maddie Madayag chug a whole bottle of Mule right before my eyes.
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So, you could say that it was all fun and games (quite literally) for me until hell weeks eventually rolled in. Plural form intended. I found out that all my professors were just holding back every major requirement until the very last stretch of the semester. Suddenly, my schedule was chock full of presentations and final papers, comprehensive exams and extra classes that put my time management and endurance to the test. I spent many days in Matteo Down just like before, but also started going to the floor above it in case I wanted to suffer in the company of more people. The studying would only continue once I got home: I’d pull all-nighters despite my brain’s and skin’s desperate cries for help, as manifested in my worsening acne. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that stressed in my life, and it’s scary to think that that’s only the tip of the iceberg in the Ateneo.
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Coping mechanisms I’ve picked up to help me deal with these unavoidable circumstances would be trying every restaurant along the Katipunan area whenever I had free time (which I will elaborate on more extensively in another blog post, so do watch out for that!) and eventually discovering Pancake House’s corned beef hash, which I love so much I once had it thrice in the span of a week. Another one would be the addition of yet another emotional support K-Pop boy to my collection. After watching My ID is Gangnam Beauty over Holy Week break, I fell in love with Cha Eunwoo and his god-tier visuals, mild demeanor, impressive English skills and heartfelt determination. This led me to binge watching reality show episodes and furiously putting the entire discography of Astro on loop. If you look at my Last.fm, you could see how Crazy Sexy Cool easily climbed to the top of my most played songs, sitting prettily at the #1 spot with over 300 plays in just a little over two months.
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Although I constantly had to bear the pressure and stress on my shoulders over the past academic year, I am eternally grateful to Ateneo for equipping me with lessons both within and beyond the realm of academics that have helped me grow into someone I never imagined, but am happy to have turned into anyway. When my naive and starry-eyed self first entered college, I had such high hopes for what my experience would be and proceeded to map out the next four years of my life in accordance with the vision I had in my head. Having just broken free from the metaphorical chains of my previous school, I found it to be the perfect time to transform into a student who excelled academically, had a long and winding list of extracurricular activities and easily built a vast network of connections thanks to her pleasing and magnetic personality. If I got lucky, maybe I’d have one of those so-called “college blooms” and even get myself an actual boyfriend!
This isn’t something unique to me, I bet a lot of people entered this new stage of their lives with the same mindset so I wasn’t the only one in shock upon realizing that it doesn’t always play out that way in real life. Because of these ridiculous expectations we have implanted in our heads, that basically state that we have to be successful in everything we do and fast, we subconsciously keep ourselves from enjoying the process. In our desire to aim high and aspire for perfection in all that we do, we could end up failing to acknowledge the small yet equally important wins we gain along the way: the friend we make outside of our block despite the sheer discomfort we experience in meeting new people, or the answer we gave in class that impressed our most intimidating professor could appear minuscule when placed beside our goal of being straight-A student who’s active in seven orgs. In addition, we deprive ourselves of the allowance to make mistakes, stray from taking the detours and breaks we need to remain functional human beings and often drive ourselves to the point of fatigue and burnout. And when we are still not flourishing and thriving as planned, we fall prey to toxic comparison: we pit ourselves against others who don’t have the same background or circumstances as we do and question why our progress doesn’t match with theirs.
This is obviously such a toxic way to go about things. Talk about sucking the fun out of what’s supposed to be the four most enjoyable years of our lives. Thankfully, over time, I did some growing up, if you will, and channeled the power of acceptance - both of what I am and what I am not, and the will of God (or whichever supreme being you've placed your faith in) who meticulously planned out what’s ahead of me before I was even old enough to know what school was. I now work to the best of my ability, confident that all I have to do is put in my share of the hard work and see where it takes me, and am also more gentle with myself when I make mistakes.
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On a somewhat lighter note, I’ve also been able to form my own opinions about very controversial issues on campus: an example of which would be what I think is the best CR - the answer is definitely Arete. You can’t go wrong with its triple killer combo of aircon, bidet and strong WiFi connection. The only possible downside could be the fact that there are usually a lot of people, so it’s not the best option if you’re planning on being loud and… um, smelly. The secluded and fragrant Leong Hall and ever-reliable New Lib restrooms come in second and third place respectively, while honorable mentions include the 2F Kostka CR (but only from 6:00-7:00am, when no one else is around) and this one specific stall in the Socsci building that's spacious enough that I can bring all my belongings inside with me.
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Another point for discussion would be the superior place to eat on school grounds: this might cause an uproar, I’m aware, but I still believe it’s JSEC, despite the stark price difference compared to other cafeterias on campus. I was set on trying something from every stall before the school year ended, but I was too fixated on my top picks: I don’t have any regrets though. In fact, I wish I had more of the beef salpicao with calamares on the side from Casa Paella, the Superbowl from Blendabowls and The Coop fries with garlic aioli served on the side. Besides the fact that the food served is satisfying beyond measure, I enjoy the chit-chats I have with the ates and kuyas manning the stalls, who never fail to ask me how I am and tell me about the cute chinito boys they see on campus that they think I might like.
