#also the fucking misogyny to say the the changes T causes. especially bottom growth. is 'gross' is fucking insane
full offence i have no sympathy for ppl who whine about how scared they are of going on T. like??? simply do not go on it then?? medically transitioning isnt for everyone and thats perfectly fine, despite what transmeds and conservatives say, being on HRT doesnt make you any more or less of a man. like im sorry that testosterone actually does its job and makes you look like what you wouldve if youd been born AMAB rather than turning you into a skinny androgynous anime twink but if youre just sooooo scared of going bald or think bottom growth is weird and gross, simply do not take testosterone then. and whilst youre at it, shut the fuck up about the changes and bodies of people who are on it, the fact that you think bottom growth is weird, or dont wanna sweat more, or are scared of looking more like your male relatives is a YOU problem. T is literally life saving and so is every single change it causes for people who want to medically transition, if thats not you then thats completely fine but dont start dragging other trans people down with your fearmongering pity party
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
Ok firstly, I stg this isn't a shitpost.
I'm a cis woman, butch as fuck, but still very much cis. I mean I've had issues with internalized misogyny and body dysmorphia, but never dysphoria (I think)
I really want to yodel. (This isn't a shitpost) But online, people have told me (mostly via a sideways, the music youtuber, video) that only people with high testosterone (aka men) can yodel. This is upsetting to me, as I've wanted to learn how for a while. (Again I know this is stupid as fuck but it isn't a joke or a shitpost)
Would it be a stupid decision for me to (either temporarily or what have you) try HRT or something similar in order to increase the testosterone in my body so that I can yodel? Or would I be potentially hurting myself?
I have no qualms with looking/sounding like a man, btw.
I know this sounds weird and extreme but it's something that's really bothered me for about a year now and I need some advice from people who understand what transgenderism actually is. If I were to ask the mogai crowd, they'd tell me to do it anyway bc they don't believe in gender. I figured you could help me with some advice or point me in the direction of someone who could give me some. (Please no terfs, radfems, or transphobes)
Sorry again, this is so weird to talk about, and I don't know who to go to lol
Hi! First of all, please don’t put down your interests!!! Yodelling is hella cool. And I’m pretty sure I’ve heard women do it.
I just searched it up, here’s a video of a little girl yodelling, and killing it!
Here’s Jewel,
a 12 year old girl,
A mom annoying her kid (the ending’s adorable omg),
Three women,
And I’m sure there’s much more out there! I just searched up “women yodelling” and these were fun to listen to!
Point is, clearly women are able to yodel. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were different techniques for men and women, since men and women have different voices. Maybe try specifically looking for female yodelling techniques, and if you’re looking for coaches—people who are either women themselves or know how to teach women. Right now you might be looking at sources made for/by males, which would make the techniques not applicable to females. In the same way techniques for females wouldn’t be applicable to males.
As for going on testosterone, I would say it’s not a good idea. Because it wouldn’t just be making you sound like a man, and being butch and looking like a man vs being on testosterone which makes you look like a man are very different things. One is being gnc and is about presentation, the other is taking hormones that physically change your body.
You have to keep in mind that testosterone is going to cause bottom growth, male pattern baldness, and facial hair (probably more, these are off the top of my head). I’ve heard trans men say that they experienced acne and increased sweating when they went on T, as well as oilier and rougher skin. I’m not sure of the effects on breasts, I think they may decrease in size? Either way, these side effects aren’t going to be taken well by a cis woman. It’s why detransitioners describe actually giving themselves gender dysphoria, because they experience physical changes that their brain knows shouldn’t be happening. And many of the changes aren’t temporary, which leaves long lasting effects on their mental health.
I would strongly recommend against going on T for something like this. Especially because from what it looks like, women can absolutely yodel without going on testosterone.
I’ll tag @kiss-the-cis and @myragewillendworlds because they have good sources on dysphoria and such, and might be able to give better information than I can if they wish. And you can also look through the sources on their blogs if you want to learn more!
And good luck with yodelling! it seems like a really cool thing to learn! 😄💕
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