#also the horse isn't grimm's horse specifically
ichorblossoms · 8 months
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normal, everyday animals
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the-teapot-hatter · 1 year
The one who sent Y/n being nicer to the Saintess ask (pt.3)
Don't apologise for not being able to do my request quickly, especially if you are unwell or have other things to do, take care of yourself first!
Also, I was more on leaning to you writing it with any characters you like or feel inspired to do. I like your writing and don't mind.
But if you need me to ask about anyone specific. How about Epel and Sebek? I love the first years and haven't seen much of them in the au yet! Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
I heard the original concept of Epel before the Epel we have now was that he was going to be a crossdresser. So this inspired Epel's part quite a bit.
If this isn't want you wanted, feel free to let me know and I'll give it another go, otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
| Epel |
Epel stood on stage, performing his given part to the best of his abilities, all the while he cursed Vil in his head. Really? Vil just had to give him the role of the damsel in distress?
And to make matters worse, well, as worse as they could get considering Epel was on stage with a big frilly dress and a face full of makeup, was the fact that (Y/n) was watching his performance.
Now, Epel had been wanting (Y/n) to come to one of his shows. He was proud of the effort he put into it, even if he still didn't always agree with the assigned chorography given to him.
But of all shows they had to come to, it had to be the one he where he was wearing a big frilly dress!?
Epel supposes this is what he gets for giving Cersei tickets. He knew she was going to be attending the show no matter what he did, so he had decided to save her some money. That was clearly a mistake, seeing as she must have given the extra tickets to (Y/n) and Grimm.
One such grey cat that had a suspicious looking camera pointing at him, all the while laughing.
Cersei and (Y/n) weren't laughing, thank the Seven Spirits for that. But Cersei had an abnormally large grin on her face while (Y/n) was staring at him with an intensive contemplating look.
He was going to burn this dress the moment the show finished. There was nothing Rook or Vil could say to get him to put this damn thing on again!
And why did (Y/n) accept Cersei's invite when they hadn't even accepted his?
Only, (Y/n) truly had been busy when Epel had asked, and Cersei truly just so happened to have great timing. Too bad for the boy Cersei couldn't help but decide to tease him, knowing he would probably burn the dress soon there after.
| Sebek |
Sebek was more than a little affronted. Being left to gap at both Cersei and (Y/n), the two at the town stables. (There's no way, not even Cersei, would be able to drag (Y/n) to a nobles home.)
Cersei was showing (Y/n) the horse that she had personally be given for when she goes on any expeditions.
Not only was seeing (Y/n) here of all places (and not covered in trash) a surprise, but it wasn't as if Sebek hadn't invited them here before! In fact, Sebek had gone out of his way to invite (Y/n) on a day His Highness Malleus would be present! (Sebek knew that his young prince also liked the strange human, so he had wanted to do something nice for the both of them.)
(Y/n) had informed him that they simply weren't interested in seeing the stables, but clearly that had been a lie!
"Humans, what are you going here!" Sebek yelled, approaching the pair. Cersei looked over waving at the taller boy with glee.
"I'm showing (Y/n) Zipper here! Isn't he just gorgeous (Y/n)?" Cersei inquired.
(Y/n) didn't look nearly as enthused, seeing as said horse was attempting to chew on their clothes.
"Zipper is....certainly something." (Y/n) responded, backing away from the horse in a slow manner.
"Have you suddenly gained in interest in horses human? Last time I attempted to show you, you declined." Sebek pointed out, a little annoyed at having been lied to.
"It wasn't the horses I wasn't interested in." Came (Y/n)'s reply, all the while Cersei watched sheepishly from the background as Sebek squawked in shock and began lecturing (Y/n) in earnest.
The poor boy not having realized the reason he was rejected was because (Y/n) didn't want to get put through some gruesome training. Maybe Cersei should have tried getting a different surprise for the lime-haired boy?
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