Although I can’t completely rule out Gonzaga, because of this particular stall with quality liempo and a kuya who always gives me a five peso discount. (I’ve been told he does this with girls he finds cute, but I have yet to confirm that). Also, it’s the only place on campus that I know of that sells fresh fruits by the kilo - perfect for those days when I try to convince myself to go on a diet before I relapse and binge eat at Pancake House.
A lot of people do say that ISO sisig is worth the cross-campus walk it’ll take to get there (e-jeep rides are more recommended! An experience in itself! Especially if you’re seated in the back, where there’s a constant feeling of being sucked in a vacuum! But, I digress) - it might just be a matter of preference, but I think it’s overrated. A destination that deserves more attention is the Cervini Hall cafeteria just by the university dormitories. I’ve only been there a grand total of two times so I don’t exactly have any specific favorites on the menu that I recommend, but I’d definitely still go for the homey ambience.
As for superior study places, Matteo Down has been tried and tested several times: I do prefer getting a place opposite to the entrance though, because it does get distracting having to see people enter and go out the door so often. What was supposed to be a study session often ends up becoming a game to see how many people are wearing a striped shirt today. I usually spend time on the fourth floor of the Rizal Library, and get the couch as often as I can because of the comfort (and charger) it provides.
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Of course, I wouldn’t have been able to power through this year without the help of my closest friends: Sevi, Gwen, Raya and Christine. I always had this nagging fear in the back of my head that I wouldn’t be able to find a tight-knit group once I got to college, but thank you for proving me wrong. Thank you for letting me be my true self, for entertaining even my most random thoughts and for accepting all the kalat that comes with being my friend. I sincerely hope that we stay together and have more Gino’s dates in the future along with Chloe!
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To Gela, Jill, Shar (and Dom, but we don’t have any pictures together except for the last one HAHAHA) - I didn’t expect at all that I’d be writing about you guys. I was so intimidated by all of you at first, because I felt like we were so different in terms of our upbringing and environment. But after getting to know you, I came to realize that you are seriously some of the most down-to-earth, chill people ever. Thank you for always providing quality chismis, volunteering to find me chinito boys to date and giving me apps to make my IG stories look cuter.
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To the rest of X1, we weren’t exactly the most united and we knew that - it’s just that we were probably the most diverse out of all the groups in our batch, and with that comes clashing personalities and differing opinions and interests. But, nevertheless, I am content with the time we managed to spend together, where I was able to get to know all of you!
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To the friends that I made outside of my block (and even my course), thank you for laughing at my jokes and telling me that I'm fun to talk to. Hopefully, we get to hang out more and maybe even have common classes in the future hehe
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To my Enlit section, we barely spoke to one another during the first semester so I fell under the impression that you were all stoic and no fun to be with. But, I was proven wrong eventually. I wish I was able to talk to more people in LL, but to the classmates I was closest to (Dootie, Cyrah, Czarina, She and Jessa), I will never forget our side comments and mini-rant sessions. I heard we’re having another English subject come sophomore year, and I really hope I end up with you guys again.
All in all, there is no other word that could sum up the experience that was my freshman year in college better than “adventure”. It was every single emotion on the spectrum All At Once, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world - in fact, during the first half of the semester, I admit that I’d entertain thoughts of alternate universes where I’d be an Iska/Lasallista/Tomasino out of sheer curiosity, but now I just can’t imagine myself anywhere else. Anyway, enough with all that drama. I’m going back to school in three weeks to start my summer term, which we fondly (lmao) refer to as intersession. So, there’s technically nothing to miss.
Hope the rest of you enjoy the summer break that I unfortunately will not be able to experience until I graduate from college! Wishing you nothing but love and light, always.
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dpinoycosmonaut · 5 years
by Reuel R. Hermoso / August 15, 2019
             They weren’t given much of a chance when Season 81 began.
             Despite having the most formidable frontline ever in women’s volleyball in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines, the Ateneo de Manila University Lady Eagles were at best considered a low-end placer in the Final Four.  Most pundits already conceded that the defending three-peat champions from Season 80, the De La Salle Lady Spikers, were finally going to give coach Ramil de Jesus that elusive four-peat – something that has evaded him and his team three times already.  In Season 81, it appeared that, finally, this rare sporting feat was within their grasp.
             In their opening match of the season against the Lady Spikers, the Lady Eagles could muster just a set against the defending champs in a 25-14, 25-17, 16-25, 25-19 defeat.  This shortfall would be replicated in the second of two elimination rounds of the season on an even more disappointing scale when La Salle handily swept them in straight sets.
             Meantime, an erstwhile dominatrix of UAAP volleyball was beginning to stir from a decade-long hibernation – the University of Santo Tomas Golden Tigresses were racking up win after win especially in the second round.  And no win was bigger than that of their second-round elims matchup when they beat the defending champion Lady Spikers 25-14, 25-23, 23-25, 25-19.  This after the Lady Spikers showed their championship poise and swag in their first-round elims game, taking from the Golden Tigresses three straight sets after the ladies from España shocked the defending champs in the first set to tame the Tigresses 21-25, 25-23, 25-19, 26-24.
             But even in that first-round meeting, it was quite evident that UST would prove to be the bane of the defending champions.  That deciding fourth set in their Round 1 encounter came down to a race to 26 after the Tigresses tied the set at 24-all.  The Taft ladies led by captain Desiree Cheng and the other Des – Lourdes Clemente – had to conspire through service aces and excellent net defense on upcoming Tigress sensation Eya Laure to be able to finally seal the match.  Rookie gigil – the Tagalog term for wanting to do too much too soon along with a pumped-up adrenalin and a sign of youthful overeagerness and immaturity, traits that she will most certainly soon outgrow – characterized Eya’s play in the end-game, attacking the defense of Des Clemente at the top of the net but being thwarted by a game-winning kill block.
             As fate would have it, meanwhile, the Lady Eagles began stretching their wings once again, going on a spectacular winning run in the first and second rounds, beating every opponent – except the defending champs.  In the usual exchange of oneupmanship, La Salle fans and alumni may take cold comfort in the fact that the new champions never won against the former champs.  But there’s really no such thing as an asterisk championship – a crown is a crown is a crown.  As any diehard would say, “I’ll take a win any time – whether it’s by one point or 100 points!”  Ateneo fans and alumni would be happy to take the grand prize either way.  And who knows?  Things could have been different in the finals had the Green and Blue been the protagonists.
             Providence had other plans, however, and by the time the second round of eliminations rolled around, the now-former champs were slowly disrobed by the higher-tier teams – being exposed as a mere shell of their former volleyball powerhouse glory, and in dramatic fashion beginning with their match against the erstwhile perennial cellar-dwellers, the University of the Philippines Lady Maroons.  Under international mentor Godfrey Okumo, the Lady Maroons were gradually transformed from one of the league’s doormats to a steady powerhouse Final Four contender for two straight seasons now.  Unfortunately, though, they’ve just fallen short of landing a finals berth in the same period, despite the presence on the team of some of the best non-pro athletes the sport has seen – Kathy Bersola, Tots Carlos, Isa Molde, Bernadette Tiamson and Marian Buitre – who are among the top talents on the Lady Maroons roster.
             Pundits believe it would be just a matter of time before the other Katipunan-based team finally makes it to the Big Dance, like their brothers on the UP men’s basketball team.  They may be hampered by the departure since last year of an able net defender like Kathy Bersola and a reliable open hitter like Bernadette Tiamson, but UP’s recruitment efforts are, according to observers, now running at par with those of Ateneo and La Salle.  Expect some hidden rubies to emerge brightly in the coming seasons for the Lady Maroons.  Distinguished international coach Fabio Menta is also helping out with the UP Integrated School Girl Maroons in the girl’s division, and has brought some very important lessons in modernizing the game for the girls in the crucial formative years of junior and senior high school.
             Still, even with its impressive but futile performance in the last two seasons, UP showed that it’s here to stay – in the Olympus of women’s volleyball, among the best of the best in its league.  And nowhere was this most evident than in the Lady Maroons’ 6-2 sweep in sets this season of the three-peat champ Lady Spikers.  Round 1 saw both teams dragging each other to a death match fifth set, which the Lady Maroons took.  In Round 2, the Lady Maroons swept the defending champions, and established their place in the country’s pantheon of women’s volleyball, and, by extension, lending credence to the observation by not a few pundits that it would be difficult for the defending champions to successfully defend their crown – if they even get to the finals in the first place.
             This observation was also bolstered by La Salle being manhandled not just by UP and UST, but also by the Far Eastern University Lady Tamaraws.  Though they were handily beaten in straight sets by the title defenders in Round 1, the Lady Tams didn’t consider that a setback, stringing up consecutive wins in the remainder of the elims and losing only to Ateneo in Round 2.  When they faced their first-round tormentors in the final game of the eliminations, the ladies of Morayta came back with a vengeance, defeating La Salle in a classic five-setter that could well be one of the best displays of volleyball ever seen.
             Anchored on the steady stream of points from open hitters Jerillee Malabanan, Kyle Negrito and Heather Guino-o and backed up by rookie sensation Lycha Ebon, FEU effectively put the cuffs on the Lady Spikers’ chance at defending their crown with that pulsating victory because the latter would also go on to lose to UST in their subsequent game, creating a virtual twice-to-beat advantage for the latter going into the Final Four. (A win by La Salle would have given it the No. 2 spot at the end of eliminations and an important twice-to-beat advantage facing UST; instead, it was UST that secured that advantage courtesy of the FEU win, a victory that prompted the Tigresses and their fans to send some love – and merienda – over to the other corner at Morayta from España.)
             In the end, the ladies of Taft were forced to give up their hold on the title when they lost two straight games to the Golden Tigresses in their Final Four matchup.  In the second game of that series that could have gone three games had La Salle won it, the two teams dragged each other to a do-or-die fifth set as the ladies from España scored a spine-tingling 25-19, 25-19, 20-25, 23-25, 15-10 victory to end the defending champs’ three-year reign and again frustrate their four-peat bid.  Dethroned in two straight games, the Lady Spikers sustained their worst finish in a decade.  Archer captain Desiree Cheng bid the Green faithful a tearful goodbye, and so did her nickname-sake Des Clemente, a one-and-done transferee from the University of Perpetual Help System Daltas in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and another one-and-done star from the NCAA, Jolina dela Cruz, formerly of the Lyceum of the Philippines Lady Pirates.
             The championship series was itself a match for the ages: old guard with a storied UAAP volleyball past, UST, against the come-lately Ateneo.  The trophy tally is a veritable mismatch.  Even combining their lone title when they were still with the NCAA, Ateneo is a babe-in-the-woods compared to UST, the Lady Eagles having only four titles (the last three in the UAAP, including this latest championship) and the Golden Tigresses a whopping 16 crowns!  (NB: The FEU Lady Tamaraws remain at the top of the UAAP food chain with 29, repeat, 29 championships in women’s volleyball.)
             Still, because of their recent successes, particularly in clinching three championships in the last six years, the Lady Eagles have achieved a level of fame that many teams elsewhere and in whatever event can only dream of.  They have gained a devoted following that spans nearly two decades back to the days of Charo Soriano and Bea Pascual, a devotion that has grown to greater heights upon the entry of the so-called Fab Five – open hitter Fille Cainglet (now Cayetano), middle blocker Gretchen Ho, opposite hitter Dzi Gervacio, setter Jem Ferrer, and utility Aye Nacachi.  But none boosted the Lady Eagles’ stock in the public eye more than the arrival of Alyssa Valdez – who has become practically the face of Philippine volleyball.  Together with topnotch teammates – libero Denden Lazaro, open hitter Ella de Jesus, middle blocker Amy Ahomiro, opposite hitter Mitch Morente, and utility Bea Tan – she led the Lady Eagles to their first-ever UAAP championship in 2014 and a repeat the year after.
             It was this spate of recent successes that led to speculation – even expectation – that Ateneo would make it back to the finals, even with Valdez having graduated, and, yes, again win it all.  But UST would prove to be a huge stumbling block to that ambition when the Tigresses scored a straight-sets victory in Game 1 of the finals on May 11 at the Araneta Coliseum – 25-17, 25-16, 25-20 – before a sellout crowd and a stunned blue-and-white faithful.  As expected, Sisi Rondina led the Tigresses in demolishing the listless Lady Eagles set by set, backed ably by Eya Laure, Caitlyn Viray, Kecelyn Galdones and Ysa Jimenez.  Veterans like opposite hitter Dimdim Pacres, libero Rica Rivera and setter Alina Bicar also contributed to the Game 1 victory.
             On the other side of the net, the Lady Eagles were a picture of utter chaos, committing error after error and ensuring their opponent’s win.  A doppelganger of Pauline “Ponggay” Gaston, who defended the floor very well with excellent first-ball receives in the Final Four match versus FEU, could not materialize as she was unable to field the loaded services launched by the Golden Tigresses.  The service aces of Sisi and Alina were spectacular for the UST cause and practically extinguished any advantage the Lady Eagles might have had at the net.  That said, blocking was excellent for the ladies from Loyola Heights, and was the only bright spot they had, although this was somewhat sparse for them during this game.  Notable performances for the Lady Eagles were those of middle blockers Maddie Madayag and Kat Tolentino, the latter being able to attack at will while moving more like an open hitter than a middle.
             Game 2 on May 15 was therefore do-or-die match for the Lady Eagles, and many, even from among their fan base, thought that this was the end for them – what with the Growling Tigresses’ superb Game 1 showing.  Fortunately for them, the Ateneans rose to the challenge to deliver a clutch four-set performance and win 26-24, 14-25, 25-21, 25-15.  Leaning on their “Towers of Power” – Maddie, Kat and captain Bea de Leon – the Lady Eagles gave it their all, yielding only Set 2 to their opponents and dominating them at every turn.
             For the Growling Tigresses, though, what sank their collective hearts was the ankle sprain caused by the hyperpronation of Eya’s left foot.  Both sides gasped in horror – the two teams and their respective crowds – as she folded down on the floor, tears visible no doubt due to the pain but also perhaps because of thoughts racing in her mind that she would not be able to help her team rally back in Set 3.  Her father, former PBA star Eddie Laure, carried her off the floor and into the dugout, from which she emerged late in Set 4 to try and do a Willis Reed of the New York Knicks back in 1970, or even a Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics in the 2008 finals of the National Basketball Association in the US.
             But it was too late, and perhaps ill-advised, for coach Kung Fu Reyes to field the young Laure, even if just maybe to inspire her teammates to try and stage a comeback.  Any such thoughts had to be set aside as the Lady Eagles closed out Game 2 to set the stage for the winner-take-all third match, also in the same venue – the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City – three days later.
             That was a Saturday, the 18th, and expectedly the Mall of Asia Arena – and the mall itself – was filled with diehards in blue and yellow, and both sides were hoping to finally bring home the crown that had resided at Taft courtesy of the La Salle Lady Spikers for the last three years.  And with this sense of urgency on both sides, it was also expected that a five-setter was in the works, with the championship point – this is the point where the team in the lead needs to score just one more marker to take home the top prize – extending beyond 15.  That would have been an enjoyable treat for the fans of both schools, but more so for the fans of the sport itself – nothing beats the thrill of tying both teams up at championship point.
             And it did turn out to be a treat, although not exactly in the way the fans of the Growling Tigresses would have wanted things to go.  Far from a five-setter, it was just a three-setter as Game 1 was, only this time, it was the Lady Eagles that won the match – and thus took home the top prize – 25-17, 25-22, 25-22.
             From the get-go, Ateneo made it clear who was in charge, who would dominate the net – and the game for that matter.  For sure, Sisi would be able to punch the ball through even against two blockers, but those were rare times.  For the most part, the Katipunan Wall was solid, intact, and impervious to any attempt by Sisi, Eya, or even the strong newcomers like KC and Ysa.  With Bea, Kat and Maddie at the net, there was nothing the UST girls really could do but try and perhaps score off the blockers – again another rare occurrence if and when it happened – or try and land the ball in the backline or nip at the corners.
             But even that backline was superbly defended by rookie libero Dani Ravena out of Miriam College High School, who even scored two markers – both on pancake saves – which showed how quick she was or how flatfooted the Tigresses were on the return ball, or maybe both.  The real Ponggay also finally showed up, diving for the ball like it was nobody’s business, and Deanna Wong, with more than 30 excellent sets, created spectacular plays for Kat, and even Bea and Maddie in the middle – but none more scintillating than setting up Jules Samonte, the diminutive but high-flying open hitter, at the championship point.  
             What made that championship point most exciting was the fact that UST was actually gaining fast on Ateneo, even tying them at 22-all in the third frame.  A series of misfires by Sisi and Eya as well as a monstrous block for the ages that Maddie had forced on Eya pushed the Lady Eagles ahead, however, cementing the Katipunan Wall forever into Ateneo sports lore.  When Jules had punched through that last point, the whole place was in a frenzy, and the Lady Eagles were once again the queens of UAAP volleyball.
             (P.S.: What made this championship most memorable was that, despite the fierceness of the battle and the take-no-prisoners competitiveness exhibited by both teams, when the smoke had cleared, the ladies from both camps were a jumble of heartwarming friends who clearly had a great time – win or lose – with lots of hugs and kisses exchanged.  Maddie and Sisi even did a few cartwheels on the UST side of the court, to the delight of their respective fans!  The Lady Archers were present as well to receive their third-place award, but aside from courteous smiles and some handshakes, it seemed they would rather have been somewhere else – and for the Lady Eagles and the Growling Tigresses perhaps, the feeling was mutual.  Ha-ha-ha!  See you all in Season 82!]
0 notes
16 Things for the Volleyball Phenom’s 2016
 I don’t think a year will be complete without Alyssa Valdez receiving bunches of trophies and medals. Heck, a year will never end without her having blasting news and shocking surprises for everyone.
But of course, Alyssa Valdez is just human. A human being who is capable of experiencing losses, defeats and heartaches.
Indeed, a fan can say that 2016 has been a “trophy-deprived” year for the Face of Philippine Volleyball. Nevertheless, Alyssa just faced it with smiles. With her wide, bright and radiant smiles. Surely, with the Phenom mentality she possesses, Alyssa would just be thankful, amidst all the negativities, at the end of the day. Because even without the championships, she still bagged the trophies she always has every single year, the numerous distinctions she’s got for the excellence inside her.
Here are 16 things for Alyssa Valdez’s journey for 2016:
1.       Two MVP Awards in a year? Phenomenal.
               Being the mighty Phenom she is, Alyssa Valdez almost had all the MVP plums right inside her closet as she only missed one – take note, one – MVP Award to not be written across her name with all the leagues she was able to join this year. And if any Alyssa Valdez die-hard would still want a consolation, this would probably do: she missed being the SVL Open Conference MVP because she was all over the world – literally. (No offense with Gretcel, though. She deserved it.)
               For three consecutive years, Alyssa was once again applauded as the Season’s MVP of the most prestigious collegiate volleyball league in the country. Moreover, because she’s that “hakot-award” volleybelle in almost every season of her UAAP career, one award won’t give the Phenom any justice. That’s why she was crowned once again as the Best Server and Best Scorer of the season. The former for three consecutive years, the latter for four successive years.
               Come her first ever appearance to not be lined-up with her beshies and co-Ateneans in the BaliPure Purest Water Defenders team, she once again made her way to the zenith. Even though she’s not in her comfort zone as she was drafted with co-volleybelles who were once on the other side of the net, that did not stop her to perform her very best. In fact, that opportunity even gave her another career-high and another history acquainted with her name. And of course, as what everyone has expected, she got the MVP accolade right inside her hand once more.
               Who can only do that? Insane, right?
2.       Sharing the trophy with the boyfriend.
               What could be sweeter than sharing an award with your “babe”?
               For her last and final season in the UAAP, at last, Alyssa was able to bag the UAAP Co-Athlete of the year with Olympian Ian Larriba, and her counterpart in the male specie, who happened to be her boyfriend, Kiefer Ravena.
               Of course, receiving the award was a great privilege for Aly. For us, her fans, we are beyond proud of her achievement. She truly deserved it. Definitely. With all the effort she has for the growth of volleyball in the country, with all the awards she has received since her rookie year, with all the glory she has given UAAP (not to mention the fame she has brought to the league and the thousands of spectators she has brought to the arena in her every game), it’s high time that the board will give her such prestigious award.
               You think, that’s the only award they’ve shared? Nah-uh.
               As if destiny was proving everyone that they are exceptionally meant for each other, Alyssa and Kiefer, tagged as KiefLy by their fans, made history together as they were the first recipients of the Xavier Award, the highest award the Ateneo community gives to the most commendable Atenean athlete. More precisely, according to Ms. Erika Dy, it is “the highest honor an Atenean athlete can receive for his or her achievements in the course of their representation of the school. These athletes are recognized for their athletic excellence and for their serving as an ambassador for their respective sports that creates an impact not only for the Ateneo community but on the nation as well.”
               Guess, destiny’s making her way for the both of them. Agree?
 3.       Volleyball Queen
               Ms. Volleyball for three consecutive years? That must be something, right?
               This year, Alyssa Valdez once again found herself in front of familiar people, the Philippine Sportswriters Association, receiving the very familiar distinction she’s been constantly receiving for the past three years, the Ms. Volleyball award.
               What does it say about our very own Volleyball Phenom? What does being trusted by this kind of prestigious award-giving body for three years tell about that down-to-earth, Batangas native, Alyssa Valdez?
               Simple. It tells about her supremacy and excellence in her own field, by which she’s oblivious till now.
 4.       Invading the Mainstreams
               Beating up the renowned PBA player Terrence Romeo, the outstanding Filipino Flash Nonito Donaire, co-volleybelle Mika Reyes and even her beloved boyfriend Kiefer Ravena, that’s something to add to our pride for this simply gorgeous girl.
               She was now lined up with the likes of Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla, Nadine Lustre, James Reid, and Bailey May. See how popular she is right now? See how eminent her name is in the mainstream media?
               Alyssa Valdez made another history (for the nth time *roll eyes*) as she gets the first ever award as the Push Awards Popular Sports Personality, proving for the hundredth time that her glory was not just caged inside the premises of the court but also in the mainstream media. Considering that she was not that visible as she already graduated from UAAP before even the voting lines are opened, topping the list honors her so much. But when asked about it? Her sentiments just go around volleyball and Philippine sports. Without even mentioning her superb talent and skills and her prominent name in the industry but a simple thank you and a gratifying smile that surely melted our hearts.
               Who wouldn’t love this star?
 5.       A Different Path She Has Trod
               From being on the limelight, she settled to sit on the side bench. From being the star, she contained herself to be their “waterbearer” and cheerleader. From the one who receives the coaching, she now does otherwise, slowly but surely. Instead of donning the jersey she has loved over the years, she settled on polo shirts and skinny jeans.
               Initially, seeing her on that state made me teary eyed. And yeah, made me cry eventually. It was like a warm-up for us to see her just around those benches, goofing with the girls during time-outs and cheering for them during the scorching battle. It was like a step-ladder for us before we would face the approaching season without her suited up with her usual uniform.
               However, that’s her fate. Everything has an end. And a beginning. She’s done playing with the crazy girls in Blue and White in the collegiate level. But that fateful day was her birth as a newborn Alyssa Valdez journeying in an alien position, the Ateneo Lady Eagles’ assistant coach. It was unfamiliar for her feeling and for our sight. Yet, she has done it excellently and without sweat. And we have survived the torment of not seeing her enter the court just to support her chosen path.
               So Aly? Signing up for the void left by Coach Parley? After Thailand, yeah?
 6.       A Runner-Up’s Glory
               It may have been clouded with controversies but the Philippine volleyball community surely wore big smiles after Alyssa Valdez and the rest of the Lady Eagles bagged the bronze medal in the 2016 ASEAN University Games.
               Yes, they weren’t hailed as the UAAP Women’s Volleyball Champions. Yes, they were just the runner-ups in the 78th Season of the UAAP.
               But hey! Bronze medal all the way from Singapore, together with the countless “facials” that surely rocked her opponents’ world, and the thousands of decibels her fandom’s screams have echoed inside the SNU Gymnasium, that’s something beyond awesome! Surely, she made her name and the Philippines etched in her opponents’ heads for years.
               (Speaking of fan’s cheers, I can’t help but to commend the Alyfinity who seemed to have a chapter in every part of the world and those who travelled all the way to Singapore just to support the Phenom and the Lady Eagles. It must have been a fun experience for the opponents’ fans to have heard the Alyfinity’s cheers inside the gymnasium. And it must have been a crazy scene to watch this group change seats to where the Lady Eagles’ side was.
               Crazy, but that’s the kind of fandom you should treasure.)
               That’s Alyssa Valdez, ladies and gentlemen, for her last AUG appearance.
 7.       #PhenomOut
               Who could ever forget this hashtag?
               This was just a mere hashtag which rocked the Twitter world.
               This was just barely a hashtag which sent mist to everyone’s eyes.
               This was just a mere hashtag which signaled an end of era. An excruciating end of an era.
               Even without admitting it, each and every single Alyssa Valdez fan feared to meet the year of 2016. Each of us wished to stop the year at 2015.
               Who wouldn’t?
               But reality stroke us, and poof! Alyssa played her last UAAP game.
               Their loss in the UAAP Finals was not a big deal at all because she may not have exited the league with a shining golden trophy as her pride but Alyssa exited UAAP with grace.
               Her Phenom walk exudes greatness and at the same time, humility.
               Her Phenom walk says a lot of her attitude and heart which grew fond of the people who once became her family and the Arena who she once referred as her ‘home.’
               Her Phenom walk tells about her exceeding joy and the same time, pain of leaving the court and atmosphere which cherished and cradled her for five years.
               As she walks around the Arena, she’s full of joy to thank her fans and the whole crowd.
               Because she’s not after her own supporters, she’s not after her own glory but the glory of UAAP Volleyball as a whole.
               That’s the Phenom mentality only an Alyssa Valdez has.
               Truly, she’s a woman for others.
 8.       MIA yet an Awardee
               She’s out there conquering the world. And so, she missed half of the conference.
               Alyssa Valdez, despite being able to play just a few games for her team, was awarded the 1st Outside Hitter of the Conference.
               The other side wonders, “How the heck did she do that? The board must have gone insane!”
               Well, sorry to say, the board didn’t. Her prowess did.
               Alyssa, who missed her first four games and hasn’t seen action in their battle for third in the SVL Open Conference because she’s busy with her commitments and fLYing around the globe, made crazy things happen. Being reinforced with her beshies and ates must have helped a lot in terms of familiarity that resulted to her successful and deadly attacks, we still can’t deny the exuding talent she has.
               But at the end of the conference, non-fans would have noticed the trend of Aly’s year not winning a championship, we thought otherwise.
               It’s just a lesson and a reminder that Alyssa Valdez is no superwoman, thus, she’s capable of losing, but the way she handles defeat makes us salute her as a human.
 9.       On the Other Side of the Net
               Yes, it’s hell’a crazy to see Alyssa on the other side of the Blue and White Squad.
               It is funny to see Alyssa being blocked by Amy.
               It is exciting to see how Denden receives a fiery ball approaching from an Alyssa Valdez attack.
               It’s a silly scene to behold Coach Tai instructing the girls while scratching her head to defend Aly’s hits.
               And it is enjoyable to watch how the hopes of her ates and beshies sank beneath as she robbed the Finals seat out of them.
               Those were just some of the thrilling thoughts on Alyssa’s first ever appearance outside her comfort zone in the 13th SVL Reinforced Conference.
               It wasn’t a piece of cake and we’ve seen it.
               We’ve seen how she struggled to attack because of missets and unsynchronized timing.
               We’ve seen how she goes ahead of the ball because of miscommunications.
               We’ve seen how she misreceives the ball that was not supposed to be hers because of the slightest doubts with her teammates.
               But we’ve also witnessed how she exploded with 39 points in a hard-fought win.
               We’ve witnessed how she tried to lift herself up when everyone was down.
               We’ve witnessed how she encouraged everyone to continue fighting and not to lose hope.
               We’ve seen it, her off-games where she tried to show a smile, clap her hands to boost everyone to keep playing, and jump around to reload herself with energy that seems to have abandoned the team.
               But beyond it all, we vividly witnessed how her underdog team emerged to the Finals of the Reinforced Conference with the stepping-up of her teammates and her usual phenomenal plays.
               We definitely saw how she lifted her MVP trophy with glistening eyes of gratitude and humility.
               Sure, the championship she’s been hoping for her team was robbed out of her hand. Sure, she walked out of the court with slumped shoulders and eyes welled up with tears.  But we are beyond proud of her.
               She’s absent from her comfort zone, yet she was present in the championships. Superb, indeed.
 10.   Conquering the World
               She was first bound to Doha, then eventually, she made it to Europe.
               Because of Alyssa’s love for her sport, that made way for her to go all over the world – literally. That even without an international competition she was to participate, she was still able to play out of her homeland. She was still able to showcase her prowess to every people of every race just because of her love for volleyball and her dedication for the community.
               And as she conquers the world, she was also enjoying life at the same time. Of course, with Prince Charming.
               It was the perfect time for her to relax and share the joy to everyone she gets to meet along her journey after finishing an overwhelming chapter of her life as a collegiate athlete. It was high time for her to play her passion without the worries of defeat but a game full of pure bliss. It was a tiresome yet a worthwhile experience for her to spend time with her family, friend, fans, and of course, her special someone.
               That break, she truly deserved. That break, is indeed, for her.
 11.   Giving Back. #ThisIsHowShePlays
               The closer I get to touchin’ you…the closer I get to lovin’ you…
               AV Skills Camp participants would have sang this song with overwhelming joy and overflowing love for Alyssa.
               Last 2015, with her desire to help the typhoon victims, she had the FASTBR3AK. This year, she wanted to level-up. And so, she did.
               Alyssa Valdez’s heart is surely full of love for her fans and for the volleyball community, and this year, she just wanted to give back for them. And so, the AV Skills Camp was born.
               She got to teach those lucky kids to play the sport she undeniably excels in, one-one-one. She got to hold their arms and hands for the proper position, mend their bruised hands because of the drills, and laugh and joke around with them.
               Through her Skills Camp, Alyssa was able to comfort a discouraged heart to just keep on playing. She was able to talk to frustrated minds and share to them lessons about the hardships in the sport but the joy it brought her life.
               She was able to give back for them, for their support, for their undying love for her. She was able to reach them because of her love for the sport and simply because she loves them though she doesn’t know every single one of them.
               Because she badly wanted to give back after all the love she has received from them in her entire UAAP journey.
               And by that, she is loved even more.
12.   One Heck of an Endorser
               Her tweets go around these three things:
1.       Friends, teammates and family
2.       Kiefer Ravena – her babe
3.       Endorsements
               Sometimes, when I stalk her, I would always end up being fed with tons of endorsements in her Twitter account. From watches, to phones, to energy drinks, to shoes, to shampoos, beauty products, fastfood, sodas and… Ugh! Everything! And she even promoted a movie through Twitter!
               Through the years, this year not an exception, Alyssa has been slowly conquering the endorsements’ world. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets to be the next Kris Aquino someday.
               Just wondering, is she currently shooting for another TVC there at Thailand? Haha
 13.  Conquering the Limelight of Showbiz
       From TWBA, to The Score, to Family Feud, to Magandang Buhay…and the list goes on and on.
       Her face seemed to be a familiar view in talkshows and even in game shows. Who would have thought that she’s a volleyball player and not your typical actress crying and acting in front of the camera? Who would have thought that she just occasionally appears in National TV yet she’s in demand for interviews because she deeply hooks people with her charming smile and breathtaking skills? Who would have thought that she was not even linked with the hottest matinee idols in the country yet she intrigues us with her love life?
       With all of Aly’s guestings, she surely would have qualified as a hot and trending actress. Nah-uh. She sure is hot and trending but no, she’s not your “Angel Locsin” or “Marian Rivera” who appear in teleserye and movies and such. Because Alyssa is just a celebrity appearing on your TV screens for a short season, mostly for a couple of months.
       But what’s to admire about this girl is her popularity amidst the limited territory that she has and her wide influence to variety of people of all ages despite the limited scope she’s got to be seen by them. And she’s even more admired on how she conducts herself every single time she appears in front of these people, even on cam. She projects herself true and honest, without reservations, and just pure her. She remained humble and elegant, bubbly and classy, some of the things we loved about her.
14.  The Loved Host
       We’ve seen a lot of firsts from Alyssa this year. Shocking surprises she had brought us that made us excited, thrilled, or scared.
       This year, one of those was her first appearance holding the microphone not to be interviewed but the one to do the honor. In such a huge crowd. In such a prestigious event.
       Who would’ve imagined that Alyssa’s first ever formal hosting stint would be in the spectacular UAAP Cheerdance Competition wherein for the past two years, co-hosts with the likes of Jessy Mendiola and Sofia Andres were openly bashed in the social media?
       I remembered I was comfortly sitting while watching the CDC Opening when the “three-time UAAP MVP” rung in my ears. I already knew who will it be. And I was immediately stunned...and scared. For her.
       I knew thousands of her bashers are already waiting for her to commit a mistake. They were already eyeing her outfit and scrutinizing her make-up. They were already keenly observing her mannerisms, quietly listening to every word she says, and slowly trying to criticize her hosting capabilities. While we, her fans, are silently praying that her best would be enough to please them. Even in the slightest possible way.
       But she showed us not to be worried and anxious for her.
       Because when she came out, her natural glow and vibe radiated every corner of the Arena. She was her usual bubbly and happy self, unafraid of judgments and criticisms as long as she puts her best on everything she does.
       And she survived!
       Without the Twitter flooded with hate tweets instead, tweets full of love, admiration, and praise for a job well done. And I can’t help but to say this one more, Congratulations Alyssa Valdez! A splendid hosting you got there!
 15.  Year of Hearts
       Love is in the air this 2016 for Kiefer and Aly.
       The ship “KiefLy” fans has been wishing to sail had finally become a reality.
       Indeed, #May4ever for the most loved Phenoms.
       It was the fourth of May and everyone was anticipating a grand day for the both of them. Fans had been given a hint that they will tell the world what’s the real score between them. Because as promised, they will tell us their romance once they graduate. And they already did. So, on that fourth of May, we were shivering with utmost excitement and kilig.
       Until Kiefer posted it.
       It was simple. It was a single word caption. But it burst millions of hearts and made millions jump in exceeding joy and punch the air with the victorious feeling as of a championship victory.
       Finally, they found themselves securely wrapped in each other’s arms. Finally, forever was taking its way to them. Finally, they were on their journey to forever.
       And before the year ended, they celebrated their eight months being together, filling each KiefLy shipper’s heart kilig and kilig and kilig. “I Eight You,” eh?
       28th of April, you are marked.
 16.  International Superstar in the Making
       We all thought that she’s bound to spread her wings abroad. With her excellent talent and skills, she shouldn’t be locked in her cage. She should be out there across the world, flapping her wings mightily as she banners her homeland.
       We’ve all wished for Alyssa to play internationally. Some even created pseudo articles about her playing in Brazil. But now, came the time. The heavens must have heard our prayers. God must have listened to our plea.
       She ended her 2016 with a big loud bang. Truly, a One Big Bang!
       Being part of a young but a stalwart volleyball club in Thailand, Alyssa will surely do her best to make us proud. Because, really, that’s who Alyssa Valdez is. She will do anything for the good of the people who surrounds her. And by that, we can’t wait for her to shine above all. To fly above all. To be the international superstar (which she hates to admit) that we’ve all been wishing for her.
       As a new year blossoms for Aly, we can’t wait to express our pride for her as she amazes the world with her exceptional talent and her personality worth admiring.
       God bless you Phenom! May you prosper in your chosen path. May God above give you a fruitful year ahead.
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